Rite of fire worship in trinity. Trinity Day: customs. Trinity: traditions and rituals. A spell for good luck in an important matter on Trinity

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Trinity is one of the main Christian holidays. But in this holiday, in addition to directly Orthodox traditions, there are also features of ancient pagan rituals. Such is the nature of the Russian man - he prayed to God in church on Trinity Sunday with his right hand, and at that time he could hold a bunch of grass with his left. Then, leaving the church, bow to the four cardinal directions, weave a wreath from this bunch at home, speak the cherished words on it and put it behind the icon - for a happy and rich year, until the next Trinity. Thus, both the Christian and pagan views of the Russian people merged into one whole. And there was no contradiction here, everything was harmonious and coherent.



The peasants celebrated Trinity noisily and cheerfully. It was a special holiday for farmers, a time when the sowing season is already over, preparations are underway for haymaking and the first harvest, and therefore a few free days without hard work should have been celebrated. People associate many signs, rituals and conspiracies with the Trinity.

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Rituals for Trinity


Trinity always took place at the beginning of summer. This time was very important for the peasants: good rain guaranteed thick grass, which meant excellent haymaking, moist, nutritious soil, which meant a good harvest. Therefore, the rituals of the Trinity were treated very carefully, passing them on in the family from adults to children.



One of the main rites on Trinity is to bring to church for consecration, and then hide in the house behind a frame or, later, behind an icon, bunches of “tear” herbs - grass that was specially mourned, since tears symbolized rain. Thus, people begged from nature, and later from God, for a good summer without drought, with rain and a rich harvest from the soil saturated with moisture.

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Birch branches inserted behind window frames, platbands, shutters, green grass scattered around the room also symbolized a good, fruitful summer, so this was the case in every village house.

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In the village, any peasant labor on Trinity Day was condemned: neither in the field nor in the house was it possible to do anything other than cooking.

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It was also impossible to swim, because this time is the time of mermaids, when mermaids can lure you to the bottom.

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Weaving wreaths is also a custom on Trinity Sunday. Girls weaved in a group; men were not allowed in; if a guy saw someone’s wreath, it was a bad omen, the “evil eye” of the girl. Wreaths were woven directly into Trinity and went with them to the river. There they launched it into the water: wherever it swam, the groom will be from there; if he stayed by the shore, the girl wouldn’t get married, and if she drowned, she would die this year. Moreover, the wreaths were not removed from the head by hand, but bent so that they themselves fell into the water.



Even food for Trinity was sometimes prepared in a special way. In the pre-Christian world, everything round was valued, since the circle is a symbol of the sun. So on Trinity Sunday they baked a round loaf, which was blessed in the church, and made fried eggs. A round fried egg is both a symbol of the sun and a friendly married couple, “without corners,” that is, without quarrels and disagreements. It consists of two eggs, since both of its “eyes” should symbolize a friendly couple - husband and wife. While the scrambled eggs were baking, the hostess always said the cherished words:


"Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake. Lord have mercy (three times). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

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Salt scrambled eggs with Thursday salt. Season with green onions, garlic and parsley. Moreover, the greens are not chopped, but placed in twigs or long green feathers, which also signified the unity and strong bond between husband and wife. The husband himself did not participate in this, but waited for his wife to perform all the sacraments, put scrambled eggs on a rye loaf and go with her husband to the grove, to the birch tree decorated in advance with bright shreds - to celebrate the Trinity and eat the enchanted dish together - a talisman against all evil.

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The day before Trinity, on parental Saturday, everyone went to the cemetery to remember relatives; if someone did not make it on this day, it was believed that he was inviting the dead to come to him, and they, in turn, would take someone away from home (then there is a relative who will die). Therefore, before Trinity, a funeral dinner was left, and the clothes of the dead were hung on the fence - both to remember and to push away death, to drive away.

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On Trinity Sunday, old women went to the cemetery to sweep the graves with birch brooms - it was believed that evil spirits retreated, and the dead rejoiced and promoted peace, harmony and wealth throughout the village.

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Matchmaking was a good custom. It was believed that if they wooed on Trinity and got married on the Intercession, it means that these spouses would have a long, happy life, in love and harmony.

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And the next day after Trinity is Spiritual Day. The earth was considered the birthday girl, they also did not work on it, but in the morning they went in search of treasures, because on its name day the earth would definitely reveal something valuable to a good person.



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For a long time, on this day, believers performed a number of rituals and read conspiracies in order to protect their family and friends from various misfortunes.

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On this day, everyone carried whole armfuls of green, young twigs to their home, mostly willow, linden or willow were used for this. The branches were placed directly above the window frames, above the doors, always at the entrance to the house.


It was believed that these branches would prevent evil spirits from entering the house. The branches should remain in place for a week, then it is better to remove them.

