How and with what to clean plastic windows from dirt? How to wash windows? How to wash plastic frames and glass from stains without streaks at home, how to quickly clean a window sill from dirt How to wash window glass

Modern plastic ones are superior to their wooden predecessors in many respects, but require no less careful care. Street dust, stains from rain on the glass and from watering flowers on the window sills, stains from hands, traces of renovations that took place in the apartment and the process of installing euro-windows - these are just some of the possible contaminants that every person who keeps order has to deal with from time to time.

It seemed like what’s so difficult about washing a window? But, surprisingly, not everyone succeeds in doing this well the first time. Meanwhile, the secret to success is simple - following the window cleaning logic and using properly selected cleaning products.

“General cleaning” of windows includes processing of the plastic frame(s), double-glazed windows, window fittings and window sill.

Washing frames

To properly wash frames, it is important to follow the correct sequence of processing.

If you need to wash a newly installed window, you must remove the protective film. After all, under the influence of the sun, the film fuses with the plastic over time, and the chances of removing it without leaving damage are reduced to zero.

The frames are cleaned of most dust and dirt with simple soapy water. If this is not enough, an additional cleaning agent is used depending on the type of contamination. The latter then needs to be washed off thoroughly.

If there are shallow scratches on the surface of the profile, they are removed using polish.

In an effort to return plastic frames to their former purity, many housewives achieve the exact opposite results. When starting cleaning, it is important to remember that plastic does not withstand every cleaner.

What substances cannot be used when processing PVC frames?

  • Powdered products. They leave small scratches on the surface of the plastic, which spoil the appearance and contribute to faster contamination of the PVC structure in the future.
  • Acids and solvents. Cleaning products containing these substances should be used with caution, as they can destroy the protective layer of plastic and change its color.

What to buy at the store for cleaning?

Today you cannot find a store whose windows are not full of a variety of window cleaning products. The following store-bought cleaning products are currently in great demand:

  1. 1 Gel “Domestos”. It was originally developed for use in bathrooms and toilets, but due to its whiteness restoration effect it was also used in washing plastic window frames.
  2. 2 Cleaning liquid “Mr. Proper." Used for washing frames, slopes and window sills either diluted in water or applied to a sponge in pure form. It copes well with dust, handprints, traces of soot and grease.
  3. 3 Pemolux cleaning cream. The active ingredient of the cream is soda, so the product is quite safe to use. The product is recommended for cleaning plastic surfaces from stubborn dirt and marks from flower pots.
  4. 4 Gel “Comet”. Allows you to eliminate grease stains on the frames and window sills of kitchen windows. It removes both fresh and stubborn stains equally well. Used diluted in a ratio of 60 ml of product per 5 liters of water.
  5. 5 Cleaning cream “Mr Muscle”. It will return the plastic's whiteness and eliminate traces of dried water. To achieve a better result, a few drops of the product are evenly distributed over the surface to be cleaned, left for 2-3 minutes and then washed off with the soft side of the sponge.
  6. 6 The traditional option is to use regular washing powder, laundry soap and dishwashing detergent. But they are only suitable for removing fresh dirt and on a small area.

Folk remedies

Following the fashion for everything natural, some housewives deliberately refuse chemical compounds, preferring homemade recipes for cleanliness. So, how can you clean plastic windows in this case?

  • Tooth powder and chalk. The required amount is diluted with water to obtain a liquid paste, then applied to the contaminated area. After the composition has dried, wipe the surface with a dry cloth.
  • Vinegar combined with baking soda helps remove old stains from plastic. To do this, sprinkle the stubborn stain with baking soda and rub it with a cloth or sponge soaked in vinegar.

Using both store-bought and home remedies, you can easily and quickly deal with the usual dirt and dust that accumulates on frames. But sometimes the pollution is of a different nature, and to eliminate it, a different approach is required.

Removing tape marks

People often resort to his help when decorating windows during the holidays. And then they puzzle over how to get rid of the remaining sticky marks, on which dust will soon accumulate. And how to wash tape from a plastic window? Removing such contaminants is a difficult but feasible task. Can be used:

  1. 1 Scotch tape You need to glue a fresh piece of tape to the sticky mark and remove it with a sharp movement. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  2. 2 Vegetable oil. Any oil at hand - sunflower, olive, aroma oil - is applied to the contaminated surface with a sponge and left for 10 minutes. After this, the softened particles of tape are removed with a paper towel.
  3. 3 Alcohol. With a cotton swab moistened with medical alcohol, ammonia or vodka, wipe the sticky mark until it completely disappears.
  4. 4 Eraser. With its help, you can remove small fresh traces of tape, erasing them like a pencil from paper.
  • Removing traces of paint

A random guest who settles on window plastic can become paint. This is a fairly common type of pollution, which can be dealt with in several ways. How to remove paint from plastic windows? Options:

  1. 1 Silicate glue. Suitable for removing small drops of paint. To do this, apply a little glue to the paint and leave until completely dry. As the glue dries, it will begin to warp and, shrinking, will pull paint particles with it.
  2. 2 Nail polish remover without acetone. Apply a cotton pad moistened with it to the paint stain for a short time, then remove it and wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

Cleaning from polyurethane foam

The window installation process requires specialists who can do their work not only efficiently, but also accurately. Unfortunately, craftsmen tend to be careless when working with polyurethane foam. Excess foam can “crawl” onto plastic frames and drop onto the glass and window sill. How and with what help are traces of polyurethane foam removed?

If the foam is fresh, use a plastic or rubberized scraper to remove as much of it as possible. Some of the remaining contamination is then removed with a cloth soaked in Cosmofen, an industrial solvent that is harmless to plastic and glass products.

If the foam has already hardened, the medical preparation “Dimexide” is used to remove it. It is applied to the stain, left for 3-5 minutes, then gently cleaned off with a washcloth or the hard side of a sponge. Upon completion of work, wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in water.

A specially designed solvent, SOL OFF Delicat Barton"S, which is harmless to plastic, clothing and hand skin, will help to effectively clean a large area with old traces of polyurethane foam.

  • We remove soot and smog

A busy road outside the window, smoking factories, cooking, smoking - all this leaves its traces on the window frames in the form of gray-yellow smudges and stains. Fortunately, fighting soot and smog is quite easy and inexpensive. How to clean plastic windows from dirt? It is enough just to wipe the plastic with a solution of baking soda or soapy water from time to time.

  • We remove “construction” pollution

After renovations have been carried out in an apartment, you can sometimes find the annoying consequences of construction work on the windows - splashes of cement and plaster, traces of wallpaper paste and other pollutants. Most of them are easily washed off with the usual warm soapy solution. Plaster and cement that have firmly adhered to the plastic can be pre-soaked with vinegar.

