Summer reading rooms in libraries work experience. Project “Summer Reading Room. Summer reading room at the Krasnaya Gorka Museum

To ensure that meetings between librarians and reading room guests were not monotonous, library staff held a variety of events. For example, the Naberezhny branch prepared an event dedicated to Russian Language Day and A.S. Pushkin’s birthday. The employees asked the townspeople about what works they knew and invited them to take part in an intellectual quiz on the works of the great poet.

And on June 22, one of the most tragic days for the history of Russia, when the life of every resident of our homeland was turned upside down, library staff prepared a large book exhibition of works about the Great Patriotic War: it included both Soviet writers and modern foreign authors. In addition to the exhibition, librarians also asked Glasovka residents why June 22 is the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow.

The southern branch held loud readings almost every day. Little visitors to the reading room read aloud works by children's authors, Russian and foreign fairy tales. Children of senior school age answered questions from a literary verifier. These questions required only “yes” or “no”, “believe” or “don’t believe” answers. The children were offered facts from the lives of various writers and questions from various works of the school curriculum. There were also questions on orthoepy (correct pronunciation of words), local history (the origin of the names of streets and squares), etc.

Employees of the Central Children's Library combined a quest game and a form of work called storytelling. Children went on a journey through the works of L. Carro Alla, author of adventures about Alice. Participants played checkers and chess and solved puzzles.

Merry performances were performed by employees of the Public Scientific Library named after. V. G. Korolenko. One of my favorites is the courtyard festival. The children, together with their mothers and fathers, enthusiastically solved riddles and puzzles, recalled the rules of the Russian language, etiquette, mathematics, solved puzzles, showed pantomimes from fragments of children's works of art, recalled the heroes of Russian fairy tales, and read poems.

The librarians also held a carnival show. For example, the national holiday “Russia Day” took place together with the fairy-tale hero Carlson. The revived children's character traveled around Russia, getting acquainted with its traditions and customs. The bright and cheerful festival featured the Olympic Games, a competition of proverbs and sayings, and quizzes about Russia. The guys greeted each other in the languages ​​of the peoples of our country. And as a souvenir, Carlson was given posters about our homeland created by the children.

Guests of the Bibliobench, which was opened by the Western branch - the Rastishka library, could also see a wide selection of books and magazines. Children enjoyed reading the classic works of K. I. Chukovsky, S. Ya. Marshak, A. L. Barto, S. V. Mikhalkov and other authors, adults followed the news from local periodicals and got acquainted with the latest literature.

In general, more than 3,000 people visited the summer reading rooms, and book distribution amounted to about 4,000 copies.

Summer reading rooms are a wonderful way to spend a warm day with a book in your hands, an opportunity to meet and get to know new people. The summer reading room is a place of educational discoveries, fun games, fun and celebration.

Photo 1. Quest game “Adventures with Alice.” Central Children's Library
Photo 2. Game “Frog Show”. Central Children's Library
Photo 3. Checkers tournament. Library bench. Western branch – Rastishka library
Photo 4. New periodicals. Library bench. Western branch – Rastishka library
Photo 5. New books. Library bench. Western branch – Rastishka library
Photo 6. Master class on making amulets dolls. Public Scientific Library named after. V. G. Korolenko
Photo 7. Fun quizzes. Public Scientific Library named after. V. G. Korolenko
Photo 8. Riddles on the grass. Public Scientific Library named after. V. G. Korolenko
Photo 9. Russia Day holiday with Carlson. Public Scientific Library named after. V. G. Korolenko
Photo 10. Very interesting magazines. Chepetsk branch
Photo 11. Reading with families. Chepetsk branch
Photo 12. Loud readings. Chepetsk branch
Photo 13. Game “In the Animal World”. Embankment branch
Photo 14. Reading in the fresh air. Embankment branch
Photo 15. Summer master classes. Embankment branch
Photo 16. Action dedicated to the Day of Memory and Sorrow. Embankment branch
Photo 17. Loud readings. Embankment branch



