Combined kindergarten - what kind of institution is it? Types of kindergartens What is a combined kindergarten

Most children who reach the age of 3 are preparing to enter kindergarten. This is a very exciting moment for both the kids themselves and their parents. When filling out the documents, some of them pay attention to the full name of the institution - a combined kindergarten. Not everyone knows what this wording is, and this only increases anxiety. Let's try to figure out what the features of such a kindergarten are.

Types of kindergartens

The types of kindergartens and their activities are determined by the order approving the standard regulations on preschool educational institutions. This document is mandatory for execution by the administration of state and municipal preschool institutions. It serves as an example for numerous private kindergartens. The order defines the following types of preschool institutions:

General developmental type;

Compensating type;

Development Center;

Combined type.

Each of these kindergartens has its own specifics of work, which makes it possible to make their stay comfortable for a wide variety of children, including those with special needs, developmental delays, and children with disabilities.

Combined kindergarten - what is it?

A preschool institution of this type includes several groups of various types. Along with the general developmental ones that are usual for most gardens, it presents groups of compensatory or health-improving types. This allows all children to learn together, to see and recognize each other’s characteristics. It is believed that children with special needs adapt better to their environment if they regularly have the opportunity to observe their completely healthy peers.

Focus of groups

MDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type" includes groups of very different directions. This can be either a combination of all three specializations: general developmental, compensatory and health-improving, or only two of them, for example, general developmental and compensatory. A combined type kindergarten may have speech therapy groups in its structure, which will include children with speech defects. Groups for children with developmental delays, both mental and physical, are often found in such institutions. Some kindergartens have the material and technical base for teaching children with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Educational program

There is a document that guides the activities of every preschool institution, including a combined kindergarten. What it is? It is an educational program that is developed and approved by the kindergarten itself. However, it must comply with certain federal standards. Such a program defines:

Teaching methods;

Funds necessary for the training and development of preschool children;

The training program itself.

MDOU "Combined Kindergarten" must have all the necessary means to implement such a program. For example, in an institution where there are groups for children with speech disorders, there should be speech therapists, speech pathologists, and teachers on staff. Children with mental development delays need the help of specialist psychologists. Doctors of various specialties are usually also among the employees without whom a combined kindergarten would not be able to operate. What kind of specialists these will be depends on the focus of the correctional groups.

Staffing with pupils

What is a combined type kindergarten, and how are children accepted into it? The staffing of such an institution with pupils also occurs on the basis of a federal order. The age at which children can go to a combined kindergarten depends on the material and technical capabilities of a particular institution. Most often, children go to preschool when they reach 3 years of age. Children are accepted into general developmental groups based on their achievement of the appropriate age and number in the queue for a vacant place. Enrollment in a correctional group also requires the opinion of certain specialists - a psychologist, defectologist, neurologist or surgeon. The list of specialists is determined depending on the focus of the group and the health characteristics of the baby. Staffing a combined kindergarten with pupils has one more feature. Usually they try to send children to the preschool educational institution that is located next to the house. But combined-type kindergartens are not as widespread, for example, as general developmental ones. Therefore, children living in another area of ​​the city often end up in such an institution.

Organization of stay time

How children will spend their time in a combined kindergarten depends both on the educational program approved at the institution and on the specifics of the compensatory groups. In addition to standard activities for general development institutions, such as free play, walking, sleeping, in this kindergarten special attention is paid to correctional classes for children with specialists. Speech therapy games, physical therapy, development of fine motor skills and many other ways to spend time beneficial for the baby’s health are practiced.


Most parents, having learned what a combined garden is, understand why this institution has such a large staff. In addition to teachers and their assistants, who form the basis of the staff of a general developmental kindergarten, it includes teachers and doctors of narrow specializations. Meanwhile, they are subject to the same requirements as other preschool employees:

Availability of a state-issued document on higher or secondary specialized education.

No deprivation of the opportunity to engage in teaching activities based on a court order.

No criminal record for certain types of offenses.

Full legal capacity in the manner prescribed by law.

Providing documents indicating the absence of a specific list of diseases approved by the authorized health authority.

