The relevance of the research topic of control systems lies in. Course work: Methods for researching control systems. The activities of the company, the rights and obligations of its founders are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law on Companies, other normative acts, regulating

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In the conditions of the dynamism of modern production and social order, management must be in a state of continuous development, which today cannot be achieved without exploring the ways and possibilities of this development, without choosing alternative directions. Management research is carried out in the daily activities of managers and staff and in the work of specialized analytical groups, laboratories, and departments. The need for research into management systems is dictated by a fairly large range of problems that many organizations have to face. The success of these organizations depends on the correct solution to these problems. Solving these problems is impossible without a systematic approach to them. The practical significance of the work is the need to formulate proposals for improving the organization's management system. The purpose of the study is the need to reveal the management system as an object of study. The objectives of the study are: to consider the types of system representations used in the study of control systems; determine the methodology for studying management systems, as well as diagnose goals and criteria for management effectiveness. The subject of research is the control system. The object of the study is the management system of the Stroy Fair LLC enterprise.

The table presents the main stages of the study of the management system of the enterprise Stroy-Farmarka LLC

Initial data

Organizational structure

Subject and object of research

Control system

Key features of a manager

The name of the enterprise is Stroy-fair LLC. Organizational and legal form – limited liability company. Stroy Fair LLC is a subsidiary of Stroy Master LLC in Shakhunye, Uren, and was founded in 2005.

Stroy-fair LLC is an organization and carries out its activities in accordance with the Federal Law of February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies” in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as on the basis of the Charter.

The purpose of the organization, in accordance with the Charter, is to make a profit.

Legal postal address - Russia, 606910, Nizhny Novgorod region, Shakhunya, st. Parkhomenko 17.

The organization is engaged in the repair and finishing of residential buildings, industrial and other premises, as well as repair and maintenance services.

Stroy-Yarmarka LLC has a divisional management structure.

The organizational structure of the enterprise management (Fig. 1.) is as follows: at the head of the Shakhun branch is a director, to whom a number of departments and services are subordinate - the contract department, the technical department, the office service, the service department, and accounting.

In general, the organizational structure of the enterprise is built rationally, i.e. each employee knows his responsibilities, the lines of subordination are clearly expressed; powers and responsibilities are distributed in such a way that efficiency and accuracy of management are ensured.

The subject of research is the control system. The object of the study is the management system of the enterprise Stroy-Farmarka LLC.

A management system is a set of actions that determine the direction of management activities.

The relationship between the elements of the control system is shown in Fig. 2.

A manager is a modern leader who is proficient in scientific research methodology, who can independently analyze an organization’s management system and implement specific innovative proposals for its improvement. The following main features of a manager can be identified:

· problematic vision of the world, the ability to recognize problems where everything is clear to others;

· the ability to pose problems in advance when they are just emerging;

· systemic and panoramic perception of reality, processes of functioning and development of the controlled object;

· the ability to perceive, understand, accept and use points of view different from one’s own or even opposite to them;

· the ability to make correct and successful conclusions when there is a lack of information;

· developed psychological self-regulation, which determines the attitude towards problems and their assessment;

· psychological insight that allows you to see more in people than they actually show or demonstrate;

· innovativeness and inertia-free thinking, the ability to go beyond the boundaries of the formal, familiar, proven, traditional;

· the ability to attract people to joint activities without resorting to means of material or administrative coercion;

· the ability to delegate not only power and responsibility, but also your authority as a leader to solve assigned tasks;

· the ability for latent (hidden) leadership, which involves involving people in activities not on a formal subordination basis, but by “going into the shadows”, the ability to seek advice and help.

System Research Methodology

Systems approach

The systematic approach provides:

· consideration of the entire organization as a certain integrity - a system consisting of relatively isolated interacting and interconnected elements and subsystems with special specific properties;

· consideration of the organization as an open multi-purpose system that has a certain “framework” of management and controlled (production) subsystems, interacting with each other internal environment and external environment, external and internal goals, subgoals of each subsystem, strategies for achieving goals, etc.; at the same time, a change in one of the elements of any system causes changes in other elements and subsystems, which is based on a dialectical approach to the interconnection and interdependence of all phenomena in nature and society;

· a comprehensive study of not only the individual properties of the interacting and interconnected components of the system, its internal and external environment, but also the new synergistic properties generated with new qualities;

· study of the entire set of parameters and indicators of the functioning of the system in dynamics, which requires research into intra-organizational processes of adaptation, self-regulation, self-organization, forecasting and planning, coordination, decision-making, etc.

This approach has significant advantages compared to others, for example:

1) the possibilities of a systems approach are much wider for understanding the object of research, including its synergistic properties;

2) it is possible to decompose any object under study with the necessary depth to achieve the goal of the study, which ensures the identification of everything necessary for the study of any relatively indivisible element;

3) a deeper scheme is created to substantiate and identify the nature and reliability of connections and relationships in the object under study, and at the same time, prerequisites are formed for the search for new mechanisms for the effective functioning of the object;

4) there is a close connection with other methodological areas of science, and if necessary, there is the possibility of joint integrative application of other methodological approaches, which increases the effectiveness of the study.

A systematic approach to the study of control systems involves the use in one form or another of many sciences, scientific directions and methods. These include, for example, the theory of complex systems, systems engineering, operations research, management theory, organization theory, computer science, metrology, econometrics; qualimetry, systemic, situational, prognostic, diagnostic, detailed and global analyses, etc. There are often no clear boundaries between the named sciences, scientific directions and a number of research methods, since they often use approximately the same mathematical methods. However, they all have their own specifics and have certain features.

Planning and organization of the study

Research program

Block diagram

Research technology

A research program is a set of provisions that define the goals and objectives of the research, the subject and conditions of its conduct, the resources used, as well as the expected result.

The program consists of the following sections:

· purpose of the study

· problem solution hypothesis

· providing research resources

expected result

· research efficiency

Any research is an organized process. Its organization is based on a certain technological scheme, which reflects the sequence and combination of using research methods.

This is a very important stage in the research organization process. This refers to techniques and methods for rationally constructing the research process. For example, building a house involves first constructing the foundation, then the building itself, and at the final stage - the roof.

Diversified research methods:

Brain attack

Methods of this type are also known as brainstorming, idea conferences, collective idea generation (CGG). Usually, when conducting a brainstorming session, or CGI sessions, they try to follow certain rules, the essence of which boils down to ensuring the greatest possible freedom of thought for the CGI participants and their expression of new ideas; To do this, it is recommended to welcome any ideas, even if they seem dubious or absurd at first (discussion and evaluation of ideas is carried out later), criticism is not allowed, an idea is not declared false, and discussion of no idea is stopped. It is required to express as many ideas as possible (preferably non-trivial ones), try to create chain reactions of ideas.

Depending on the adopted rules and the rigidity of their implementation, there are different direct brainstorming, method exchange of views, methods like commissions, courts(when one group makes as many proposals as possible, and the second tries to criticize them as much as possible), etc. Recently, sometimes brainstorming is carried out in the form of a business game.

Systems Research Efficiency

Performance criteria

Researcher's Mindset

Research results

Two main types of criteria for the effectiveness of system management can be distinguished: the first reflects the degree to which the system achieves its goal, and the second allows one to evaluate and compare various processes for achieving the goal.

Let us determine the effectiveness of the management system of Stroy-Farmarka LLC based on the following indicators.

1) Productivity - since the main goal of Stroy-Farmarka LLC, according to the charter, is to make a profit, we can assume that this goal has been fully achieved. In addition, the goals of the organization include the provision of quality services in a short time. This goal, as the production process improves, is achieved in a shorter and shorter time. Also, one of the main goals of the organization is the fight against competitors by increasing competitive advantages. Of course, it cannot be said that Stroy-Yarmarka LLC is the absolute leader in the market for this type of service, but it occupies one of the leading market segments. Thus, it can be noted that this goal is being achieved. In terms of productivity, the company is at a high level.

2) Profitability is a parameter that shows how rationally an organization spends its available resources. The main resources that Stroy-Farmarka LLC has include: labor resources (personnel), technical resources (equipment) and information. Labor resources – in terms of the efficiency of this resource, it can be noted that the number of office workers corresponds to the volume of work performed, which is carried out with high quality and on time. As for consultants and installers, the value of this parameter is low, since instead of constantly recruiting installers and consultants, it is necessary to improve their productivity and improve their qualifications, and not increase the number of workers. In general, the system is quite economical in terms of this parameter. Information resources - if we consider the document flow between the head office and a subsidiary organization, we can see that orders and instructions are carried out and begin to be applied as soon as possible. This is due to the fact that Stroy-Yarmarka LLC actively uses Internet technologies in its work, such as: Internet mail, the SKIPE system, a dedicated Internet channel, and the use of Internet networks. All this indicates the efficiency of both this parameter and the system as a whole.

3) Quality - all installation and construction works carried out by Stroy-Farmarka LLC comply with existing regulations, GOSTs and specifications adopted in this field of activity. The quality control of equipment installation at sites is monitored by the head of the technical department. In addition, all equipment has product quality certificates of conformity provided to the organization directly by the manufacturer.

4) Profitability - this indicator is verified by analyzing financial statements. Having analyzed the necessary documents, we present the following data: for 2006, the organization’s income amounted to 3,400,000.00 rubles, minus all costs and deductions, net profit amounted to 600,000.00 rubles. Thus, the company is considered profitable.

5) Productivity - at this stage of development of the organization, production volumes are growing, costs are increasing, but at a lower rate. However, it should be noted that with the development of the public service sector, there will be trends towards lower costs.

6) Quality of working life - this parameter is fully represented in the organization. Employees of the organization have the right to annual paid leave, as well as paid educational leave and paid sick leave. In addition, expenses for cellular communications and gasoline are fully paid for those who have cars.

