Juche ideology. North Korea is a phenomenon of the Juche country. For this purpose the following methods are used

The name of the official ideology of North Korea, first proposed in 1955 Kim Il Sung as opposed to the Marxist ideas coming from the USSR and China.

The essence of the Juche idea is the reliance in development on the Koreans’ own strengths.

Strictly speaking, the term itself "juche" was known back in medieval Korea.

“At the end of 1955, at the plenum of the Central Committee of the WPK Kim Il Sung made a speech “On the elimination of dogmatism and formalism - and the establishment of Juche in ideological work,” directed against sycophancy in general and to the USSR in particular.

The leader of the Soviet faction, Park Chan-ok, and his associates were subjected to severe criticism. The speech was a complete political program that was put into practice. It is especially interesting because it contained the formulation of the Juche ideas, which would very soon become the official North Korean ideology.

The term itself "juche" usually translated as “independence”, “originality”, “reliance on one’s own strength” or “man is the master of everything”.

Kim spoke about forms of direct copying of Soviet reality that were alien to Koreans. At the Ministry of Defense, landscapes of Siberia hang on the walls, not the beautiful mountains of Mehyang and Kumgang. In the red corners at enterprises they place photos of Soviet factories and their production indicators, and not pictures of the restoration of industry in the DPRK. And even in schools, instead of classics of Korean literature, portraits hang Pushkin And Mayakovsky.

Why does Rodong Sinmun copy headlines from Pravda? - he asked. “Why is even the table of contents printed in a Western style at the end of books, and not at the beginning, as is customary in Korea?”

Balkansky A., Kim Il Sung, M., “Young Guard”, 2011, p. 144.

“Juche prioritizes human consciousness and will, which can transform the world. The idea comes first in relation to matter. Particular emphasis is placed on personal development.

It is assumed that with the help of education and the right approach to a person, it is possible to radically change him, to create a new, improved breed of people.

The principle of hierarchy was also adopted from Confucianism in Juche ideas. At the top of the hierarchy is the leader who makes the decisions, then the party who transmits them to the masses, and the people who carry out the instructions. At the same time, the nation is thought of as one big family, and the leader as a loving father.

However, it would be wrong to perceive Juche as a complete philosophical and theoretical system. This is not a set of dogmas, but rather a certain worldview set out in the texts Kim Il Sung And Kim Jong Il. It is practical in nature, helping to administer the state.

Promoting the Juche idea was a very practical step. For a small country that had been dependent on big powers for many centuries and had recently gotten rid of colonial oppression, the desire for independent development without regard for others was absolutely natural and enjoyed full support in society. The emergence of its own ideology emphasized the importance of the DPRK as one of the key countries of the socialist camp. And Kim himself, with such ideological baggage, could confidently call himself a world-class theorist.

One of the most important components of Juche is the thesis about the key role of the leader in the life of the state. Since the early 1970s, North Korean educational institutions have taught a “leadership” course.

Young Koreans are explained that if they receive their physical body from their parents, then their socio-political life is given by the leader - Kim Il Sung(and after that - Kim Jong Il).

To exalt the leader, a special title was developed. Kim Il Sung was called “Great Leader”, “Legendary Hero - Sun of the Nation”, “Invincible Steel Commander”, “Sun of Our People”, “Marshal Father”, “Greatest Hero of the 20th Century”, “Outstanding Leader of the International Communist Movement”, “Lamp of unification”, “Global political figure”, “Genius of the theory and practice of leadership.”

Portraits of both Kims hang in every house and apartment. In the event of a fire or flood, it is they who are supposed to be saved first, and then all other property.”

Balkansky A., Kim Il Sung, M., “Young Guard”, 2011, p. 181-182.

In 1997, North Korea adopted a new “Juche calendar”, which began in 1912 - that’s when the leader was born Kim Il Sung.

A concept similar in meaning - "Juchesong" used in his ideology Park Chung Hee- leader of South Korea.

The social system of North Korea is called "Juche", which translates as "master of one's own body and the whole world." Officially, this direction was introduced in the 50s of the last century, when the DPRK sought to get rid of the excessive influence of its neighbors - China and the USSR. Moreover, the term existed back in the Middle Ages as a well-known philosophical concept of Confucianism.

The main principles of Juche

After the collapse of the country in 1948, the northern part joined the socialist camp and accepted the tenets developed under Stalin and Mao Zedong. However, by the mid-50s, the government led by Kim Il Sung realized that it was necessary to free itself from the cultural and political influence of the allies. That is why ideologists began to develop the provisions of a new system that combined classical socialist teachings and the foundations of Confucianism, according to which Korea lived for almost half a millennium.

