Pumpkin jam recipe. Jam made from pumpkin, apples, lingonberries and cinnamon. To make jam you will need

You can make sweets from any garden or vegetable crop. One such culinary result is pumpkin jam. No effort, minimum cost, just combine the berry pulp with sugar and, voila, a half-liter jar of delight on your table. 90% of the pumpkin composition is water, which means it perfectly absorbs the juice and aroma of all nearby ingredients. Therefore, pumpkin can be successfully combined with various fruits and berries. The pumpkin jam recipe will help you process raw materials using a regular saucepan or slow cooker, if you have one.

The melon culture is thoroughly imbued with useful elements. When introducing it into your diet, do not focus only on the pleasant taste. Pumpkin has a positive effect on vision, digestion, blood circulation and immunity. Pectins, which are part of the fruit, remove cholesterol, toxins and even radioactive substances. Vitamins A, B, C, D, PP, T, iron, potassium, calcium and other substances fill the body with energy and normalize metabolism. You should definitely eat at least one pumpkin dish, including jam.

Classic pumpkin jam

For those who are wondering: “How to make pumpkin jam?”, a detailed simple recipe without any impurities or complications is provided. The ingredients include 1 kilogram of sugar, as well as 1.5 glasses of water.


The readiness of the jam is determined by its brown color.

Pumpkin jam in a slow cooker

Why not take advantage of modern kitchen equipment to make cooking easier? Pumpkin jam in a slow cooker is the fruit of such a culinary creation. It will require 800 grams of pumpkin, half a kilo of granulated sugar. Half a teaspoon of ginger root powder, a few grams of citric acid, and a large spoon of water will help to saturate it with unusualness. Cooking in a slow cooker is not difficult, so you can add an apple or some other fruit. For pumpkin and apple jam you will need one apple.


You can use any amount of sugar in this recipe, based on your own preferences, the main thing is not to overdo it with citric acid.

Pumpkin jam with oranges

The sweet and sugary taste of pumpkin can be diluted by adding citrus fruits. Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon is an incomparable tea remedy. For 1 kilogram you will need 1 orange and 1 lemon. 800 grams of sugar will help turn raw ingredients into jam. In addition to acquiring a new branch of taste, the usefulness of the jam also increases. The abundant presence of vitamin C, ascorbic acid, fiber, antioxidants, and beta-carotene fills the dish with even greater benefits.


Pumpkin jam with dried apricots

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots is a recipe for the most delicious potion, the creation of which requires 1 kilogram of pumpkin pulp and 0.3 kilograms of dried apricots. Half a kilo of sugar will help bring the jam to life.

The pumpkin is considered ready if it begins to turn into a puree mixture.

Video recipe for pumpkin jam with ginger

  1. Before starting work, be sure to wash glass jars with soda. You cannot clean them with detergents; if they are not washed off completely, the remaining particles will affect the storage of food in the future.
  2. Next comes the stage of sterilization of the container. This procedure is necessary to eliminate bacteria that can cause botulism. Sterilization is carried out in the usual way for us, by placing the jar on the kettle. When exposed to hot temperatures, all microbes die; a 5-minute treatment is sufficient. Modern methods offer sterilization of glass containers using ovens and microwaves. Such options are also effective and acceptable in all families.
  3. Any canning involves two options: boiling the ingredients before entering the jar and sterilizing the jars with the contents of the ingredients afterwards. The first method turns the pumpkin into a porridge-like substance, which is just right for jam. If you want to keep the chopped pumpkin pulp cubes in their original form, then it is better to resort to the second option - sterilizing the jars with the contents.
  4. Well, the final stage: rolling up the lid. Even in the last decade, capping was carried out only with tin lids using a seaming machine. Now there are many shapes and types of jars with necks with spirals for twisting the same lids. Storage in these vessels is no less reliable than with standard lids, and is most suitable for preserving jam.

Pumpkin jam for the winter is considered to be a universal preparation. After all, pumpkin is an inexpensive and accessible berry. In cooking, it is famous as an easily processed fruit, regardless of the dish. The resulting jam based on it with other fruits is so tasty and aromatic that once you try it, you will return to it every year.

Lovers of healthy desserts will surely find a recipe for interesting pumpkin jam, which can be surprisingly tasty, useful.