Project "Summer Reading Room" municipal cultural institution "Centralized Library System" of the city of Arkhangelsk, brought to life in the summer of 2008, was implemented with the support of the department of culture and youth policy of the mayor's office of the city of Arkhangelsk within the framework of the city ​​target program "Youth of Arkhangelsk (2006-2008)".
Summer is a time for vacations and holidays. Children, adolescents, young people and adults spend more time outdoors, in nature, and the flow of users into libraries is decreasing. Therefore, employees of the Arkhangelsk Central Library set up a mobile reading room, placing it on the street. Chumbarov-Luchinsky or “Chumbarovka”, as the residents of Arkhangelsk call it. This is the central pedestrian street of the city, the local Arbat.
By placing the reading room in a convenient, public place, the project organizers created optimal conditions for reading and viewing periodicals, helped satisfy the cognitive needs of young people, and filled the leisure time of visitors to the summer reading room with interesting and useful content.
The reading room was created using prefabricated lightweight metal shelving and a set of plastic furniture. Everyone was given periodicals of various topics (any visitor could find something to suit his taste) and children's fiction. Book exhibitions were presented in the reading room: “To the 80th anniversary of Valentin Pikul”, “Name Russia. Arkhangelsk chooses M.V. Lomonosov”, “It’s fashionable to be healthy!”. Of particular interest was the stand with children's literature, where you could not only read, but also draw in coloring books and albums "I enjoy reading!"(all children were given drawing kits upon request).
The reading room was open for only one month - July (the time of good weather in Arkhangelsk) on Tuesdays and Fridays from 13.00 to 17.00. The uniqueness of this project lay in its complexity: external advertising (T-shirts and baseball caps on library employees with the call “Time to read!”) was supported by internal content.
All the information that was disseminated during the work of the reading room was dedicated to reading, books, and libraries.

  • During the event, passers-by and visitors to the reading room were given the following:
  • flyers - invitations to the summer reading room;
  • lists of all municipal libraries of the city with addresses and telephone numbers;

The information presented allowed a large number of Arkhangelsk residents to learn a lot of interesting things about reading, books and libraries of the city.
The project was created in order to usefully fill the summer leisure time of residents and guests of the city. The main purpose of creating a reading room was to stimulate public interest in books and reading, promote literacy and education of the local population, and introduce children and youth to reading. This was an attempt to bring the library as close as possible to the reader, to create more favorable opportunities and conditions for family reading and recreation for city residents.
Any passerby, without rules and conventions, could become a visitor to the reading room.
Librarians tried to satisfy the cognitive needs of citizens and fill their leisure time with interesting and useful content.
The outdoor reading room became a kind of meeting place for the townspeople, allowing many to “remember their youth”: adults met with childhood friends, found among the offered literature publications that they read in their youth, and which they thought that they were no longer possible to read. As it turned out, many visitors to the reading room could not believe that they were holding in their hands the once beloved magazines “Pioneer”, “Koster”, “Technology for Youth”, “Physical Culture and Sports”. When mentioning the nostalgic topic, it is worth saying that one of the readers shared with the employees of the Arkhangelsk Central Library System his memories that when he was a schoolboy (approximately in the 50-60s), the city also had such an open reading room, where he, While waiting for my mother from work, I spent time reading magazines and books.
Over the course of a month of operation, the reading room had its own regular visitors, who even left certain orders. The largest influx of citizens in the reading room was recorded on June 27, Russian Youth Day. In addition, on that day, young Arkhangelsk residents who went out into the streets became participants in a two-hour cultural and entertainment program, during which the Arkhangelsk Central Bank held an action“It’s fashionable to be healthy!” Bookmarks with the inscriptions were distributed:“Tobacco trial”, “No to bad habits!”, “How to avoid becoming a victim of drug addiction”, “Your life is in your hands!”, “Bad habits are a threat to health”, booklets“HIV and AIDS”, “Viral hepatitis”, “Sexually transmitted infections”,
a magazine for young people “Territory of Life”, published jointly by healthcare institutions of Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and Petrozavodsk. “Arkhangelsk chooses M.V. Lomonosov" within the framework of the All-Russian competition “Name of Russia”. Flyers were distributed at Chumbarovka with an appeal to vote for an outstanding fellow countryman and make your historical choice. City residents were invited to cast their vote for the Great Pomor right in the reading room (for convenience, a computer with Internet access was installed), or at home (the site was indicated on campaign flyers).
The work of the reading room aroused great interest among the media, which attracted a large number of citizens to it. And the editors of local newspapers sent their publications to the reading room for free distribution, because, based on observations and surveys of visitors, the reading room was in demand, the townspeople paid attention to it, read newspapers, magazines, children's books, and gladly took booklets and bookmarks. On average, during 4 hours of work per day, the reading room served about 160 people, the average book issue was 200 copies. The “Book of Reviews and Suggestions” contained many warm, grateful responses.
The work of the summer reading room was continued in 2009. Its organizers tried to take into account all the shortcomings that were identified during the implementation of this project, namely:

  • an outdoor banner was produced indicating the event and organizers, as well as flyers aimed at promoting books and reading;
  • children's leisure time has been expanded (loud readings, drawing competitions, literary quizzes with awards for the winners);
  • volunteers were involved in the implementation of the project;
  • the number of partners has been increased;
  • The opening hours of the summer reading room have been changed (twice a week from 12.00 to 16.00).