7) Overall productivity - is revealed by analyzing the above indicators. That is, in this case, the system is considered productive, since each of its component parts is productive.

Thinking is of great importance in the activities of a researcher. This is an active process that relies on knowledge, intuition, habits and skills and determines a person’s behavior in a specific situation.

These are opportunities that allow you to increase management efficiency and ensure sustainable and long-term development of the company. But the quality of the research is characterized not only by the result, but also by its procedural characteristics: use of resources, socio-psychological atmosphere, reliance on computer information processing technologies, connection with the current activities of personnel, type of organization.

The research approach should be inherent not only to the manager, but also to all management personnel.


1. Methodological aspects of control systems research

1.1 Research of control systems: concept, main directions and approaches

1.2 Methods for studying control systems

1.3 Information component of the management system

2. Study of the enterprise management system of East-West LLC

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise

2.2 Enterprise development strategy

2.3 Organization of economic service, system of financial accounting, planning and analysis at the enterprise. Improving the enterprise management system




Russia is now going through a difficult and contradictory period in the formation of a new system of economic relations. Objective conditions for the change and development of all forms of ownership, the emergence of hired labor, the expansion and complexity of foreign economic relations required different methods of management activity than before.

An organization can be considered as a production entity that, effectively using its resources, performs the economic function of producing products and providing services. At the same time, jobs are provided for the population and income for entrepreneurs. From this point of view, the role of a business is to use its energy and resources to generate profit. However, the organization is at the same time part of an environment consisting of suppliers, consumers, media, unions and associations of people, employees, shareholders, therefore it is directly dependent on this environment and must, along with ensuring its interests, satisfy its interests.

Organizational management structure is a multifaceted concept. It primarily includes a system of goals and their distribution between various units, since the management mechanism must be focused on achieving goals. This also includes the composition of units that are connected by certain relationships; distribution of tasks and functions across all levels; distribution of responsibilities, powers and rights within the organization, reflecting the relationship between centralization and decentralization of management. Important elements of the management structure are communications, information flows and document flow in the organization. Finally, an organizational structure is a behavioral system; it is people and their groups constantly entering into various relationships to solve common problems.

Organizational management structure is a multifaceted concept. It primarily includes a system of goals and their distribution between various units, since the management mechanism must be focused on achieving goals. This also includes the composition of units that are connected by certain relationships; distribution of tasks and functions across all levels; distribution of responsibilities, powers and rights within the organization, reflecting the relationship between centralization and decentralization of management.

Scientifically based formation of organizational management structures is an urgent task of the modern stage of adaptation of business entities to a market economy. In the new conditions, it is necessary to widely use the principles and methods of designing a management organization based on a systems approach.

The purpose of the course work is to study methods of researching enterprise management systems and ways to improve them. According to the goal, the work tasks were formulated:

1. Study theoretical material on the basics of organizing management in modern enterprises;

2. Analyze the mission and objectives of East-West LLC;

3. Consider the main directions for improving the enterprise management structure.

The object of the study is LLC “Vostok-Zapad”. The subject of the research is the enterprise management system.

Research methods: analysis of economic, legal, statistical sources of literature; empirical.

When writing the course work, the literature of domestic and foreign economic theorists, regulations, teaching aids and textbooks, monographs and scientific articles in periodicals was used.

1. Methodological aspects of control systems research

1.1 Research of control systems: concept, main directions and approaches

Management can only be truly successful when it is in constant and continuous development, when it is focused on changes that ensure the viability of the organization and its accumulation of innovation potential. This turns out to be practically possible subject to the study of control systems, which involves the development and proposal of the most effective options for constructing a control system.

In the process of management development, new realities and new needs arise, which in a certain way are reflected in the content of management. In modern management, research activities account for at least 30% of the working time and efforts of managers. In the future, the share of research activities will increase. This is one of the main trends in management development. Today there are no simple solutions in management: management conditions are becoming more complex, and a person is becoming more complex in his socio-psychological characteristics. It is impossible to make decisions based only on experience, intuition and common sense or formally acquired knowledge. It is necessary to study situations, problems, conditions, factors of the organization’s performance; a well-founded choice of solutions from an ever-growing number of options is necessary.

Every organization is in constant development. Its development is a solution to many problems that follow one after another or together, arise unexpectedly, manifest themselves acutely and do not allow time for reflection. Failure to resolve them in a timely manner may result in a crisis. Therefore, the study provides an approach to management that provides for high quality management decisions.

Research is a type of human activity consisting of the following components:

– recognition of problematic situations and the problems themselves, establishing their place in the system of accumulated knowledge;

– identification of properties, content, patterns of behavior and development;

– finding ways, means and opportunities to use new ideas or knowledge about a given problem in the practice of solving it.

Any research is characterized by the purpose, object and subject of research, methodology and organization of its implementation, results and possibilities for their practical implementation.

The purpose of the study is to search for the most effective options for constructing a management system and organizing its functioning and development. The main task of the study is to find a solution to the problem that either eliminates the existing obstacle to development or identifies a factor that ensures normal, desired functioning or development. The solution obtained as a result of the research may take the form of some act of activity, or may be a concept of activity for the near future. The best option for the research result is the development of a program for improvement, modernization or reconstruction, reform of the management system in the full range of its characteristics and parameters.

The object of study is the control system. From a methodological point of view, it is very important to understand and take into account the class of this system. It belongs to the class of socio-economic systems. This means that its fundamental element is man, since it is human activity that determines the characteristics of all processes of the functioning and development of such a system. No matter how advanced modern technical means are, the control system is based on human activity. You can study technology, but you cannot study it in isolation from a person and from all the factors of its use in his activity.

The control system cannot be considered in isolation from the control object. Therefore, when studying management systems, the object of study, along with the management system itself, is a managed socio-economic system (enterprise, firm, corporation, association, etc.). Its main feature also lies in the fact that the fundamental element here is the person, whose activity determines both the existence and development of this system, and largely depends on how the management of this activity is organized, to what extent the management corresponds to his interests and motives behavior, for what purposes and taking into account what factors it is carried out.

The subject of the study of control systems is the most significant aspect for the researcher of the manifestation of the essence of the control system under consideration, a certain problem, i.e. This is a real contradiction that requires resolution. The subject of study may be problems in the organization of management, personnel professionalism, motivation mechanisms, the use of computer technology, etc.

A methodological approach to the study of management systems is a research perspective, it is, as it were, a starting position, a starting point that determines its direction relative to the goal. The approach can be aspectual, systemic and conceptual. The aspect approach is the selection of one facet of a problem based on the principle of relevance or on the principle of taking into account the resources allocated for research. For example, the problem of personnel development may have an economic, socio-psychological, educational, etc. aspect.

A systematic approach requires the maximum possible consideration of all aspects of the problem in their interrelation and integrity, highlighting the main and essential, determining the nature of the connections between aspects, properties and characteristics. The systems approach is used in solving socio-economic, socio-political, engineering and other problems that involve the study or design and creation of system objects of high complexity, as well as their management.

The system always exists and functions within its environment – ​​the environment. The properties and functions of system elements are determined by their place within the whole. At the same time, we should not forget about the relative independence and specific properties of the elements that enter into certain relationships with each other. The integrity of the system is specified and implemented through connections. For example, an economic organization as an open system interacts with the environment, exchanges materials, energy, people, and information with it. The environment and its factors influence the system and can influence the internal life, elements and connections in the organizational system, and can lead to changes in the functioning of elements and subsystems.

In the process of studying the control system, it is revealed what components and elements the control system consists of, how they interact with each other and with the environment. To form a system, it is necessary that the elements be compatible with each other and that productive connections can be established between them.

The set of connections leads to the concept of structure and organization of the management system. The structure of the organization of material elements and their connections give the management system stability and stability.

The requirement for effective management in the system necessarily leads, in the process of analysis, to setting the development of a system of goals, the direction of connections, and behavior. In particular, in many cases the problem of the relationship between functioning and development, stability and innovation arises. In each management system, there are two types of goals: internal (corporate) and external - production of goods, provision of services, etc. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out coordination between types of goals, i.e. establish priority and establish subordination in each type separately. Management of activities and its organization must be “expedient”.

Goal setting is a continuation of goal setting - the formulation of previously set goals and subgoals in the specific conditions in which the organization exists and intends to develop.

The conceptual approach involves the preliminary development of the research concept, i.e. a set of key provisions that determine the general direction, architectonics and continuity of the study.

The approach can be empirical, pragmatic and scientific. The empirical approach is mainly based on experience, the pragmatic approach is based on the task of obtaining the nearest result. The most effective is, of course, the scientific approach, which is characterized by the scientific formulation of research goals and the use of scientific apparatus in its implementation.

The problem is formulated in different ways. This may simply be a statement of the object of research in terms of its name or specificity. For example, management personnel, motivation for productive activities, etc. But such a statement of the problem does not always contribute to focusing attention on the contradiction that reflects its peculiarity and essence.

Posing a problem through a question contributes to a more accurate understanding of its content, because a question is a form of thinking aimed at obtaining a specific answer in the form of judgments. A judgment, a conclusion of any research can be considered as an answer to a certain question. Examples of research questions and their constructs may include the following:

– How does the management system reflect the needs and conditions for the development of the organization?

– Why does an organization lose ground in competition?

– Where can I find additional resources to complete the project?

– How to develop a strategy?

Practical results of the study of management systems are, as a rule, recommendations for changing certain aspects of its functioning, improving the quality of management activities of the manager and all management personnel. These recommendations can be of socio-psychological, economic, organizational content, they can relate to the field of information support for management, management motivation, changes in operating conditions, taking into account additional factors of the company’s development, quality of activity, assessment of development trends, competitiveness, etc. The results of the study are opportunities that allow you to increase management efficiency and ensure sustainable and promising development of the organization.

