Find a tree seedling in a dream. Why do you dream about planting plants, what does the dream portend? Gender, or Who is destined for what...

A man sees a seedling - to a happy and joyful life, and a young man - to a wedding to a beautiful and rich girl.

A girl sees a seedling - for a wedding with the man of her dreams.

The student sees it - to successfully passing the exam.

The merchant sees it - to prosperity and wealth, the criminal - to quick release.

A dried seedling is a symbol of defeat, despondency and sadness.

You cut down a sapling in a dream - this means that your opponents are threatening and interfering with you.

A soldier in a dream cuts down a seedling - he will soon be sent to the front, but will not die.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Feng Shui

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Dream Interpretation - Buy and sell

Buying in a dream is always better than selling. But to dream that you are giving away money or a wallet for something means losses and damages, especially in your personal life. Buying something in a dream means a small profit.

Seeing goods at the bazaar is a warning about the need to be careful because of the danger of deception. Buying them means gossip. To see a lot of purchases in a dream is a sign that you will soon receive a significant amount of money that you will spend on necessary things.

Buying cheap in a dream is a sign of an imminent love victory or an unsuccessful deal that you enter into due to greed. Selling a lot and successfully in a dream is a sign of success in business and prosperity. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows new opportunities. Unsuccessful sales in a dream are a sign of failure in business in reality. See interpretation: seller, gifts.

If you dream that your friend’s things are being sold, then you will soon have to go through a lot because someone will betray this person. Selling in a dream often means betrayal.

A conversation with a seller in a dream often foreshadows a trial, a quarrel, or a division. Managing trade in a dream is a harbinger of ill-gotten profits. Underground trading in a dream means that you are not pretending to be who you really are, or other people are not thinking about you the way you would like. See interpretation: smuggling.

Profiting from something in a dream is a sign of deception or betrayal. Shopping in a dream is a harbinger that fate will favor you if you bought essential items.

Making some valuable acquisition in a dream foreshadows changes for you. More precisely about the meaning of sleep, look at the names of what you bought. Planning large (expensive) purchases in a dream means that you will soon have to pay dearly for the mistakes you have made.

If you dream that someone is talking to you about acquiring (buying) expensive (large) things, then soon someone will make an important decision that concerns you, and will not hesitate to inform you of his decision.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation of planting trees

A difficult sign in dreams is a seemingly ordinary tree. Some interpreters identify it with the life cycle of a person, the state of his affairs. A powerful trunk is associated with strong marriage bonds and a happy family life. If the plant is healthy and blooming, then the prediction will be favorable. What to do when you dream of a sprout that has not yet been planted, or, according to the scenario, you had to bury the roots of the future tree in the ground?

Small Veselov interpreter insists that any tree planted by the dreamer promises wealth, glory, recognition, and a cut down trunk, accordingly, will bring losses and hardships.

As the esoteric dream book is convinced, planting trees is a sign of upcoming changes and sown ideas, therefore fertile soil for a plant will indicate accompanying luck, the embodiment of the most secret desires in the near future.

Symbols and signs

Dream about planting seedlings

Any plant is identified by the subconscious with the health and mood of the sleeping person. Dream books give sacred meaning to night dreams where trees happened to be planted.

Such an action in dreams will indicate that a person monitors the health of not only the physical body, but also satisfies the internal need for knowledge. The idiomatic dream book characterizes such a sleeping person as a wise, experienced, comprehensively developed person.

If you see a planted root, then this is a sign of a strong connection with your parents and heirs.

An exorbitantly growing trunk can tell about career growth and creative development. Such dreams will indicate that the right path has been chosen and it is necessary to continue to adhere to it.

The first foliage on a recently planted tree is associated with hope, faith in the best, and the emergence of energy to combat upcoming obstacles.

Folk predictions

Such a popular action in dreams as planting a tree cannot do without interpretations of folk predictions.

Caring for a garden, planting new fruit trees is a favorable sign, indicating the harmony reigning at home, warm relationships in a couple, and the existing mutual understanding between the older and younger generations.