Initiative of the Central City Library named after. M.V. Lomonosov was picked up by the branches of the Central Bank. In July I worked 2-3 times a week "Read-yard in Solombala", in the park near library No. 5 named after.
B.V. Shergin.

The Summer Reading Room has become a notable event in the cultural life of Arkhangelsk, raising the prestige of reading as an important tool for increasing the intellectual potential of the nation and returning it to the number of state and public priorities.
L.F. Belyaeva, head Department of Innovative Methodological Activities and Library Marketing

Organizing summer holidays for children and teenagers is a traditional area of ​​activity for the libraries of the MBU “Central Library System of the Sterlitamak District”. Today, on the last day of summer, the work of the “Open Air Summer Reading Rooms”, organized in rural libraries as part of the “It’s not too lazy to read on a summer day” campaign, comes to an end. The main task of all libraries was to provide meaningful recreation to as many schoolchildren as possible, broaden their horizons, teach creativity, communication, respect for nature, and instill a love of books.

Library staff have set up reading rooms in convenient public places in recreation parks and squares in front of the library. A special place here was occupied by book and illustrative exhibitions, thematic screenings of literature, where new items of various genres were presented, books on home economics, gardening, children's art and educational books, the latest newspapers and magazines, and board games. Among friends, in the cozy atmosphere of the reading room, where there is a lot of useful and necessary information, everyone found literature to their liking.

The events held by libraries in the summer were distinguished by great thematic diversity, covering various fields of knowledge: literary studies, ecology, geography, history, local history, etc., since the tasks set here, in addition to filling children’s leisure time and attracting them to reading, were also gaining new knowledge on various topics. Literary games “With a book on a bench” (Konstantinograd Library), a fairy-tale championship “Fairytale Path” (Naumovskaya Library), and flash mobs “Take care of the earth!” were organized for visitors to the “Open Air Reading Rooms.” (Aigul Library), intellectual games “Clever Men and Clever Girls” (Kosyakov Library), “Backlands of the Native Land” (Naumov Library), competition “Little Secrets of a Green Friend” (Tyuryushlin Library), quiz “Guess the Flag” (Novo-Baryatin Library) , road labyrinth “Know the rules of movement, like the multiplication table” (Roshchinskaya library), game programs of the show - the game “Fairytale Alphabet” (V-Uslinskaya library), quest - the game “It burns without fire, flies without wings, burns without legs” ( Pokrovskaya Library), quest orientation “In Search of Treasures” (Alatan Library), creative master classes “Applique from dried flowers” ​​(Kuganak Library), “Making bookmarks” and “I sculpt from plasticine...” (Preobrazhenovskaya Library ), sports and game programs “All games come to visit us” (N-Krasnoyarsk Library), “Fun Starts!”, outdoor games, relay races, chess and checkers tournaments, etc.

In the summer reading room of the Intersettlement Central Children's Library, an entertainment program “Believe in a fairy tale, friends!” was held, at which various competitions on fairy tales were held, a literary ring “Ilya Muromets vs. Spider-Man”, where old fairy tales “competed” with characters from modern cartoons , book relay race “Is a fairy tale a lie?”, in which each participant talked about his favorite book with fairy tales. The information-minute “A Fairy Tale Came to Visit Us” introduced new books and magazines “Fidget” and “Far Far Away.”

The Zolotonosha rural library held an environmental lesson in the summer reading room - the riddle “Who lives in the forest, what grows in the forest”, during which the participants made a trip to the forest. During the ecological journey, trees, plants, berries and mushrooms were studied; solved crossword puzzles and guessed riddles about the forest. At the end of the trip, the best experts on the forest and forest inhabitants were identified. All the guys received sweet prizes. At the environmental picnic “With a Book in Nature” at the Kuganak Library, children read books in the fresh air, took part in the game “The Smartest,” and answered questions about the environment. We discussed environmental problems and various ways to solve them. The picnic ended with a drawing competition “Fruits of our garden”.

In the summer reading room of the Naumov Library, a sports and game program “Summer Fun” was held. Fast, dexterous, brave boys and girls showed their knowledge of physical education and sports, and their skills in board and outdoor games.

In the intellectual game “Safety School”, conducted by the Nikolaev Library, children in an entertaining way received skills and habits of correct behavior on the street. We consolidated and improved our knowledge of traffic rules in the “Traffic Light” asphalt drawing competition.

The uniqueness of the summer reading rooms is that the librarians prepared the equipment (tables, ottomans, shelving) from available materials - tires, pallets, boxes, etc.

