Beautiful flower beds of perennials in landscape design: how to create them yourself. Round flower bed Marking a round flower bed

A round flower bed is a classic in landscape design. Not surprisingly, this shape is ideal for viewing from all sides and angles. Here you will find step-by-step instructions on how to make a beautiful round flowerbed with your own hands. Just remember one rule, it will look good only in open spaces.

How to plant round flower beds

1. Select a location for the flower bed and drive a peg into the center.

2. Tie the required length of twine to the peg. Holding it taut in your hand, walk around the circle and decide on the radius of the flowerbed.

3. Once you have already set the radius, tie the spray paint to the cord and paint directly on the ground mark the correct circle.

4. Now decide whether a lamppost or any other decoration in the form of a flowerpot, fountain or marble figure on a pedestal will be installed in the center. Reliable strengthen the selected item in the center.

5. Get started soil preparation. Remove the top layer of turf and dig up the flower bed area. If you need to improve the soil structure, add sand, peat and compost and mix with the soil. If you want the flowerbed to be convex towards the middle, then you should not remove the layer of soil in the center up to a third of the diameter and distribute the dug up and mixed soil evenly over the relief you need.

6. Deciding on the curb. If you don’t have any available material for the border, just take stones or bricks and lay them out in a circle. A good solution would be to plant very low-growing plants along the edge of the flower bed.

7. Next stage: what to plant in the flowerbed? The choice must be made from plants that are most suitable for this site and soil. Dwarf trees, non-flowering plants and, of course, flowers can be used. The main thing when choosing is that they grow well, do not interfere with each other and are not among the plants with aggressive reproduction. And, of course, beauty.

8. Next draw a diagram your round flower bed. Place tall plants on the diagram in the center, medium-sized ones in the middle, and low-growing ones along the edges. A round flower bed allows for symmetrical planting and you can arrange the same species evenly around the circle in groups of 3 plants or individually.

But you can also make a chaotic flowerbed, without much symmetry or a certain order. A matter of taste.

9. Now let's get started to boarding. Keep careful spacing between plants and follow label planting instructions.

10. And the last stage is mulching. Bark mulch will look good while your flowers are still growing. In addition, it perfectly retains moisture and protects plant roots from heat.

Another important fact is that it will be easier for you to step on the mulch when you care for your flowers.

To make a round flowerbed beautiful and attractive, use not only your hands, but also your imagination. Think of it as a fountain with tall plants in the center, like in most photos, and choose your plants with that in mind.

Every housewife who has her own plot of land tries to decorate it with flower beds. Most often they are located next to gazebos for relaxation or directly near the entrance to the house. In order for her to have a well-groomed, attractive appearance, you need to have some skills. But it is not necessary to contact a professional designer; with some effort, you can design your site yourself.

First of all, you need to decide what exactly you want to create. If you choose a rustic style, then the flowerbed can be decorated with old painted tires, decorations from an old bicycle, etc.

They are popular and distinguished by their exquisite composition with ornamental trees and coniferous shrubs. Firstly, they do not require much care, and secondly, they look great all year round. If you choose this option, you should take into account that such plants require an acidic environment.

To prepare the soil, fallen pine needles, a small part of peat and turf soil are used. Then the resulting mixture must be poured into a previously prepared recess with a layer of 50 cm. Coniferous plants should not be planted close, as they will grow in the future. It is better to complement it with boxwood, rhododendron or Erica. For a finished look, the edges of the flowerbed will also require decoration.

Another interesting option is a flower bed of perennials. Quite a lot of planting schemes have been developed, where the location, color scheme, and flowering period are interestingly selected.

With proper care, such compositions do not require annual planting of new flowers. Using the suggested tips, your site will look presentable for several months a year.

A flowerbed of continuous flowering is an ideal solution for a formal flower garden

When you plant a flower garden at the entrance to your house, you want it to always look attractive. The ideal solution would be to create a flower bed of continuous flowering.

To successfully create such a flower garden, you need to take into account several rules:

  • Both perennial and annual flowers should be planted in the flowerbed. And even bushes.
  • It is necessary to select plants with approximately the same requirements for humidity, light and watering.
  • There should be no aggressor plants here (ornamental foliage, loosestrife, periwinkle). Perennials that are easily inseminated (lupine, poppy, aquilegia) are also undesirable.

The next step in creating a flower bed of continuous flowering will be a plan diagram on paper. By drawing a plan, we determine its contours. We also make a list of perennials and their location.

Here is an approximate list of perennials by season:

Spring: snowdrop, crocus, scilla, pushkinia, muscari, chionodoxa, hyacinth, tulip, narcissus, primrose, hellebore, saxifrage, daisy, hazel grouse, anemone, liverwort, erantis.

Summer: here is the largest selection of various perennials: aquilegia, delphinium, poppy, lily, kupena, chamomile, daylily, peony, aquilegia, hosta, carnation, lychnis, rudbeckia, iris, phlox, cornflower, monarda, cinquefoil, sedum, spurge, bellflower, heuchera .