The new political direction did not take shape in a short time. It took years to develop, and the main provisions were never compiled into a manifesto. The Juche ideas can be judged from the works of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, which have almost a thesis structure.

The main ideological provisions are the following statements:

  • The people adhere to a strict hierarchical structure, ruled by a leader.
  • The state has established the priority of collectivism over individualism.
  • The main task of the Juche is to satisfy the needs of the entire people, and not of its individual sections.
  • The system supports the positions of isolationism and anti-globalism.
  • The main principle of the state system is songun. It assumes the supremacy of the army. At the same time, the troops are not opposed to the rest of the people, but are their armed part.

The concept of revolution is atypically interpreted by ideologists. It does not denote a form of coup d'etat, but a person's struggle with his weaknesses, as well as the continuous desire to improve the world around him. The political subtext in this case is not the main one, but it is also implied by the “world around us.” Labor is considered the best form of struggle - both in everyday life and in the military field.

Juche and North Korean foreign policy

The ideological system of this type has a militaristic overtones. According to the teachings of the leaders, the state should be a fortress that protects itself from external influence. This is supported by the policy of isolationism - all data on the political, economic and military life of the country is classified. In addition, the army is placed at the basis of the functioning of society. Every soldier must serve in such a way as to give his life for the commander without hesitation.

This view of life affects North Korea's relations with other countries. They consider the republic to be aggressive and dangerous. However, the DPRK authorities are convinced that a continuous demonstration of force is necessary to pursue a policy of “containing aggression,” aimed primarily at the United States.

The following methods are used for this:

  • propaganda– for example, creating a video about dropping a nuclear bomb on American territory;
  • ideological education– North Koreans are taught from childhood that the United States is the main enemy of the nation;
  • test launches of ballistic missiles;
  • ship hijacking passing close to the North Korean coast;
  • development and testing of nuclear weapons.

Such actions lead to retaliatory aggression - dozens of sanctions and trade bans have been introduced against the DPRK, undermining the country’s already weak economy. However, abandoning propaganda methods of struggle will inevitably lead to the fall of the political system. International organizations are looking for a way out of this situation, but it is still getting worse every year.

The Juche idea in North Korea: influence on everyday life

There are rumors about how people live in the DPRK, which are difficult to confirm due to the closed nature of the society. In most cases, they have an extremely negative connotation: the system is attributed to totalitarian repressive policies and non-observance of basic human rights. Most of the data of this kind was obtained from South Korean intelligence services and refugees from the DPRK.

Only a few can be confirmed:

  • Residents of the country are obliged to take an active part in political life– join the Labor Party and attend mandatory lectures on ideological education.
  • North Korea has universal conscription. Men serve from 5 to 12 years, women – 3 years.
  • Society is built on the class principle of "songbun". The origin and trustworthiness of a person determines what benefits he can count on.
  • Residents are prohibited leave the country, use public Internet access, store Western and South Korean films and books.

Life in North Korea is subject to a general rhythm. The country has a standardized working day, after which volunteer work and labor meetings are held. The government determines a person's place in society and sets the course of his life. Refugees who moved to South Korea often complain that the most difficult thing for them in the new environment is learning to live independently, without relying on party decrees.

In 1955.

general information

Date of origin- 1955.

Etymology- translated from Korean, the word “Juche” means “master of the body”


The concept of Juche was officially mentioned for the first time by Kim Il Sung in his work “On the Eradication of Dogmatism and Formalism in Ideological Work and the Establishment of Juche” in 1955. Although the history of this term goes deep into the twenties of the last century. Since the organization was created in 1926. From this moment the conception and development of the Juche idea began. There is a version that Kim Il Sung first uttered this word in 1930. In 1972, the DPRK adopted the “Juche” constitution. In 1980, Kim Il Sung devoted a number of scientific articles to this theory. After the death of Kim Il Sung, the Juche idea was enriched and advanced by his son.

Juche chronology

Since 1997, the DPRK has adopted the Juche calendar. The first year of which was the year of birth of Kim Il Sung - 1912.


The subject of a social movement is the masses.

A nation with a high sense of national pride and revolutionary dignity is invincible

Juche implies a socialist economy, which, unlike the capitalist one, does not strive for profit, but works for the benefit of the people.

