Bell flowers (photo) - care, varieties and types. Perennial bells: planting and care. Growing garden flowers Growing and propagation

Generally speaking, any bell can decorate a flower garden, add the desired blueness to it, make you admire the delicate cup of flowers and listen to the subtle rustle - won’t it ring?

Still a bell!

But there are a number of features that should be taken into account when inviting this or that bell into your garden.

Campanula Bolognese

Let's start with Campanula Bolognesebononiensis). This is a tall (up to 120 cm) slender species with a long raceme of small lavender-blue flowers. The flowers appear in early July; they are small, not too densely located on the stem, directed to the sides and down.

Up to 30 flowers are open at the same time, and there are a couple dozen more in buds. If the weather is not too hot, flowering lasts about three weeks.

It prefers nutritious, moderately moist soils and sufficient lighting, but is able to survive under almost any circumstances, only in spartan conditions flowering will be very modest. Most suitable for meadow flower beds with foxgloves, burnets, ornamental grasses and any perennials suitable in style, blooming in the second half of summer and autumn.

This is an important clarification of the composition of the flower garden, since after flowering the plant is not very decorative - you don’t have to hide it, but it is advisable to switch attention from the drying stems to the neighbors in the flower garden, who are decorative at this time.

Campanula latifolia

Bluebell (Campanula latifolia) blooms in June, earlier than other tall brothers. It has large and bright bluish-violet flowers, the height of the stems is 120-140 cm. There is a white-flowered form Alba (Alba) with a more compact bush (80-90 cm) and more densely arranged flowers. It easily hybridizes in the garden, so in cultivation there are decorative forms with valuable characteristics - even larger flowers, pubescent grayish leaves, dense inflorescences. However, all of them, like the typical species, have a disappointing property - they are completely uninteresting after flowering.

It is better to cut off the stems immediately. The plants are very hardy, grow and bloom well in moderately nutritious soils, and tolerate partial shade. All this together dictates the method of application in flower beds: planting among large, stable decorative perennials (volzhanka, black cohosh, knotweed, etc.).

In my opinion, close planting is convenient - these bells are unpretentious, they fully agree with the position “in crowded conditions, but not offended,” but after their spectacular flowering and subsequent disappearance, a “hole” does not form in the flower garden.

Not so long ago, a very nice hybrid of the broad-leaved bell with bluebell Takeshiman Kent Belle. From our hero he took a bright violet-blue tone, and from the second parent he took a very long flowering. The bushes are about 80 cm tall and are decorative all season. With this bell, you no longer need to worry about camouflage after flowering, but it is more demanding regarding living conditions (soil nutrition and moisture, lighting).

Campanula nettlefolia

Nettle leaf bell (Campanula trachelium) blooms in late June - early July, strong stems more than 1 m high bear many lilac-blue flowers in a loose cluster. It is unpretentious, but it looks better, blooms more abundantly and longer on sufficiently rich and moisture-intensive soils. It looks better planted in several bushes, and even better in an array at the edge.

Suitable for large landscape plantings with other perennials - lily of the valley, buzulniks, species peonies, aconites, etc. That is, in such compositions where a neat and carefully “combed” appearance is not required. If self-seeding is not welcomed, then the stems should be cut off immediately after flowering. There is a hybrid of this species with the dotted bell - the famous Sarastro. A wonderful bell with large blue flowers, in good soils reaches a height of 70-80 cm, blooms for one and a half months at the beginning of summer and then again at the end of August.

Rapunzel bell

Rapunzel bell (Campanularapunculoides) It is distinguished by delicate elegant flowering and a very aggressive character - it actively reproduces by self-sowing, but this is not the worst thing. It is more difficult to cope with its ability to spread using root suckers.

Therefore, in gardens where poetic disorder is welcomed, it will find its place; it is also suitable for planting on the edges of parks and squares. In any case, it is better not to plant sissies or, in general, any perennials with a weak root system next to this bell. It blooms in July with small bluish flowers in a long raceme, the stems are about a meter high. Not interesting after flowering.

