Why am I better than others at interviews? How to convince an employer that you are the best candidate? Question: Do you consider yourself worthy to hold this position? Why are you better than other candidates?

In search of the right person, personnel officers (sorry - HR!) look through dozens of resumes for one position and conduct the same number of interviews. Boredom...

Against the backdrop of a queue of dozens of people, the chances of being remembered are rapidly dwindling, aren’t they?

Below are five tips on how to successfully pass an interview, be remembered by your interlocutor (for life) and make the HR person lose sleep trying to hire you.

5 ways to be memorable at an interview

(Eychar - from the pronunciation of the English letters HR, abbreviation of the expression human resource, human resources - personnel, in one word. But in one word - ours, and we are idiots, we can’t come up with anything worthwhile, so we use only foreign expressions.)

1. Emphasize yourself

Before an interview, the question “what to wear?” relevant not only for girls. It is clear that clothing should correspond to the desired position: a suit or creative casual - it all depends on what is customary to wear in your professional environment. But one important rule applies here: choose clothes in such a way that the HR person, at least in passing, will notice it to himself.

The point is not that you are greeted by your clothes, but to leave in the HR person’s memory a semantic hook associated with you.

To pass an interview, the semantic hook must be positive. That is, not a tie of an eye-catching color - such an accessory is more likely to cause irritation. It should be a beautiful, elegant thing that will make you more beautiful, add confidence to you and attract the fleeting attention of your interlocutor. People who are pleasant and interesting to look at evoke sympathy. And what they say is remembered better. And that’s exactly what you need.

2. Communicate here and now

Try to achieve full concentration during the interview. Don't allow yourself to relax until the very moment of goodbye. This seemingly simple recommendation is divided into a group of tasks:

1. Maintain eye contact with the interlocutor. Look into the eyes (or at least in the direction of the interlocutor). Almost all people are able to subconsciously interpret the feelings of their interlocutor by eye movements. Therefore, try not to invent or lie - this will be immediately noticeable to most recruiters, because they constantly work with applicants.

2. Don't sit like a graven image. Most people gesture while talking. Don't deny yourself this in order to try to appear “perfect.” Gestures, on the contrary, endear your interlocutor to you, because they often help you speak better and more clearly.

3. Use active listening techniques. Show interest in what the employer says by nodding, interjecting, and asking additional questions. Real engagement in dialogue and active conversation will set you apart from others.

4. Don’t allow yourself to say inappropriate phrases; become more familiar, even if the interview has already ended and you are just communicating with HR. Remember that you are being evaluated - constantly.

3. Prepare interesting questions

Another semantic hook is questions. An unexpected and interesting question will remain in the HR person’s head for longer than 10 minutes. During an interview, HR people are “bribed” by well-posed professional questions. The applicant will also have to delve into the history of the company and its news to demonstrate the seriousness of their intentions. The results may be worth it.

Of course, this method is not always suitable for everyone: there are HR people who do not understand anything about the activities of the company for which they are hiring. They simply make an initial selection of applicants and are superficially interested only in your qualifications.

But if you are interviewing with a company manager, then a few specific questions can become a big plus on your resume. Not only will you be remembered well, but you will also show yourself as a curious, attentive and interested person.

4. Rehearse

To pass an interview, there is an important truth to remember: you should always prepare for an interview. Absolutely always, even if you seem to know the answers to the questions. Go over in your head everything that a recruiter might ask - especially those very questions that many people don’t like: “Why you?”, “Why us?”, “What salary are you expecting?”, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” ?. Rehearse everything you wanted to say, write out your talking points, remind yourself in what order you want to tell everything you need to say.

If you forget something, stutter, and remember things during an interview, this may be perceived as lack of confidence or incompetence. This is how your employer will remember you.

5. Focus attention

Remember that you are one of ten candidates. During an interview, the HR manager will not remember all the information you give him. Most likely, he will remember (or write down) your first and last name, education, recommendations, who you worked with (if it matters), last place of work, programming or foreign languages ​​you speak (if it matters), results at your previous job .

Therefore, there is no need to talk about the beginning of your career 15 years ago, but focus on the points above to pass the interview. Tell us about your basic education and how it helps you work in your specialty, how you completed your studies and where, where you worked and with whom, what you achieved. This information should be firmly lodged in the head of the HR manager.

And lastly: no matter what happens during the interview, do not panic. Remind yourself: “This is just an interview, after which I will not be eaten, deprived of my salary or ridiculed in public.” Any interview is an excellent lesson that teaches the practice of public speaking, self-presentation and self-confidence. The main thing is to analyze mistakes and learn from them.


  • What will you definitely be asked about in an interview?
  • How to answer the three most tricky questions
  • HRs tell why applicants don’t pass interviews

What will you definitely be asked about in an interview?

Experts say one of the reasons why applicants fail interviews is the lack of clear answers to the simplest questions, such as why you want to work for the company or what your strengths are. To prevent this from happening, experts advise preparing in advance for these typical questions. You will hear these five questions in almost any interview.

1. Why do you want to work with us?

This question is usually asked to see your motivation to work for the company. To answer it succinctly and clearly, you need to prepare. To do this, you should read about the company and the industry in which it operates, study profiles on social networks, etc. When answering a question, you should avoid general expressions and operate with specific facts. You can recall the direct work of the company, corporate culture, achievements or prospects that the company provides. The more you know about the company, the more thorough your answer will be. The employer will definitely note this.

2. Why should we choose you? What sets you apart from other candidates?

This question is your chance to draw the employer's attention to your strongest professional qualities. When preparing for this question, it is worth starting from the requirements of the vacancy. Read the employer's list of requirements and try to understand what exactly the employer is looking for and wants to see. Then think over or write down your qualities, highlight two or three main points that you think will be of most interest to HR. Pay special attention to those points that appear less often in other resumes. For example, entrepreneurial activity, long-term experience in one field, etc. Illustrate your answer with specific examples.

By the way, one of the variations of this question may be a question about your strengths. To be ready to answer any of the options, and also not to hesitate if you are asked clarifying questions, it is best to prepare several examples in advance. In any case, remember that by asking this question, the employer is trying to understand whether you are truly better than all other candidates for this position. Your task is to demonstrate this to him in the best way.

3. Why are you leaving your previous job?

The main thing to remember when answering this question is no negativity. By asking a question, the employer wants to get to know your background better and understand the reasons and criteria for looking for a new job. Speaking negatively can make a bad impression. It's best to focus on the prospects and opportunities for development that you see in your new job. At the same time, we must not forget that the answer should be based on your professional plans and specific facts, and not on vague ideas about the company. The company website, pages on social networks, as well as the vacancy text itself will help you with this.

4. What are your weaknesses?

There are a few things to keep in mind when answering this question. First, it's best to talk about traits that have nothing to do with a specific job. Secondly, you can remember the traits that you have worked on and corrected. For example, by completing training, mastering time management techniques, etc. The main thing is to show that your weaknesses will not affect your future work.

5. Tell us about your experience?

At first glance, it may seem that the entire interview is devoted to this topic, so it makes no sense to prepare in advance for such a question. However, in practice, answering it clearly, intelligibly, and, most importantly, concisely - without preparation it may not be so easy. After all, it is important not only to talk about your professional responsibilities, but also to present to the employer the best moments of your career and your achievements in previous places of work. To do this, review your resume and vacancy again. Think about which examples will be the most illustrative and, in chronological order, tell us about the most successful examples from your professional practice.

