Icon of Cosmos and Damian. Who should we pray for the sick? Saints Cosmas and Damian! Question about the number of saints and their distinction

The holy martyrs Cosmas and Damian are known as healers and miracle workers. In prayer to Cosmas and Damian, believers find salvation from illnesses of body and spirit.

Lives of Cosmas and Damian

The unmercenary brothers and sisters Cosmas and Damian lived in the 3rd century AD. They grew up in Rome, in a Christian family. They devoted their entire lives to serving the Lord, leading a righteous and chaste life. For their devotion, the Lord gave them the power of healing, which they used wisely and for good. The brothers unselfishly helped everyone in need, and the fame of their mercy spread far.

Even Emperor Karin found out about the brothers; he did not like the fact that the brothers were converting the people to Christianity. When soldiers were sent for Cosmas and Damian, the people they helped hid them. Then the soldiers gathered to seize other Christians, the brothers could not allow this and surrendered voluntarily. The healers were put in prison, and then taken to trial. Even under the threat of punishment, Cosmas and Damian did not renounce their faith. The Lord showed Karin his strength by sending a sudden illness. This miracle made many witnesses believe, who began to ask the brothers to heal the emperor. Karin himself prayed to them, and the brothers helped him. The Emperor granted freedom to Cosmas and Damian, and they continued their work - helping people.

Success and universal love for the brothers aroused the envy of their mentor, who taught Cosmas and Damian how to heal. He believed that they owed everything to him. Wanting revenge, the elder called his disciples into the forest, supposedly in search of medicinal plants. Taking Cosmas and Damian deeper, he killed them and threw their bodies into the river.

The martyrs Kosma and Damian ended their journey on earth unexpectedly, but the memory of them is still alive. Every year the church celebrates the brothers' memorial day on July 14th.

What do Cosmas and Damian pray for?

Having been doctors during their lifetime, Cosmas and Damian are still revered as healers. The prayer to Saints Cosmas and Damian of Rome is read for various ailments and diseases. A cold, a chronic disease, a tumor, an ulcer - the saints will help fight all these problems. Drug addiction and alcoholism are also considered diseases. The prayer to Cosma and Damian for healing is very powerful; its reading should be taken seriously and with pure thoughts.

Parents and grandparents read a prayer to the saints for the health of their children and loved ones. They help everyone who asks, protect and support.

The saints lived righteous lives as taught by Jesus Christ. They are known for their chastity and virtue. When there is discord in the family, they often read a prayer to the unmercenary Cosmas and Damian against betrayal.

Prayers to Cosmas and Damian

Troparion, tone 8

Saints without money and wonderworkers Cosmos and Damian,/ visit our infirmities // accept, give us the same.


Holy unmercenaries and wonderworkers Cosmas and Damian, visit our infirmities; You have received grace freely, give it to us freely.

Kontakion, tone 2

Grace accepts healings, / you extend health to those in need, doctors, / wonderworkers of glory, / but by your visit to the warriors, you overthrow insolence, / / ​​healing miracles for the world.


Having received the grace of healing, you extend health to those in trouble, doctors, glorious miracle workers; but by your visit you will also overthrow the enemies of insolence, healing the world with miracles.

Prayer to the unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian of Rome for healing

To you, unmercenary saints and wonderworkers Cosmos and Damianas, as a quick helper and a warm prayer for our salvation, we, unworthy, bend the knee, and, crouching, earnestly cry out We mean: do not despise the prayers of us, sinners, weak, who have fallen into much iniquity and all the days and hours of those who sin. Pray to the Lord to grant us, His unworthy servants, His great and rich mercy; Deliver us from all sorrow and illness, for you have naturally received from the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ the endless grace of healings, for the sake of firm faith, free healing and martyrdom We are yours. Hear us praying, and through your favorable intercession ask Christ God for the Orthodox people to win and overcome their enemies. Once again, we diligently pray: ask us from the Lord for all that is beneficial in our temporary life, especially serving for eternal salvation, so that through your prayers we may be honored to improve our end Christian, painless, shameless, peaceful, and may we get rid of the wiles of the devil and eternal torment , we will be the heirs of the endless and blessed Kingdom of Heaven. To her, pleasers of God, do not stop praying for us, who flow to you with faith. And if, due to the multitude of our sins, we are not worthy of your mercy, both of you, faithful imitators of God’s love for mankind, create, so that we may bear fruits worthy of repentance and to eternal rest Let us embrace, praise and bless the wondrous Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ in our saints, and His Most Pure Mother, and your warm intercession, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer before surgery

O miracle workers of glory, physician of mercilessness, Cosmo and Damian! From your youth you have loved Christ God and kept His commandments with all your heart, even if you have given yourself medical teachings, but virtuous ones for the sake of living and purity of soul, by the power of Christ God, not only the art of healing, but moreover the inexhaustible grace of healing all kinds of incurable ailments, you have received from God by nature. Because of your love and mercy for those who struggle with illnesses, you give healing of illnesses not only to people, but also to cattle, you fill the whole world with your countless miracles, and not only do you heal bodily ailments, but you also enlighten souls with the faith of Christ, strengthen them in the patience of illnesses, and strengthen them in serious illnesses. By correcting your life you admonish people and draw them to Christ through repentance. In the same way, now you will soon hear us, who fall before you before your honorable icon.

Young children, asking for your help in the teaching of the book, instruct them with your prayers, so that they will zealously, not just earthly, acquire teaching in your life, but, moreover, may they continually advance in piety and right faith. To those who are lying on their sick beds, desperate for human help, but to those who come running to you with warmth with faith and fervent prayer, grant healing of illnesses through your merciful, miraculous visit. Many times in illness and from severe illnesses you fall into despondency, cowardice and murmuring, strengthen and instruct with the grace given to you from God in patience, and instruct them, so that they understand God’s holy and perfect will for them, and they commend themselves and their lives to the will of Christ God. Crush those who are ill, who are careless about correcting their lives, who do not repent of their sins, who are hardened in heart, for salvation and call to repentance, so that those who are weak in body, may remain healthy in soul, and become partakers of God’s saving grace. Save the brethren of this holy temple, entrusted to your holy intercession by God, and all those who diligently come running to you unharmed from long illness, from severe and incurable diseases, from weakening of the body, from frenzy of mind, from deadly ulcers, from sudden death, and through your powerful intercession to Keep those who are strong in the right faith, those who advance in piety, those who are zealous in good deeds, and those who are diligent in prayer to God, so that together with you in the future, they will ever be worthy to chant and glorify the all-holy and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

The unmercenary saints Cosmas and Damian were brothers. Their homeland is Asia. This is how part of Asia Minor was called in ancient times. Neither their time of birth nor their time of death is known. What is certain is that they lived no later than the 4th century. Because, firstly, because in the first half of the 5th century, under Emperor Theodosius the Younger, holy temples were built in their name, and secondly, because the Copts, who separated from Orthodoxy since the Council of Chalcedon (431), recognize them in the ranks of saints, whereas they do not accept saints who lived after this time.

November 14 - Unmercenary and miracle workers Cosmas and Damian of Asia, and their mother the Venerable Theodotia

Their father was a Greek and a pagan, their mother was a Christian, named Theodotia. In their early years they lost their parent, but this served to their happiness. The mother could be more free to raise her children. Deciding to remain a widow for the rest of her life, she zealously fulfilled the Christian law; having given up all the joys of life, she only cared about it in order to please the Lord. In a word, she was a true widow, such as the Apostle Paul praises: a true widow is solitary, trusts in God and remains in prayer and supplication day and night (1 Tim. 5:5).

Therefore, the Holy Church canonized her, named her venerable, and commemorates her together with her children. One can understand what kind of upbringing the children received under the guidance of such a mother. From infancy, she tried to instill in them the fear of God and love of virtue.

And as soon as the children began to grow up, she sent them to a certain God-fearing husband to learn to read and write. Here, of course, the main science was the Divine Scripture, but at the same time, driven by love for suffering humanity, they studied medical science and learned the healing properties of herbs and plants.

The Lord blessed their good intentions and gave them special grace - the gift of healings and miracles. The illnesses stopped as soon as Cosmas and Damian began to treat. This, of course, attracted many sick people of all kinds to them.

The blind, the lame, the paralytic, and the possessed surrounded the miracle workers. But the saints were not burdened by this. Not only to be more accessible to the sick, they themselves looked for them and for this they moved from city to city, from city to city, and to all the sick, without distinction of gender and age, rank and condition, they gave healing.

And they did this not in order to get rich or become famous, but with the purest, highest goal - to serve the suffering for the sake of God, to express love for God in love for their neighbors. Therefore, they never accepted any reward from anyone for their labors, not even any signs of gratitude for their own good deeds. They firmly knew and faithfully kept the commandment of the Savior: heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons: eat tuna, give tuna (Matthew 10:8).

They received grace from God freely, and freely distributed it. They asked only one thing of those healed by them: that they firmly believe in Christ, live holy in Christ; if those being healed were not yet enlightened by the light of the Gospel, then they tried to convert them to the Christian faith. Thus, while healing physical ailments, they at the same time healed mental ailments.

For this selfless service to suffering humanity, for these miraculous healings of incurable diseases, the Holy Church calls them unmercenary and miracle workers.

But the healing power of the holy doctors did not extend only to people. They did not forget dumb animals. The righteous has mercy on the souls of beasts and speaks the word of God (Proverbs 12:10). Faithful to this commandment, they walked through houses, deserts and forests, themselves looking for sick animals and giving them healing. Grateful animals felt their benefits, knew their benefactors, and, as soon as these appeared in the deserts, followed them in whole herds.