Pumpkin is a fairly common and not everyone’s favorite product. Although it occupies a leading position in terms of benefits for the body, many do not know where to use pumpkin, except for milk porridges and baked ones. One of the best and most unexpected ways to use this useful ingredient is to make pumpkin jam. This delicacy will appeal even to those who don’t eat pumpkin at all. In some preparations for the winter it is very difficult to recognize it - guests will wonder for a long time about the composition of this dessert. It practically lacks the characteristic pumpkin smell. By adding spices to the dish or combining any sour fruits and berries, you can prepare a truly delicious dish.

Knowledgeable housewives love to make pumpkin jam not only because of its interesting taste characteristics, but also due to the presence of a large number of valuable properties, such as:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • saturating the body with vitamins, important macro- and microelements;
  • beneficial effect on the organs of vision due to the significant content of carotene;
  • removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • stimulating brain activity.

10 pumpkin jam recipes

Recipe 1. Pumpkin jam with oranges and lemon

Ingredients: 950 g pumpkin, 950 g oranges, 950 g sugar, 130 g lemon.

We clean the pre-washed pumpkin from seeds and peel. Cut into thin slices. Wash the citrus fruits thoroughly. Cut the lemon and oranges lengthwise into quarters without peeling the zest. We cut each quarter into thin slices crosswise, removing the seeds in the process. Mix the crushed ingredients. Sprinkle with sugar. Leave for a couple of hours. Boil slowly, stirring the mixture, for about 20 minutes. Let cool for 3 hours. Warm up again. Boil until thick, skimming off any foam that forms. Transfer to a sterile container. We seal it.

Recipe 2. Pumpkin jam with dried apricots

Ingredients: 1050 g pumpkin, 340 g dried apricots, 610 g sugar, 3 g vanillin, 85 g lemon.

Wash the pumpkin, remove the peel, seeds, and fibers. Grate the peeled pumpkin. Wash the dried apricots, pour boiling water in which we leave for 25 minutes. Rinse the lemon. Remove the skin. Divide into slices, cut them finely, removing the seeds. Cut the soaked dried apricots into strips. We combine all the crushed products in a bowl intended for making jams and preserves. Add sugar and stir. Leave the mixture for 25 minutes. Heat the contents of the container, stirring, until boiling. Let cool for about 4 hours. We heat it up again. Sprinkle with vanilla. Boil for 1 minute, stirring. Set aside for 4 hours. We repeat the same cooking procedure two more times with the same intervals during which the dish will cool. Pour pumpkin jam into pre-sterilized jars.

Recipe 3. Pumpkin and apple jam

Ingredients: 470 g pumpkin, 310 g sour apples, 440 g sugar, 4 g cinnamon, 580 g water, 120 g walnuts.

Wash pumpkin and apples. We clear them of seeds. Cut out the fibrous part of the pumpkin pulp where the seeds are located and remove the peel. We cut the prepared products into cubes. Cut the peeled nuts into pieces of arbitrary shape. Fry without oil for about 7 minutes, stirring occasionally. Pour water into the pan and place the pumpkin pieces. With constant heating and stirring, add sugar. After boiling, add apples. Boil for half an hour, skimming off the foam. Add nuts to the jam and add cinnamon. Boil slowly, stirring, for 20 minutes. Transfer to clean, dried jars. Place parchment paper on top, cut to the size of the neck diameter. Store in the cold.

Recipe 4. Pumpkin jam in a slow cooker

Ingredients: 1050 g pumpkin, 1050 g sugar, 190 g oranges, 4 g citric acid.

Wash the pumpkin and orange. We peel the pumpkin by removing the peel, removing the seeds with the adjacent part of the fibrous pulp. Cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape. Cut the citrus into quarters, removing the orange seeds in the process. We turn it into a puree using a blender or grind it in a meat grinder. Grind the pumpkin in a food processor or using a meat grinder. Mix two types of puree, sprinkle with sugar. After stirring, leave for a couple of hours. Transfer the mixture with the released juice into the multicooker bowl. Select the “Extinguishing” mode with a time of 2 hours. Turn the steam valve so that steam comes out of the multicooker during cooking. Stir the jam several times. If there is not enough juice, you can add 50-70 ml of water. 15 minutes before the completion of the selected process, sprinkle with citric acid. Mix thoroughly. After cooking, we make pumpkin jam for the winter in a sterile, dried container.