Psychological interview questions: how to answer the three most tricky questions

Try to remember a difficult situation in your career from which you emerged with dignity and of which you can be proud. Doing this quickly is not so easy. However, such questions are sometimes asked during interviews. To be prepared for them, it is better to prepare in advance. There can be many variations of various psychological questions at an interview. We have collected three of the most popular.

1. Tell us about a difficult situation at work and how you dealt with it

By asking this question, the employer wants to see what is a difficult situation for you, how effectively you can work in such conditions and solve problems. First of all, it’s worth thinking of a few specific examples from your career in advance. Pay attention not just to difficult moments at work, but to those situations that you successfully dealt with and that best demonstrate your professional skills and personal qualities.

After describing the situation, focus on what you did to solve it, what the result was, and what conclusions you drew. It is advisable that these examples be as closely related as possible to the duties that you perform or the duties that the position for which you are applying involves.

Experts advise avoiding examples of problematic situations that were caused by you, for example, if you missed a deadline, mixed something up, or made a mistake.

2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? / What is your career goal?

Any employer wants to see a motivated and interested employee. Therefore, by asking this question, he wants to understand how your career plans compare with the vacancy, and, accordingly, determine how passionate you will be about your work, how long you plan to work in the company.

When answering this question, try to be as enthusiastic as possible and, if possible, show the connection between your career plans and this position, and why you consider this vacancy as an important part of your career path.

3. Describe your ideal job

This question is typically asked to understand what you like and dislike about your job and, therefore, how your values ​​align with the company's values. If you're not sure where to start when preparing for this question, think about what parts of your job you enjoy most (e.g., creative outlets, working with people, autonomy, etc.). Ideally, you need to focus on those elements that are related to the position for which you are applying and show the employer your motivation and interest.

Why applicants don’t pass interviews: HR stories

No matter how many interviews you go through, each interview with an employer is still a small professional challenge. In a short period of time, you need to win him over and convince him that you are the best applicant for the vacancy. But not everyone succeeds in this. The editors of rabota.ua asked HR managers and recruiters to tell us about the biggest mistakes of applicants, due to which they do not pass interviews and ultimately do not get a job.

OKSANA ABRAMENKO, recruiter of Lviv consulting group:

« If you are an excellent specialist, you don’t need to tirelessly repeat this during an interview, repeating that you are the best. Such obsession only repels. HR will already understand that you are an excellent specialist, without unnecessary repetitions. Your achievements and experience, with the right presentation, will speak for you. Often, applicants do not feel the line when they no longer need to “sell” themselves, and this ruins them. In my practice, there was a story when a female applicant successfully “sold” herself to the employer, convincing him of her professional qualities and skills. But when the time came to tell more about herself as a person, she, not realizing her victory, continued in the same spirit - she again began to talk about her professional merits, as if she had not heard the HR question. She didn't get the job.

During interviews, applicants often criticize their past employers, colleagues, and projects. This is a big mistake. If in a person’s professional past, according to him, everything was bad - an unbearable boss, annoying colleagues, uninteresting work, then most likely the problem is with him, and not with others.

The applicant must speak 80% of the time during the interview. Therefore, monosyllabic answers, reluctance to engage in dialogue, lack of examples in response to specific questions - all this leads to the fact that the candidate does not pass the interview. But at the same time, you don’t need to try to become the first violin at the interview and start asking a lot of questions to HR from the first minutes. Good self-presentation should not be confused with talkativeness or tactlessness.

Those who don’t know what they want from work and life don’t pass the interview. People who want, in their words, development, but at the same time cannot specifically answer the question of what their expectations are from a new job and where they see themselves in the future. As a rule, such candidates work for a very short time and quickly become discouraged. However, some applicants feel that something is wrong and ask for advice. We advise, and sometimes we actually manage to guide a person.

Any information about an applicant can be verified, so you should always be honest. Untruths will sooner or later emerge from one source or another. But at the same time, applicants often try to outwit the HR manager. One day, a candidate, citing family circumstances, canceled the interview. I found him on social networks and discovered that on that day the person “checked in” in Egypt.

In general, when the applicant himself cancels the interview, we usually wait for him to take the next step; we do not want to force anyone to take the position. But, as a rule, if this happens, then in 99.999% of cases the candidate is not interested in the vacancy, but he does not have the courage or simply the understanding that it is better to say about it. You should always inform HR about this - it will be a plus in the future, the candidate will be contacted again. But when a person simply deceives, makes up excuses, or disappears altogether, then it’s unlikely.

Many applicants forget that they are being evaluated ALL THE TIME, not just during the interview. One day, a candidate very familiarly discussed the details of an interview on a mobile phone while walking down the stairs, thinking that he could not be heard. He did not receive an offer from an employer.

In the “struggle” for a vacancy, it is often not the most experienced and professional, but holistic, mature and open-minded candidates who win. I very often pay attention to how the applicant behaves during the employment process, how open he is to dialogue, takes an honest position towards the employer, values ​​his time and the HR time, etc. When a person is sincere and transparent in his intentions, then we, as intermediaries between him and the employer, often want to support and advise something. For example, when a company is very delaying in deciding the answer. When they treat us like human beings, it’s very captivating.”

OLGA KUBAREVA, recruitment consultant at IT company Betsson:

« The basis of every interview is the principles “I respect myself” and “I respect you.”“I respect myself” means that you are confident in yourself, you know what you want from a new job, you know your strengths, as well as the range of tasks that you enjoy and that benefit the company. This is also the principle of personal responsibility for one’s own ethical behavior, for the truthfulness and accuracy of the information in the resume. After all, you wouldn't want to work with people who cheat, right? Questions to ask yourself before the interview: “what is my next goal?”, “what do I want to do,” “what do I enjoy working on?”, “what brings me joy/benefit/satisfaction?”

The “I respect you” principle means that you are willing to be flexible and leave the right to employers to ask questions that they consider appropriate. If a question is unpleasant, you have the right to clarify the purpose of the question and openly say that you do not know or do not feel that you can answer the question. For example, job seekers often become irritated when asked about their 3-5 year goals. But sometimes there is actually a meaning behind this question, for example, if the company has a career plan for everyone.

Think about how you feel if you begin to consider the person you are talking to as stupid, narrow-minded, or unworthy of your attention. Most often a person will feel it. Even if you smile, your tone of voice and body gestures will tell a different story. Think about how you felt when someone spoke to you in a dismissive manner. Would you like to continue communication? Hardly.

Closedness and reluctance to build a dialogue - all this does not work in favor of the candidate. If a person is not ready to disclose information about his past experience, says too often “it doesn’t matter”, “I wouldn’t want to talk about it”, “everything is written in the resume”, “I don’t know” - this may indicate that the candidate hides something or was not fully included in the workflow.

An interview is like an exam that you need to “pass” and then live for real. This attitude of applicants often leads to their answers sounding like they were in an exam. They are formulaic and “dry”. The candidate thinks that the main thing is to give the “correct answers” ​​and hide all mistakes. But this is a mistaken opinion. After all, with such behavior, HR may wonder whether you need this particular job. Therefore, do not “skip” the interview, “live” each interview - analyze what was good and what still needs to be worked on.

Always “try on” the vacancy for yourself before the interview. Never come unprepared. Unfortunately, this happens quite often. Perhaps some words or responsibilities in the description of the company or vacancy caught your attention. Perhaps the site's style is dynamic and matches your mood. Find out reviews about the company from your friends. This will help you create a more comprehensive picture, find common ground with HR, the company as a whole, and be convincing.”

ALINA SEVASTYUK, head of business development department at KPMG, author of trainings on life and career planning:

« There should be a sense of proportion and style in everything, so that you don’t have to run a marathon in high heels. Your task is to get a new job, and not just to show individuality. Measure and style in an interview are appearance, the ability to make a first impression, and at all stages of the interview to master not only the subject, but also oneself.