One day they happened to go into a deserted place. Here they found a barely alive camel. The devil drove him here and broke him here; The saints took pity on the animal, healed it and released it healthy to its place. Afterwards, as we will see, the animal did not remain ungrateful to them.

The entire life of the unmercenary saints was spent in such works of mercy. The brothers never parted with each other; they prayed together, walked together, and healed together. And they did this not without a purpose. Having vowed never to take anything from anyone, they were afraid that someone would secretly take any gifts from the healed people from each other. All their lives they kept their vow, and only at the end of it did the Lord allow one of them to break it.

In those days there was a certain wife named Palladia. Having suffered from a serious illness for several years, not receiving relief from any doctors, already feeling the approach of death, she suddenly heard about holy doctors who heal all sorts of diseases.

With faith in their miraculous power, she sent them to her to ask. The saints fulfilled her request, and as soon as they entered her house, the sick woman received healing and stood up completely healthy. In gratitude for the healing, she was ready to give them all her property and offered rich gifts, but the saints did not accept anything.

Then she came up with a means of begging at least one of them to accept an insignificant gift from her. Taking three eggs, she secretly came to Saint Damian and conjured him in the name of God to take these three eggs from her in the name of the Holy Trinity. Damian refused for a long time, but for the sake of his wife’s oath, for the sake of the name of God, he gave in to her request.

Cosmas found out about this, was very upset and then made a will so that, after their death, Damian’s body would not be buried with him, as someone who had broken his vow to the Lord and had taken a bribe for healing. That same night the Lord appeared to Cosmas and said: “Why are you grieving for the sake of the three eggs you took? They were taken not for the sake of a bribe, but for the sake of the wife’s oath in My name...” Cosmas was comforted, but did not tell anyone about his vision. After this, having performed many more signs and wonders, Saint Cosmas rested in peace.

Some time after his death, Saint Damian also rested in peace. People who honored their memory surrounded Damian's body and wondered where to put it. Everyone had Cosma’s will fresh in their minds, and they were afraid to break it.

And so, when they stood in bewilderment at the holy body, a camel suddenly approached them. The people were silent, the camel spoke. “Men of God,” the wordless man began his speech, “who have enjoyed many signs and wonders from Saints Cosmas and Damian, and not only you, but also we, the animals given to you by God. As a servant, I came to you to tell you the secret of Cosmas, so as not to separate them from each other, but to put them together.”

This camel was the same one that had once been healed by the saints. The people who surrounded the body of the saint thanked the Lord, who had so miraculously revealed His secret, and, placing the holy relics of the unmercenaries in one coffin, buried them in a place called Fereman (now does not exist, destroyed by the Turks). Judging by the descriptions of the originals, they died in middle age.

Soon, at the site of their burial, a wonderful and glorious church was built, as their biography says. All kinds of sick people flocked to this church from near and far countries.

Seeing such endless and inexhaustible wealth of the saints, the sick constantly surrounded their temple. After this we can judge that the sick constantly surrounded their temple. After this, one can judge how many miracles were performed by the holy unmercenaries. It is not for nothing that their biographer says that it is easier to measure the sea and count the stars than to tell all the miracles of the saints. Of the many miracles, he described twelve, and in some detail. Dimitri, Metropolitan Rostovsky, in his Chetya-menaia, described only two miracles. We will briefly talk about six of the twelve.

A certain Malchus lived in Phereman. One day, setting off on a long journey, he brought his wife to the church of the holy unmercenaries and said to her: “Behold, I am going far away, and I am leaving you under the protection of Saints Cosmas and Damian. Live at home until I send you some sign that you will know for sure that it is mine.” Having said this, they parted.

After some time, the devil, taking on the appearance of a familiar person, came to Malkhova’s wife, showed her the very sign that her husband had spoken about, and said: “Your husband sent me to take you to him.”

The wife, seeing the sign given by her husband, believed, but decided to go to him not before the guide took an oath in the Church of the Holy Unmercenaries on the way not to offend her in any way. But what did the oath mean to the demon? He needed to weaken people's faith in the protection of the unmercenary saints.

And so, as soon as they arrived in a wild, deserted place, the devil pushed the woman off the donkey on which she was riding and wanted to kill her. The wife cried out in horror: “Saints Cosmo and Damian, help me and deliver me!”

Saints are always close to everyone who calls them. Suddenly two horsemen appeared. The evil spirit found out who these riders were, ran up a high mountain, threw himself into the abyss and disappeared. And the horsemen, taking the wife, returned her safely to her house. The wife bowed to them and thanked them, but only asked them to tell them who they were, her saviors? “We,” the saints answered, “Cosmas and Damian, to whom your husband handed you over when he set out on his journey.” Having said this, they became invisible. The wife fell to the ground out of fear and joy.

Having come to her senses, she hurried to the temple of the holy unmercenaries and there she tearfully thanked them and told everyone about her salvation.

A certain young man, having lost his mind from fright, was brought to the temple of the holy unmercenaries with the hope of receiving healing. He spent several days and nights at the church of saints without receiving healing.

After some time, his father, a pious elder, came to him. The parent's prayer was heard. The son, who had not previously recognized his father, began to recognize him.

Finally, the saints, invisibly laying their hands on him, completely healed him and, appearing to his father, commanded him to go to his home, glorifying God.

A certain man, suffering from a lung disease accompanied by hemoptysis, came to the relics of the unmercenary saints to ask for healing. His illness was so dangerous that everyone considered him close to death, and his wife even prepared everything necessary for burial. It should be noted that the patient had not previously believed in the miraculous power of the saints and often spewed blasphemy against God.

The saints healed him of both ailments. In a night vision, they proclaimed that anyone seeking healing should never speak blasphemous words from now on and should abstain from eating meat for a whole year. The patient gladly accepted the offer and faithfully fulfilled it. Then, by the command of the saints, the blood flowing through the larynx stopped, the lungs became stronger, and the patient, thanking the wonderful doctors, joyfully went to his home.

A certain mute and deaf woman came to the Church of the Holy Unmercenaries. Having suffered from this serious illness for many years, she could not expect any help other than heavenly help. For a long time, persistently, with tears, she prayed to the holy doctors to heal her from both ailments. Finally, her prayer was heard. The dumb and deaf woman often repeated the Trisagion in her mind. Through the Trisagion, the holy unmercenaries also showed a miracle.

During the evening service in their church, when, according to custom, the Trisagion was sung, suddenly the deaf woman heard the singers and, hitherto mute, began to sing the Trisagion with the singers. Struck by the extraordinary miracle, she loudly confessed the greatness of God revealed through the holy unmercenaries.

Unmercenary saints performed miracles in pagan countries. It happened to one Hellene, a fan of Castor and Pollux (pagan gods), to fall into a serious, unbearable illness. His friends advised him to go to the temple of the unmercenary saints Cosmas and Damian. The patient obeyed. Here, seeing many sick people, many being healed, he finally became convinced of the miraculous power of doctors and with faith began to ask them for mercy.

The saints, both appearing to him together, said: “Friend! Why did you come to us? Why are you asking us? And you didn’t come to us yourself, but were sent by others. We are not Castor and Pollux, but slaves of Christ the immortal King, named Cosmas and Damian. So, if by faith you know our Master, you will receive healing from Him.”

Hellin, suffering intolerable torment, came to know the True God, constantly cried out to the saints for mercy and vowed to accept the Christian faith. The saints, seeing the purity of his faith, laid their hands on him and gave him perfect deliverance. The one who was healed fulfilled his vow - he received holy baptism.

Returning to his home completely healthy, he with great joy told everyone about the miracles of the holy unmercenaries, about the insignificance of Castor and Pollux, about the superiority of Christian teaching. Many of the listeners were moved and, despising their faith, accepted Christianity.

Someone - a lover of folk spectacles - suffered from a chest disease. Finding no relief in anything, he was finally forced to go to the temple of the holy unmercenaries. The holy doctors, seeing his zeal, had mercy on the patient.

The very next night they appeared to him and ordered him to drink one cup of resin (pekla). The patient did not fulfill their orders. The saints appeared to him a second time and added another to one cup. When he did not do this either, they appeared to him a third time and ordered him to drink three cups.

Despite the illness that increased in him every day, he did not want to fulfill the commandments of the saints. Finally, they appeared to him again in a dream and with cheerful faces said: “Friend, why are you crying out to us like that? If it is unpleasant for your health to drink three bowls of resin, then pour them into one vessel and, waiting until late evening, go up the mountain with it, to the place of spectacles, and bury it there so that no one can see you. If you do this, you will receive healing.”

The patient happily did everything as ordered. But everything he did was seen by one person who was late in that place. Explaining his strange act by sorcery, he, noticing the place, went and brought with him many other people. Those, having verified the truth of the testimony, took and presented the imaginary sorcerer to the court. They began to interrogate. He told the whole truth - they didn’t believe him.

Finally, they decided that if this really was the command of the holy unmercenaries, then in the sight of everyone he should drink these three cups and receive healing. The sick man joyfully accepted the vessel, which seemed unpleasant to him, drank it in front of everyone, and immediately received healing through the power of the holy unmercenaries; He joyfully went to their temple and, having given thanks, told everyone how the holy unmercenaries had healed him of his illness, taught him obedience, and weaned him off folk spectacles.

