Calculation of the amount of hot water. Examples of calculation of hot water supply systems

The average hourly heat load of hot water supply to a thermal energy consumer Q hm , Gcal/h, during the heating period is determined by the formula:

Q hm =/T(3.3)

a= 100 l/day - the rate of water consumption for hot water supply;

N =4 - number of people;

T = 24 hours – duration of operation of the subscriber’s hot water supply system per day, hours;

t c - temperature of tap water during the heating period, °C; in the absence of reliable information, t c = 5 °C is accepted;

Q hm =100∙4∙(55-5)∙10 -6 /24=833.3∙10 -6 Gcal/h= 969 W

3.3 Total heat consumption and gas consumption

A double-circuit boiler is selected for design. When calculating gas consumption, it is taken into account that the boiler for heating and DHW operates separately, that is, when the DHW circuit is turned on, the heating circuit is turned off. This means that the total heat consumption will be equal to the maximum consumption. In this case, the maximum heat consumption for heating.

1. ∑Q = Q omax = 6109 kcal/h

2. Determine gas consumption using the formula:

V =∑Q /(η ∙Q n p), (3.4)

where Q n p =34 MJ/m 3 =8126 kcal/m 3 - lower calorific value of gas;

η – boiler efficiency;

V = 6109/(0.91/8126)=0.83 m 3 /h

For the cottage we choose

1. Double-circuit boiler AOGV-8, thermal power Q=8 kW, gas flow V=0.8 m 3 /h, nominal input pressure of natural gas Рnom=1274-1764 Pa;

2. Gas stove, 4 burners, GP 400 MS-2p, gas consumption V=1.25m3

Total gas consumption for 1 house:

Vg =N∙(Vpg ∙Kо +V2-boiler ∙K cat), (3.5)

where Ko = 0.7 is the simultaneity coefficient for a gas stove taken from the table depending on the number of apartments;

K cat = 1 - simultaneity coefficient for the boiler according to table 5;

N is the number of houses.

Vg =1.25∙1+0.8∙0.85 =1.93 m 3 /h

For 67 houses:

Vg =67∙(1.25∙0.2179+0.8∙0.85)=63.08 m 3 /h

3.4 Design thermal loads of the school

Calculation of heating loads

The estimated hourly heating load of a separate building is determined by aggregated indicators:

Q o =η∙α∙V∙q 0 ∙(t p -t o)∙(1+K i.r.)∙10 -6 (3.6)

where  is a correction factor that takes into account the difference in the calculated outside air temperature for heating design t o from t o = -30 °C, at which the corresponding value is determined, is taken according to Appendix 3, α = 0.94;

V is the volume of the building according to external measurements, V = 2361 m 3;

q o - specific heating characteristic of the building at t o = -30 °, assume q o = 0.523 W/(m 3 ∙◦C)

t p - design air temperature in a heated building, take 16°C

t o - design temperature of outside air for heating design (t o = -34◦C)

η - boiler efficiency;

K i.r - calculated infiltration coefficient due to thermal and wind pressure, i.e. the ratio of heat losses by a building with infiltration and heat transfer through external fences at the outside air temperature calculated for heating design. Calculated using the formula:

K i.r =10 -2 ∙ 1/2 (3.7)

where g is the acceleration of gravity, m/s 2;

L is the free height of the building, taken equal to 5 m;

ω - calculated wind speed for a given area during the heating season, ω=3m/s

K i.r =10 -2 ∙ 1/2 =0.044

Q o =0.91∙0.94∙2361∙(16+34)∙(1+0.044)∙0.39 ∙10 -6 =49622.647∙10 -6 W.

Calculation of ventilation loads

In the absence of a design for a ventilated building, the estimated heat consumption for ventilation, W [kcal/h], will be determined using the formula for aggregated calculations:

Q in = V n ∙q v ∙(t i - t o), (3.8)

where Vn is the volume of the building according to external measurements, m 3;

q v - specific ventilation characteristic of the building, W/(m 3 °C) [kcal/(h m 3 °C)], taken by calculation; in the absence of data from the table. 6 for public buildings;

t j - average temperature of the internal air in the ventilated rooms of the building, 16 °C;

t o, - design temperature of outside air for heating design, -34°С,

Q in = 2361∙0.09(16+34)=10624.5

where M is the estimated number of consumers;

a – rate of water consumption for hot water supply at temperature

t g = 55 0 C per person per day, kg/(day×person);

b – consumption of hot water with a temperature t g = 55 0 C, kg (l) for public buildings, assigned to one resident of the area; in the absence of more accurate data, it is recommended to take b = 25 kg per day per person, kg/(day×person);

c p av =4.19 kJ/(kg×K) – specific heat capacity of water at its average temperature t av = (t g -t x)/2;

t x – temperature of cold water during the heating period (in the absence of data, taken equal to 5 0 C);

n c – estimated duration of heat supply to hot water supply, s/day; with round-the-clock supply n c =24×3600=86400 s;

coefficient 1.2 takes into account the cooling of hot water in subscriber hot water supply systems.

Q hot water =1.2∙300∙ (5+25) ∙ (55-5) ∙4.19/86400=26187.5 W

Calculation of hot water supply systems involves determining the diameters of the supply and circulation pipelines, selecting water heaters (heat exchangers), generators and heat accumulators (if necessary), determining the required inlet pressure, selecting booster and circulation pumps, if necessary.

Calculation of a hot water supply system consists of the following sections:

    The estimated costs of water and heat are determined and, on the basis of this, the power and dimensions of water heaters are determined.

    The supply (distribution) network is calculated in water collection mode.

    The hot water supply network is calculated in circulation mode; the possibilities of using natural circulation are determined, and if necessary, parameters are determined and circulation pumps are selected.

    In accordance with the individual assignment for coursework and diploma design, calculations of storage tanks and coolant networks can be made.

2.2.1. Determination of estimated consumption of hot water and heat. Selection of water heaters

To determine the heating surface and further selection of water heaters, hourly consumption of hot water and heat is required; to calculate pipelines, second consumption of hot water is required.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of SNiP 2.04.01-85, the second and hourly consumption of hot water are determined using the same formulas as for cold water supply.

The maximum second consumption of hot water at any calculated section of the network is determined by the formula:

- second consumption of hot water by one device, which is determined by:

a separate device - in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 2;

different devices serving the same consumers - according to Appendix 3;

various devices serving different water consumers - according to the formula:

, (2.2)

- second consumption of hot water, l/s, by one water tap for each group of consumers: accepted according to Appendix 3;

N i – number of water taps for each type of water consumer;

- probability of operation of devices determined for each group of water consumers;

a is the coefficient determined according to Appendix 4 depending on the total number of devices N in the network section and the probability of their action P, which is determined by the formulas:

a) with identical water consumers in buildings or structures

, (2.3)

- maximum hourly consumption of hot water of 1 liter by one water consumer, taken according to Appendix 3;

U – number of hot water consumers in a building or structure;

N – number of devices served by the hot water supply system;

b) with different groups of water consumers in buildings for various purposes

, (2.4)

and N i - values ​​​​related to each group of hot water consumers.

The maximum hourly consumption of hot water, m 3 / h, is determined by the formula:

, (2.5)

- hourly consumption of hot water by one device, which is determined by:

a) with identical consumers - according to Appendix 3;

b) for different consumers - according to the formula

, l/s (2.6)

- values ​​related to each type of hot water consumer;

magnitude determined by the formula:

, (2.7)

- coefficient determined according to Appendix 4 depending on the total number of devices N in the hot water supply system and the probability of their operation P.

Average hourly hot water consumption , m 3 / h, for the period (day, shift) of maximum water consumption, incl., is determined by the formula:

, (2.8)

- maximum daily hot water consumption of 1 liter by one water consumer, taken according to Appendix 3;

U – number of hot water consumers.

The amount of heat (heat flow) for the period (day, shift) of maximum water consumption for the needs of hot water supply, taking into account heat loss, is determined by the formulas:

a) within a maximum hour

b) during the average hour

And - maximum and average hourly consumption of hot water in m 3 / h, determined by formulas (2.5) and (2.8);

t с – design temperature of cold water; in the absence of data in the building, t is taken equal to +5ºС;

Q ht – heat losses from supply and circulation pipelines, kW, which are determined by calculation depending on the lengths of pipeline sections, outer diameters of pipes, the difference in temperature of hot water and the environment surrounding the pipeline and the heat transfer coefficient through the walls of the pipes; In this case, the efficiency of pipe thermal insulation is taken into account. Depending on these values, heat loss is given in various reference books.