Of course, in addition to these basic requirements, the kindergarten administration takes into account a person’s personal qualities when hiring a person. Working in any garden requires a lot of patience, professionalism and love for children from the employee. And for a preschool institution of a combined type, such qualities are especially important, because children in correctional groups need special care.


This term has other meanings, see Kindergarten (meanings). This term has other meanings, see Nursery. Kindergarten on a walk, Lakhtinskaya street, Leningrad, 1930s Six-year kindergarten class in Alanya (Türkiye) Kindergarten in Bietigheim (Baden, Germany)

Kindergarten- an institution for public education of preschool children. Kindergartens as a type of institution exist in most countries and are usually the first link in the public education system (not counting education received from parents).

The kindergarten system is designed for a massive, publicly accessible solution to the problem of their parents’ employment (for which the opening hours of a kindergarten in most cases coincide with the typical work schedule of most professions: from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., five days a week). The kindergarten system also provides minimal preparation for children to study at school - at the level of primary reading, writing and arithmetic skills.

Parents' day in a kindergarten in Nagoya (Japan), 2009.


As a type of pedagogical institution, the first kindergarten was organized at the beginning of the 19th century in New Lanark (Scotland) by the utopian socialist R. Owen - the so-called “school for small children.”

The name itself - “Kindergarten” came from Germany and was invented in 1837 by the teacher Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel. He also created an institution for games and activities for young children in the city of Bad Blankenburg. Although this institution existed for only about two years. He came up with the name “Kindergarten” from the consideration that children are the flowers of life, requiring skillful and careful care, and they should be raised by gardeners.

In Russia, the first kindergartens were opened in the 60s. XIX century. They were private and expensive, so they were inaccessible to ordinary people. Kindergartens were first mentioned in 1859 (Helsingfors, now the capital of Finland, Helsinki). In Moscow, the first kindergarten was opened only in 1866 at the Gerke boarding school for girls.

The first paid kindergarten was opened in Helsingfors in 1859 by Sedmigradsky, the second in St. Petersburg in 1863 by the wife of St. Petersburg University professor S.A. Lugebil, the third in Helsingfors in 1863, the fourth in St. Petersburg in 1863 by the editor of the magazine “Kindergarten” A. S. Simonovich.

In the period from 1866 to 1870, several paid kindergartens were opened by private individuals in Irkutsk, Voronezh, Moscow, Smolensk, Tbilisi, and St. Petersburg. In 1868-1869, four paid kindergartens were opened in Moscow, owned by Mamontova, Levenstern, Solovyova and Rimskaya-Korsakova. In 1893 in Moscow there were 7 paid private kindergartens for children of both sexes (35 girls and 21 boys). All of them were located at educational institutions and were preparatory schools for very young children.

These kindergartens accepted children from 3 to 8 years old. There teachers worked with them, children played outdoor games. In addition, Simonovich began publishing the “Kindergarten” magazine, which talked about preschool education.

The first free kindergarten was opened in Russia in 1866. It was a charitable institution under the “Society of Cheap Apartments for the Children of Working Women of St. Petersburg.”

There was a sewing workshop for sewing children's underwear, a kitchen, a laundry, and a school for children. Older children were taught scripture, prayers, and various handicrafts were performed, such as weaving, drawing, carving, and much more. But due to lack of livelihood, the free kindergarten was soon closed.

The system of preschool educational institutions was actively developing, and after three decades several dozen kindergartens appeared in Russia: paid and free, for nobles and intelligentsia, workers, as well as orphanages.

At this time, educational courses for educators began to be organized, lectures and “trainings” were held, and relevant literature was published.

On November 20, 1917, the official “Declaration on Preschool Education” was adopted. This document guaranteed free education and upbringing of preschool children.

The first pedagogical faculty with a preschool department was opened in 1918 at Moscow State University. The first “Program of the work of a kindergarten” was published in 1934, and in 1938 the “Charter of a kindergarten” was published, which defined the tasks of work, the structure and features of the functioning of preschool institutions, and the “Guide for kindergarten teachers”, which contained methodological instructions for sections of work with kids.

In the 1920-1930s, the term “children’s hearth” or simply “hearth” was in use in the USSR. According to the definition given in TSB 1st edition, the center is a kindergarten with extended working hours. The need to extend the time children spend in kindergarten was caused by the maximum involvement of women and mothers in socialist construction and their participation in public life.