Characteristics of a psychologist

Among the standard predictions known to most, Gustav Miller chose the most interesting ones. A famous psychologist, when analyzing dreams, was based on the associative work of the brain and the personal perception of images by a sleeping person.

Dream of freshly cut logs

Freshly cut logs predict a series of misfortunes, a dark streak in life, and carefully buried seedlings hint that ideas are destined to become reality.

Answers to depressing questions will be received in reality by the one whose seedling has taken root and produced its first leaves.

The roots of family people rejected by the earth warn of possible betrayals of their spouses; young ladies will have to go through a love drama.

Predictions for women

Women's perception is different from men's understanding. The beautiful half of humanity tends to listen to intuition and perceive what is happening emotionally. For this reason, the interpreter has highlighted the meaning of a dream with planted trees for ladies.

Planting several coniferous plants will tell about the bad, “prickly” character of the dreamer, and deciduous seedlings personify such traits as complaisance, calmness, and tenderness.

Sapling in men's dreams

A man, according to the scenario, digging a hole for a future seedling, can count on the fact that achieving the desired goal will not be difficult. To fulfill the planned plan, you will need to make not only efforts, but also use logic.

A beautiful trunk of a planted birch tree will indicate that the object of adoration will finally reciprocate the feelings of the sleeping person.

As the family dream book insists, planting a tree for a man is a good sign, promising respect from colleagues and children, and fidelity to his wife.

I dreamed of a small seedling

For men, the interpreter Miss Hasse predicts the birth of a son if they dream of a planted tree.

Entrepreneurs following a similar plot will expect profit; the business will provide a comfortable old age for the entire family.

A small seedling that has taken root is the personification of inner confidence; the dream will also tell you about realized sexual potential.

Plant image

The dreamer’s question, why he dreams of planting a tree, has several different answers. In order not to get confused when interpreting your own dreams, you will need to reproduce a series of events in your memory, pay attention to the characters involved, and evaluate the atmosphere reigning in your dreams.

A good omen will be visions where you happened to be planting with a cheerful company, because such a joyful plot speaks of the existence of reliable, devoted friends in reality.

Cloudy weather, overtaken by rain while working on the site in a dream, signals the occurrence of minor troubles. It will be easy to get rid of the upcoming misfortune if, before making a decision, you once again think about possible options for the development of further events.

Working in a dream in bad weather

A seedling is swept away by a hurricane - beware, there is a traitor nearby, ready at any moment to destroy your career and family happiness.

What kind of seedlings did you see?

Just as each person is a unique product of nature, tree varieties can carry completely contradictory meanings. Remembering what kind of tree you happened to plant, you will be able to reveal some secrets of the future.

  • In dreams, the Wanderer’s interpreter considers a cherry seedling as wealth.
  • Replanting a cherry tree will hint at an upcoming change of scenery, a possible move or a long journey.
  • A dreamed pear will be an unfavorable sign, because its image prophesies sorrows, shed tears, and betrayal.
  • Have you seen the leaves of a peach tree? The dreamer will live happily in love.
  • Tropical oranges and tangerines predict joyful meetings with old friends.
  • Planting a tree that is not fruitful in a dream is a symbol of a waste of time.
  • A sour lemon will indicate jealousy that has settled in the human soul.

When you dream of beautifying the area near your home, planting coniferous vegetation, then in reality evil tongues will not be able to harm you, higher powers will protect you from energy attacks and slander of enemies.

If the seedling has taken root

The interpreter of dreams gives many positive meanings to visions where, according to the plot, the seedling has taken root.

Seeing the first leaves on a seedling in a dream

On the threshold of new discoveries there is a sleeping person who is going to plant a tree, says the white magician’s dream book.

The first green leaves on the branches will hint that the efforts and expenses made will not pass without a trace.

The planted tree has begun to grow - get ready, you will soon reap the fruits of your recent endeavors.

A person is stress-resistant, does not give in to provocations, adheres to his own point of view, if a plant planted in a dream grows despite bad weather conditions and unsuitable soil.

Blooming sprout

A sign is considered favorable if planting took place in the spring. Expect improved mood, fun adventures, and entertaining conversations.

