Brain weight by age. Brain weight and intelligence. National characteristics. Brain weight: what scientists say

How many interesting facts humanity knows about the brain, but many times more is not known about this organ of the central nervous system. For example, what is memory, where is remembered information stored, why could the volume of the brain of prominent intellectuals differ significantly in weight? Let's take a look at the anthropometry of this mysterious organ, the shape of which resembles the appearance of a walnut kernel.

Energy consumption

Brain volume of any modern man exceeds the same indicator when compared with any animal. The energy consumption of this organ will surprise most people to learn that about half of the glucose produced in the liver is consumed by the brain. The figure can be about 20 percent of the body's energy, or more clearly 10-15 W with a light load.

Active mental activity requires up to 25 W of power, and among scientific luminaries this figure sometimes reaches 30 W. In this case, a much larger number of electrical impulses are generated than all the computer technology on the planet produces. The mass of the brain is much smaller by orders of magnitude.

Evolution has created a more efficient mechanism for processing received information compared to technical solutions of people.


It is difficult to accurately determine the volume of the human brain in our time. Doctors mainly resort to empirical formulas to calculate the physical dimensions of an organ. So the overall dimensions of the skull in centimeters are taken, multiplied, a couple of coefficients are added and an approximate result is obtained. Moreover, the linear size of the skull of men and women is calculated using different formulas.

The bigger, the better

There is an opinion: the larger the brain, the smarter its owner, be it a person or an animal. Everything is correct. In terms of mental abilities, mammals are far superior to worms and insects, and apes are far superior to their less developed relatives. Well, depending on how you look at it: birds, worms and monkeys have enough brain size to survive in their familiar environment, but humans constantly adapt their habitat and lifestyle to suit themselves. And in the last century, this process has outpaced the lifespan of people: over the course of a generation, the world changes so much that a person needs to continuously learn in order to live in it, or go into the jungle.

Now about the interesting stuff.

  • Research from the 19th century and modern times does not indicate that brain mass has increased.
  • In insects, its role is replaced by nerve nodes and a chain.
  • Anatole France's brain weighed half as much as Ivan Turgenev's.
  • If after more than 20 years the adult brain begins to lose approximately 1 gram per year, and closer to 50-60 the figure grows to 2, and sometimes 3 grams, then after 60 years this figure of mass loss can exceed 4 grams per year. Interestingly, acquiring new skills and knowledge and engaging in intellectual activity do not have a positive effect on brain weight. It grows only in children and adolescents.
  • The maximum weight of the organ was recorded in an idiot and an epileptic, and it did not function fully.

Conclusion: it doesn’t matter how much a human or animal brain weighs. More important here are the ratio of organ mass to body mass and the number of connections between neurons. It’s not for nothing that science has established that an active person (reading books) uses about 5% of his intellectual potential. For someone new to mental activity, 3% is enough, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a woman or a man.

The number of neurons also says little about the capacity of the cranium: with an equal number of neurons, different types Some animals differ significantly in their intellectual abilities, but only in solving problems proposed by humans.


Many people think that the modern human brain is slightly larger than that of an ape, but this is not true. Human intelligence truly surpasses the mental abilities of any animal; the dolphin comes second in intelligence, not the chimpanzee. The human brain can weigh up to 2% of body weight, that is, it is 50 or slightly more times lighter than the entire body; for dolphins the figure is about 80 times, and for chimpanzees it is about 120. But even this calculation does not provide high accuracy, after all, it has been established that in different mammals, intelligence largely depends on the area of ​​the cortex (neocortex), which is increased due to the gyri.

Mass indicators

It is no secret that the female and male centers of the nervous system differ in weight. This was established in 1882 by Francis Gatton and has been repeatedly confirmed by scientists from various research institutes and centers around the globe.

This difference is 100-150 grams on average.


Finally, we come to the most interesting thing: how much a human brain weighs, and what is its average size. An organ with the following dimensions is considered normal:

  • length (from the frontal lobes to the back of the head) – 160-175 mm;
  • width – 135-145 mm;
  • height (vertical section) 105-125 mm.