When calculating in course projects, heat loss Q ht by supply and circulation pipes can be taken in the amount of 0.2-0.3 of the amount of heat required for preparing hot water.

In this case, formulas (2.9) and (2.10) will take the form:

a) , kW (2.11)

b) , kW (2.12)

A smaller percentage of heat loss is accepted for systems without circulation. Most civil buildings use high-speed sectional water heaters with variable output, i.e. with adjustable coolant consumer. Such water heaters do not require heat storage tanks and are designed for maximum hourly heat flow

The selection of water heaters consists of determining the heating surface of the coils using the formula:

, m 3 (2.13)

K – heat transfer coefficient of the water heater, taken according to table 11.2; for high-speed water-water heaters with brass heating tubes, the value of k can be taken in the range of 1200-3000 W/m sq., ºC, with a smaller one accepted for devices with smaller section diameters;

µ - coefficient of reduction in heat transfer through the heat exchange surface due to deposits on the walls (µ = 0.7);

- calculated temperature difference between the coolant and heated water; for counterflow high-speed water heaters
º is determined by the formula:

, ºС (2.14)

Δt b and Δt m – greater and lesser temperature difference between the coolant and heated water at the ends of the water heater.

The parameters of the coolant during the winter calculation period, when the heating networks of buildings are operating, are assumed to be 110-130 ºC in the supply pipeline and -70 in the return pipeline, the parameters of the heated water during this period are t c = 5ºC and t c = 60...70 ºC. In summer, the heating network only works to prepare hot water; The parameters of the coolant during this period in the supply pipeline are 70...80 ºC and in the return pipeline 30...40 ºC, the parameters of the heated water are t c = 10...20 ºC and t c = 60...70 ºC.

When calculating the heating surface of a water heater, it may happen that the determining period will be the summer period, when the temperature of the coolant is lower.

For cylinder water heaters, the calculation for the temperature difference is determined by the formula:

, ºC (2.15)

t n and t k – initial and final temperature of the coolant;

t h and t c – temperature of hot and cold water.

However, DHW water heaters are used for industrial buildings. They take up a lot of space and in these cases can be installed outdoors.

The heat transfer coefficient for such water heaters, according to table 11.2, is 348 W/m2 ºC.

The required number of standard sections of water heaters is determined:

, pcs (2.16)

F – design heating surface of the water heater, m2;

f – heating surface of one section of the water heater, adopted according to Appendix 8.

The pressure loss in a high-speed water heater can be determined by the formula:

, m (2.17)

n – coefficient taking into account the overgrowth of pipes, is taken according to experimental data: in their absence, with one cleaning of the water heater per year n=4;

m – coefficient of hydraulic resistance of one section of the water heater: with a section length of 4 m m=0.75, with a section length of 2 m m=0.4;

n in – number of sections of the water heater;

v is the speed of movement of heated water in the water heater tubes without taking into account their overgrowth.

, m/s (2.18)

q h – maximum second water flow through the water heater, m/s;

W total - the total open cross-sectional area of ​​the water heater tubes is determined by the number of tubes, taken according to Appendix 8, and the diameter of the tubes, taken as 14 mm.


1. Determination of the thermal loads of the microdistrict for heating, ventilation, hot water supply

2. Selecting a scheme for connecting the hot water heater to the heating network and the temperature schedule of the central heating system

Thermal hydraulic calculation of a shell-and-tube heater

Calculation of a two-stage sequential connection scheme for DHW water heaters

Thermal and hydraulic calculation of plate hot water heaters

List of sources used


In this work, the thermal loads of the microdistrict for heating and hot water supply are calculated, a scheme for switching on hot water heaters is selected, and thermal and hydraulic calculations of two heat exchanger options are performed. Only residential buildings of the same type, 5-10 storeys, will be considered. The coolant system is closed, 4-pipe with the installation of a hot water heater in the central heating substation. All calculations are carried out using aggregated indicators. We accept residential buildings without ventilation.

Calculation and graphic work is carried out in accordance with the current standard norms and rules, technical. conditions and basic provisions for the design, installation and operation of heat supply systems for residential buildings.

1. Determination of the thermal loads of the microdistrict for heating, ventilation, and hot water supply.

Maximum heat flow for heating residential buildings in the microdistrict:

where is the aggregated indicator of the maximum heat flow for m²;

A - total area of ​​the residential building, m²;

The coefficient of heat flow for heating residential buildings (share of residential buildings)

80 W/m² Astrakhan

A= 16400 m² - as specified

0, because Only residential buildings are considered.

