Kitchen corners and sofas. Small sofa for the kitchen with a sleeper Inexpensive kitchen sofas with sleeper

Today, apartment owners can choose exactly what they like, modify the walls, doors, shape and size of the room. After all this is done, the new residents think about choosing furniture, which should be beautiful and fit harmoniously into the interior.

How to choose kitchen furniture?

The kitchen deserves special attention, because this is where the owners spend quite a lot of time. That is why the furniture here is chosen with special care. Of course, when choosing, you should first consider the size. If the kitchen is small, then the furniture should be compact. First of all, you should take a closer look at furniture that fits in size. A small sofa with a sleeping area is ideal for you when guests come over. The stores have a large assortment of kitchen sofas, so everyone will find what they need!

Why do you need a sleeping place in the kitchen?

This question is most often asked by those who have a small apartment and simply need a sleeping place. There is a place for any guests if there is a small-sized sofa, which can always be folded out and get additional space. It does not take up much space, is comfortable, lightweight and quickly unfolds when necessary. If you do not take into account guests, then you will also need a place to rest, for example, when someone is watching TV or the children are too active in other rooms.

Color selection

The color of the kitchen sofa should be combined with the design of the entire room, for example, it should match the wallpaper and other furniture. Also, apartment owners usually take into account the color of curtains or blinds that are on the window in a given room. Making your choice is quite simple, as stores and other retail outlets provide a huge selection of kitchen sofas in different colors and designs. In addition, today the consumer has a choice of fabric quality and furniture coloring.

Old furniture - new life

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a new sofa, you can repair the old one, change its size, color, shape, or whatever you like. There are a lot of craftsmen who can give a second life to your furniture, so if you have a large sofa that has lost its functionality, give it to a professional and let him make a mini-sofa with a sleeping place out of it!

The main thing is the mechanism!

Each piece of furniture has its own sliding mechanism, which helps to expand the sofa and increase its size. Modern manufacturers most often use mechanisms such as the dolphin, accordion, and French clamshell. But a little about each and in order.


An accordion is a mechanism in which one part remains motionless and does not change in any way, and the second part folds forward. The folding place is the sofa back, which moves forward. The design may include drawers for linen, which is very convenient for housewives. You can put bedding in them, as well as pillows or blankets, and do it quickly.

French folding bed

Typically, a French folding bed is chosen by people who do not plan to sleep in the kitchen every day, and the corner sofa will not be folded out every day. The principle of operation is quite simple, the extra space consists of pillows that are nested one inside the other, but if you pull a special belt, they unfold. And most of the time they are in the frame.


Another mechanism used by furniture manufacturers is called the dolphin. The entire sofa consists of two parts, the smaller part does not move, and the larger part folds out. This way, the corner creates an additional sleeping space in the kitchen, with an excellent shape and without inconvenient changes. This does not require adding a mattress or blanket; comfort is felt immediately. As experts say, such a device is easy to repair if it breaks, but it is unlikely to be useful. “Dolphins” are practical, durable and serve their owners for many years. Moreover, again, they save space, always come in handy in case of unexpected guests and are very mobile.


Sofas also have their own standards. Whatever small piece of furniture you want, furniture manufacturers produce sofas with a width of at least 60 centimeters, only the narrowest can be 50 centimeters. There is such a parameter as the depth of the seat; it can vary from 50 to 60 centimeters. If you order a kitchen sofa with a sleeping place, you can choose any criteria and the customer will do the work according to them. The product can be 1 -2 meters long with a side, and 0.7 - 1.7 meters wide. In a word, it all depends on you and your kitchen.

About corner models

I would also like to say something about the corner sofas for the kitchen. They are ideal for any room of absolutely any size. This is a very practical invention of mankind, which is placed in a corner and saves space around. Even when folded, it can accommodate a fairly large number of people, and if it is unfolded, the seat becomes a sleeping place, which is a godsend in the case of unexpected guests on the doorstep who are late and are staying overnight.


  • Of course, it all depends on the practicality of the base, that is, the frame. It can be wooden, metal or mixed. The most durable is metal, since it is the most durable, although it is also heavier. Now we have learned how to make combined frames that use both wood and metal. The type of wood matters a lot here.
  • The quality is also affected by the fabric with which this mini sofa is covered. Both men and women really like leather, natural or artificial, since anything can happen in the kitchen and upholstery is a good protection for the product from any debris.
  • Springs are the most practical and ancient filling for a sofa, whether it is in the kitchen or in the living room. Springs are used for expensive furniture. For cheaper ones, use synthetic polyester or foam rubber as a filler. To extend the life of the sofa, instead of foam rubber, it is filled with polyurethane foam, which is more reliable.