Autumn: chrysanthemum, perennial aster, helenium, goldenrod, sunflower, coreopsis.

You can also identify groups of out-of-season plants that are attractive for a long time. These are primarily coniferous plants, spruce, mountain pine, juniper. This also includes ornamental grasses, such as blue fescue, maned barley, and miscanthus. All kinds of ferns are also decorative all summer long.

The final list depends on the size of the future flower bed. But even if the size is large, there is no need to plant a large number of different perennials; it is better to have a few of them, but each will occupy a larger area. This way we will avoid excessive diversity, which will significantly complicate the perception of the entire flower garden at once.

We will divide the resulting list of plants into two groups:

The first is plants that have a short growing season. These are mainly spring bulbous plants. In their place, annual flowers should be provided. It is very good to plant plants that form a large green mass from one root.

The ideal option for such a plant is petunia. It can be planted a little away from the place where the bulbs are in the ground, and as it grows it will completely cover it.

We will include all the remaining perennials in the second group - they will not spoil the appearance of the flowerbed after flowering.

Having decided on the list of perennials and their characteristics, we begin to place them on our plan. To do this, number each one with a serial number starting from one and so on. It’s even fashionable to cut out rectangles or circles from paper and number them. Then lay them out on the plan, trying out different options for arranging plants.

When the plan is ready, then, most likely, some places will remain completely empty. Annuals will help us here. Among the annuals, it is better to choose unpretentious ones, such as tall and low marigolds, annual asters, petunias, nasturtiums, and annual dahlias.

All these perennials have low maintenance requirements and come in a variety of colors. This will allow you to select plants that will organically combine with existing perennials.

Then you can proceed directly to preparing the site. It is better to do this in late summer or early autumn. The area needs to be carefully dug up and all weeds removed. Allow the soil to settle for about a week and begin planting rhizomes and perennial bulbs.

If not all plants are available, then planting them can be postponed until spring. But then it is advisable to mark those plants that have already been planted with signs.

Next spring we plant annuals. It is better to plant them as seedlings, so that the required number of specimens can be planted in the places allocated to them.

A flowerbed of continuous flowering will open in full glory only after a year, when all the perennials have taken root well and grown a good root system.

The best decoration for a summer cottage is a hand-made flower bed. To create a flower bed that will please the eye and where everything will be in harmony, you need to work a little.

Make a plan to act on. Select your flowers carefully, taking into account bloom time and location. It must be protected from strong wind and sun. After choosing a place, we prepare the soil by clearing weeds, removing the top layer of soil and fertilizing it. It’s good to add black soil, sand, loosen it and make drainage.

One large flower bed often looks better than several small ones, but this is a matter of taste.

Take a simple shape, preferably round or oval, or irregularly shaped, but without corners, unless you are a specialist designer, otherwise you may get an unexpected result. Perennials work best. Annuals are planted for novelty.

Flowers are planted from small to large, so that the large ones are in the center, or in the background if the flower bed is against the wall. In the color scheme, stick to a harmonious transition so that it does not hurt the eyes. Everything is good in moderation! A few bright accents, usually warm colors, and the rest is a background of cool colors.

Add white flowers, they dilute the colors, and black ones enhance warm colors. Use the principle of maximum diversification. One flowering period is undesirable, as it may result in a variegated picture.

If you want to make a flowerbed into a slide, then pour soil about half a meter high in the center, and the lower level is about 10 cm from the crushed stone. After a couple of weeks, the ground settles, then you can start planting flowers.

More and more popular. They give maximum naturalness to the landscape. The philosophy of creating such slides requires the correct placement of all elements. For summer cottages, low-growing varieties of trees and shrubs are used. Bright plants are planted separately, and background plants are planted in small groups. The hill is planted from above. In height - from low to high. All plants are sprinkled with pebbles and watered thoroughly.

The surroundings of the flowerbed are no less important than the flowerbed itself. Various hedges, trimmed bushes, stones, etc. are used for decoration. For decoration, you can also use various vases and figurines, of which there are plenty on sale.

Painted crushed stone is perfect for compositions with juniper. Weaving from branches has become fashionable.

Today, options for flower beds arranged directly in tires have become popular. Read about it here.

You can make a flower bed in a stump.

Old household items will come in handy in the flowerbed more than ever! - it’s fashionable and relevant. But before placing the utensils on the site, give them a decorative look: clean them, varnish them... The main thing is that there is no chaos in the flowerbed or area where flowers and shrubs grow.

How to make a flowerbed with your own hands from old chairs

There are several ways to decorate a flowerbed fencing. Wooden fencing has some disadvantages:

  1. firstly, it quickly becomes unusable;
  2. secondly, it can become a haven for aphids and mites.

Wooden fencing

An alternative can be a plastic mesh. This is a fairly budget option, although not very durable. It is not recommended to use it if the soil on the site is loose and the curb will quickly collapse. The use of decorative or natural stones will add solidity to the site. The only disadvantage of this solution is the cost, but the appearance will please not only you, but also your guests for a long time.