Of course, the research also has theoretical results - understanding the problem, identifying patterns of functioning and development, concepts for managing the system in certain conditions, defined not from the perspective of a specific situation, but categorically. Depending on the depth of penetration into the essence of the problem and the level of generalization of theoretical results, it becomes possible to significantly expand practical results, solve an important national economic problem, and provide an opportunity to replicate new management experience. Any research requires a certain amount of resources. Without the necessary resources (human, information, financial, economic, technical) it is impossible to conduct modern research (and even more so it is impossible to implement its conclusions in practice). Therefore, an important problem in the study of control systems is the allocation of resources necessary for its implementation and implementation.

1.2 Methods for studying control systems

Organizations are among the most complex systems: they consist of elements and subsystems of different nature (technical, legal, psychological, sociocultural), they are multifunctional (produce products, services, shape people and the environment). For an object of such complexity it is necessary to build a complex methodology. It is the systems approach that allows us to consider the organization as a system, as a whole - after all, its main principle is the principle of integration. From it comes a chain of derived principles, the main of which are the integrity of the object and the completeness of its analysis.

The systems approach, attaching great importance to the scientifically based definition of management functions and headcount standards as part of the overall process of forming an organizational and managerial structure, orients researchers and developers to more general principles of designing organizations. It involves the initial definition of the system of organizational goals that determine the structure of tasks and the content of the functions of the management apparatus.

The variety of goals at both the highest, middle and lower levels of the organization usually cannot be reduced to one metric. The main purpose of most production organizations from the point of view of society is determined by the goals of meeting market needs for manufactured products. In any case, each goal reflects one of the objectively necessary aspects of the functioning and development of the organizational system.

At the same time, the correspondence between the system of goals and the organizational structure of management cannot be unambiguous. The effectiveness of building an organizational structure cannot be assessed by any one indicator. On the one hand, here it is necessary to take into account the extent to which the structure ensures that the organization achieves results that correspond to its goals, on the other hand, to what extent its internal structure and functioning processes are adequate to the objective requirements for their content, organization and properties.

The ultimate criterion of effectiveness when comparing different options for organizational structure is the most complete and sustainable achievement of the goals set in the field of production, economics, technical progress and social development. However, it is extremely difficult to bring this criterion to practically applicable simple indicators and to link each specific organizational decision with its final results. It is more expedient to use a set of normative characteristics of the management apparatus: its productivity in processing information; efficiency of making management decisions; reliability of the management apparatus, expressed in the quality of execution of decisions within the established deadlines and resources; adaptability and flexibility, characterized by the ability to timely identify organizational problems and adapt work accordingly.

All methods for studying control systems can be classified into two groups:

– theoretical: the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, the method of abstraction, methods of analysis and synthesis, methods of deduction and induction, the method of modeling, etc.;

– empirical: observation, comparison, method of expert assessments, etc.

The design of organizational management structures is carried out on the basis of the following basic complementary methods: analogies; expert-analytical; structuring goals; organizational modeling.

The analogy method consists of applying organizational forms and management mechanisms that have proven themselves in organizations with similar organizational characteristics (goals, type of technology, specific organizational environment, size, etc.) in relation to the organization being designed. The method of analogies includes the development of standard management structures for production and economic organizations and the determination of the boundaries and conditions of their application.

The use of the analogy method is based on two complementary approaches. The first of them is to identify for each type of production and economic organizations and for various industries the values ​​and trends in changes in the main organizational characteristics and the corresponding organizational forms and management mechanisms, which, based on specific experience or scientific justification, prove their effectiveness for a certain set of initial conditions.

The second approach represents, in essence, a typification of the most general fundamental decisions about the nature and relationships of the management apparatus units and individual positions in clearly defined operating conditions of organizations of this type in specific industries, as well as the development of individual normative characteristics of the management apparatus for these organizations and industries. Typification of solutions is a means of increasing the general level of organization of production management, aimed at standardizing and unifying organizational forms of management, accelerating the implementation of the most rational, progressive forms. Standard organizational decisions should be, firstly, variant, and not unambiguous, secondly, reviewed and adjusted at regular intervals and, finally, allowing deviations in cases where the operating conditions of the organization differ from the clearly formulated conditions for which the corresponding standard is recommended form of organizational management structure.

The expert-analytical method consists of a survey and analytical study of an organization, carried out by qualified specialists with the involvement of its managers and other employees, in order to identify specific features, problems, and bottlenecks in the work of the management apparatus; and also develop rational recommendations for its formation or restructuring. This method, which is the most flexible and comprehensive, is used in close combination with others (especially methods of analogies and goal structuring) and has diverse forms of implementation. This also includes conducting expert surveys of managers and members of the organization to identify and analyze individual characteristics of the structure and functioning of the management apparatus, processing the obtained expert assessments using statistical and mathematical methods (rank correlation, factor analysis of list processing, etc.).

Expert methods should also include the development and application of scientific principles for the formation of organizational management structures. They are understood as guidelines derived from advanced management experience and scientific generalizations, the implementation of which guides the activities of specialists in developing recommendations for the rational design and improvement of organizational management systems. The principles for the formation of organizational management structures are a concretization of more general principles of management (for example, unity of command or collective leadership, specialization, etc.). Examples of modern principles for the formation of organizational structures include “building an organizational structure based on a system of goals”, “separation of strategic and coordination functions from operational management”, “combination of functional and program-targeted management” and a number of others.

A special place among expert methods is occupied by the development of graphic and tabular descriptions of organizational structures and management processes, reflecting recommendations for their best organization. These types of descriptions include, in particular, route technology for performing management functions or their stages, based on the principles of scientific organization of work, as well as on progressive methods and technical means for carrying out management work, and regulating the procedure for their implementation. This is preceded by the development of options for organizational solutions aimed at eliminating identified organizational problems that meet scientific principles and best practices in organizing management, as well as the required level of quantitative and qualitative criteria for assessing the effectiveness of organizational structures. As a rule, this involves a tabular presentation of the advantages and disadvantages of each option for the purpose of their subsequent discussion and analysis.

The goal structuring method involves the development of a system of organizational goals (including their quantitative and qualitative formulations) and subsequent analysis of organizational structures from the point of view of their compliance with the system of goals. When using it, the following steps are most often performed:

1) development of a system (“tree”) of goals, which represents a structural basis for linking all types of organizational activities, based on the final results, regardless of the distribution of these types of activities among organizational units and program-targeted subsystems in the organization;

2) expert analysis of the proposed options for the organizational structure from the point of view of organizational support for achieving each of the goals, compliance with the principle of uniformity of goals established for each division, determination of the relations of management, subordination, cooperation of divisions based on the interrelationships of their goals, etc.;

3) drawing up maps of rights and responsibilities for achieving goals both for individual departments and for complex cross-functional activities, where the scope of responsibility is regulated (products, resources, labor, production and management processes, information); specific results for the achievement of which responsibility is established; the rights vested in the unit to achieve results (to approve and submit for approval, coordinate, confirm, control).

The organizational modeling method is the development of formalized mathematical, graphical, computer and other displays of the distribution of powers and responsibilities in an organization, which are the basis for constructing, analyzing and evaluating various options for organizational structures based on the relationship of their variables. There are several main types of organizational models:

– mathematical-cybernetic models of hierarchical management structures, describing organizational connections and relationships in the form of systems of mathematical equations and inequalities or using machine simulation languages ​​(examples include multi-stage optimization models, models of system, industrial dynamics, etc.);

– graphic-analytical models of organizational systems, which are network, matrix and other tabular and graphical displays of the distribution of functions, powers, responsibilities, and organizational connections. They make it possible to analyze their direction, nature, causes of occurrence, evaluate various options for grouping interrelated activities into homogeneous units, “play out” options for the distribution of rights and responsibilities between different levels of management, etc. Examples include “meta-scheme” descriptions of material, information, cash flows together with management actions; matrices of distribution of powers and responsibilities; tables of coefficients of connections between production and management functions, etc.;

– full-scale models of organizational structures and processes, which consist in assessing their functioning in real organizational conditions. These include organizational experiments - pre-planned and controlled restructuring of structures and processes in real organizations; laboratory experiments - artificially created situations of decision-making and organizational behavior, similar to real organizational conditions; management games - actions of practical workers based on pre-established rules with an assessment of their current and long-term consequences (including with the help of a computer);

– mathematical and statistical models of dependencies between the initial factors of organizational systems and the characteristics of organizational structures. They are built on the basis of collecting, analyzing and processing empirical data about organizations operating in comparable conditions. Examples include regression models of the dependence of the number of engineers and employees on the production and technological characteristics of the organization; dependence of indicators of specialization, centralization, standardization of management work on the type of organizational tasks and other characteristics, etc.


1. The object of research and design of control systems are social systems, which are complex system objects.

2. Research and design of control systems is carried out on the basis of scientific methodology, using appropriate methodological approaches, a set of methods and specific techniques.

3. The purpose of the study is to find the most effective options for constructing a management system and organizing its functioning and development.

4. The result of the study of management systems represents practical recommendations for changing certain aspects of its functioning, improving the quality of management activities of the manager and all management personnel.

5. System analysis is the basic approach and method in the research and design of control systems.

6. Modern forms of organizing and conducting research into management systems are expert and consulting activities.

1.3 Information component of the management system

Any management apparatus (office, office) is an “information factory”. Its main role is to process information, much like an industrial plant that processes materials and produces energy. The control apparatus receives information in a variety of forms. The office produces information in the same forms. It can be:

– data generated by a computer in electronic form;

– documents transmitting information in numerical or digital form;

– oral information transmitted over the telephone, often in electronic form.

Between the process of receiving and distributing information, the device performs a number of different actions. He can:

1) convert information (for example, sales information into information about revenue received and work performed);

2) combine information (for example, sales information with information, purchasing information with information, inventory information);

3) accumulate information (for example, sales information to prepare monthly and annual income reports).