According to the Juche version, the people must fight imperialism, aggression, enslavement, and protect their interests and the interests of workers around the world.

The country must be strong, combat-ready, well-armed, and then its people will be able to withstand the fight against aggressors and occupiers.

Revolution is the people's struggle for their independence.

You can't sit idly by.

The Juche ideology requires loyalty to the leader.

Man is the master of his destiny and the world.

Consciousness is the highest function of the human brain.

Nature is the object of labor and the source of human material needs.

Monument to the Juche Ideas

In 1982, on the occasion of Kim Il Sung's 70th birthday, it was installed.

Current State

The Juche ideology is to this day the official ideology of the DPRK. And at the same time, North Korea remained the last stronghold of pure socialism in the world. This is one of the only countries where free medicine, free housing, and free education have been preserved. The DPRK is the fourth country in the world in terms of the number of armed forces (. The imperialists of all countries are fighting the DPRK, wanting to turn it into the pitiful appendage of the West, which it already is. But the Korean people cannot be broken, not by tales of “famine” and the “Iron Curtain”, nor all kinds of international sanctions and bans.

Leader, party and masses

1. The leader, the party and the masses are united by a common destiny, sharing both joy and sorrow with each other.

2. The leader is the brain center of the revolution, the party is its headquarters, the masses are the masters, the direct executors of the revolutionary cause.

3. When there is a great leader, a great party and a real Motherland, the nation prospers, and the fate and honor of an individual flourish.

4. Hoping for victory in a revolution without a leader is like expecting flowers without the sun.

5. Even a small country, if it follows a great leader, can become famous throughout the world as the birthplace of the great ideas of the era, as a leading power ideologically and politically.

6. A great leader, a great party exalts the people.

7. The greatness of a given nation depends on the greatness of its leader; the future of a given people depends on the wisdom of its leader.

8. The masses without a wise leader are like a human body without a brain.

9. A people without an outstanding leader is nothing more than an orphan, deprived of parents.

10. A great politician, a great commander must, first of all, be a real person.

11. If a leader lacks strong convictions and will, this leads to disunity among the people and then the revolution cannot defend itself.

12. The party is ideologically healthy - the masses are ideologically healthy; the party becomes ideologically ill—the masses also suffer from an ideological illness.

13. The appearance of the party is clearly reflected in the appearance of the people it has educated.

14. A party without a foundation among the masses is like a gazebo built on sand.

15. A tree that has taken deep roots into the ground will survive any strong winds. Similarly, the party is not afraid of any shocks when its deep roots are in the broad masses.

16. The guarantee of the indestructibility of the party is its deep roots in the midst of the popular masses, with which it has formed one whole.

17. Revolutionary organization and discipline are a vital factor in the existence of the working class party, the source of its strength.

18. If you establish work with people, you will move a mountain and block the sea.

19. Party work is an issue that cannot be solved using ready-made formulas.

20. There can be no universal recipes when working with people.

21. To build illusions about someone means, as a rule, to get into trouble.

22. The masses are the teacher in everything, the creator of everything.

23. If there is an omnipotent being in the world, then it is none other than the masses.

24. The strength of an individual has a limit, but the strength of the masses is inexhaustible.

25. There can be neither a party nor a leader in isolation from the masses. And the leader is at the service of the masses; and the party - to serve them.

26. A leader draws his intelligence, his art of leadership, his morality from the midst of the masses.

28. Talents are in the midst of the masses.

29. The unique key to solving a pressing issue lies in the wisdom of the masses.

30. The diagnosis of deficiencies is made by the masses.

31. The eyes of the masses see everything.

Homeland and nation

32. Homeland is not just the land where you were born and grew up. It should become a place where a person lives a real life, where the happiness of future generations is guaranteed.

33. The homeland is a real mother for everyone, the cradle of his life and happiness.

34. The fate of a nation is the fate of each individual; The life of a nation pulses with the lives of individual people.

35. The greatness of a nation does not lie in its vast territory and long history. It is in the greatness of the leader standing at the helm of that nation.

36. Loving your nation and being ready to defend your Motherland are the most important qualities of a person as a social being.

37. Love for your wife and children, love for your relatives - this is love for your homeland.

38. Patriotism means selfless, selfless service to the Motherland and people.

39. Only one who realizes with every fiber of his soul how dear his Motherland is to him can, without hesitation, give his youth, even his life, in the name of the Motherland.

40. He who does not know how to protect, love, be proud of his own and does not try to develop it even more cannot become a true patriot.

