Do-it-yourself electric boiler for heating your home. How to make a homemade electric boiler for heating? How to make your own electric heating boiler

Stainless steel sheet construction

Despite the huge variety of types and models of boiler equipment, the desire to make a heating device on their own, with their own hands, does not leave Russian “homemade” people. Even the fact that a home-made electric boiler, in case of errors during design and installation, can become a source of serious danger does not stop home craftsmen. Let's look at how you can make an inexpensive and safe boiler with your own hands.

Electric and solid fuel

There are several types of boiler equipment, differing primarily in the type of fuel used. The most popular are:

  • Electric.
  • Solid fuel (pellet) boiler.
  • Gas equipment.


Despite the fact that in recent years there has been almost universal gasification, gas-powered equipment is still rarely installed in rural areas. Its main area of ​​application is city apartments and country cottages, which are close in terms of living comfort to the conditions of a metropolis. In villages, solid fuel equipment is more often installed - a wood, pellet or coal boiler.

The most important advantage that distinguishes a solid fuel (pellet or wood) heating boiler is its low cost and ease of operation.

In rural areas, firewood remains the cheapest fuel to this day, and the likelihood of supplying gas to remote corners of the country is still almost a fantasy.


  • An electric heating boiler has a lot of advantages, but all of them are covered by one significant disadvantage - high operating cost. In some ways, the following can also be considered disadvantages of the equipment:
  • Volatility of the system. A power outage will have negative consequences for the entire heating network, and not just for the device itself. To minimize the risk of the system defrosting in the event of a power outage, an additional emergency generator will be required.
  • The device must be connected by a qualified electrician. Unprofessional installation is life-threatening.

According to the principle of operation, electrode and heating element electric boilers are distinguished. We will not dwell on the former, since it is extremely difficult to design and install such a device. Let's take a closer look at heating elements devices.

Heating in such a boiler is carried out in a tubular heater. From it, heat is transferred to the coolant circulating in the system. You can pump water or antifreeze as a coolant.

DIY heating element boiler

Differences between heating elements and induction

For an electric heating boiler, the heating element is the main element. Without it, it is impossible to convert electrical energy into thermal energy. The heating element is placed in the housing and connected to regulators, sensors, control boards and other additional components designed to facilitate the operation of the equipment.

If there is a system in the house with a pipeline with thick walls, the heating element can be installed directly into it. The pipe will act as a housing. This design has a number of disadvantages, but it has a right to exist. Very often, heating elements are installed in a heating system as an emergency source of thermal energy. If the main boiler stops working for any reason, you can simply connect a heating element that will heat the coolant. Depending on the specific situation, the heating element can heat the water to a minimum temperature in order to prevent only the system from defrosting, or it can operate at full capacity, providing heat to the entire house.

Another common design is the option with a removable pipe. In general, it is similar to the previous version, but allows you to quickly remove and replace the heating element in case of failure, the need for repair, etc. This design is more complicated to manufacture, but compared to the previous one, it is universal.

A little more complicated...

Drawing of a homemade boiler

Despite the availability of alternative ways to use electricity in heating systems, the best option is still a full-fledged boiler. The boiler body is best made of steel. This choice is justified from the point of view of safety, durability of the design, and ease of manufacture. You can create a housing using a conventional welding machine. Such work will not require any serious special skills.

You should not make the case large. The more compact the dimensions of the boiler, the more efficiently it works. What to do if the house is large and you need a unit whose power will allow you to heat a large amount of water? Refuse the electric boiler in favor of another type of equipment. Electric appliances are suitable for heating a small country house, but when heating large cottages they will not be the best choice.

The body can have any shape, but it must be hermetically sealed on both sides. There are two holes on both sides. Through one, the coolant is supplied to the system, through the other, cooled water enters the boiler.

heating element

Types of heating elements

The biggest difficulty in making an electric heating boiler is choosing the right heating element. Its power should be enough to heat the coolant and water in the hot water system (if necessary, its arrangement). The power is selected based on the calculations performed. When designing a hot water supply system, it is better to choose a heating element with high power ratings.

The heating element is installed in the housing on the bottom cover, opposite the hole through which cooled coolant is supplied to the heater. It is worth installing shut-off valves in the pipeline next to the boiler to ensure the maintainability of the device. Shut-off valves will allow you to turn off the boiler if necessary without draining water from the system. As a rule, heating systems with an electric boiler are made with forced circulation, which will also require connecting pumping equipment.