It is advisable to use a galvanized metal border for fencing. It is durable and less expensive. The main thing is that you like the end result of your efforts.

Floating flower beds - a new hit in landscape design

Flowerbeds - streams

Original flower beds photo

Mobile flower beds

Vertical flower beds

Hanging flower beds photo

Compositions in the form of butterflies

Flowerbeds - umbrellas

Read about it here.

Lush flower beds and elegant flower beds at your favorite dacha require not only physical effort, but also knowledge to create, design and maintain them in proper form.

Flower garden or flower bed

What is the difference between a flower garden and a flower bed? Many novice summer residents are confused about these concepts. This is not surprising, since there is no clear definition.

A flowerbed is most often called a raised or flat piece of land that has a strict shape. Planting plants inside the flowerbed itself is also characterized by clear shapes, including geometric ones. The most common and popular option is a round or rectangular flower bed. This type of planting is a characteristic feature of urban decorative plantings and parks. Their clear shape goes well with straight paths, fountains, well-groomed bushes and trees.

A flower garden can have any shape. It looks more natural and natural, and is often used in natural gardens and parks. A flower garden allows for a freer choice of plants than a flower bed.

Creating beautiful flower beds and flower beds requires the correct selection of plants not only according to the general requirements for growing conditions, but also according to the following parameters:

  • Harmonious color combination .
  • Correct selection of height and dimensions . When planting plants, you need to take into account the speed at which they grow.
  • Flowering time . A flower bed of annuals can consist of plants that bloom at the same time. In this case, after flowering it is replanted. Perennials are usually selected according to a different principle - plants take turns blooming throughout the season.

Advice: Do not create a large number of different variegated flower beds on your site. It is enough to create one or two flower beds with your own hands, but carefully thought out and neat.

Types of flower beds

There are several types of flower beds that have specific features:

  • Regular or geometric . Such forms of planting were very popular during the time of Versailles. The French park style requires a strict selection of plants according to flowering time and size, as well as color scheme. All plants in such a flowerbed are planted according to a clear pattern and form a specific pattern.

It is quite rare to create such flower beds with your own hands, as they are difficult to care for and troublesome to plant.

  • Irregular or natural . In them, plants are planted more freely, most often in groups of at least 3 - 5 pieces to create a spectacular color spot. They actively use perennial plants, selected according to the principle of continuous flowering.
  • Elevated or high . They consist of a fence and an internal part covered with fertile soil and planted with plants. The fence can be made of various materials. You can decorate a flowerbed at your dacha using stone, wood, or brick.

A tall flowerbed made of wild stone looks beautiful, with hanging or climbing plants planted in the spaces between it. This type of beautiful flower beds can also be used for growing vegetables, strawberries or spicy and medicinal herbs.

  • Monoclumba consists of plants of the same type and color. It creates a spectacular, memorable color spot.
  • Vertical design it is constructed from special containers stacked on top of each other and filled with nutrient substrate. In the spaces between the containers, a variety of plants are planted, mostly hanging and climbing plants, with a cascading shape.

A vertical flower bed at the dacha can be supplemented with flowering plants and berries, for example, garden strawberries, which produce beautiful shoots - mustaches.

Recommendation: Decorating flower beds at your dacha will be more beautiful and neat if you limit yourself to a few types of plants. 5 - 6 spectacular and compatible flowering and deciduous perennials or annuals are enough.

How to make a simple flower bed

The easiest way is to create a flower bed in your dacha with a simple geometric shape. A round, slightly raised flower bed in the middle of the lawn or in front of the entrance to the house looks very impressive and does not require much effort to create.

  • Choose a suitable location . Water should not stagnate here. Avoid very shady places - most plants love light.
  • Mark a round flowerbed extremely simple. You only need two pegs and a rope. One peg is driven into the center of the future structure, and with the second peg, tied to a stretched rope, the contours of the future circle are traced.
  • Make sure the soil drains well . If the soil is too dense, remove its surface layer, drain it and add fresh fertile and loose soil. You can give the flowerbed a rounded, convex shape by pouring a larger layer of soil in the center than at the edges. This way the plants will look more impressive, especially if low-growing or creeping species are chosen.
  • Apply complex fertilizer to the surface layer long-acting. This will prolong the flowering and attractiveness of the flower bed and make it easier for you to care for the plantings.
  • Carefully remove all weeds, rocks and debris.
  • Plant such a flower bed from the center. A so-called focal plant is often placed in it. It could be a beautiful colorful flower or an attractive foliage plant such as yucca. Sometimes a garden statue or vase is placed in the center of the flowerbed.
  • Place all the plants according to the diagram.
  • Water the plantings Loosen the empty spaces to prevent a crust from forming.
  • The edge of the flowerbed can be framed with small pebbles, pebbles, wooden rods or a special ready-made low fence for flower beds.

