What plants grow in Africa. What trees grow in Africa? Political map of Africa. Its division into subregions

The article contains information about plants characteristic of this territory. Gives examples of endangered species of plants and animals. Indicates the areas of application of the gifts of nature.

Plants of Africa

The African continent ranks second in the world in terms of area and population. Thanks to the variable climate, a variety of plant species grow here.

The vegetation of Africa is quite diverse. This is influenced by the presence of different climatic zones within the continent. In the subequatorial belt zone, the presence of many exotic plant species is noted. In the savanna area, the advantage is given to such thorny bushes as:

  • terminalia;
  • acacia;
  • varieties of low growing trees.

Features of the continent's flora

The flora of the deserts of Africa is sparse. It consists of grasses and dotted areas covered with shrubs and trees in oases.

On the territory of rare oases of the Sahara, the unique Erg Chebbi date palm grows.

In the depressions you can find halophytic plants that are resistant to salt.

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Rice. 1. Halophytic plants.

Over time, the vegetation of desert areas has adapted to irregular rainfall and frequent droughts. This is indicated by the variety of physiological characteristics that plants that live only on these land areas can boast of.

In the mountainous regions of the desert you can find many endemic species. The Sahara Mountains are home to acacias, tamarisks, wormwood, ephedra, doum palm, oleander, thyme and palmate dates. People living in the oases have adapted to successfully grow figs, olives, many types of fruit and citrus trees, as well as a variety of vegetable crops.

Rice. 2. Oleander.

A unique desert plant, Velvichia, whose growth period exceeds more than a thousand years, grows two huge leaves. Their length is over 3 m. They grow thanks to dew and fog, since these are the only sources of life-giving moisture among the desert expanses.

In the equatorial belt of the continent, the most significant areas of tropical forests in the world have been preserved, which may soon disappear forever.

Rice. 3. Velvichia and acacia.

Some representatives of the flora are under threat of complete extinction. An example is the baobab tree. These trees are the most ancient representatives of the continent's flora. Some trees are over three thousand years old. Baobab tree trunks are used as natural water storage containers. The ebony tree is also in danger of becoming extinct. Its wood is quite heavy. It is highly valued among the indigenous inhabitants.

The flora of Africa has its own symbol - acacia.

The trees are adapted to hot and dry climates. They grow throughout most of the black continent. Often, acacia leaves are the only greenery that animals can eat. Many animals of the African savannah are among the species living in the Red Book. Endangered species include cheetahs and African lions. Due to climate change, individuals of this species are threatened by habitat loss.

Africa is home to many varieties of aloe species. These plants are quite juicy with sweet nectar. Nectar serves as bait for a large number of birds. Aloe juice is used in medicinal production and cosmetology.

What have we learned?

We found out which tree is the plant symbol of the continent. We learned what influences the diversity of the plant world. We understood what irreversible climate change could lead to.

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The African continent ranks second in the world in terms of area and population. Due to the variable climate, Africa has a diverse range of plant and animal species: large predators roam the vast savannas among peacefully grazing herds of herbivores. Monkeys and snakes reign in the dark, dense forests. Africa is home to some of the most interesting animals in the world.

Equatorial Africa retains the world's largest areas of endangered tropical forest.

Some plants are endangered, including the baobab. These trees are probably the oldest inhabitants of the continent, with some estimated to be over 3,000 years old. Baobab tree trunks are used to store water, and the bark and leaves are used for medicinal purposes.

Ebony or ebony is also endangered. It has heavy wood, which is highly valued among indigenous peoples and in the international market.

Acacia is the symbol tree of Africa. These trees are adapted to hot and dry climates and grow across most of the black continent. Often acacia leaves are the only greenery that animals can get. To protect itself from starving people, the tree grew thorns, and now only giraffes can feast on acacia leaves.