We process glass

When the frames are in order, it’s time to clean the main part of the window - the glass. How and with what to wash the double-glazed windows themselves?

For cleaning, it is better to choose morning or evening hours, when the sun is not yet so active. This will help prevent water and cleaning products from drying quickly on the glass, causing iridescent spots and streaks that will then be difficult to get rid of.

At the next stage, water and clean rags are prepared: cotton cloth, microfiber cloths, dishwashing sponges. If desired, you can use a special window mop that allows you to reach the farthest corners.

Moving directly to washing, the main dirt and dust are first removed with clean water, then the double-glazed window is treated with a specialized cleaning agent - “Secunda”, “Mr Muscle”, “Chirton”, etc. Finally, the glass is checked for streaks and smudges and rubbed to a shine.

It is important to remember that it is better to wash glass from top to bottom, in horizontal or vertical lines, but strictly in one direction - to avoid streaks.

Instead of chemical sprays, if desired, as in the case of a plastic frame, you can use folk remedies. So, adding starch, crushed chalk and vodka to the water will help quickly clean the dirt accumulated over the winter, ammonia will get rid of greasy splashes, and half a head of onion will do an excellent job of removing traces of flies on the glass. And, of course, good old crumpled newspaper. No worse than the chemicals offered in stores, it will give the window a dazzling shine and eliminate stains.

We tidy up window and window sill fittings

Window fittings also need to be given attention.
In order to prevent rubber seals from drying out, they should be treated with silicone grease twice a year. Metal fasteners should be lubricated with machine oil after each cleaning.

In order for the window opening handle to work for a long time and properly, its mechanism is treated with a special lubricant or machine oil and the handle is moved to the “open/closed” position several times to evenly distribute the composition throughout the mechanism.

The window sill is another important part of the window. Dust settles here, pets leave traces of their paws, and indoor plants leave annoying stains from careless watering. Therefore, when cleaning the window, the window sill also needs to be properly and thoroughly cleaned of dirt. How and with what to clean the window sill of a plastic window?

Stages of washing a window sill:

  1. 1 The window sill is wiped with a dry and then a damp cloth to remove accumulated dust, and the voids hidden by the side plugs are cleaned.
  2. 2 If dirt remains, apply the appropriate type of cleaning agent to it.
  3. 3 Finally, the window sill is washed with a damp cloth and wiped dry.
  4. 4 To remove dirt from the window sill, the same cleaning agents can be used as in the case of plastic window frames.

General window cleaning is complete. Just as eyes are called the mirror of the soul, windows are the eyes of an apartment. Now they will look at the world, shining with brilliance and purity, allowing every ray of the sun to penetrate every corner of the house.


It is believed that plastic windows only need to be washed a couple of times a year. In order not to damage the frames and glass, you need to be careful when choosing cleaning products and know what is better and how to properly wash plastic windows.

In this article we will look at the issue of window cleaning.

The main mistakes when caring for plastic windows

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the main mistakes when caring for PVC windows.

Typically errors are associated with the use of:

Plastic windows cannot be washed with hard sponges, otherwise you will end up with patterned glass instead of smooth.

1. Aggressive cleaning agents. They must be free of abrasives, for example, do not use Pemolux cleaning powder, which can leave scratches on fragile glass and plastic profiles.

Also, do not use gasoline, alcohol or acidic solvents to clean windows. Otherwise, your windows will soon turn yellow.

2. Hard sponges with abrasives to avoid numerous scratches on the plastic window.

3. Sharp objects when scraping dirt from the window - no knives, chisels or screwdrivers, unless you want to get scratches on both the frame and the glass.

Observe precautions when washing plastic windows. There are several of them:

When you wash a window, lean on something “reliable” - a windowsill or your husband

1. Do not lean too far out of the window or protrude onto the outside of the window sill.

2. Ask to hold you for safety when you wash the window from the outside

3. Choose a stable surface as an approach to the window.

There are several effective ways to quickly and correctly wash plastic windows without streaks and stains with your own hands.

The first way to care for a plastic window

Cleaning a plastic window using a special spray, a soft cloth and paper.

This method is useful for those who have small and slightly dirty plastic windows.

To better clean plastic windows, you will need: soft cotton cloth or sponge, window care spray (with spray nozzle), newspaper or paper, bucket or basin (for water), household gloves.

The instructions are as follows:

If the windows are not high, they are washed with a soft cloth

1. Put on gloves and fill any container with some warm water and soak a soft cloth in it (to avoid scratches on the window) or sponge. Squeeze it harder so that water does not drip from the cloth, but the latter is damp.

2. Wipe off dust and dirt from the window frame.

3. Using a zigzag motion, spread the windshield wiper over the entire window. First, wash the plastic windows outside, and then inside the apartment.

4. Take a clean cotton cloth or sponge and proceed directly to washing the plastic window. Wipe in a circular motion.

5. To make the window shine, wipe it with newspaper or paper, i.e. polish it properly.

If you want to know why plastic windows turn yellow and how to avoid it,...

The second way to care for a plastic window

It is better to wash the plastic window using a special solution and a special screed with a sponge on a long handle (25-30 cm). This is much more convenient, especially if your windows are high above the floor.

And you can wash tall windows, or windows from the outside, with a screed and sponge

1. Prepare a cleaning solution. Eat Several options for making a cleaning product:

  • per liter of water 1 tbsp. spoon of starch
  • 1 cup vinegar per liter of water
  • per liter of water 1 tbsp. spoon of ammonia
  • per liter of water 50 g of bleach
  • for 2 liters 1 tbsp. spoon of ammonia

Or purchase a special non-abrasive window cleaner. For example, "Aos", "Mr. Muscle" or "Ajax". You need to place 7 drops of this product into a bucket of warm water (2 liters).

2. Dip a sponge into the prepared solution. Squeeze well. So that there are no divorces left.

To remove water from the glass, the rubber end of the tie with a sponge is moved along it along or across it - whichever is more convenient.

3. First wash the plastic window frame outside, then inside. Gently wipe all corners and edges of the window from dust and dirt.

4. Change the water to clean, warm water and dip the screed and sponge into it.

5. Pass the sponge and then the tie (rubber edge) along the entire height of the plastic window, i.e. from top to bottom, without touching the bottom - about 2-5 cm. Periodically dip the sponge in water.

Wipe the rubber edges of the screed every time after the next pass on the glass so that there are no streaks on the window.

6. After making sure that the windows are clean, wipe the screed with a dry cloth. Using movements from left to right along the glass, remove water from the lower edges of the window.

7. Wipe hard-to-reach places (edges, corners) and the sill of a plastic window with a clean cloth or paper towels.

Wipe the windows with a cloth made of artificial suede or microfiber. It won't leave any lint behind.

