Basketball hoop diameter and standard height. Basketball basket

Basketball is a game the main goal of which is to hit the maximum number of times ball into the opponent's hoop. Professional competitions take place in indoor areas with an ideal surface.

The playing field is marked with lines and zones, and on both sides of the site there are structures with shields and baskets attached to them.

The size of the site, the thickness of the marking lines, the parameters of the shield and the height of the ring mounting are regulated FIBA - International Basketball Federation and NBA - National Basketball Association.

Ring design features

Basketball hoop is one of the main attributes of the game. This is what every basketball player wants to hit with the ball.

It is a rim to which the mesh is attached, and this structure is subsequently installed on a shield with a certain height. Exists several types basketball hoops

An inexpensive option would be a regular hard one. These are usually made of wear-resistant materials (for example, durable steel).

They can be seen on local playgrounds for family recreation, on street basketball fields, in school and university halls. And here at professional tournaments a fixed, which is a rigid structure capable of shock absorption (spring).

It is strong, durable, and helps extend the life of both the shield and the rack itself, because it transfers only part of the load to the shield. In terms of price, such models will be much more expensive their brothers who are not able to spring.

Attention! Depreciation - important function. Since at competitions in indoor and outdoor tournaments athletes like to show all sorts of tricks, including hanging on it, a fixed ring with shock absorption fully justifies its cost.

At what height from the floor is the basket in basketball: standards

Basketball hoop standards are regulated FIBA rules, because it is under the auspices of this federation that all international competitions are held, including the World Basketball Championship.

Photo 1: Solid steel basketball hoop and backboard installed on an outdoor court.

Here are some federation requirements for the ring for professional competitions:

  • Made from solid steel. Inner diameter 45-45.9 cm.
  • The thickness of the rod is 16-20 mm.
  • Orange color.
  • Has 12 holes for attaching the mesh.
  • Smooth, safe, without chips, dents or other defects.
  • The gap between the fastening device and the ring is no more than 8 mm(so that the athletes’ fingers cannot get there).
  • Any force transferred to the ring and basket should not be completely transferred to the backboard(this is dangerous for players who can hang on the rim and tip the entire structure over themselves).
  • The upper edge is located above the platform level at a height of 305 cm. Discrepancies in values ​​are allowed by 6 mm maximum. The ring is located clearly in the middle of the shield at the same distance from its vertical edges.
  • If the ring has the property of cushioning, then must be tested for strength before it goes into operation.

Reference! It must not come off under static load. 82-105 kg.

How far away is the basketball backboard for play?

The parameters of the basketball backboard on which the basket is attached are also subject to certain requirements.

It is made either made of monolithic tempered glass, or made of hardwood. It is a rectangle with dimensions 1.8 x 1.05 m, thickness not less 3 cm.

According to FIBA ​​regulations, the discrepancy in the length of the shield is maximum 30 mm, in width - 20 mm. There are markings on it.

If the material is transparent glass, then Markings are applied with white paint, in other cases - black. Line width - 50 mm. The boundaries of the shield are highlighted by a bounding line that forms a rectangle.

The top edge of the base of the rectangle is flush with the ring and by 15 - 15.2 cm above the bottom edge of the shield.

The shield is installed on a support so that its lower edge is located at a distance 2.75-2.9 meters above the level of the playing field from the floor.

Important! Professional basketball competitions are held primarily on specially equipped indoor courts. Ceiling height there from 7 m, In some - from 12 m. Based on this, standards for installing the ring and shield above the level of the site were developed.

For amateur competitions and school games it is not necessary to strictly comply with these requirements, since it is not always possible to select a room with the appropriate ceiling height. Therefore, it is not so important at what distance the ring is located.

Basketball (from English. basket- basket, ball- ball) is an Olympic sport, a sports team game with a ball, the goal of which is to throw the ball into the opponent’s basket more times than the opposing team can do in a set time. Each team consists of 5 field players.

History of the emergence and development of basketball

In 1891, in the United States of America, a young Canadian-born teacher, Dr. James Naismith, trying to “revive” gymnastics lessons, attached two fruit baskets to the balcony railing and suggested throwing soccer balls into them. The resulting game only vaguely resembled modern basketball. There was no talk of dribbling; the players tossed the ball to each other and then tried to throw it into the basket. The team that scored the most goals won.