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It is done on the eve of Trinity. You need to weave a wreath from wild flowers, cross yourself three times, speak and throw it into running water. And then, without looking back, return home.


“Girls walk through the green field, pick flowers, weave wreaths and throw them into the water. Betrothed, you catch the wreath, give it to me, the servant of God (name), forever and ever. Amen.”

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They read in a benevolent mood in the morning, having previously “warmed” their hands in the morning sun. You need to “warm your hands” outside (you can on the balcony), but not through glass.


“I will get up, pray, go out, cross myself, climb a high mountain, look around on all four sides. How on the eastern side, in a green meadow, a black horse is grazing, wild and violent. No one saddled him, no one rode him, stirrups "That horse did not know the reins. I will tame that horse, and he will walk under me obediently, carry me wherever I want. My will is strong, my word is true. Amen."


There is one curious feature in the history of Russian holidays: almost every significant date is accompanied by both “official” and folk traditions. For example, many customs and rituals for the holiday of Trinity actually arose much earlier than Christianity came to Rus'.

Interestingly, some of them have survived to this day. Then how to celebrate Trinity, what rites and rituals can be performed? We'll tell you about this right now.

There really are a lot of rituals for Trinity - dozens of traditions of this holiday have come down to us from time immemorial. Much will become clear if we step back into history for a while. Orthodoxy, as we know, began to spread in the 10th century. And before that, our ancestors lived according to their own calendar, rich in its own events.

Today we call it paganism, but previously the cult was an object of sacred faith. Folk rites and rituals were obligatory for every member of the community. The year began in the spring, with the onset of the agricultural cycle.

And when spring gave way to the long-awaited summer, the Slavs celebrated the so-called Rusal Week. It was believed that at this time the souls of deceased ancestors finally leave earthly boundaries and go to another, more beautiful world.

They also believed that at this time lovely mermaids and mermaids emerged from the reservoirs. With their alluring glances, they captivated travelers and random passers-by who found themselves near rivers and lakes.

If one succumbed to temptation, the mermaid could drag the poor fellow to the bottom of her water world, which meant certain death. That is why such a custom on the Trinity Day has survived even to this day: it is believed that washing and bathing on this day is strictly prohibited.

But a mermaid is almost the same girl, only with a fish tail. Perhaps she will understand the mysterious female soul, and tell her where to find her betrothed, and how soon she will meet him on her life’s path.

That is why many rites and rituals for Trinity are associated with fortune telling for love. There are also money signs, weather signs and other traditions on how to celebrate Trinity. Of course, all of them relate only to popular ideas, but still arouse the genuine interest of many people.

Well, then history began to develop along the Orthodox vector. The holiday of the Trinity also came into use (it is also called the Day of the Spirits, because believers celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit to earth). However, folk traditions did not sink into oblivion - they continued to develop and, moreover, were intricately intertwined with church traditions.

That is why today you can get a whole list of answers to the question of what rituals are performed on Trinity. Several examples of such rituals are detailed in the next section.

What to do on Trinity: customs and rituals

So, what rituals and signs of the holiday have survived to this day? In other words, what traditions can we come into contact with today, in the 21st century?

Rituals for health

Of course, health is the basis, and our ancestors paid a lot of attention to this issue. Almost every holiday had its own rituals to recharge one’s health for the whole year. For example, on Epiphany they swam in an ice hole and lightly hit each other with willow branches.

As for Trinity, on this day there was such an interesting tradition: a sign says that you must take a walk in the rain (if it falls). Firstly, it in itself is a good sign.

And most importantly, it will add strength so that you can fulfill all your dreams. It was also considered beneficial for health to walk through the morning dew. If there was especially a lot of it, it was believed that the whole year would be prosperous.

Also, folk signs for Trinity say that on this day you must certainly collect medicinal herbs and flowers. Plants at such times have special miraculous powers, so if you dry them for future use and then use them to make medicinal tea, they will help maintain health and cure diseases.

Greenery for Trinity: a symbol of the holiday

It is interesting that Trinity is generally closely connected with greenery, because it is not without reason that it is sometimes called Green Sunday. The fact is that the meaning of the holiday is associated with a miraculous event - the descent to earth of the Holy Spirit, which took place on the 50th day after Easter (which is why this date is often also called Pentecost). This event marked the onset of a time of grace, which continues to this day: now every person can sincerely repent before God and receive forgiveness of all their sins.

The Holy Spirit is the life-giving power, the third person of God. And it is no coincidence that the celebration of Trinity Day falls just at the end of spring - the beginning of summer.

At this time, even in the northern latitudes of our country, young leaves bloom on the trees, fresh grass begins to grow in the fields, and in the south the first harvest of some crops (for example, radishes) is completely harvested. So it turns out that since time immemorial, greenery and everything connected with it have become the symbol, if you will, the color theme of the day.