How and with what to clean windows from tape

You can remove pieces of tape from the surface of a plastic window in several ways:

Using tape

Glue a piece of new tape to the marks of the old one.

Then sharply tear off this piece. If you can’t immediately remove the remnants of the old tape, repeat this procedure several times.

Use of oil

Tape marks can be removed with regular sunflower oil.

Both tea and citrus tree oils, as well as mint, sunflower and vegetable oils, are suitable.

  1. Drop oil (vegetable or sunflower) onto a sponge and apply it to the part of the window where traces of the tape remain. Leave for 10 minutes: the glue will become saturated with oil and swell.
  2. Wipe the window with a clean, soft cloth.

Using rubbing alcohol

Apply a cotton swab soaked in alcohol to the areas covered with tape. But first apply this solution on a small area. Because different types of plastic can react differently to such exposure.

To make the window shine... and not break

Cleaning the glass outside and inside is sometimes not enough. So that it looks like new and works like a charm, do the following:

A little alcohol won't hurt your glass.

1. For durability, wipe them with a solution of 30 g of water, a couple of drops of ammonia, 70 g of glycerin.

2. Rub the glass with a solution (1 teaspoon of copper sulfate per liter of water) so that they have an attractive greenish tint. Or use dry ultramarine to make the window blue.

3. If a small crack appears on the glass, cover it with colorless varnish. She won't bother you for a long time.

4. Treat glass with vinegar to get rid of annoying flies.

5. Do not forget to lubricate the fittings (moving parts of the window) with machine oil twice a year.

Consumer opinions: the best way to wash plastic windows

On the “Everything for the Home” website, user Vera shares: “Soap solution is an excellent tool for easily and quickly washing plastic windows from dust and dirt.”

Many people still wash their windows with regular soapy water.

Indeed, this is the way out. But for more effective cleaning, experts recommend a glass cleaner. Your windows will remain sparkling clean for several months.

On the Sibmama forum, user Lorochka advises: “Under no circumstances scrub stains on them with acetone or another solvent.”

On the same forum, user Lenochka writes that “traces of adhesive tape can be removed using a scraper for glass ceramics.”

This is true, but it is very difficult to clean windows from tape in this way without scratching them.

On the say7 forum, user Svetochka advises what and how best to wash plastic windows from yellow stains: “You need to take a damp sponge and a pinch of baking soda. Rub a little and dry with a paper towel.”

Indeed, soda can help combat the yellowing of plastic windows.

Good afternoon everyone! My wife's younger sister has her first real anniversary - 20 years old. We decided to give her a beautiful flower in a pot.

We went to pick him up at our largest plant store. It has a transparent roof structure made of slanted windows.

This is so that the flowers get as much sun as possible; in our not particularly sunny area, this is a good solution.

But who would have thought that the staff doesn’t know how to wash windows at all. They ruined all the beauty with their stains. Find out below what is the best way to wash windows without streaks.

Once upon a time, before modern products were invented, cleaning windows was not considered a problem.

People used ordinary vinegar, water and a rag - and in a matter of minutes they could admire their home street through a sparkling clean window. The speed in this matter also depends on the availability of skills and experience.

Nowadays, store shelves are filled with cleaning products for a specific purpose. Advertising billboards and posters with these products filled busy highways and television.

And, interestingly, the “secret” element in detergents is ordinary vinegar. In the 21st century, people have become accustomed to the modern lifestyle, although it is becoming more complex.

Some people are used to thinking: why do you need to cut garlic with a knife if more than 40 devices have appeared for this, or why clean it with an ordinary rag when special napkins have been invented? But wouldn't it be better to use cheap and effective window cleaning products? The effect is the same.

Methods for washing windows:

1 way

Before you get down to business, you need to take a cotton swab, toothpick, sponge, napkin, linen rag, warm water, vinegar. We clean all openings with a toothpick and a stick to remove dirt. We wash the window frames with a sponge soaked in warm soapy water and wipe with a dry cloth.

Then pour clean water into a bucket (calculating 1 liter of water + 2 tablespoons of vinegar). We wash the glass with a wet linen rag and, therefore, with a dry one or a sheet of magazine. All! The windows shine and shine!

Method 2

Another way to quickly clean a window. You should prepare a solution: 2 tbsp. l. starch, a little blue, 100 ml of ammonia, 100 ml of white vinegar, 4 liters of lukewarm water. Pour into a spray bottle and spray onto the glass, rinse with water and wipe with a paper towel.

3 way

Another good way is to clean windows with a chalk solution. After drying, wipe with a clean cloth.

4 way

Housewives will be impressed by the harvesting method - potatoes. We wipe the glass with half of it, rinse it with water and wipe it with a napkin.

5 way

If someone wants to do this job even faster, then you can purchase a magnetic brush and the window will be transparent in 4 minutes! So, we make a soap solution and spray it on the glass.

Now we fix the double-sided brush in any corner and move along the path so that the water flows in the desired direction (left, right and vice versa). Wash it a second time with a brush and clean water. We remove the magnetic “assistant”. Wipe the corners with a dry cloth.

6 way

And yet, some housewives use modern napkins made of ultra-fine fibers, which leave no streaks, leave no scratches, and even wipe away fingerprints. Simply moisten it with water and wash the window. The unusual microfiber fabric has a high ability to absorb moisture. Wipe a second time with a strongly wrung-out cloth.

7 way

The window washer with a scraper and a squeegee became famous. This special squeegee is designed for regular and tall windows. Use a scraper to remove dirt, and use a rubber squeegee to wash off all remaining dirty water. And no unpleasant marks or drips.

8 way

For those who do not have such devices, there is a simple mop, on which we wrap a rag and wash the outer window with water and vinegar, then wipe it.

9 way

An interesting way to clean windows can be done using car windshield wipers.

  • Clear the windows of all unnecessary things.
  • When washing frames, do not use soda - it destroys the structure and corrodes the paint.
  • It is advisable to wash windows not in hot or windy weather, otherwise there will be stains.
  • To prevent condensation from collecting on the windows, you can wipe with glycerin and alcohol (1:10). And, of course, regularly ventilate the room so that there is normal humidity in the house.
  • In winter, we wipe frozen glass with salt water. In addition, this solution will add shine to the glass.
  • Start washing from the inside, then the outside.
  • At the end of the work, it is better to wipe vertically and then horizontally to avoid streaks.
  • Do not allow the windowsill to get wet. By following these rules, your windows will last longer. Although such work
  • occurs twice a year, but from time to time you need to wipe the frames and glass dry from water and dust.

As you can see, you can adapt and clean your apartment without extra costs or harm to your health.

The consequences of frequent use of modern detergents may be irreversible. Many people have an allergic reaction to rapidly evaporating substances that are part of window cleaning products, for example.