Many applicants are not prepared to answer specific questions specifically.“Why did you pay attention to our vacancy?”, “What distinguishes you from other candidates?” – I am often left without clear answers to these questions. And is it important. The candidate must know what makes him unique, what he can offer the employer, and why he needs to work in a particular company.

There is no need to paraphrase your resume. Talk about what you value in your job and profession, why you are interested in the position, and what you can bring to the team and company.

I always ask candidates to describe their dream job. Despite the obviousness of this question, for some reason many people describe work that does not in any way correspond to the format of the vacancy for which they are applying. If your dream is to become a freelancer, why are you going to an interview to get a position at a bank?

Unpreparedness for improvisation. It manifests itself when you need to demonstrate your skills and abilities at an interview. For example, come up with several options for text headings, or, while still in the foyer, comment on its interior. During interviews, I try to make it all as comfortable as possible for the applicant - I simply conduct a conversation with him. But at the same time, I evaluate how quickly a person can react in new situations and make decisions. Most people, unfortunately, don't succeed.

When looking for a job, the employer is your client. Always remember this. Often, applicants are inattentive to the employer’s requests, be it a request to call back at the appointed time or send a file in the required format to the desired address, indicating a specific topic. When hiring, every detail is important. How attentive you are shows the seriousness of your intentions.”

EVGENY KOZAK, HR Director, Corum Group:

« When it comes to working with people, it is always worth remembering subjectivity. It often happens that a recruiter will forgive one candidate for the same pattern of behavior, but will not consider it acceptable for another. Candidates, in turn, may blame an incomprehensible recruiter for their failure at an interview.

The root mistake is the applicant’s lack of a formed understanding of which company he is going to for an interview. As a result, he will be confused when answering the recruiter’s questions and will not seem interested in working for this particular company.

You should always prepare for an interview. To do this, I recommend collecting and remembering the following information about the company: the dynamics of its main performance indicators, its activity - in terms of participation in exhibitions, conferences, round tables, interviews with top officials of the company (this will help to form an understanding of the corporate culture), study the company’s pages on social media networks.

It won’t be difficult for professionals to use their questions to break down the candidate’s experience and results into components. And if a candidate is unable to clearly explain how exactly he achieved the results outlined in his resume, this calls into question his professionalism and honesty. Therefore, I would recommend: do not forget to indicate your results, but also be prepared to talk about them in more detail.

A professional HR person does not ask anything unnecessary. Therefore, refusal to answer the recruiter’s questions, ranging from evasiveness to the phrases “this does not concern you” - this negatively affects the outcome of the interview. If the recruiter is a boor and asks questions of a personal nature, then you can carefully avoid answering and focus on the fact that this question is not related to work.

One of the biggest mistakes candidates make is leaving their previous company and not preparing the ground for recommendations. If you write about serious results in your resume, but cannot provide a list of people who can characterize you as a professional and as a person, be sure that in a serious company you will most likely not be allowed past the first interview.”

TATIANA NIKITOVICH, recruiter, director of the recruitment agency Smart Solutions:

« When an applicant tries to get a guarantee of career advancement during an interview, this is alarming. After all, the person has not done anything yet. I sometimes heard this phrase: “You guarantee me?” A job subject to successful completion of the interview - yes, but further success is the responsibility of the person himself. In general, shifting responsibility onto someone else is a fundamentally wrong position. It’s even worse when a person doesn’t understand this and shows himself this way during an interview.

Often, candidates are ruined by their unwillingness to adapt to the employer. If a person is not ready to show a certain loyalty already at the interview stage, even when answering hypothetical questions, then he is unlikely to show it in further work. But the employer wants to be sure that in a critical situation the potential employee will not let him down. For example, I asked one of the candidates for the position of office manager if she was ready to stay late at work if, for example, a courier with an important package was late. She replied that her boyfriend would be very angry if she did not leave the office at exactly 18.00. And there are many similar examples.

Employers also want to be interested in them and to be on the same page with them. Candidates who come to an interview just to sell themselves, but at the same time have little interest in the specifics of the company’s work, key needs and goals - this attitude cancels out everything. Even highly qualified and experienced. At the same time, the candidate’s interest, when he is in the topic and has a general understanding of the industry and the company’s activities, is very attractive.

Any city is still a big village. HR people often ask for informal recommendations, ones that the person doesn’t know about. Therefore, always behave with dignity and leave with dignity, so that after the interview unpleasant details do not become clear about you. Alas, this happens often, and we learn about conflicts in previous places of work. Even if not everything went smoothly for the applicant in the past, during the interview there is always an opportunity to talk about this in correct wording. HR will appreciate honesty.

They don't get interviews because of the salary. Those who ask for little make you doubt their qualifications. Those who ask for too much make you doubt the adequacy of their self-esteem. Therefore, before an interview, you should always find out as much as possible about salaries - from the Internet, from friends and acquaintances working in the right field, and then you will sound convincing.”

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Purpose of group interview

  • Weed out obviously unsuitable candidates.
  • Test applicants for stress resistance (during such an interview, many begin to get nervous, show aggression and irritation, which is unacceptable in a position that involves direct communication with people).
  • Study the behavior of the applicant in a team (for some, a group interview may be disorienting, while charismatic individuals with leadership abilities will try to stand out from the rest of the applicants).
  • Assess communication skills.

When is the group interview held?

A group interview is carried out when:

  • low importance of the vacancy;
  • a large number of applicants;
  • hiring for mass vacancies that do not require high professional training;
  • selection of personnel in several stages, the cumulative results of which will be taken into account when the employer makes the final decision;
  • hiring for certain positions (we are talking about salespeople, couriers, call center specialists, customer service managers).

Advantages of a group (collective) interview

Group interviews have their advantages and disadvantages, the main ones of which we will discuss below.

  • Saving employer time, especially if you urgently need to hire an employee.
  • Opportunity for the employer objectively compare several applicants for a position, as well as identify withdrawn, irritable and impatient individuals.
  • For the applicant, a group interview is useful because it allows you to understand your strengths and weaknesses against the background of other applicants, assess the level of opponents, see how more experienced specialists behave and draw a conclusion about what needs to be worked on in order to appear more prepared and collected next time, which will increase the chances of getting the position.

Disadvantages of a group (collective) interview

  • Inability to pay sufficient attention to each applicant. As a result, the employer may miss character traits that would have emerged during an individual interview. For example, a passive candidate may be a good professional, but at the same time a modest person, while an active applicant may ultimately turn out to be a self-confident and vain lazy person and an upstart, who will later be dismissed during the probationary period.
  • A group interview can take 2–3 hours, which is a disadvantage for the applicant.
  • Lack of close attention from the recruiter, as a result of which the applicant has the mistaken opinion that he is not being looked at. Result: relaxation, inattention, lack of concentration of the candidate. Remember: the recruiter is not asleep, and therefore at the most inconvenient moment for you he can ask a question that will unsettle you!

How is a group interview conducted?

Having an idea of ​​how a group interview goes, you can prepare for it as efficiently as possible, which will give you confidence and increase your chances of getting the desired vacancy.

Presentation of the company

At this stage, the interviewer briefly talks about the company itself. And here it is very important that the applicant not only listens carefully, but also asks questions, the answers to which will help him understand whether he will cope with this vacancy. After all, there are often situations when the internal culture of a company is attractive and completely satisfactory, while the work process cannot be established due to a lack of experience and professionalism.

Interview Questionnaire

Questioning is the simplest and most common method, which allows you not only to “get to know” potential applicants, but also not to “lose” those invited to a group interview. This interview format allows you to provide only the information that you consider necessary.