Maximum heat flow for hot water supply

where is the coefficient of hourly uneven consumption of the number of FGPs

The aggregated indicator of the average heat flow for hot water supply is 376 W/ml;

U - the number of residents in the microdistrict, according to the assignment, is equal to 560 people;

376 W/ml;

Thermal loads on ventilation for a residential building are zero.

2. Selecting a scheme for connecting the hot water heater to the heating network and the temperature schedule of the central heating system

Selecting a heater connection diagram

where - from formula (2)

From formula (1)

When a two-stage circuit is adopted, when a single-stage parallel circuit is adopted

Conclusion: there is only one heater, therefore one common heater located in the central heating station is connected according to a 2-stage circuit.

According to the instructions of the TsKR, heat supply is carried out according to the household heating schedule of 130/700C, therefore the parameters of the break point, which are calculated, are known and amount to;

Maximum consumption - average heat flow for hot water supply (DHW)

where is the maximum heat flow to the hot water supply from formula (2)

Coefficient of hourly unevenness in FGP consumption

3. Thermal hydraulic calculation of a shell-and-tube heater

Outside air temperature at the "breaking point"

where is the indoor air temperature,

Design air temperature for heating design,

water temperature in the falling pipeline at the “break point”,

The water temperature in the return pipeline is approximately at the “breaking point”, with the estimated coolant temperature in the falling pipeline being 1300C.

Estimated water temperature difference in the heating network, determined by the formula

where is the estimated temperature of the network water in the supply pipeline,

Estimated temperature of network water in the return pipeline,

4. Calculation of a two-stage sequential connection scheme for DHW water heaters

heating ventilation shell and tube heater

Select and calculate a water heating installation for DHW central heating station equipped with a water heater consisting of shell-and-tube type sections with a pipe system of straight smooth pipes with a block of supporting partitions in accordance with GOST 27590. The heating system of the microdistrict is connected to the main heating network according to a dependent circuit. The central heating station has storage tanks.

Initial data:

The temperature of the coolant (heating water) in accordance with the calculated increased schedule is accepted:

At the calculated outside air temperature for heating design;

in the supply line ? 1 = 130 0С, in reverse - ? 2 = 700C;

at the break point of the temperature graph t` n= -2.02 0С;

in the supply line ? 1 n= 70 0С, reverse ? 2 n= 44.9 0C.

Cold tap water temperature tc=5 0 WITH.

The temperature of the hot water entering the SGV is th=60 0 WITH.

Maximum heat flow for heating buildings Qo max= 1312000 W.

Estimated thermal performance of water heaters Qsph=Qhm=QhT=210560 W .

6 Heat loss by pipelines Qht=0.

Take water density ?= 1000 kg/m3.

Maximum calculated second water consumption for hot water supply qh= 2.5 l/s.

Calculation procedure:

Maximum calculation of water for heating:

Temperature of heated water behind the 1st stage water heater:

Consumption of heating network water for DHW:

4 Consumption of heated water for DHW:

Heat flow to stage II of the SGV water heater:

Heat flow for heating at the break point of the network water temperature graph at outside air temperature t`n:

Heating water flow through the first stage of the water heater:

Estimated thermal performance of the first stage of the water heater:

Estimated thermal performance of the second stage of the water heater:

Temperature of heating network water at the outlet of the second stage water heater:

The temperature of the heating network water at the outlet of the first stage water heater, subject to equality:

12 Average logarithmic temperature difference between heating and heated water for stage 1:

The same for stage II:

The required cross-section of the water heater tubes at the water speed in the tubes and with single-flow operation:

From the table adj. 3, based on the obtained value, we select the type of water heater section with the following characteristics: , .

Water speed in tubes:

Speed ​​of network water in the annulus:

Calculation of the 1st stage of the DHW water heater:

e) heat transfer coefficient at:

e) required heating surface of stage 1:

g) number of sections of the 1st stage water heater:

We accept 2 sections; actual heating surface F1tr=0.65*2=1.3 m2.

Calculation of the second stage of the SGV water heater:

a) average temperature of heating water:

b) average temperature of heated water:

c) heat transfer coefficient from heating water to the walls of the tubes:

d) heat transfer coefficient from the walls of the tubes to the heated water:

e) heat transfer coefficient at

f) required heating surface of stage II:

g) number of sections of the second stage water heater:

We accept 6 sections.