Many types of aloe grow in Africa, including aloe vera. These are succulent plants with sweet nectar that attracts many birds. Aloe juice is widely used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

Animal world

Africa boasts more than 1,100 species of mammals, including herd animals such as wildebeest, buffalo and antelope, as well as zebras, giraffes and elephants. Rodents are represented by squirrels and rats of various species, there are also rabbits and hares. There are more than 60 species of carnivores on the continent: lions, cheetahs, hyenas, leopards and others. Africa is also home to four species of great apes, including western and eastern gorillas, chimpanzees, pygmy chimpanzees, and many other primate species.

Thanks to Africa's varied climate, there are many species of reptiles and amphibians. There are chameleons, cobras, vipers, pythons, geckos, and rare species of frogs. Large turtles and crocodiles also inhabit the dark continent.

Many representatives of the savanna fauna are listed in the Red Book. Among them are cheetahs and African lions. They are threatened by habitat loss and climate change.

The black rhinoceros is a huge animal weighing one and a half tons and has three horns. Unfortunately, the horns have medicinal properties, which has led to a decrease in the number of rhinoceroses. African elephants and rare zebras may also become extinct due to habitat loss. Poachers do not stop their hunt for valuable tusks, horns and skins.

Africa is an amazing continent; perhaps this is where the first life originated. There are still many unexplored areas and areas that are difficult for scientists to reach. This means that Africa will surprise us with new discoveries more than once again.

Video: Nature of Africa. Nature conservation, environmental problems.

Amazing plants of Africa Album.

While studying Africa, I discovered amazing and unusual plants growing on this continent. This album is dedicated to them. Some plants grow in hot, dry deserts, while others grow in moist equatorial and tropical forests. African residents not only use them for food and medicine, but also admire their unusual appearance. Let us also plunge into the world of amazing beauty!

An amazing plant that can be found in Egypt is the Carob tree, or Ceratonia. This tree lives for several centuries, its leaves never turn yellow, and its fruits are pod-shaped. In addition to seeds, the pod contains juicy and sweet pulp. The pods are used to make delicacies, syrups, liqueurs, use them in baking, and feed livestock. The medicinal properties of the pods are also well known. But the most amazing thing about this plant is that its seeds always have the same weight - 200 mg. It was these seeds that gave the world the measure of weight “carat” - from the Greek name for ceratonia - “keratos”. Ceratonia (Carob).

Velvichia is amazing The lifespan of this plant miracle is enormous - approximately 2 thousand years. And throughout his life, the growth of his leaves, which curl over the surface, does not stop. These leaves, which can reach 4 meters in length, are the secret to the survival of this desert plant. It lies in the fact that they can absorb moisture from fogs. There are microscopic stomata on the leaves (up to 22 thousand per 1 sq. cm), which absorb moisture accumulated on the leaves. Another amazing plant native to Africa is Velvichia amazing. It grows in the Namib and Kalahari deserts and resembles a pile of garbage.

Common arum Arum is a perennial plant of interesting shape, consisting of a thickened rhizome in the form of a tuber, from which spear-shaped leaves emerge. The main habitat of arum is the shady forests of North Africa. The plant can reach a height of up to 90 cm. At the beginning of summer, male or female inflorescences appear at the top of the stems. In order for pollination to occur, arum attracts blow flies, which, just during its flowering period, look for a place to lay eggs. As is common with unusual plants, arum lures insects with a very specific smell of decaying flesh.

Amorphophallus titanium The amazing plant Amorphophallus titanium grows in the tropical forests of Africa. It has an inflorescence considered to be the largest in the world. Its bud can reach 2.5 m in height and 1.5 m in width. Inside the flower there are many irregularities and growths that serve as ingenious traps for insects that flock to the putrid smell. This plant is nicknamed the “corpse flower,” and in some areas it is also called “devil’s tongue” and “snake palm.” The pollinated flowers produce round berries in a variety of bright colors: red, white, yellow or blue. Amorphophallus tubers, considered a dietary product, are used as food. Due to its unique shape, amorphophallus is officially recognized as one of the ugliest plants in the world.

