MMSSU Open Day

Post release

February 28, 2016, at MGMSU named after. A.I. Evdokimov's Day was held open doors in the specialty Dentistry at the address: st. Vucheticha, 9a - at the Center for Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery (CS and maxillofacial surgery).

The program includes meetings with applicants: a presentation about the Faculty of Dentistry, presentation of the departments, followed by a visit to the department’s clinics of the specialized center. The following took part in organizing and holding the event: Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor S.T. Sokhov; Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Head of the Department of Cariesology and Endodontics, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor A.V. Mitronin, as well as heads of departments, leading specialists of the university: Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor E.A. Volkov, professor O.Z. Topolnitsky, professor L.P. Kiselnikova, professor L.V. Dubova; Director of the Clinical Center of Dentistry of the Moscow State Medical University Clinic named after. A.I. Evdokimova, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor Malginov N.N., Krikheli N.I., Panin A.M., Rabinovich S.A., Chergestov Yu.I., employees of structural divisions, dean’s office of the faculty: deputy deans - Panin A. M., Mitereva M.I., Dukhovskaya N.E., Ostrovskaya I.G., student activist. By 10:00 the conference room was filled with more than 400 applicants and their parents. Alas, there were not enough seats for everyone - even the steps and window sills were occupied.

Co introductory remarks Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Professor S.T. spoke. Sokhov, conveyed greetings from the rector of the university, the chief dentist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor O.O. Yanushevich, spoke about the busy program of meetings with applicants at the clinical base. Then the dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, welcoming the audience with applicants, Professor A.V. Mitronin presented a presentation “Dental Faculty of Moscow State Medical University. Training of a dentist according to the new educational standard.” The dean, noting the high role of the university leadership, personnel potential and the leading role of MSMSU in dentistry, spoke in detail about the work of the departments of the faculty, the features of training in the implementation of OEP, improving the educational process, in accordance with the decisions of the Academic Council of MSMSU, the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty "Dentistry" and taking into account the recommendations European Association of Dental Education, issues of student life of the faculty (cultural, sports, student science and competitions, personal scholarships, etc.), international cooperation in education, science and medical work, university accreditation, priority of the student community at the university. Then the head of the UVC, associate professor, colonel of the medical service, A.A. Ostanin. spoke about the work of the MSMSU Military Training Center, graduates who work in various parts of Russia and are grateful for the education they received. Presented are photographs from the work site sent by MGMSU graduates.

The speech was continued by the head of the Department of Pediatric Maxillofacial Surgery, Professor O.Z. Topolnitsky. about clinical work and features of the educational process at the department. Clinical cases of providing professional help and the operations performed on children who found themselves in various difficult medical situations brought the audience into a state of empathy for the little patients and admiration for the results. To do this, you need to learn everything that the educational program represents and much more. All performances aroused keen interest and were accompanied by applause.

Dean of the Faculty, Professor A.V. Mitronin, concluding the first part of the meeting, thanked the audience for their attention and silence in the hall and explained the procedure for organizing visits to department clinics. I introduced each of the present heads of departments and the dean’s office. Groups of future applicants were formed, and heads of departments and employees organized visits to clinics to familiarize themselves with the work of educational, scientific and clinical departments of a huge dental complex - outpatient departments.

CS and maxillofacial surgery is the base of many departments and departments of the Faculty of Dentistry. The Center for Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery consists of a four-story outpatient clinic building and an eight-story hospital building. The Center for Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery of MGMSU (CS and Maxillofacial Surgery) is the only single-disciplinary dental unit in Russia that provides comprehensive outpatient and inpatient care, including ambulance and emergency care, to children and adults. And this is just one of several faculty bases.

The open day was held in a friendly atmosphere. The applicants and their parents who came to the Open Day at the end of the event thanked the rector's office of MSMSU and the dean's office of the faculty, heads of departments for the perfectly organized meeting - the Open Day for applicants who want to become worthy members in the future big family dental students.

Dear applicants!
Welcome to our friendly MSMSU family!
Good luck!

Rector's Office, Dean's Office of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Moscow State Medical University U


Dentistry. Open Day at MGMSU named after. A.I. Evdokimova

February 15, 2015 MGMSU named after. A.I. Evdokimov, in accordance with the plan of university-wide events, in order to most fully inform applicants about the basic educational programs (BEP) for specialist training, held an Open Day in the specialty “dentistry”. It took place at one of the three specialized clinical bases of the faculty at the address: st. Vucheticha, 9a - at the Center for Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery ( CS and maxillofacial area) .

The program of meetings with applicants: presentation of the dental faculty and clinical departments followed by a visit to the cathedral clinics of the dental complex. The following took part in organizing and holding the event: Rector of MSMSU, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor Yanushevich O. O.; Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor S. T. Sokhov; Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor Mitronin A.V., as well as heads of departments, leading specialists of the university: corresponding member. RAS, Professor Persin L. S., Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor Volkov E. A., Professor Topolnitsky O. Z., Professor Kiselnikova L. P., Professor Dubova L. V.; Chief Physician of the Central Clinic and Maxillofacial Surgery Professor N. V. Yarygin, employees of structural divisions, the Faculty Dean’s Office, student activists.

