Private loan without prepayments: real help, reviews. Private loan Loan from a private person without prepayment and collateral

A private loan is a process in which funds are received at interest, and the role of the lender is a private person or organization that has free finances, ready to provide them for a certain period for the use of another person or organization in order to make a profit or simply help. Confirmation of a private loan is carried out through:

  • oral agreement;
  • drawing up a receipt document;
  • notarization.

Obtaining a private loan can be done by contacting relatives, friends, and acquaintances. But, unfortunately, not every citizen has such an opportunity. If you don’t have such friends, you can turn to the Internet, and on the Internet you can find not just single advertisements, but entire specialized services. Such exchanges will always be relevant as long as there are people who have excess money and are ready to lend it. The article will cover:

  • what private lenders offer;
  • borrower reviews of these lenders.

Conditions for obtaining private loans

The main feature that makes this type of loan as attractive as possible is that there is no need to collect a bunch of certificates and documents. Moreover, you do not have to wait until the lender makes a final decision. This is relevant in a situation where finances are needed urgently, and you simply do not have time to run around banks and look for a suitable program. The conditions are formed in accordance with the contractual agreement concluded between the parties. There are no restrictions on amounts, periods and rates.

We should not forget that people who advertise that they are ready to lend money have the goal of earning money, and only then - simple human help. Therefore, you should understand that you will probably overpay a considerable amount for short-term use of money. To avoid unfavorable conditions, you should carefully select a suitable offer.

In addition to this, a private loan comes with certain rules. The more personal information the borrower provides about himself, the larger the loan he can count on. If he is willing to provide collateral as security for his obligations, the loan amount will be calculated in accordance with the value of the subject of this collateral. Traditionally, loans provided by private individuals are short-term in nature, calculated in monthly periods. But among the lenders there are also those who are ready to give a loan for a larger amount and for a period of 3-5 years.

Loan without written transaction

Within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation, there is a provision on the possibility of an oral conclusion of an agreement between parties who are individuals. This step is permissible in a situation where the loan size does not exceed 10 minimum wages (minimum wage). But if we are talking about a situation where relatives act as parties, then in practice the amount of the transaction does not matter at all.

In practice, the loan agreement is considered fully concluded from the moment the funds are transferred to the borrower. If he violated the basic conditions and does not repay the debt, then he does not have the opportunity to go to court and protect his own interests.

Loan against drawing up a receipt

This is one of the most common loan options. The fact on which the agreement is concluded is confirmed in the form of a receipt drawn up by the borrower. This document must necessarily contain the following set of information:

  • Full names of both parties, it is also advisable to indicate their passport information;
  • the date of transfer of borrowed funds from the lender to the borrower and the date on which they must be repaid in a certain amount (most often this is the body of the debt and the interest that has “accumulated”);
  • the amount and currency in which the contractual agreement was concluded;
  • the order in which measures to repay the debt will be carried out: these can be monthly payments or one-time financial compensation, equal shares or differentiated amounts.

In the process of returning a monetary amount, the receipt must contain a corresponding entry indicating the date and amount of the money returned. The creditor must put his own signature under it and confirm the receipt of the specified amount. This will act as evidence of fulfillment of all obligations. Next, reviews of private lenders that really help will be reviewed and studied.

Contract with notarization

In order to minimize its own risks, the lender has the right to require notarization of the transaction. The loan agreement should be taken to a notary for legal certification in a situation where the issuance of funds is usually secured by property. If we are talking about a loan without collateral, you can easily get by with one receipt, which has the same legal force as a classic contract.

The loan agreement is drawn up personally by a notary specialist, but the parties can provide their own version. In this case, the notary undertakes to check the fact that there are no contradictions with the given legislative norms, and only after that it is approved. Like the receipt discussed in the previous paragraph, this agreement must include a set of basic lending conditions.

In the process of returning a debt issued by a notary, it is imperative to obtain a second copy of the agreement from the creditor and ask him to make a note on his agreement about the fact of the return of money and the absence of claims. Otherwise, there is a risk that an unscrupulous creditor will submit the contract for execution again, and his request will be returned. In this case, the borrower will have no evidence that the debt has been repaid.