Brief self-presentation

This is an integral part of a group interview, suggesting that each applicant will briefly talk about himself (to be more precise, he will unobtrusively advertise himself and his professional abilities). But what to do if you are literally paralyzed? fear of public speaking?

  • Prepare and speak your presentation at home in advance.
  • Come up with short positive statement, which will help you get ready before the performance. For example: “I will succeed!”, “I am an excellent speaker!”.
  • Breathe correctly, because breathing is strongly connected with any of our emotions. To calm down, breathe slowly and deeply into your belly. A breathing technique in which you inhale for 6 seconds and exhale for 6 seconds will be useful.
  • Hum a song to yourself which helps you calm down.
  • Take a leader's pose: straighten your back, pull your shoulders back, look at the horizon, place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes turned slightly outward, your knees straight. This body position gives confidence and speaks of a person’s optimism and determination.

If none of the above techniques help, it is better to smile and say that you are worried. The employer will appreciate your honesty. But it is better not to use this technique more than once.

Group tasks for interviews

During a group interview, applicants may be divided into groups and asked to complete a specific task. These could be logic tasks, dramatization of a specific situation, or a game form of communication. Each group should have a leader, who can be chosen by the recruiter himself, but most often the informal leader makes himself known.

Such tasks help to understand whether the applicant knows how to work in a team, how creative, sociable and patient he is, whether he has leadership inclinations and whether he is able to defend his personal opinion with arguments.

At this stage, about a quarter of applicants will be eliminated by the employer, while the remaining applicants will undergo an individual or panel interview.

Panel interview

A panel interview assumes that several company employees will talk to one applicant at once. This approach makes it possible to study the personal and professional characteristics of the candidate thoroughly, without missing important details. A panel interview is conducted in cases where it is necessary to test the candidate’s competence in a highly specialized industry.

Features of a panel interview

  • All interviewers can actively participate in the interview, or they can act as attentive listeners and take notes.
  • Each recruiter evaluates the applicant individually according to his own criteria.
  • It is possible to model obviously stressful scenarios, which assume different behavior of interviewers: some will be silent, some will interrupt colleagues and the applicant himself, some will constantly ask questions.
  • During such an interview, it is extremely difficult to establish contact with all recruiters and predict the development and outcome of the interview.
  • The panel interview can be divided into several individual conversations, which is undoubtedly preferable for the applicant.

Reputable companies with a good reputation warn about a panel interview so that the candidate for the position is prepared in advance for the specifics of such an interview and is able to demonstrate his best qualities, and does not get lost and nervous in front of the recruiters, feeling like he is being cross-examined.

To win over recruiters during a panel interview, follow these guidelines:

  • Demonstrate good manners, attentiveness and respect for the interviewers by addressing each by name and patronymic (if you know that you will not be able to remember the names of all recruiters, then it is better to make appropriate notes in a notebook).
  • Be sure to answer each interviewer personally, looking them in the eye.
  • Don't get angry, irritated or upset if one of the recruiters is harsh with you (it is likely that one of their tasks in the interview is to unsettle the applicant).
  • Try to identify the main interviewer among those present and contact him more often, both verbally and visually. But keep in mind that the person who asks the most questions is not always in charge.
  • Take your time with your answers and don’t try to carry on a conversation with everyone at once.
  • At the end of the interview, make eye contact with each interviewer and thank them for their attention and time.

How to pass a group interview?

A group interview is a real stress for the applicant, and it is quite possible to survive it safely if you adhere to the simple rules given below.

  • If you were not warned in advance that the interview will be a group interview, don't be scared and don't leave. Even if you don't make it to the next stage of the interview, it will be a good experience that may be useful to you in the future.
  • Don't be afraid to take the initiative during a group interview: offer your ways to solve the problems, defend your point of view, but at the same time respect the opinions of other applicants. Remember that your main goal at such an interview is to stand out from other applicants.
  • Don't relax: follow the interview progress closely, even if the recruiter does not communicate directly with you, because a false sense of security in such a situation can play a cruel joke on you.
  • Don't forget about the rules of business etiquette: even if the answers of other candidates for a position seem boring, uninteresting and monotonous to you, listen carefully to them without yawning or interrupting.
  • When criticizing your competitors, do so politely and reasonably. Argue your point of view, proposing a constructive solution to a particular problem. But here is an unfounded phrase thrown in passing: “What nonsense!” or “I wouldn’t do that!” speaks of tactlessness and lack of respect for other people's opinions.
  • Don't be stingy with a nod of approval or praise from another candidate if you think he deserves it: believe me, the employer will definitely appreciate it showing friendliness and politeness towards a competitor.
  • Remember that smile, friendliness and cheerfulness are conducive to themselves and open many doors. In addition, you do not know exactly what criteria will be used to select candidates at this stage. It is quite possible that your openness will increase your chances of getting the desired vacancy.
  • Maintain your individuality and don’t give in to the herd mentality. Say what you think and feel, not what the majority thinks. Always adhere to your personal, informed position, and do not rely on the answers of other applicants.
  • Don't lie and don't cheat, especially if you don’t know how to do it. This looks stupid and unprofessional, so experienced recruiters will immediately notice this, which will reduce the chances of getting the coveted vacancy to zero. In addition, in the age of information technology, it is easy to double-check information related to your work activity.
  • Keep Spartan Calm, even if they try to throw you out of balance with all sorts of provocative questions or actions. If you think the recruiter’s question is incorrect, state it directly, thereby demonstrating your self-esteem. But under no circumstances should you be confrontational or rude.
  • Raising your voice during an interview is not acceptable, and this applies to both the applicant and the recruiter.
  • If you did not hear or did not quite understand the interviewer’s question, do not hesitate to ask again or clarify information. It is not recommended to use the phrases: “I don’t understand” or “I’m hard of hearing.” It’s better to modify the wording: “I understood correctly.”

If you were unable to successfully pass a group interview, analyze your answers, objectively evaluate your self-presentation and behavior, compare yourself with your competitors and work on your mistakes. Take what happened not as a personal defeat, but as a new experience in your life.

Stressful interview

For applicants for certain positions, interviews can be conducted in a stressful manner, which allows test the candidate’s resistance to stress and his ability to control himself, regardless of the circumstances. Let's consider the features of conducting such an interview and the rules of conduct that will help you pass it with dignity.

But first, let’s talk about what types of personnel require a stressful interview.

At risk are:

  • banking workers;
  • sales managers;
  • advertising managers;
  • management team, especially if the work is related to the service sector;
  • insurance agents;
  • workers whose professional activities involve high psychological and emotional stress (rescuers, emergency workers, firefighters, police);
  • reporters and journalists;
  • service industry workers.

Important! Stress interviews can be conducted for both ordinary employees and senior managers. In the first case, the purpose of such an interview is to test the candidate for patience, restraint, tact and ability to resolve conflicts. In the second, to identify the applicant’s ability to make informed and correct decisions in non-standard situations that require maximum composure.

Stress interview examples

It is impossible to predict exactly what a stressful interview will be like. Let's look at the most popular techniques used by employers, which will help the applicant to prepare himself psychologically and not get confused during an interview of this format.

After all, the company does not always warn that the interview will be held in a non-standard form in order to catch the candidate by surprise (and here you should think about whether you want to work in a company where employees are “tested for strength” in such an incorrect way).

Endless wait for an interview

The candidate is invited for an interview at a specified time. But at X-hour the secretary (or the recruiter himself) asks the applicant to wait a little. This “little” can last for 10–15 minutes, after which the interview is again shifted to another 10–15 minutes, and at this very time the recruiter can have a pleasant conversation with colleagues or leisurely stroll around the office. Be prepared that the wait for an interview can last up to an hour.