Kniphofia The genus Kniphofia has about 75 species, native to South and Central Africa, on the island of Madagascar. Some species climb mountains to heights of up to 4000 m above sea level. In nature, it often grows in waterlogged places. Kniphofia is very thermophilic and grows well in a sunny place. This plant is very beautiful, so it has been domesticated for a long time. It is grown even in countries with a temperate climate. Propagated by division of rhizomes and seeds. Kniphofia can be used for cutting. It looks good in group plantings on lawns, near ponds, and in mixed flower beds. Bright red flowers in group plantings form a kind of wall of fire. Get this amazing guest from Africa - Kniphofia - in your garden!

African pollia African pollia grows in the forests of Ethiopia and is famous for its amazing fruits. The pollia fruit is considered the most striking biological object of the living world. The conspicuity of the fruit attracts birds and promotes seed dispersal. In addition, since the color remains after the berries dry, this further increases the likelihood of their spreading. The plant is unique in that the fruits do not contain any pigments. The coloring is created by the special structure of cells that interfere with light waves, like the scales of butterflies and the feathers of peacocks. This is the only case of such coloring in the entire plant world.

Sources: I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia: Plants / P.R. Lyakhov. - M.: AST Publishing House, 1998. http:// www. wikipedia. org www.proflowers.ru/

Africa is one of the largest continents (second in size only to Eurasia). It is divided into almost two equal halves by the equator line, respectively, from the tropics in the North through the equator and to the tropics in the South (only the very outskirts of Africa are slightly subtropical). The climate can be perfectly imagined without long-winded opuses - heat with great intensity day/night. The nature of Africa should be considered by conditionally dividing it into North and South.

A billion people live on a huge area of ​​30.3 million square kilometers, a seemingly expanse of 30 square kilometers, but people live extremely unevenly across the continent. This is due to harsh climatic conditions and the availability of water (the shortage of high-quality drinking water reaches almost its apogee). More than two thirds of the population are poor. In the North - the Mediterranean Sea, the East and Northeast - the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, the West - the Atlantic Ocean. Africa is unusual, harsh and amazing.

Flora of Africa

North Africa

Africa, located above the equator, is almost all on the Sahara Plate. The relief is a system of plateaus and plateaus with erosion pits that arose in this part of the continent in time immemorial. Before talking about the plants of North Africa, you need to clearly understand that in summer in this part of the continent it can be up to 60 degrees Celsius with a “+” mark, “cold” winter - from 15 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Plants have evolved to grow in such conditions. Two subregions can be distinguished - the desert-tropical Sahara and the savannas of Sudan. About 1.2 thousand plant species have adapted to live in such extreme conditions - it is objectively clear that these are xerophytes and ephemerals; with rare exceptions, representatives of other species can be found.

South Africa

But South Africa is very special and more welcoming. More and more new plant species are taking root in this part of the continent, and now there are already more than 24,000 species, for example, flowering plants. All of Europe together cannot compete with such diversity; this is almost 10% of the world's plants of this type.

The most favorable for them is a strip of 200 kilometers in width on the coast of the South-West of South Africa (vector - from West (Clanwilliam) to East (Port Elizabeth). The Cape flora kingdom, which has a unique species composition, spreads over an area of ​​5.5 thousand square kilometers plants.

There is no such concentration of so many plant species in a tiny area anywhere in the world. The flora of tropical rainforests stood nearby. For example, near Cape Town (Table Mountain) there are 1.5 thousand plant species in 60 square kilometers.

African fauna

North Africa

Both for plants and animals, North Africa is extremely harsh, demanding in terms of adaptability, the ability to survive and adapt to the most difficult conditions. Very few animals have chosen this region as their home. And those who have chosen are under constant threat of extinction. The following are disappearing: mammals - 40 species (9 species are already on the verge), birds - 10 species, reptiles - 7 species, fish - 1 species.