As a rule, the management apparatus uses the obtained data as the basis for the production of its other important products - decisions. These could be solutions:

a) local and operational in nature - such as decisions regarding the purchase and sale of products, hiring and firing of workers, raising or lowering prices;

b) long-term, strategic nature - decisions related to enterprise expansion, investment, discontinuation of a product, entry into and exit from a corporation.

Thus, the management apparatus is “factories that process information”, with the output of two types of products: information (data, documents, oral information) and decisions (short-term and long-term). In some cases, the management apparatus specializes in one of these areas. The units of the apparatus that produce products of the first type (information) include: divisions that prepare technical instructions; accounting and financial departments; departments that prepare information for the public. The units of the apparatus, the main product of which is the production of solutions, include: production management units; sales management units; senior management apparatus. Units of the apparatus that produce products of both types include: technical divisions; offices dealing with personnel issues; marketing departments.

Enterprise management must address the productivity of information factories in the same way as they do product manufacturing units. In information production, increasing productivity means increasing the cost of information per unit of input. This could be a large amount of information (for example, more letters or technical instructions); higher quality of information (more readable texts, with fewer errors); more timely information (technical instructions are compiled simultaneously with product modifications). In the context of solutions, increasing productivity is an increase in the cost of solutions per unit of input. In practice, this means: more decisions (for example, based on choosing from more purchasing and selling options or labor offers); higher quality decisions (choices that lead to increased profits or improved performance of the unit); more timely decisions (choices that respond more quickly to changing conditions). Assessing the productivity of the management apparatus is a well-known difficulty. Careful analysis and precise measurement are often replaced by expert judgment and observation. Of particular interest is the ranking of information used in organizations in a market economy. One of the typical options for such estimates, based on materials from large-scale surveys, is given in Table. 1.

Table 1. Managers' interest in business information

Business information Business information

Reliability of business partners

Sources of business information

Prices, pricing

Business contracts and disputes, arbitration

Investment companies

Foreign economic activity

State of the credit market

State of the stock market, securities market

Enterprises, firms (addresses, performance indicators)

State of the real estate market

Commercial offers


State of the goods market, services market

Foreign participation in the Russian economy

Exhibitions and fairs

Business associations

Marketing research results

Reasons for transformations, reorganization, liquidation of companies

Audit firms

Insurance companies, pension funds

Modern companies use information technology to improve work methods. As a result, the organizational structure of the company changes, new organizational relationships are developed that were previously economically impossible. That is why information technology is a very promising and effective area for investment. A schematic diagram of the construction and interaction of the main elements of a modern information system of an organization is shown in Fig. 1.

Changes in organization and management techniques under the influence of information technology and automated offices occur in the following areas. Firstly, the organization and technology of information support for the manager are radically changing. Of particular importance is the mass introduction of mini- and microcomputers, personal computers as components of information systems connected to a data bank network. At the same time, work on collecting, processing and disseminating information is carried out using convenient human-computer interfaces that do not require special training (dialogues in natural language, speech input-output of information, etc.).

Figure 1 – Modern information system of the organization

The technology of storing and processing information is also changing significantly. Systems for receiving, organizing, storing and transmitting information are automated, in which the purity of information channels is maintained, and incomplete information, duplication, input of information intended for other levels of management, etc. are not allowed.

Secondly, automation of individual managerial functions is carried out. The number of efficiently functioning automated systems has increased, covering production, economic activities, organizational and technological processes, etc. An increasing part of the work in drawing up plans is transferred to the computer. This significantly improves the quality of plans developed using microcomputers at lower management levels. In addition, plans for individual subsystems of the control system are clearly coordinated. Control systems are being improved, including those that make it possible to detect deviations from the planned level and provide detection of the causes of such deviations.

Thirdly, the means of communication are also changing significantly, not counting the exchange of messages through a network of microprocessors. Of particular importance is the telecommunications system, which makes it possible to hold correspondence meetings, teleconferences, etc. (whose participants may be located at considerable distances from each other), prompt transmission of information. Accordingly, the methods and techniques of communication relations between managers and subordinate and higher management bodies are changing.

An automated office places new demands on the business qualities of a manager, including the ability and skill to use complex management technology, determine a system development strategy, manage a team, motivate and direct its activities. A special place is occupied by the ability to resolve conflicts, promptly respond to the emergence of problematic situations, clearly justify decisions made, and communicate them to the performers in a timely manner. A creative approach to solving management problems and the development of strategic thinking of managers involve the use of new information technologies and the capabilities of automated offices.

2. Study of the enterprise management system of East-West LLC

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise

The LLC Vostok-Zapad enterprise was created by decision of the general meeting of company participants on October 5, 2005, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Limited Liability Companies”, for the purpose of conducting business activities and making a profit. East West LLC is a legal entity that operates on the basis of the Charter and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Limited Liability Companies” and in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The members of the Company are individuals - citizens of the Russian Federation.

Limited Liability Company "East West", located at: 241000, Smolensk, st. Uritskogo, 41.

The main activities of Vostok-Zapad LLC are:

– wholesale trade in pharmaceutical and medical products, perfumes and cosmetics, including soap;

– wholesale trade in cleaning products;

– retail trade in cosmetics and perfumery products;

– wholesale and retail trade of other non-food and consumer goods;

– monetary intermediation;

- financial leasing;

– provision of various types of services.

The authorized capital of Vostok-Zapad LLC consists entirely of the nominal value of the shares of the company's participants who are not liable for the company's obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the enterprise, within the value of the contribution made by them. The amount of the authorized capital is 10,000 rubles. and fully entered. The company carries out licensed types of activities in accordance with current legislation. On July 28, 2006, changes were made to the Charter of the enterprise, and in particular, “To organize and ensure the activities of the Company, an authorized capital in the amount of 800,000 (eight hundred thousand) rubles was formed.

East West LLC owns separate property, which is accounted for on its independent balance sheet, and can also, on its own behalf, acquire and exercise property and non-property rights, bear responsibilities, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court. The supreme body of Vostok-Zapad LLC is its only participant - the founder (Charter of the enterprise, Appendix 1).

LLC "East West" operates in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies", and the Charter of the company.

The subject of activity of the enterprise under study is any type of activity that does not contradict the goals of the company and is not prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, incl. carrying out activities: in the sphere of material production and non-production sphere. LLC "Vostok Zapad" has a round seal containing its full corporate name in Russian and an indication of the location of the company. To carry out current activities, the company has opened a bank account. As a legal entity, Vostok-Zapad LLC is registered in the Tax Inspectorate of the Sovetsky District of Smolensk, TIN 3234220580.

The director, since the establishment of the enterprise, has been G.N. Buderina. The staffing schedule of the enterprise is developed by the company and approved by the director. All documents of a monetary, material, property, settlement, credit nature, as well as reports and balances, are signed by the director of East West LLC and the chief accountant.

East West LLC has been carrying out wholesale and retail trade in pharmaceutical and medical goods, perfumery and cosmetic products including soap, and other non-food products since 2005. Its branches are located in Smolensk, Orel, Tula, Belgorod, Ryazan. The owners of the company are also the founders - Rochev S.P., Kurlovich V.A.

On August 25, 2007, Vostok-Zapad LLC opened the first self-service supermarket of the Svenskaya Yarmarka chain of stores. The supermarket is located in the Fokinsky district of Smolensk, not far from the busy Moskovsky Avenue highway, leading from the Volodarsky, Sovetsky district to the Moscow highway. The store offers a wide range of food products, culinary products (our own production) and non-food industrial products. The supermarket is located on 2 floors of a separate building with a total area of ​​1200m2. The number of staff in the supermarket is 121 people. Regular consumers are an active part of the population of the Fokinsky district and surrounding areas aged 20–50 years with an average and high level of income.

The Company carries out licensed types of activities in accordance with current legislation. The authorized capital of the Company was 100,000 rubles until July 28, 2006. Amendments were made to the Charter of the enterprise, and in particular, “To organize and ensure the activities of the Company, an authorized capital of 800,000 (eight hundred thousand) rubles was formed.

The mission of the organization is to satisfy the needs of any consumer for industrial goods and food products through supermarkets with a high level of service culture, improving the social standard of living of the organization’s employees.

Strategic goals are to achieve an increase in sales by 5 billion rubles by 2012. per year by expanding the market in Smolensk and the Smolensk region in the retail trade of food and industrial goods with a high level of service culture, open five self-service supermarkets in the Fokinsky, Volodarsky, Bezhitsky, Sovetsky districts of Smolensk.

The structure of the organization has a tree form (Fig. 2). The general management of Vostok-Zapad LLC is carried out by the General Director, who sets priorities, selects and effectively uses marketing, financial, and organizational information. The general director has a higher trade and medical education.

Figure 2 – Management structure of East-West LLC

Let's consider the volumes and structure of production and sales of the enterprise's products, presenting the data in the form of a table. 2.

As a result of the analysis of the information received, we can conclude that in 2007, compared to 2005, the volumes and structure of production and sales of products of East West LLC are characterized by the following changes: production and sales of its own products decreased by 1.0%, but increased in absolute terms by 9881.7 thousand rubles, sales of alcoholic products decreased by 1.3% in structure, but increased in absolute terms by 18104.6 thousand rubles, sales of household chemicals and household goods decreased by 7.6% share in the structure, but nevertheless, increased in absolute terms by 38,429.4 thousand rubles, sales of food products increased by 9.9% or 117,781.3 thousand rubles.

Table 2. Volumes and structure of production and sales of products of Vostok-Zapad LLC in 2005–2007.