Recipe 5. Pumpkin and zucchini jam

Ingredients: 950 g pumpkin, 950 g zucchini, 1700 g sugar, 145 g lemon, 140 g raisins, 180 g dried apricots, 370 ml water.

We wash the dried fruits. Add boiling water and leave them in for 15 minutes. Wash the vegetables and remove the skin. We extract the seeds from the pumpkin. We weigh the peeled vegetables - their mass should be equal to the weight of sugar or a little more if the pumpkin is very sweet. Remove the yellow part of the zest from a well-washed citrus. Grate it. We clean the lemon from white veins and seeds. Grind the pumpkin, zucchini, dried apricots, and lemon in a meat grinder. Sprinkle raisins, sugar, chopped zest into the mixture. Stir. Warm up slowly, stirring constantly. Boil for 30-50 minutes until thickened. In the process, remove the foam and stir so that the dish does not burn. Pour the pumpkin-squash jam into clean, warm jars. Let's roll up. Place the lids down. Turn over after 15 minutes.

Recipe 6. Armenian pumpkin jam

Ingredients: 1050 peeled pumpkin, 1050 g sugar, 415 ml water, 3 g vanillin, for soaking -500 g slaked lime, 5 l cold water.

Wash the pumpkin, remove the skin, remove the inedible insides. We place lime in a deep ceramic container, to which we carefully add 5 liters of water. Stir and set aside in a dark place for 4 hours. Strain the solution through several layers of gauze into a glass container. Immerse the pumpkin pieces in lime mortar for half an hour. Then wash well under running water. Let the liquid drain from the surface of the pieces, leaving them in a colander for a while. Boil a small amount of clean water in a saucepan and blanch the pumpkin in it for 6 minutes. Then take it out and cool it. Prepare the syrup in a separate container. Pour it over the cooled pumpkin. Let it sit for 6 hours. Then boil for half an hour. Cool the entire mass for two hours. Reheat and boil again for half an hour. Let it cool. We repeat the procedure again. We carry out the fourth stage of cooking until it thickens, adding vanillin first.

Recipe 7. Pumpkin jam with sea buckthorn

Ingredients: 1550 g pumpkin, 980 g sea buckthorn, 520 g sugar, 15 g orange zest, nutmeg - to taste.

We sort sea buckthorn, selecting berries suitable for consumption. Wash and let dry. We squeeze juice from sea buckthorn in any convenient way. The specified amount of ingredients should yield approximately half a liter of sea buckthorn juice. We rinse the pumpkin and remove inedible elements. Cut into pieces in the form of small cubes. In the container used for making jam, heat the berry juice, in which we dissolve granulated sugar with constant stirring. Add pumpkin and finely grated orange zest. Boil slowly until the pumpkin is translucent. During the cooking process, stir regularly and remove foam from the surface of the mass. Add nutmeg and cook for a couple of minutes. Place pumpkin and buckthorn jam into sterile jars. After sealing tightly, place the lids down until they cool.

Recipe 8. Pumpkin jam with almonds and lemon

Ingredients: 1050 peeled pumpkin, 820 g sugar, 185 g lemon, 180 g almonds, 6 clove buds.

We clean the washed pumpkin and remove the seeds. We cut into bars measuring 3x1 cm. Wash the lemon thoroughly, cut it into slices along with the zest, removing the seeds in the process. Place the pumpkin sticks in the pan. Sprinkle with sugar. Mix. Place lemon slices on top. We insist for about 3 hours. Place the almonds in boiling water, in which we soak the nuts for 15 minutes. Then we drain the liquid and remove the husks from the almonds. Warm up the container with the pumpkin. If little juice comes out, you can add a little water. Boil slowly for 15 minutes. Leave without heating for about 8 hours. We repeat the fifteen-minute cooking procedure with eight-hour breaks three more times. During the cooking process, the jam should simmer very gently over low heat. On the fourth approach, add almonds and cloves to the mixture. It is recommended to remove the latter before packing into jars. Place the finished thickened jam into a prepared, clean and dried container.

Recipe 9. Pumpkin jam with ginger and tangerines

Ingredients: 1150 g pumpkin, 480 g tangerines, 480 g lemons, 980 g sugar, 23 ml ghee, 35 mm ginger root, 2 g cardamom seeds, 1900 ml water.