Campanula lactiflora

Campanula lactiflora), perhaps the most spectacular of the tall bells. This is a completely winter-hardy perennial, generally easy to cultivate. It has no specific pests or diseases, moderate requirements for growing conditions: soil of average nutritional value (it is enough to add a small amount of compost or completely rotted manure for digging), watering in dry weather.

Grows equally well in full sun and partial shade, in the latter case it blooms longer. Does not like standing groundwater close to it and getting stuck in floods.

The bush is slender and dense, as the shoots grow close to one another. An adult plant has one and a half to two dozen strong, thick stems, covered with slightly rough leaves.

The bushes reach their maximum height (150-170 cm) around mid-to-late June, before flowering. The inflorescences are large, branched and so multi-flowered that neither stems nor leaves are visible.

In nature, this bell has flowers of all tones of blue-lilac, bicolor (lilac or bluish with a white neck) and white, with a light aroma. Both the size of the flowers and the flowering period vary. However, the interval is small - early specimens bloom only a week earlier than later ones.

Flowering duration is at least a month. Trimming the spent stems encourages re-blooming in late August. It is not as abundant as in summer, but quite noticeable. The bushes are decorative all season. The root system of the plant is powerful, branched and deep-lying, with virtually no thin roots.

The roots of an adult plant reach a depth of 50 cm or more. It is clear that it is not advisable to replant a plant with such a root system, since it is very difficult to keep the roots intact.

If the need for replanting nevertheless arises, it is performed as quickly and accurately as possible, preserving the root ball. Young specimens tolerate transplantation much easier than adults. Suitable dates are spring or late summer. In the spring, it is advisable to have time to replant the bush when the shoots have just appeared, while they are up to 10 cm high.

When replanting in autumn, the stems should be shortened by two-thirds. On the root collar, renewal buds are located close to each other - their bell forms by autumn. This is his most vulnerable spot.

In winters with frequent alternations of frost and thaw, the root collar can be damaged and the buds die. In the spring you will find completely intact white roots and a “porridge” at the base of the bush. Such a bell will not wake up, but if it has been in the garden for several years, then there is a chance to renew it from self-sowing plants.

True, those who like to weed cleanly are deprived of this chance. In defense of self-seeding, I will add that in addition to practical benefits (the ability to replace dead bushes), there is also some intrigue here: if you have bells of several colors, then new specimens can give nice variations in flower color, variation in bush height and flowering time.

This species takes root quite well when cuttings are taken from shoots that grow in spring. They are carefully broken out at the heel (i.e., deep, from the base of the bush), preferably at the beginning of growth, while they are 10-15 cm high. It is convenient to take cuttings directly into a pot and transfer the rooted plant to a permanent place in the fall.

Seeds are sown before winter or early spring. Seedlings can bloom in the first year, and in the second year all specimens bloom. Once you are sure that the seedling has given the shade you need, you can plant it in the flower garden. Buying “dormant” roots in early spring is also a suitable option, provided that the roots are not dried out or damaged by rot.

This is how we acquire new items. Breeding is mainly aimed at obtaining compact varieties.

This Pouffe with bluish flowers, White Pouffe with white (both with a spherical bush shape) and a brighter bluish Favorite. The declared height of the bushes does not exceed 60 cm, but in the garden they are usually higher. At least in the northwest this is true. Perhaps this is due to the white nights. Other varieties, such as pink-lilac, light Pallet Anna (Loddon Anna) or blue Blue Cross, develop bushes of sizes characteristic of natural forms: 140-150 cm in height and about 50 cm in diameter. One of the highest Alba with large white flowers. I note that natural forms are no less good than varieties, so it’s worth trying and sowing seeds.