But although there are few animal species in the North, there are a lot of individuals of these few that were able to adapt. They are very mobile and travel for kilometers in search of food and food.

Typical animals of the Sahara, for example, are antelopes (oryx, addax), gazelles (dama, dorcas), mountain goat. The value of skins and edibility are the most terrible enemies of animals; they, more than other factors, served as the engine of their gradual movement towards extinction.

There are both migratory and local birds. The desert raven is especially common.

Snakes, turtles, lizards - represent the world of reptiles of North Africa. You can also find a crocodile in some natural water reservoirs.

South Africa

And again - the South is not the North, no matter how banal it sounds. The species diversity of the animal world of South Africa amazes any person. Home to more than 500 species of birds, about 100 species of reptiles, many amphibians and insects.

Many residents of other continents go there specifically to see the Big Five with their own eyes. These are lion, leopard, buffalo, rhinoceros, elephant. They are a universally recognized calling card of Southern Africa.

The stunning diversity of fauna is abundantly represented by rare, exotic animals. Nowhere in the world are there so many stunning individuals. But there are also problems. The problem is the person himself. It exterminates, destroys, and interferes with amazing representatives of nature. Poaching, illegal shooting, and improper management are the enemies of animals in Southern Africa.

There's a lot to think about. After all, whether we show our children and grandchildren amazing images of individuals who existed with us but have passed into history, or maybe we show them to them with our own eyes, depends only on us.

There are a huge number of all kinds of plants on our planet, and when you see them, you can only wonder how nature could come up with something like that. An incredible number of species and subspecies of plants, many of which are striking in their qualities - from survival and adaptability, to color and size. In this rating of the most unusual plants, we will show the full scope of natural creativity.


Romanesco is one of the cultivated varieties of cabbage, belonging to the same varietal group as cauliflower. According to some reports, it is a hybrid of cauliflower and broccoli. This type of cabbage has long been grown in the vicinity of Rome. According to some sources, it was first mentioned in historical documents in Italy in the sixteenth century. The vegetable appeared on international markets in the 90s of the 20th century. Compared to cauliflower and broccoli, Romanesco is more delicate in texture and has a milder, creamier, nuttier flavor without a bitter note.


Euphorbia obese is a perennial succulent plant in the family Euphorbiaceae that resembles a rock or green-brown football in appearance, without spines or leaves, but sometimes forms “branches” or suckers in the form of strange-looking sets of spheres. It can grow up to 20-30 cm in height and up to 9-10 cm in diameter. Milkweed is a bisexual plant, with male flowers on one plant and female flowers on the other. For fruit set, cross-pollination is necessary, which is usually done.

The fruit looks like a slightly triangular three-nut, up to 7 mm in diameter, containing one seed in each nest. When ripe, it explodes and scatters small, round, speckled-gray seeds 2 millimeters in diameter, the pedicels fall off after scattering the seeds. They grow at an altitude of 300-900 meters above sea level in the small region of Kendreu, in the Great Karoo, in rocky and hilly terrain , in bright sun or partial shade. The plants are very well hidden among the rocks, their colors blending in so well with their surroundings that they are sometimes difficult to notice.


Takka is a plant of the Takkov family, growing in a wide variety of environmental conditions and numbering 10 species. They live in open and heavily shaded areas, in savannas, bush thickets and rain forests. Young parts of plants, as a rule, are covered with tiny hairs, which disappear as they grow older. The size of the plants is usually small, from 40 to 100 centimeters, but some species sometimes reach a height of 3 meters. Although takka is becoming more and more widespread as a houseplant, it should be borne in mind that it is not easy to successfully keep takka in rooms due to the plant’s special demands on the conditions of its maintenance. The Tacaceae family is represented by one genus, Takka, which has about 10 plant species.

— Takka pinnately grows in tropical Asia, Australia, and the tropics of Africa. Leaves are up to 40-60 cm wide, from 70 cm to 3 meters long. A flower with two spathes, large, reaching 20 cm in width; the color of the spathe is light green.