We clean the pre-washed pumpkin, removing the skin and seeds. Cut the pulp into cubes with a side size of 2 cm. Grate the peeled ginger root and pour it into a container with the pumpkin. Remove the yellow part of the zest from one thoroughly washed lemon. Add pumpkin zest and 240 g of sugar. Cover and keep without heating for 11 hours. Boil the tangerines in heated water, which we wash well beforehand, but do not peel, for about an hour. Remove the tangerines and cool. Cut into slices, removing the seeds in the process. Squeeze the juice from the lemons into a separate bowl. Place the crushed lemon squeezes into the tangerine decoction. Boil for half an hour, covering with a lid and another 15 minutes without it. Strain the broth into a clean, thick-bottomed saucepan. Add lemon juice. Add pieces of tangerine, pumpkin and ginger. Warm up slowly. Add cardamom. Boil for half an hour. Add the remaining sugar. Cook until thick. Add melted butter. We package it and store it in the cold.

Recipe 10. Pumpkin jam with cherry plum

Ingredients: 1070 g pumpkin, 1070 g cherry plum, 1100 g sugar, 180 ml water.

Wash the pumpkin and cherry plum. Cut the skin off the pumpkin and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into cubes. We peel the cherry plum from the pits. We boil water. Blanch the pumpkin for 10 minutes. Add cherry plum and keep on heating for another 6 minutes. Grind the softened ingredients with the broth in a blender or pass through a sieve. While heating slowly, add sugar. Stirring constantly, boil for a couple of minutes. Pour into sterile, dried jars. We seal it hermetically. Cool slowly, wrapping it in a blanket and turning it upside down.

Properly prepared pumpkin jam will surprise you with its unusual bright taste, while retaining the maximum amount of substances valuable for the body that are present in fresh pumpkin. To prepare such a dessert, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. The most delicious jam is made from early, not overripe pumpkins. It is better to give preference to small melons that were collected in the summer.
  2. The recipe can use various methods of chopping this product: cutting into bars, cubes. For a thicker consistency, it is recommended to grate the pumpkin.
  3. Short cooking in several stages will contribute to the greatest preservation of vitamins in pumpkin preparation for the winter.
  4. Additives in the form of sour fruits: citrus fruits, apples, apricots will help to significantly improve the taste characteristics of a healthy delicacy; berries, dried fruits.
  5. The aroma of the finished dish will be given by various spices that are often used in its preparation: vanillin, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg.

It attracts with its beautiful amber color, intriguing taste and piquant aroma, which provides the presence of all kinds of spices. This dessert will diversify your diet, fill it with vitamins and other substances important for the body. In addition, with the help of pumpkin jam, this melon can be put to good use during the big harvest season. This delicacy will surely become the most favorite pumpkin dish, which, thanks to many interesting additives, will appeal to all its tasters.

How to make pumpkin jam? And no need to ask why! If until now this... vegetable or berry? the product did not have any popularity with you or your household, then we can safely say that you are losing a lot.

Remember what you can cook from pumpkin? Porridge with pieces or whole fruit, bake in the oven or fry. All? Sadly. All these dishes have a specific taste and aroma of raw pumpkin pulp. Let's learn how to cook pumpkin so that no one will guess about its presence on the plate! Neither aroma, nor appearance, nor taste will help your guests determine what kind of interesting thing they are eating. Intrigued? Same thing.

Let's learn how to make jam correctly! Yes, yes, from pumpkin. Just don’t freak out, now you’ll find out why.

Pumpkin jam is not much different from preparations made from other berries or fruits. But it contains most of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients. In addition, it helps you lose weight, despite the presence of sugar.

Let's fall in love with this wonderful plant and learn to use it to its fullest.

How to choose a pumpkin

It would seem simpler than this - only turnips. I came to the market or to my own personal plot and chose the largest pumpkin. I dragged him home and... treat my back, because I had strained myself while getting the colossus home. He lay down on the floor next to Cinderella’s carriage, chopped it with an ax, poured granulated sugar and cooked it.

In reality, everything is not so simple. The largest fruits are always the most unsweetened. This is what fodder varieties are guilty of. They are only suitable for livestock feed. From a human point of view, such fruits are unappetizing to the taste. Hence the conclusion: big is not always good. So we choose a ripe pumpkin weighing no more than 3 kg, then you will definitely guess.

Table varieties are suitable for use in cooking. How to distinguish them from feed ones if you have never seen a packet of seeds? We have already talked about the size, but the shape and color of the flesh remain. The oblong, like a zucchini, or guitar-shaped shape of the fruit always indicates a high sugar content and amazing taste.