Caring for milky bells is generally no different from that for most garden perennials. They respond well to fertilizing with complete mineral fertilizer in the spring and mulching with a light organic substrate in the fall. There is no need to overfeed. Watering is required only in dry weather. If the bushes are planted in partial shade, they may need staking. After the first flowering, the inflorescences should be cut off, if necessary, leaving a few lower branches for seeds. At the end of the season, the stems are cut off at ground level.

Bluebell in a flower garden - proximity and compatibility

Milky bells are very good in flower beds.

When planning the composition, we must remember that they do not like transplants. It is also advisable to correctly calculate the dimensions. Believe me, this small, tender first-year sprout will soon grow into a gorgeous and very large bush. It is better not to plant gentle neighbors nearby, as the powerful bell will certainly strangle them in its embrace. However, he himself can easily withstand the proximity of even such giants as the variable mountaineer. Moreover, in order to balance the volumes in such a duet, you will need several bushes of Campanula lactiflora.

The result is a reliable and beautiful ensemble that blooms almost all summer. They are successful partners for phlox - early phlox is in the midst of the first flowering of bells, while late varieties of phlox can show off against the background of clouds of bells when they bloom again.

Dense columns of delphiniums look good next to the vague inflorescences of a bell, and clearly cut cups of lilies (varieties from the Asian groups or early LA hybrids).

Small-flowered martagoi lilies will also be able to clearly demonstrate all the grace of their turban-like flowers against the lacy background of bell inflorescences. Planting between clematis is very beautiful, and you can choose varieties with similar colors or contrasting ones. Bells also get along well with shrubs - for example, the duet of tree hydrangea and Alba bellflower is spectacular.

Of the geraniums, I like the proximity to the small-stamened geranium - they have the same flowering peak, and the color contrasts pleasantly. Conversely, a calm, soft combination of tones can be selected by planting geraniums in front of the bells Jolly Bee, Rosanna or Orion. A beautiful planting of bluebells and sages, bluebells and loosestrife, as well as any “daisies”: varieties of cornflowers, small petals, pyrethrum, etc. If you are still scared by the size of our handsome one, but want to have it in the garden, then there are two ways.

The first is to look for compact varieties, realizing that even with an average height, the volume of the bush will still be large. The second is to reduce the height “manually”, pinching the shoots when they reach a height of approximately 40-50 cm. By experimenting with the timing of pinching, you will definitely achieve a result that suits you.

Bells photo varieties: Flowers that bring good luck Which of us...

  • : Bell flowers: varieties and types,...
  • Growing and caring for bells, which are widespread in garden plots, is not a problem, since even cultivated species easily adapt to weather changes. But decorative, large and constantly blooming buds require good care. The plant will have its proper appearance only under optimal conditions in which it should be grown. Planting and caring for each species is carried out taking into account its characteristics.

    General rules for growing bells

    Many types of bluebells grow well in full sun but also enjoy partial shade. Some of them bloom longer in such conditions.

    Bluebells grow everywhere, except in areas with stagnant water. They really do not like lowlands with loamy or clay soil. They will not grow in flooded areas. If groundwater is located close, you can plant flowers on high ridges, providing them with good drainage.

    Planting bluebells

    The soil should be loose. To do this, peat and humus are added to loam or clay soil. The bushes are replanted in autumn or spring. At the same time, leave a lump of earth so as not to damage the adventitious roots. The holes are watered abundantly before and after planting. If the roots are strong, the flowers take root better in early spring. For a less developed root system, planting is done in May, when the earth warms up.

    In the fall, the bushes must take root before frost sets in. The work is carried out in late summer or early autumn.


    In spring, nitrogen is added to the soil to promote rapid growth of green plant matter. In the summer, complex ones are used and in the fall potassium is added, which increases resistance to frost.


    Summer care consists of periodic loosening, weeding and regular feeding with mineral fertilizers or rotted manure. Before flowering, this work must be done. Moderate watering is used.

    For long flowering, dried stems are removed. Some of them are left, hoping to get seeds. As soon as the boxes turn brown, they are collected before they open and the seeds fall into the soil.