By the middle of the 20th century, more than two million children were already attending kindergartens. In the post-war period, the first nurseries appeared in the USSR, where parents could leave their babies starting from two months. In the early 60s, a single document was developed for all preschool education institutions, defining their work program.

At the beginning of the 21st century, there are more than 45 thousand preschool institutions in Russia. The modern preschool education system consists of nurseries, kindergartens, short-stay groups for children, and preschool education centers.

Classification of kindergartens

  • A general developmental kindergarten with a priority area, for example, physical, intellectual, artistic and aesthetic education.
  • Child development center - kindergarten.
  • Kindergarten with nursery groups.
  • Combined kindergarten. These are the majority. Along with regular groups, they also have groups for children with some form of developmental disorder. As a rule, these are speech therapy groups (speech correction).
  • Kindergartens of compensatory type - specialized and sanatorium. In such kindergartens, correction of some chronic diseases is carried out. In specialized kindergartens, unlike sanatoriums, children with chronic diseases can go to the same groups as healthy children. Compensatory and combined kindergartens attract more diverse specialists, mainly doctors.

Depending on the type of kindergarten, the curriculum, the number of children in the group, the quality of food and toys, and even, in many ways, the psychological atmosphere will vary.

Games in kindergarten

For preschool children, play is of particular importance, since play for them is study, work, a way of understanding the world around them, and a form of education.

Criticism of kindergartens

According to American and European studies, children's cortisol levels increase during their stay in kindergarten.

Attachment psychology believes that until the age of five, a child is not able to adequately cope with separation from his parents for the whole day. Therefore, if kindergarten is unavoidable, then you should try to mitigate your stay there in a number of ways.

  • In order to enroll a child in kindergarten in Turkmenistan, parents are required to fill out a special form, indicating detailed information about relatives in three generations, as well as brothers and sisters. In the application form, you must indicate, in addition to passport data and registration, also the degree of relationship, information about the place of work or study, the criminal record or lack thereof of all family members.

What does combined kindergarten mean?


Combined kindergarten Usually different children attend together: healthy ones and those with different diseases, that is, in such kindergartens there are different groups. Meet combined type kindergartens, where in addition to regular groups there are several speech therapy groups. There is also combined type kindergartens, where there are specialized groups that children with diseases attend. Children's development in such combined type kindergartens passes in various directions, it can be health-improving, general developmental, compensatory.

Dolce Vita

In my understanding of a combined kindergarten, this is when the general educational direction of education, the kindergarten includes several groups of different directions. For example, with a speech therapy focus, created for children with speech disorders. There is also a kindergarten with development school groups. Or with groups with the usual, there are groups with a special specialization, for example, recreational or compensatory.

Kindergartens in Russia: tell me how to correctly divide the types, types, direction of preschool educational institutions

Tell me how to correctly separate the types, types, direction of preschool education

Initially I thought so
Types of preschool educational institutions:
General developmental kindergarten
General developmental kindergarten with a priority of intellectual development
General developmental kindergarten with priority to physical development
Kindergarten of general developmental type with priority of artistic direction
Compensatory kindergarten for children with hearing impairments
Compensatory kindergarten for children with speech impairments (with preserved hearing)
Compensatory kindergarten for children with vision pathology
Compensatory kindergarten for children with intellectual disabilities (mentally retarded)
Compensatory kindergarten for children with musculoskeletal disorders
Compensatory kindergarten for children with tuberculosis intoxication
Kindergarten of compensating type of other profiles
Primary School - Kindergarten
Child Development Center

But I read that there are 8 types of preschool educational institutions:
1Kindergarten of a general developmental type|
2Kindergarten (nursery) for young children |
3Kindergarten (Primary school) for children of preschool age|
4Kindergarten care and health improvement|
5Kindergarten of a compensating type |
6Combined kindergarten |
7Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities |
8Child Development Center|