If none are found in the field of vision, and there are only spherical pumpkins, then everything is simple. The oranger the flesh, the more pleasant the pumpkin tastes and aroma. Pale yellow or light green flesh hints that it would be better to give the vitamin to livestock.

The color of the peel or its thickness does not matter. In any case, the pumpkin will have to be peeled. From here we smoothly move on to the topic of removing the “shell”.

Anyone who has ever used ripe fruits in the kitchen was impressed by the skin. Often it is impossible to deal with it with a simple knife. And if you take young pumpkins that calmly undress under a vegetable peeler, then they have not yet acquired the necessary juiciness and sweetness. The pleasure of cleaning is completely neutralized by the disappointment of taste.

It is better to give preference to ripe fruits. There is a secret to how to quickly peel a pumpkin. You will need: a kitchen hatchet, a tablespoon, a cutting board and a sharp knife with a thick blade so that it does not bend. What do we have to do:

  1. Using a kitchen hatchet, carefully but firmly chop the pumpkin in half.
  2. Using a tablespoon, carefully remove the bud with fibers and seeds. You can do this by hand, but a spoon will scrape out all the insides better.
  3. Again, use a hatchet to cut the halves as best you can, but try to get something similar to stripes.
  4. On a cutting board, place the strip on the edge. With one hand we carefully hold the piece, with the other we move the knife strictly from top to bottom, separating the peel from the pulp. We don’t saw or cut, but just press hard.
  5. Several such movements need to be made. It is unlikely that you will be able to clear the entire strip in one go. Yes, it is not necessary. Thin slices of skin are easier to remove.

If everything was done correctly, it will be loud. The knife, sliding down, will hit the board from the effort. Don't be alarmed, this is how it should be. This is the best option. If you try to make cutting or sawing movements, you will be tortured to pull out the stuck blade and then it will take a long time to heal wet calluses. We don't need jam at this price.

Advice. Even if the fruit looks clean on the outside, wash it thoroughly with a brush or stiff sponge before cutting. Grains of sand from the peel that get into food will bring few joyful moments.

So, the pumpkins are chopped and peeled. But we’re not going to cook them like that, are we? Depending on what type of workpiece we will make, we cut pieces of a certain shape. And don’t make such a sour face! In the absence of a peel, the pulp is perfectly processed without much effort:

  • For raw meat, a meat grinder is useful
  • for classic cut into cubes, slices or strips
  • for jam tinder on a coarse grater

You don’t need to cut anything special, everything is done easily. Raw pumpkin pulp is slightly firmer than butter.

Raw jam

As the name says - without heat treatment. Yes, you can eat pumpkin raw.


  • prepared pumpkin pulp, 2 kg
  • medium whole lemon
  • big orange
  • granulated sugar, 1.5 kg

Remove a thin layer of zest from citrus fruits and cut into small strips. The remaining peel is thrown away; it will not be needed. Remove pits and inner white fibers. Pumpkin pulp, together with lemon and orange, is passed through a meat grinder. Add sugar and zest shavings and mix thoroughly. Place in sterile containers and cover with nylon lids or parchment paper.

Such a magical storehouse of vitamins will only have to be stored in the refrigerator. At room temperature or high humidity in the cellar, this jam will quickly deteriorate and turn sour.

Advice. To ensure maximum preservation of all vitamins and nutrients, it is recommended to use a glass bowl and a wooden spoon during cooking. A ceramic cup will also work.

Classic recipe

Pumpkin itself in dishes does not have a stunning smell or attractive taste. Therefore, when preparing the simplest pumpkin jam, a small amount of aromatic products is added. Together with sugar, the pulp acquires an original aroma and indescribable taste. Additives can include any citrus fruits, ginger, fruits, spices, vanilla, dried fruits, berries.

The most common fruits in recipes are citrus fruits, dried apricots and sea buckthorn berries. Below is a standard basis for such blanks. And what you will add there, in what quantity - it depends on your taste preferences.


  • 2 kg pumpkin pulp
  • 1.6 kg granulated sugar

The pulp is cut in a convenient way - into cubes or strips. Transfer into a wide bowl in layers, sprinkling with sugar. They forget for 5 hours. After the juice has been released, the selected ingredients are added. Place over low heat, bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Boil for 15 minutes, cool. Bring to a boil again and cool again. After the third time, the jam can be transferred to jars and sealed. Any convenient lid can be used. The material doesn't matter.