All these miracles were performed by the holy unmercenaries in Asia, and for the most part in their temple, with the holy relics. Of course, a description of them was also compiled there. It was translated into the Slavic language from Greek, as evidenced by many words left untranslated in the Slavic text. There is no doubt that the grace of the miracles of the holy unmercenaries was manifested in our Fatherland. It is not for nothing that our ancestors erected so many holy temples in their name.

In our Fatherland, the unmercenary saints Cosmas and Damian (Asian) are mainly considered the patrons of children. They are resorted to in prayer at the beginning of learning to read and write, so that they strengthen the children’s still weak strength and contribute to their correct development.

Of course, it was not without reason that our people developed such a belief. The basis for it could be, in part, their very life, and partly, their church service: firstly, in their life there is a legend about how they were taken by their mother to learn to read and write. This incident from their life is also depicted on icons; secondly, in church services they are glorified as wise doctors secretly taught picturesque words, filled with all intelligence and wisdom, who give knowledge to everyone.

In the Chetyaminaia of Metropolitan Macarius there is a teaching in memory of the unmercenary saints Cosmas and Damian (November 1), in which the theme is chosen from the daily Gospel: “What kind of teacher should be.” In its development there are such expressions: “The holy teachers healed the body with miracles and the soul with teaching. They come to them for miracles, but they come for teaching. Nothing else is more appropriate for a teacher than humility and non-acquisitiveness.”.

All this comes so close to the unmercenary saints. Of course, in ancient times this teaching was read in the temple. The people heard him and began to come to the holy unmercenaries not only “for miracles, but also for teaching.”

The Orthodox people, seeing on the icons, reading in their lives the legend about teaching them to read and write, hearing in churches that they give knowledge to everyone, could not help but come to the conclusion that they especially patronize students.

And the grace of the holy unmercenaries is endless, as the Holy Church sings. They are not only wise doctors, but also wise mentors; Having helped everyone who comes to them in faith, can they refuse the children?

After death, the unmercenary saints performed many miracles. There lived in Fereman, near the temple of Cosmas and Damian, a certain Malchus. One day, getting ready for a long journey and leaving his wife alone for a long time, he prayerfully entrusted her to the heavenly protection of the holy brothers. And the enemy of the human race, having possessed one of Malchus’ friends, planned to destroy the woman. A little time passed, and this man went to her house and said that Malchom had sent her to take her to him. The woman believed and went. He took her to a deserted place and wanted to abuse and kill her. The woman, seeing that she was in danger, cried out to God with deep faith.

Then two formidable men appeared, and the crafty man let the woman go, rushed to run, but fell into the abyss. The husbands took the woman home. At her house, bowing to the ground, she asked: “What is your name, my saviors, whom should I thank until the end of my days?” “We are Christ’s servants Cosmas and Damian,” they answered and became invisible. The woman, with fear and joy, told everyone about what had happened to her, praising God, with tears she went to the icon of the holy brothers and said a prayer of gratitude for deliverance.

Since then, the holy brothers Cosmas and Damian have been revered as patrons of the holiness and inviolability of Christian marriage, as organizers of married life. Since ancient times, their veneration has been widespread in Rus'.

Troparion, tone 8

Holy saints without money and miracle workers, Cosmo and Damian, / visit our infirmities: / eat tuna, give us tuna.

Kontakion, tone 2

Receive grace for healings, / extend health to those in need, / physicians, wonderworkers of glory, / but by your visit to the warriors, bring down insolence, / healing miracles for the world.


We magnify you, glorious miracle workers, Cosmo and Damian, and honor your holy memory, mentors of the lost, healers of the sick and interlocutors of the Angel.

Prayer to the holy wonderworkers and unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian

To you, saints without money and miracle workers Cosmo and Damian, as to quick helpers and warm prayer books for our salvation, we are unworthy, we come running on bended knees and fall down earnestly crying: do not despise the prayers of us sinners, weak, who have fallen into many iniquities, and all the days and the hours of those who sin. Pray to the Lord to add His great and rich mercy to us, His unworthy servants: deliver us from all sorrow and illness, for you have received from God and our Savior Jesus Christ the abundant grace of healing, for the sake of firm faith, free healing and your martyrdom... , pleasers of God, constantly praying for us, flowing to you with faith: even if, due to the multitude of our sins, we are not worthy of your mercy, yet you are faithful imitators of God’s love for mankind, create, so that we may bear fruit worthy of repentance, and we will achieve eternal rest praising and blessing the wondrous Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ in His saints, and His Most Pure Mother, and your warm intercession, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Memory Holy Wonderworkers Cosmas and Damian of Asia takes place in the Orthodox Church on November 14 according to the new style.

Life of Cosmas and Damian, Asian miracle workers
The brothers Cosmas and Damian are early Christian saints who lived around the 4th century. From life it is known that although they were born and lived in Asia Minor, their father came from Greece. He died when the brothers were very young, and therefore their mother, who was a Christian, was involved in raising them. Thus, Cosmas and Damian were raised in a pious environment from childhood. When they grew up, they wanted to study the art of medicine. Possessing talent in medicine and great Christian love for people, the holy brothers soon became famous as good doctors who were able to heal the most complex diseases. Distinguished by their deep faith, Cosmas and Damian treated sick people with prayer to God, and this made their medical work especially successful. The holy brothers cared not only about the physical, but also about the mental health of the people who came to them. Cosmas and Damian made a pious vow, according to which they never took payment for their treatment, and thanks to this they began to be called unmercenary. Their success in healing the sick made them famous throughout Asia Minor and attracted a large number of sufferers to them.
In the lives of the holy unmercenaries, a legend has been preserved about how one day a certain woman named Palladia, who had a serious illness, came to the holy doctors. The brothers healed her, and in gratitude for the help provided, she brought three eggs as a gift to Damian, asking him to accept this small offering in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Damian could not refuse such a request and took Palladia’s gift. When Cosmas heard about this, he was very saddened, thinking that his brother had broken his vow to God and wanted to use this gift of miracles for selfish purposes. Before his death, he bequeathed not to bury Damian next to him. Shortly after Cosmas' death, Damian also died, and the people who buried him were at a loss as to where his grave should be, because they were afraid of breaking Cosmas' will. According to legend, a camel suddenly came, which had once been healed by the holy brothers, who provided assistance not only to sick people, but also to animals. He, to the surprise of those around him, proclaimed in a human voice that Damian did not violate the vow of the unmercenary, but accepted the gift of Palladium in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Then it was decided to bury the brothers together. The relics of the saints were buried in Mesopotamia, in the city of Fereman, and many healings were also performed from them.

Veneration of the holy unmercenaries and wonderworkers Cosmas and Damian in Rus'
After the Baptism of Rus', widespread popular veneration of the wonderworkers Cosmas and Damian began. Thanks to the legend about the camel that spoke, told in the lives of the saints, the miracle-working brothers began to be revered not only as helpers and healers of people, but also as patrons of animals. Saints' Day of Remembrance was called "Kuzminki", and this holiday was especially celebrated by peasant girls who gathered for gatherings to welcome the winter. It was believed that saints patronized those who were going to get married, so girls prayed to them for a successful marriage. In addition, blacksmiths also revered Saints Cosmas and Damian as their patrons, and on this day it was considered a sin to carry out work related to blacksmithing.
There were many signs in the folk calendar that made it possible to determine from the weather on the day of memory of Cosmas and Damian whether the winter would be snowy and the next year fruitful.
People's love for these saints was expressed in the fact that many churches were built in Rus', consecrated in honor of the unmercenary and miracle workers Cosmas and Damian. In addition, there were a large number of settlements that were also named after the holy brother healers.

Troparion, tone 8:
Holy saints without money and miracle workers, Cosmo and Damian, / visit our infirmities: / eat tuna, give us tuna.

Kontakion, voice 2:
Receive grace for healings, / extend health to those in need, / physicians, wonderworkers of glory, / but by your visit to the warriors, bring down insolence, / healing miracles for the world.

We magnify you, glorious miracle workers, Cosmo and Damian, and honor your holy memory, mentors of the lost, healers of the sick and interlocutors of the Angel.

To you, saints without money and miracle workers Cosmo and Damiana, as to a quick helper and a warm prayer book for our salvation, we, unworthy (names), come running on bended knee and fall down earnestly crying out: do not despise the prayers of us sinners, the weak, who have fallen into many iniquities, and all the days and hours of those who sin. Pray to the Lord to add to us, His unworthy servant, His great and rich mercy: deliver us from all sorrow and illness, for you have naturally received from God and our Savior Jesus Christ the endless grace of healing, for the sake of firm faith, free healing and your martyrdom. . To her, pleasers of God, do not stop praying for us, who flow to you with faith: even if, due to the multitude of our sins, we are not worthy of your mercy, both of you, faithful imitators of God’s love for mankind, create, so that we may bear fruits worthy of repentance, and to eternal rest Let us reach, praising and blessing the wondrous Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother in our saints, and your warm intercession, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Chosen wonderworkers, the unmercenary of Christ and the physicians of wisdom, who give health to those who exist in illness, we will write praise to you, our intercessor and helper in sorrow: for you are vessels of the grace of existence, healing our mental and physical ulcers. In the same way, glorifying God, who is wondrous in His saints, we earnestly please you:

Rejoice, all-bright friend of grace, vessels of the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, all who call you, speedy helper.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

Seeing the Lord God, your good undertakings and your great zeal for piety, as if you were able to impute all the earthly and good things of this world, in the unceasing labor of love for the sake of your neighbor, you continued and naturally adorned your soul with good morals, fill you with the Holy Spirit, whose rays will illuminate you and ask us from Christ God, may we sing to Him together with you: Alleluia.