Also, the use of household chemicals deteriorates the window profile and rubber bands for sealing. Therefore, let’s try the simplest homemade remedies that were described above.

They do not cause allergies, have no pungent odor and are effective. It is important to look for low-toxicity and eco-friendly window cleaning products.

No matter how long the world exists, there will always be people who have innovative abilities. They come up with all the best methods for cleaning the house. Many people ask themselves: “Well, what else can you come up with, there are already a lot of different means.”

And yet, over time, something new, interesting and productive appears. From time immemorial, inquisitive women have been in search of useful advice for their home and soul. And many will agree that the amount of necessary information is now incredible.

Thanks to the Internet, libraries of businesswomen can be called “living encyclopedias.” They can easily answer any question about cleaning the house, cleaning windows, etc.

A real wise woman takes care of her reputation, so she monitors order and cleanliness. It is true what they say that windows are the “eyes” of an apartment. But this hard work can be fun if you organize window cleaning with the whole family.

This will significantly speed up and facilitate the work. In addition, such joint activities strengthen the family. The benefit of cleaning the house and cleaning the windows is that a person will receive a positive charge of energy from the result of his labors.

With the onset of autumn cold or the first warm spring days, many housewives remember that it is time to wash the windows.

Cloudy glass, covered with a layer of dust and splashed with rain or snow, looks depressing.

This means it’s time to get down to business and thoroughly wash the windows, then the world outside the window will be transformed and appear before you in completely different colors - brighter, sunny and joyful.

The main question that worries all housewives is how to wash windows without streaks. I want the glass to sparkle clean, be perfectly transparent and shiny.

Today there are many window cleaning products on sale, and there are also quite a few proven folk methods. However, some of them may leave streaks on the glass.

Let's look at how to properly wash windows so that there are no streaks on them:

  • It is best to wash windows in cloudy weather. Because in bright sunshine, detergents dry out very quickly and this causes stains and streaks to appear on the glass.
  • For washing, you can use regular soap solution. Prepare in advance two containers with clean and soapy water and two rags.
  • First, wash the windows with soapy water and then with clean water.
  • After this, wipe the glass with a clean, dry microfiber cloth. It absorbs water perfectly and does not leave streaks on the windows.
  • Finally, wipe the glass with regular newspaper; it will absorb all remaining moisture and give the glass a shine. This is an old proven method that guarantees your windows are streak-free.
  • And to give the windows a dazzling shine, at the end you can spray the newspaper with Secunda glass cleaner and wipe the windows again.

What will you need for washing?

  • Other folk remedies are also good for cleaning windows. For example, salted water with vinegar added or ammonia diluted in water. After using them, you also need to rinse the window with clean water, wipe with a dry cloth and rub with newspaper.
  • Industrial products also work well for cleaning windows. They usually contain the same alcohol. But is it worth overpaying if there is no difference? But such products will be good for washing plastic frames, but it is better to wash classic wooden frames with soap and water.
  • It is not recommended to use soda or washing powder; they clean glass well, but can cause yellowing of white frames and scratches.
  • For washing windows, you can also purchase special scrapers with rubberized and soft nozzles. It is better to move it horizontally so that the water flows to the side. Do not forget to rinse the scraper from dirt. However, many people prefer to use soft, lint-free cloths for washing.


Why do divorces persist?

You can quickly wash your kitchen windows without streaks using completely inexpensive and accessible products that every housewife can find.

In order for your windows to shine clean, you need to figure out why certain products leave streaks or lead to rapid clouding of the glass.

The sequence of actions to remove dirt and dust is not followed. Residues of detergent remain on the glass, which forms a cloudy film.

How to avoid divorces?

The procedure is very simple. First the frame is washed, and then the glass unit. In this case, there will be no annoying streaks in the corners. It is convenient to clean plastic windows at the junction of the sashes using toothpicks and cotton swabs. They get all the dirt out of the grooves.

Glass is washed according to the basic principle:

  • Soak the dirt.
  • Delete it.
  • Rinse off the detergent from the surface of the glass.
  • Wipe the window dry.
  • Polish the glass.

How is this actually done?

  1. By spraying detergent from a spray bottle, we soften droplets of grease and adherent dust. Use a scraper to remove particularly stubborn stains and drive the dirt down the window.
  2. Re-apply the detergent to the window and remove it with a napkin or rubber squeegee. It is important that the washcloth does not leave lint. Linen napkins, microfiber, and spandex are suitable for windows.
  3. We wipe the glass with clean water, removing the glass cleaner. To make the window shine, you can add vinegar or ammonia to the water. If you dilute a small amount of copper sulfate or blue in water, you will get a greenish or blue tint to the glass.
  4. On the street side, you can use an antistatic agent for the window. With it, dust will not stick to the window. Even if it lies on the frame, it will not stick to it. In this case, subsequent cleaning will be much faster and more enjoyable.
  5. We wipe the surface of the glass unit dry, often changing napkins. At this stage it is important that the surface is thoroughly cleaned.
  6. We polish dry glass with paper or unnecessary nylon tights.

Homemade glass cleaners

  • Vinegar water. Add 9% table vinegar to clean water at the rate of a couple of tablespoons for every liter of liquid.
  • Ammonia with starch. For 100 ml of pharmaceutical ammonia, take the same amount of vinegar, 4 liters of clean water and 30 mg of potato starch. If you want, you can add a little blue.
  • Ordinary ammonia. A solution is made at the rate of 15 mg of ammonia per 1 liter of water.
  • Soap solution. Used for washing frames. The grated bar of soap is stirred until completely dissolved with warm water.
  • Starch. A tablespoon of starch is added per liter of water.
  • Manganese. Dilute several crystals in water until light pink. Do not allow it to get on the frames.
  • Chalk. Mix a glass of water with three tablespoons of powdered chalk. Apply this paste to the glass and leave for a while. Then wipe with a dry cloth.

Stubborn greasy drops are easily dissolved with dishwashing detergent. A mixture of glycerin and alcohol 1 to 10 will prevent condensation from depositing on the windows during the cold season.

A weak solution of table salt will prevent icing of windows. However, it is worth considering the ability of salt crystals to accumulate moisture.

Helpful advice!

For particularly dirty windows, household chemicals may be required. When choosing a detergent, you need to pay attention to what type of frame it is suitable for. Can it be used on wooden or plastic surfaces, does it destroy the varnish coating, etc.

It happens that you need to tidy up the apartment you bought, where, it seems, you have never dealt with grease and dirt. In this case, you can turn to car glass and mirror cleaners.

They work great in road conditions and can help out in emergency situations. The main thing is to stock up on a good mood for the whole day, and any dirt will be defeated.