A year later, Naismith developed the first rules of the game of basketball. The very first matches under these rules caused their first changes.

Gradually, basketball from the USA penetrated first to the East - Japan, China, the Philippines, and then to Europe and South America. 10 years later, at the Olympic Games in St. Louis, the Americans organized an exhibition tour between teams from several cities. In 1946, the Basketball Association of America (BAA) was formed. The first match under her auspices took place on November 1 of the same year in Toronto between the Toronto Huskies and New York Knickerbockers. In 1949, the association merged with the US National Basketball League to form the National Basketball Association (NBA). In 1967, the American Basketball Association was created, which for a long time tried to compete with the NBA, but 9 years later merged with it. Today, the NBA is one of the most influential and famous professional basketball leagues in the world.

In 1932, the International Amateur Basketball Federation was founded. The federation includes 8 countries: Argentina, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania. Sweden, Czechoslovakia. Based on the name, it was assumed that the organization would be headed only by amateur basketball, however, in 1989, professional basketball players received access to international competitions, and the word “amateur” was removed from the name.

The very first international match took place in 1904, and in 1936 basketball was included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games.

Basketball rules (briefly)

The rules of the game of basketball changed several times until 2004, when the final version of the rules was formed, which is considered relevant to this day.

  1. Two teams play basketball. A team usually consists of 12 people, 5 of whom are outfield players and the rest are considered substitute players.
  2. Dribbling the ball in basketball. Athletes holding the ball must move around the field, hitting the floor with it. Otherwise, it will be counted as “carrying the ball”, and this is a violation of the rules in basketball. Accidentally touching the ball with a part of the body other than the hand is not considered a violation, but deliberate play with the foot or fist is.
  3. A basketball game consists of 4 periods or halves, but the time of each half (game time) varies depending on the basketball association. So, for example, in the NBA a match consists of 4 halves of 12 minutes, and in FIBA ​​each such half lasts 10 minutes.
  4. There are short breaks between periods, and between the second and third periods the break time is increased.
  5. A ball thrown into the basket can bring a different number of points to your team. If the ball is scored during a free throw, the team earns 1 point. If the ball is thrown from a medium or close distance (closer than the 3-point line), then the team is given 2 points. A team earns three points if the ball is scored from behind the three-point line.
  6. If in regular time both teams scored the same number of points, then a 5-minute overtime is assigned; if it ends in a draw, then the next one is assigned, and so on until a winner is determined.
  7. The 3-second rule is a rule that prohibits any player on the attacking team from being in the free throw zone for more than three seconds.
  8. The two-step rule in basketball. A player is only allowed to take two steps with the ball, after which he must either shoot or pass.

Basketball field

The playing field for basketball is rectangular in shape and has a hard surface. The surface of the site must not have any bends, cracks or any other deformations. The size of the basketball court should be 28 meters long and 15 meters wide (standard). The ceiling height must be at least 7 meters, and at professional sites the ceilings are raised to a height of 12 meters and higher. The light on the field must be made so as not to interfere with the movement of players and must evenly cover the entire court.

Until the end of the 60s, tournaments could be organized outdoors. However, now basketball matches are held only in indoor courts.

Site marking

  1. Bounding lines. They run along the entire perimeter of the site (2 short end lines and 2 long side lines).
  2. Central line. It is carried out from one side line to another and at the same time it is parallel to the front lines.
  3. The central zone is a circle (radius 1.80 m) and is located exactly in the center of the basketball court.
  4. Three-point lines are semicircles with a radius of 6.75 m, drawn to the intersection with parallel (front) lines.
  5. Free throw lines. A free throw line is drawn 3.60 meters long parallel to each end line with its far end 5.80 meters from the inside edge of the end line and its midpoint on an imaginary line connecting the midpoints of both end lines.


The basketball is spherical in shape, painted in an approved shade of orange, and features an eight-panel design with black stitching.