Electrical panel

The operation of electrical equipment is ensured by energy from the electrical network. To connect a homemade device to the latter, you will need to construct an electrical panel. You will definitely need to connect a three-phase input. It is better to entrust this part of the work to a qualified electrician, since the cost of an error is disproportionately high.

A starter, automation, relays, and electrical appliance control elements are installed in a metal panel. The system must be grounded. The effectiveness of grounding should be checked annually by employees of specialized organizations. The data obtained by measurements must be recorded in the protocol. The simplest way to perform grounding is as follows. Under the floor there is a structure made of a bolt welded to a metal pin. An electrical wire coming from the switchboard is screwed to the bolt. As you can see, everything is simple.

Factory electrical panel

The electrical circuit of the device will include the following elements:

  • Machine.
  • Magnetic switch.
  • Control buttons.
  • Toggle switch and relay.
  • Circuit breakers.
  • Thermal sensors.
  • Additional automation (if necessary).

After connecting to the power supply, you can start the boiler for the first time and test the system.


As you can see, making an electric boiler with your own hands is not at all difficult. In fact, the help of a specialist will only be required when installing an electrical panel. All other work can be easily done independently and does not require any special skills. Despite the simplicity of the work, experts recommend not to experiment and purchase a ready-made industrial model. It is not difficult to choose a suitable option, including in terms of price, but the reliability and safety of such structures is many times higher than “homemade” ones.

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It is quite possible to build a heating boiler in country houses that are not connected to a central gas pipeline, even on your own. In this material we will talk about how to make an electric heating boiler with your own hands. We will consider 3 available options for electric boilers - heating elements, electrode and induction.

What tools will you need?

To assemble homemade electric heating and encounter a minimum of difficulties, you must have high-quality tools at your disposal.

To work you will need:

  • welding machine - it is most convenient to work with an inverter model;
  • cutter – if you don’t know how to use a gas cutter, it’s better to use a plasma cutter;
  • grinder - you will even need 2 models - a large one for a disk with a cross-section of 230 mm and a small one for a disk with a cross-section of 125 mm;
  • electric drill;
  • hammer;
  • core;
  • tape measure and compass.

Electric boiler on heating elements

The do-it-yourself electric boiler circuit with a heater is the easiest to implement and has been known for quite a long time.

Operating principle of a heating element boiler

The design of all household appliances in which heating elements (heating elements) are installed is the same. When the power is turned on, voltage is applied to the heating element, which gradually heats up and transfers thermal energy to the liquid located around it.

The advantages of such devices:

  • a wide range of heating elements of various shapes and power;
  • Possibility of use in any heating system with liquid coolants;
  • insulation is installed on the boiler body, so that voltage is supplied exclusively to the heating element;
  • do not require complex maintenance;
  • The heating level is very easy to control, even with a minimal set of automatic controls.

Among the disadvantages of a homemade electric boiler of this type are:

  • “gluttony” in electricity consumption, since heating 10 m2 of area requires 1 kW of power;
  • impurities in the coolant accumulate on the heating element in the form of scale, so it needs to be cleaned approximately once a year;
  • The heating element can only function in the presence of liquid; it is recommended to install an idle speed sensor with it.

The procedure for assembling a boiler with heating elements with its own rivers

Before you make an electric boiler with your own hands, you should make sure that you have a reliable power supply line. Only equipment with a power of no more than 6 kW can be connected to ordinary networks with a voltage of 220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz. If a more powerful boiler is required, it needs a three-phase wiring and a separate input.

So, we begin assembling a homemade electric heating boiler from a pipe with a cross-section of 159 mm and a wall thickness of 10 mm. This pipe will serve as the boiler body. It will require either a factory-made hemisphere with a cross-section of 159 mm and a thickness of 10 mm, or sheet metal with a thickness of 8 mm or more of a similar section.

The boiler roof, into which the heating elements will subsequently be embedded, can be made from an 8 mm thick channel.

We cut a ¾-inch coupling into the boiler dome. We will screw the drain valve into this coupling. In addition, you will need 2 pipes with a cross-section of 1 inch for inflow and return. The threads on the pipes can be made both internal and external. It all depends on which one you are more comfortable working with.