How to prevent fraud

In the process of drawing up this agreement, the lender bears the greatest number of risks. As for the borrower, he risks little, especially if he applies for a loan to a trusted organization or individual. But there is still a certain risk of ending up in the hands of scammers. Therefore, you should consider real deception schemes that will help you expose your opponent in a timely manner and take action:

  1. The requirement for prepayment, i.e. the transfer of a certain amount of money, which acts as an alleged guarantee of repayment of the debt by the borrower. After it is received, the lender, instead of issuing the promised loan, simply disappears. This situation is especially relevant and makes you wary if the creditor asks for an advance payment to be transferred by non-cash method - to a card or email. wallet.
  2. If the loan is not repaid by the borrower, the collateral becomes the property of the lender. This is where the main danger lies for a person who has taken out a private loan. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, sometimes it is not the debtor who hides from the creditor, but vice versa. The main goal of an unscrupulous creditor is the debtor's property pledged as collateral. Therefore, the borrower will need to provide a large amount of evidence that he made all possible attempts to repay the debt and that it was not returned solely through the fault of the lender.

If you have decided to take out a loan from a private person you do not know, you need to start collecting as much information as possible about this person. Read reviews on the Internet, and you should do this on third-party resources so that the responses are as objective as possible. As a rule, sites for such loans have a forum where you can ask participants about anything that interests you. It is strictly not recommended to contact persons with a dubious reputation. If both the creditor and the debtor are decent people, then nothing foretells trouble, and you can safely ask for help.

Good day, dear ladies and gentlemen. We are not brokers and do not distribute applications to all banks. Qualified assistance in obtaining a cash loan. The application is submitted remotely. You come to the bank once to sign an agreement and receive money. The procedure for signing an agreement and issuing funds takes from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Minimum package of documents. Review of the application takes from 1 hour to 24 hours. We will consider difficult situations, debtors, criminal records, high workload, bad credit history, stop list. They have trusted us for many years. Each client receives an individual approach. Submitting an application from 200 thousand to 5 million. We value our reputation. Age from 21 to 68 years. No collateral or guarantor. More than 10 years of experience. Great opportunities in the field of lending. We advise by phone. Write to the mail. Opening hours on weekdays from 7.00 to 22:00, Sat-Sun from 11.00 to 18.00. We are waiting for your calls and letters. Help is guaranteed.

No guarantors! No deposits! No upfront fee! No refusals! Perfect? This is exactly how we work, we are interested in you getting money on credit! Because payment for our services is made only after receiving the money! And you pay the commission only from the money received, and not from your pocket in advance! Therefore, if you really need to get a loan, we will help you get it! Any amount you wish, as long as it is not less than 200,000 rubles! But no more than 5,500,000 rubles, we do everything using only two documents!

Assistance in obtaining a loan for any credit history
From 100,000 to 1,500,000 rubles you only need a passport
Additional documents are welcome
but not mandatory
We pass through a bank where we have the opportunity to support the interests of our clients and ensure approval
Security Council will let it through, the lending department will approve
No income confirmation, phone calls, strict checks
Any CI, receipt in the Russian Federation

The possibility of obtaining a loan from a private person has existed for a long time, so this area of ​​activity is regulated at the legislative level. Chapter 42 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is devoted to cooperation with private investors, and one of the Federal laws is also dedicated.

Unfortunately, despite the legality of this method of obtaining money, such loans remain a rather risky enterprise for both the lender and the borrower.

The need to obtain a loan from a private individual is largely due to the inability to obtain funds from reliable organizations. Banks strive to minimize risks, so they carefully check the solvency of citizens. The application review process sometimes takes several days, and there are many reasons for a client’s refusal.

Getting a private loan is much easier. Private investors do not have the opportunity to check the borrower’s credit history, which many banks rely on to make decisions.

In fact, all the necessary documents are:

  • passport;
  • driver's license or any additional identification document;
  • a certificate of ownership is only necessary to obtain a large amount of security.

A private investor makes a decision quickly, the refusal rate is low, and there are no restrictions on citizenship, registration or other requirements that are often put forward by banks and other credit organizations. The ability to get a loan quickly and without unnecessary red tape is the factor that makes private investing flourish.

Risks for the lender

Most often, private owners offer loans from personal funds. Offers of this kind can be found on bulletin boards on the Internet, as well as on special websites dedicated to the interaction between a borrower and a private investor.

To confirm the fact of the transaction, both parties sign a receipt agreement. This document does not have to be certified by a notary, since the signatures confirm the agreement of both participants to comply with the rules, which means that such a document can already be taken to court.