With the mind of true knowledge of God, wicked people taught nature, admonishing them with the power of your words, in whose image you boldly preach Christ. Moreover, we commend your zeal and cry out to you:

Rejoice, you were not caught by the enemy’s flattery;

Rejoice, having confessed the truth of Christ through deeds of love.

Rejoice, you who heal every disease among people;

Rejoice, you who drive away evil spirits from people.

Rejoice, fearless preacher of the love of God;

Rejoice, zealous medical ministry.

Rejoice, champions of the Orthodox faith;

Rejoice, pillars of steadfastness, the spirit of love and zeal for the fulfillment of the glory of God.

Rejoice, the silence of the commandments of the Lord as heralds; Rejoice, the return of the teacher of Godly wisdom.

Rejoice, intercessors of the Kingdom of Christ;

Rejoice, and after your death you will not leave us.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

By the power of the Most High, given to you, even in your temporary life you received in nature the power to miraculously heal all sorts of ailments; After your death, God especially glorified you with many miracles, so that we all flow to you, praying for healing from bodily ailments, and more than spiritual ones, and we cry out to God with a loud voice: Alleluia.

Having, as a valuable treasure, your multi-healing relics, we rejoice and, singing with love the grace of healing given to you from God, we gratefully call:

Rejoice, warm intercession of us to God;

Rejoice, you have left your father’s Hellenic wisdom behind.

Rejoice, O all-bright lamp of Asia;

Rejoice, enlighteners of darkened countries.

Rejoice, courage and patience of the mentor;

Rejoice, two lamps, who have shone upon the earth with good deeds.

Rejoice, brothers according to the flesh, your mother Theodotius in good discipline and upbringing;

Rejoice, servants of God, having received crowns of victory from the Lord Christ.

Rejoice, you who have shown a wondrous and beautiful image of humility and meekness to everyone;

Rejoice, unshakable foundation of Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, bright glory without silver;

Rejoice, O goodness of the healer, who received no bribe from anyone for the healings.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

You were filled with a storm of confusion, Saint Damian, when you, together with Saint Cosmos, were healed of a mortal illness by a certain wife, Palladium, who, out of the abundance of a grateful heart, wanted to reward a certain gift with your gracious doctor, but you, seeing your brother renounced such an offering, secretly accepted from that wife, accept three eggs from her in the name of the Holy Trinity. For this reason, Saint Cosmas was sad, and bequeathed that after your death you will not be placed near the grave of your brother. When, after your repose, people were at a loss as to where to bury you, a certain camel said in a human voice, let them bury you near the Holy Cosmas, as you were glorified with him before God, since you did not receive three eggs for the sake of bribes, but for the name of God. Marveling at such a great miracle, people buried you along with your brother, joyfully singing to God: Alleluia.

Having heard your great love for the suffering people and your wonderful healing, I rush to you from everywhere with faith in the healing grace of God acting in you; Accepting a quick healing, I glorify God, you, your merciful healers, greatness, chanting to the Lord:

Rejoice, the true God of the invincibility of the preacher;

Rejoice, through the power of the Cross of Christ, to those who are ill and free of healing.

Rejoice, blessed physician, quick helper to those who suffer;

Rejoice, all who heal the weak and heal.

Rejoice, even now healing flowing abundantly;

Rejoice, mercy is a comforter in the troubles and sorrows of those who exist.

Rejoice, you who protect us in all circumstances;

Rejoice, saving charity for the helpless.

Rejoice, glorious adornment of the righteous;

Rejoice, our intercession is strong.

Rejoice in diligently praying for us to God;

Rejoice, to all who by faith call upon you, a speedy helper.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

You have truly walked the godly path, servants of Christ, when the good things of the world despised service for the sake of the sick; but you endured everything for Christ who loved you. Also marveling at your great patience and strong love for the Lord, together with you we sing to Him: Alleluia.

Having seen you healed, as if by the power of Christ you were healed, you gave praise to Him. Glorifying God, we please you, His glorious saints, crying out:

Rejoice, you who love those above above those below;

Rejoice, you who are jealous of the angelic life on earth.

Rejoice, for having rejected the polytheism of your parent, you did not naturally abandon your mother’s piety;

Rejoice, for according to the word of the Lord, you have given all your possessions to the poor, so that you may receive Christ.

Rejoice, not just in words, but even more so in deeds and unceasing prayer to God, having taught others;

Rejoice, you who now show an endless source of healing.

Rejoice in the outpouring of miracles given to you from God, enriching us;

Rejoice, having prepared a temple for God in yourselves.

Rejoice, the poor will soon be heard;

Rejoice, pleasant care for the sorrowful.

Rejoice, you known hope of unreliability;

Rejoice, speedy healing for those who are sick.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

Preachers of the name of Christ were in your belly, and now you testify to His power with miracles emanating from your icon, and sometimes you did not despise the faith of a certain Palladium, but when you came to her house, they granted her healing from a mortal illness; You will hear our prayers and singing voices, about the holiness of the unmercenary! Listen to the faith and love of your people and grant us protection from above, those who praise you and sing to God: Alleluia.

Your righteousness shines forth like a light, when we are reproached by unbelievers, because we did not receive the natural gift of healing from God; we speak to the people of your city: we do not heal illnesses with magical cunning, but with the power of our Savior Jesus Christ, just as He commanded, saying: Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers. , take the tuna, give the tuna. Also marveling at your gracious words, we gratify you with these:

Rejoice, you who showed us the image of love and faith;

Rejoice, you who ever enjoy the joys of heaven.

Rejoice, sowers of piety in wisdom;

Rejoice, glorious preacher of Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, teacher, who teach to heaven;

Rejoice, guardian of a pure and immaculate life, vigilant.

Rejoice, warm obedience of those who pray to you;

Rejoice, graceful and faithful guide to salvation.

Rejoice, for those who desire the blasphemy of a mentor may live piously and godly;

Rejoice, intercessors for good to all who honor your memory.

Rejoice, having passed away your course well and in peace;

Rejoice, you who have received crowns of righteousness from the Lord Christ.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

During the harvest, I wanted to give little respect to a certain husband from the heat of the sun, and having fallen soundly asleep, the serpent entered his mouth and moved into his belly. When that husband arose from sleep, he felt sickness in his womb from the torment of the serpent and began to cry out in a great voice: holy Doctors Cosmo and Damian, help us, and you, the saints of God, rushed to his aid and put him to sleep, and with your prayers began to drive out the serpent and, to all who saw it, the serpent came out of the mouth of that man, and everyone was terrified about that terrible miracle. , singing with gratitude to God: Alleluia.

Wonderful prayer books for us, healing of our souls and bodies and intercessors of eternal salvation, with a grateful heart singing a hymn of praise to God, who has given us such great miracle workers, we bring you praise as well:

Rejoice, having surprised the angels with your patience;

Rejoice, having enlightened everything with the divine radiance of your miracles.

Rejoice, speedy healer from all illnesses without remuneration;

Rejoice, through your intercession the weakened are healed.

Rejoice, you who rise to health from incurable diseases;

Rejoice, having accomplished the earthly feat of your life worthily.

Rejoice for us, naked of good deeds, ever presenting ourselves to God;

Rejoice, for with the radiance of wisdom given to you by the Lord, you enlighten all the faithful.

Rejoice, prayer books for us and our intercessors;

Rejoice, good doctors of Christ.

Rejoice, you who give healing to everyone without compensation;

Rejoice, having exposed the idolatrous madness with your miracles.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

Having seen your strange worldly life, let us also withdraw from this vanity and, turning our minds to heaven, we will cry out to you, saints without money: quench your illnesses, exuding grace-filled healing to everyone, zealously for your help to those who flow and cry out to God: Alleluia.

Having fulfilled your entire life on earth with love for God and for your neighbors, the holy unmercenary Cosmo and Damian, the speedy and now helpers, appear to everyone who calls you with faith; Not only do your relics flow close to those who flow to your saints, but you also exude healing to those who exist far away. We also bring you these praises:

Rejoice, O One God, glorified in the Trinity, having served faithfully;

Rejoice, you who have chosen the only hedgehog for the needs of the wise.

Rejoice, for in tireless labor and struggle your days and nights passed naturally without any despondency;

Rejoice, for through your cramped and sorrowful life you have multiplied the glory of God in mankind.

Rejoice, good followers of Christ;

Rejoice, for the teachers and creators of Christ’s commandments have appeared to nature.

Rejoice, for the names of the great ones in the Kingdom of Heaven were quickly named;

Rejoice, having illuminated the whole world with the glory of Christ.

Rejoice, for you have accepted dispassion by nature through love for your neighbors;

Rejoice, for through free healing you have acquired immortality by nature.

Rejoice like angels, glorified in heaven and on earth;

Rejoice, for you are now about to be crowned with God.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

Every human nature was amazed at the radiance of the grace of God in you, Saints Cosmo and Damian, when people were wicked, having seen the miracles you performed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, you believed and glorified God. In the same way, we, who glorified Him who gave you great strength, sing to Him: Alleluia.

The poets who have spoken many times are perplexed enough to depict the abundance of your love, which you were quickly filled with, holy saints, for people in the Lord. For this reason, from the depths of our hearts we cry to you:

Rejoice in your Lord even to the point of death;

Rejoice, for the fire of God’s love has quenched the fire of the idolatrous sacrifices.

Rejoice, having loved your neighbor more than yourself;

Rejoice, for the sick and sick were visited by nature.