To relieve excess pressure, you need to prepare a pipe for inserting the bypass channel. You will also need 3 adapters, each of which will have a heating element for the electric boiler screwed into it. Another adapter will be needed for the temperature sensor. In addition, you will need holders for automation.

Please note that it is advisable to cut the threads on the pipes and adapters immediately.

Prepared pipes with threads, the same as on heating elements, must be immediately screwed into the adapters. This is necessary so that the threads are not damaged during welding to the arch. To mark the insertion points of the heating elements, the outer diameter of the pipe must be divided into 6 equal sectors according to the radius size. Then we draw three identical sectors strictly at an angle of 120°.

The next step is to start cutting. Having finished with the markings, using a plasma cutter we cut out holes for the pipes for the heating elements. They should be cut only along the outer contour. With all other pipes this is not of fundamental importance.

Let's start welding work. First we intercept the pipes at several points so that they do not lead. Then we check the accuracy of the location, if necessary, lightly tap with a hammer, and then make a continuous seam. It is important that the adapters for heating elements in an electric boiler for heating with your own hands protrude 1 cm above the surface of the boiler roof.

Let's start cutting out the vault from the channel. In its center we make a hole for the air valve pipe, after which we weld the pipe itself. We make a hole on the side for the temperature sensor and also weld a pipe under it.

All protrusions, burrs and welding residues must be thoroughly cleaned using a grinder. The inner surface of the arch platform must be perfectly flat. The pipes for installing heating elements will protrude only 1 cm from the outside.

We got a fairly powerful electric boiler with our own hands with 3 heating elements. If you need a simpler unit, using the same principle it can be assembled using 1 or 2 heating elements.

Assembling a heating boiler on electrodes

Devices of this type have become actively used only in the last 10-15 years. These are more technologically advanced devices compared to heating elements.


In electronic electric boilers, the liquid plays the role of a heating element. A self-assembled electric boiler of this type is a metal casing, inside of which there is an insulated steel electrode.

0 is supplied to the housing, and phase is supplied to the electrode. When voltage is applied, water ions begin to vibrate with a frequency of 50 hertz. In this case, the liquid gradually heats up. Due to this property, such boilers are also called ionic.

The dimensions of electrode boilers are small. They can be made from a pipe with a cross-section of up to 320 mm and a length of up to 60 cm. However, an electric boiler for heating a house with your own hands can be made much smaller.


  • small dimensions, thanks to which the ion boiler can be placed even in a small apartment;
  • the absence of the so-called “dry running”, which guarantees the serviceability of the boiler, since without liquid inside it will not work;
  • resistance to voltage surges;
  • high heating and cooling speed, which means ease of adjustment;
  • efficiency in energy consumption compared to devices using heating elements.

Among the disadvantages of such boilers are the following:

  • An important condition for the effective functioning of an electrode boiler is the level of thermal conductivity and the quality of the coolant;
  • the device must be reliably grounded, since there is a high risk of electric shock;
  • It is important to exclude the possibility of air getting inside the system, otherwise the electrodes will become unusable due to corrosion.

Instructions for assembling a homemade electrode boiler

As a body for an electric heating boiler with our own hands, we use a pipe with an internal cross-section of about 50 mm and a length of 40 cm. In addition, you will need a solid rod with a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 30 cm, as well as two adapters with cut internal threads. At the end of the rod we drill a blind hole with a thread for a Ø10 mm bolt.

We prepare the pipes. We will weld 1 at the end of the pipe, and the other at the side. To ensure that the side pipe fits perfectly to the pipe, it is trimmed with a grinder and then sanded with a round file.

We cut holes for the pipes. If you don’t have a cutter, you can drill many small holes around the circumference. The work is brought to perfection with a needle file and a round file. The hole for the side pipe must be located 10-15 mm from the edge of the pipe.

The next step is to weld the pipes to the pipe. To prevent them from being led away, they first make spot welding in several places, and then apply a continuous seam.

We prepare the platform for the electric boiler. To do this, you can take a sheet of fiberglass 2 cm thick and cut a piece of 120x120 mm using a hacksaw. Then in this platform you need to drill one hole in the center, and four around the perimeter. The cross-section of the holes should be 10-12 mm.