    Before the onset of cold weather, all plant stems are cut off at the root. Shelter is required mostly for species originating from southern Europe and Asia. The soil is sprinkled with peat, spruce branches or dry leaves.

    How to grow bluebells from seeds

    Most species repeat the properties of the parent plants, and they can be propagated by seeds. Some varieties, such as terry varieties, may differ from their parents. In this case, they are propagated vegetatively.

    Bluebells produce very small seeds and should be placed on the ground under a thin layer of sand. In the 2nd half of October or May, the seeds are sown in the ground. You can grow seedlings starting in March. To do this, prepare light soil from a mixture of peat, turf soil and sand, without the addition of organic fertilizers.

    Germination of seedlings occurs 2 weeks after sowing. When 3 true leaves appear, the seedlings dive after 10 cm. Plants are planted in a permanent place in early June. Flowers and seeds will appear within a year.

    Reproduction by division

    Perennial bells are propagated by division. Planting and care begin in the second or third year of the growing season. The method is suitable for vegetative sedentary and mobile plants. Carpal or does not allow vegetative propagation, and seedlings are grown only from seeds.

    The aboveground part is cut off and the plant is divided so that each part has a sufficient root system. The separated sprout is planted in the chosen place and watered abundantly.


    Cuttings are made from young shoots using microgreenhouses. Each of the decorative types of bells has its own characteristics that should be taken into account when caring for and growing.

    Carpathian bell

    This species is most common in gardens due to its beauty, long flowering throughout the summer and unpretentiousness. The Carpathian bell is a mountain plant, and in nature it can be seen on mountain slopes. In artificial conditions it is planted on alpine hills and rockeries.

    From small seedlings, the perennial bell quickly grows into a large bush. Carpathian varieties are classified as low-growing. The heart-shaped leaves form a spherical bush with a diameter of up to 30 cm. Flowering lasts up to 70 days and can be extended by regularly cutting off dried inflorescences.

    Flowers grow well among stones, which create drainage and protect the soil from drying out. Excess fertilizer is not required, and the soil should not be acidic. To do this, add lime or wood ash.

    When propagated by cuttings in the spring-summer period, the base and upper part with buds are cut off from the young shoot. The cuttings are germinated in a mixture of earth, humus and sand. The flowers are unpretentious and require watering only in dry times.

    After 5 years, perennial bells should be planted in other places. Planting and care with propagation by seeds is done less frequently, since the seedlings develop unevenly and slowly. Flowering in young plants begins only after 2-3 years. Sowing is done in the fall, and seedlings appear in the spring. For early flowering, bushes are planted by division.

    The flowers of the Carpathian bell resemble elegant porcelain of light lilac or white color. They stand in water for a long time if you split the ends of the stems and remove the lower leaves.

    Bellflower peach

    Bluebell will grow on sandy or cultivated clay or loamy soil. It is desirable to have drainage and more humus. Plants are not afraid of shading and prefer soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. You should not add a lot of fertilizers, as this will negatively affect the durability of plants in winter and lead to their rapid aging.

    Reproduction of peach-leaved bellflower is done by seeds. They are sown in greenhouses starting in mid-spring. Bells from seeds do not inherit the parental characteristics.

    In July, the seedlings are harvested, and in August they are planted in a permanent place. For the winter, the plant is covered with peat or a 15-20 cm layer of dry leaves. With proper care, the bell may bloom next year. If you delay planting or picking, the buds will appear only in the third year.

    Peach-leaved species are not long-lived plants, although they are perennial bluebells. Planting and care during propagation by division make it possible to inherit parental characteristics. The transplant is done at the beginning or end of summer, and the roots should be covered with clods of earth. Cuttings are also often used and are done in sand.

    For effective flowering, you need to periodically feed the bell. Growing will be effective if fertilizers are applied correctly. In spring, nitrogen is used, and before flowering, various complex mineral fertilizers are used. In addition, faded shoots are pruned so that the blooming bells will delight the eye longer. The photo shows what they can look like with proper care.