  • A new hobby will certainly appear in the sleeping person, who saw that her work did not go down the drain.
  • An accepted tree is interpreted by dream books as unexpected happiness.
  • Have the roots started to grow? The sorceress Medea views such a plot negatively, since, having fixed herself in one place, it will be difficult to get rid of the attachments in the future.
  • Blooming small apple trees are a symbol of youth and carelessness, but you should not rush into all seriousness, because the consequences of frivolous actions will be irreparable.

A row of trees planted in dreams is associated by a person’s subconscious with perseverance, constant work, determination, and the desire to conquer peaks.

Bad landing

I dreamed of a dried tree

Has the planted sprout not taken root? According to the gypsy interpreter, this is a bad sign that will tell you that competitors’ traps will work.

A lack of water for growth is a sign of loneliness, since in reality the person is withdrawn and does not make contact with others.

Green spaces in dreams are a wonderful symbol denoting the spiritual world of a person, the flowering of his creative powers.

The sign promises health, a prosperous family life, and finding balance in all areas of life. Despite the fact that there are a great many gifts of nature, with the help of a dream book you can quickly understand what the subconscious wants to convey to us through dreams, why we dream of planting flowers, trees or vegetables.

What does planting flowers in a dream mean?

All your plans will quickly come true if you dreamed of planting flowers that begin to grow quickly and reach for the sun. The dream interpretation of planting bright flowers for lovers foretells an imminent marriage, a happy family life, and the birth of heirs.

  • Flowers were planted around one's own home - harmony in family relationships.
  • In the greenhouse - there will be a chance to make your dream come true.
  • In the pot - stability in career growth.

Joyful events await a woman if she dreamed in a sleepy kingdom that she was planting flowers that were beautiful and fragrant with wonderful smells. As soon as the plants planted in the ground begin to bloom, your loved one will present a surprise that will bring a lot of pleasure.

Planting trees and flowers (especially roses) at the same time means a brilliant career. The dream book calls for paying attention to the type of flowers that you dreamed of growing in a dream.

If in a dream you had to plant:

  • Roses - a dream promises happiness and prosperity in family life. If a guy dreamed that he was burying a rose bush without thorns, his future wife will have a calm disposition.
  • Chamomiles - in the near future your health will be good.
  • Forget-me-nots - long-extinguished feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.
  • Gladioli - at the upcoming holiday you will be able to show off your abilities.
  • Tulips - very soon those around you will admire your noble deed. Planting a lot of bulbs in the ground means significant success in service and business.

Planting dug-up flower bulbs is a good time to start new projects. Planting flowers in loose and soft soil in a dream means you can easily overcome obstacles that hinder the development of your own business and the advancement of a project.

If the soil for planting turns out to be hard and rocky, your enemies are trying in every possible way to harm you. for flowers in dreams it was clayey and viscous - the dream book suggests that the help of outsiders is needed to resolve the issue.

Vegetable bed

If you planted in a dream, then such a dream promises a happy fate and longevity. The dream book predicts an eventful life if you had to plant onions in a dream. I dreamed that onions occupied most of the garden - your hard work will bring well-deserved glory. Planting onions, cucumbers, tomatoes with friends in a dream means a brilliant career and respect from colleagues await you.

Replanting plants or seedlings in dreams means significant changes will occur in life. You can change your place of residence, take up another job, change your previously planned plans.

Seeing a young sprout in a dream is the beginning of something new, including new relationships, new projects. In a dream, a planted garden began to quickly turn green - to quick and positive results in the professional sphere.

If in the kingdom of Morpheus you dreamed of growing tomatoes and caring for them, then in reality your efforts will pay off handsomely. In the dream, tomatoes grew quickly - you will achieve your goals in the shortest possible time.

Seeing a vegetable garden planted with tomatoes and peppers in a dream means a joyful event ahead among witty people. A young girl dreamed that tomatoes or cucumbers immediately bloomed after planting - a sign of a happy marriage.