Tip: Making such a flowerbed with your own hands is not at all difficult if you select the right plants in advance and create a clear planting plan.

How to make a flowerbed from old tires

The easiest way to make a flowerbed at the dacha from available materials is to use old discarded tires. There are several options for working:

  • Just use the tire as a frame for a future flower bed.
  • Show your imagination and create not just a flower garden, but a real work of landscape art.

The simplest flower bed is made from an ordinary tire, which is installed in the selected location. If there is dense soil under the future flower bed, the water will not be absorbed when watering the plants, but will spread unsightly in all directions, washing the substrate out of the tire. To prevent this from happening, dig up the soil under the tire, slightly digging it into the ground. Or make a shallow hole and fill it with crushed stone for drainage. Install the tire, fill it with soil and you can plant the plants.

Several tires placed one on the other will make a beautiful high flower bed. Tires can be painted in different colors or shaped like a flower, a cup, or even a swan. Used tires with soft worn tread can be easily cut into a variety of shapes. By turning out such a tire, you will receive a free and elegant form for a flower bed at the dacha using improvised materials.

How to make a multi-tiered flower bed

Another type of spectacular planting at the dacha is a multi-tiered flower bed for growing hanging plants. You can create it from suitable containers of different shapes, ready-made shapes, tires, boards, stone, even broken furniture. The main condition is that the plantings should be arranged in tiers, one above the other.

  • First, the area for the flower bed is prepared.
  • The first tier is being built. It should be the strongest and most stable - it will bear the weight of the entire structure.
  • The next tiers are installed one above the other so that there is space left to fill with soil.
  • Selected plants are planted in the resulting “pockets” of soil.
  • A multi-tiered flower bed is watered in stages, starting from the very top.

Numerous photos of flower beds at the dacha fill the Internet. From there you can get a lot of ideas or come up with your own unique options.

Flower bed made of plastic bottles

If you have a whole collection of plastic bottles, don't throw them away. They will become the basis of an original design for your dacha.

How to make a flower bed or flower garden at the dacha from such a strange material? Bottles are used in different ways depending on their size. Large containers can make an original flower bed made from plastic bottles. They are placed on their side and one of the walls is cut out. This will be the top part of the flowerbed, and the container itself will be a container for the soil. From several bottles you can create a decorative composition, for example, an elegant children's train. Or paint the bottles, giving them the appearance of funny little animals. Children will be very happy with such a decorative garden. Plant unpretentious plants in containers, remembering that they have a limited amount of soil.

Another option for a flower bed made of plastic bottles is a kind of “high beds”, the frame of which is created from a row of plastic bottles dug in with their necks down. They can be painted in different colors or filled with colored powders. Such fences are very durable and elegant; they can be used not only for flower beds, but also for a convenient and beautiful vegetable garden.

Another type of symbolic planting is an “eternal flowerbed” made from the same bottles of different colors dug into the ground. Their bottoms resemble flowers. Such a decorative detail will greatly decorate the dacha in late autumn or winter.

Plastic bottles can become an inexhaustible source of various design ideas for your site.

Brick flowerbed

A brick flowerbed is a classic option for a summer residence. The simplest design is plantings lined with bricks around the perimeter in any shape. An “advanced” option is bricks laid on top of each other at an angle and half dug into the ground. But a brick flowerbed can be much more interesting and complex.

Such a flower bed is laid out according to a pre-calculated pattern.

  • The outline of the future structure is marked.
  • A hole is dug and filled with drainage (crushed stone, pebbles and sand).
  • Brick walls are being built. The first rows are not held together with mortar. This is done to allow excess moisture to flow freely and eliminate water stagnation, which can lead to plant death.
  • The next rows are laid on cement mortar.
  • If the flower garden is tall, it is advisable to slightly tilt the masonry inward so that the earth does not “push” it out.
  • The finished product is left for about a week to allow the mortar to set and strengthen the masonry.

It’s rare that a summer cottage, and even more so a garden, does without flower beds. Flowers give us considerable aesthetic pleasure; they delight us with their presence and, attracting our eyes, make us admire them. That is why flowers are permanent residents of garden plots. And they are grown, as a rule, not chaotically, but in flower beds, in beautifully decorated flower beds. At the same time, they are selected according to color, crop varieties and many other factors. And to make flower beds from annuals, the diagrams of which you will find in the article, yourself, you do not need to have the skills of a landscape designer. The main thing is to calculate everything correctly before starting work and become familiar with the basic rules for creating flower beds.

Flowerbeds of annuals - diagrams

Before you start creating a flower garden on your site, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for carrying out the work. They will make it easier to understand the process of arranging flower beds and will allow you to do them not only quickly, but also in the best possible way.

  1. Never rush. This rule is especially relevant for newcomers to the world of gardening who recently bought a cottage or garden. The fact is that in one season you are unlikely to have time to qualitatively and beautifully arrange all the planned territories. It is best to tackle the most important problems at the beginning of developing a dacha plot and at the same time equip a small, modest flowerbed. Over time, you will be able to cover other areas and plant them with flowers selected according to the color scheme and characteristics of the growing season.