Young readers spent time outdoors in this library with great pleasure, showing an active interest in books, magazines, board games, construction sets and toys made from various materials. The work of libraries in the summer is an attempt to bring the library as close as possible to the reader, to create more favorable opportunities and conditions for family reading and recreation for the population. Summer is a time of creativity, imagination, and activation of all forms of individual and mass work with readers.

“Library without borders: modern forms of extra-library

The most important element of culture, an essential factor in the education and development of personality is reading. However, recently his role in society has been losing its leadership. In this situation, the most important tasks of the library are: development of a sustainable and conscious interest in reading, expansion of reading and cultural horizons; full support for the prestige of reading as an important element of culture through updating traditional methods of work in accordance with the new needs of the younger generation.
"Library Without Borders"- the work of the library in open areas, the library’s access to the virtual space, which became possible thanks to the informatization of libraries. The library as a virtual space is a unique information center for the reader, with which he communicates while at home or on the go. Speaking about the virtual space of the library, first of all it is necessary to name such an important element as the library website. Thus, on the website of the Veselovskaya Intersettlement Central Library you can see information about the history and current state of the ILC, operating hours, resources, literature reviews, library information products, library news and events, contact information, etc. In short, the site is a constantly updated information and educational resource of the library.
The library is expanding its virtual space on social networks. There are library groups in which librarians discuss their common professional problems, share impressions of events, and discuss the latest news in the library world. So, for example, in Odnoklassniki there is a group “Librarians”, which has a page “Veselovskaya Library”. On this page we post news of library life, provide links to materials published on the website of the Veselovskaya ILC, etc. in discussions of topics in which our library actively participates.
The “Veselovskaya Library” page is also on the social network “Vkontakte”, in the groups “Don Libraries”, “Don State Library”.

Among the forms of non-library services, first of all, the emphasis is on bringing library services closer to the place of study, work and recreation of the population, including through holding holidays, promotions, and reading festivals in open areas.

Mobile open-air reading room “Library under an umbrella”
The goal is to, with the help of periodicals, expand the information horizons of young people and bring the library as close as possible to the reader. Stimulate public interest in books and reading. He worked in August and September in the central square of the city of Zarinsk (Altai Territory) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14.00 to 18.00. Racks for magazines, plastic furniture, bright sun umbrellas with the name of the project. The information cycle included: an invitation to the “Library under the Umbrella”, bookmarks-memos for young parents, colorful bookmarks-invitations to the library with information about new products.

"Library outside the walls"
One of the innovative directions - “Library outside the walls” - is being implemented by employees of the libraries of the Torzhok Central Library System of the Tver Region. At the “Merchant Caravan” festival in the village of Vasilevo, as part of the Trinity festivities, librarians presented a business center and distributed advertising publications. At the “Day of Sports and Tourism in Torzhok” holiday, a book fair with an autograph session of local authors, an exhibition of literary novelties, and a “Map of Book Treasures” were displayed. Librarians worked “in the crowd”: they handed out flyers, talked about the library’s capabilities, invited people to visit, and conducted a quick survey “I read...”. To track how many people would come to the library, they were registered in advance right on the square, and registered when visiting the Central Bank. As a result, more than 50% of those recorded at the festival became its users. On the city’s Youth Day, poets, singers and musicians were presented on the Literary Alley “Young Torzhok Reads”. Library publishing products and the “Charming Sounds of Poetry” stand were demonstrated. On All-Russian Youth Day, we organized the Literary Alley “We are the Young”, the stand exhibition “If you want to find a friend, hurry to the library”, with the active help of members of the youth club “Spectrum” operating under the Central Bank, literary and local history bibliocaching “I love my city” .
On May 27, employees of the central and children's libraries took to the streets of the city, on buses, minibuses with the campaign “Have you signed up for the library?!” We conducted blitz surveys “May 27 - what does this day mean to you?”, “About reading and books”, “About libraries and librarians”, offered invitations, leaflets, booklets, newsletters, and sold local history literature. On the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty, Central Bank employees participated in the ceremonial registration of the marriage of two young couples, asking townspeople on the streets the question: “What is significant about today?” (50% of respondents answered correctly), congratulated on the holiday, presented booklets, “Fevronka”, daisies, popularized Anna Gippius’s book “Peter and Fevronia”, invited to the library, visited the editorial office of the newspaper “Torzhok Week”, which immediately covered the action in the current issue on their pages.