— Takka Chantrier grows in the tropical forests of southeast Asia. An evergreen tropical herbaceous plant reaching 90-120 cm in height. The flowers are framed by dark burgundy, almost black, bracts similar to the wingspan of a bat or butterfly with long, thread-like antennae.

— Takka allifolia grows in India. The leaves are wide, glossy, up to 35 cm wide, up to 70 cm long. A flower with two spathes, large, reaching 20 cm in width, the color of the spathe is white, purple strokes are scattered across the white tone. The flowers are black, purple or dark purple, located under the covers.


The Venus flytrap is a species of carnivorous plants from the monotypic genus Dionaea of ​​the Sundew family. It is a small herbaceous plant with a rosette of 4-7 leaves that grow from a short underground stem. Leaves range in size from three to seven centimeters, depending on the time of year, long trap leaves usually form after flowering. It feeds on insects and spiders. It grows in a humid temperate climate on the Atlantic coast of the United States. It is a species cultivated in ornamental gardening. Can be grown as a houseplant. Grows in soils lacking nitrogen, such as swamps. Lack of nitrogen causes traps to appear: insects serve as a source of nitrogen necessary for protein synthesis. The Venus flytrap belongs to a small group of plants capable of rapid movements.

Once the prey is trapped, the edges of the sheets close together, forming a “stomach” in which the digestion process takes place. Digestion is catalyzed by enzymes secreted by glands in the lobes. Digestion takes approximately 10 days, after which all that remains of the prey is an empty chitinous shell. After this, the trap opens and is ready to catch new prey. During the life of the trap, an average of three insects fall into it.


Dragon tree is a plant of the genus Dracaena, native to the tropics and subtropics of Africa and the islands of Southeast Asia. Grown as an ornamental plant. An old Indian legend tells that long ago, in the Arabian Sea on the island of Socotra, there lived a bloodthirsty dragon who attacked elephants and drank their blood. But one day an old and strong elephant fell on the dragon and crushed it. Their blood mixed and wet the ground around them. In this place, trees grew called dracaenas, which means “female dragon.” The indigenous population of the Canary Islands considered the tree sacred, and its resin was used for medicinal purposes. The resin was discovered in prehistoric burial caves and was used for embalming at the time.

Bunches of very sharp leaves grow on its thick branches. A thick branched trunk up to 20 meters high, a diameter at the base up to 4 m, and has secondary growth in thickness. Each branching branch ends in a dense bunch of densely arranged grayish-green, leathery, linear-xiphoid leaves 45-60 centimeters long and 2-4 centimeters wide in the middle of the plate, somewhat tapering towards the base and pointed towards the apex, with prominent veins. The flowers are large, bisexual, with a corolla-shaped, separate-leaved perianth, in bunches of 4-8 pieces. Some trees live up to 7-9 thousand years.


The Gidnor genus includes 5 species growing in the tropical regions of Africa, Arabia and Madagascar, it is not very common, so you won’t find it just walking through the desert. This plant looks more like a mushroom until its unusual flower opens. In fact, the flower is named after the mushroom hydnor, which means mushroom in Greek. Hydnoraceae flowers are quite large, solitary, almost sessile, bisexual, petalless. And what we usually see on the surface of the soil is what we call a flower.

These features of color and structure, as well as the putrid smell of flowers, serve to attract beetles that feed on carrion. Beetles, climbing into flowers, crawl into them, especially in their lower part, where the reproductive organs are located, contributing to their pollination. Often, female beetles not only find food in flowers, but also lay eggs there.

Residents of Africa willingly use the fruits of Hydnora for food, as do some animals. In Madagascar, Hydnora fruits are considered one of the best local fruits. Thus, humans are the carriers of Hydnora seeds. In Madagascar, locals use Hydnora flowers and roots to treat heart disease.