As a result of the calculation, we got 2 sections in the 1st stage heater and 6 sections in the 2nd stage heater with a total heating surface of 5.55 m2.

Pressure loss in water heaters (6 consecutive sections 2 m long) for water passing in tubes taking into account? = 2:

Stage I: PV 76*2-1.0-RG-2-UZ GOST 27590-88

II stage: PV 76*2-1.0-RG-6-UZ GOST 27590-88

5. Thermal and hydraulic calculation of plate hot water heaters

Select and calculate the water heating installation of a plate heat exchanger assembled from 0.3p plates for the SGW of the same central heating plant as in the example with shell-and-tube sectional heaters. Consequently, the initial data, flow rates and temperatures of coolants at the inlet and outlet of each stage of the water heater are taken to be the same as in the appendix. 3.

We check the ratio of strokes in the first stage heat exchanger, first taking the pressure loss for the heated water? Рн = 100 kPa, for the heating water? Рgr = 40 kPa.

The stroke ratio does not exceed 2, but the flow rate of heating water is much greater than the flow rate of heated water, therefore, an asymmetrical arrangement of the heat exchanger is adopted.

Based on the optimal water speed and the open cross-section of one interplate channel, we determine the required number of channels for heated water and heating water:

The total open cross-section of the channels in the package along the course of the heated and heating water (taken equal to 2, = 15):

Actual speeds of heating and heated water:

Calculation of the 1st stage water heater:

a) from Table 1, Appendix 4; we obtain the heat transfer coefficient from the heating water to the plate wall:

b) heat absorption coefficient from the plate wall to the heated water:

d) required heating surface of the 1st stage water heater:

e) according to Table 1, Appendix 4, heating surface of one plate, number of strokes through heating and heated water in the heat exchanger:

f) actual heating surface of the first stage water heater:

g) pressure losses of stage 1 for heating and heated water:

Calculation of the second stage water heater:

a) heat transfer coefficient from the heating water to the plate wall:

b) heat absorption coefficient from the plate to the heated water:

c) , heat transfer coefficient:

d) required heating surface of the second stage water heater:

e) number of strokes through heating and heated water in the heat exchanger:

We accept by heating water, by heated water.

f) actual heating surface of the second stage water heater:

g) pressure loss of stage II for heating and heated water:

As a result of the calculation, we accept two heat exchangers (stages I and II) of a collapsible design (p) with plates of type 0.3p, 1 mm thick, made of steel 12×18N10T (version 01), on a cantilever frame (version 1k) as a DHW heater. with sealing gaskets made of rubber brand 51-1481 (symbol 12). The heating surface of stage I is 8.7 m2, stage II is 8.7 m2. Technical characteristics of plate heat exchangers are given in Tables 1-3 appendix. 4.

Designation of heat exchangers:

Steps: P 0.3r-1-8.7-1k-0.1-12 CX1=

II Stage: P 0.3r-1-8.7-1k-0.1-12 CX2=


1. SNiP 2.04.01-85. Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings.

Lipovka Yu.L., Tselishchev A.V., Misyutina I.V. Hot water supply: method. instructions for course work. Krasnoyarsk: SFU, 2011. 36 p.

GOST 27590-88. Water-to-water heaters for heating systems. General technical conditions.

SNiP 2.04.07-89*. Heating network.

5. SNiP 23-01-99. Construction climatology.

6. STO 4.2 - 07 - 2012 Quality management system. General requirements for the construction, presentation and execution of documents of educational activities. Instead of STO 4.2 - 07 - 2010; date entered 02/27/2012. Krasnoyarsk: IPK SFU. 2012. 57 p.