Project “Summer Reading Room”
Employees of the Uglich Central Library System of the Yaroslavl Region, together with volunteers, began their journey “beyond the walls of the library” by going out into the street only on City Day - book and magazine exhibitions were set up near the library building. Children and adults eagerly played the lottery drum, answered local history quiz questions, and received a good wish as a gift - the words of a famous writer. A year later, tables were placed in the park area, not far from the library, a microphone was installed and lovers of poetry and amateur songs were invited to listen, read, sing and just talk about literature. This is how the Literary Cafe appeared. Several times librarians took part in the regional action “We are for a reading Russia!”: from June 1 to June 12, events were held to support reading for users of all ages. Some of the events - interviewing, distribution of booklets, bookmarks, flyers - take place on the street.
Finally, having sufficient experience working outside the library, the staff organized a Summer Reading Room. It opened on June 12 and became a kind of meeting place for residents, reflecting on the question “Where does the Motherland begin?” Their words were written on pieces of paper - white, blue, red - and hung on birch branches. In addition, historical, reference and fiction literature was prepared for the event and an educational and game program “We are proud of great Russia” was held. Subsequently, the reading room worked three times a week for four hours. Residents could read books and magazines in the shade of trees and umbrellas, and take part in quizzes and competitions.
The traditional municipal fair “Harvest 2013” ​​opened up new opportunities for librarians. The tent, under which there were tables, exhibition shelves and a painted bench, attracted guests with bright covers of books and magazines, baskets from which they could take out a funny question and, after answering it, receive a booklet “Riddles of the Bee Hive” or a recipe for preparing vegetable preparations as a gift . Librarians offered those who wished to take out multi-colored rejuvenating wish apples from the pockets of the nesting dolls. A children's area was set up for children: a sunflower with riddles instead of seeds, a small table and chairs, paper, pencils.
The following events took place within the reading room:
- flash mob “Native Speech”(for Russia Day) - reading fans brought their favorite books with them, having previously wrapped them in colored paper. From the passage read out for 3 minutes, it was necessary to find out the author and the title of the work. Readers received booklets and bookmarks as souvenirs.
- flash mob “Green light for reading”. Participants with green balls and their favorite books read for 5 minutes.
The Summer Reading Room concluded its work with the educational program “With a book - to the Land of Knowledge,” dedicated to the beginning of the school year.
Based on their own experience, Uglich librarians advise those who are just starting to organize leisure time and reading outside the library:
1. When determining the location where the summer library playground will be located, it is necessary to provide for the presence of shade from trees.
2. You should not be located in too crowded places - near a store or pharmacy: their visitors show interest in the publications on display in order to purchase.
3. Children's books, colored pencils and crayons will not be enough to hold the attention of young readers. So that mom or grandmother has time to sit down at the table, relax, look through books and magazines, you need to buy a ball, cubes, etc.
4. You need to stock up on a large piece of plastic film - against sudden summer rains.

Innovative project “Library Village”
An impromptu “Library Village” (for the district’s anniversary) is comfortably located among the trees on the site near the rural House of Culture in the village of Batama, Ziminsky district, Irkutsk region. Original design: bright multi-colored flags, balloons, banners, slogans and various statements about books and reading. From the tent - “Radio of the Ziminsky District” - all those present could find out information about the main events of the past year, achievements and successes in the life of the district; The festival program, library advertisements, and poems by local poets were heard.
In the “Open Air Reading Room for Adults” the following exhibitions were displayed: “Ziminsky District in Book Format”, “Comfort in Your Home”, “Interesting for YOU!”, “New Books”.
At the Literary Cafe, residents met with a local poet.
A “Funny Kindergarten” was organized for children, where children could play. Young book lovers could look through magazines and books in the Children's Reading Room. The kids enjoyed listening to musical books from the “Singing Cartoons” series. The show “Soap Bubbles” was a delight. All activities were aimed at developing interest in reading.
The “Book as a Gift” campaign is sponsored by the Book House from Irkutsk, which donated publications worth more than 80 thousand rubles to the ICB. Participants of the action who correctly answered the questions of the local history quiz could choose any book they liked.

Library street event “Book. Summer. The youth"
Book Boulevard “The Reader Gives to the Reader” - several tables are displayed under the names: “Books for all times. Choose, take, read”, “Magazines for every taste. Choose, take, read,” Books by local authors.” Advertising flyers about books by contemporary writers and “Join the Library” were distributed to young people. Next to the tables there was a sign on which posters were attached on both sides: “Youth of Vorkuta chooses reading!”, “Library + Youth = Excellent result.” At the “Fence of Wishes” all participants could leave their notes and autographs. The following year, a large model of the “Book of Good Wishes” was designed. Poster “Attention: the “Book” campaign. Summer. Youth" invited you to take part in a sociological express survey, as well as a literary instant quiz on your knowledge of the works of Russian classics. All the attributes and props had the logo of the action - a smiling sun with a book. There was music. Rating survey of the older generation on the choice of the most popular book for young people. Rating survey of young people: what can they recommend their peers to read? Polls “Do you know how to get to the library?”, “What are you reading currently?”
The event has become traditional, but every year something new is added to it. For example, simultaneously with the main events of the campaign, the “Useful gift from ConsultantPlus” campaign was held (distribution of products of the reference and legal system - ConsultantPlus CDs: Higher School, pens, rulers, bookmarks with paraphernalia). The promotion is already being held at two sites, which has increased the number of participants. Second-hand bookstore “Book Parallel” - not only take any book for free, but also get advice about the library’s information services, advertising publications with information about the library’s location, operating hours, and presentations of books by contemporary authors. The action is also supported by branches of the Central Bank. For example, in one of the branches a street campaign “Book for Summer” was held.