And then they are divided into directions:
general developmental type|
general developmental type with priority of intellectual development |
general developmental type with priority of physical development |
general developmental type with priority of artistic direction |
compensatory type for children with hearing impairments |
compensatory type for children with speech impairments (with preserved hearing) |
compensatory type for children with vision pathology |
compensatory type for children with intellectual disabilities (mentally retarded) |
compensatory type for children with musculoskeletal disorders |
compensatory type for children with tuberculosis intoxication |
compensating type of other profiles |


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Olga Zvonkova

In the new Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution, the fundamental approach to determining the types of preschool educational institutions has been changed. The group of preschool children is identified as the main structural unit. Groups can have different orientations - general developmental, compensatory, combined and health-improving; can work
in a full (12 hours), shortened (10 hours), extended (14 hours) day, round-the-clock or short-term (3–5 hours) stay.
In general developmental groups, training and education are carried out in accordance with the educational program of the institution, developed by it independently on the basis of the approximate basic general educational program of preschool education and federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education and the conditions for its implementation.
Compensatory groups provide qualified correction of deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development and preschool education for children with disabilities.
Health-related groups are created for children with tuberculosis intoxication, frequently ill children and other categories of pupils who need a set of special health-improving measures. Such groups are focused on preschool education of children, as well as carrying out sanitary and hygienic, preventive
and wellness treatments.
Combined groups provide joint education for healthy children and children with disabilities.
For the first time, it is possible to organize groups of a combined focus, in which healthy children and children with disabilities, including disabled children, will receive preschool education. Thus, the regulatory legal framework for inclusive or joint preschool education has been created.
In this regard, standards have been established for the maximum occupancy of combined groups depending on the category of children with disabilities.
Taking into account the focus of the groups and the age of the children, eight types of preschool educational institutions will differ. In addition to the six types of preschool educational institutions that have already become traditional, two new types are being introduced - a kindergarten for young children (from 2 months to 3 years), a kindergarten for children of older preschool age
(from 5 to 7 years).
The standard provision also stipulates that groups for preschool children can be created in educational institutions of other types (in addition to preschool educational institutions). Thus, new variable models of preschool education are normatively established.
Types of educational institutions
1. Preschool educational institution
2. General educational institution for children of preschool and primary school age
3. General educational institution
4. Evening (shift) general education institution
5. General education boarding school
6. Cadet school (cadet boarding school)
7. General education boarding school with initial flight training
8. Suvorov Military, Nakhimov Naval School, Cadet (Naval Cadet) Corps
9. Sanatorium-type health educational institution for children in need of long-term treatment
10. Educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care
11. Special educational institution for children and adolescents with deviant behavior
12. Special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with developmental disabilities
13. Educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance
14. Educational institution for additional education of children
15. Educational institution of primary vocational education.

5. Preschool educational institutions, in accordance with their focus, are divided into the following types:
Kindergarten with priority implementation of one or several areas of development of pupils (intellectual, artistic-aesthetic, physical, etc.)
Compensatory kindergarten with priority implementation of qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils
Kindergarten for supervision, care and health improvement with priority implementation of sanitary and hygienic, preventive and health measures and procedures
Combined kindergarten (a combined kindergarten may include general developmental, compensatory and health groups in different combinations)
Child Development Center - kindergarten with physical and mental development, correction and rehabilitation of all pupils

If a preschool educational institution is called that way, it means that we are talking about a standard kindergarten. Here the priority is the development of the child, whose intelligence is formed in classes with the teacher, physical abilities - during exercises, outdoor games and walks, the child develops aesthetically by doing drawing, appliqué, modeling and music, and socially - by communicating with other children. As a result of such organization of activities, after a few years, children become harmonious individuals, ready for school.

True, it must be taken into account that such a preschool educational institution has the legal right to prefer any one type of child development - cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic or physical (but the basic general education program must be implemented in full in the kindergarten in any case). Therefore, it is better to find out in advance which specific aspects of a child’s activity such a kindergarten succeeds in developing: the Moscow kindergarten, which has the wording “development center” in its name (however, no matter what type this or that kindergarten belongs to), is rather authorized to shape the child’s personality evenly , its staff is obliged to provide students with freedom of development in accordance with their individual characteristics).