41. One must respond to the call of the Motherland and people not with words, but with a readiness to selflessly serve them - this is how a patriot treats the Motherland and people.

42. Whoever does not love the Motherland, does not fight for its good, whose contribution to this fight is insignificant, has no right to talk about the Motherland, has no right to be called a real son, a real daughter of the mother Motherland.

43. Someone who has done nothing for the Motherland and left nothing behind is a pitiful person who has lived his life aimlessly.

44. Patriot is the high title that the Motherland and people give to their glorious sons and daughters.

Socialism and revolution

45. Socialism is a science.

46. ​​The socialist movement is a great movement of the masses, its goal is the creation of a new, independent world.

47. Socialism will certainly triumph, for it is the desire and will of the people.

48. Socialism belongs to the people. Treason to socialism is betrayal of the people.

49. The main thing in a socialist society is not money, but the person and his ideas.

50. Socialism will win if you arm yourself with its ideas; if you miss them, his business will perish. This is a truth confirmed by history.

51. In any case, the basic principle of socialism is collectivism.

52. Aggression and war are synonyms of imperialism.

53. Just as a wolf cannot turn into a sheep, so the bestial nature of imperialism will never change.

54. The last minutes of life of those who challenge history are usually accompanied by death throes.

55. The purpose of the revolution is to let love for the people blossom.

56. The change of generations cannot stop the march of the revolution; the struggle must continue.

57. The roots rot and the whole tree gets sick. Likewise, if the purity of revolutionary traditions is not ensured, the party becomes ill; If the party falls ill, the revolution is going down the drain.

Team and organization, struggle and cohesion

58. The public collective is the basic basis of a person’s socio-political life.

59. The most precious thing for a person is life. Moreover, socio-political life is more expensive than physiological life; the life of a social group is more valuable than the life of an individual.

60. Discipline is a vital factor in the existence of an organization.

61. High demands in maintaining organizational discipline is true love for the team.

62. Where there is struggle, there is life; where there is life, there must be a place for emotions and romance.

63. In struggle there is life; life is a struggle.

64. One day lived by a person in a selfless struggle for the revolution is more valuable and dearer, more worthy than the hundred or thousand days he has lived aimlessly.

65. Unity is a prerequisite for victory, division is a factor of defeat.

Ideology and theory

66. The world is driven not by money or the atomic bomb, but by great ideas.

67. Youth without dreams and ideals is not youth.

68. The fruitful life of youth should be glorified in creative work and innovative exploits.

69. Where young people work, there should be songs and dances; They are the ones that accompany innovation in work.

70. Life without songs, youth without songs are like flowers devoid of fragrance and freshness.

71. Flowers fade, but can bloom again, while past youth does not return.

Youth and early years

72. Youth is the precious flower of the country and nation, the most vital group of society, the hero of the future.

73. Orders and instructions cannot influence a person’s ideological mood.

74. The best way to influence a person’s soul is to delve into his spiritual world.

75. Opportunities must be consciously created, and prerequisites must be purposefully prepared.

76. Be bold in making decisions, organize a business on a large scale and move it energetically - and, as a rule, a closed path will open, and something will appear that was not there before.

77. Once you get used to sleeping a lot, you will be overcome by sleep all the time. It’s the same with business: you work carelessly and everything falls out of your hands.

North Korea
Part 1.

During the writing of this diary, a large number of questions were received asking me to talk about the ideology of Juche and Songun, their basic philosophical principles.
There are many reliable sources on the Internet on the Juche and Songun ideology.
But nevertheless, here, in this diary, we decided to talk additionally about Juche, meeting the persistent wishes of our respected readers who want to equip their consciousness even more ideologically.

Supervisor Kim Jong Il indicated:

“Juche philosophy puts forward the fundamental question of philosophy, giving man the main attention. As a science, it develops a view of the world around us, an attitude and an approach to it, placing man at the center of attention.”

Put the person at the center of attention

The Juche ideas, Juche philosophy as a philosophical ideology, have significant features that are fundamentally different from all previous philosophical teachings. These features are that the Juche philosophy is a philosophy that focuses on man, develops and systematizes its principles, placing man at the center of attention. What we have said means that it puts forward the main question of philosophy and develops a view of the world around us, an attitude and approach to it, placing man at the center of attention

The question of what place and what role a person plays in the world is an ideological question.

Fundamental difference from other philosophical schools

In view of the fact that the main question of philosophy has been put forward, the provisions have been developed and systematized, the Juche philosophy is fundamentally different from all other philosophical movements.