Fastenings of the boiler body will be passed through the holes along the perimeter, and the central hole is intended for fixing the steel electrode.

We proceed to fixing the casing for the boiler to the platform. To ensure a secure fit, four Ø12 mm nuts can be welded on the body on 4 sides. Bolts Ø10 mm will easily pass through them.

Such nuts need to be welded with a slight indentation from the platform. To ensure this, you need to screw nuts of appropriate size onto the bolts, thread them into the wide nuts, and secure them from below again with smaller ones. This will make welding work easier.

At the last stage we perform the final assembly of the boiler. To do this, cut out a rubber gasket with a cross-section slightly larger than the outer diameter of the boiler. We make a hole in its central part and thread the electrode through it. Then we install the body on the platform and screw it on.

Induction boilers

Among all the options for assembling heating with an electric boiler with your own hands, making an induction-type model is the most innovative.

Working principle of an electric induction boiler

If we omit the details, then the operation of an induction boiler is based on heating the coolant through a magnetic field.

Among the advantages of such units:

  • high efficiency;
  • safety;
  • possibility of using any coolant;
  • no scale.

  • high cost of factory boilers;
  • complexity of the structure of the automatic control unit. Without preparation it will be difficult to assemble it.

Instructions for assembling a homemade induction boiler

It is worth noting that often the instructions on how to make an induction-type electric boiler are so complex and contain such labor-intensive drawings that self-assembly of the equipment looks rather doubtful. However, we found a non-standard solution.

Before you make an electric boiler for heating yourself, you will need to purchase an induction furnace with a power of 2.4 kW and 3 meters of profiled pipes Ø25x50 mm with walls 2.5 mm thick.

If we consider how this design will work, then first we assemble a flat container from the profile - liquid will move along it. And then we fix the induction stove to the pipe and connect it to the network. Everything together will look something like a saucepan on the stove.

Pipe cutting must be done as accurately as possible. You will need several 400 mm pieces, carefully cleaned of burrs at the ends.

Since the liquid inside such a boiler will move like a snake, it is advisable to take an even number of pieces of pipe so that the inlet and outlet holes are located on the same side - this makes it more convenient to connect them to the heating circuit.

Since the profile pipes are not perfectly straight, they must first be joined with blunt edges to sharp ones and numbered so as not to be confused later.

At the next stage, the joints between the pipes need to be welded. We lay the structure on a flat surface, tighten it with a clamp and weld it. First we do spot welding so that the structure does not move, and then we make permanent seams.

Now we need to close the end of our container. For this we use a steel strip cut from profiled pipes. We perform welding using a similar method - first spot welding and then complete welding.

We also weld the strip on the opposite side, not forgetting to install the inlet and return pipes on the outer pipes. To ensure maximum contact area between the container and the stove, all seams must be thoroughly cleaned.

So that our boiler can be hung on the wall, 2 corners need to be welded on its back, in which the induction stove will be placed, as well as loops for hanging.

The last stage of work is painting. You can use heat-resistant paint. This completes the assembly work. You can hang the boiler and connect it to the heating and electrical network.

When purchasing an induction furnace, make sure that it is designed for continuous operation. Otherwise, you will need to restart the system every 2 hours.


Each of the listed models is fully functional and reliable. Everyone will make their own choice in favor of any of them. The main thing is to pay attention to the work and, in case of difficulties, consult with knowledgeable people.

For a private home, it is very important to equip an effective heating system. And for this you need a modern heating boiler. The unit can operate on gas, solid fuel or electricity. But most often, owners of suburban buildings opt for electric boilers. This is a fairly economical option. And besides, building an electric heating boiler with your own hands is not particularly difficult. This article will tell you how to make an electric boiler for heating a house.

A boiler is essentially a metal tank with a thermal electric heating element. It's easy to make a homemade one. The main thing is to have a certain level of knowledge, have the necessary materials, tools and correctly draw up a diagram. The shape of a homemade boiler can be arbitrary. Most often, 220 V electric boilers are used. But sometimes more powerful units are installed. For example, a 380 V electric heating boiler will increase the heated area.

What are the advantages of a homemade electric boiler?