Necessary tools and tools

Necessary tools and tools

In autumn and spring, many housewives traditionally do general cleaning, which includes washing windows.

It would seem that the question “how to wash windows” has long lost its relevance, because there are so many effective and affordable products in stores.

However, quite often you can hear calls to abandon the almighty household chemicals in favor of more environmentally friendly home remedies.

After all, ready-made glass cleaners sometimes contain substances that are unsafe for health.

By the way, additional information on how to properly wash windows will not hurt you even if you are used to using ready-made products for this purpose. Sometimes, even after treatment with a special compound, unsightly stains remain on the glass.

But modern double-glazed windows in plastic frames are a completely separate issue. Not only special cleaners are produced for them, but also many auxiliary tools that facilitate the washing process and improve its quality.

It’s good when, at any time of the year, every window in an apartment or house sparkles with cleanliness. And, whatever the design of the window in the kitchen or bedroom, perfect cleanliness will be its best decoration.

  • Before washing windows, put on rubber household gloves so that intense contact with moisture and detergents does not cause damage to the skin of your hands.
  • It is better to choose microfiber or artificial suede cloths for washing window glass and plastic frames: they perfectly absorb moisture and dirt particles. But for washing wooden frames, a cotton rag is useful.
  • When washing windows, it is very convenient to use an accessory such as a water squeegee - it is used to remove excess detergent or water from the glass. They are equipped with rubber blades that glide well over the surface of the glass.
  • A holder with a coat for cleaning windows, a distant relative of the familiar mop, will also be useful. A soft, but moderately abrasive coat will easily remove old stains, bird droppings and other stubborn stains from glass.


  1. We pour clean water into the bucket, arm ourselves with a napkin and, squeezing it lightly, wipe the glass, removing the main accumulations of dirt and dust from them. You don't need detergents at this stage. Let the stains remain on the windows; you will deal with them a little later.
  2. We replace the dirty water in the bucket with clean water and now wash the window frame. If it is very dirty, you can add a little shampoo or dishwashing gel to the water - these products will not cause much harm to the wooden frames.
  3. A holder with a fur coat will help you deal with dirt much faster. Then we change the water again and thoroughly wipe the frames again to the last corner.
  4. Let's get back to the glass again. We apply a ready-made glass cleaner to them or treat them according to one of our “grandmother’s recipes” (see below). If we are dealing with a cleaner, we remove its residue with a screed, and then wipe the glass with a synthetic cloth.
  5. If we use “grandmother’s recipes,” then, if necessary (see the information published below), we wash them off with clean water and remove any remaining moisture with napkins.
  6. The finishing touch is to wipe the glass with crumpled old newspapers. There will be no trace left of stains, and the glass will begin to shine beautifully.

Grandma's recipes

Our grandmothers did not have any “Mister Muscles” or other miracle chemistry at their disposal, but they always washed windows perfectly and were known as exemplary housewives. Their recipes have survived to this day and will certainly appeal to those who are obsessed with saving money at home or eco-trends.

  1. When preparing for the final touch when washing windows, add a few drops of ammonia or vinegar essence to the water. This little trick allows you to give the glass a dazzling shine.
  2. By the way, ammonia is often included in industrial cleaners. In the same way, by the way, you can tidy up the mirror in the bathroom, which over time loses its natural shine.
  3. Dilute 200 g of tooth powder or crushed chalk in a bucket of water. The water should be cold. You don't need any additional detergents. Wash the windows with this water, then rinse with clean water, wipe dry and polish with newspaper.
  4. You can add bleach to the water at the rate of 50 g of lime per 1 liter of water. But this solution is only suitable for washing wooden windows.

It is not advisable to use it in the care of plastic windows, since yellowish stains may remain on the plastic frames, and it is difficult to remove them.

Whether a good housewife lives in a particular house or not is easy to find out. Just look at the windows and everything will become clear. An exemplary housewife will not allow them to be dusty and dirty. She will make every effort and make sure that they always shine with purity. But, unfortunately, sometimes stains remain on the windows. How to wash windows so that they are perfectly clean? Let's tell all the secrets right now.


After a long winter, all housewives think that it’s time to wash the windows. Some people get down to business right away, while others put off this difficult task until later. Be that as it may, sooner or later you will still have to wash the windows and return them to their shining appearance.

Any task that seems complicated can actually turn out to be simple. The main thing is to know exactly all the secrets, rules and follow them exactly.

To get started, prepare everything you need. You will need a large sponge. It should be of such a size that it fits comfortably in the palm of your hand. Choose a sponge that is dense and has a hard side. It will come in handy if there are stains on the windows. For example, dirt, traces of rain and “surprises” from birds.

In addition, you will need rags, preferably two. Give preference to those fabrics that will not leave lint on the glass after washing. Nowadays there is a large selection of rags in stores that are designed specifically for washing windows. But it is still recommended to give preference to a microfiber product.

In stores you can often find special brushes for cleaning windows. On one side they are equipped with a sponge, and on the other with a silicone scraper. This brush will also come in handy, especially when you need to wash windows on the street side, where it is not easy to reach.

You will also need a convenient container for water, such as a wide basin or bucket. Don't forget about newspapers. Yes, yes, don't be surprised! Despite the fact that it’s the twenty-first century outside and there are many window cleaning products available, newspapers will still come in handy.

Before you start washing, you should clean the window sill of everything unnecessary that might interfere. These include flower pots, vases and other small items that are usually found on window sills.

Types of pollution

In order to know exactly how best to clean your windows, you first need to decide on the type of contamination. If you just want to clean the glass from dirt and dust, you can easily do this using a regular window cleaner or just clean water.

If, after the repair, serious dirt remains, then stains of this type will not be easy to get rid of. In addition, it is difficult to get rid of stubborn stains and yellowness, which often spoil the perfect appearance of white frames.

If your house has wooden frames, then yellowed spots can be painted over. If you decide to paint wooden frames, be sure to remember that you need to do this as carefully as possible so that you don’t have to wash paint stains off the glass later. Before you start painting, be sure to use film to protect the glass.

In addition, after repair, especially if there was no protective film, the glass will also become contaminated. For example, primer or cement, which will also have to be cleaned from the surface of the glass.

By the way, in order for the windows to get less dirty and not fog up during the cold season, glycerin will help you, which after application forms an invisible film and thereby protects the glass.

What is better to use?

At home, you can clean apartment windows quickly and effectively using various means. You can buy special liquids in the store and use them, or you can use folk remedies that each of you has in your home.

Plastic windows are much easier to clean even from dirt after installation than a product with wooden frames. The white window sill also needs a special approach.

The choice of products and devices depends on the degree of contamination and which of these products ends up in your home. You can use vinegar, salt, starch, ammonia, chalk, commercial window cleaning spray or gel. Let's consider each of the options in more detail.