The lender's biggest risk is non-repayment of funds, which is why many private owners have gained the reputation of being tough people who do not shy away from various methods of collecting debt. However, in most cases, when payment is late, creditors prefer to go to court.

The court decision is made within 24 hours, after which bailiffs evaluate and auction the borrower’s property. But this scenario does not guarantee the return of money to the giving party, since often borrowers turning to private individuals have a very bad financial situation. Therefore, the bailiffs don’t even have anything to take from them.

Most lenders prefer to secure repayment by using collateral on a car or real estate. In this case, if payment is late, the collateral becomes the property of the investor.

There is such a thing as a credit donor. This person takes out a loan for himself, but another person fulfills the obligations under the loan from the bank. Banks classify such actions as fraud. In the case of credit donors, lenders may ask for an advance payment.

A loan agreement between private individuals is concluded after the loan donor receives a certain amount from the bank. But if, after applying for a loan, the potential borrower refuses the deal, the donor has to repay the loan ahead of schedule, which entails penalties. An advance is taken to pay interest on early closure of the loan.

Borrower risks

For borrowers, cooperation with private investors is the last opportunity to obtain funds. In this area, you can encounter scammers who, under the guise of a loan donor, receive an advance payment and disappear. In addition, despite the fact that all conditions are negotiated individually, lenders are much more demanding regarding late payments.

In order to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, you need to look for information on loans from a private person with reviews. For this purpose, there are separate resources where users provide information about scammers. In addition, you can use special services that perform the functions of a third party when drawing up an agreement and following obligations.

If you can’t borrow money from a bank, then I’ll give you an urgent private loan offer that will interest you even without collateral. They are not interested in official certificates of income or work experience; they do not need photocopies or originals of work records. All that is needed is two documents from your side (the main one is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation). Mandatory permanent registration at the place where the loan was received (required in most cases).

Lenders are ready to cooperate with almost all regions of the country (of course, there are more of them in Moscow and St. Petersburg). Your history of relations with banks is also unimportant to them. I ask all those providing services for issuing urgent private loans to post their proposals in the comments. If you work only with specific regions, you can place offers on the website pages indicating the city.

Do not forget to indicate the conditions for issuing a private loan:

  • The region or regions you work with,
  • Amounts available for withdrawal
  • Loan terms
  • Additional requirements (for example, deposit).
  • Contact details.

For people requiring such services, it is important to understand the following. The interest rate on a private loan and the loan term are negotiated in each case separately. All agreements reached are recorded in the debt loan agreement and certified by a notary (which guarantees the fulfillment of the agreement). Also, real estate and land are often needed. If you have real estate that you can offer as collateral for borrowed funds, this will significantly help speed up the disbursement of money. Often a mailbox is used for contact rather than a telephone, in which case requests should be sent by mail.

I answer the most frequently asked questions when requesting a service.

1. How to contact me and who am I? My name is Vitaly, I am an entrepreneur.

2. What am I doing here and what do I want to offer you? I’m trying a new direction in business, so I have an offer for you of a private loan service.

3. Is there an advance payment or hidden fees? I don’t charge an advance payment, there are no pitfalls in the form of hidden fees and other types of payments, there are no pitfalls until the borrower receives the approved amount!

4. What are the conditions for receiving money? I want to say right away that the conditions, in my opinion and the opinion of my clients, are more comfortable than those of other organizations (especially for borrowers who do not have everything set up with CI).

The age of my target audience with whom I work varies from 18 to 65 years, and the interest rate on the loan is calculated from 8.8% to 12.9% per annum, depending on the loan amount and its repayment period.

Repayment period: from 7 days to 2 years (Here, everything also depends on you and your needs) + you can extend the term, more details in our conversation with you.

The amount you can receive is 30,000 - 2,000,000 (Everything depends on the borrower and the decision will be made after our conversation with you).

I accept applications from any person, with any qualification and employment status.

The documents that we will need to draw up the contract are a passport, SNILS (If you do not have one, then indicate in the application what documents you have).

The decision time for your application ranges from 1 hour to 2 working days.

Opening hours - 24/7!

5. Are there any promotions? At the moment, two promotions are active - a) For the first 15 applicants, a loan at a minimum interest rate (basic % - 35% = % on the loan). b) For those who received a loan from me, there is a referral program (the main principle is to refer a friend, get a reduction in the interest on the loan). More details by mail!

I believe that this information is enough for you to decide who to turn to for help. I'm waiting for applications!