Relay “The Young Generation Reads!”
At the beginning of the relay, a survey of young people was conducted, based on the results of which the most popular artistically significant works among young people were selected for reading and discussion, and a recommended reading list was compiled. Information about the relay race was posted on the website of the Tomsk Regional Children's and Youth Library, and promotional materials were distributed during various public events. The main principle of the relay race is “If you read the book yourself, pass it on to someone else.” The volunteers were active readers aged 15 to 24 years; they told their peers about their favorite works and invited them to take part in the relay race. As part of the relay, a collection of reviews and creative works about the proposed books was organized, the materials were posted on the library website.
The event of the relay race was the street flash mob “Open your book!”, in which library readers, youth, writers, poets, famous people, and just passers-by took part. The main call of the flash mob was “Become a volunteer - involve your peers in the ranks of readers!” “Free Microphone” was in great demand, where each speaker named his favorite book that he would recommend others to read.
Magazines, newspapers, and books were waiting for everyone in the “Open Air Reading Room”; A win-win literary lottery took place here. Readers could leave signatures, reviews, wishes in support of the book and reading in the “Reader Slam” on a 25-meter roll of paper. Games, competitions, and quizzes are held for spectators. Bookmarks and booklets were distributed. Exhibition of creative works by Relay participants.
Promotions “Debtor Forgiveness Day”, “Donate a Book to the Library!”, “Enroll in the Library Today”.
The holiday ended with the symbolic launch of balloons with the pennant “Open your book!”, this right was granted to the best young readers.

“Library outside the walls” (libraries in Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk region)
Together with the department of public education, the “Spring and Reading Festival” was held. A volunteer movement has been organized: young people receive information from the Central City Hospital about the best books, textbooks and conduct educational activities in youth audiences. Every year on City Day there is a “Library Courtyard”, where librarians hold meetings, events, and games; showcase exhibitions and screenings of books and periodicals. Deputies and the public take part in the events.
Project "Book Landing"(Chebarkul Central District Hospital) provides library services to residents of villages that do not have stationary libraries, by running an information bus around the area with a cycle of public events, organizing distribution points at workplaces, creating mobile reading rooms, and mobile library sites.
Local event “Reading North-West” in the city of Zlatoust served as an example of the city-wide action “Zlatoust Reading”. A major event was “Time to Read!” campaign in the form of a fair where "library services and goods" were displayed. The street in front of the library building was festively decorated: flags and balloons were hung, tables with library publications and funny announcements were placed. Musical accompaniment and theatrical performance.
Campaign “Reading trolleybus”, “Reading bus”: organized distribution of promotional products, review of new products, brief introduction to the history of objects along the route. Quiz “Erudite”, poems by local writers were read.

Project “Reading Train” (Moscow)- in the Moscow metro, the carriages of one of the trains are equipped with comprehensive information about the library, visual propaganda in favor of active reading. The library comes to the reader.

Campaign “Advertising Spring” (Angarsk, Irkutsk region)
The action was timed to coincide with the All-Russian Day of Libraries. A good opportunity to talk interestingly about the capabilities of libraries, clearly demonstrate them to readers and potential users, use advertising to attract new readers, to develop methods of working with regular visitors, to create a positive image of the library. On this day, the street in front of every library in the city was lively and noisy: tables and exhibition shelves were taken out, balloons and flags, slogans, banners were hung, stands and posters were installed, and music was played. Booklets, bookmarks, library business cards, announcements about library services - at bus stops, in shops, and on the street - were handed out to passers-by by librarians dressed as literary heroes.
Each of the libraries used different types of advertising: showcase, window. For example: “A house without books is as dark as without windows,” “A book is a secret, a book is a treasure.” A book is a friend for all children”, “My friend, here is your library!” Street advertising in the form of tablets, hut posters, stands, billboards. Library posters “My favorite library”, “We are going to the library”, “Our whole family loves books”, “Everything is good, but with a library it’s better”, “Have you signed up for the library?” Colorfully designed mottos: “The whole family - go to the library!”, “I know how to get to the library”, “Surprise your parents - read a book”, etc.
Asphalt drawing competitions “My Favorite Fairy Tale”, “Fairy Tale Land”, “Island of Beauty”, book exhibitions and exhibitions of crafts.
Advertising during public events - competitions, quizzes, games, gatherings. So, in one of the libraries, gatherings “With a book on a bench” were held, in another, on the lawn under the library windows, the competition “Smart Men and Women” was held.