Sow the seeds

  • Corn - to prosperity, a well-fed life.
  • Wheat, rice, buckwheat - you need to concentrate on the task at hand in order to achieve the desired result.
  • Radishes - for an interesting acquaintance.
  • Maka - good luck will come to those who take life with ease.
  • Pumpkins - for a festive mood.
  • Parsley - you are too shy and insecure in life, it’s time to change.

While you were sleeping, you dreamed that you were throwing onion, beet or carrot seeds into the ground - there would be long and painstaking work ahead. Sprinkling flax seeds into the ground in windy weather means the beginning of a grandiose task.

The meaning of sleep is also directly related to the size of the root crop. Planting potatoes that are large and smooth means getting an extremely profitable offer, for which you don’t even have to fight. In this way, management will decide to encourage you so that you continue to strive for career achievements. Planting small and medium-sized potatoes in a dream means excessive care for minor children.

If in a dream the landing took place during a blind rain, then the dream book foreshadows pleasant changes in life; in dark times - you keep your desires secret, try to hide them from strangers. When planting potatoes, the bright sun was shining - this means joyful events, and if the sun's rays made their way through the clouds, you will soon have to experience a streak of minor failures.

What does tree planting mean?

If the dreamer planted a young tree and fruits appeared on it, then this is a clear sign that all innermost desires - even the most grandiose ones - will certainly come true. If a married woman had this dream, then it foreshadows the appearance of children in the family. For an unmarried man, planting trees means meeting a woman with whom he wants a serious and permanent relationship.

Be sure to remember your mood when disembarking. You were happy with the process - a positive outcome of the things started, but you were upset about something - changes in life will not go as smoothly as you wish. Planting trees with parents means mutual understanding and harmony in family relationships.

In my dreams I happened to plant:

  1. – a long-awaited move to a new apartment, an increase in living space. For a man to plant an apple tree with his son is a good sign to start a successful business in real life.
  2. Pear - fortunately on the family front. For a young girl, the dream promises a successful marriage and swimming in luxury. A particularly favorable sign for people involved in trade. They will become even richer.
  3. Plum - there will be an opportunity to purchase an expensive item that you have long dreamed of.
  4. Cherry - you will learn news that will be remembered for a long time.
  5. Cherry - to wealth, abundance.
  6. Walnut - to win, increase profits. Planting hazelnuts means successful business, walnuts mean getting benefits, and almonds mean a happy life.
  7. Planting several fruit trees at the same time, for example, an apple tree and a pear tree, means prosperity and good health.

Did you see yourself planting Christmas trees in a dream? The dream promises a long and prosperous life, as well as new prospects for professional growth. The more magnificent the prickly trees were, the more stable your financial situation will be. Planting Christmas trees with cones means waiting for unexpected happiness. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

Did you happen to plant something in the ground in a dream? This is an excellent sign that reflects the successful implementation of your plans. Perhaps in later visions you will be able to see how the sprouts develop and grow, which again indicates positive dynamics.

Interpretation according to the dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Why do you dream that you happened to plant seeds in a dream? Essentially, this is a reflection of the fact that you are investing effort and resources without yet understanding whether this activity will bear fruit.

The dream book advises you to prepare in advance for the fact that what you have planned may not end in your favor or will not go exactly as you planned.

The vision suggests taking the position of an observer, but not forgetting to actively participate in it. This will help you develop an unbiased opinion about the world in general or a specific situation in particular.

Did you dream that you were planting something in the ground? The coming period is ideal for any undertaking, but the dream book advises you to get together as much as possible and think through every step. You need to aim for success, but be prepared for any surprises.

It is best if in a dream you can trace the growth of the planted crop and see the end result. This will completely insure you in reality from unforeseen turns.

In any case, planting something in a dream is good. This is a sign of activity and efficiency, determination and readiness for any surprises of fate.

Interpretation from other dream books

Why do you dream that something happened to be planted? collection of dream books. This vision prophesies joy, wealth and health. Did you dream that you were planting vegetables? The dream book believes that you have to do a rather difficult and thankless job. Another interpretation of the dream prophesies punishment for gross mistakes made earlier.