Baobab is a species of tree from the genus Adansonia of the Malvaceae family, characteristic of the dry savannas of tropical Africa. The lifespan of baobabs is controversial - they do not have growth rings from which age can be reliably calculated. Calculations carried out using radiocarbon dating showed more than 5,500 years for a tree with a diameter of 4.5 meters, although according to more conservative estimates, baobabs live about 1,000 years.

In winter and during dry periods, the tree begins to use up its moisture reserves, decreasing in volume, and shedding its leaves. From October to December the baobab tree blooms. The baobab flowers are large - up to 20 cm in diameter, white with five petals and purple stamens, on hanging pedicels. They open in the late afternoon and live only one night, attracting the bats that pollinate them with their aroma. In the morning, the flowers wither, acquiring an unpleasant putrid odor, and fall off.

Next, oblong edible fruits develop, which resemble cucumbers or melons, covered with a thick, hairy peel. Inside the fruits are filled with sourish mealy pulp with black seeds. The baobab dies in a peculiar way: it seems to crumble and gradually settles, leaving behind only a pile of fiber. However, baobabs are extremely tenacious. They quickly restore stripped bark; continue to bloom and bear fruit. A cut down or felled tree is capable of putting out new roots.


Victoria amazonica is a large herbaceous tropical plant of the water lily family, the largest water lily in the world and one of the world's most popular greenhouse plants. Victoria amazonica was named after Queen Victoria of England. Victoria Amazonis is common in the Amazon River basin in Brazil and Bolivia, and is also found in the rivers of Guyana that flow into the Caribbean Sea.

The huge leaves of the water lily reach 2.5 meters and, with an evenly distributed load, can support a weight of up to 50 kilograms. The tuberous rhizome is usually deeply recessed into the muddy bottom. The top surface is green with a waxy layer that repels excess water, and also has small holes for removing water. The lower part is purple-red in color with a network of ribs studded with spines for protection from herbivorous fish; air bubbles accumulate between the ribs, helping the leaf to float. In one season, each tuber can produce up to 50 leaves, which, growing, cover a large surface of the reservoir, blocking sunlight and thereby limiting the growth of other plants.

Victoria Amazonian flowers are underwater and bloom only once a year for 2-3 days. Flowers bloom only at night, and with the onset of dawn they sink under water. During flowering, the flowers placed above the water have a diameter of 20-30 centimeters when opened. On the first day the petals are white, on the second they turn pinkish, and on the third they become purple or dark crimson. In the wild, the plant can live up to 5 years.


Sequoia is a monotypic genus of woody plants in the Cypress family. Grows on the Pacific coast of North America. Individual specimens of sequoia reach a height of more than 110 meters - these are the tallest trees on Earth. The maximum age is more than three and a half thousand years. This tree is better known as the “mahogany tree,” while the related species Sequoiadendron is known as the “giant sequoia.”

Their diameter at the level of the human chest is about 10 meters. The largest tree in the world is “General Sherman”. Its height is 83.8 meters. In 2002, the volume of wood was 1487 m³. It is believed to be 2300-2700 years old. The tallest tree in the world is Hyperion, its height is 115 meters.


Nepenthes is the only genus of plants in the monotypic family Nepentheaceae, which includes about 120 species. Most species are native to tropical Asia, especially on the island of Kalimantan. Named after the herb of oblivion from ancient Greek mythology - nepenthes. Species of the genus are mostly shrubby or subshrub vines growing in humid habitats. Their long thin herbaceous or slightly woody stems climb the trunks and large branches of neighboring trees tens of meters in height, bringing their narrow terminal racemes or paniculate inflorescences to the sunlight.

In different types of Nepenthes, pitchers vary in size, shape and color. Their length varies from 2.5 to 30 centimeters, and in some species it can reach up to 50 cm. More often, the pitchers are painted in bright colors: red, matte white with a spotted pattern, or light green with spots. The flowers are small and inconspicuous, actinomorphic and petalless, with four imbricated sepals. The fruit is in the form of a leathery capsule, divided by internal partitions into separate chambers, in each of which seeds with a fleshy endosperm and a straight cylindrical small embryo are attached to a column.