Compensatory kindergarten

This children's institution is aimed largely at correcting pathologies in the child, be it frequent illnesses, problems with the musculoskeletal system, hearing impairment or delayed mental development. Here, doctors are brought in to work with children, developmental classes are built taking into account the child’s characteristics, and the building of such a kindergarten itself can be built with ramps and widened doorways. In such a kindergarten there is a higher chance of finding, for example, food on a special diet or a children's massage room and conditions for the rehabilitation of disabled children; it is designed to correct one or more pathologies.

Children are admitted to such kindergartens with the consent of the child’s parents or their legal representatives on the basis of the conclusion of a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. At the same time, in such preschool educational institutions, the main general educational program of preschool education is implemented in combination with the accompanying correction of deficiencies in the physical or mental development of children - or their own program developed on the basis of the main one.

Combined kindergarten

This is a kindergarten with a mixed structure. It can combine groups of different types - those that are typical for a general developmental kindergarten, and those that are found in compensatory kindergartens, as well as health-related groups and even combined ones. The proportion here can be anything, and the teachers of such a children's institution are trained to raise healthy children and children with disabilities together. True, the admission of young disabled people and children with disabilities to this kindergarten is different in that it is organized in the same way as the admission of children to a compensatory kindergarten.


If the kindergarten is non-state, the characteristics of any of the above-mentioned varieties can be determined approximately, and the preschool education program is developed by the kindergarten itself based on the standard program and federal requirements.

In addition, it is worth remembering that the child development options you need should not only be included in the type of kindergarten as such, but may also be contained in additional educational services provided by one or another preschool institution on a contractual basis - of course, not in replacement of the main educational activities of this preschool institution.

Approaching the age of a child of 3 years, parents are wondering about the further development of their child in kindergarten. Surprisingly, there are not so few types of kindergartens.

In distribution at the place of registration The baby goes to the nearest preschool, which turns out to be a combined kindergarten. What is a combined kindergarten and how does it differ from other preschool institutions?

What distinguishes kindergartens from each other is the specification of the institution i.e. what exactly the garden specializes in.

To organize a combined kindergarten includes several specialized groups, where, together with general development groups, specialized compensatory or health-improving groups function.

The combination of such groups in one garden not regulated. It should be noted that the most common group in a combined kindergarten is speech therapy. Pupils with delays in correct speech pronunciation are enrolled in it.

Pupils of a combined kindergarten receive the full range of activities necessary for their development: physical education, music, fine arts, modeling, speech and counting classes and much more.

Children of specialized groups for a number of reasons, they receive additional classes to eliminate their existing defects. As a result, children further enrich their vocabulary, develop competent communication skills, and become familiar with sounds and letters.

The combined kindergarten has a mixed structure. The proportions of specialized groups and general developmental groups do not have clear criteria.

Kindergarten teachers can easily combine counting for healthy children and children with disabilities. Initially, the reception and registration of both children is exactly the same.

Working hours of a combined kindergarten no different from other gardens and also coincides with the typical work schedule of parents of children from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The diet, sleep and exercise regime are also carried out in accordance with federal state standards.

Of the total number of existing types of preschool institutions, the combined kindergarten is one of the most common. And this is not surprising, considering the modern demands of the public. It is very convenient to combine several types of specialization in working with children in one preschool educational organization.

Of the total number of children in a certain municipal area, there will be children who need other development assistance than general developmental: speech correction, health improvement, psychocorrection and more.

If a child has appropriate indications, he can be referred to a group of special specifications by the educational authorities based on the results of an examination by doctors.

If the parent is confident that the child should attend a specialized group in a combined kindergarten, or there is a conclusion from an examination by a speech therapist and a psychologist about the presence of deviations in a child, you must contact the commission that sends children to such groups.

Only the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission can give a referral to a specialized group.

Children are strictly recruited into the speech therapy group senior and preparatory age who have unacceptable speech deviations at their age. Such groups are divided into pupils with simple speech delay and mental retardation.

In speech therapy groups for children learn to pronounce sounds which they pronounce incorrectly or with difficulty, and also learn how to correctly form words in sentences. In addition to teachers, speech therapists and educational psychologists work with children.

In ZPR groups, the development process of children is a little more complicated with the involvement of specialists not only speech therapists, but also defectologists.