    Bell dotted

    The bell got its name from the presence of specks inside the petal. The plant is common in temperate regions and blooms until autumn. It is distinguished by heads hanging down, collected in inflorescences.

    In a wide range of colors you can find bells white, blue, pink, dark red, blue.

    Many varieties are capricious. In different habitat conditions, the same one can be terry or ordinary. Among them are many unpretentious plants that decorate the garden.

    Growing bluebells is not that easy. Its seeds are extremely small. In order for them to germinate, good light is required. The soil must be light, sand is poured on it, and seeds are placed on top. They are sprayed with water and covered with a gap on top. When shoots appear, the film is temporarily removed from the box during the day. Watering is done very carefully so that the seedlings are not washed away by water. The soil should not dry out, otherwise it will lead to the death of the seedlings. After 3 true leaves appear, the seedlings are planted. Growth occurs unevenly, and some of the remaining plants are buried in the ground and grown until transplanted.

    In June, the seedlings are planted in open ground, and at the end of summer the bells begin to bloom. A photo reflecting all the beauty of this species can be seen in our article. Growing bells from seeds is difficult, but it produces rare varieties. They are preserved and propagated by division.

    Underground, the dotted bellflower is developing rapidly. To prevent the shoots from spreading further, use plastic or metal strips buried in the ground.

    To grow bells, use places with good lighting. Watering during active growth is limited, otherwise the plant may stretch and break under its own weight. After flowering, the bell drops its leaves. It gets along well with other flowers, so it is advisable to add thickeners to it that bloom earlier and later.

    Campanula latifolia

    The perennial plant has a powerful rhizome and is unpretentious. Racemes of blue, purple or white bloom in early summer. The lower leaves are wide and dense, and the small upper leaves beautifully set off the large flowers.

    Seeds are planted at the end of March. To improve germination, cover the top of the soil with a film and keep it moist. Diving is done when two true leaves appear. Seedlings are planted in the ground when constant heat sets in. Flowering begins next year.

    Seeds can be planted directly into the ground in late May or early June. There is no need to sprinkle them. The soil is kept moist and covered. Every day the seeds are ventilated, and after germination the shelter is removed.

    The rhizomes are divided directly into the ground and then planted. Add humus to the hole and water well. Cuttings are not always successful, so this method is rarely used. For better growth of the root system, special preparations are used, for example, “Kornevin”.

    The plants are unpretentious, but lose their decorative properties when there is not enough moisture. Extra watering is also not needed. During growth, complex fertilizers are used. Bells are covered with sawdust or spruce branches for the winter.

    Campanula lactiflora

    The perennial is winter-hardy. It grows up to 1.7 m in height and up to 0.5 m in width. Flowering occurs magnificently, and the inflorescences are completely covered by leaves and stems. In gardens you can find white, blue-lilac, bluish bells, and also with different shades. Flowering lasts no more than a month. After trimming the faded stems at the end of August, it is repeated, but not so luxuriantly.

    Due to its deep roots, it is not advisable to replant the plant; it is better to do this while it is young. The root collar is very vulnerable. When alternating thaws and frosts, the renewal buds may die.

    Campanula lactiflora is rarely used in gardens due to its large size. Some plants require support. They are grown in soil with average fertility. Excess moisture is not needed, but during drought it is necessary to water the perennial bluebell. Varieties may also differ in compact plant size, for example, Favorite, Pouffe, White Pouffe.

    Campanula equifolia

    A perennial plant with proper care blooms and lasts for many years. In nature, the bellflower is found in the Italian Alps. The flowers support fragile stems 30 cm high.

    Of all the species, only the bellflower is grown in pots. However, it can grow in alpine hills and flower beds. The indoor bellflower looks beautiful in hanging pots with delicate herbaceous shoots hanging down.

    Campanula Bolognese

    The perennial belongs to the European-West Asian species. It is also called steppe bellflower. Here it grows in the European part of Russia and the Caucasus. The plant is found in meadows, along river banks, and forest edges.