Therefore, on Trinity Sunday, young birch branches are always plucked and blessed in the church. The sign says that they must definitely be brought home and placed next to the icon. It is better to save the branches of consecrated birch for a whole year - then they will protect the house from troubles and help maintain good health for all family members.

It was also believed that birch branches could predict what the haymaking would be like. They were stuck into the ground and observed for three days:

  • If the branches have dried up during this time, then you will be able to stock up on plenty of hay.
  • If the branches remained green, there may be heavy rains, and difficulties will arise with the preparation of hay.

Rituals and fortune telling for love

There are also several customs and omens for Trinity associated with fortune-telling for the betrothed. First of all, it must be said that the descent of the Holy Spirit historically coincided with another event that has remained in people’s memory since pagan times. At the same time, Rusal Week begins.

But along with mysticism, a mermaid can also give something good - for example, answer a girl’s questions about her betrothed. Therefore, one of the common beliefs about the Trinity is associated with fortune telling.

On this day, the girls wove wreaths of wildflowers and floated them on the water: let the mermaid accept the gift and at least hint at the future:

  • If the wreath sank - wait for trials, if it floats - you will soon meet your loved one with whom you will have a wonderful marriage.
  • Stayed near the shore - it’s too early to dream, try next year or at least for Christmas.
  • And if you swam against the current, soon there will be such drastic changes that life will be divided into exactly two halves: “before” and “after”. Of course, these will be successful, favorable events.

By the way, you can launch wreaths not silently, but by saying the following words:

Girls walk across the field, carry bouquets, weave wreaths and wade into the water. Betrothed, mummer, catch the wreath and bring it to me. Forever and ever. Amen.

Immediately after throwing the wreath, you need to quickly go home, don’t look back along the way and don’t talk to anyone, including on the phone. In general, this ritual is quite interesting and certainly made a certain impression. After all, being alone with yourself, and even being silent for at least a couple of hours, is a useful procedure that may help you look at your life a little differently.

And there is also such an interesting sign of the Holy Trinity for love. The girl must definitely stay at home alone (no matter - in the morning, afternoon or evening), open the window, come closer to the window and whisper:

Slave (name) go to the porch, to my palace, to my vestibule, to my threshold, following my tracks. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen.

Of course, this applies to those ladies who have already chosen the man of their hearts or at least have an exact idea of ​​who they would like to see next to them. This plot is read 9 times in a row, after which, again, you need to be silent for a while and give full scope to your imagination. Sincere dreams and emotional impulses have a wonderful ability to come true.

Also on Trinity Sunday, girls paid attention to the signs of fate. For example, one of the superstitions on Trinity Sunday is associated with a sign when a stranger - a traveler or a random passer-by - comes to the house. He needs to be met at the highest level, because this promises happiness to the owner of the house. A girl, for example, can meet her betrothed.

But the most interesting thing is if it is on Trinity that a marriage proposal is made to the girl (previously matchmakers would come home, but now, as we know, everything has become much simpler). You can agree without hesitation - or even better, choose to get married on Intercession (October 1 according to the old style and October 14 according to the new style). Then the relationship will be extremely successful, and the marriage will be happy.

Spell for a wreath

A little more about wreaths. They can not only be floated on water. Greenery, birch branches, grass and wildflowers are timeless. Interestingly, even among priests it is customary to dress in elegant green robes on this day, so the service looks especially beautiful.

And girls can weave another wreath from any natural material and consecrate it in the church. Then bring it home, hang it on an icon or put it in the best, most prominent place in the house, then remain alone and say the following words:

I go to bed without praying and without crossing myself, Lord, Christ forgive me. I put a wreath of holy herbs under my head.

As these herbs curled and intertwined into a wreath, so let God’s servant (name) curl and twine around me, as the wreath withers and dry, so let it dry and grieve for me, God’s servant (name), with food does not eat, does not drink, does not go on a spree; whether he is at a feast or during a conversation, whether he is in the field or in the house - I would not leave his mind.

May my words be strong and sculpted, stronger than stone and damask steel, a sharp knife and a greyhound spear. And the key to my words is a confirmation, and a strong fortress, and a strong force in the heights of heaven, and a castle in the depths of the sea.

Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

After this, you need to put the wreath under your pillow and sleep like that for the night. It may not be entirely convenient, but the dream will certainly come true. Then, under no circumstances should the enchanted wreath be thrown away - it is dried and stored anywhere for exactly a year.

Rituals for wealth

In general, quite a lot of folk signs, customs and traditions for Trinity are associated with a wreath of greenery and wildflowers, so it can be considered not only a symbol of the holiday, but also a kind of inanimate hero of this day.

If you want to enlist the protection of heavenly powers and live a year in prosperity, you need to bring the blessed wreath home along with holy water. Each corner is sprayed with it (clockwise), and 1 or several coins are placed in each corner. At the same time the following words are pronounced:

The Holy Trinity, given to help us, I will not be lazy, I will work. For this, let gold flow into my house.