How to end the long wait for an interview? The answer to this question largely depends on what position you are applying for.

If you came to the company as an ordinary employee, you will have to be patient and wait for an invitation to an interview. At the same time, the waiting time can and should be used to benefit yourself and your image. How to do it? Read a book (make sure you have one in advance) or a magazine suggested by the secretary. In this way, you will not only demonstrate complete calm and self-control, but also show yourself as an erudite and well-read person who knows how to spend his free time profitably.

If you are planning to take a leadership position in a company, remember that the delay in this case should not be more than 15 minutes, after which you should ask the secretary or recruiter why the interview time has shifted. If they cannot clearly explain to you the reasons for the delay, calmly inform that you can no longer expect an interview, politely say goodbye and leave the company.

You must be respected as a leader, so maintaining your self-esteem in such a situation is extremely important, not to mention the fact that by your actions you will demonstrate the ability to tactfully resolve conflict situations. Most often, such departure is followed by a call from the company with an offer to reschedule the meeting, and at a time that is most convenient for the applicant.

Repeating questionnaire

This technique involves asking the applicant to fill out a questionnaire or take a test. Moreover, you will have to do this “routine work” more than once due to the fact that the employer, for example, will not understand your handwriting or will see errors or blots. In addition, the same questions in a questionnaire or test may be asked several times. In a similar way, such character qualities of the candidate as endurance, patience and the ability to calmly perform monotonous and routine work are tested.

Sometimes this type of verification can be complicated by the fact that the applicant is not given space to fill out the application form. In this case, you should not be modest and, sitting on your knees, cope with the task. You must show that you respect yourself, so in this situation, find out where you can go to fill out the form in a comfortable and convenient environment.

Boorish behavior at an interview

The name of the interview tactics speaks for itself. Thus, a recruiter can constantly interrupt the candidate, be rude, criticize and even accuse him of incompetence, and become on a first-name basis. This behavior of the employer should take the applicant out of his comfort zone, make him nervous and make mistakes, get angry and make excuses.

How to act in such a situation?

  • Focus on the questions, and not on the recruiter’s unpleasant comments.
  • Don't make excuses if you think that the accusation or reproach from the employer is unfair. Either provide counterarguments, or answer that you came to the interview to get a job, while you did the work on the mistakes made at your previous job on your own.
  • Don't let it go to "you" in the employer’s communication with you (remember about self-esteem and the rules of business etiquette). If, nevertheless, such treatment was allowed, politely inform the recruiter that such treatment is unacceptable in the interview format.

Framework for an interview

This is a rather unpleasant and incorrect way of working with a candidate, which consists in the fact that the recruiter asks many uncomfortable questions that affect the candidate’s family or sexual life, his religious or political views.

At the same time, the interviewer can comment on your answers and continue to develop the topic, arguing that he wants to liberate you in this way and calm your anxiety. It's a lie! The goal is to anger and infuriate the applicant, and also to test his ability not only to cope with a stressful situation, but also his ability to fight back, including his superiors.

Important! Remember that politics, sex and religion are forbidden topics during an interview, so questions related to them can and should be delicately left unanswered, citing the fact that this information has absolutely nothing to do with your professional skills in general and employment in this company in particular.

Hell at an interview

Fortunately, such a tough format of a stressful interview is not often practiced, since it can really damage the applicant’s nervous system. Such “hell” is set up in a small, dimly lit room with broken furniture: a chair on wobbly legs, an old table on which stands a lamp, the light of which shines directly in the applicant’s face - all these are the attributes of such an interview.

The employer’s main task in this case is to assess the candidate’s level of self-esteem and patience.

Advice! You should not humbly wait for the end of such an interview. On the contrary, you must immediately ask that the objects that cause you discomfort (for example, a blinding lamp or a broken chair) be replaced or removed, and the room ventilated (if it is smoky). Usually, after such a request from the applicant, the office is quickly put in order, or the interview is moved to another room.

Good and bad cop at interview

An interview with several recruiters is already stressful for many applicants, and if the interview is also stressful, then it is extremely difficult to concentrate in such an environment. Especially if one of the interviewers plays the role of a “bad cop”, asking a large number of provocative and not always tactful questions. In parallel, the second “good” interviewer asks predictable questions related to the candidate’s professional field of activity.

The purpose of such an interview:

  • check the candidate for honesty, since under stressful conditions it is very difficult to lie quickly and plausibly;
  • test the applicant's reaction speed and ability to concentrate.

Advice! Don’t panic and give reliable answers to recruiters, because sooner or later, if you lie, you will be exposed. And do not forget that you may well leave incorrect questions unanswered.

Sacrifice for work

This technique consists in the fact that the recruiter can suggest that the candidate change his haircut or hair color in order to get a position in the company. Or he may ask, what sacrifices can you make for the sake of work? This question is asked to assess the ability of a future employee to diplomatically respond to the inflated desires and demands of clients or managers.

Advice! A light joke on this topic will help defuse the situation (for example, you can answer that you won’t part with your gorgeous hair, but you can sacrifice your lunch break for your favorite job if necessary). You can also politely refuse such offers, explaining that work for you is a source of not only material well-being, but also moral pleasure, and therefore you do not consider the use of the concept of “sacrifice” appropriate in this context.

But by agreeing to the employer’s offer, you will show yourself not as a risky adventurer, but as a soft and pliable person, unable to defend his personal interests.

Shock interview

A truly shocking and humiliating method in which a glass of water is poured over the candidate. And in this case, the main thing for the applicant is to show character and not remain silent. This does not mean that you should throw your fists at your offender and shout unpleasant statements at him. No!

Advice! As calmly and restrainedly as possible, ask the culprit to apologize. If you are not given an apology, leave the interview with your head held high.

How to pass a stressful interview?

Here are some universal tips that will help you pass a stressful interview with minimal risks.

  • Show patience and restraint, no matter who or how you are provoked.
  • If you are confident in your abilities (and we are talking not only about professionalism, but also about the ability to control yourself), you can play along with the recruiter a little. Or immediately indicate that you guessed the stressful format of the interview.
  • A great help in any situation, including a stressful interview, is a sense of humor. A good joke will not only help defuse the situation, but will also endear you to your interlocutors.
  • When answering awkward and tricky questions, use ingenuity and resourcefulness, which will help you answer in a non-trivial way.
  • Do not show confusion, embarrassment, fear or aggression.
  • Do not be rude or rude in response, since this is exactly what is expected of you at this type of interview.

And one more thing: remember that your professional skills should and will be appreciated, and if not in this, then in another company. In addition, if a company uses this kind of interviews when recruiting personnel, there is no guarantee that even after being hired you will not work under constant pressure and pressure from management that does not adhere to the corporate culture.

What questions are asked at an interview?

To successfully pass an interview, it is important not only to have professional skills, but also to be able to present yourself in a favorable light to the interviewer, answering his questions with dignity. We’ll talk about the most common questions asked during an interview next.

Tell us about yourself?

The essence of this question is not just to find out about a person, but to immediately evaluate his speech literacy, the ability to highlight the main and secondary, setting priorities.

The story should contain information exclusively about work achievements directly related to future work. There is no need to restate your resume, since you have already become familiar with it.

Advice! Clarify what exactly the interviewer wants to hear. This will help not only give a more accurate answer, but also buy time to cope with anxiety and collect your thoughts.

Tell the recruiter about:

  • recent professional achievements;
  • specialized education and advanced training courses;
  • personal qualities that help in work;
  • career goals;
  • factors that brought you to this company.