Rejoice, having anticipated the needs of the poor;

Rejoice, consolation of the sad.

Rejoice, desperate intercessors;

Rejoice, nourisher of the orphans.

Rejoice, dear helper to the suffering;

Rejoice, liberators of the oppressed.

Rejoice, for having finished the good course, you have ascended to Christ;

Rejoice, for you are established in His Kingdom.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

May the Lord show us, you, your miracle workers, that we may save many; Who will not please you, for you not only heal people from their illnesses, but also have mercy on cattle? Do not reject our prayers either, but pour out your endlessly great and rich mercies on all of us, and let us cry out to God: Alleluia.

Walls are natural to all who praise your miracles, O unmercenaries, and to those who come running to your intercession, walls and shields are natural, protecting those who diligently call for help from all troubles. Likewise, protect us from poverty, adversity, illness and sorrow, we pray and cry out to you with warmth:

Rejoice, you have surpassed adamantine strength in non-acquisitiveness;

Rejoice, wonderfully victorious over the temptations of the love of money.

Rejoice, glorious intercessor in troubles;

Rejoice, strengthening the weak and offended.

Rejoice, strong defenders in adversity;

Rejoice, enricher of the poor and the poor with all-bounty.

Rejoice, feeders of those who hunger for mercy;

Rejoice, for diseases and serious ailments of those possessed by wisdom are healed.

Rejoice, protective warmth flowing to you with faith from all sorrowful circumstances and illnesses;

Rejoice, for your memory is glorified by everyone on earth.

Rejoice, for your names are written in heaven;

Rejoice, for you are glorified by God.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

The all-contrite singing that we now offer is not enough to praise your glorious exploits and labors, which you naturally lifted up in your belly for Christ’s sake; In both cases, we boldly ask that you accept our earnest prayer, and deliver us from troubles with your prayers, so that with a tender heart we may sing to God: Alleluia.

A luminous and heavenly mind was revealed to nature, when nature did not want to seek earthly glory from healing from man, but rather the glory of God in heaven. Now, through the incorruption of your relics and many miracles, you affirm Orthodoxy. We also gratefully call:

Rejoice, you who boldly preached the Hypostatic Word;

Rejoice, having abolished the power of idols in a kind and victorious manner.

Rejoice, for you have put an end to the service of the demon;

Rejoice, for you preached the worship of Christ.

Rejoice, teacher of wisdom;

Rejoice, fulfiller of all virtues and non-laziness.

Rejoice, for through the labors of earth you rejoice in the villages of heaven;

Rejoice, for even after your death you did not leave us.

Rejoice, for you are giving quick help to everyone who calls you with faith;

Rejoice, holy doctors, for you heal our illnesses.

Rejoice, you who do not deny the prayers of the faithful;

Rejoice, you who intercede for us unworthy at the Throne of God.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

The grace that the Lord God has given to you, to heal all mental and physical ailments, today gather us together, let us honor your memory, saints without silver Cosmo and Damian, reverently looking at your honorable icon and falling to it with tenderness of heart, we pray that we all be delivered from all evils and diseases, let us all sing to God: Alleluia.

Singing your miracles, we praise your labors and exploits, we bless your death, honorable in the world, we honor your intercession and strong intercession for all who require your help; We magnify God, the Giver of all blessings, who has given us so many wonderful prayer books, and with tenderness we call:

Rejoice, you who preached the Lord Jesus faithfully;

Rejoice, the truth of His goodness is a witness.

Rejoice, His presence at the Throne is warm for us;

Rejoice, physician of our compassionate bodies.

Rejoice, O Kingdom of Heaven and eternal good heirs;

Rejoice, all our hope is in God.

Rejoice, you who exude fragrant healing myrrh;

Rejoice, you who overcome the stench of passions with your prayers.

Rejoice, source of healings and miracles;

Rejoice, light-bearing pillars of the church and taken away by the immovable.

Rejoice, grapes of the true divine vine;

Rejoice, thou light-like duo of wise men without money.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

For the wonder of the unmercenary, miracle workers, healing and glory of the saints of God Cosmo and Damian, accept this prayer of ours, offered from a contrite heart; heal the diverse ailments of our souls and bodies and with your warm intercession ask us from Christ God for deliverance from all troubles and misfortunes, forgiveness of our sins and the good hope of eternal salvation, so that we may be worthy with you and with all the saints to sing to God our Savior forever and ever: Alleluia .

This Kontakion is spoken three times. Also Ikos 1: Jealous of the angelic residence... and Kontakion 1: Wonderworkers of the election...

Being jealous of the angelic residence, they despised all earthly nature, and having been crowned with the feat of non-covetousness, nature was honored with the sight of the Lord of powers. Pray diligently for us, for those who flow to you for help and cry out for praise to you:

Rejoice, warm prayer books for those who honor your holy memory;

Rejoice, those left by the doctors who are inexorably healing.

Rejoice, for you have counted your parents’ house, property and all their acquisitions as nothing;

Rejoice, poor people who have been nourished by your mercy.

Rejoice, you who have consoled those suffering from compassion;

Rejoice, having become like an Angel in purity and holiness.

Rejoice, luminaries of the Divine light;

Rejoice, heavenly people, earthly Angels.

Rejoice, for Christians are a refuge without shame;

Rejoice, you have exhausted your entire life, even to your last breath, in serving the Lord.

Rejoice, all-bright friend of grace, vessels of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, all who call you, speedy helper.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

O miracle workers of glory, physician of mercilessness, Cosmo and Damian! From your youth you have loved Christ God and kept His commandments with all your heart, even if you give yourself medical teaching, but virtuous life for the sake of life and purity of soul, by the power of Christ God, not only the art of healing, but moreover the inexhaustible grace of healing all sorts of incurable ailments, you received from God by nature. Because of your love and mercy for those who struggle with illnesses, you give healing of illnesses not only to people, but also to cattle, you fill the whole world with your countless miracles, and not only do you heal bodily ailments, but you also enlighten souls with the faith of Christ, strengthen them in the patience of illnesses, and strengthen them in serious illnesses. By correcting your life you admonish people and draw them to Christ through repentance. In the same way, now you will soon hear us, who fall before you before your honorable icon.

Young children, asking for your help in book learning, instruct them with your prayers, so that they will earn zealously in your life, not just earthly learning, but, moreover, may they continually advance in piety and right faith. To those who are lying on their sick beds, desperate for human help, but to those who come running to you with warmth with faith and fervent prayer, grant healing of illnesses through your merciful, miraculous visit. Many times, those who fall into illness and from severe illnesses into despondency, cowardice and murmuring, strengthen and instruct with the grace given to you from God in patience, and instruct them, so that they understand God’s holy and perfect will for them, and surrender themselves and their lives to the will of Christ God. Crush those who are ill, who are careless about correcting their lives, who do not repent of their sins, who are hardened in heart, for salvation and call to repentance, so that those who are weak in body, may remain healthy in soul, and become partakers of God’s saving grace. Save the brethren of this holy temple, entrusted to your holy intercession by God, and all those who diligently come running to you unharmed from long illness, from severe and incurable diseases, from relaxation of the body, from frenzy of mind, from deadly ulcers, from sudden death, and through your powerful intercession to Keep those who are strong in the right faith, those who advance in piety, those who are zealous in good deeds, and those who are diligent in prayer to God, so that together with you in the future they will be worthy to sing and glorify the all-holy and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 8

Holy saints without money and miracle workers, Cosmo and Damian, visit our infirmities: eat tuna, give us tuna.

Kontakion, tone 2

Receive grace for healings, extend health to those in need, healers, wonderworkers of glory, but with your visit to the warriors, bring down insolence, healing miracles for the world.


We magnify you, saints without silver and wonderworkers Cosmo and Damian, and honor your holy memory, mentors of the lost, healers of the sick and interlocutors of Angels.

Materials used

Lives of the unmercenary martyrs Cosmas and Damian

The holy mu-che-ni-ki-bes-sreb-reni-ki brothers Kos-ma and Da-mi-an lived in the 3rd century after the Birth of Christ in Ri-me, in the per-ri-od go-ne-niy on chri-sti-an, raised-dig-well them-per-ra-to-ra-mi-language-ni-ka-mi. In the course of their lives, the saints revealed the true Christian worship of mankind -ta: talent is a gift from God, which must be used not for the purpose of gain, but for the service of God and people.

Saints Kos-ma and Da-mi-an ra-no osi-ro-te-li. Having remained a widow in her youth, Fe-o-do-tiya raised her sons in the Christian blessing -sti. The brothers' main occupation was medicine, in which they were very successful. Holy brothers Kos-ma and Da-mi-an consider yourself to serve God-zhi-i-mi, is-tse-lyav-shi-mi lyu - act according to their faith. They didn't take any payment for their work. Doctor-che-va-nie bes-sre-ren-ni-ki Kos-ma and Da-mi-an so-che-ta-li with the pro-po-ve-dyu of the word of God, raz-yas -do-you-know-the-sick, that they-are-doing-the-tse-le-tion of the blessed power of Christ, calling them to faith in Christ the Savior, which opens the way to true health - a spa-spirit shi.