Campaign “With a book on a bench” took place in Tambov. One of the benches in the park was decorated with a garland of balloons. All passers-by became participants in the event. Librarians were on duty in the park and read the best fairy tales aloud to the children. A week later, children with grandparents, mothers and fathers hurried to the park at the appointed time.

Campaign “Reading Pushkin together”
Using elements of theatricality, librarians of the Central City Library named after A.S. Pushkin (Oryol) gave everyone the opportunity to read the works of A.S. Pushkin, and at the same time try the poet’s favorite dishes, the tasting of which was accompanied by a story about the culinary preferences of A.S. Pushkin.

Flash mob “Tell the teacher thank you!” (on the eve of a professional holiday)
Everyone was able to say kind words to their mentor and congratulate the teaching staff of their home school on Teacher’s Day. You could do this through a microphone or take a postcard with a logo specially printed for the event and write a few kind words. The signed postcards were handed over to educational institutions.

Promotions for the elderly and disabled: “Book at home”, “Hurry to do good”, during which librarians deliver newspapers, magazines, books to the homes of elderly, sick, and disabled people, and conduct conversations with them on various topics (Takhta village, Ipatovsky district, Severnoye village, Aleksandrovsky district, Stavropol Territory).

Celebration of books and reading “Literary Boulevard”
The holiday dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture was held in the city of Kurgan. The event was accompanied by a large advertising campaign: advertising video, printed materials - flyers, leaflets, bookmarks, booklets, posters with the program of holiday events, information on the website about preparations for the holiday, individual work with students.
On the day of the holiday, in the morning, the equipment was installed, the equipment was connected, and the exhibition racks were set up. The event starts at 11.00. Loud music and bells sounded and started the celebration. The Head of the city, the rector of the hospital church of St. Luke at the Kurgan Regional Hospital for War Veterans, and the famous writer V. Potanin addressed the residents with welcoming words.
The holiday program was held at five venues. One area - game programs, songs and dances, performances of folk ensembles, a street performance based on the fairy tale by B. Shergin “Moscow Shish”.
At another site, students studying in the arts and crafts department painted wooden blanks of future dolls, wove beads, and knitted them in front of passers-by.
On “Children’s playground or no adults allowed!” the adults had fun with the children. The cheerful red-haired clowns Klepa and Iriska organized a “literary swim”, where the main prize was a large inflatable dolphin for swimming, were DJs at a mischievous “children’s club”, and held quizzes and competitions. Favorite characters from the children's magazine "Nafanya" - the brownie Nafanya and his friend Fanechka - happily frolicked among the children, asked riddles, and generously presented the participants with souvenirs for correct answers. Here you could subscribe to the magazine and even win it in a win-win lottery. On one of the benches, definitely “fabulous,” the well-known princess Nesmeyana sat down with the Tsar-Father. The children completed all her tricky tasks and the royal daughter had to part with her chest of precious candies and wonderful books. I gave everything to the smart boys and girls, and that’s why I had fun.
Together with the propaganda team “Biblionysh”, who performed a medley of K. Chukovsky’s fairy tales in rap style, the townspeople went on a journey through the School Kingdom. The concert program “Fairytale World” and the performance “The Path of the Book from Stone to Computer” attracted a very large audience. Bookworms took part in fun events “Choose a book as a gift” and “Let’s invite friends to the library.”
On this day, professional educational institutions opened a real Encyclopedia of Excellence. Getting to know the products of your publishing centers. Here you could also buy and exchange educational literature. Presentation of the multi-volume “Orthodox Encyclopedia”.
Not far from the shelves with publications dedicated to Russian antiquity, real heroic duels unfolded. The proposal to measure strength with knights dressed in real chain mail and helmets caused delight among the children's audience. The children were not embarrassed by the fact that five of them piled on one hero.
I was on the Boulevard and Bibliotechnaya station.
Librarians held survey “Favorite book of the Kurgan family.” Daisy petals were attached to a specially prepared stand, each with the name of one, but most favorite book written on it. At first, the librarians themselves “grew” one flower from their reading preferences. Gradually, chamomile after chamomile, a whole clearing blossomed on the boulevard. Controversies and discussions flared up around the stand. Many named the works of Russian classics - Pushkin, Tolstoy, Lermontov, Chekhov.
For those who need professional advice, it was open consulting bureau “What to read today?”
Book stalls, books for modest money; book collapses. Anyone could receive a book as a gift or exchange it. The ruins were “cleared” quickly.