After the wreath has dried, it must be hidden in a place inaccessible to others and stored throughout the year.

And among the Trinity signs associated with wealth, there are also such simple signs as, for example, seeing a rainbow in the sky or getting caught in heavy rain. This promises favorable events, health and prosperity for the whole year. Well, if some traveler comes to the house, even an unfamiliar guest, he is supposed to be greeted very warmly, then the good done will certainly be returned.

And one more interesting sign for health, a real folk custom associated with the Trinity - the distribution of alms, which must be done the next day, on Monday. First you need to go to the church, pray, or even listen to the service if time permits.

And then just give away all the change that remains in your pockets and wallet. This will protect you from many troubles, and most importantly, it will help you maintain your health. Of course, the ritual is voluntary, and it must be done selflessly, otherwise there will be no result.


Trinity is celebrated not one, but three whole days: Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Moreover, Monday was called Spiritual Day - it is also called the Day of the Holy Spirit.

In popular belief, a sign has spread that it is on this day that the name day of the earth is celebrated. Therefore, many people at this time went in search of... treasure. It was believed that the earth would certainly reveal its precious secret to a good person.

Nowadays, you can simply try your luck - for example, buy a lottery ticket. Who knows - who will be lucky today?

Trinity Saturday: remember the departed

Oddly enough, the Trinity holiday is associated with many customs and signs for remembering the dead. It would seem, where is the connection between the descent of the Holy Spirit and the remembrance of the departed?

The answer to this question can be found if we lift the veil of those distant times when not only Christian, but also pagan traditions coexisted harmoniously among the people.

As already mentioned, the celebration of this celebration coincides with the onset of Rusal Week. Our ancestors believed that these days were significant not only for the emergence of mermaids from natural bodies of water, but also for the departure of the souls of deceased ancestors. The fact is that previously the beginning of the new year was celebrated not on January 1, but with the onset of the agricultural cycle.

Therefore, the time of Trinity is a time of renewal, when the new year finally comes into its own. And the souls of all those who died over the previous 12 months finally go to their heavenly abode, i.e. leaving our sinful land. That is why on the day of the Holy Trinity there was and still is a sign according to which one must definitely go to the cemetery and restore complete order there.

True, the attitude of the Orthodox Church towards such a tradition is not very favorable: it is believed that it is better to go to the grave on another day. If you think a little more deeply, you can agree with this opinion.

The fact is that Trinity is a celebration of the life-giving power of the Lord, who, by his mercy, not only sacrificed his only Son Jesus Christ, but also sent the Holy Spirit to help every person. It is clear that this celebration is bright, and the palette of emotions on such a day simply should not contain dark colors.

In addition, on the eve of the holiday there is a special one - then you can go to the cemetery. And on Trinity itself, it’s better to go to church, get imbued with bright feelings, and then spend the day with your loved ones, go on a visit and do some kind, pleasant things.

What to cook for Trinity according to custom: festive table

Any church holiday was considered a big event in Rus', and preparations were made for it in advance - almost a week or even a month in advance. On the eve of Trinity, the housewives polished the floors until they shined and put the whole house in order.

And, of course, we also had to worry about the dishes that were served at the festive table. The traditional menu for Trinity necessarily included scrambled eggs - this is a symbol of life itself, and also of the sun, summer, all that is good and bright.

Also, a lot of vegetables and fruits were served on the table; they could be eaten either raw or cooked as part of any dish. It is appropriate to make a light stew with dietary meat, prepare stewed cabbage with apples or bell peppers. Of course, our ancestors loved pies - they were served with several fillings: both individually and in a mixture.

For dessert we relied on honey cakes - today, by the way, we can easily replace them with delicious homemade honey cakes. And another mandatory menu item is pancakes. You can make simple pancakes or with toppings (with onions, apples, cheese or even minced meat).

In a word, the Trinity table should be beautiful, bright, and festive. It is intended to serve only light, dietary dishes: an abundance of fatty, fried, smoked foods is not the best choice.

Moreover: this holiday symbolizes the final onset of summer. And summer in Russia is the time for vacations and beach seasons. So we will monitor our figure and health, because the taste and benefits of the dish can be combined.

How to treat folk rituals on Trinity today

The history of the customs and traditions of the Trinity in Russia is great and rich. To us, people of the 21st century, many of these beliefs will seem like a sweet, kind fairy tale.

Of course, in the age of science and technological progress, pagan legends became part of folklore and took their place on the shelf with the inscription: “Tales and Legends of the Slavic Peoples.” It must be said that the church also very disapproves of performing such rituals, reading conspiracies, and especially fortune-telling.

However, the traditions of celebrating the Trinity have lived and continue to live both in Russia and in many other countries, so a logical question arises as to whether it is even possible to carry them out today? The answer is ambiguous.