If you have a certain level of knowledge and the necessary equipment and materials, a homemade electric heating boiler is an excellent option for saving money. After all, the cost of such equipment cannot be called low. On average, a heating element type electric boiler will cost at least $100. But if you do it yourself, the cost will be only $40.

The price of an electrode heater is at least $150. You can make it with your own hands for pennies. So a homemade unit will be cheaper in any case.

The functionality of a homemade electric boiler will not be inferior to devices manufactured at production sites.

What do you need for a homemade electric boiler?

Before you make an electric heating boiler for your home with your own hands, you need to decide on the type of device (heating element or electrode), as well as prepare all the necessary tools and materials. But if you have doubts about your knowledge and capabilities, then it is better not to take the job. The slightest mistake can cause the device to become inoperable or all the wiring in the house to be destroyed.

To create an electric boiler with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

An algorithm for how to make an electric boiler for heating a home:

Boiler piping diagram

Before connecting the equipment, the house must be heated. The main thing in this scheme is the availability of power supply. It is calculated depending on the intended heat supply system (two or single circuit) and the power of the boiler apparatus. It must be said that the connection diagram for an electric heating boiler is somewhat similar to the installation of gas appliances. But it has a number of differences.

It is important to remember some points that affect the quality and reliability of heating equipment in order to avoid frequent breakdowns during operation.

It must be said that piping an electric heating boiler means connecting it to the heat supply system. Special elements are used for this. When piping, it is necessary to take into account the method of circulation of the coolant along the circuit. The electric boiler must be mounted at the lowest point of the structure. This is necessary in order to ensure maximum heating of all radiators. The discharge pipe should be located above the batteries at a minimum height.

To install the heating element, you just need to screw it into the thread. To make the joint airtight, you should use gaskets made of heat-resistant rubber. The pressure gauge and thermometer are also quite easy to install. It is better to connect the heating element to the power supply through a separate machine in the distribution panel. Finally, the installation should be tested for faults. To do this, the heating circuit must be filled with water and the heating element must be turned on.

Thus, having developed drawings for an electric heating boiler with your own hands, having prepared all the necessary tools and materials, you can easily make a reliable heating unit. As a result, effective heating of a private home will be achieved with minimal financial expenditure.

Electrical systems are the safest equipment, thanks to which you can create a comfortable temperature in the room during the winter. The efficiency of an electric heating boiler is quite high, especially since in order for it to operate normally and stably for a long time, you do not have to waste free space for laying flammable material.

Electric boilers completely lack a mechanical component, making their use much easier and also reducing the likelihood of a malfunction or serious breakdown.

The design of an electric boiler implies temperature regulation. Due to this, the system can respond in a timely manner to any changes in temperature in the environment. The boiler either increases or decreases the heating temperature if necessary.

Many boilers are economical; for example, to heat 30 cubic meters of space you need to spend only 4 kW per day. The use of such boilers makes it possible to heat rooms of much larger volumes than with other types of boilers.

During operation, the boiler does not emit any harmful or toxic substances such as carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide. In this regard, they can be installed directly in residential premises and used to heat bedrooms and children's rooms. Another advantage is that during installation you will not have to obtain any permissions from the relevant authorities.

Electric boilers can either be used as an additional source of heating or the structure can be made the center of the heating system.

This boiler is powered from an ordinary electrical network with a voltage of 220 V. The average weight of the boiler is 22 kg, its dimensions are also not too large, but it is capable of heating a volume of air up to 400 cubic meters.


Do it yourself

diagram of a heating element electric boiler:

  1. For work you will have to use some materials and angle grinder
  2. or Bulgarian. It is best used for this purpose. It is suitable if you have experience in welding. If it is completely absent, then it is best to ask someone to help in this regard. All welding work must be carried out with the highest quality so that there are no leaks anywhere.
  3. Sander.
  4. Multimeter.
  5. Sheet steel, the thickness of which will be at least 2 mm.
  6. Adapters, which are needed to connect the structure to the heating system.
  7. (it is best to purchase 2 pieces).
  8. Steel pipe– it is best to buy a pipe with a diameter of 159 mm, its length should be about 50-60 cm.