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In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2013 No. 406 “On state regulation of tariffs in the field of water supply and sanitation,” with a centralized hot water supply system in a closed system, a two-component tariff for hot water is established, consisting of “ cold water component "(rub./m3) and " component for thermal energy "(RUB/Gcal). The resource supplying organization supplying hot water makes settlements with the utility provider (management company, HOA) for 2 resources: cold water - at the tariff for the “cold water component”; thermal energy - at the tariff for the “thermal energy component”. The value of the cold water component is calculated by the tariff regulatory body based on the cold water tariff. The value of the thermal energy component is determined by the tariff regulatory body in accordance with methodological guidelines based on the following components: · thermal energy tariff; · costs for the maintenance of centralized hot water supply systems in the area from central heating points (inclusive), where hot water is prepared, to the point on the border of the operational responsibility of the subscriber and the regulated organization in the event that such costs are not taken into account in the tariff for thermal energy; · the cost of thermal energy losses in pipelines in the area from the facilities where hot water is prepared, including from central heating points, including the maintenance of central heating points, to the point on the border of the operational responsibility of the subscriber and the regulated organization in the event that such losses do not taken into account when setting tariffs for thermal energy; · costs associated with the transportation of hot water. Providers of utility services in accordance with the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011. No. 354 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), calculate the amount of payment for the utility service for hot water supply for the volume of hot water consumed in cubic meters. In accordance with the Rules, the amount of payment (P i) for the utility service for hot water supply, in a room equipped with an individual device hot water metering is determined by the formula: P i = V i n * T to p (1), where: V i n is the volume (quantity) of the communal resource consumed during the billing period in the i-th residential or non-residential premises, determined from the readings of an individual device accounting;T to p — tariff for a utility resource. Since the tariff for the utility resource “hot water” is set in the form of two components, the utility service provider with consumers of hot water makes payments for the components: cold water and thermal energy for hot water supply needs. Amount of thermal energy (Gcal/ m 3) for hot water supply needs per 1 m 3, as a rule, is determined by the utility service provider on the basis of general house (collective) readings of hot water meters and thermal energy in hot water. It should be noted that the utility service provider makes settlements with the resource supplying organization based on the readings of the same common house (collective) metering devices for hot water and thermal energy in hot water. The consumed amount of thermal energy in hot water in the i-room (Gcal) is determined by multiplying the amount hot water according to an individual metering device (m 3) by the specific consumption of thermal energy in hot water (Gcal/m 3). The volume of hot water determined according to an individual metering device (m 3) is multiplied by the tariff “component for cold water” (rub ./m 3) is the payment for cold water as part of hot water. The volume of thermal energy in the consumed hot water (Gcal) is multiplied by the tariff “thermal energy component” (rub./Gcal) - this is the payment for thermal energy as part of hot water water. In accordance with the information letter of the Federal Tariff Service of Russia dated November 18, 2014 No. SZ-12713/5 “On the issue of regulating tariffs for hot water in a closed hot water supply system for 2015,” it is said that the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of public regulation of prices (tariffs) has the right to make a decision on the establishment of tariffs for hot water in a closed hot water supply system per 1 cubic meter. m. In this case, the calculation of the tariff for hot water (T hot water) per 1 m 3 is made according to the formula: T hot water = T hot water * (1 + K pv) + US central heating + T t/e * Q t/e (2), where :T hvs - tariff for cold (rub./cubic m); T t/e - tariff for thermal energy (rub./Gcal); K pv - coefficient taking into account water losses in closed heat supply systems from central heating points to the point connections; US central heating - specific costs for the maintenance of hot water supply systems from central heating points to the boundaries of the balance sheet of consumers (without taking into account losses) in the event that such costs are not taken into account in tariffs for thermal energy (power), per 1 cubic meter. m;Q t/e - the amount of heat required to prepare one cubic meter of hot water (Gcal/cub. m). At the same time, the amount of heat for preparing one cubic meter of hot water (Q t/e) is determined by calculation, taking into account heat capacity, pressure, temperature, density of water, losses of thermal energy in risers and heated towel rails. Thus, the charge in the receipt for hot water depends on the form in which the regulatory authority has set the tariff for hot water: for two components (cold water and thermal energy ) or per cubic meter. In question the amounts of charges for 2 components (cold water and thermal energy) are given, but the municipality and tariffs for the components are not indicated. If we assume that hot water consumption was 10 m3, then the tariff for the “cold water component” is 331 rubles. / 10 m 3 = 33.10 rubles/m 3. If we assume that the tariff for the “thermal energy” component is 1800 rubles/Gcal, the amount of thermal energy consumed is: 1100 rubles. /1800 rub./Gcal = 0.611 Gcal, respectively, to heat 1 m 3 of hot water, the thermal energy consumption was 0.611 Gcal / 10 m 3 = 0.0611 Gcal/m 3. Chief Economist of the Yurenergo Group of Companies Isaeva T.V.