Each housewife chooses when and how often to wash her windows. Some people wipe the outside of their glass every month, while others decide to do this cleaning twice a year. Be that as it may, windows need to be washed so that the house is clean and bright.

Folk remedies are always good because they do not cause allergies, are safe and environmentally friendly. The means at hand, which are found in every kitchen and in every home medicine cabinet, make it easy to clean a dirty surface and give it a sparkle of cleanliness.

Surely there is a regular dining room in your home vinegar. Many are accustomed to eating dumplings with vinegar, and some use it as a detergent. In addition, you will need starch, which is often used in baking or as the main ingredient in making delicious homemade jelly.

Take a comfortable basin and pour a liter of water into it. Dissolve one tablespoon of starch in water. You can use both potato and corn starch. There is no fundamental difference in this.

After dissolving the starch, add table vinegar - 100 g, no more. Remember that this should not be a strong 70% essence, but the usual 9% that you eat. Next, you can add a teaspoon of regular medical alcohol.

Mix the mixture thoroughly. The product can be applied to the glass using a sponge or filled in a spray bottle, which will be much more practical. Do not forget that you should work only with gloves so as not to harm the skin of your hands.

This product does an excellent job not only of dust and dirt, but also easily removes other contaminants. The main secret of this product is that it contains starch, which, among other things, gives shine to the glass and does not leave streaks on the surface.

Another remedy can be easily prepared using the same table vinegar. Only this time it's even easier. All you need is vinegar (remember the percentages) and warm water. Add one tablespoon of vinegar to a glass of water. It is best to mix everything in a spray bottle, this will make it easier to apply the liquid to the glass. This simple product will help you clean the surface easily.

You can add a little (a couple of drops) to the same liquid. dishwashing detergents. This will help get rid of small spots of grease that appear on glass in the kitchen after cooking. Especially if your kitchen does not have a hood, then the windows probably need more thorough cleaning. This mixture will help get rid of grease stains and give the glass a shine of cleanliness.

Dining room vinegar combined with baking soda- This is perhaps the most traditional recipe for a homemade cleaning product, which is also suitable for windows. This product will not only help rid the glass of dust or dirt, it can also cope with serious stains. For example, this product perfectly removes traces of felt-tip pens or markers. To prepare the solution, take one and a half liters of warm water, add three tablespoons of vinegar and two to three teaspoons of regular baking soda.

If for some reason there is no vinegar in the house, then this is not a problem. There are many other means that can be used to easily clean glass. For example, vinegar can quite realistically be replaced with citric acid or fresh lemon juice.

For a glass of water you will need a tablespoon of powder citric acid. The water must be warm so that the citric acid crystals can completely dissolve. This product is perfect for both regular windows and double-glazed windows. Liquid with citric acid perfectly removes dirt, does not leave streaks, and after this the house will be filled with a pleasant, subtle aroma of lemon.

In addition, you can independently prepare a concentrate for future use, which can be stored for a long time and will do an excellent job of cleaning windows. For this you will need a glass jar. Next you will need peels from fresh lemons. Many housewives, after preparing baked goods, are left with peels with the peeled zest and squeezed out juice, which they simply throw away. It is from this that you can prepare a concentrate for cleaning windows.

So, there should be enough lemon peel to fill a half-liter jar by two-thirds. The remaining part of the free space in the jar must be filled with table vinegar. Then close the lid and put it in a dark place for a week, or even better, two. After which you will receive a fragrant concentrate that can be diluted in water and used as a glass cleaner.

By the way, this product can be used to wash not only windows, but also, for example, tiles in the kitchen or bathroom. This product does a great job of removing stains and smells nice. In addition, it is completely safe, unlike store-bought chemicals.

There is another remedy that our grandmothers actively used is ammonia. For a liter of warm water, add one tablespoon of ammonia. The only downside is that it all smells not very pleasant and pungent. Therefore, if you use this particular product, do not forget to immediately open the windows and thoroughly ventilate the room after the procedure.

With liquid soap or regular bar soap You can also make an excellent window cleaner. For half a liter of water you will need about one teaspoon of liquid soap. Shake the mixture thoroughly until foam forms, then you can begin cleaning and washing the contaminated surface.

If you decide to prepare a soap solution using bar soap, then first grate it so that it dissolves better and faster in water.


Despite the fact that everyone tries their best to protect windows during repairs, the glass still receives its share of contamination. Stains remain from paint, plaster, polyurethane foam, etc. It is, of course, not realistic to wash this with a damp sponge or rag. Moreover, traditional home or store-bought remedies are also unlikely to help you with this.

Under no circumstances should dirt be scraped off after repairs using a kitchen knife or a construction spatula. First, you could seriously injure yourself. Secondly, the surface of the glass will be damaged. That's why It is best to purchase a special scraper for glass. In any hardware store in your city, sellers will be happy to help you choose it. Believe me, you will still need it not only after repairs, so it would be very wise to purchase it.

Before you start cleaning windows after repairs, thoroughly clean the frames and window sills of fine dust, dirt and other particles. This can be done using a regular vacuum cleaner.

If you protected the glass with regular film during repairs, remove it before starting cleaning work. To make the film easier to remove, it should be slightly moistened with warm water.

Thoroughly moisten all dirt with a sponge. You may need to do this several times to get them thoroughly soaked. Then carefully remove the dirt using the scraper mentioned above. After all serious dirt has been removed, wash the windows using any method and means familiar to you.

Please note for the future that if during repairs any of the building mixtures get on the surface of the glass, frame or window sill, it is better to wipe it off immediately with a damp cloth. Then, after it has completely dried, you will have to make efforts to get rid of such strong stains.

It is especially important to immediately get rid of fragments of polyurethane foam, which dries quickly and sticks strongly to the surface.

  • stains from plaster and primer should be soaked with hot water and then removed with a scraper;
  • first, if possible, the polyurethane foam should be scraped off using a scraper, and only then soaked with warm water or a special product, for example, a solvent;

  • Paint stains can be easily “revitalized” with a regular hair dryer. Just heat the stain very much, the paint will gradually melt and it will be easy to wash off;
  • if there are small splashes of paint left on the glass, they can be easily removed using a cotton swab, a cotton pad and nail polish remover, which every fashionista has;
  • if masking or regular tape does not come off the surface of the glass, then thoroughly moisten it with water using a sponge;
  • If there are traces of tape left on the glass, they can be easily removed using a soap solution or nail polish remover.

Washing glass

Every housewife, in addition to wanting to clean the windows from dust and dirt, strives to ensure that there are no streaks left on the surface of the glass and that they shine in the sun.