    The bluebell reproduces mainly by seeds. Belongs to a vulnerable species. It is being replaced by land development and livestock grazing. In many regions it is listed in the Red Book.

    The plants are tall and bloom for about 3 weeks. The bluish-lavender flowers are small in size and do not grow too densely. The plant survives everywhere, but with poor care the flowering is very modest and short.

    The bell quickly loses its decorative effect, so it is advisable to supplement it with other perennials.


    Due to their decorative properties and long flowering, perennial bells have become popular in our gardens. Despite their unpretentiousness, they require certain rules of cultivation and care.

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    Rhubarb cannot be found in every garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! The large green or red rosette of leaves of the plant, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful background for annuals. It is not surprising that rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

    Today, the trend is to experiment with unusual combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to an assortment of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but will also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

    3 delicious sandwiches - a cucumber sandwich, a chicken sandwich, a cabbage and meat sandwich - a great idea for a quick snack or for an outdoor picnic. Just fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little seasoning. There are no onions in these sandwiches; if you wish, you can add onions marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches; this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to pack a picnic basket and head to the nearest green lawn.

    Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, average ripening - 55-60 and late ripening - at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality tomato harvest also depends on carefully following the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

    5 advantages of planting Campanula lactiflora in the country. Plant care.

    Campanula lactiflora - the name of the plant in Latin « Campanula lactiflora"- differs from its fellows by its unusually long stem and different shades of its inflorescences. It can reach about one and a half meters in height, while maintaining durability. There are milky bells of such shades: blue, soft purple, pale yellow and blue shades, pure white inflorescences. The bell inflorescence is framed by doubly serrated leaves. The inflorescences often grow in such a way that, in appearance, the Campanula lactiflora can be classified as a paniculate type of inflorescence. Natural habitat is mountainous and wooded areas of the Caucasus region.

    You can purchase several varieties of bellflower and plant them on your site. Four most popular varietiesAlba, Loddon Anna, Poof, Pritchard, White Poof- practically do not differ from one another, although there are some differences in appearance.

    It is worth noting that Alba variety produces pure white inflorescences, while Loddon Anna – lilac. Poof It is considered a dwarf milkflower - it reaches only 20-30 centimeters in height. Its inflorescences have a color similar to lavender, often with pronounced blue shades. Pritchard - This is a tall milky-flowered bell. It reaches up to 75 centimeters in height. It has very beautiful inflorescences of a deep purple hue with a cool blue undertone. White Poof - an analogue of the dwarf Pouf. This variety is only 25 centimeters in height and has pure white inflorescences.

    Planting Campanula lactiflora

    A bell is planted on the site using cuttings. This is a special, effortless type of reproduction available to everyone. In order to start it, you need to find the mother plant of the required variety of bellflower, cut the cutting in the spring and plant it in the ground.

    The cuttings of Campanula lactiflora should be:

    • up to ten centimeters maximum;
    • have a heel at the end, that is, a part of the woody bark from the stem of the mother plant;
    • have several leaves on the upper part of the cutting, while the lower part is completely cleared.

    Caring for bellflower after planting

    The cutting goes halfway into the soil substrate. Due to the fact that there is at least some grown mass on the surface, the cutting develops quite quickly. In total, the lifespan of the bellflower is up to seven years, after which the flower bush needs to be renewed. To do this, they dig it up, inspect the roots, trim it if necessary, then cut off the shoots on the green part of the bush, and transplant the plant to a new place with nutritious, fresh soil.

    Planting the bellflower is carried out in an open place that is well lit by the sun. The substrate for this flower should be slightly acidic and well-drained. The nutritional value of the soil is inferior to its structure. Water the bellflower moderately, waiting until the soil mixture dries out a little since the last moistening. Feed with mineral fertilizers that maintain a slightly acidic soil reaction during the period of inflorescence maturation and subsequent flowering of the bell.