Name of products (works, services) 2005 2006 2007 Change 2007 to 2006
Thousand rub. % Thousand rub. % Thousand rub. % Absolute. Ud. weight,%
Production and release of own products - - 2993,8 6,6 12875,5 5,6 9881,7 -1
Sales of alcoholic products - - 5223,9 11,5 23328,5 10,2 18104,6 -1,3
Sales of food products - - 23202,2 51,5 140983,5 61,4 117781 9,9
Sales of household chemicals and household goods 3301 100 13958,1 30,4 52387,5 22,8 38429,4 -7,6
Total: 3301 100 45378 100 229575 100 184197 0

In other words, we can conclude that the volumes and structure of production and sales of products of East West LLC in 2005–2007. have positive dynamics for all types in absolute terms, and for almost all types - in shares of the structure, which indicates an expansion of the scope of activities of East West LLC.

Using the balance sheet data of Vostok-Zapad LLC for 2005–2007, it is possible to calculate the main performance indicators of the enterprise, which have changed as follows (Table 3). Analyzing the dynamics of indicators, we can conclude that in general the enterprise East West LLC operated during 2005–2007. period is quite effective.

It should be noted that the company began its activities in 2005, so some indicators and their dynamics are not possible to calculate. The same fact can also explain losses as a result of financial and economic activities in 2005–2007. Although it should be noted that their value decreased in 2007 compared to 2006 against the general background of a significant increase in revenue (5 times or 184,197 thousand rubles .).

Table 3. Key performance indicators of Vostok-Zapad LLC in 2005–2007.

Indicators 2005 2006 2007 Growth rate in %
2006/2005 2007/2006
Cash revenue, thousand rubles. 3301 45378 229575 1374,7 at 5.1 rub.
Average headcount, people. 23 53 164 230,43 at 3.1 rub.
Cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles. 9548 40313 at 4.2 rubles
Labor costs, thousand rubles. 162,4 325 6220 at 38.3 rub.
Average monthly salary, rub. 2723 3099,4 4329,9 113,82 139,70
Labor productivity, thousand rubles. 143,52 856,19 1399,85 596,56 163,50
Cost of products sold, thousand rubles. 3204 38413 194866 1198,9 at 5.1 rub.
Profit/loss from sales, thousand rubles. -107 -2629 -1717 2457,0 65,31
Capital productivity, rub. 4,75 5,69 119,82
Return on sales, % -0,0324 -0,0579 -0,0075 178,73 12,91
Net profit, thousand rubles. -116 -2165 -1872 1866,4 86,47
Amount of current assets, thousand rubles. 18741 68645 at 3.7 rubles
Working capital turnover, days 2,42 3,34 138,12
Own capital, thousand rubles. -1481 -3353 at 2.3 rubles

In general, for all indicators presented in table. 2, positive dynamics can be seen. The company is developing confidently, increasing its production capacity (the value of fixed assets has increased by 4 times, current assets by 3.5). It is also worth noting the constant increase in wages - almost 2 times. Although the increase in wages in absolute terms over 3 years is not so high, wage indexation at the enterprise is carried out regularly, which makes it possible to compensate for the negative impact of inflation.

Along with quantitative indicators, qualitative indicators of financial and economic activity also increased - labor productivity (almost 10 times), capital productivity by 19.8%. Return on sales is still negative (due to losses as a result of operations), but there is also a positive trend in the indicator.

2.2 Enterprise development strategy

The East West company, existing on the market since 2004, is a dynamically developing enterprise and occupies a stable position in the consumer goods market, despite the high competition in this sector of the economy.

The goal of the “East-West” strategy is to gain a leading position in Smolensk in the retail trade of food and industrial goods with a high level of service culture, generating profit and growing the assets of the enterprise.

As part of the implementation of the overall strategy of the enterprise, East West LLC, the following steps were taken during the period under study.

From 2004 to 2006, intensive development of the retail network - the opening of 7 retail pavilions in the city of Smolensk, project development and construction of the first large retail space - a supermarket.

On August 25, 2006, Vostok-Zapad LLC opened the first self-service supermarket of the Svenskaya Yarmarka chain of stores in the Fokinsky district of Smolensk.

On September 27, 2007, the company opened the second self-service supermarket of the Svenskaya Yarmarka chain of stores in the Volodarsky district of Smolensk.

After summing up the results of the second year of operation of the supermarket chain, on October 20, 2008, a general meeting of the founders of Vostok-Zapad LLC was held to determine further tactical goals for implementing the enterprise’s strategy. As a result of the discussion of the projects presented at the meeting (3 projects), the option proposed by a group of category managers of the 1st supermarket under the leadership of the commercial director was selected and approved for execution.

The essence of the presented strategy for the further development of Vostok-Zapad LLC was set out in a business plan, where, based on an analysis of the work of supermarkets No. 1 and No. 2 (for 2 years and 1 year, respectively), the existing structure of the enterprise organization was revised and a network expansion program was proposed through opening of a new (third) supermarket in the Fokinsky district of Smolensk.

The innovation of this strategy is manifested in the fact that the main task of supermarket No. 3 is not actually expanding the network of stores and making a profit in the near future, but directing all efforts and resources to create a competitive position for the “Liniya” hypermarket opening in the same area and switching its customers to your distribution network. That is, East West LLC for the first time decided to implement an expansion strategy - the so-called “market capture strategy.”

Market (short-term) goals of the strategy are organizing an advertising campaign, developing logistics activities (warehousing, planning the placement of departments and goods in them, taking into account planograms and product neighborhood rules, adapting software to the actual specific operating conditions of a supermarket).

Production (short- and medium-term) goals are to reduce costs (primarily fixed ones) in order to obtain a greater reserve of “financial space” in managing markups and a competitive advantage in the price of goods.

Organizational (medium-term) goals - development of a corporate identity for this supermarket, development of a discount system after identifying regular customers.

Implementation mechanism: in December 2008, a premises of 3500 m 2 was rented, retail equipment was purchased for 15 million rubles, an additional recruitment of 156 people was carried out, new business processes were developed for carrying out financial and economic activities in the store.

I believe that there is a risk, after investing considerable funds in the “cold war” with the “Line” hypermarket, of becoming fixated on the struggle and losing response to the changing demands of customers, especially since many ways to achieve low costs and attract customers can be easily copied by a competitor, “Line” . Therefore, it is necessary to develop certain corrective measures for the strategy of the enterprise East West LLC.

To develop measures to improve the innovation strategy of East-West LLC, it is necessary to conduct an additional analysis of the microenvironment according to Porter’s 5 forces model. The intensity of competition between existing enterprises in the market depends on the following factors:

1. The presence of competitors that mutually balance each other - “Magnit”, “Cranes”, “Kopeyka”, “Line”;

Table 4. Analysis of competitors of Vostok-Zapad LLC

Characteristic Importance Organization
Magnet Kopek Cranes 2*2 Line Svensk. fair
Availability 10 9 8 10 6 10 6
Range 9 5 6 5 8 7 7
Product quality 9 5 5 7 8 8 7
Uniqueness 8 4 4 4 5 7 7
Culture and service level 9 5 5 5 5 5 7
Service speed 7 6 7 5 7 4 7
Network volume 9 9 9 9 7 9 6
Price 9 8 7 6 7 9 7
Summary characteristics, % 70 51 51 51 53 59 56

The table shows that the greatest competition for Vostok-Zapad LLC is the Magnit supermarket:

– in the scope of the network, availability of goods – stores are located in every district of Smolensk,

– in the price of goods – low prices due to the volume of purchases.

Kopek competes with:

– in the volume of the network, availability of goods – stores are located in every district of Smolensk, federal network.

Cranes compete with:

– the network includes 22 stores, product availability – stores are located in every district of Smolensk,

2*2 is competition for East West LLC:

- in the product range.

The line competes with Vostok-Zapad LLC:

– availability of goods (located in the city center in a walk-through place), network volume – 10 hypermarkets, 2 supermarkets in the Central Federal District,

– in the uniqueness of the product and added services,

– in the price of a product, the low price is determined by the volume of the network and the pricing policy of the enterprise.

2. Market growth rate. The market of the city of Smolensk is oversaturated with food and industrial goods retail enterprises. There is a need to displace competing enterprises and offer a different range of goods that are in demand among consumers;

3. Degree of similarity of goods. The goods from trading enterprises are similar and analogous; the consumer can purchase it at any of the above. The main competition takes place at the level and culture of customer service, added services and goods;

4. Amounts of fixed costs - communications, transport, rent, taxes, wages.

Thus, based on the analysis, we can distinguish:

1. Strengths of the enterprise: range of goods, quality of goods, uniqueness of goods and services, culture and speed of service.

2. Weaknesses of the enterprise: availability of goods, network volume, retail price, high dependence on the supplier, high fixed costs.

Let's conduct a study of the macroenvironment using STEP analysis. The distant external environment is social, economic, political (STEP) factors that an individual company cannot influence. These factors have a significant impact on both the company as a whole and its immediate environment.

Social factors influencing the organization:

1) The mortality rate exceeds the birth rate, as a result of which the active population is declining.

2) The socio-economic level of the population is increasing. The share of the low-income class of the population is decreasing, and the middle class of the population is growing more actively.

3) Healthy lifestyle. The consumer chooses healthy, high-quality food, fresh product.

4) Increased trust in the brand. Consumer choice is increasingly falling on “promoted”, well-recognized products. He makes purchases at branded points of sale.

Technological factors have a significant impact on many organizations. At this stage of development of our enterprise, technological factors cannot be identified, but there must be a timely response from the organization when new goods and food products appear.

Economic factors include:

1) Growth in personal income in 2007 – 15%,

2) Reduction of interest rates - from 0.5 to 2.5%,

3) Increasing the effective demand of the population,

4) Negative impact of inflation – 9%,

5) Increased energy and transportation costs,

6) Increased communication costs.