Important! Spend about 30 seconds on each of the categories listed above, so you will be able to present yourself in 2 to 3 minutes.

And remember that there are taboo topics during an interview, namely, family and financial problems, politics, religion and intimacy. Even if you are provoked, try to gracefully avoid such questions, thereby you will show a loyal attitude towards people, regardless of their views on life.

What is your marital status?

When asking this question, the employer wants to clarify several points:

  • will you be able to stay late at work if necessary, that is, work overtime;
  • go on urgent and long-term business trips;
  • Do you have small children who are often sick and who need to be taken out of kindergarten and school?

Advice! Answer this question as truthfully as possible, do not lie or bully, but correctly explain that your marital status and the presence of children will in no way affect the quality and speed of the work performed. Subsequently, if you establish yourself as a responsible and professional employee, you will definitely be given concessions in exceptional force majeure situations.

Why did you leave your previous job?

It is important for the employer to know not only why you decided to change the company, but also whether you can take responsibility and admit your mistakes.

Advice! You should not scold your bosses and colleagues, complain that you were underpaid and forced to work without lunch and weekends, and that your contribution to the common cause was not appreciated. The employer will instantly project the situation onto himself and understand that if you decide to quit, you will begin to tell unpleasant things about their company, which will harm its reputation.

It is better to answer that you had certain personal difficulties, there was no career growth, you decided to change your occupation and apply your skills and knowledge in a slightly different area. It would be appropriate to refer to the territorial distance of your previous place of work from home or a schedule that no longer suits you.

But you shouldn’t lie, because if necessary, the employer can always call your old place of work and find out the true reasons for your dismissal.

Why did it take you so long to find a job?

This question is especially relevant if there was a long break between the date of dismissal and employment.

Advice! Do not say that all the previously offered vacancies were unworthy of you and did not meet your high requirements, since this is perceived as excessive self-confidence and ambition. In addition, you should not answer that you tried to get a job many times, but for unknown reasons you were rejected everywhere. The employer is not a benefactor, and therefore is interested in valuable and qualified employees, and professionals in their field are unlikely to be denied 20 companies in a row.

Important! Explain the long break from work by saying that you were engaged in self-development, attending courses and trainings. If the reason for the protracted “forced leave” was family problems, then tell the recruiter about this, but add that today you have completely resolved all the problems, and therefore are ready to work at full capacity.

Why do you want to work in our company?

This question is asked to check the focus on a specific company and awareness of its activities.

It is important for any employer that its employee does not just perform his job mechanically, but is also interested in the growth of the company, in its well-being and development. Therefore, if you want to make a good impression at an interview, study in advance the company’s activities, its achievements and market position. And don’t forget to voice all these points in your answer, emphasizing the fact that you have always wanted to work in such a promising company, especially since you can make your contribution to its development.

Advice! The recruiter should not know that perhaps this vacancy just came up for you or that you have not yet found a better option today, that you are simply satisfied with the salary or the office is located near your home. In addition, an explanation based on the applicant’s financial problems will be perceived negatively: loans, sick relatives, paying for housing, etc. You must show that you came not only to earn money, but also to participate in the development of the company.

What positive and negative qualities of your former boss can you name?

A recruiter has several goals when asking this question. Firstly, it tests how tactful you are. Secondly, it compares the ideal of the applicant’s boss with the principles that are accepted in their company.

Therefore, if you described your former boss as compliant and kind, and in this company discipline and pragmatism are important, then you are unlikely to get the coveted position. In addition, by praising your former boss, you will thereby impose the image of an ideal boss on the new boss.

But there’s no point in scolding the former leadership for what it’s worth, it looks incompetent and childish.

Advice! The ideal answer is general phrases and no specifics. For example, “my boss was a professional in his field, but he was not always able to keep up with the times.” You can avoid answering by citing the fact that all people have advantages and disadvantages, which you do not consider correct to discuss.

What are your achievements and failures as a specialist?

This question is asked to test your honesty and ability to admit your mistakes.

Advice! It is better to operate with numbers, even in percentage terms. For example, sales increased by so many percent, the level of returns decreased by so much, etc. Three to five achievements will be enough to create a favorable image.

Mistakes should also be mentioned, but be sure to explain their cause and clarify that you drew conclusions from the mistakes made or were able to subsequently correct them. One (maximum two) examples will be enough to demonstrate your ability to be critical of yourself.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

The recruiter’s task is to find out how self-critical and demanding a person is of himself.

Advice! The five listed advantages are quite enough: diligence, responsibility, discipline, the ability to adequately perceive criticism, non-conflict.

Do not forget to mention your shortcomings, because ideal people do not exist, but it is important to present them correctly. This can either be a humorous form (for example, “I’m so lazy that I try to complete the outlined work area efficiently and quickly, so that I can leave work on time and not work after hours”). You can indicate that you are successfully struggling with your disadvantages, and therefore they in no way interfere with your professional duties.

What salary level suits you?

The employer wants to check whether the future employee is primarily focused on material gain or whether he is ready to work for the future in order to earn more over time. At the same time, this question can tell about the level of self-esteem of the applicant.

Advice! Immediately before the interview, study the labor market, which will help you assess your qualifications and determine the most acceptable salary amount for you. It is recommended to quote an amount approximately 10% higher: if the company is successful and you can interest it, then it is likely that the requested amount will be satisfied. And if not, then you will definitely receive the salary level you originally expected.

How quickly can you get to work?

This is a trick question: the recruiter not only wants to find out how quickly you will begin to benefit the company, but also tests you for integrity and responsibility.

Advice! Don’t say that if necessary, you can start work tomorrow (it’s even worse if you start saying that you’ll now buy a sick leave or leave your previous place of work in English without saying goodbye). The new employer will definitely perceive this negatively, since he understands perfectly well that you can leave him in a similar way.

It is better to focus on the fact that you first need to transfer your affairs and unfinished objects to your colleagues, and if the bosses from your previous place of work let you go earlier, then you will be happy to start sooner than in 2 weeks.

How long do you plan to work with us?

With this question, the interviewer is trying to find out what the applicant’s goals and motives are, whether he is ready to work for the future or whether working in this company is a “transfer point” for him.

Advice! If you are not sure that you will work in this company for at least several years, it is better to say that you should work at least a little to understand whether the company is suitable for you, and you for it, whether you like the team, whether you can cope with the tasks. And if everyone is satisfied with everything, then you will make every effort to ensure that cooperation with this company is long, mutually beneficial and productive.

Where do you see yourself after 3–5 years of working in the company?

Any company needs purposeful and ambitious employees, because they are its engine. So don't be shy about talking about moving up the career ladder. BUT! Do not overdo it! It should not be said that in 5 years you see yourself in the chair of the head of a company or at least one of the company’s branches.

Advice! Remember that modesty adorns a person. Therefore, base your answer on the fact that you see yourself, first of all, as an experienced specialist in the position of senior manager who does not rest on his laurels, and therefore develops and grows with the company.

What reward would you prefer for a job well done?

This question helps the employer understand not only your value system, but also incentives, which will subsequently motivate you to work better.

Advice! Be truthful about what motivates you: bonuses, extra days off, official recognition of your services to the company. But it’s not worth telling that you don’t work for the sake of rewards and incentives; the recruiter is unlikely to believe in your altruism.

What can you say about your life and work philosophy?

This seemingly simple question leads many job seekers to a dead end. What can you tell us about yourself? About your qualities?