You can store such a blank in a cellar, basement or pantry.

Advice. If it seems to you that there was not enough juice or the pumpkin pulp was initially dry, then before starting cooking you can add 250 ml of clean water to the above proportions.

For flavoring, you can use the same ingredients as for the classic recipe. But the most delicious is pumpkin jam with the addition of apples or plums. To make it even more original, you can add a good handful of your favorite nuts 7 minutes before the end of cooking. Of course, if your household likes such additives.


  • ripe peeled sour apples without core, 500 g
  • prepared pumpkin pulp, 500 g
  • clean water, 500 ml
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon
  • granulated sugar, 600 g
  • peeled and fried walnut kernels, 150 g

Grate the pumpkin and apples on a coarse grater, add sugar. Pour in water and put on the lowest heat. Cook for 30 minutes, stirring frequently. If the mixture starts to burn, you can add a little more water. Then add ground cinnamon and cook for another 7 minutes. Then add crushed walnuts and boil for 15-18 minutes.

Then the jam is poured into sterilized jars, sealed with plastic lids and stored in the refrigerator.

Advice. Allow the piece to cool completely before closing. Condensation that forms on the lid can cause mold to form. It’s better to spread the jam when it’s completely cooled, then you won’t have to worry about its safety.

  1. If you have nowhere to store Cinderella’s carriage, then feel free to make jam. Some comrades manage to stuff the fruits behind the sofa or under the bed. In principle, this is also a way out, although it is not very aesthetically pleasing.
  2. By the way, you can make jam from these amazing reserves from under the bed even in late autumn or winter. The fruits, of course, can last until spring, but they will begin to taste very bitter and will be dry. These aren't exactly jams, you can't even make porridge. Everything must be done in a timely manner.
  3. Replace all your favorite sweets with pumpkin jam. Naturally, not for elephant portions. 100-150 g per day will provide a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, and, as a rule, you don’t want more.
  4. Properly prepared pumpkin jam has an amber color, a jelly-like consistency and a pleasant taste. It’s very nice to pour it over ice cream or add it to homemade unsweetened yogurt.
  5. Some people do not peel lemons and oranges and add unpeeled slices to the jam. The method has its place. Let's just say that if you are a fan of the original bitterness and light piquancy of sweets, then feel free to add citrus fruits along with the crusts.
  6. In order for the pumpkin preparation to stand reliably for a long time, citric acid or acidic additives are added to it. For winter storage, acid-free jam is placed strictly in the refrigerator. In other conditions, you risk getting a sour product. Or worse - fermented.
  7. By the way, to avoid such excesses, containers for pumpkin jam should be thoroughly sterilized. It doesn't matter in what way. The main thing is that it is comfortable and familiar to you.
  8. The preparation can also be made in a slow cooker or bread maker. In the first, select the stewing mode, and in the second, press the jam button. Next, follow the instructions, because each model of household appliance has its own specifics for preparing jam and a method for loading raw materials. The only difference between these methods is the different volumes of the bowls, and accordingly the yield of the finished product will be different. The taste is almost the same.

Why do so few people like pumpkin? Because we only tried forage varieties. Plant a good table variety in your area. Then you can safely answer the question “how to make pumpkin jam” - very simply and in huge quantities.

Video: pumpkin jam with orange

If you love pumpkin, be sure to prepare a few jars of delicious jam for the winter. Pumpkin jam can be placed on a festive table, added to boring porridge or a lush homemade pie - it’s appropriate anytime and anywhere. And different cooking methods in combination with various fruit additives will allow you to choose the most delicious and simple recipe for your family and guests.

Quick pumpkin jam “Five Minute”

As you can guess from the name, the jam is cooked for only five minutes. In addition to the fact that you don’t have to stand at the stove for several hours, the “Five Minute” has a number of advantages. A short cooking time allows you to preserve a lot of the beneficial substances of the pumpkin, the pieces do not boil over, remain intact, and the taste remains as close to natural as possible.


  • sugar 1 kg;
  • pumpkin 1 kg;
  • lemon juice - 2 teaspoons.