It is curious that large nepenthes, in addition to eating insects, also use the droppings of tupaya animals, which climb onto the plant like a toilet to feast on sweet nectar. In this way, the plant forms a symbiotic relationship with the animal, using its droppings as fertilizer.


This mushroom, a member of the Agaricus mushrooms, looks like chewed gum, oozing blood and smelling like strawberries. However, you should not eat it, because it is one of the most poisonous mushrooms on earth, and even just licking it can guarantee serious poisoning. The mushroom became famous in 1812, and it was then that it was considered inedible. The surface of the fruiting bodies is white, velvety, with small depressions, becoming beige or brown with age. On the surface of young specimens, drops of poisonous blood-red liquid protrude through the pores. The word “tooth” in the name is for a reason. The fungus has sharp formations along the edges that appear with age.

In addition to its external qualities, this mushroom has good antibacterial properties and contains chemicals that thin the blood. It is quite possible that this mushroom will soon become a replacement for penicillin. The main feature of this mushroom is that it can feed on both soil sap and insects, which are attracted by the red liquid of the fungus. The diameter of the cap of the bloody tooth is 5-10 centimeters, the length of the stem is 2-3 centimeters. The bloody tooth grows in the coniferous forests of Australia, Europe and North America.


The top three among the most unusual plants in the world is closed by a large tropical plant of the genus Amorphophallus of the Araceae family, discovered in 1878 in Sumatra. One of the most famous species of the genus, it has one of the largest inflorescences in the world. The aerial part of this plant is a short and thick stem; at the base there is a single large leaf, with smaller ones higher up. The leaf is up to 3 meters long and up to 1 meter in diameter. Petiole length 2-5 meters, thickness 10 cm. Matte green, with white transverse stripes. The underground part of the plant is a giant tuber weighing up to 50 kilograms.

The aroma of the flower resembles a mixture of the smells of rotten eggs and rotten fish, and in appearance the flower resembles a decaying piece of meat. It is this smell that attracts pollinating insects to the plant in the wild. Flowering continues for two weeks. Interestingly, the cob heats up to 40°C. During this time, the tuber is severely depleted due to excessive consumption of nutrients. Therefore, it needs another rest period of up to 4 weeks to accumulate strength for leaf development. If there are few nutrients, then the tuber “sleeps” after flowering until next spring. The lifespan of this plant is 40 years, but it blooms only three or four times during this time.


Velvichia amazing - a relict tree - is one species, one genus, one family, one order of Velvichiev. Velvichia grows in the south of Angola and Namibia. The plant is rarely found further than a hundred kilometers from the coast; this approximately corresponds to the limit reached by fogs, which are the main source of moisture for Velvichia. Its appearance cannot be called either grass, bush, or tree. The scientific world learned about Velvichia in the 19th century.

From a distance it seems that Velvichia has a lot of long leaves, but in fact there are only two of them, and they grow throughout its plant life, adding 8-15 centimeters per year. Scientific works have described a giant with leaves more than 6 meters long and about 2 meters wide. And its life expectancy is so long that it’s hard to believe. Although Velvichia is considered a tree, it does not have annual rings, like those on tree trunks. Scientists determined the age of the largest Velvichia using radiocarbon dating - it turned out that some specimens are about 2000 years old!

Instead of social plant life, Velvichia prefers a solitary existence, that is, it does not grow in a group. Velvichia's flowers look like small cones, and each female cone contains only one seed, and each seed is equipped with wide wings. As for pollination, botanists have differing opinions. Some believe that pollination is carried out by insects, while others are more inclined to the action of the wind. Welwitschia is protected by the Namibian Nature Conservation Act. Collecting its seeds is prohibited without special permission. The entire territory where Velvichia grows was turned into a National Park.