By 10:00 the conference room was full applicants planning to enter the specialty "dentistry" and their parents . Unfortunately, there were not enough seats for everyone - even all the steps and window sills were occupied. Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Professor S. T. Sokhov made an opening speech, talking about the busy program of meetings with applicants at the clinical base. Then the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Head of the Department of Cariesology and Endodontics, Professor Mitronin A.V., welcoming potential applicants, presented the presentation “Faculty of Dentistry – 2015. Training of a dentist according to the new educational standard.” The dean, noting the high personnel potential and the leading role of MGMSU in dentistry, spoke in detail about the work of the departments of the Faculty of Dentistry, the peculiarities of training in the implementation of OEP, the new structure of the faculty, improving the educational process, in accordance with the decisions of the Academic Council of MSMSU, the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty "dentistry" » and taking into account the recommendations of the European Association of Dental Education. Mitronin A.V. also spoke about issues of student life at the faculty (socio-cultural, sports, student science and Olympiads, personal scholarships, etc.), about international cooperation in education, science and medical work, university accreditation. Students at MGMSU are priority No. 1. Next, the head of the Educational Center, Associate Professor, Colonel of the Medical Service A. A. Ostanin spoke about the work of the MSMSU Military Training Center. Heads of departments continued with presentations on clinical work and features of the educational process at the departments: “Clinical work and features of the educational process at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery” - Head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor A. Yu. Drobyshev; “Clinical work and features of the educational process at the Department of Orthodontics” - Head of the Department of Orthodontics, Corresponding Member. RAS, professor Persin L. S.; “All-Russian Olympiads for dental students “From training to practice”” - Head of the Department of Complex Dental Prosthetics, Professor L. V. Dubova. All speeches were accompanied by applause. The dean of the faculty, Professor Mitronin A.V., concluding the first part of the meeting, thanked the audience for their attention and silence in the hall and explained the procedure for organizing visits to department clinics. Groups of future applicants were formed, they were given gowns and shoe covers, and the heads of departments, employees, and the MSMSU operational team organized visits to clinics to familiarize themselves with the work of the educational, scientific and clinical departments of a huge dental complex - outpatient departments and a hospital. CS and CHL is the base of 16 departments and 15 departments of the Faculty of Dentistry. The Center for Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery consists of a four-story outpatient clinic building and an eight-story hospital building. Central Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery MGMSU is the only single-profile dental unit in Russia that provides comprehensive outpatient and inpatient care, including ambulance and emergency care, to children and adults. This is the base that future university applicants became acquainted with. The open day was held in a friendly atmosphere. At the end of the event, applicants and their parents thanked the rector's office of MSMSU and the dean's office of the faculty, heads of departments for the perfectly organized meeting - an Open Day for applicants who want to become worthy members of a large family of dental students in the future.

Dear applicants! Welcome to our friendly MSMSU family! Good luck!

Rector's Office, Dean's Office of the Faculty of Dentistry of Moscow State Medical University

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  • Students of dental faculties of medical universities

MMSSU Open Day

In 2010, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry once again held an open day.

April 25 was dedicated to the specialty “dentistry” (full-time, part-time and part-time forms of study); military training center(training of dentists); secondary vocational education. The event took place at the clinical base of the Clinical Diagnostic Center at st. Dolgorukovskaya, 4 (lecture auditorium on the 1st floor).

The program includes: screening of a film about events held with the participation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War 1941-1945 and employees and students of MMSI-MGMSU, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory; speech by the rector of MSMSU, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor O. O. Yanushevich; Information from the Deputy Chairman admissions committee Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs - First Vice-Rector, Professor I. V. Maev “On the peculiarities of admission to the university in 2010”; Speech by Dean Professor Mitronin A.V. – presentation of the Faculty of Dentistry and specialized departments.

University teachers answered questions from applicants and their parents. Applicants learned about MSMSU, the leading university in the Russian Federation for dental education, highly equipped clinical bases with modern equipment, the educational program at the faculty and student life at the university.
Dean Professor Mitronin A.V. drew the attention of those present to the misconception of those who think only about earning money and beautiful life dentists.

Through the prism of the cartoon "Alice in Wonderland" a journey into the realities, myths and wonders of dentistry is presented. Issues of vocation, mercy, compassion for the sick and the provision of quality medical care require high dedication from both the student when receiving education and the doctor when treating patients. The profession of a dentist is one of the most stressful. The difficulties, professional hazards and diseases of a dentist are also described.

Then four groups of applicants and their parents were formed for sequential visits and familiarization with the work of educational, scientific and clinical departments: faculty of orthopedic dentistry; Faculty of Surgical Dentistry and Implantology; Faculty therapeutic dentistry orthopedic dentistry FPDO.

For applicants wishing to enter MSMSU for secondary education vocational education“orthopedic dentistry” and “preventive dentistry”, information about the faculty of secondary education was also presented and answers to questions received were given.

Dear applicants! Welcome to our friendly MSMSU family. Good luck!

Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Moscow State Medical University, Professor Mitronin A.V.