The librarians of the Veselovsky district use many interesting forms in their work. First of all, this is - “We Read Together” campaigns, “Happy Holidays to You, Library”, “Library on a Bench”, “Literary Park”, “Open Air Reading Room” project, events dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, White Crane Day, Refusal Day from smoking, Greetings Day, flash mobs dedicated to the elections.
All of the above forms of extra-library services contribute to one of the main tasks of the library - creating a favorable environment for acquiring new knowledge, creating a need for reading, cultural growth and the development of interpersonal communication among users.

List of used literature:

1. The library goes underground: Library Information Agency. News rating // Library. - 2008. - No. 10. - S.1.
2. Bogaeva, G. “Library under an umbrella” - summer version / G. Bogaeva // Bibliopol. - 2010. - No. 5. - P.34-35.
3. Gorbacheva, T. “Library Village” - an innovative project / T. Gorbacheva, O. Sibagatulina // Library. - 2014. - No. 1. - P. 6.
4. Daineko, G. We declare ourselves loudly / G. Daineko // Library. - 2008.- No. 10. - P. 8-13.
5. Dzyuba, N. Extremely in demand: Model library and information services for village residents in modern conditions / N. Dzyuba // Bibliopol. - 2010. - No. 8. - P. 7-11.
6. Kalashnikova, S. How we spent this summer: Literary cafe, reading room outside the walls of the institution - this is interesting / S. Kalashnikova, T. Kerbikova // Library. -2014. - No. 1. - P. 70-73.
7. Kovalskaya, N. The art of creating an event: Street action in plans and in life / N. Kovalskaya // Library. - 2014. - No. 3. - P.39-44.
8. Kubrakova, T. Our choice in favor of the book / T. Kubrakova // Bibliopol. - 2010.- No. 7. - P. 7-11.
9. Methodological piggy bank: From the experience of methodological services of libraries in the Tver region. Issue 3. / Tver Regional Universal Scientific Library named after. A.M. Gorky. - Tver, 2011. - (Scientific and Methodological Department).
10. Tikhonova, E. Reading together / E. Tikhonova // Bibliopol. - 2010. - No. 4. - pp. 13-19.
11. Khomko, S. Reader’s rendezvous on the literary boulevard: Mass work. Address of experience / S. Khomko // Library. - 2008. - No. 10. - pp. 56-59.
12. Chupakhina, O. The new generation chooses...: How to attract the attention of teenagers to world classic works / O. Chupakhina // Library. - 2011. - No. 2. - P. 35-40.

Comp.: Head of IBO
MBUK VR "Intersettlement Central Library"
O.V. Degtyareva O.V.

The “Summer Reading Room” project of the Municipal Budgetary Institution “Centralized Library System” of the municipal district of Sterlitamak district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, implemented in the summer of 2016, was implemented with the support of the district’s Department of Culture.

Summer is a time for vacations and holidays. Children, adolescents, young people and adults spend more time outdoors, in nature, and the flow of users into libraries is decreasing. Therefore, employees of the Roshchinskaya, Nikolaevskaya, Tyuryushlinskaya and Oktyabrskaya libraries of the Sterlitamak Central Library set up reading rooms in a convenient public place in recreation parks, in the squares in front of the library. The project organizers created optimal conditions for reading and viewing periodicals, helped satisfy cognitive needs, and filled the leisure time of visitors to the summer reading rooms with interesting and useful content. This is a unique opportunity to create a space of creativity and communication for children, teenagers, and young people based on books, an opportunity to attract them to reading, and new readers to the library. A special place here is occupied by book and illustrative exhibitions, thematic screenings of literature, where new items of various genres are presented, books on home economics, gardening, children's art and educational books, the latest newspapers and magazines, and board games. In the circle of friends, in the cozy atmosphere of the reading room, where there is a lot of useful and necessary information, everyone will find literature to their liking.

Literary games, competitions, game programs, chess and checkers tournaments, etc. are organized for visitors to the open-air reading rooms.

A visit to a cozy outdoor reading room is a great opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of problems, choose a book to your liking, take a comfortable seat and immerse yourself in reading.

The uniqueness of the summer reading rooms is that the librarians prepared the equipment (tables, ottomans, shelving) from available materials - tires, pallets, boxes, etc.

The Summer Reading Room has become a notable event in the cultural life of the region, raising the prestige of reading as an important tool for increasing the intellectual potential of the nation and returning it to the number of state and public priorities.