Kitchen corners and sofas for the kitchen with a sleeping place from the Alina Mebel factory

Alina Furniture will make sofas for kitchen to order according to individual sizes: from 1m x 1m to 2m x 2m and more - corner sofas for the kitchen, from 60cm to 2m and more - straight sofas for kitchen, and kitchen corners with sleeping areawith different bed widths: with the "dolphin" mechanism - from 90cm to 1m 70cm and the "French folding bed" - from 70cm to 1m 50cm.

Non-standard bay window sofas for the kitchen to order according to individual projects

Manufacturer of upholstered furniture factory Alina Furniture will produce non-standard bay window sofas for the kitchen to order for individual projects according to room measurements, the features of a non-standard room and your wishes. Bay window sofas- this is a tribute to fashion, which came to us along with modern technologies and new designs in the construction of houses, which today do not have rectangular shapes and square rooms. All sofas for bay windows are made individually for the layout of the customer’s room, where non-standard angles are less or more than 90 degrees, possibly radius window sills and walls.
using environmentally friendly materials. In the manufacture of sofas, kitchen corners and stools, polyurethane foam, synthetic winterizer, etc. are used. Sofas for the kitchen And kitchen corners have voluminous laminated boxes for storing various accessories, as well as a wide range of colors and textures, and will also allow you order a sofa for the kitchen or Kitchen Area for any room, choose harmoniously and buy furniture the size you need and to suit any interior of your home or office.

This article will tell you how to choose a nice kitchen sofa without spending too much and will tell you about the main aspects of this category. If you are interested in a kitchen sofa with a sleeper, the sale on our website will allow you to inexpensively purchase an excellent product at a great price. For budget-conscious people who want to have an extra sleeping bag, there are a lot of transformation options available. All of them differ in price category, reliability and a number of other non-obvious parameters.

Hidden properties of this furniture niche

  1. The layout is different for everyone, the most convenient are accordions and dolphins. Options with book and draw-out mechanisms are also often practiced.
  2. The distance between the wall and the back is zero for all except books and Eurobooks. Eurobooks before and after getting ready for bed should be moved accordingly and moved to the nearest surface
  3. The presence of moving parts and springs will affect the lifespan of your purchase, as well as the frequency of use. The book type is suitable for daily use.

You can buy cheap sofas for the kitchen with a sleeping place in our online store, where you will find a wide range of models and coverings, thousands of colors and operator assistance!

Corner kitchen sofas or corners are used for simultaneous eating or for relaxing in a reclining position. If there is space, then a soft sofa can perfectly complement the hard angular contours of cabinets and shelves, creating a certain cozy corner in a small kitchen. Another purpose of a folding sofa is to become a sleeping place for guests or a growing child.

Kitchen sofas are almost always folding - because their drawers provide a convenient place to store various kitchen utensils: vegetables such as carrots, onions or potatoes, seedlings or supplies of sugar and cereals. In this case, the sofa is used as a chest; its lid is simply raised on hinges, similar to the lower berth of a carriage compartment. But they can be folded out for another reason - to become a sleeping place, which is used in emergencies.

A folding sofa in the kitchen can become indispensable in the following cases:

  • It is necessary to temporarily resolve the issue of accommodation for children of different sexes;
  • Reception of a guest staying with you for a short period of time;
  • Temporary sleeping place for a young family saving for their own housing;
  • Providing overnight accommodation for guests staying up past midnight;
  • If you need a secluded place to relax.

It should be clear that such a shelter is temporary, because a folding kitchen sofa still cannot replace a comfortable sleeping place, and spending the night among kitchen smells is not very pleasant.

How to install a folding sofa in the kitchen with a sleeping place

The sofa unfolds using hinge mechanisms, is fixed and strengthened with special locks and supports.