You can make the following types of boilers yourself:

  • single-circuit;
  • double-circuit;
  • induction;
  • wall;
  • floor;
  • electrode;
  • heating elements;

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. At the first stage make pipes for connecting the heating boiler to the heating system. In this regard, you first need to cut a certain number of pipes from pipes that were specially prepared for this. You will need 3 pieces in total - one with a diameter of 3 inches and 2 of 1.25 inches.
  2. When it's all done, are engaged in the manufacture of a container for the tank, that is, the largest pipe where the coolant will be heated. First, markings are made on the pipe, a hole is cut in it, and the edges are carefully processed so that there are no sloppy cuts or metal shavings on them. Prepared pipes are welded to the holes. Now you need to cut two circles from a steel sheet, which will be slightly larger in diameter than the pipe that serves as the heating tank. This will allow them to be welded more accurately. All areas where joints are located are carefully sanded.
  3. To the top you need to weld a pipe with a diameter of 1.25 inches. Subsequently, another heating element will be welded to it. When all this is done, they begin to prepare the area where the first heating element will be attached. To do this, make 2 holes in the bottom of the structure, then grind the holes and install the heating element.
  4. When it's all done, the boiler is connected directly to the heating system itself. This is done using pipes made at the very beginning of the work.

A separate issue is connecting the structure to the electrical network. If you do not have the skills for such work, then it is better to contact an electrician. Then they are engaged in the installation of a less powerful heating element, which should have. It is attached to the upper pipe.

Installation and connection of equipment

connection diagram

The most difficult thing is to connect the structure to the electrical network. Since we have to deal with heating devices, we will have to install the input on 3 phases.

A number of systems will need to be installed directly in the electrical panel itself:

  • machine;
  • relay;
  • toggle switch;
  • fuse;
  • temperature sensor;
  • various control buttons;
  • magnetic starters and a number of other elements, if necessary;

It is mandatory to make a grounding loop. To do this, you need to take a metal pin or reinforcement, the diameter of which should be approximately 15-20 mm, and attach a metal bolt to it. This structure is placed under the floor of a residential building and a wire coming from the electrical panel is passed to it.

Types and principle of operation

There are 2 main types:

  1. Electrode.
  2. Induction, –

At the same time, all the others are just modifications of one of these types. An electrode boiler is often also called an ion boiler, since it converts electrical energy into heat.

The design takes up a minimum amount of space, and it is fixed directly to the pipe; it does not even have to be attached to the wall. Just in case, it is placed on 2 screws, but this is not necessary.

Outwardly, it looks like a small piece of pipe, the length of which is about 40 cm. At the end of the heater there is a metal rod, and on the opposite side the heater is welded or there is a special pipe in it, due to which the coolant is transferred throughout the entire system.

The design provides for the presence of 2 pipes into which pipes for return and supply are inserted:

  1. One of them may be located in the end part, and the second is installed at a right angle in the side.
  2. They are often installed from the sides perpendicular to the rest of the structure and so that they become parallel to each other.

principle of operation

This boiler has the following operating principle: the cathode (positively charged electrode) and anode (negatively charged electrode) are placed in the coolant. When energized, they trigger the movement of ions. Their polarity changes from time to time, in particular, one charged ion will change its charge from one to another approximately 50 times per second.

This ultimately leads to friction in the liquid due to this movement of ions, which causes an increase in temperature.

This technology leads to some disadvantages:

  1. Coolant In any case, it will be under voltage.
  2. It will have to be before filling into the batteries. prepare in terms of salt content.
  3. Antifreeze liquids Use in a heating system is strictly prohibited.

Induction boilers operating on electric current heat the coolant using a magnetic field that arises from the electric current.

This whole design is quite simple and includes the following elements:

  • frame;
  • insulation;
  • the core where the coolant will be heated;
  • coil;

The key difference from the electrode design is that in induction boilers the liquid is completely isolated from the conductive elements, so it will not be energized.

The coil winding, made of copper wire, is connected to the network through a special control system. Due to this, a magnetic field appears in the coil. It will heat up the pipe, which acts as a core, and it will already give off some heat to the water. At the same time, the body of the heating boiler will continue to remain cold, since its design contains a layer of insulation.

It should also be said that the core is not made straight, but has a curved shape, sometimes in the form of a spiral, so that the coolant passes through it much longer. The service life of such a boiler is at least 25 years. After this time, the pipe, which is the core, will rust.

Starting the boiler

Preparing an electric boiler for startup means that it must be completely checked all connections, the electrical network, and the filling of the system with water.