Sometimes after thorough cleaning, it is noticeable that stains remain. This happens due to several factors:

  • If the detergent you apply dries quickly, for example, from the wind or hot sun, then streaks will certainly remain. Therefore, choose a non-windy day for washing. It's best to tackle this window early in the morning or evening when it's not too hot.

  • stains remain if you did not first clean the surface from a layer of dust, but began to wash it immediately with a detergent. Be sure to clean the glass from dust with a regular damp cloth, and only then wash it with any product.
  • If the rag becomes too dirty during the washing process, it can also cause streaks to appear on the glass. Apply the detergent with one rag, then remove any remaining detergent with another, clean rag, and dry the surface with a third. Then there will be no divorces left.

To avoid divorces, listen to the following tips:

  • First you need to wash the frame, and then the glass itself;
  • You need to wash the glass from top to bottom;
  • When wiping the surface of the glass and drying it, change the napkins more often;
  • The final step in window cleaning should be glass polishing. This can be done using the usual method that our mothers and grandmothers used, that is, using ordinary old newspapers or papers. Make sure that the newspaper paint is permanent, otherwise stains will remain;

  • It is best to polish glass with newspaper when it is slightly damp, then you are guaranteed that there will be no streaks or particles of lint left on the glass. As soon as the newspaper becomes damp, replace it with dry one;
  • old newspapers can be replaced with toilet paper or nylon tights;
  • to get rid of stains, even if the glass has already completely dried and you see streaks the next day, a cloth napkin will help. For example, it could be a waffle towel, which every housewife has in her closet, or a microfiber cloth. To remove streaks, you need to apply a little window cleaner directly to the cloth, not to the glass.

Cleaning the frame and window sill

Window frames also lose their ideal appearance over time. At high or sub-zero temperatures, the paint that covers the frames deteriorates. Plastic products also lose their appearance and yellow spots appear on their surface.

Before you start washing the frame and window sill, remember the following. Never use baking soda as a cleaner on wooden frames. This powder can only cause harm, as there is a high probability that the paint will be damaged. Soda easily removes dirt, but also the first layer of enamel. As a result, the frame will look shabby.

If you have wooden frames, it is best to clean them with a soapy solution. To do this, you will need a comfortable deep basin, warm water and soap. Of course, it is best to use liquid soap, since it does not need to be dissolved in water. It can be replaced with the gel you use to wash dishes.

After making a soap solution, simply soak a sponge in it and thoroughly rub the surface of the frame and window sill. Do not use hard sponges, otherwise the paint will be damaged, scratches will remain, or even the top layer will come off.

For a plastic frame, regular baking soda works great as it will quickly remove any dirt. The main thing is not to simply apply the powder itself to the surface, otherwise you risk leaving scratches on the frame. Dilute baking soda with a small amount of water. The result should be a homogeneous thick paste that can be applied to the surface with a sponge.

If your home has plastic double-glazed windows, then remember that the frames should not be cleaned with various powder products. They will only damage the surface of the frame and leave deep scratches on it.

If you decide to choose a purchased product, then pay attention to the fact that it should not contain a solvent or any acid. Such products effectively cope with dirt, but still spoil the surface. As a rule, after using such products, the plastic frame may even change its color - dark spots may appear on it that will not be removed. It is better to give preference to an alcohol-based product.

Also, the usual soap solution, which we discussed above, is perfect for plastic. Perhaps this is the most effective and harmless means for cleaning both wooden and plastic frames.

After you clean the surface of the window sill and frame, be sure to thoroughly rinse off the soapy solution and then dry. After washing, metal fittings should be treated with machine oil so that everything works properly.

If you have plastic double-glazed windows, then the rubber seal should be treated with a special silicone-based lubricant, which is sold in every hardware or hardware store.

The following folk remedy will help get rid of yellow spots on a plastic window sill. You will need rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and oxygen bleach. Mix everything in equal proportions and apply the product to problem areas, leaving for fifteen minutes. Then wash off. Powdered bleach, if you add a little peroxide to it, will also help get rid of yellowness.

Wash the frames and window sills first, and only then start cleaning the glass.

  • If you wash windows often and only need to clean the glass from dust, you can do this with water and starch. Just dilute a tablespoon of starch in half a liter of water. This product will help quickly refresh windows and give the glass shine;
  • If there is no starch in the house, then it can be replaced with chalk. The proportions and recommendations are the same as mentioned above. The effect will be just as amazing;
  • To get rid of small black dots that appear on glass from flies during the hot season, you will need regular onions. Cut the onion in half and rub the affected areas of the glass with the cut of the onion. See how the spots disappear right before your eyes;
  • If you have plastic double-glazed windows installed in your home, then you should not wash them with a saline solution, as is often recommended. Such a solution imperceptibly injures the plastic and the windows can be seriously damaged;

  • If a microfiber cloth becomes very dirty after cleaning, do not rush to throw it away. It can be washed with laundry soap or even in a machine. These wipes are quite durable;
  • If there are coffee or tea stains on a white plastic window sill, you can get rid of them using regular bleach. If the product is liquid, apply it directly to the stain. If it is a powder, then dilute it with water to a paste and boldly apply it to the stain. After 10-15 minutes it can be washed off;
  • A melamine sponge, which you can buy at any store or supermarket, can help remove various stains on the windowsill. It also helps get rid of marks left on the windowsill from flower pots.
  • Remember that stains on balcony glazing can only be removed in the warm season. In winter, at sub-zero temperatures, this will not give any result, but will only aggravate the problem. If the cause of contamination is traces of the vital activity of birds, then it would be correct to use a scraper to remove the main contamination, and with the onset of spring, completely clean the glass.

To learn how to wash windows without streaks, watch the following video.

The cleanliness of the windows is the face of the owner. It is quite natural that women want to achieve crystal sparkling glass. But sometimes it can be difficult to wash windows without streaks. Folk remedies, household chemicals and little secrets will help you achieve perfect cleanliness.

Key factors for glass contamination

In completing the task of “how to wash windows without streaks,” folk remedies and household chemicals can show different effectiveness, depending on the degree and type of contamination. The following factors can affect the cleanliness of windows:

  • Weather conditions (rain and snow) are the main cause of dirt and streaks on windows. To keep your glass cleaner longer, use detergents containing silicone. It will create a protective film through which water will simply flow.
  • You can control dust from the street using an antistatic agent (included in detergents). To make your windows less dirty on the inside, do wet cleaning in your home more often.
  • Stains appear on kitchen windows due to the accumulation of condensation. The only salvation will be a powerful hood.
  • Smoking is one of the most common causes of streaks on glass. Nicotine settles on the windows of smokers on the balcony or in the kitchen.