Advice! Don't philosophize! Yes Yes. Remember that brevity is the sister of talent, even when it comes to philosophical categories. Tell us about how you overcome the difficulties that arise, how you cope with heavy workloads and organize your time. Mention what inspires you and helps you replenish your physical and mental strength.

But the stories about how you stop a horse in its tracks, and walk into a burning hut, and give your last shirt to a friend, keep it to yourself and don’t ask for a compliment.

And remember the main thing: do not play any roles, but be as open and sincere as possible, then they will definitely want to see you as part of the team in the new company.

When selecting personnel, the employer can arrange a group interview for applicants. The primary task of a group interview is to weed out applicants who are absolutely not suitable for the company for a given position. The question arises: how to stand out among other participants?

When selecting personnel, the employer can arrange a group interview for applicants. The primary task of a group interview is to weed out applicants who are completely unsuitable for the company for a given position. The question arises: how to stand out among other participants?

During a group interview, applicants are usually divided into several teams and asked to complete certain tasks. The tasks themselves are not difficult - this is a kind of training, during which a company representative observes how sociable and active potential employees are, how they fight for their place in the sun, how they act in an unusual environment and a stressful situation, and whether they know how to work in a team.

Such a collective review allows the employer to evaluate several candidates at one time. Even if a group interview lasts several hours, the process will still speed up. In addition, during such an interview, the employer can test the stress resistance of the applicant for a vacant position and his ability to navigate well in a dynamic situation.

After a group interview, at least a quarter of the candidates are usually eliminated. If you find it difficult to get along with people and rely more on intelligence than on communication, you can predict with a high degree of probability that you will be unlucky in this struggle. I think the unappreciated humble genius will not be consoled by the fact that the recruiter was biased and simply did not have the opportunity to see the merits of the applicant against the background of other bright applicants.

Much more common is a type of group interview, which is more comfortable for some applicants, when one candidate appears before two or three representatives of the employer. A panel interview is a thoughtful move by the employer, since unlike the previous option, the company has a chance to study the candidate objectively and from all sides, without missing anything in terms of both personal and professional qualities. And due to the fact that the moment of duplication of questions disappears, time is saved for both the applicant and the employer.

When becoming a participant in a group interview, you should adhere to several rules.

  1. No matter how scary it may be, remain yourself. Unnatural behavior will somehow affect your assessment, even if the interviewer cannot express in words the reason for the antipathy.
  2. No matter how many people ask questions (or how many answer them at the same time as you), your goal remains the same - to show the employer your best side.
  3. As a member of a team of applicants like you, show initiative: strive to answer all questions, come up with your own solution to the problem.
  4. Even if you look weaker compared to your competitors, do not lose heart - it is unknown what criteria the selection will ultimately be based on.
  5. Follow the rules of action in a team: do not shout, do not be rude, show respect to your interlocutors. Try to calmly convey your point of view to your fellow competitors and the interviewer.
  6. During a panel interview, try to remember (or write down) each interviewer's name, no matter how difficult it may be.
  7. Remember that a group of interviewers is not a single organism, but different people with their own opinions, so it would be correct to pay attention to all interlocutors, addressing each one personally and looking them in the eyes. Even if it seems to you that someone from the company is hostile towards you, do not worry about this: perhaps he is simply playing the role of the “evil investigator”. And in general, the final decision will be made based on the general opinion. It's impossible to please everyone, so just show respect to your detractor.
  8. Find the leader of the interview team. It is not difficult to identify him by the reaction of the other interlocutors - the “boss” can confidently be called the person to whom the interviewers turn for approval or censure, although he may remain silent.
  9. And one last thing. Even if several attempts to participate in a group interview are unsuccessful, you will still benefit: with experience, you will eventually understand what employers expect from applicants and how best to present yourself.

During interviews, recruiters ask applicants approximately the same questions. But even despite this, candidates make the same mistakes over and over again. The Rabota.ru portal has prepared ready-made templates for answers to the most popular questions.
However, first we want to warn our readers: template answers are not always the right tactics in an interview. Some recruiters are quite cool about socially desirable answers and therefore seek to unsettle the applicant and get him to “speak” with unexpected and non-standard questions. However, if you are applying for a mass linear position, then the vast majority of recruiters will react positively to template answers, because the primary task in this case is to check the candidate’s adequacy. So, let's begin.

"Tell us about yourself"

a) “My career began when I was in my 2nd (3rd, 4th, 5th) year at university” - if you left to work in your specialty. Next, list the names of the companies you worked for and briefly describe your functionality.

b) “I graduated from ____ university with a degree in ____. My first job was the company ____.” Next we repeat point “a”.

c) “During my career, I have worked for companies _____, _____ and _____. I can talk briefly about the functionality that I performed, or go into detail about my work with my last employer. What would you be more interested in hearing?” Next, build your speech based on the recruiter’s preferences.

It is forbidden: talk about your personal life, school, hobbies. Focus only on your career path.

With caution: talk about non-core work experience. You can talk about it only if in the course of such work you have acquired skills and knowledge that will be useful to you in your desired position.

Remember: they only listen to you attentively for the first minute. Try to hook the recruiter with interesting facts from the very beginning.

"Name your strengths"

Name only those qualities that will be useful for completing tasks. For example, a programmer might say that he is analytical, good at math, and punctual. For an accountant, the strengths will be perseverance, painstaking work, and healthy perfectionism.

It is forbidden: talk about all abilities, including personal ones (for example, masterful preparation of borscht, developed pickup skills).

Be careful: answer with templates (“sociable, punctual, responsible”). Be prepared for the fact that you may be asked, for example, why you are so “outgoing” and you only have 20 friends on Facebook.

Remember: the recruiter is watching your self-esteem - long stories about your beloved self will look like an act of narcissism in the eyes of the HR manager.

"Name your weaknesses"

a) Name a weakness that is not critical to performing your job. For example, an accountant may say that he does not know English well. The driver may say that he has poor computer skills.

b) Standard answer: “I’m a workaholic and I don’t notice how time flies” or “I’m a terrible perfectionist.”

Don't: Talk about actual gaps in your professional training. In addition, revelations about personal topics (“I like to drink,” “I am weak-willed,” “I am not popular with the opposite sex”) are prohibited.

With caution: a too standard answer is easily identified by the recruiter as pre-rehearsed. To confuse you and find out the truth, he may ask additional questions: “What exactly is your perfectionism?”, “Why do you consider this a bad quality?”

Remember: all your negative aspects should somehow carry a positive meaning, no matter how illogical it may sound. “Unfortunately, my English is not as good as I would like, but I am aware of this problem and am planning to enroll in a language course next month.” This will demonstrate that you can acknowledge your weaknesses and are taking steps to correct the problem.

“Tell me about your hobbies”

If you really have hobbies, then name them. It is enough to name your hobby and tell briefly about the results you have achieved (receiving a sports rank, participating or winning competitions, etc.).

It is forbidden: talk about non-existent hobbies. Even after the first question on the subject, you can demonstrate incompetence and get caught in a lie.

Be careful: talk about controversial or too unusual hobbies. For example, if you are an ardent hunter, then this hobby is unlikely to be appreciated in a company that professes “green” and environmental principles. On the other hand, you might not want to work for a company if you don't share its values.

Remember: you should not talk at length and in detail about your hobbies - you may get the impression that your personal hobbies come first, and work comes second. If you have no hobbies, then you can talk about your interests (reading literature, walking along old streets, sports).

"Tell us about your achievements"

“At my last job, I was able to increase profits/meet targets/complete a project.” Any statements must be supported by facts and figures (increased profits by so many percent; achieved maximum growth rates compared to the previous year; the project was approved by customers and was successfully implemented).