Political factors influencing the organization:

1) Elections of the President of the Russian Federation,

2) Personnel changes in the government of the Russian Federation,

3) Monopolization of city power in the hands of businessmen and entrepreneurs,

4) Tightening state control over the circulation of alcoholic beverages and creating a state inspection of alcoholic products at the local level.

In general, the external environment has a moderate impact on Vostok-Zapad LLC, mostly the direction of the impact is positive. Based on the analysis, I propose the following directions for improving the development of the enterprise:

1. Creation of the enterprise’s own WEB site, where all information regarding the enterprise and product range will be posted. The following will be posted on the website as additional services:

– a site visitor can fill out a job application form. To do this, you need to answer the questions and send them via email. The results of the survey will be presented in written or electronic form.

– site visitors also have the opportunity to order goods. The client will have the opportunity to choose the assortment and quantity of the product he is interested in. If the order amount exceeds the established limit, the order is delivered free of charge to the specified location.

2. Creation of an information terminal .

Focus on attracting buyers through the efficiency and speed of service in the form of information support. This service is provided to the buyer in the form of a terminal with a full matrix of product assortment, which will increase the quality and speed of customer service. For ease of service, a consultant for this system will be assigned to the terminal. The consultant's tasks include the following:

– consulting customers (visitors) of the store;

– provide assistance in finding the desired product group;

– follow safety rules when working with this equipment;

– periodically update the product range, etc.

The uniqueness of this technical and information service is as follows.

Firstly: this will help reduce the time of searching for goods in such a large store. The buyer will only need to contact the consultant, indicate the product he is interested in, and in a few seconds the buyer will be presented with all the information regarding the product he is looking for: the price, quantity on stock and even location will be indicated there. This will certainly simplify the task of finding the required product. Undoubtedly, difficulties may arise when searching for a product, since it may be offered by different manufacturers. Secondly: you can make a reservation. This is convenient and simple, since the buyer sees exactly what he is ordering: the price of the product, its composition and visual representation in the form of a photo illustration are indicated. I plan to place three terminals: in the foyer and on the sales floor of the store.

3. Creation of an additional service.

The essence of this service is as follows: when making payments, the buyer does not have to fold the goods himself; a special employee will help him with this and will pack the goods. This service will double the speed of service.

By combining all the proposed measures, you can form a strategy, which will consist of the following: maintaining existing and attracting new buyers of the product. In other words, the strategy will be aimed at attracting buyers, which will increase sales volumes, and therefore profits. Thanks to the strategy, it will be possible to increase competitiveness by attracting buyers, thereby strengthening its competitive advantages, despite the fact that there are two stores in the retail chain, which greatly distinguishes it from other competitors.

2.3 Organization of economic service, system of financial accounting, planning and analysis at the enterprise. Improving the enterprise management system

The general rule for forming a team of employees in the financial service of an enterprise is high qualifications and economically justified staff minimization. Therefore, the structure of the financial service of the enterprise East-West LLC is usually formed gradually, as the enterprise develops, masters modern technologies and introduces modern financial management tools, centralizes the financial and economic management of the enterprise and forms a high corporate culture at the enterprise.

Based on and in accordance with the Law “On Accounting”, the Regulations on Accounting and Financial Reporting in the Russian Federation, the Accounting Regulations, the Chart of Accounts of the financial and economic activities of an organization and the Instructions for its application, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 31 2000 No. 94n, 19 Accounting Regulations, as well as in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the enterprise adopted an accounting policy for the corresponding year.

Accounting for property, liabilities and business transactions is carried out using the double entry method in accordance with the Chart of Accounts. In order to ensure reliability of accounting and reporting data, an inventory of property and funds is carried out. Carrying out an inventory is mandatory: when transferring property for rent, redemption, sale; when changing materially responsible persons; when establishing facts of theft or abuse, as well as other valuables, etc. The cash register is audited at least once a month. The enterprise's reporting is compiled quarterly on an accrual basis and presented to external users within the established time frame: quarterly - the 30th day following the reporting quarter; annual – March 30 following the reporting year.

Accounting statements are signed by the manager and chief accountant. Tax accounting is maintained by the organization in registers. Register forms and the procedure for filling them out are used based on the software settings for 1C products. The list of direct expenses is determined by the organization independently (Federal Law No. 58-FZ dated 06.06.2005).

Organizing is the process of creating a structure for an enterprise that enables people to work together effectively to achieve its goals. Organizational structure is the logical relationship between levels of management and functional areas, arranged in a form that allows the organization to most effectively achieve its goals. To determine the type of organization, the organizational structure of enterprise management is analyzed at three levels: “Organization - external environment”, “Organization-person”, “Division-unit”.

Interaction at the first level can be carried out using mechanistic and organic approaches. The East West LLC enterprise has a mechanistic type of organization, which is characterized by the extensive use of formal rules, centralized decision making, narrowly defined work responsibilities and a rigid hierarchy of power in the organization. Such an organization can operate effectively in conditions where routine technology is used and there is a simple and non-dynamic external environment. The mechanistic approach has several advantages: uniqueness, predictability and high productivity.

Recently, the mechanical approach has been subject to strong criticism, since the system is designed like a machine mechanism, so there has been a tendency, including at East-West LLC, to move closer to an organic organization. It allows the organization to better interact with the new environment, quickly adapt to changes, i.e. is more flexible.

When assessing the standard of controllability, we consider the structure of the organization. LLC "East West" to a wide scale of controllability (Table 5). East West LLC has a wide scale of control, which is characterized by the maximum number of subordinates per manager and the minimum number of hierarchy levels.

Table 5. Advantages and disadvantages of broad controllability

The structure of East-West LLC, in terms of “division-division” interaction, is linear-functional, traditional or classical, since historically it was the first structure to be studied and developed. This structure allows for specialization in areas of activity and improves coordination in functional areas. The basis of linear-functional departmentalization are linear units that carry out the main work in the organization and specialized units serving them (personnel, finance, planning, marketing, supply, etc.).

Vostok-Zapad LLC has developed a centralized management system in which senior management retains most of the powers necessary to make the most important decisions. The level of centralization at the enterprise is quite high, since all the most important decisions are made by senior management and strict control is exercised over their implementation.

Analyzing the structure of East West LLC, we can recommend narrowing the scope of controllability to increase the speed of information exchange between managers and subordinates, as well as strengthening control over the activities of subordinates. Based on the analysis, the following measures can be proposed to improve the organizational structure of enterprise management: automate the work of specialists and thereby reduce their number.

To form an improved structure of the enterprise after the analysis, it is necessary to perform an analysis of the functions (Table 6) performed by each division of the enterprise East West LLC.

Table 6. Main functions and their contents

Functions Contents of functions
In-house production service Maintaining the main production at the proper level for its normal operation, as well as the development of products that meet consumer requirements, calculating the consumption of raw materials and products for the development and manufacture of products, the availability of equipment necessary for the production of salads, processed meats, etc.
Production Providing the enterprise with the equipment necessary to produce products of the highest possible quality, managing the personnel of the enterprise workshops
Marketing and sales Studying consumers and competitors, assessing the current market situation, identifying target segments
Personnel Availability of qualified personnel, proper selection and training of personnel, creation of favorable working conditions for personnel
Finance Financing of main and auxiliary activities, cash flow management, monitoring the ratio of equity and borrowed capital, calculating the necessary loan payments, finding sources of financing, planning monetary policy and further development of the enterprise
Accounting Calculating the costs and profits of the enterprise, drawing up an annual balance sheet, analyzing the current, investment and financial activities of the policy and further development of the enterprise

The main functions performed by the marketing department are as follows:

– organizing and coordinating the work of the marketing department;

– market research, the nature of demand (especially in winter), characteristics of external and internal services;

– introduction of new types of products that meet quality standards;

– segmentation: selection of target segments, product positioning;

The proposed functions of the marketing department should be assigned to certain positions:

– Head of Marketing Department – ​​1 staff unit

– Marketing Manager – 2 positions

– Market analyst – 1 staff unit

– Product Sales Manager – 2 positions

Consider the position of head of the marketing department. Qualification card is a requirement for professional skills.

Position – Head of Marketing Department

An analysis of the functional areas of the enterprise divisions showed that the enterprise performs all the necessary functions, but some are beyond the competence of the functional divisions:

1. Pricing is done by planners, should be done by marketers.

2. The development, design and introduction into production of new types of products are carried out by food preparation technologists, and not by marketers.

3. Cost calculation should be carried out by the economic planning department.

4. The “transport” function is performed by divisions: for the supply and shipping departments, it is more advisable to create one department that will perform this function and subordinate it to the commercial director of the enterprise.

5. The function “analysis of financial and economic activities” is duplicated by the financial service after the economic one. It is more expedient to subordinate both services to one person who will control financial and economic activities (Director of Economics).

6. The “production” function is under the department of the production manager, who reports directly to the general director, and the “production preparation and maintenance” function is under the department of the chief engineer. The listed functions are closely related to each other and should be subordinate to one person who will bring the general director up to date in the field of production (engineer).

These proposals are aimed at matching the organizational structure of the enterprise with its goals, as well as at reducing the management staff, and, consequently, at reducing management costs.

When assessing an organization based on its interaction with an individual, we define it as belonging to a mixed type. The organization contains elements of corporate and individualistic types.

East West LLC cannot be classified in pure form as one of these types of organization. Although in most cases the interests of the organization as a whole come first, the interests of a particular employee are also taken into account. However, the enterprise in question leans more towards the corporate type.