How to properly wash plastic windows? They will look better without streaks. First you need to prepare all the necessary equipment so as not to be distracted during the cleaning process. You will need the following:

  • Water container. This could be a bucket or basin. The second option is more convenient.
  • Sponges. If the windows are heavily soiled, use double-sided ones with a hard coating.
  • Detergents. You can use store-bought household chemicals or try out numerous folk recipes.
  • Rags. There should be a lot of them and they should not leave lint on the glass. Microfiber is best.
  • Scraper. The rubberized tip will allow you to remove water and soap from windows without leaving streaks.
  • Old newspapers. This is simply an indispensable polishing product.

Cleaning algorithm

If you are determined to wash windows without streaks, folk remedies and household chemicals will certainly come in handy. But the most important thing is clear organization and planning of the process. Cleaning is also an art, and therefore it is important to concentrate. Set yourself the following algorithm:

  • Remove flower pots, photo frames or other items that you usually store on windowsills. Moving them to the side is not an option, because water will drip on them during the washing process. And your maneuverability will be significantly reduced.
  • Pour warm water into a basin, bucket or any other convenient container (your hands should be comfortable). Add any detergent (even grated laundry soap will do).
  • Soak a microfiber or linen cloth in the liquid and wipe the frames, window sills, slopes, and handles well.
  • Remove dust and dirt from hard-to-reach places using regular ear sticks.
  • Empty the container and fill it with a new portion of warm, clean water.
  • Wipe the window sills, frames and handles again to remove any remaining detergent.
  • The next portion of clean water will be used to wipe the glass on both sides, washing away the accumulated dust and dirt.
  • Now the glass needs to be thoroughly wiped and polished using a special product.
  • Using a clean, damp cloth, go over the frames and window sills again to remove any detergent that may have gotten on them during the glass cleaning process.

Digression from the topic... or a little about frames

Any housewife is interested in how to quickly wash windows without streaks at home. But behind the sparkling glass, don’t forget about the frames. If you don't put in enough effort, they will remain dirty, and if you overdo it, they can simply be ruined, which will also not add attractiveness to your windows. So, when washing window frames, follow these recommendations:

  • Avoid powder products. They are destructive for both wooden and plastic profiles.
  • Carefully study the composition of detergents. They should not contain gasoline, acids, solvents or other components that can change color or compromise the integrity of the structure. The best option is an alcohol base.
  • If you are not completely sure about the choice of detergent (especially when it comes to plastic windows), choose liquid or laundry soap.
  • When the main work is done, be sure to treat the metal fittings with machine oil, because under the influence of water and other atmospheric factors, signs of corrosion may appear on it.

How to make your own window cleaner

Every experienced housewife has her own secrets on how to wash windows without streaks. Folk remedies are quite numerous, but there is one composition that has gained the greatest popularity. It is prepared based on three liters of water. The following components are added to it:

  • six tablespoons of apple or regular table vinegar;
  • the same amount of tooth powder or just crushed chalk;
  • 150 grams of lime;
  • 5 tablespoons of table salt (preferably “extra” so that it dissolves better);
  • the same amount of grated laundry soap;
  • 4 spoons of dishwashing detergent.

When working with this solution, be sure to wear gloves. Dampen a sponge in it and wipe the glass well. You need to remove the composition from the window with a special rubber scraper. To avoid streaks, movements should be directed from top to bottom.

Folk remedies for severe pollution

If for some reason the glass is heavily soiled or has not been cleaned for a long time, it is not so easy to wash the windows without streaks. Folk remedies will always come to the rescue. Here are the most effective of them:

  • For 4 liters of water you need to take a bottle of ammonia, the same volume of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of starch and a pinch of blue. Mix all ingredients well and pour the liquid into a spray bottle. Spread the product over the glass and wipe with a dry cloth or newspaper.
  • Rub the glass, pre-washed with water, well with raw potatoes. After this, wipe the window with cold water and polish with a dry cloth.
  • Grind the chalk into dust and dilute it with vodka to make a mass similar to liquid sour cream. Using a sponge, rub the resulting mixture onto the glass, paying close attention to the most contaminated areas. Wash the window with clean water and wipe dry - there will be no streaks left.
  • If black dots left by annoying flies appear on the glass, you can get rid of them using an onion cut in half. Just rub the dirty area with the cut and wash the glass with water.

What to look for when buying household chemicals?

If you want to wash plastic windows without streaks, folk remedies will take you a lot of time to prepare. If every minute counts, go to a household chemicals store. Quality must contain the following components:

  • water as a base;
  • alcohol or acids;
  • Surfactants, which will make it easier to separate contaminants from the glass surface;
  • ammonia, which serves to make the surface of windows transparent and shiny;
  • silicone or other antistatic agent that prevents dust, dirt and streaks from settling on the glass after rain.

How to prevent divorces from occurring

Cleaning plastic windows quickly and without streaks is not as easy as it seems. When it seems that the work is already finished, white stripes become noticeable on the glass, which you just want to erase. To prevent this from happening, use these tips:

  • Do not wash the window in sunny or windy weather, as this will cause the detergent to dry out quickly. As a result, white streaks remain on the glass. And if you do the cleaning when the air is quite humid (for example, after rain or in the evening), it will be easier for you to wash off household chemicals from the window.
  • You need to wipe the windows in a circular motion. In this case, it is recommended to move from top to bottom in order to “drive” the remaining liquid to the base of the window.
  • The final step should always be polishing. This can be done using newspaper, suede or any other soft fabric, or microfiber cloth. Old nylon tights will also work.

If divorces do appear

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to wash glass perfectly. Therefore, it is important to know how to remove stains on plastic windows if they do appear. This can be done using the following folk remedies:

  • Vinegar. For a liter of water you will need two to three tablespoons of a 9 percent substance. By treating your windows with this product, you will not only get rid of stains, but also repel insects from your window.
  • Starch. Dilute an incomplete tablespoon of the product in a liter of water. This mixture will have a polishing effect on the glass.
  • Manganese. Add a little product to the water until it turns light pink. Make sure that there are no undissolved crystals left, otherwise they may stain the frame of the plastic window.
  • Ammonia. This product is simply ideal for stains caused by nicotine film on glass. The proportions are as follows: for 10 liters of water there is a glass of ammonia. If you use this product, do not close the windows until the strong odor has completely subsided.
  • Salt. Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of the product in a glass of water and soak a microfiber cloth in it, wipe the washed windows.
  • Glycerol. It acts in the same way as silicone, creating a film on the glass that repels dust and water. You just need to mix glycerin and water in a 2:1 ratio, drop a little ammonia and treat the glass.


A good housewife simply must know folk ones. They look much better without streaks! Transparent sparkling glass is not just beautiful. They give a good mood to all household members and let a lot of light into the home. And the main advantage of folk remedies is that they cost mere pennies compared to household chemicals.