  • Before you go to the store for seeds, think about what you want your flower garden to look like. Remember that only a flowerbed that meets all your wishes can become a source of pride, which should first be reflected on paper in the form of a diagram.
  • In accordance with the scheme and climatic conditions, select annual flowers that will perfectly match in color and requirements for growing conditions. But beginners should not immediately get involved with capricious cultures. It’s better to start by practicing creating flower beds from unpretentious varieties.
  • Remember that the foundation of a flower bed is the plants that cover the soil. They will cover not only the brown soil, but also the stems of taller flowers. In addition, they are excellent soil protectors from moisture evaporation and growing weeds.
  • You shouldn’t plant plants one at a time – they always look much better in groups. But too many crops are bad, as it will be inconvenient for them to grow.
  • When drawing up a diagram, remember that any flower garden should have its own zest. This could be some kind of central decorative bush, beautifully arranged perennials, annuals that are somehow different from the bulk of the flowers surrounding them and stand out against their background.
  • On a note! Despite the fact that many gardeners choose perennial crops to create flower beds, annuals also do not go out of fashion. They are often unpretentious, easy to grow, and allow you to create completely new and unique compositions every year. In addition, they are very beautiful and bloom with rich, bright flowers, which is their main advantage.

    Rules for choosing planting material and location

    One of the first tasks of a gardener when arranging a flower bed is choosing its location. The flowering period will largely depend on this. The place where the flower bed is located should be well lit. It is also worth thinking about the convenience of watering - flowers need regular supplies of water. You should not place the flowerbed behind the house away from a barrel of water or an irrigation system. It makes no sense to plant a flowerbed where no one will see it - flowers were created by nature in order to admire them. So let the flowerbed be in a visible place - at the exit from the house or outside the window, at the entrance to the house.

    A few more words about the choice of planting material. Be sure to consider color, flowering period, and height. Any flower bed should bloom for as long as possible, and the correct selection of flowers according to their flowering time will help prolong the flower beauty - that is, when the flowering period of some ends, others will replace them.

    Flower beds can be different in shape and height. And each type has its own unwritten design rules. For example, when creating three-tiered flower beds, the tallest plants should be located in the center or in the background. Along the edges there will be lower crops, which will act as a kind of frame. Between these two tiers there will be a second one, which sets the main background for the flower garden.

    The number of flowers is calculated approximately like this: central flowers - several pieces or a small patch of fairly tall plants. Crops with an average height are planted in quantities twice as large as the main ones. And the shortest ones will have a population three times greater than that of the main flowers.

    The main function of such a structure is, of course, decorative - a mill on the site pleases the eye and creates an atmosphere of comfort. It is also used to decorate gardens and flower beds in the Old Russian or European style (depending on the appearance of the object itself). Read more in .

    It is best not to take more than 3 types of flowers and not create complex compositions when arranging your first flowerbed. In this case, care will be simple and pleasant.

    Types of flower beds

    Flowerbeds can have completely different shapes and sizes - it all depends on your wishes and capabilities. They are round and square, figured, triangular.

    There are three main ways to form flower beds.

    1. Uniform carpet. Typically, this type uses plants of only one species or similar in size but with different petal colors. Such a flowerbed is easy to care for, and it looks very impressive.
    2. Multi-tiered flower bed. It is created by combining flowers of different heights, but the lowest crops will always be in front. It can be round, corner, wall. Such plantings are more difficult to maintain.
    3. Flower borders. These are flower beds created along garden paths. They are unpretentious and are usually created from one or two types of plants.

    There are also very unusual flower beds that can complement any elements of a summer cottage - for example, decorate the area around a pond, or have the shape of an animal.

    Choosing colors

    An important aspect when drawing up a flower bed scheme is the color of plant buds. At the initial stage, it is better to use only 2-3 contrasting shades, and later move on to more complex color transitions and combinations. But even a beginner should understand that color has a significant impact on a person’s psycho-emotional state, so you should choose plants that produce flowers with the shade of petals that you like.

    Table. Colors and their influence on humans.

    YellowIt is usually preferred by joyful and active people; it is the color of a good mood. And it will give confidence to a shy person. In the garden, this color will be given by lilies, marigolds, calendula, snapdragons, daylilies, cinquefoil, and rudebeckia.
    PinkImproves mood, relieves sad thoughts. Meadowsweet, cosmos, carnation, daisy will give this color in the flowerbed.
    BlueCalms, comforts, relieves stress. Iris, lavender, forget-me-not, delphinium - flowers with blue petals.
    RedThe color of energy, strength, optimism, passion. Carnation, primrose, rhododendron will give it to you.
    VioletA color that improves your emotional state and has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system. These are lilacs, violets, speedwell, pansies, and aster.
    OrangeA color that gives self-confidence and lifts your spirits. These are chrysanthemum, marigolds, cinquefoil, and gravilate.