Without the development of methods for designing management structures, it becomes difficult to improve management and increase production efficiency, since:

– firstly, in new conditions, in a number of cases, it is impossible to operate with old organizational forms that do not meet the requirements of market relations and create the danger of deformation of the management tasks themselves;

– secondly, it is impossible to transfer the laws governing the management of technical systems into the sphere of economic management. An integrated approach to improving the organizational mechanism was largely replaced by the introduction and use of automated management systems - work that is extremely important, but not the only one in the development of management at all levels. The creation of automated control systems is often carried out in isolation from improving the management structure and is not sufficiently connected with organizational factors;

– thirdly, the creation of a structure should be based not only on experience, analogy, familiar patterns and, finally, intuition, but also on scientific methods of organizational design;

– fourthly, the design of a highly complex mechanism – a management mechanism – should be entrusted to specialists who are proficient in the methodology for the formation of organizational systems.

Of particular importance is the identification and analysis of emerging problems in both the construction and development of the organization. The systems approach, attaching great importance to the scientifically based definition of management functions and headcount standards as part of the overall process of forming an organizational and managerial structure, orients researchers and developers to more general principles of designing organizations. First of all, it involves the initial definition of the system of organizational goals, which determine the structure of tasks and the content of the functions of the management apparatus. The variety of goals at both the highest, middle and lower levels of the organization usually cannot be reduced to one metric. The main purpose of most manufacturing organizations from the point of view of society is determined by the goals of meeting market needs for the products and services produced. In any case, each goal reflects one of the objectively necessary aspects of the functioning and development of the organizational system.

In relation to the implementation of system principles for the formation of the internal structure of the management apparatus, it should be taken into account that the organizational structure is a complex characteristic of the management system. A unified system should also consider various methods of forming organizational management structures, many of which have appeared only in recent years. These methods are of a different nature; each of them individually does not allow solving all the practically important problems of building the organizational structure of the management apparatus and must be used in organic combination with others.

The effectiveness of building an organizational structure cannot be assessed by any one indicator. On the one hand, here it is necessary to take into account the extent to which the structure ensures that the organization achieves results that correspond to its production and economic goals, on the other hand, to what extent its internal structure and functioning processes are adequate to the objective requirements for their content, organization and properties.

The ultimate criterion of effectiveness when comparing different options for organizational structure is the most complete and sustainable achievement of the goals set in the field of production, economics, technical progress and social development.


1. Akimova T.A. Organization Theory: Textbook. manual for universities. – M.: UNITY DANA, 2003. – p. 367

2. Vesnin V.R. Management for everyone. – M.: Lawyer, 1994 – 241 p.

3. Vikhansky O.S., Naumova A.I. Management: Textbook – 3rd ed. – M.: Economist, 2001 – 432 p.

4. Volkogonova O.V. Tooth A.T. Strategic management: textbook. – M.: Publishing House “FORUM” INFRA-M, 2007. – 256 p.

5. Zaitsev N.L. Economics of organization: Proc. – M.: “Exam”, 2004. – 624 p.

6. Korenchenko R.A. General theory of organization: Textbook for universities - M.: UNITY DANA, 2003. - p. 286

7. Lukicheva L.I. Organization management: Textbook. – M.: Otel – L, 2004 – 360 p.

8. Meskon M. Fundamentals of management - M.: ed. “Delo”, 1998. – p. 800

9. Mintzberg G. Structure in the fist: creating an effective organization / trans. from English edited by Yu.N. Kapturevsky - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - p. 512

10. Mukhin V.I. Fundamentals of management theory: Textbook for universities - M.: Publishing house "Examination", 2003. - p. 256

11. Fundamentals of management: Textbook. for universities/ed. D.D. Vachugova - M.: Higher. school, 2001. – p. 367

12. Petrova N.P. Creative solutions in business. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2004. – 336 p.

13. Prigozhin A.I. Methods of development of organizations. – M.: MCFR, 2003, 864 p.

14. Samukina N.V. Effective motivation of personnel with minimal financial costs - M.: Vershina, 2007. - 224 p.

15. Sergeev I.V. Enterprise economy. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2005 – 156 p.

16. Theory of organization: Textbook for universities - M.: publishing house "Economy", 2003. - p. 431

17. Management theory. Textbook/general. ed. A.L. Gaponenko - M.: Publishing house RAGS, 2005. - p. 558

18. Shepelenko G.I. Economics, organization and planning of production at an enterprise: A textbook for students of the Faculty of Economics. 2nd ed. – RnD.: ed. center “March”, 2001. – 356 p.

19. Enterprise Economics: Textbook/Under. ed. I.E. Berzin – M.: Bustard, 2004 – 368 p.

Introduction 3
1. Study of the role of management principles in the formation of elements of the structure of the economic system of an enterprise 4
2. Methods for researching an enterprise according to its process model 10
Conclusion 16
References 17


Modern science has an extensive and rich arsenal of research methods. But the success of the research largely depends on how, by what criteria we choose methods for conducting a particular study and in what combination we use these methods. The choice of research methods and their combinatorial use are determined by a systemic understanding of the entire set of general scientific research methods.
The relevance of studying research methods is due to the fact that there are a large number of methods themselves, but during research we cannot use all of them at once. Therefore, it is necessary to study and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various methods, as well as the situations in which they can be applied.
The purpose of the work is to consider types of research of control systems.
Job objectives:
1. Study of the role of management principles in the formation of elements of the structure of the economic system of an enterprise.
2. Consider methods for studying an enterprise based on its process model.
To carry out this work, we analyzed the literature on a given topic, the material was structured and presented in the form of this work.

1. Study of the role of management principles in the formation of elements of the structure of the economic system of an enterprise

Management can only be truly successful when it is in constant and continuous development, when it is focused on changes that ensure the viability of the organization and its accumulation of innovation potential. This turns out to be practically possible subject to the study of control systems, which involves the development and proposal of the most effective options for constructing a control system.
In the process of management development, new realities and new needs arise, which in a certain way are reflected in the content of management. In modern management, research activities account for at least 30% of the working time and efforts of managers. In the future, the share of research activities will increase. This is one of the main trends in management development. Today there are no simple solutions in management: management conditions are becoming more complex, and a person is becoming more complex in his socio-psychological characteristics. It is impossible to make decisions based only on experience, intuition and common sense or formally acquired knowledge. It is necessary to study situations, problems, conditions, factors of the organization’s performance; a well-founded choice of solutions from an ever-growing number of options is necessary.
Every organization is in constant development. Its development is a solution to many problems that follow one after another or together, arise unexpectedly, manifest themselves acutely and do not allow time for reflection. Failure to resolve them in a timely manner may result in a crisis. Therefore, the study provides an approach to management that provides for high quality management decisions.

Research is a type of human activity consisting of the following components:
- recognition of problematic situations and the problems themselves, establishing their place in the system of accumulated knowledge;
- identification of properties, content, patterns of behavior and development;
- finding ways, means and opportunities to use new ideas or knowledge about a given problem in the practice of resolving it.
Any research is characterized by the purpose, object and subject of research, methodology and organization of its implementation, results and possibilities for their practical implementation.
The purpose of the study is to search for the most effective options for constructing a management system and organizing its functioning and development. The main task of the study is to find a solution to the problem that either eliminates the existing obstacle to development or identifies a factor that ensures normal, desired functioning or development. The solution obtained as a result of the research may take the form of some act of activity, or may be a concept of activity for the near future. The best option for the research result is the development of a program for improvement, modernization or reconstruction, reform of the management system in the full range of its characteristics and parameters.

The essence of the neoclassical model, professional model and decision-making model. Characteristics and properties of the target. Analysis of means and ends in the process of problem solving. Logic as a tool and method of research.

Content Content 2

  • Methods for modeling control systems
  • 3
  • Analysis of means and ends in the problem solving process
  • 7
  • Logic as a tool and method of research
  • 9
  • Literature
  • 13
  • Methods for modeling control systems
  • Modeling means the creation of some simplified representation of an object that has the same properties as the modeled object; this simplified representation is a model if it allows you to answer questions about the object.
  • In general, the model is characterized by the following properties:
  • b reduced scale (simplification): the size and complexity of the model is always less than that of the original, since the model is built on the basis of the most significant characteristics of the modeling objects;
  • ь exact observance of the most important relationships between the various elements of the model;
  • b performance, i.e. the ability to function in principle in the same way as the original;
  • b ensuring the required degree of reliability, i.e. correspondence to the actual properties of the original.
  • Modeling is widely used in the study of socio-economic management systems, since it allows one to study the final and intermediate goals, criteria and limitations of socio-economic systems, as well as predict the consequences of decisions made, as a result of which it becomes possible to analyze the functioning of the system and plan its possible changes taking into account factors of development of the system, its individual elements and the external environment.

    There is a wide variety of types of models:

    b models of verbal description (descriptive). These models can be used both at the first stage of modeling and independently. Models of verbal description can be considered, for example, job descriptions, staffing schedules, business letters (a model of a certain situation), as well as the so-called models of management systems: Max Weber’s bureaucratic model, neoclassical model, professional model and Herbert Simon’s decision-making model;

    b graphical description models are used to study the organizational structure of management, display the interrelationships of the work of departments, and distribute responsibilities and powers. These models are classified as follows:

    · expressing structural relationships and connections - models without indicating quantitative characteristics (organograms);

    · spatial - showing the modeled object in time and space (chronograms, topograms);

    · quantitative - expressing quantitative relationships (diagrams, nomograms);

    · process models showing the sequence of execution of various processes or works;

    · mathematical (digital) models. Mathematical expressions of the dependences of outputs on inputs and state parameters are usually called a mathematical model of a system if the description quite correctly (adequately) reflects the actual behavior of the system, its features that are important for research or control.

    Based on the nature of accounting, mathematical models are divided into:

    1. static - models of a system that describe the processes of its functioning in a steady state. Typical examples for a specific production include the dependence of production volume, cost and other important indicators on the consumption of main raw materials at the entrance to the system;

    2. dynamic - describing changes in inputs and parameters of the system state in unsteady modes.