  1. Peel the pumpkin, rinse, remove seeds and dry.
  2. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes, place in a cooking container, sprinkle sugar on top;
  3. Leave the pumpkin with sugar for 2-3 hours - it will give juice;
  4. Place the pumpkin in the syrup on the fire, stirring slowly, bring to a boil, and leave to simmer for another five minutes. If foam forms, it must be skimmed off;
  5. After cooking, add lemon juice to the jam. You can add citric acid if it is absent.

Pumpkin jam with lemon and orange

This delicacy will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. The jam has a bright citrus aroma. Pumpkin jam with lemon and orange is best prepared cold to minimize processing of the vegetable and preserve all the benefits of vitamins.


  • pumpkin – 950 g;
  • lemon – 1-2 pcs.;
  • orange – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1.7 kg (can be reduced or added to taste);
  • citric acid (optional).


  1. Lemons and oranges must be peeled from the zest and white part, and the seeds separated;
  2. Grind together with the peeled pumpkin in a meat grinder;
  3. Pour everything into an enamel bowl and sprinkle sugar on top. Leave for 1 hour until the sugar has completely dissolved;
  4. Let it cook on the stove until it thickens. If you add citric acid, it is better to do this at the cooking stage. For this amount of citrus fruits, one tablespoon will be enough.

Place the finished jam into prepared jars, roll up and cover overnight. Then send to a dark, cool place. If you don’t want to wait until winter, after 7 days you can safely try and treat your loved ones with jam.

Fragrant pumpkin jam with dried apricots

Fragrant dried apricots are a source of healthy acids, potassium, iron, phosphorus, perfectly saturate and replace harmful sweets. When added to pumpkin jam, in addition to its benefits, it creates an unusual taste effect.


  • pumpkin – 1kg;
  • dried apricots – 0.3 kg;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 0.3 kg;
  • water – 2 tbsp.;
  • pectin – 2 tsp;
  • star anise (anise) – 2 stars.


  1. Rinse the pumpkin well, peel and cut into small cubes, approximately 1*1 cm. Cut the lemon into 4 slices, each of which is cut into slices across along with the peel. Chop the dried apricots, pour 350 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes;
  2. Drain the water into a separate container, put on fire, add sugar and cook until syrup is obtained;
  3. Pour pumpkin, dried apricots, lemon, and anise stars into the syrup. Place on the fire and cook until the vegetable becomes soft. This will take about 45 minutes;
  4. 2 minutes before readiness, add a teaspoon of sugar.

Divide the finished jam into jars and refrigerate for 7 days. During this time, the jam becomes saturated with the taste of dried apricots and is very reminiscent of apricot.

Jam with pumpkin and apples

Autumn is always rich in harvests; apples and pumpkins ripen in huge quantities, making it an excellent time for culinary experiments. Cooking does not require special skills, and this delicacy is eaten quickly and with pleasure.


  • pumpkin – 1kg;
  • apple – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 500 g (more is possible for those with a sweet tooth);
  • apple juice – 110 ml;
  • cinnamon – 1 teaspoon.


  1. The pumpkin must be prepared, cut, add water (about one and a half glasses) and cook for 15 minutes;
  2. Add pre-chopped apples and lemon juice, two if desired;
  3. Everything should boil for about 10 minutes;
  4. A few minutes before readiness, add cinnamon and sugar and stir;
  5. Sterilize the jars, pour jam into the jars, roll them up and place them upside down on a towel.

After 12 hours you can put it away for storage. Opened jam is usually kept in the refrigerator.

Making pumpkin jam in a slow cooker

Pumpkin jam prepared in this way is soft in texture, but at the same time retains all the benefits of an autumn vegetable. Cooking time is significantly reduced, and there is no need to wash enamel pans for a long time afterwards.


  • pumpkin – 1kg;
  • sugar – 1kg;
  • lemon juice (acid) – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Grate the peeled pumpkin. For flavor, you can add crushed lemon or orange peel at this stage;
  2. Place the pumpkin in a slow cooker, sprinkle sugar on top and turn on the “Stew” mode. As a rule, this regime lasts 2 hours. There is no need to stir, but add citric acid a few minutes before the end of the program;
  3. Afterwards, put the jam into jars, clean and dry, then close them with lids. Cover with a warm blanket and let stand until morning. The jars can be stored in the pantry.

For this recipe, it is better to choose a ripe, bright orange pumpkin. If during the cooking stage the pumpkin is not cooked well and large pieces remain, you can use a blender and chop it.