    On a note! Variegated flower beds can always be slightly diluted with white flowers. They will add zest to the plantings. And in order to choose colors that combine with each other, use the color wheel.

    Selection of types of flowers

    Creating a beautiful flower bed is a creative process that can completely absorb any gardener. This is a great way to realize your potential as a creator. By choosing the right plants for your flower beds, you can create a real living work of art on your site.

    A huge number of seeds of all kinds of flowering plants are now sold on store shelves. Which ones are best suited for creating flower beds? First of all, focus on the growth and flowering period of plants, as well as the color of their petals.

    Table. The most popular types of flower plants for flower beds.

    NameFlowering periodHeight, cm
    LobeliaJune-SeptemberAbout 15
    IberisJune-OctoberUp to 40
    NasturtiumJune-OctoberCreeping up to 400, bush 50
    PetuniaJune-mid October15-80

    Also, low-growing annuals include: dwarf begonia, viola, lobularia, dwarf aster; for tall ones: lupine, peony, astilbe.

    Prices for annual seeds

    annual seeds

    Flower schemes

    To make it easier to navigate when creating your own scheme, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several simple but beautiful ready-made options.

    Table. Flower bed schemes.

    Scheme, photoDescription

    1 – annual stock roses of three colors (white, red, yellow); 2 – decorative sunflower; 3 – Spanish poppy; 5 – cardinal lobelia; 6, 7, 8 – bell, catnip; 10 – sedum. The remaining flowers can be selected in accordance with the color indicated in the diagram.

    Flowerbed cake: 1 – low red flowers; 2 – white or silver flowers; 3 – medium-sized plants with red flowers; 4 and 5 – high background crops.

    Round flowerbed: 1 – cannas; 2 – begonia; 3 – petunia; 4 – snapdragon; 5 – marigolds; 6 – alyssum; 7 – ageratum; 8 – pyrethrum.

    1 – amaranth; 2 – zinnia; 3 – garden quinoa; 4 – chard; 5 – basil; 6 – nasturtium.

    Flowerbed of bulbous plants - diagram

    We create a flower garden with our own hands

    Let's look at the creation of a flower bed step by step using the example of such a wonderful flowering corner.

    Step 1. Create an exact diagram of the future flower garden in accordance with your capabilities and wishes. Don’t just try to design large flower beds - it’s better to make one small and neat than a large one that you won’t have enough strength for. The best option to start with is a flower bed with 25-30 plants.

    Step 2. Choose a sunny place on your summer cottage. Step back about 1 m from the fence. To prevent the sun from damaging the plants, place the flower bed on the eastern side of the fence or buildings. Mark the border of the flower bed.

    Step 3. Remove all debris from the site, dig up the soil, and apply fertilizer if necessary. Weed out all the weeds.

    Step 4. Level the surface of the soil, break up the earthen clods.

    Step 5. Buy or use your own grown ones. Plant tall crops in the far corner, then medium-sized crops, and place low-growing crops along the edge of the flowerbed. In this case, holes for all flowers can be dug in advance.

    On a note! Be sure to consider the size of an adult plant when planting. It is important that over time the flowers do not press on each other, but there are no large gaps between them.

    Step 6. Take good care of the flowerbed - regularly water the flowers, remove wilted ones, and fertilize them.

    This way you can arrange a corner flowerbed on your site. With a round one you will have to work harder. The fact is that its edges must form a perfectly smooth circle, otherwise it will appear crooked. But achieving an excellent result is quite simple: a stick is dug into the center of the flower bed, and a rope equal to the radius of the flower bed is tied to it. Moving the rope in a circle, outline the boundaries of the flowerbed with sand. And so that the plants “fall” into place, you can make a preliminary sketch inside the circle with sand, outlining where the holes for each flower will be marked.

    Gardeners whose plots do not allow them to set up a whole garden can get out of the situation by creating flower borders along the edges of the paths. They look very beautiful, especially if they are made from flowers of the same type.

    Every garden plot should have a flower bed. Even a small bright spot will dilute the color monotony of garden greenery and become a source of positive emotions. Flower beds play an important role in landscape design. In one case, they can be a link between the house and green spaces. In another - to become the central element around which the remaining components of the landscape design of the garden plot will be grouped.

    Often the choice falls on round flower beds; their design can be very diverse and depends both on the decision of the landscape style of the garden and on the space allocated to them.

    A round flowerbed is a classic of garden design. Along with flower beds of other forms, it has been present in garden design for more than one century. Over such a long period of existence, it has undergone some changes, and new plants introduced into garden culture, their various varieties and forms make it possible to make the color content of a round flower bed unique.

    The choice of location for a flower garden depends on existing buildings and plantings. It should not destroy the existing composition, but serve as its continuation, perhaps the final touch, giving the entire appearance of the garden a finished look.

    The traditional purpose of a round flower bed is for ceremonial purposes. Often it serves as a decoration for the recreation area in front of the house. Such a flower garden especially benefits from its proximity to a lawn. Against a green background, a contrasting color spot attracts the eye.