A believer has enough of his own “ways” of contact with the Miraculous. Religious people pray, communicate with the Lord and sincerely ask him for their needs.

On the other hand, some of us will be helped by a folk sign or even fortune telling. The main meaning of any ritual is to tune in to the desired wave, to open your heart to something invisible, but no less real than the physical world. And if it is easier for a person to get his well-deserved portion of inspiration in this way, then why not use the “folk” method?

This situation can be compared to scaffolding. While workers are erecting a building, there are wooden structures around it, which spoil the whole view, but help the builders reach all corners. The time will come and the forests will be removed. Then the house will appear before us in all its glory.

Let someone begin their journey into the world of the miraculous with a not entirely “correct” method. The main thing is to walk along this endless road of life and firmly believe in good changes.

Rituals and conspiracies for Trinity have always enjoyed special honor. Christian traditions were intertwined with pagan ones, peasant life with urban life (since ancient times, finding a lively response not only in villages, but also in big cities, such as Moscow, Kyiv, Novgorod...)

To this day, spells and rituals for the Trinity for wealth, health, love, beauty are popular among the people... On this day and the day before, nature has truly magical properties, allowing people to accomplish their plans, be cleansed and healed.

That is why on the Trinity holiday it is customary to use natural magic, reading prayers, spells, spells or whispers, conducting fortune telling, making amulets, using folk signs to improve the quality of your life.

For health and beauty

Healers and healers (among them the famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova) revere the power of the Holy Trinity holiday, recommending at this time to carry out all kinds of rituals and conspiracies for health and healing from diseases. Knowledgeable people often pick up the grass that remains on the floor in the church, and with its help they heal the seriously ill. In addition, on this day, healers have a chance to get rid of the disease that was transferred to them from the patient - to do this, they need to defend two services in the church (Lunch and Vespers), having fresh flowers with them. The plants are then dried and tea is prepared twelve days later. Having dipped their fingers in the broth, they draw crosses on their own body, reading a prayer or spell asking for healing.

With a spell on the holiday of the Trinity, you can provide protection against diseases that are “transferable” (which are transferred to you by other people with the help of magic). Such preventive protection can be done not only for yourself, but also for your household. We make flat cakes from the dough - one for each family member. Before putting them to bake, cross each cake and say three times

“As soon as the cake gets inside, the witchcraft disease will go away.”

Ready flatbreads should be eaten on the same day.

Rituals and conspiracies for Trinity - Everything will be good - Announcement of issue 607 - 05.27.15

Folk fortune telling for Trinity.

Trinity Rite

On the Trinity holiday, it is good to do rituals and read conspiracies for beauty and youth. In the morning, young women can perform a ritual with dew to gain beauty. To do this, put on a shirt or dress made of natural fabric and go early in the morning to walk barefoot and lie on the dewy grass. Don’t forget to wash your face with dew saying:

“The Feast of the Holy Trinity bestows beauty: sparkle in the eyes and hair, a scarlet glow on the lips, the skin is velvety, white, and my soul is bright.”

Do not wash your shirt after dew - fold it and hide it, and wear it in the future in case of illness or illness.

For wealth

Trinity conspiracies for money and wealth are among the most widely read. On this holiday, people come to church for service with a bunch of grass, and when they leave, they bow to the four cardinal directions and weave a wreath from the grass. Then the wreath is spoken, saying “I am braiding the grass, I am calling for a fruitful year, the work will go smoothly and the house will be prosperous.” The charmed wreath is placed behind the icon in the house and prayers are said. Throughout the year, this wreath serves to attract wealth and prosperity to the home.

There is also a money ritual with the centaury plant. You need to pick it at dawn and take it with you to church for service. During service, the plant must be kept in the bosom. Then, with prayers, the centaury is woven into a bath broom and steamed with it that night. This ritual brings wealth and prosperity for the whole year.

For success in work, trade, or for additional income, take three coins with you to church services and clasp them in your fist. Be sure to light a candle in front of the icon of the Holy Trinity and pray. At home, throw three coins into a cup of milk and say the spell three times

“Like milk is white, my life will be pure, honest, righteous and prosperous.”

Drink the milk and distribute the coins as follows: put one under the icon, the other in your wallet, and donate the third to the church.

For love

On Holy Trinity, it is also customary to perform rituals and cast spells for love - to attract a beloved man, to strengthen a marriage and good luck in marriage. To find a husband this year, go to a church service with grass and flowers picked at dawn. After the service, sit down under a “female” tree (rowan, birch) alone and weave a wreath, saying

“As flowers and herbs are intertwined, so our destinies with our beloved betrothed are intertwined for mutual happiness and eternal love.”

Place the wreath under your pillow - at night you will be visited by prophetic dreams, and within a year you will unite with your betrothed.