If there are pinched or torn wires in the wiring, they will need to be replaced and carefully insulated. It is prohibited to do otherwise, since in a three-phase network there is voltage with a decent current strength, and the replaced section can break through.

Preparation also involves cleaning the structure from dust and dirt. You should also take care to prevent voltage surges both during the first start-up and during further operation. To prevent this from happening, install a residual current device.

  1. Start: At first
  2. it is necessary to fill the system with water, and do this in such a way that there are no air pockets in it. As a rule, radiators have special taps in their upper part to release accumulated air. Further
  1. All you have to do is turn the boiler on and wait for it to warm up., you can install it in it. It will distill the coolant, which due to this will warm up evenly.
  2. When manufacturing a system with natural circulation, It is best to make a slight slope from the outlet to the return line so that the cooled water returns to the boiler faster.

Considering the fact that an electric boiler is mainly installed not as the main one, but as an additional heater for heating, it would be quite reasonable to make an electric boiler for heating a house with your own hands. The design of such units is not at all complicated, but the functionality is in no way inferior to the serial models of leading manufacturers of heating equipment. In this article we will tell you how to make an electric boiler yourself at home. Let's present a step-by-step algorithm, following which you can make a working and reliable electric boiler for heating your home with your own hands.

Why make a homemade electric boiler for heating

A homemade electric boiler can be of any shape.

Why not? If you have your hands in place and have an irresistible desire to use them in the right way, then why not make a homemade electric boiler for heating with your own hands instead of buying one? As you know, the price of even the most affordable heating element heater is quite high. For example, a more or less normal heating element boiler costs from $100. If you do it yourself, the price will be no more than $40, and there are no special difficulties. And an electrode heater, which costs about $150, can be made yourself for pennies, using what you have on hand.

So, we can make our own homemade electric boiler for heating in two versions:

  • ten;
  • electrode.

At the same time, their functionality will be in no way inferior to units manufactured on production sites. There is another type of boiler that heats the coolant using a magnetic field. These are induction heaters. You won’t be able to make a full-fledged induction electric heating boiler with your own hands, that’s for sure, but you can still use the induction principle to heat the coolant.

If you are not sure that you can make an electric heating boiler with your own hands, then it’s better not to try it. Making mistakes is fraught not only with the fact that you will end up with an ineffective unit, but also with the risk of burning out all the wiring in the house.

Another important point that concerns absolutely all electric boilers is the mandatory presence of grounding. Do not forget about this in any case if you have already decided to do the heating of a private house with an electric boiler with your own hands, otherwise you risk receiving a current discharge of such strength that it will not seem a little.

Do-it-yourself heating element electric boiler for home heating

You can make a heating element electric boiler for heating with your own hands from a tank of any shape. In such a unit, water is heated by heating elements. They will need to be purchased in the quantity that is needed specifically in your situation. we have already told you. Usually two or three heating elements are installed. The cost of one heating element is 10 dollars. They are already equipped with a thermal head with an external thread, with which they will be screwed into the tank body.

Diagram of a heating element electric boiler made by yourself.

Let's look at how to make a homemade electric heating boiler using heating elements from a pipe. To do this you will need:

  • steel pipe with a diameter of 150 mm;
  • two round plates with a diameter of 150 mm;
  • three pipes with a diameter no less than the cross-section of the circuit pipes (from 25 mm);
  • heating elements;
  • nuts;
  • automatic air vent;
  • ball valve

To make an electric heating boiler for your home with your own hands, you need to choose the right dimensions. The length of the pipe, which will be the body of our heater, must exceed the length of the heating elements by a good margin. The ends are welded on both sides with plugs. Two pipes are welded into the side part for supply and return coolant. Now you need to decide how the heating elements will be located after. Naturally, they will be in a vertical position; the only question is which side they will be screwed in from. There are two options:

  • below;
  • above.

If the heating elements are screwed in from below, then during operation, in order to replace the burnt-out heating element, you will have to drain water from the boiler, and then, accordingly, . But this arrangement guarantees that the heating elements will be completely immersed in the coolant. Such homemade electric boilers for heating a private home are more reliable. As you know, if part of the heating element is not in water, the tungsten spiral will burn out.