    The photo shows how much more attractive the front area near the house has become due to the presence of a bright flower garden.

    If there is not enough free space, and you really want to make round flower beds with your own hands, you can make several small ones, arranging them in a row or in any other order.

    Scheme for creating several small round flower beds

    An unusual and interesting option is to enclose a round flowerbed inside a square flower bed, separating it with a gravel backfill path. Feng Shui uses this form to increase energy. And the circle in this eastern practice is a symbol of perfection. This flower garden looks very good at the intersection of paths.

    Options for different layouts of round flower beds enclosed in a square

    An important point is the size of the future garden design element. It must be correlated with the area of ​​the site on which it will be located. In a large space, a small flower garden will be lost, and in a small space, a huge flower bed will look ridiculous. The ease of caring for plants must also be taken into account. No one has canceled regular weeding and fertilizing, but reaching the center of a large flower garden will be problematic.

    When choosing a location for round flower beds, you should be guided by time-tested recommendations.

    Without flowers, the area looks boring and uninteresting. Properly decorated flower beds lift your spirits, because...

    Patterns of landscape design

    In order to successfully make a round flowerbed in the garden of a private house or in a country house with your own hands, you need to take into account the following rules of landscape design.

    • Integrity of the composition.

    The decorative design of any garden plot should be carried out according to a clearly thought-out plan. It is best to draw it on paper, noting on a scale all existing plantings and buildings, not forgetting about the uniform design style of the site and the color harmony of both existing plants and those that are going to be planted. Only in this case will the created round flower garden organically fit into the surrounding landscape.

    • Plants should be placed taking into account their growth.

    The tallest ones are placed in the background. Medium-sized ones in front of them - they attract the most attention, so their selection must be taken responsibly. The beauty of the flower garden is emphasized by the low-growing border plants that border it along the edge. The placement of flowers in a round flower bed is determined by its shape. The tallest plant is planted in the center, and each next tier will be lower than the previous one.

    • Consider the architecture of the flower garden.

    It can be either flat or domed, have a decorative fence or do without it. Inside the flower garden there is its own geometry. It is related to the location of plants. The simplest option is concentric circles, for which flowers are selected according to height and color. With the right selection, such a flower bed looks quite impressive. A more complex geometric solution is also possible, for example, a Viennese flower or a repeating geometric pattern. You can divide the flowerbed into sectors. The color scheme of this layout option can be either contrasting or consistent in the same color, but in different shades. An asymmetrical arrangement of colors is possible. How to make such a flower bed beautiful? Color spots from several flowers of the same species should be adjacent to decorative greenery, while none of the plants should shade the others.

    Viennese flower bed diagram

    An approximate version of a set of annual flowers for its contrasting design

    1. Marigolds are erect, orange in color, “Beach Season” variety. Height 80 cm.
    2. Ageratum high variety "Blue Bouquet". Height 60 cm.
    3. Snapdragon variety "Eldorado" with yellow flowers. Height 45 cm.
    4. Drummond phlox is white. Height 25 cm.
    5. Marigold thin-leaved 'Ursula' with yellow-brown flowers. Height 25 cm. It is enough to plant one bush at a time, which has the shape of a ball, completely covered with small flowers.
    6. Alyssum violet variety "Purple Queen". Height 15 cm.
    7. Ageratum variety "Blue Mink". Height 25 cm.
    8. Alyssum is white. Height 15 cm.

    All of these annuals love similar growing conditions: they are not afraid of the sun, do not require daily watering and grow well in medium-fertile soils, taking root well after transplanting. Their seeds are easy to find on sale, but the seedlings will have to be grown first, otherwise they will bloom only in the second half of summer.

    With the help of planted flowers, you can “draw” various pictures or ornaments - whatever the gardener’s imagination suggests.

    When creating round flower beds in a country house or in the garden of a private house, you should not skip the planning stage, so as not to replant the plants later. Most of them do not like transplants, and some may simply not take root.

    Flower garden planning

    First, the plan is drawn on paper. The scale must be preserved. Therefore, it is necessary to know the exact dimensions of the future masterpiece. When creating a plan, it is good to use colored pencils. This way you can achieve the optimal color solution. Each plant must be marked on the plan. You should not plant too rarely - the effect of a carpet of plants will not work. When planting perennials, you must remember that the bushes grow over time.

    Plant selection

    It is important to immediately decide on the range of future plantings. There can be many options. In order not to get confused, they decide whether the set of plants will be perennial or will have to be updated annually. What flowers to plant, each owner of a summer cottage decides independently based on his preferences and capabilities. But it can be difficult for a novice gardener to make a choice, since the name of the flowers may not mean anything to them. In this case, it is better to opt for annuals, since most of them are unpretentious and easy to grow. They have another undeniable advantage: grown from seedlings, they begin flowering early, which usually continues throughout the season. With perennials, continuous flowering is much more difficult to achieve.