There are many different mechanisms, but they all work according to several schemes:

  • Dolphin― when the bottom cushion of the sofa simply pulls out like a table drawer. This design is simple and practical, in addition, its box for storing various things is very spacious;
  • French folding bed– a three-section berth, folded like a folding bed and supported by a spacer of three horseshoe-shaped arches. It is used quite rarely, since sleeping directly on it is uncomfortable, an additional mattress is needed, and the drawer of such a sofa is not very spacious.
  • Couch. The mechanism is similar to a traditional couch, when the handles open to the sides and thus extend the sleeping area.

The dolphin mechanism is the most common due to its practicality and ease of use.

Therefore, it is better to adapt a folding sofa in the kitchen for an overnight stay for a child or teenager. Since the kitchen is small in size, it is well heated in winter, and it will not freeze.

Folding sofa for the kitchen with a sleeping place (video)

Small folding sofa for the kitchen

The folding sofa when unfolded resembles a regular aluminum children's folding bed. Due to its low structural strength, it can be recommended mainly for recreation of children or people of miniature build.

There are often situations when, in a one-room apartment, one resident needs rest, while the second is awake and wants to study or watch TV in the kitchen.

The upholstery of this sofa is made of smooth, non-lint-free polymer materials that do not get wet in water. Still, you need to carefully monitor such a sofa and keep liquids and food in general away from it.

Types of folding sofas for the kitchen (video)

How practical is a corner folding sofa for the kitchen?

A corner sofa is designed slightly differently than a straight one, and is much larger in size, and therefore more expensive than a straight one. The corner L-shaped sofa on its short wing can accommodate 1-2 more people, in addition to 3 people sitting on the long side.

In principle, a sofa without a folding mechanism, which does not fold out, is much more comfortable because:

  • It can be durable and semi-rigid and can accommodate many people.
  • The space covering the sliding parts is free and is used for storing various kinds of things.
  • This sofa is cheaper than a folding sofa due to the lack of expensive fittings for folding the sofa.

Therefore, a folding sofa should be purchased or built when it is really needed.

What is a folding corner for the kitchen?

A folding corner, as a rule, is a small L-shaped sofa with equal side lengths. It is designed to seat no more than three people, and is mainly a sleeping place.

It is the corner that enlivens the interior of a small kitchen and makes it cozy, organically fitting into a small space. A corner sofa occupies a corner, which, according to the rules of ergonomics and design, should not remain empty.

Folding corner for the kitchen (video review)

Sofas with sleepers are not typical for the kitchen, but this option may be required if you often receive guests, especially from out of town. Kitchen sofas or corners with a berth are usually small, with a semi-rigid seat and bed, covered with leather and substitute, as well as non-woven polymer materials. Kitchen sofas and corners are indispensable for small one-room apartments if the main place for relaxation and sleep is for some reason occupied. Corner sofas with a sleeping place are more practical than straight ones, since when disassembled they hold the load more rigidly and reliably.

Folding sofas for the kitchen (photo)

Guests have arrived, and the party lasts long after midnight. Extra beds in such a situation are worth their weight in gold. Your friends will appreciate the opportunity to relax in a separate room. Even if it’s a simple sofa in the kitchen.

Folding sofa for the kitchen: pros and cons

What are the benefits of having a folding sofa in a small kitchen space?

  • You can always provide your friends with a good rest. They will have a separate room where they can sleep peacefully and recuperate.
  • You live in a one-room apartment. And you have two teenage children of different sexes. The kitchen can serve as a bedroom for one of your family members.
  • A close relative is visiting you for the summer, and all the rooms are occupied. Place him in the kitchen and he will make coffee for you every morning.
  • Sometimes the sofa in the kitchen is the only place where you can retire and relax from the hustle and bustle. If you have the opportunity to lie down, then there will be no trace of stress and depression.
  • Do you like to post videos on You-Yube and sit at your laptop until late? A folding bed will give you the opportunity to do this in a comfortable environment. While the body is resting, the brain provides income from the network.

What you need to be prepared for: pitfalls

  • When unfolded, the sofa increases in size and needs more space. Therefore, you need to provide enough area around the sofa in advance to transform it.
  • With daily use, not all mechanisms can withstand long-term use. Still, there are durable structures that can withstand long-term loads.

  • Small sofas and daybeds do not have a storage box or require the mechanism to be folded out to get to it. Therefore, there is no need to consider such furniture as a storage system for food and kitchen utensils.
  • When it comes time to lay out the sofa, the question arises: where to put the table. It is either carried out of the room or transformed: it is thrown back onto the wall, lowered below the level of the mattress and serves as a support for it. In spacious rooms, the table is simply moved to the side.