If you place the heating elements in a homemade electric boiler for heating a house in such a way that they are screwed in from above, then after replacing the burnt-out heating element you will not need to add water to the system. But this arrangement has its drawback, since air will accumulate in the upper part of the boiler.

Due to the formed air pockets, the heating elements will overheat and burn out. Therefore, to vent air outside in the upper part, you additionally need to install an automatic air vent. In this case, the air problem will be solved.

Choose for yourself how it is more convenient for you to make electric heating boilers with your own hands, both options are correct. In order for the heating elements to be screwed into the body, you need to cut holes of the required diameter and weld nuts on them. The internal thread of the nuts must match the external thread of the heating elements. Additionally, a pipe is welded into the lower end to drain the coolant. After this, threads are cut on all three pipes (supply, return, drain). A ball valve is screwed onto the drain pipe.

That's all, the manufacture of a homemade boiler is completed. All that remains is to install it on the heating circuit and connect it to the network. Before heating with an electric boiler, you need to consider what voltage is in the network of your home (220 or 380 volts). The connection diagram of the heating elements depends on this. You also need to resolve the issue with the boiler control unit. The minimum that is required is thermostats that will measure the temperature of the coolant. Based on the thermostat data, the control unit will turn the boiler on or off. If desired, you can add certain options, depending on the situation. How to make a heating element electric heating boiler with your own hands, video:

DIY electrode electric heating boiler

An electrode boiler heats water due to the movement of ions between positively and negatively charged electrodes. Details about we wrote last time.

In a homemade electrode boiler, the anode must be isolated from the cathode.

A homemade electric boiler will cost very little, depending on what you have available. The asking price will be low, even if you have to buy absolutely everything. To work you will need:

  • pipe with a diameter of 50 mm;
  • metal rod with a cross section of 20 mm;
  • two couplings with internal thread;
  • flat flange;
  • any dielectric material;
  • rubber for sealing;
  • nuts, bolts.

So let's get started. How to make an electric heating boiler with your own hands? We take the tube and weld a coupling into one end. We place the second coupling in the side part closer to the opposite end to which the flange is welded. Then we drill a hole in the metal rod and cut a thread in it. A bolt will be screwed into this hole, which attaches the electrode to the dielectric. A dielectric is a material that does not conduct electricity. It is necessary to isolate the electrode from the housing, otherwise a short circuit will occur.

As a dielectric, you can use thick heat-resistant plastic, such as textolite.

To keep everything neat, we cut out a circle from PCB the size of the existing flange. Then holes are drilled in the dielectric for attaching to the flange and one hole in the middle for attaching the electrode. The rod is screwed before the unit is assembled. Between the textolite and the flange you need to put a rubber gasket to seal the joint and tighten everything with bolts and nuts.

For convenience, you need to weld two bolts onto the body, to which the zero will be supplied and the grounding will be attached. There must be land. We connect the phase (plus) to the bolt that secures the electrode. All wires must be insulated. Before connecting the boiler, you need to carry out salt preparation of the coolant. You also cannot do without a basic control unit with a temperature sensor. Do-it-yourself electrode electric boiler for heating, video:

Induction homemade heating boiler

It remains to consider induction heating with an electric boiler. How to make an induction boiler if you are not an electrical physicist? It will be difficult, because you need to assemble not only the structure of the device itself, but also the electronic circuit, which is much more complicated. You can’t do without deep knowledge of physics and skills in working with electrical circuits. And it’s not worth it, because there are several simpler ways to make an electric boiler with your own hands, which we discussed above.

Making an induction boiler can only be justified if you already have an induction heating element. An induction hob is ideal for this purpose. The point is as simple as twice two. You need to make any tank that will act as a heat exchanger and place it on the induction hob. Or, in some other way, ensure contact of the plate with the heat exchanger in a vertical or horizontal position. You turn on the stove, it heats the tank, which, in turn, gives off heat to the water. Install a temperature sensor on the coolant, which will turn the hob on and off.

In the summer, when the heating is not working, the hob can be used for its intended purpose - to cook food on it. It is easy to move from place to place, so it is convenient to use this method of heating the coolant in the country. If you have a car, then you can take the induction hob with you even during the heating season, because cases of theft at dachas are not uncommon. In addition, antifreeze can be safely used in such a circuit.