A ritual for love in the family and strengthening the marriage union is carried out with the help of ordinary eggs. The housewife fries two eggs into scrambled eggs, placing them side by side, like a married couple. A round scrambled egg and a frying pan represent the sun and a smooth life - without “corners”. The dish is salted with Thursday salt and decorated with herbs (the greens are not cut, but placed in whole stalks). The dish symbolizes the integrity of a married couple - the hostess shares it with her man at a kind of picnic, sitting under a birch tree. (Some women bake scrambled eggs into a round loaf and then divide it in half).

To fulfill a wish

Using the magic of the Trinity holiday, many on this day perform a ritual to fulfill a wish. The ritual is very simple and is suitable for those who have already tried to implement their plans, but have not achieved success. Such a person should ask for a little luck and help from divine and natural forces. You need to sit down near a birch tree, hug it and quietly tell it about your problem, ask for help in fulfilling your wish, pray and thank it in advance. (This custom is also used by women who cannot get pregnant for a long time).

There are various types of fortune telling that will tell you whether it is worth expending effort in the intended direction. You can tell your wish using a chain if you have never counted its links before. This type of fortune telling is done on Trinity Day once in a lifetime. According to custom, after putting on a chain, you need to go to church and light candles for all the people who compete with you and interfere, for all your enemies and ill-wishers. Donate as much as you can to the church, then count the links of the chain at home (several times, so as not to make a mistake) - an even number means that your idea will come true.

Customs and signs

Signs for Trinity are considered especially true - with their help you can find out how prosperous the year is expected and prepare for it in advance. Signs also allow you to improve the future by doing a little magical work.

  1. So, rain on Trinity means that the year will be fertile and fruitful.
  2. You can also “ask” nature for rain by bringing “mourned” herbs to the church for this holiday, and then putting them in the house behind the icon.
  3. You can’t swim on this day, “so that the mermaids don’t drag you to the bottom.”
  4. You cannot do any work on Trinity Sunday other than preparing food.
  5. To rid your garden beds of weeds, pull out one of them and plant it with its leaves in the soil and with its roots facing up - this year you will have to weed your garden much less.
  6. Scatter green branches on the floor in the house, place and hang them on the windows - this way you will invite a warm and fertile summer, and in addition, greenery will become a talisman for well-being and prosperity in your home.
  7. It is believed that couples matched on Trinity will live especially happily.
  8. On the Saturday before Trinity, be sure to go to the cemetery and tidy up the graves of your relatives. Prepare a special dinner and remember the departed, light a candle for them, and pray. This way you will show attention to your family and improve your personal destiny.
  9. It is believed that the greenery used to decorate the house on Trinity Day does not lose its magical power even when dried. It can be kept all year round as a talisman against thunderstorms, quarrels and troubles.

Since ancient times, Trinity has been not only a church holiday, but also a time when various magical conspiracies were carried out and read. This is due to the enormous energy of this day, which allows you to realize your desires, improve your financial situation or change your situation in your personal life. Trinity conspiracies and rituals for wealth have not lost their relevance to this day. Many rituals require herbs, which are usually collected at dawn on this church holiday.

Trinity magic for wealth

Let's start with the simplest ritual, which has been known since ancient times. To carry it out, you need to pick the centaury in the morning of this church holiday and hold a service with it in the temple, holding the bouquet on your chest. At night, go to the bathhouse and be sure to take a steam bath using the blessed centaury. It is believed that such a simple ritual ensures a carefree and financially secure life. If desired, you can repeat the ritual every day.

To read the next powerful spell-prayer for money and wealth on Trinity, you must also get up in the morning at dawn and go to the meadow to collect any seven herbs. This could be, for example, chamomile, nettle, sedge, etc. In general, everything you find is suitable, there are no restrictions in this regard. With the finished bouquet you should go to church and stand for mass and vespers. While performing kneeling prayers, this bundle must touch the floor seven times. In the evening, when you come home, lock yourself in your room so that no one disturbs you and nothing distracts you. Holding a bunch in your hands, you should say a spell for wealth on Trinity:

“To the Most Holy Trinity, the Consubstantial Power, all the good Wines that we will repay You for everything that You have repaid us, sinners and unworthy, before you brought us into the world, for everything that You have repaid us every day and that You have prepared for everyone for us in the future? It is fitting, then, to thank Thee for so much good deeds and generosity, not just in words, but more so in deeds, in keeping and fulfilling Thy commandments: but we, being aware of our passions and evil customs, have cast ourselves into countless sins and iniquities from our youth. For this reason, as unclean and defiled, do not just appear before Your three-bright face without coldness, but below Your Most Holy Name, utter what is sufficient for us, even if You Yourself had not deigned, for our joy, to proclaim that the pure and righteous are loving, repentant sinners are merciful and gracious accept it. Look then, O Divine Trinity, from the height of Your Holy Glory upon us, many sinners, and accept our good will, instead of good deeds: and give us the spirit of true repentance, so that, having hated every sin, in purity and truth, we will live until the end of our days , creating the most holy faith."