If your job did not have any significant achievements, then tell the recruiter about the skills and knowledge that you gained in this job.

It is forbidden: talk about personal achievements (caught the biggest fish, raised an excellent son).

Be careful: talk about achievements without turning them into a personal achievement. Tell us how other team members influenced your success, without diminishing their importance.

Remember: any achievement can be verified with a few additional questions. You may be asked to name the tools and techniques that helped you achieve great results, and you may also be asked to reflect on why you think you did something that others didn’t.

“Why do you think that you are better than other candidates for this position?”

“In my opinion, my competencies most closely correspond to the requirements for this vacancy. In particular... (hereinafter a list of your strengths).” This question resonates with the question about your achievements and understanding of the company’s business.

It is forbidden: disparage or speak negatively about previous candidates. Don't compare yourself to them: focus on the fact that you are perfect for this position.

With caution: talk about your strengths within this specific vacancy. It is very easy to cross the line at which effective self-presentation ends and bragging begins.

Remember: The higher the position you are applying for, the more knowledge you need to have about the structure and operation of the company. In answering this question, you should paint in broad strokes a kind of picture for the recruiter called “How the company’s work will change after you arrive.”

Before looking for a job, you should already have a list of contacts of your recommenders ready. This may include both immediate superiors and heads of related departments with whom you worked closely. If possible, you can add contacts of managers from previous places of work. Most likely, no one will contact them, but the recruiter will know that you parted ways with your previous employer on good terms.

It is forbidden: answer “No one.” This is tantamount to answering, “In all the time I have worked in several companies, there has not been a single person who would say that I am doing a good job.”

With caution: you can list business partners and clients as references, provided that you have discussed this issue with them in advance. It will be awkward if, when pronouncing your last name, the employer hears the question “Who is this?” on the other end of the line.

Remember: the higher the position you are applying for, the higher the chance that the recruiter will ask for recommendations for your candidacy. Therefore, the list of recommenders should only include trusted people who will confidently give you a positive reference.

This article contains 15 questions that an employer will definitely ask you during an interview. They will help you prepare for a conversation, possibly with your future boss.

1 question – tell us a little about yourself.

Pay attention to how the applicant answers this question - he immediately reveals all his “trump cards” or formally presents biographical information, thereby emphasizing his ability and desire to take the proposed position. Does he only talk about the essentials, that is, does he talk about decency, hard work, interest, responsibility, experience, about his qualifications, or does he give facts that are not relevant? The employer should also pay attention to how the candidate speaks - clearly, accurately, briefly or incomprehensibly expresses his thoughts and mumbles, speaks confidently, calmly or holds himself, or maybe he is not confident.

Question 2 – what are your views on life: do you see difficulties in it and how do you cope with them.

Some candidates begin to say that current life is difficult and there are many problems in it that in most cases are insoluble; that people are unkind and evil; that there are practically no joys in life, everything depends on other people, chance or fate. It is immediately obvious that in front of you is an insecure, passive, unhappy, pessimistic person who does not trust others. Other candidates speak positively about life - there is no life without problems, any difficulties can be overcome, a person’s career and fate depend only on himself, friendly people who are ready to cooperate. This is said by a person who takes an active position in life, is ready to take responsibility, is focused on success, knows how to enjoy life and successfully interacts with other people.

Question 3 – what attracts you to this position at this job?

If the candidate answers: “I am attracted by the solidity of the company, interesting work, growth prospects...” then this is bad. A person must present specific and serious arguments: the attractiveness of working in a team of professionals, the desire to apply experience and qualifications where they can give the greatest return and will be appreciated.

Question 4 – do you consider yourself worthy to hold this position? Why are you better than other candidates?

For a candidate, this is the best question to voice, without undue modesty, all of his main advantages over other applicants. At the same time, he needs to show his ability to persuade, highlighting his advantages. It is bad if the applicant answers this question with unconvincing arguments and talks about his biographical and formal characteristics.

Question 5 – what strengths do you have?

First of all, the applicant must highlight the qualities required for this job and provide convincing evidence based on specific facts. But the employer may hear in response phrases that have been repeated many times: “I am efficient, neat, sociable,” and so on. Ask him to clarify how he demonstrates diligence, accuracy and sociability, how he listens to the client, what he has achieved through his strengths.

Question 6 – what are your weaknesses?

An intelligent applicant is unlikely to tell the employer about his shortcomings or repent of his sins. He will answer in such a way as to increase his chances: “Many people think that I am a workaholic,” “I feel good only when I work,” “I am too demanding of both others and myself.”

Interview question 7 – for what reasons did you leave your previous job?

When a candidate left his previous job due to a conflict and scolds the former manager and the former rules, then this is bad. Quitting his job due to a conflict means that he ran away from difficulties and admitted personal defeat, which left a bad imprint on the individual’s self-esteem. The habit of conflict with the team and management, a negative attitude towards people is a stable personality characteristic that is sure to manifest itself in one form or another at a new job. A good applicant will highlight only positive aspects from previous work and positive things in relationships with the team. And the reason for leaving will be the desire to get a higher-paying, interesting job that provides the opportunity for professional growth.

Question 8 – why did you want to change jobs?

This question is asked during an interview to someone who is currently still working. Just as in the answer to question No. 7, the candidate’s story about the conflict will not characterize him well. While in all countries the desire for professional growth, increased wages, and expansion of the scope of application of one’s skills and knowledge is welcomed and respected.

Question 9 - have you been offered another job?

The authority of the applicant will increase significantly if he says that he received offers from other companies, but that he was interested in this particular company. It is good if he expresses his desire to receive maximum satisfaction from his work. His mood affects not only the moral climate in the team, its health, but is also the most important condition for achieving significant results in work, a reliable guarantee against defects, negligence and mistakes, which will ultimately lead the company to prosperity.

Question 10 – were interviews in other organizations successful?

It is important for the employer to find out why the applicant was successful in the interview in some places and not in others. If the applicant convinces you that competitors are interested in him, then you need to try to prevent him from leaving for a competing company.

Question 11 – at this job, won’t your personal life get in the way?

This interview question is asked more often to women than to men. After all, work involves additional stress (constant travel, long-distance or long-term business trips, irregular working hours). Some organizations try to circumvent the law by setting strict conditions, for example, not having children for a certain time, not taking sick leave to care for a sick child, etc.

Question 12 – how do you see your position after 5 or 10 years?

Most uninitiated people who do not plan their lives and careers cannot imagine such long-term prospects. A person who is moving towards his goal will readily tell you that he wants to grow in his professional activity, and maybe about personal achievements for the future.

Question 13 – what would you change at your new job?

It is good if the candidate, in response to this, shows initiative and introduces the reorganization and the situation of innovation. But this is only possible if the applicant is familiar with the problems existing in the company. But if he doesn’t know too well about the state of affairs, but wants to redo everything in his own way, then this is bad.

Question 14 – who can give feedback on your work?

The applicant must readily provide the addresses and telephone numbers of former managers and colleagues. If a candidate withholds this information, this indicates his inexperience or bad recommendations.

Question 15 – what salary do you want to receive?

A good specialist always expects a decent high salary, as he considers himself a professional. It is better for a candidate to overestimate the expected payment than, on the contrary, to underestimate it. Don’t forget about the benefits available in the organization: free advanced training, free food and travel, preschool facilities, health insurance, bonuses and other staff concerns. If the applicant overestimates his price, then his ardor can be cooled by reducing benefits and salary.

5 more frequently asked interview questions:

16. When can you start working?
17. How do you spend your free time?
18. How do you improve your professional qualifications?
19. What professional connections can you use in your new job?
20. Do you have any questions for us?