Basketball hoop and backboard dimensions

The height of the basketball hoop from the floor level is 3.05 meters (standard). The diameter of a basketball hoop ranges from 45 cm to 45.7 cm. The hoop itself should be painted bright orange. A special net 40-45 cm long is attached to the hoop. The basketball hoop is located at a distance of 15 cm from the backboard.

A new game for the students: he invited his students to compete in accuracy by throwing a ball, and to complicate the task and interest the young people, he attached fruit baskets to the balconies of the gym. It was necessary to get into the baskets that hung directly above the students.

In team competitions, not only the players, but also the fans who were on the balconies threw balls into baskets. To ensure that balls flying into the opponent's basket did not fly further than the target, Disames Naismith installed shields behind the baskets.

The birthplace of basketball is Massachusetts, known for its unstable weather. When inventing the game, Naismith focused specifically on the weather: he needed dynamic competitions that could be held indoors.

The students liked the game so much that within a year it became the center of attention at sports competitions. However, the wicker fruit baskets clearly could not cope with the pressure of the players and often treacherously fell apart after the next ball. Already in 1893, they were replaced by rings, which were made from metal hoops with a large mesh.

Features of the rings

Each playing area requires two rings (baskets). They must be identical in size. The thickness of their hoop should not exceed two centimeters. The diameter of the basketball hoop is suitable for a fairly large ball to freely pass through for a basketball game. The traditional diameter of the basket is 45 centimeters. In some cases, it is permissible to increase the size to 45.7 centimeters, this is the largest permissible ring diameter.

To play basketball, a court is required, along the short edges of which structures with

baskets. The dimensions and shield must meet certain requirements. These elements, first of all, are made so strong as to ensure the complete safety of competing athletes.

The standard size of a basketball hoop in diameter is 45 cm. However, this parameter can be increased to a maximum of 45.7 cm. It always has a bright orange color. To make the ring, durable metal is used, the diameter of which is at least 16 mm. It should be noted that the maximum thickness of a basketball hoop is 20 mm. Among other things, it provides special devices that are designed for installing the mesh. These fasteners should not allow the player to injure his fingers, so they are made in such a way that they do not have cracks or sharp edges.

Now a few words about how the basketball hoop is hung. On a stand, which is located no closer than two meters from the front line, a shield is mounted at a right angle. The structure must be installed in such a way that it is impossible to move it. The basket itself is screwed firmly so that the loads acting on it do not in any way affect the position of the shield. Rings with shock absorbers are also not prohibited, however, provided that the rebound characteristics are m

cell, as well as other parameters do not change compared to the standard version. Moreover, under the condition of exposure to a static load at the point of the basket farthest from the shield, which ranges from 82 to 105 kilograms, the fastening system and the shock absorber should not be separated. In this case, the deflection of the ring downwards from the applied forces is allowed by no more than 30 degrees. After their action ends, it should return to its original position instantly.

The height of the basketball hoop is 3.05 meters from the level of the court. The distance from it to the front side of the shield is 15 cm. The nets that are used to equip baskets have twelve fastening loops. Their length should be in the range from 40 to 45 cm. Their upper part is made in such a way as to prevent tangling, throwing onto the basket, as well as the ball getting stuck or returning in the opposite direction.

Not only the size of the basketball hoop, but also the parameters of the backboard play an important role. Its width should be 1.8 m and its height 1.05 meters. Its lower part is located from the platform at a height of 2.9 m. The material for making the shield is now most often tempered glass. Its hardness must correspond to the degree of hardness of a tree having a thickness of 3 cm. The edges of the front side are marked with lines 5 cm wide. The structures on which the shields are hung are upholstered with soft materials.

Finally, it should be noted that the ring's mounting system compensates for almost half of the energy that is applied to it. Regarding possible deviations of the parameters listed above, according to the official rules, the difference between two baskets of the same playing court should not exceed 5 percent.

Basketball- a sports game with a ball played by two teams of five people each. The goal of the players on each team is to throw the ball into the opponent’s hoop (basket) and prevent the opponent from throwing to you.

Ring- Located 3 meters from the floor (10 feet) Each team, as I already said, has 5 people on the field and 7 people in reserve, there are no restrictions on substitutions. For hitting the ball into the net from a short distance, 2 points are awarded; from a long distance, which is marked with a semicircle, 3 points are awarded.