Usually, the features of the doctrine are determined along with the main question of philosophy and what to pay the main attention to in developing the content of the worldview.

In the history of the philosophy of mankind there were many philosophical movements, but all of them were either idealistic theories, which considered the main divine being, such as “God” or spirit, or materialistic views of the world, placing matter at the center of attention.

Of course, in the old philosophical theories there were those that supposedly placed man in the foreground. As for “humanistic” philosophy, it appeared a long time ago; there were different currents of it. But all these movements considered purely human problems as the object of their study. This was a kind of philosophical reflection of the approach to human life, which considered mainly the questions: what is a person, what is his life like?

Relates to the environment based on human interests

Juche philosophy gives a new look at the essence of the world and the patterns of its change and development. The world is controlled and transformed by man, the world develops under the active influence and role of man, in the direction of serving man and in accordance with his development. And on the basis of this same view, it establishes a new attitude and approach to the world - you need to treat the world based on the interests of a person and from the point of view of his activities.

Thus, the Juche philosophy provides people with powerful weapons to correctly understand and transform the world and successfully decide their destiny. These are the main features, scientific and revolutionary character, originality and advantage of the Juche idea as a revolutionary worldview of our time.

Speaking about the features of the Juche idea as a philosophical ideology, it is important to have a correct understanding of the fact that it is the most popular, revolutionary and political philosophy.

The Juche philosophy is, first of all, the most consistent revolutionary philosophy, which is designed, deepened and developed based on the revolutionary practice of our time.

The creation of the Juche idea is the fruit of revolutionary practice

When developing philosophical questions, President Kim Il Sung always proceeded from the requirements of revolutionary practice and, in the course of searching for scientifically based answers to pressing ideological and theoretical questions put forward in the process of revolutionary practice, created the Juche philosophy.

The Juche era is a new era when the masses became the rulers of the world and decided their destiny independently and creatively.

The new era required a new worldview that could raise the consciousness of the ruler of the world and the master of their destiny among the masses. Due to the peculiarities of historical development, the complex and difficult nature of the Korean revolution in Korea, the task was especially seriously set for the masses of the people - to pave the way for the revolution independently and creatively.

During the bloody struggle to overthrow Japanese imperialism and revive Korea, President Kim Il Sung In response to the demands of the era, he developed the Juche philosophy, which gives people the truth.

The Juche era has advanced far and the practice of revolution has been deepened and developed to a new high stage.

The emergence, development and improvement of the Juche idea

In the course of wisely leading the socialist construction in Korea and the cause of making the whole world independent and reflecting the requirements of practice, the leader Kim Jong Il systematized in a comprehensive form developed by the President Kim Il Sung Juche philosophy, deepened and developed it with new content.

This shows that the Juche philosophy arose, developed and improved as a revolutionary philosophy from beginning to end.

Revolution is a struggle in defense and for the implementation of the independence of the masses, and in this struggle the main persons are the masses. Consequently, only that philosophy that meets the aspirations of the masses for independence and their demands and serves their interests can become a people's philosophy.

Juche philosophy is a people's philosophy that reflects the aspirations and demands of the masses, developed, deepened and developed by summarizing the experience of the struggle of the masses.

These features of philosophy serve as the main condition guaranteeing its nationality.

The Juche idea is a reliable weapon of the masses in the struggle for independence

The philosophy of the reactionary exploiting class is subordinated to its interests. Therefore, she is anti-people. However, all the provisions and contents of the Juche philosophy, without exception, contribute to the defense and implementation of the demands and aspirations of the popular masses for independence. That is why this philosophy will become popular, which is easily understandable to any person and can be perceived by his own mind and become a reliable weapon of struggle.

Juche philosophy is a political philosophy.

In order for philosophy to become revolutionary, illuminating the path to deciding the fate of the masses, it must be a philosophy that provides the fundamental basis for politics.

The fate of the masses is decided in the course of the development of society. Consequently, only that philosophy that illuminates the fundamental basis of politics can truly serve to decide the fate of the masses.

The Juche philosophy illuminates the fundamental basis of policies designed to lead the development of society in a straight line.

The basic tenets of the Juche ideas, which place man at the center of attention, and the tenets of the Juche philosophical worldview, developed on the basis of the former, are ideological tenets and at the same time the fundamental basis of policies that guide the development of society along a straight path. Such provisions include provisions on socio-historical development, the basic provisions of the revolution and the provisions of views on the revolution based on them.