According to the curriculum schedule classes in mental health and speech therapy groups are held with greater load and intensity than in ordinary general developmental groups. Specialists help students develop their mental potential along with their speech.

In fact, the results show that after graduating from a preschool educational institution, graduates of specialized groups completely ready for school on a par with their peers from general development groups. They are ready for school workloads, know how to express their thoughts and are developed in basic household independent care.

As we already understood, a combined type kindergarten bears this name due to the existence of specialized groups in it. These groups are neither good nor evil, they are a necessity for children with developmental delays who need special attention.

Existing kindergartens are divided according to the areas and methods of educating children. This list presents their main types and features of the classes conducted in them.

● Types of kindergartens, their features


Preschool educational institution for children aged 3 to 7 years. Children are engaged in general development: exploring the world around them, learning basic skills in everyday life, communicating with other children, and preparing to enter school.

The main objectives of a preschool institution in Russia are:

  • protecting the lives and promoting the health of children;
  • ensuring the intellectual, personal and physical development of the child;
  • implementation of the necessary correction of deviations in the child’s development;
  • introducing children to universal human values;
  • interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child

Kindergartens are divided according to their affiliation into:

  • municipal,
  • departmental,
  • private (commercial)
  • domestic (family).

Division of kindergartens by specialization:

  • general developmental type;
  • child development centers;
  • compensatory garden;
  • combined kindergarten;
  • recreational kindergarten
  • kindergarten for supervision and health improvement;
  • kindergarten with an ethnocultural (national) education component;
  • preschool groups of state educational institutions “primary school - kindergarten”;
  • preschool groups of state educational institutions “comprehensive school”;
  • child development center - kindergarten;
  • preschool groups of state educational institutions “education center”.

In kindergartens, children are divided into groups according to their age and developmental characteristics.

General developmental kindergarten

The name itself speaks about the specialization of the kindergarten - the comprehensive development of the child.

Such gardens may have different priority areas, such as:

  • physical,
  • intellectual,
  • artistic and aesthetic development

Compensatory kindergarten

Specialization - correction for certain deviations, both mental and physical development of the child.

Compensatory training involves the organization of rehabilitation classes leading to the elimination of various disorders that do not include mental disabilities.

Groups in such kindergartens are formed from children who experience significant difficulties in mastering regular general education programs according to their age. The main task that a compensatory kindergarten solves is to help children restore and strengthen normal neuropsychic and physical health.

Indications for visiting a compensatory kindergarten:

  • diseases associated with impaired vision;
  • hearing problems;
  • diseases that impair the functions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • problems with psychological balance (nervousness, aggressiveness, increased nervous excitability, irritability);
  • speech defects.

In addition to the listed indications, referral to groups can be given to children who often suffer from acute respiratory viral diseases (ARI) and a weakened immune system.

IN kindergartens compensatory type not only treat, but also educate and train in accordance with a special program. At these kindergartens there are consultation points where parents can get advice and recommendations on what to do in a particular case. To get into a compensatory kindergarten, you need a referral from a pediatrician and certificates from specialists in the kindergarten’s profile.

Combined kindergarten

Such an institution includes compensatory, general development and health groups, and in completely different combinations.

Kindergarten for health improvement and care

The priority of activity is the implementation of preventive, sanitary and hygienic, health procedures, as well as other activities aimed at the above goals.

Preschool educational institution "Child Development Center"

This is a specialized kindergarten in which psychological, including physical development, rehabilitation and correction of pupils is carried out.

It is in such centers that most often there are physical education and health complexes, swimming pools, children's theaters, etc.

Many kindergartens have specialized groups:

-preparation groups for secondary school;
- primary school preparation groups;
- preschool groups from education centers;

Preschool group of the Education Center

Education Center is a type of state educational institution that implements general education programs:

  • preschool
  • initial general
  • basic general
  • secondary (complete) general education
  • professional training programs for students
  • additional education based on continuity, continuity, accessibility and personal orientation of students, taking into account the educational needs of the population.

Surely every parent, when their child reaches three years old, begins to think hard about who will raise the child while mom and dad are busy at work. There are several options in this case - grandparents, nanny, kindergarten. It is the latter option that most parents choose. Yes, that's right. In kindergarten, a child, developing comprehensively, will learn to communicate with peers and live in a team. The main thing is to do it right choose a preschool. The level of his preparation for school, the level of development and education depend on this choice. After all, they are different types of kindergartens, imply different levels of training.