Basketball backboard dimensions (standard sizes):

The basketball backboard is made of tempered glass with a thickness of 20 mm and has a length of 1.8 meters (maximum deviation + 30 mm) and a height of 1.05 meters (maximum deviation + 20 mm). In order to prevent injuries, shock-absorbing padding is installed on the lower and side, 35-45 cm high, edges of the basketball backboard. According to the FIBA ​​protocol, the basketball backboard is equipped with red lighting around the perimeter on the inside of the backboard. The basketball backboard is installed at a height of 3.05 meters - from the court surface to the basketball hoop, while the lower edge of the basketball backboard is at a height of 2.75 meters. Basketball backboards with rings protrude 1.2 meters above the basketball court from the end line. The inner diameter of metal basketball hoops with shock absorbers is 45 cm and 2 cm thick. The basketball hoop is a rope net - a bottomless basket 40 cm long. The marking of the basketball backboard along the perimeter and the area of ​​the ring zone (rectangle size 59 cm by 45 cm) is represented by a white stripe 5 cm wide.

Violations out - the ball goes out of bounds;

    jogging - a player in control of a live ball moves his legs beyond the limits established by the rules

    violation of dribbling, including carrying the ball, double dribbling;

    three seconds - an attacking player is in the free throw zone for more than three seconds while his team is in possession of the ball in the offensive zone;

    eight seconds - the team in possession of the ball from the defensive zone did not bring it into the attacking zone within eight seconds;

    24 seconds - the team possessed the ball for more than 24 seconds and did not make an accurate shot at the ring. A team gains the right to a new 24 second possession if the ball thrown around the ring touches the hoop or backboard, as well as if the defending team receives a foul.

    tightly guarded player - a player holds the ball for more than five seconds while the opponent is tightly guarding him;

    violation of returning the ball to the defensive zone - the team in possession of the ball in the attacking zone transferred it to the defensive zone.

Foul is a failure to comply with the rules caused by personal contact or unsportsmanlike conduct. Types of fouls:





A player who receives 5 fouls (6 fouls in the NBA) in a match must leave the playing court and cannot take part in the match (but is allowed to remain on the bench). A player who receives a disqualifying foul must leave the match venue (the player is not allowed to remain on the substitutes' bench).

The coach is disqualified if: he commits 2 technical fouls;

    a team official or substitute commits 3 technical fouls;

    the coach will commit 1 technical foul and a team official or substitute will commit 2 technical fouls.

Each foul counts as a team foul, with the exception of a technical foul by a coach, team official, or bench player.

Personal foul - a foul resulting from personal contact.


If a foul is committed on a player who is not in the shooting phase, then:

    if a team has not accumulated 5 team fouls or a foul is committed by a player whose team had the ball, then the affected team performs a throw-in;

    otherwise, the injured player takes 2 free throws;

If a foul is committed on a player in the act of shooting, then:

    if the shot is successful, it counts and the injured player takes 1 free throw;

    if the throw was unsuccessful, then the injured player makes the same number of free throws as the number of points the team would have earned had the throw been successful.

An unsportsmanlike foul is a foul committed as a result of contact in which the player did not attempt to play the ball within the rules.


If a foul is committed on a player who is in the shooting stage, then proceed in the same way as in the case of a personal foul. If a foul is committed on a player who is not in the shooting phase, the affected player takes 2 shots. After free throws are completed, the ball is thrown in by the injured team from outside the court at the extended center line. The exception is fouls committed before the start of the first period. In this case, after the free throws, a jump ball is played (as in the case of a normal start of the game). If a player commits 2 unsportsmanlike fouls during one match, he must be disqualified.

A disqualifying foul is a foul resulting from flagrant unsportsmanlike conduct. A disqualifying foul may be committed by a player, substitute, coach or team official.


The number of free throws and the throw-in after them are awarded in the same way as an unsportsmanlike foul.

A technical foul is a foul not caused by contact with an opponent. This could be disrespect for the referees, the opponent, delay of the game, procedural violations.


Any player of the team that did not violate the rules shoots 2 free throws. After the throws are made, the throw-off is the same as an unsportsmanlike foul.