The holy brothers Kos-ma and Da-mi-an were okle-ve-ta-ny for-wist-ni-ka-mi and you were called to Rome to them-pe-ra -ru Ka-ri-nu. The im-per-ra-tor demanded to renounce Christ and recognize the pagan gods, to which the saints responded shi-tel-nym from-kaz. When im-per-ra-tor began to frighten them with torture, the saints, wanting to lie to him, called to God. Suddenly, his neck crooked in such a way that he could not turn his head back. That’s when Ka-ri-na and many other people were overcome by the fear of God. Im-per-ra-tor appeared before his brothers and gave his faith in Christ before everyone, and immediately -chil-tse-le-nie. Saints Kos-ma and Da-mi-an were immediately released. After returning to their village near Rome, they continued their previous work pleasing to God.

The achievement of the saints was great, but God would have liked to elevate them even more powerfully through innocent torment. quality They are afraid of the doctor who once taught them. This doctor took them to the mountains and killed them there. After the death, the holiness of the doctor-whose-de-sre-ren-ni-kov Cos-we and Da-mi-a-na († 284) was confirmed-for-me -gi-mi chu-des-ny-mi know-me-ni-ya-mi mi-lo-sti God-zhi-ey.

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Troparion to the unmercenaries and wonderworkers Cosmas and Damian of Rome

Saints without money and wonderworkers Cosmos and Damian,/ visit our infirmities // accept, give us the same.

Translation: Saints and wonderworkers Cosmas and Damian, visit our infirmities; For free you have received, give it to us for free.

Kontakion to the unmercenary and miracle workers Cosmas and Damian of Rome

Grace accepts healings, / you extend health to those in need, doctors, / wonderworkers of glory, / but by your visit to the warriors, you overthrow insolence, / / ​​healing miracles for the world.

Translation: Having received the grace of healing, you extend health to those in trouble, doctors, glorious miracle workers; but by your visit you will also overthrow the enemies of insolence, healing the world with miracles.

Prayer to the unmercenary and miracle workers Cosmas and Damian of Rome

To you, unmercenary saints and wonderworkers Cosmos and Damianas, as a quick helper and a warm prayer for our salvation, we, unworthy, bend the knee, and, crouching, earnestly cry out We mean: do not despise the prayers of us, sinners, weak, who have fallen into much iniquity and all the days and hours of those who sin. Pray to the Lord to grant us, His unworthy servants, His great and rich mercy; Deliver us from all sorrow and illness, for you have naturally received from the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ the endless grace of healings, for the sake of firm faith, free healing and martyrdom We are yours. Hear us praying, and through your favorable intercession ask Christ God for the Orthodox people to win and overcome their enemies. Once again, we diligently pray: ask us from the Lord for all that is beneficial in our temporary life, especially serving for eternal salvation, so that through your prayers we may be honored to improve our end Christian, painless, shameless, peaceful, and may we get rid of the wiles of the devil and eternal torment , we will be the heirs of the endless and blessed Kingdom of Heaven. To her, pleasers of God, do not stop praying for us, who flow to you with faith. And if, due to the multitude of our sins, we are not worthy of your mercy, both of you, faithful imitators of God’s love for mankind, create, so that we may bear fruits worthy of repentance and to eternal rest Let us embrace, praise and bless the wondrous Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ in our saints, and His Most Pure Mother, and your warm intercession, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Canon to the holy wonderworkers and unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian of Rome

Song 1

Irmos: Strong tristates, Born of the Virgin, drown the tripartite dispassion in the depths of the soul, I pray, so that You, as in the tympanum, in the mortification of the body, will sing a victorious song.

To the luminous duo of the wise without silver, to the more honorable Trinity with all the chosen ones who are coming, pray that your luminous memory of those who create will be enlightened by the Spirit by the Divine lordships.

Exceeding the mind in existing things, the immaterial brilliance of the Spirit, wisdom, taste, holiness. Moreover, you always allow the darkness of ailments to be visited by the Divine, without money.

Having constantly acquired the spiritual eye for the fulfillment of God’s Divine commandments, you awaken those sleeping in sickness, glory, to good health with the grace and mercy of the God-bearing unmercenary.

Theotokos: You embodied the Savior and God from Your pure blood, the Pure One, who showed us the physician to our souls, the Most Pure One, saving and warm intercessors, honest unmercenary ones, by the Spirit.

Song 3

Irmos: We do not boast in wisdom, and strength, and wealth, but in You, the Father's Hypostatic Wisdom, Christ, who is more holy than You, O Lover of Mankind.

The ointment of healing emanates from your Divine temple sacredly, spiritual clouds, always washing away evil passions.

Always dwelling in the Heavenly villages, your canopy is an ever-present source of healing and wisdom, showing you the grace of the Almighty.

Having bridled the carnal passions of abstinence, you have richly received the spiritual dawn, and thereby enrich the world with healing.

Theotokos: God has chosen You, the most beautiful among women, and from You carnally, Pure, deign to be born, rest in Your saints.

Sedalen, voice 8

Givers of healings, and miracle workers, and miracles, lamps of light receiving, have appeared to all with spiritual grace, for you cool the passionate flame with faith and warm the meaning of it to the faithful. Thus, having acquired spiritual healing, your Divine Church resorts to it, crying out: God-bearers of the unmercenary, pray to Christ the God of sins to grant your holy memory to those who celebrate love.

Song 4

Irmos: Seated in Glory on the Throne of the Divine in a light cloud, the Most Divine Jesus came with His Incorruptible Hand and called to those who saved: Glory, O Christ, to Thy power.

With life-giving actions, all kinds of deeds, you heal the deadly passions of people, the pillars of light, the immovable visor, the true grapes of the Divine vine.

Let the breasts of the Church, who shed milk of healing, enlightenment, and free money, nourish everyone with Divine breasts, be praised with joyful songs.

Medicine seems to be your temple, the saints, a calm haven and a saving refuge for those overwhelmed by the stench, everyone accepts silence and fierce deliverance.

Theotokos: Grant me mercy, O Virgin, which is in You, who gave birth to the Word, the only truly merciful one, the only one who showed mercy to the saints, healers and miracle workers in the end.

Song 5

Irmos: Everyone was terrified of Your Divine glory: You, the Unartificed Virgin, had God in your womb above all and gave birth to the Flightless Son, giving peace to all who sing Your praises.

We are bathed in divine lordships, you go around the whole world, you enlighten all people, you take away the darkness of passions, you drive away demons, you are God-bearing without silver.

As two lamps enlighten the heavenly places, moving with spirit, O God-bearers, circumambulating all creation, visiting those on their sickbeds, and freeing them from troubles.

Healing is given to those who are ill, deliverance from passions is given without money, representatives of the great have appeared to all, helpers with God to all, intercessors to all, God-bearing without money.

Theotokos: Wisdom gave birth to the Hypostasis of God, the Most Pure Virgin Theotokos, who showed holy wisdom, and in the image of the evil sage fell vacillation and cruel tricks.

Song 6

Irmos: I will devour You with a voice of praise, Lord, the Church cries out to You, having been cleansed from demonic blood for the sake of mercy from Your side with the flowing Blood.

Not by human cunning, but by Divine grace, you cleanse the ailments of men, glory, for this reason, having come together, we please you according to duty.

We are bound by love for Christ, God-bearing, all the malice of demons is destroyed by Divine grace, for this sake we celebrate your triumph.

As the grapes of Divine vegetation are the wine of healing for us, who are in the lamentation of ailments, more often than not, fill us with joy, without money.

Theotokos: You have made a pure temple, Lady, Most Pure Word, Who always magnifies the Divine temple without silver in miracles and signs.

Kontakion, tone 2

Receive grace for healings, extend health to those in need, healers, wonderworkers of glory, but with your visit to the warriors, bring down insolence, healing miracles for the world.


The word of wise doctors passes away all reason and wisdom, and reason is given to everyone: Having received grace from the Most High, they invisibly grant health to everyone. It was then that I was given the grace to sing, as God-bearing saints of Christ and servants, giving many healings, ridding everyone of illnesses, and healing the world with miracles.

Song 7

Irmos: In the cave of Abraham, the Persian youths, scorched by the love of piety rather than by flame, cried out: Blessed art thou in the temple of Thy glory, O Lord.

Opening up the God-given spring, you pour out holy rivers of pure healing to all, washing away the passions of defilement and the demons of all-destructive malice.

We strengthen the Almighty Spirit with grace, health is always given to the sick by your worthy two without silver, the Word of God, Wisdom and Power.

You alone are holy, glorifying Thy saints, for for the sake of those you deliver the world from troubles and enlighten those who call: blessed art thou in the temple of Thy glory, Lord.

Theotokos: Rod from the root of Jesse You have vegetated, having grown the flowers of Christ, Mary, like flowers, adorned with miracles Your unmercenary gifts.

Song 8

Irmos: Daniel stretched out his hand, the gaping lions in the den; Having quenched the fiery power, girded with virtue, zealots of piety, youths, crying out: bless all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

We have seen all kinds of enemies of malice, holiness, the Divine Spirit, who were for us the garment of salvation, and the remission of wine, and the repression of cruel things, crying out: all the works, bless the Lord, the Lord.

Sons of God's communion, Damiana and Cosmo, who were once, by faith have now acquired the fatherly lot, Heavenly pleasure and truly bright miracles, and cry: all things, bless the Lord, the Lord.

With your splendid sprinkles, wash away the filth of our souls, and fertilize painful, holy passions, and take away demonic aspirations, as an intercessor and as a healer of our mercy.

Like a crimson, like a mental flower, like thorns, adorned with the Spirit, it appears to us, holy, incense, relieving and driving away the stench of passions, crying out: all things, bless the Lord, the Lord.