To live happily and richly throughout your life, you can perform a simple but very powerful ritual. On the morning of Trinity, you should go to three churches and give alms. When you give money or food, you should say the following words to yourself:

“I give a ruble, two - I return it to myself, and I increase my wealth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

For the next ritual, it is necessary to prepare yellow coins, and their denomination does not matter at all. Place them in different corners of your house and read the following plot:

“I will get up at dawn, bow to the green grass, how you grow, little ant, you don’t let a single creature of God die, you feed birds, animals, and people from all over the world, so that my income grows and gets stronger. In the name of the Holy Trinity, I crown my words for the eternal, infinite age. Amen"

Leave the coins there until Ivan Kupala, and on that day throw them into running water, for example, into a river.

To ensure good luck for a long time and to improve your financial situation, you can perform a ritual. First, you should remember all the people you could offend during your life. Before 12 noon you need to go to church and buy a candle there. When you come home, light a candle and place it in front of the icon of Jesus Christ, and then simply turn to the Lord and ask for help. It is important to apply from a pure heart. Until the evening, it is important to behave calmly, not eat or drink anything and remain silent. If you fulfill all the conditions, then you can count on the help of a Higher Power.

Let's consider another Trinity ritual for wealth and health

To carry out the ritual, you should take the following plants in advance: lovage, peonies and birch leaves. Herbs should be dried on the windowsill. It is important that they see three Suns and three Moons. On Trinity, you should take herbs and consecrate them in the church, which will increase their magical power. Arriving home, you need to stand between the rooms on the threshold that is closest to the exit. Stand so that the middle of your feet is between the rooms. After that, say this spell:

“Pass Trinity, my loneliness.”

Draw a bath and throw herbs into it. By taking such a bath, you can get rid of accumulated negativity, improve your health and improve your financial situation.

You can do this on Trinity to attract money, for which you take cotton cloth, red thread, silver wormwood, clover and oak leaves. It is worth preparing herbs, as in the previous ritual. After this, place the prepared plants on the fabric and tie the edges to make a bag. Secure it with red thread and place it in the pillowcase of your pillow. When the bag is damaged, it must be burned outside.

Trinity rituals began to be held many centuries ago, because this particular day is one of the brightest and most energetically filled. Trinity is the boundary between winter and summer, so it was customary to fill not only the house, but also the yard with all sorts of natural attributes, amulets and plants for a successful year. Magical customs and rituals for Trinity are successful due to their effectiveness in any area of ​​life: be it monetary, love, or cleansing Trinity procedures. What conspiracies are the most famous?

About the most famous holiday customs

Not only rituals are popular on Trinity - customs, traditions and signs of the holiday are also of great importance. Among others, certain Trinity customs are distinguished:

  1. Weaving a wreath. On the green Christmastide, as the holy holiday of the Trinity is also called, wreaths should be woven in order to prepare for the most important fortune telling of the year. When throwing a wreath into the water, girls need to monitor its movement: if the wreath floats, then a quick wedding is likely, but if it starts to spin, disagreements should be expected. Sinking under water is a sign of betrayal. Finding a wreath in one place indicates that marriage is not coming soon.
  2. Bathing ban. As the signs say, those who buy something a week before Christmas are in danger of encountering evil spirits. You can plunge into river water the very next day after Trinity.
  3. Calling for rain. Trinity customs with an appeal to the rain are the most ancient and consist of visiting a church with a bunch of grass, mourned with tears. With the help of such a custom, the land was protected from drought.
  4. Decoration with plants. To bring happiness and prosperity to your home, before the holiday you need to make amulets, which include spit flowers and some branches. Having collected all the plants, they are illuminated in the church, after which they are hung throughout the house. A traditional home amulet should include birch, maple, rowan and oak - their branches can protect a person from evil intentions and the evil eye. Healing herbs and other wildflowers should be dried in case of possible illness.
  5. Storing the pie. A small piece of cake baked for Trinity must be stored so that future newlyweds or children of seven are happy, live in prosperity and in health.

Traditions and customs on Trinity have always been honored and respected. Signs that allow one to determine what awaits a person next and what not to do are also considered no less truthful.

The meaning of the Trinity signs

Signs for green Christmastide allow a person to discover a truth that will tell everything about the coming year:

  • according to tradition, it was believed that by getting wooed on Trinity Sunday, the family was guaranteed a happy and long married life;
  • if it rains on Trinity, then you can expect a fertile and fruitful year;
  • so that there are no misfortunes this year, you should refrain from any household work except cooking;
  • On the holy holiday, not only houses, but also the graves of relatives and friends should be cleansed, therefore, before Sunday, you need to put them in order, remember them with a delicious dinner and, praying, light candles - this will help improve your own destiny;
  • The greens collected on Trinity Sunday should not be thrown away in order to protect the house from natural bad weather and family troubles.