    How to do it right? It is necessary to draw up a flowering schedule for the future inhabitants of the flower garden.

    • Early bloomers: Bulbs and other primroses are the first to greet the season. They will be replaced by subulate phlox, daisies, pansies, dicentra.
    • In late spring - early summer, lactiferous peonies, bearded irises, Matrona's noctule, oriental poppy, doronicum, brunnera, aquilegia, astilbe, and swimsuit will bloom.
    • During most of the summer, various types of bells, lilies, daisies, daylilies, delphiniums, aconites, perennial carnations, centranthus, and yarrows delight the eye.
    • In the second half of summer, phloxes, dahlias, gladioli, catnips, monarda, some types of anemones, and eustoma join the floral ensemble; you can learn more about growing them.
    • At the end of summer and autumn, sedums, perennial asters, rudbeckias, and chrysanthemums will delight you with their flowering.

    It is good if the flower garden contains various decorative cereals throughout the season.

    A huge selection of plants will allow you to make a round flower bed always blooming. The main criterion when selecting plants is similar requirements for light, water regime, acidity and soil fertility. And the place where the plants will be planted must meet these requirements.

    Work on creating a round flower garden

    When the plants have been selected and the plan is ready, they begin to implement it on the ground. To make a round flowerbed, you need to place a peg in its center and tie a rope to it, the length of which is equal to the radius of the future flower bed. A full turn of the rope around the axis will mark its perimeter.

    Before planting plants, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil.

    Soil preparation

    After removing the debris, the layer of turf is removed, the ground is dug up, completely removing all, even the smallest, roots of weeds. This operation is especially important if the flower garden is planned to be planted with perennials. Even a small wheatgrass root can sprout very quickly and choke out cultivated plants. It is very difficult to clear it from an already planted flower garden without damaging the roots of the flowers. If the groundwater level is high, a drainage layer of small pebbles is required.

    It is necessary to determine the acidity of the soil. Most gardeners like neutral or slightly acidic soil. Exceptions that like more acidic soil are conifers, hydrangeas, azaleas and rhododendrons, but they are not frequent guests in flower beds.

    The easiest way is to analyze it in an agrochemical laboratory. But this is not available to everyone. There is an easier way: you need to take a closer look at the composition of the weed. If most of it is wheatgrass, then the soil is neutral; the predominance of woodlice, horsetail, small sorrel, plantain, and field violet indicates its increased acidity. When digging up the soil, you will have to add ash, which not only serves as a deoxidizer, but is also a good fertilizer containing potassium and many microelements.

    Full mineral fertilizer will also be required. But it is better not to bring in fresh manure - most of the inhabitants of the flower garden cannot tolerate it. The best organic matter is humus and garden compost. Sometimes it is necessary to improve the soil structure. Sand is added to clayey, and clay to sandy. Add soil to give the flowerbed a convex shape.

    Filling the flower bed

    Plants can be planted when the ground settles, after about two weeks. It's better to do this starting from the center. There are planting standards per square meter for plants of different heights that are convenient to follow.

    • Tall plants - 4 pcs.
    • Medium height - 6 pcs.
    • Low - 8 pcs.
    • Ground cover - 9 pcs.

    Plants of the same species are planted in groups of at least five (for large ones, at least three) to create a spot of color and eliminate excessive variegation.

    A special case is conifers and small shrubs: most often, one specimen is enough. But there is an exception. It is very interesting to use begonias, combining them with or without conifers. In the first case, you can choose, for example, bright begonias of the same color, but in different shades, as in the photo. If coniferous plants are not provided, roses or begonias of calmer colors are appropriate, preferably pastel shades.

    The final touch is the fencing

    It will give the flower beds a finished look and allow the beauty of the planted plants to shine through even more. The fence has another important function - it will not allow weeds to penetrate from the lawn into the flower garden. There are many different plastic fences on sale. But a stone border looks much more organic and beautiful. It can be made of natural stone or consist of brick, small stone blocks or paving slabs. This type of fencing is also the most durable.

    Creating a border from stones with your own hands is quite a labor-intensive, but completely doable task. Stones and bricks can be laid either with or without cement mortar. In the latter case, the support will be supported by its own gravity. The main disadvantage of such a fence is the possibility of overgrowing with weeds due to the earth getting into the cracks between the stones. But you can easily change the geometry of the curb.

    How to make a border from stones with your own hands

    1. Dig a trench around the perimeter of the flowerbed with a width equal to the size of the largest stone and a depth of 20 cm.
    2. Geotextiles are laid and sand is poured in a layer of 5 cm. The sand is wetted and compacted.
    3. If the curb is made of concrete, then you will need formwork into which the solution is poured. The stones are simply laid out beautifully. If necessary, they are fastened with cement mortar. A fence is also made from bricks or small concrete blocks.

    In order to create a round flowerbed with your own hands, you need to put in a lot of effort. But the resulting result will warm the author’s heart for a long time with its beauty and uniqueness.