Theotokos: Death is mortified by You, for You gave birth to Hypostasis Life, Christ God, the Most Pure One, and the representatives of our life who showed, unmercenary doctors, crying out: blessed, Most Pure One, is the Fruit of Your womb.

Song 9

Irmos: Eve, through the illness of disobedience, instilled an oath; But you, Virgin Mother of God, through the vegetation of womb-bearing and the blessing of the world, you have flourished. This is why we magnify you all.

Behold now what is good, or what is good, as he writes, but only that the brethren now live in like-mindedness, in a place of light, in the villages of Heaven, in unfading glory, even as we please according to our inheritance.

How great is this temple, we always decorate miracles, the venerable things that always come, Cosmo and Damian are worthy of miracles, you give health to those who need it, which is also worthy of the good in nature.

Today we, blessed ones, rejoice in your memory, the Angels and Divine Apostles, prophets and saints and all the righteous women, with them joyfully dwelling, pray for the whole world.

Divine duality and luminous, without silver, and God-bearing, and all-honor, ask for forgiveness of sins, and correction of life, and deliverance for all the fierce ones who always praise you.

Theotokos: The dwelling of light, Pure, you were, who illuminated everything and showed luminosity and holiness, now taking away the darkness of the passions choked by the Spirit, the Most Pure One Ever-Virgin.


What will be enough for the word unmercenary to speak the grace of healing? For according to God, we are the healer and savior of the entire universe.

Akathist to the holy unmercenaries and wonderworkers Cosmas and Damian of Rome

Kontakion 1

Chosen wonderworkers, passion-bearers of Christ and physicians of wisdom, who give health to those who exist in illness, we write praises to you, our intercessor and helper in sorrows: for you are vessels of grace, healing our mental and physical ulcers. In the same way, glorifying God, who is wondrous in His saints, we earnestly please you:

Ikos 1

Having become jealous of the angelic life, they despised all earthly nature and, having been crowned by the feat of martyrdom, nature was granted the sight of the Lord of hosts. Pray diligently for us, for those who flow to you for help and cry out for praise to you:

Rejoice, warm prayer books for those who honor your holy memory; Rejoice, those left by the doctors who are inexorably healing.

Rejoice, for you have counted your parents’ house, property and all their acquisitions as nothing; Rejoice, poor people who have been nourished by your mercy.

Rejoice, you who have consoled those suffering from compassion; Rejoice, having become like an Angel in purity and holiness.

Rejoice, luminaries of the Divine light; Rejoice, heavenly people, earthly Angels.

Rejoice, for Christians are a refuge without shame; Rejoice, you have exhausted your entire life, even to your last breath, in serving the Lord.

Rejoice, all-bright friend of grace, vessels of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, to all who call upon you to be a speedy helper.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the Lord God, your good undertakings and your great zeal for piety, as if you were able to impute all the earthly and good things of this world, in the unceasing labor of love for the sake of your neighbor, you continued and naturally adorned your soul with good morals, fill you with the Holy Spirit, whose rays will illuminate you and ask us from Christ God, may we sing to Him together with you: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Through the mind of true knowledge of God, you taught the wicked king his nature, enlightening him with the power of your words, in the image of whom you boldly preached Christ. Moreover, your boldness is praiseworthy, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, you were not caught by the flattery of the wicked king; Rejoice, you who boldly confessed the truth of Christ before him.

Rejoice, you who did not fear his rebuke; Rejoice, you who have put the wicked congregations to shame.

Rejoice, fearless preacher of the truth; Rejoice, destroyer of idols.

Rejoice, champion of the Orthodox faith; Rejoice, confessors of steadfastness, the spirit of patience and zeal for the fulfillment of God's glory.

Rejoice, the silence of the commandments of the Lord as heralds; Rejoice, the return of the teacher of Godly wisdom.

Rejoice, intercessors of the Kingdom of Christ; Rejoice, and after your death you will not leave us.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 3

By the power of the Most High, given to you in your temporal life, you naturally received the power to miraculously heal all sorts of ailments; After your death, God especially glorified you with many miracles, so that we all flow to you, praying for healing from bodily ailments, and more than spiritual ones, and we cry out to God with a loud voice: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having, as a valuable treasure, your multi-healing relics, we rejoice and, singing with love the grace of healing given to you from God, we gratefully call:

Rejoice, warm intercession of us to God; Rejoice, you who imputed Hellenic wisdom to nothing.

Rejoice, O all-luminous lamp of Rome; Rejoice, enlighteners of darkened countries.

Rejoice, courage and patience of the mentor; Rejoice, for having suffered the stone beating of an innocent person, you have naturally received a martyr's death.

Rejoice, you who suffered for the love of Christ, and receive us as partakers of heavenly blessings; Rejoice, servants of God, having received crowns of victory from the Lord Christ.

Rejoice, you who have shown a wondrous and beautiful image of humility and meekness to everyone; Rejoice, unshakable foundation of Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, bright glory to the passion-bearers; Rejoice, good healers, you received no bribe from anyone for your healings.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 4

The storm of the great rage of Tsar Karin cannot shake your soul, and when the faithful in a certain cave hid you from those who were looking for you, by the will of a warrior you appeared to nature, crying: Take us, for we are the ones you are looking for, but release the innocent ones. The same chains, which were formerly imposed, were taken to Rome. We, kissing your faith and faith, sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard people’s great love for the suffering and your wonderful healing, I rush to you from everywhere with faith in the healing grace of God acting in you; Accepting a quick healing, I glorify God, you, your merciful healers, greatness, chanting to the Lord:

Rejoice, the true God of the invincibility of the preacher; Rejoice, having taken up the weapon of the Cross of Christ victoriously.

Rejoice, blessed physician, quick helper to those who suffer; Rejoice, all who heal the weak and heal.

Rejoice, even now healing flowing abundantly; Rejoice, mercy is a comforter in the troubles and sorrows of those who exist.

Rejoice, you who protect us in all circumstances; Rejoice, saving charity for the helpless.

Rejoice, glorious adornment of the righteous; Rejoice, our intercession is strong.

Rejoice in diligently praying for us to God; Rejoice, to all who by faith call upon you, a speedy helper.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 5

You have truly walked the path of the godly, servants of Christ, when you were led to Rome in chains, you did not serve an idol; but you endured everything for Christ who loved you. Also marveling at your great patience and strong love for the Lord, together with you we sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

When the king saw that he was healed by the power of Christ, he gave praise to Him; We, glorifying God, please you, His glorious saints, crying out:

Rejoice, you who love those above above those below; Rejoice, you who are jealous of the angelic life on earth.

Rejoice, for having rejected polytheism, you did not naturally abandon your parental piety; Rejoice, for according to the word of the Lord, you have given all your possessions to the poor, so that you may receive Christ.

Rejoice, not just in words, but even more so in deeds and unceasing prayer to God, having taught others; Rejoice, you who are now an endless source of healings.

Rejoice in the outpouring of miracles given to you from God, enriching us; Rejoice, having prepared a temple for God in yourselves.

Rejoice, the poor will soon be heard; Rejoice, pleasant care for the sorrowful.

Rejoice, you known hope of unreliability; Rejoice, speedy healing for those who are sick.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 6

Preachers of the name of Christ were in your belly, and now you testify to His power with miracles emanating from your icon, and sometimes you did not despise the faith of a certain woman, but appearing to her in a dream, they gave relief to nature; You will hear our prayers and singing voices, about the holiness of the unmercenary! Listen to the faith and love of your people and grant us protection from above, those who praise you and sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Your righteousness shines like a light, when it is reproached at the king’s court, you boldly say to him: we do not cure illnesses by magic tricks, but by the power of our Savior Jesus Christ, as He commanded, saying: Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, eat tuna, give tuna. While we marvel at your boldness, we gratify you with these:

Rejoice, you who have shown us an image of steadfastness and faith; Rejoice, you who ever enjoy the joys of heaven.

Rejoice, sowers of piety in wisdom; Rejoice, glorious preacher of Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, teacher, who teach to Heaven; Rejoice, guardian of a pure and immaculate life, vigilant.

Rejoice, warm obedience of those who pray to you; Rejoice, graceful and faithful guide to salvation.

Rejoice, for those who desire the blasphemy of a mentor may live piously and godly; Rejoice, intercessors of good to all who honor your memory.

Rejoice, you who have ended your good course; Rejoice, you who have received crowns of righteousness from the Lord Christ.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 7

Wanting to reveal the power of Christ to the evil king, be filled with the Holy Spirit and say: be put to shame, O Karina, and with your gods! And his face changed, and his neck turned away, and prayed to you, saying: Behold, now I see that you are a servant of the True God. I pray to you, that as you have healed others, heal me too, and together with you I will sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Wonderful prayer books for us, the healing of our souls and bodies and intercessors of eternal salvation, with a grateful heart singing a song of praise to God, who has given us such great miracle workers, we bring you the following praises:

Rejoice, having surprised the Angels with your patience; Rejoice, having enlightened everything with the divine radiance of your miracles.

Rejoice, speedy physician from all illnesses and gratuitousness; Rejoice, through your intercession the weakened are healed.

Rejoice, you who rise to health from incurable diseases; Rejoice, having accomplished the earthly feat of your life worthily.

Rejoice for us, naked of good deeds, ever presenting ourselves to God; Rejoice, for with the radiance of wisdom given to you by the Lord, you enlighten all the faithful.

Rejoice, prayer books for us and our intercessors; Rejoice, dear passion-bearers of Christ.