To the delight of many parents in recent years, the number of kindergarten institutions has begun to continually renew, and although their number is far from necessary, many families still have the opportunity to enroll their child in a preschool institution. What types of kindergartens available in our country?

Let's look at the main types of kindergartens:

Departmental kindergarten, according to statistics, the number of such kindergartens in the country exceeds the number of other preschool institutions;

- kindergarten owned by local authorities;

- private kindergarten;

- home kindergarten.

Advantages and disadvantages of various kindergartens

In material terms, the most affordable for parents is, of course, kindergarten owned by local authorities. Advantages - the most affordable kindergarten and the closest one to home.

Disadvantages - overcrowding of groups, perhaps insufficient childcare, poor food.

Departmental kindergarten. Advantages - in comparison with the first option, it is less crowded, the quality of the learning, education and development process is higher. The food is more varied. Disadvantages - payment for stay, in comparison with utilities, is much higher.

Private kindergarten. Advantages - optimal group size, individual approach to working with children, organization of the child’s work with a speech therapist, psychologist, and other specialists, rapid adaptation of the child to new social conditions and his comprehensive development, a wide variety of meals, including gourmet delicacies. The disadvantage is the high fee for the stay (sometimes $1000-$5000).

Home kindergarten- the most rare type of kindergarten. The difference from other types of kindergartens is that they are located in an apartment, rented premises or private cottage. Advantages - minimum number of children in the group (3-10 people), proper attention to each child. Disadvantages are insufficient technical equipment and a fairly high price.

Types of kindergartens according to various specializations

Classified types of kindergartens not only by governing body or affiliation, but also by specialization.

By type of specialization, the types of kindergartens are as follows:

- general developmental kindergarten;

- health;

- kindergartens - development centers;

- combined kindergarten;

- kindergartens with ethnocultural orientation;

- highly specialized kindergartens (compensatory kindergarten).

Kindergartens managed by local governments traditionally belong to general developmental kindergartens. Work in them, according to approved programs, is aimed at the intellectual, physical, moral and aesthetic development of the child.

In the case where the main focus of work is preventive health measures, the kindergarten is called a kindergarten for supervision and health improvement.

In development centers, teachers pay great attention to the intellectual, physical, and psychological development of the child. The centers, as a rule, are equipped with special gaming and general health complexes, have swimming pools and computer classes.

Combined types of kindergartens include the characteristics of a regular kindergarten and a kindergarten - development center. Gardens with a narrow specialization are intended for children with certain physical or mental characteristics (kindergartens for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, physical or mental development).

In addition to general educational training, development and upbringing, kindergartens with an ethnocultural orientation pay due attention to the study of the native language, which helps not to forget and know the native language while staying in another country or in another ethnic area.

The classification of preschool institutions according to the level of general education is carried out taking into account the groups that prepare children for subsequent general education institutions:

- preparatory groups for primary school education;

- preparatory groups for studying in secondary schools;

- preparatory groups for studying at the gymnasium;

- preschool groups from educational centers.

The focus of preparatory groups and the level of general education training they provide must be taken into account when choosing a preschool institution and when planning the child’s further education. Having reconsidered types of kindergartens, choose the one that is more comfortable for you. Here, the widespread opinion is true that gifted children grow up in the most ordinary preschool institutions, and sometimes the spiritual atmosphere in which the child feels comfortable and confident is much more important than numerous varied activities in a stressful environment. But given the ever-increasing demands of time, versatile training is often simply necessary for children for further successful development. The choice, of course, is yours.

I would like to give advice to parents: “Remember, you choose a kindergarten not for yourself, but for your child.” Take care not only of the proper level of upbringing and development of the child there, but also of his comfortable stay there. And of course, when sending your child to kindergarten, you shouldn’t hand over to the teachers the entire burden of the educational process, because the child’s personality primarily depends on the efforts of the parents, on the routines and foundations established in each individual family. Only the joint efforts of the educational line of the kindergarten staff and the child’s parents have the full formative moral power for the development of the growing personality.