Corner sofa with sleeper

The corner of the kitchen is an ideal place for a dining area. A large number of seats, a cozy soft corner are continuous advantages. Corner sofas can turn into full double beds. There would be enough space.

Let us remind you that in order for two people to be comfortable on one mattress, its dimensions should be approximately 120x200 cm. A single bed is content with dimensions of 70-90 cm by 180-200 cm.

When the additional width of the sofa is created by a module hidden under the seat, then as a result, in the original version, the depth of the sofa should be at least 60 cm + back/back wall. For single models 45 cm.

In this case, the hidden module is usually several centimeters shorter than the seat, since it needs to fit into the lower box. You can store anything in this model only in the side compartment.

The result is an irregularly shaped bed. However, with the proper dimensions, it may well provide shelter for a tired traveler.

An added bonus is that the under-seat storage box remains free and easily accessible. If necessary, the owner can use it for its intended purpose.

Narrow sofa with sleeper

What to do when a wide seat does not fit into the existing dimensions of the room? In this case, the margin of the mattress width falls on the backrest. It should be taken into account that when transforming, there should be enough space in front of the sofa to spread out the mattress.

Roll-out systems can only form a single bed consisting of two halves. It's not very comfortable to sleep on this. Especially when over time one of the pillows wears out more than the other. The same problem haunts book sofas.

A smooth mattress can only be achieved with a high backrest. It can easily compensate for a narrow seat and provide sufficient width for the bed.

Small sofas with sleeping place

What to do if a two-meter sofa simply does not fit in the bay window or in the dining area? First of all, you need to determine in which direction transformation is possible: in front of the sofa or on the sides.

The short length of the sofa dictates its own conditions. The length of the mattress in this case is divided into three parts of 60 cm each. Two lengths are allocated for the seat and the pull-out module, one part for the backrest.

Super-compact models contain a folded cot with a thin mattress in a storage box. This is a good idea in case of unexpected guests visiting. The downside is that you can’t put anything in the box under the seat except that very folding bed.

There are models in which the back takes on two lengths. In this case, you need to understand that the depth of the sofa will be equal to the width of the seat + the thickness of the backrest folded in half with the mattress. But unlike the “dolphin” and roll-out modules, this option can be used every day for several years. As an added bonus, you will receive a smooth, one-piece mattress. True, without springs.

If the space does not allow you to move the sleeping place forward, all that remains is to spread it out on the sides of the sofa. In this case, rotary-sliding elements are used. The extra length is in the side back (like an ottoman) or in the armrests. In this case, one or two elements may participate in the transformation. In this case, the principles of transformation of a Eurobook, roll-out models, as well as the good old click-clack can be used.

IKEA sofas

  • Modular sofas. They consist of separate blocks of poufs or chairs without armrests. The modules can be swapped and folded into any design convenient for you. Vallentula series. Each module has a storage box.

  • « Dolphin" Additional volume is achieved through a pull-out section hidden under the seat. Vilansud series.

  • Eurobook. The seat moves forward and the backrest tilts into the free space. Himmene.

  • Accordion. PS series. The backrest is folded in half and contains 2/3 of the length of the berth. The mattress is solid and does not split into separate modules. The seat slides forward and tilts the backrest into the vacant seat.

  • When choosing a model, consider the layout of the kitchen. Having looked at the model you like, take its dimensions. Make sure that she can take the place allotted to her, and that the transformation mechanism can work flawlessly without touching surrounding objects.
  • The more pillows and individual modules, the sooner you will buy a new sofa. Why? Because the hidden elements and backrest wear out much less than the seat. Over time, this makes itself felt. If possible, give preference to models with two elements or even with a solid mattress.
  • There is nothing to break in the simplest mechanism. Increasing complexity of the design entails an increase in breakdowns. The simpler, the more reliable.
  • For the kitchen, choose upholstery materials that are easy to clean. Stains from sauces and grease do not stain the interior.
  • Immediately look for a suitable blanket or cover. It can be easily washed in a washing machine. At the same time, he will take on the lion's share of all stains, puffs and other unforeseen situations. And the sofa will last much longer and retain its original appearance.
  • Consider the general style of the room and its features.