Rejoice, having sanctified the land with your blood; Rejoice, you who have exposed the idolatrous madness.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 8

Having seen your strange worldly life, let us also withdraw from this vanity and, turning our minds to heaven, we will cry out to you, saints without money: quench your illnesses, exuding grace-filled healing to everyone, zealously for your help to those who flow and cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Having fulfilled your entire life on earth with love for God and for your neighbors, the holy unmercenary Cosmo and Damian, speedy and now helpers, appear to everyone who calls you with faith; Not only do your relics flow close to those who flow to your saints, but you also exude healing to those who exist far away. We also bring you these praises:

Rejoice, O One God, glorified in the Trinity, having served faithfully; Rejoice, you who wisely chose the only hedgehog for your needs.

Rejoice, for in tireless labor and struggle your days and nights passed naturally without any despondency; Rejoice, for through your cramped and sorrowful life you have multiplied the glory of God in mankind.

Rejoice, good followers of Christ; Rejoice, for the teachers and creators of Christ’s commandments have appeared to nature.

Rejoice, for the names of the great ones in the Kingdom of Heaven were quickly named; Rejoice, having illuminated the whole world with the glory of Christ.

Rejoice, for through your suffering you have received dispassion by nature; Rejoice, for through martyrdom you have acquired immortality in nature.

Rejoice, like Angels, glorified in heaven and on earth; Rejoice, for you are now to be crowned with God.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 9

Every human nature was amazed at the radiance of the grace of God in you, Saints Cosmo and Damian, when the wicked king Karin, having seen the miracles performed by you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, believed and glorified God. In the same way, we, who gave you glorious strength, sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The multi-prophecy of Vitiya is perplexed enough to depict the abundance of your love, which was quickly filled with it, holy saints, to people in the Lord. For this reason, from the depths of our hearts we cry to you:

Rejoice in your Lord even to the point of death; Rejoice, you who have been ignited by the fire of God’s love, who have extinguished the fire of the idolatrous sacrifices.

Rejoice, having loved your neighbor more than yourself; Rejoice, for the sick and sick were visited by nature.

Rejoice, having anticipated the needs of the poor; Rejoice, consolation of the sad.

Rejoice, desperate intercessors; Rejoice, nourisher of the orphans.

Rejoice, dear helper to the suffering; Rejoice, liberators of the oppressed.

Rejoice, for having finished the good course, you have ascended to Christ; Rejoice, for you are established in His Kingdom.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 10

May the Lord show us, you, your miracle workers, that we may save many; Who will not please you, for you not only heal people from their illnesses, but also have mercy on cattle? Do not reject our prayers either, but pour out your endlessly great and rich mercies on all of us, and let us cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The walls are natural to all who praise your miracles, O mercenaries, and to those who resort to your intercession; walls and walls of nature, protecting you from all troubles diligently to help you who call upon you. Likewise, protect us from poverty, adversity, illness and sorrow, we pray and cry out to you with warmth:

Rejoice, you who have surpassed the strength of the adamants in patience; Rejoice, those who suffered innocently from the envy of the money-lover.

Rejoice, glorious intercessor in troubles; Rejoice, strengthening the weak and offended.

Rejoice, strong defenders in adversity; Rejoice, enricher of the poor and the poor with all-bounty.

Rejoice, feeders of those who hunger for mercy; Rejoice, for diseases and serious ailments of those possessed by wisdom are healed.

Rejoice, protective warmth flowing to you with faith from all sorrowful circumstances; Rejoice, for your memory is glorified by everyone on earth.

Rejoice, for your names are written in Heaven; Rejoice, for you are glorified by God.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 11

The all-contrite singing that we now offer is not enough to praise your glorious exploits and labors, which you naturally lifted up in your belly for Christ’s sake; In both cases, we boldly ask that you accept our earnest prayer, and deliver us from troubles with your prayers, so that with a tender heart we may sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

A luminous and heavenly mind was sometimes revealed to nature before Karin, exposing his delusion; Now, through the incorruption of your relics and many miracles, you affirm Orthodoxy. We also gratefully call:

Rejoice, you who boldly preached the Hypostatic Word; Rejoice, having abolished the power of idols in a kind and victorious manner.

Rejoice, for you have put an end to the service of the demon; Rejoice, for you have preached the worship of Christ.

Rejoice, teacher of wisdom; Rejoice, non-lazy performer of all virtues.

Rejoice, for through the labors of earth you rejoice in the villages of heaven; Rejoice, for even after your death you did not leave us.

Rejoice, for you are giving quick help to everyone who calls you with faith; Rejoice, holy doctors, for you heal our illnesses.

Rejoice, you who do not deny the prayers of the faithful; Rejoice, you who intercede for us unworthy at the Throne of God.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 12

The grace that the Lord God has given to you, to heal all mental and physical ailments, today gather us together, let us honor your memory, saints without silver Cosmo and Damian, reverently looking at your honorable icon and falling to it with tenderness of heart, we pray that we all be delivered from all evils and diseases, let us all sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your miracles, we praise your labors and exploits, we honor your martyrdom, we honor your intercession and strong intercession for all who require your help; We magnify God, the giver of all blessings, who has given us so many wonderful prayer books, and with tenderness we call:

Rejoice, you who preached the Lord Jesus faithfully; Rejoice, the truth of His goodness is a witness.

Rejoice, His representatives warmly for us at the Throne; Rejoice, physician of our compassionate bodies.

Rejoice, O Kingdom of Heaven and eternal good heirs; Rejoice, all our hope is in God.

Rejoice, you who exude fragrant healing myrrh; Rejoice, you who overcome the stench of passions with your prayers.

Rejoice, source of healings and miracles; Rejoice, light-bearing pillars of the church and taken away by the immovable.

Rejoice, grapes of the true divine vine; Rejoice, light-shaped duo of wise, unmercenary ones.

Rejoice, Cosmo and Damiana, holy, unmercenary and glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 13

For the wonder of the unmercenary, miracle workers, healing and glory of the saints of God, Cosmo and Damian, accept this prayer of ours, offered from a contrite heart; heal our manifold ailments and with your warm intercession ask us from Christ God for deliverance from all troubles and misfortunes, forgiveness of our sins and the good hope of eternal salvation, so that we may be worthy with you and with all the saints to sing to God our Savior forever and ever: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “To the Angelic Residence...” and the 1st kontakion “The Chosen Wonderworkers...”.

First prayer

Wonderworkers of glory, physicians of mercilessness, Cosmo and Damian! From your youth you have loved Christ God and kept His commandments with all your heart, even if you have given yourself medical teachings, but virtuous ones for the sake of living and purity of soul, by the power of Christ God, not only the art of healing, but moreover the inexhaustible grace of healing all sorts of ailments, you have received from God by nature. Because of your love and mercy for those who struggle with illnesses, you give healing of illnesses not only to people, but also to cattle, you fill the whole world with your countless miracles, and not only do you heal bodily ailments, but you also enlighten souls with the faith of Christ, strengthen them in the patience of illnesses, and strengthen them in serious illnesses. By correcting your life you admonish people and draw them to Christ through repentance. In the same way, now you will soon hear us, who come to you before your honorable icon, young children, asking for your help in the teaching of books, instruct us with your prayers, so that your life will be zealous, not just earthly teaching, but rather in piety and right faith. will succeed. To those who are lying on their sick beds, desperate for human help, but to those who come running to you with warmth with faith and fervent prayer, grant healing of illnesses through your merciful, miraculous visit. Many times in illness and from severe ailments you fall into despondency, cowardice and murmuring, with the grace given to you from God in patience, confirm and instruct, so that they understand God’s holy and good will for them and betray the will of Christ God to themselves and their lives. Those who are ill, but not concerned about correcting their lives, those who do not repent of their sins, those who are hardened in heart, crush them for salvation and call to repentance, so that those who are weak in body, may remain healthy in soul, and become partakers of God’s saving grace. Save the brethren of this holy temple, entrusted to your holy intercession by God, and all those who diligently come running to you unharmed from long illness, from severe and incurable diseases, from weakening of the body, from frenzy of mind, from deadly ulcers, from sudden death, and through your omnipotent intercession to Keep to God those who are firm in the right faith, who advance in piety, who are zealous in good deeds, who are diligent in prayer to God, so that together with you in the future, they will ever be worthy to chant and glorify the all-holy and magnificent name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. . Amen.

Second prayer

To you, saints without money and miracle workers Cosmo and Damiana, as to a quick helper and a warm prayer book for our salvation, we, unworthy, bend our knees, and, falling down, earnestly cry out: do not despise the prayers of us, sinners, weak, fallen into many iniquities and all the days and hours of those who sin. Pray to the Lord to add to us, His unworthy servants, His great and rich mercy; deliver us from all sorrow and illness, for you have naturally received from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the inexhaustible grace of healing, for the sake of firm faith, free healing and your martyrdom. Hear us praying, and through your favorable intercession, ask Christ our God for victory and victory over our enemies. Again, we fall, we diligently pray: ask us from the Lord for all that is beneficial, even in our temporary life, especially serving for eternal salvation, so that through your prayers we may be worthy to achieve a Christian death, painless, shameless, peaceful, and may we get rid of the wiles of the devil and eternal torment , we will be heirs to the endless and blessed Kingdom of Heaven. She, saints of God, do not stop praying for us, who flow to you with faith. If, because of the multitude of our sins, we are not worthy of your mercy, yet you, faithful imitators of God’s love for mankind, will create, so that we may bear fruits worthy of repentance and reach eternal rest, praising and blessing the wondrous Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ in His saints, and His Most Pure Mother, and your warm intercession, always, now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.