    By type of mathematical description:

    1. deterministic - models built on the basis of the studied patterns of systems functioning processes;

    2. stochastic models that describe the so-called random, or stochastic, processes, the results of which are not always predictable with sufficient accuracy.

    Stochastic processes are characterized by the probability distribution function of the events under consideration. If this function is stable, i.e. does not change in time, then the stochastic process is called strictly stationary. For stationary processes, the probability distribution function can be established experimentally. This allows, using a probability theory model, to construct a stochastic model of the system; the properties of such systems are characterized not by unambiguous (functional), but by correlation dependencies, which make it possible to establish the most probable values ​​of outputs and other indicators of the functioning of the system.

    If the stochastic processes influencing the behavior of the system are nonstationary, then its behavior cannot always be described mathematically, i.e. turns out to be unformalizable. To quantitatively characterize the non-formalizable properties and connections of such systems, to predict the results of their functioning, expert assessments of specialists and other heuristic methods are used.

    b According to the purposes of the study, models are divided into: models of resource distribution; ordering models; process management models; search models; models for choosing the optimal route; models of adversarial tasks, etc.

    b According to the methods of construction, mathematical models are divided into:

    1. static, describing a system with an unknown structure and properties (“black box”), but with studied statistical dependencies between the parameters of the elements of the control system;

    2. parametric models that describe a certain set of interrelated indicators that characterize the modeling object in one way or another;

    3. game theory models. Game theory is a method for modeling the impact of a decision on competitors. Game models are often used when it is necessary to determine the most important factors that need to be taken into account in a decision-making situation in a competitive environment;

    4. Queuing theory models are used to determine the optimal number of service channels in relation to the demand for them. Queuing models provide management with a tool for determining the optimal number of service channels to have to balance costs in cases of too few and too many of them;

    5. Inventory management models are used to determine the timing of placing orders for resources and their quantities, as well as the mass of finished products in warehouses. The purpose of constructing such models is to minimize the negative consequences of stockpiling, which is expressed in certain costs;

    6. Linear programming models are used to optimally allocate scarce resources in the presence of competing demands.

    In practice, mixed types of models are also widely used, combining individual characteristic features of different groups of models. So, for example, parametric models respectively contain both mathematical equations that reflect the dependence of the parameters of an object and a subject, and graphic diagrams that logically show the qualitative side of the connections of these same parameters.

    Analysis of means and ends in the problem solving process Any analysis of a system or process must begin with identifying and forming the goal of the object being studied. Goals are born as a result of studying the problem. In a weakly structured system where a person operates, there is always something that people do not like, that they want to eliminate, i.e. there are problems. Thanks to the connection of systems with the supersystem, subsystems, and the external environment, a tangle of interconnected problems is formed - a problematic. Analysis of the problem leads to the formulation of a goal that eliminates the problem in the most preferable way. Goals are characterized by the following features and properties: b clear orientation to a specific time interval; b specificity and measurability; b consistency with other goals; b targeting and controllability; b acceptability.

    Goals are classified according to the following criteria:

    b establishment period (strategic, tactical, operational);

    b functional structure (marketing, innovation, personnel, production, financial, administrative);

    b environment (internal, external);

    b measurability (quantitative, qualitative);

    b repeatability (constant (repeating), one-time);

    b hierarchy (organizations, divisions);

    b stages of the life cycle (design and creation of an object, growth of an object, maturity of an object, completion of the life cycle of an object).

    The number and variety of management goals and objectives forces any large organization with several structural divisions and several levels of management to form a hierarchy of goals. In practice, the target model is represented as a tree graph - a tree of goals. This scheme represents a decomposition of the main goal into subgoals according to the following rules:

    b the general goal located at the top of the graph must contain a description of the final result;

    b implementation of the subgoals of each subsequent level is a necessary and sufficient condition for achieving the goal of the previous level;

    b when formulating goals at different levels, it is necessary to describe the desired results, but not the methods for obtaining them;

    b subgoals of each level should be independent of each other;

    The foundation of the goal tree should be tasks that represent the formulation of work that can be completed in a certain way and within a predetermined time frame.

    The number of decomposition levels depends on the scale and complexity of the goals set, the structure adopted in the organization, etc.

    If the hierarchy of goals is constructed correctly, then each unit, achieving its goals, makes the necessary contribution to the organization’s activities in achieving the goals of the organization as a whole.

    Established goals must have the status of law for the organization, for all its units and for all members. At the same time, due to changes in the external environment, goals may change. Goals are adjusted whenever circumstances require it. In this case, the process of changing goals is situational in nature.

    Drawing up target models is the initial stage of the process of management by objectives - a concept widely used in modern management. Its essence is as follows. Management as an integral management system is focused on achieving the entire set of goals and objectives facing the organization. Therefore, every leader must have clear goals within the framework of his responsibilities. Goals and objectives are communicated and agreed (through preliminary discussion) with managers at all levels, who direct their efforts, resources and energy to achieve them.

    The management by objectives process consists of four stages:

    1. the terms of reference and responsibilities of managers at all levels are determined

    2. development and coordination of management goals and objectives is carried out within the framework of established responsibilities

    3. realistic plans are drawn up to achieve the goals set.

    4. control, measurement, evaluation of the work and indicators received by each manager are carried out and assignments are adjusted through feedback channels, which may require new coordination of goals.

    Logic as a tool and method of research Logic is the science of the general laws of development of the objective world and knowledge. The object of logic is human thinking, which is studied by many sciences from different sides and aspects. The subject of logic is conceptual or abstract thinking, and not in general, but only from its two sides: how a tool for understanding the world, i.e. from its content side, as a means of obtaining true knowledge; as correct thinking, i.e. from the formal side, how this thinking corresponds to certain principles and rules. The task of logic is to discover and systematize certain patterns of correct reasoning, which are logical laws. To reason logically means to reason in accordance with the laws of logic. Logical laws do not depend on the will and consciousness of man, because are a reflection in a person’s head of the most general relations of the real world itself. The goal of logical knowledge is the achievement of truth, which is understood in logic as the correspondence of a conclusion to the rules of thinking that are established for it. The following basic laws of logic are distinguished: 1. Law of Identity

    The first and most important law of logic is the law of identity, which was formulated by Aristotle in his treatise “Metaphysics” as follows: “ have more than one meaning means not to have a single meaning; if words have no meanings, then all possibility of reasoning with each other, and in reality with oneself, is lost; for it is impossible to think anything if you do not think one thing.” One could add to these words of Aristotle the well-known statement that to think (talk) about everything means not to think (not to speak) about anything.

    The law of identity states that any thought (any reasoning) must necessarily be equal (identical) to itself, that is, it must be clear, precise, simple, definite. In other words, this law prohibits confusing and substituting concepts in reasoning (i.e. using the same word in different meanings or putting the same meaning in different words), creating ambiguity, deviating from the topic, etc. For example, The meaning of the phrase is unclear: “Due to absent-mindedness in tournaments, the chess player has repeatedly lost points.” Obviously, due to the violation of the law of identity, unclear statements (judgments) appear. The symbolic notation of this law looks like this: a > a (reads: “If a, then a”), where a is any concept, statement or whole argument.

    2. Law of contradiction

    The law of contradiction says that if one judgment affirms something, and another denies the same thing about the same object, at the same time and in the same respect, then they cannot be true at the same time. For example, two judgments: “Socrates is tall”, “Socrates is short” (one of them affirms something, and the other denies the same thing, because tall is not short, and vice versa) - cannot be simultaneously true if speech is about the same Socrates, at the same time in his life and in the same respect, that is, if Socrates is compared in stature not with different people at the same time, but with one person. It is clear that when we are talking about two different Socrates or one Socrates, but at different times of his life, for example, at 10 years old and at 20 years old, or the same Socrates and at the same time in his life is considered in different respects , for example, he is compared simultaneously with the high Plato and the low Aristotle, then two opposing judgments may well be simultaneously true, and the law of contradiction is not violated in all this. Symbolically, it is expressed by the following identically true formula: ¬ (a L ¬ a), (reads: “It is not true that a and not a”), where a is a statement. In other words, the logical law of contradiction prohibits affirming something and denying the same thing at the same time.

    3. Law of exclusion of the third

    For contradictory judgments, there is the law of the excluded middle, which says that two contradictory judgments about the same subject, at the same time and in the same respect cannot be simultaneously true and cannot be false at the same time (truth one of them necessarily means the falsity of the other, and vice versa).

    4. The Law of Sufficient Reason

    The law of sufficient reason states that in order for any thought (thesis) to be valid, it must be proven (justified) by some arguments (grounds), and these arguments must be sufficient to prove the original thought, i.e. it must follow from them necessarily (the thesis must necessarily follow from the grounds).

    The law of sufficient reason, requiring evidentiary force from any reasoning, warns us against hasty conclusions, unfounded statements, cheap sensations, rumors, gossip and fables. By prohibiting taking anything on faith alone, this law acts as a reliable barrier to any intellectual fraud. It is no coincidence that it is one of the main principles of science (as opposed to pseudoscience or pseudoscience).

    Literature 1. Devyatko I.F. Methods of sociological research. - Ekaterinburg: Ural University Publishing House, 1998. - 208 p.2. Lebedev A.A. INTRODUCTION to analysis and synthesis of systems. Tutorial. - M.: MAI, 2001. - 352 p.3. Logics. Textbook - Kemerovo: KuzGTU, 2003. - 89 p.4. Senderov V.L., Dunenkova E.N. Research of control systems. - M.: MGOU, 2001. - 189 p.5. Subocheva A.O. . History of management. Lecture course. - M.: MIIGAiK, 2001. - 176 p.6. Philosophy: Textbook for universities / Ed. ed. V.V. Mironova. - M.: Norma, 2005. - 928 p.7. Fomina V.P. Development of a management solution. Electronic multimedia manual. - M.: MGOU, 2007. - 75 p.

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