Miller's Dream Book believes that for farmers, private summer residents and farmers in general, such a dream guarantees an excellent harvest next year. Especially if you happened to see the story before the start of the next sowing season.

If the dreamer is in no way connected with cultivating the land and growing plants, then planting seeds or sprouts is also good for him. This is a hint: you need to be active in business, which will ultimately result in profit or career growth.

Chinese dream book claims that planting vegetables in a dream is good. This is a sign of a long and happy life. According to Wanderer's dream book to plant literally means to grow your hopes. A more detailed interpretation and indication of the area of ​​activity depends on the type of culture.

Velesov's dream book I completely agree with this interpretation and confirm: planting something is exclusively good. In its turn Tsvetkov's dream book claims that planting in a dream means in reality working to improve one’s well-being.

Why do you dream of planting seeds in the ground?

Did you dream that you sowed seeds? Soon, friends or acquaintances will need your wise advice. This is also an omen that you will be closely involved in raising children.

The literal interpretation of the image says: planting seeds means doing good deeds. So try in the near future, and indeed always, to “sow” only good and bright things.

To understand why you dream of planting seeds in the ground, you need to take into account the quality and condition of the seed. If in a dream the shifts were, as they say, selective, then personal actions in reality will bring worthy results. For women, the vision promises the birth of several healthy and strong children.

But planting already sprouted seeds is worse. They promise disagreements in the house or team, which, however, will end in heated reconciliation and help to unite even stronger. If you dreamed that you were planting flower seeds, then there is a chance that next weekend you will have a great time in friendly company.

What does it mean to plant potatoes in a dream?

Why do you dream that you planted potatoes? In reality, there will be an opportunity to arrange your affairs in the best possible way, which will help make your old dream come true. In general, planting potatoes in a dream always leads to the fulfillment of what you want.

Sometimes this dream hints: you will have to do a difficult and not very attractive business, which will later bring serious income. Did you dream that you were planting potatoes? Soon you will certainly receive a tempting offer. Moreover, it can be both about marriage and work.

Planting trees - what does it mean?

Initially, you need to take into account that the tree symbolizes the dreamer’s life itself. Sometimes this is an eloquent reflection of an emerging situation. Remember this image. Perhaps after a while you will dream about it again, but now somewhat older. By external changes it will be possible to judge the course of an event or the development of a relationship.

Why else dream that you had to plant trees? This is a sign that you will make significant profits and even become seriously rich. Did you happen to buy tree seedlings in a dream? You will get extra trouble, but planting them in a dream means prosperity.

Planting flowers in a dream

Did you dream that you were planting flowers in your own or a dream garden? In reality, do a wise and noble act.

If you happened to plant flowers on obviously barren soil, and they bloomed there, then you will achieve success thanks to difficult life experience and personal determination.

Planting flowers in the garden means an unpleasant incident; in a flowerbed means a positive change. Sometimes the same plot prophesies the purchase of a bright and expensive item or thing.

Planting in a dream – even more interpretations

To figure out what this plot is about in your dreams, you need to carefully remember what exactly you planted in your dream.

  • potatoes - gift, good luck
  • tree seedlings in general - correct the mistake you made
  • willow - show flexibility
  • aspen - you will experience fear
  • oak - gain strength
  • pine – purification, spiritual growth
  • cedar – spirituality, health
  • palm tree - freedom
  • fruit tree (any) - the fruits of efforts
  • pear - patience
  • lemon - jealousy
  • peach - success
  • cherry - peace
  • plant root crops - abundance
  • seeds - wealth
  • indoor plants - mutual understanding in the house

Do not forget that in a dream, every vegetable, flower and other crop has its own meaning. In addition, it is necessary to take into account personal experiences during the landing, its features, weather and other details.

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Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Car?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

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Car - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Reflection of the state of awareness, level of perception. Stolen, hijacking is a reflection of the fear of loss. Many cars passing by are a reflection of the desire to travel. The inability to slow down is a reflection of the fear of being punished. In an erotic dream - a reflection of the state of sexual harmony.

If you had a dream - Car

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

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Dreaming of "Parking" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Your car may be stolen.