Trinity conspiracies

Rituals and conspiracies for such a truly Russian and holy holiday as Trinity have incredible magical abilities and properties. The most common rituals are to attract love, wealth, fertility and to cleanse the soul. In order for all actions performed to be effective, it is important to keep them secret and follow all recommendations. So, what conspiracies can be used for green Christmastide?

  1. Ritual for money using centaury. The plant is picked at the dawn of the holiday and taken to the temple. Throughout the service, it is held behind the back, after which it is woven into a bath broom, which will become an attribute of bath procedures on the night of the holiday. With the help of this ritual you can call upon wealth and material wealth.
  2. In order for success to accompany work, business and trade, you need to take several bills or coins into service and squeeze them in your hand. When you come home, place three candles near the icon of the Holy Trinity and pray. Afterwards, place bills or coins in the milk, saying 3 times: “Milk is snow-white, life is pure, like a cloud.” You need to drink the milk, and distribute all 3 coins, placing one under the icon, the second in a bag or wallet, and the third by taking it to the temple.
  3. Love rituals and spells on the holy day of Trinity are incredibly powerful and can attract the attention of even a stranger. According to tradition, it is enough to visit a church with plants picked early in the morning to meet true love. At the end of the service, a lonely girl should sit down under any female tree (rowan) and begin to weave a wreath with the words: “I weave blades of grass and petals, flowers and stems in order to weave myself with my beloved betrothed.” All you need to do afterwards is leave the wreath under your pillow overnight and wait for your betrothed to appear within a year.
  4. In order for the green Christmastide to help make your wishes come true, you need to go to a remote area on the day of the holiday and find a “female” tree. You need to sit down next to him and sincerely talk about all your problems, smoothly moving on to your desires. Don't be afraid to talk a lot - the main thing is honesty and sincerity. Ask the tree for everything you want and go home. Before going to bed, refocus on fulfilling your desires and light candles around the house.
  5. You can bring good luck to life either before an important event, a trip, or a new position using the following conspiracy, which will only work if you are in a good mood. Get up at dawn and look at the sun, you can go out onto the balcony or into the yard. Raising your hands to the sky, start reading the plot: “I got up early in the morning and filled a bag of happiness. She went out into the street, crossed herself and climbed up a tall hill. I looked around, and everything around me was upside down. No one can fix the situation, but I can. I know where to put failures and how to meet happiness faster. I tame all storms, I conquer everyone in life. Amen".

Rituals performed according to the rules amaze with their effectiveness and strength. To make each of them more effective, respect traditions and follow the customs of the holiday in order to draw the attention of the forces of light to life.

Trinity Rite

Rituals and conspiracies for Trinity - Everything will be good - Announcement of issue 607 - 05.27.15

Songs and rituals for the Ascension, Trinity, Spiritual Day and Peter

Rituals for the green Christmastide

Protective rites are of particular importance on this holy day. Thanks to them, you can protect yourself and your family from misfortunes for a whole year. All you need to complete it: St. John's wort, wormwood and yarrow herbs. They must be collected in a bag and blessed. In church you need to light 7 candles for health and read the prayer to the Trinity. While in church, purchase any silver jewelry there.

Returning home, put on the jewelry and say out loud: “I am forever protected by the shield. Thank you Holy Trinity." Afterwards, place equal parts of wormwood under the bed and hang it over the threshold. You need to brew yarrow herbs and start taking baths with it. Drinking St. John's wort should replace tea. Love rituals on green Christmastide are sometimes frightening in their power, because they work in almost one hundred percent of cases.

  1. In order to attract the guy you like or the man you already know, you need to say at dawn: “I conjure you, my dear (his name), and call upon you to unite with me. Let us be inseparable, like air and fire, earth and water, a plant and the sun. Let our love be warm and real, sincere and romantic. May we live together for as many years as there are stars in the sky, as many blades of grass on the planet. Holy Trinity, I ask God’s servant (name) to bind me and never let him go.”
  2. Another simple conspiracy for a man’s love is: a girl needs to bite her tongue, and then start reading: “I bit myself, I called my beloved (name) to me. Let him always miss me, be sad and never rest without me. All the thoughts of my beloved (name) are only about me. To be forever for him and for me. Amen".
  3. To make your loved one yearn for you, invite him to dance and, looking into his eyes, say mentally: “With pure love, with sinless love, you love me, you cannot live without me.”

Conspiracies, rituals and ceremonies for Trinity, as it turns out, are varied and quite simple to perform. In order for this holy holiday to bring only bright and positive emotions into your life, follow all procedures, following the recommendations and rules, while avoiding hypocrisy and evil intentions.