This is for an adult. For the elderly, children and adolescents, these numbers will be lower, as well as for those whose brains are influenced by factors harmful to it. environment(alcohol, drugs).

What is the average mass

The average value is considered to be 1.38 kg for the stronger sex and 1.24 kg for the fairer sex. Individual correlations can be 900 – 2000 grams. Highly intelligent people, professionals in any field of activity and creative individuals do not have increased brain mass. Its density is 1.038-1.04.

In children

Newborns and infants are distinguished by brain mass, which reaches 10% (350-450 grams is considered the norm) of body weight and decreases noticeably in the first years of its life and development. At two years old, for example, the weight fluctuates around 900 grams, and at six – 1.2 kg. Over the next 10-16 years, the brain gains only about 0.2 kg in weight.

High and low weight

The lightest brain that was recorded was a 46-year-old man. The weight was only 680 grams, and such a tiny organ did not have any effect on a person’s behavior and social skills. Although back in 1873, K. Focht established that the threshold for brain mass is in the range of 750-800 grams. Those who had a lighter organ were distinguished by the presence of microcephaly, simplified behavior, could have simplified speech, their development did not often differ from the mental abilities of children 3-6 years old. Such people led an almost asocial lifestyle, herding sheep, collecting firewood and berries.

The mass of the largest brain is 2850 grams, and its owner, as mentioned above, was an idiot and schizophrenic. In the same 19th century, the largest brain was recorded normal person. It was 2222 grams.

Racial and national differences

Haplogroup also affects brain weight. Holders of R1A, which are the majority or a significant part of Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Serbs, Indian Brahmins and a less significant percentage of representatives of other nations, are endowed with the most massive brain. Among Western Europeans and Asian peoples it is slightly less. African Americans have the lightest brain weight - it weighs approximately 100 grams less than that of white-skinned Americans.

Brain size doesn't always matter, at least not decisively. A man is not always smarter than a woman; their nervous systems are sharpened to solve various problems. But among various peoples it has been noticed that among the Slavs and their descendants, who carry the Y-chromosome R1A, there are more creators and inventors, which is no different for the Negroid population.

How are the brain and the human mind and intellect connected? Is it true that a large brain makes a particularly smart person? Let's try to figure it out.

The brain is an organ of the central nervous system, one of the most important in human body. Located in the cranium, its brain section. The skull protects brain tissue from damage. The human brain itself consists of a huge number of nerve cells and is responsible for thinking and consciousness.

Millennia passed before people realized that the brain is the governing center for the entire organism. It is the functioning of the brain that determines how smart a person is and what his level of intelligence is. And a logical question arose: is brain size related to mental abilities? It seems that the smarter a person is, the larger the brain should be? However, this is a misconception.

According to many years of statistics, many outstanding people had very small brains. Conversely, a brain weighing 2.8 kilograms was in the head of a mentally disabled person. There are also specific diseases that affect brain enlargement.

People's bodies differ in their parameters, and the same applies to the brain. However, there are statistical studies on how much the average human brain weighs and how it changes. According to modern data:

  • The average weight of the human brain is 1200–1400 grams.
  • The adult brain usually weighs between 1100–2000 grams.
  • Different races have different average brain weights.
  • Also, on average, the male brain is about 100 grams heavier than the female brain.

The weight of the brain throughout life is not a constant value: at first it grows with a person, reaches its greatest value by about 27 years, then the mass begins to decrease, approximately 3 grams per year.

In an adult, the brain weighs about 2% of the total body weight. In newborns, the brain takes up up to one tenth of the baby’s total weight. Typically, at birth, a person has a brain weighing 300–500 grams.

It is interesting that with such a ratio of body weight to brain in an adult, this most important organ, even at rest, consumes approximately 10% of the energy entering the body. And if mental activity begins, then the need for energy increases, reaching 25%. Plus, the brain requires a lot of oxygen - about a third of the useful gas entering the body is taken by the brain. That’s why oxygen starvation is so scary – it leads to the destruction of brain cells.

Returning to the question of the connection between brain weight and intelligence, we can give examples of outstanding people. For example, the poet George Byron's brain weighed more than 2200 grams, the writer Ivan Turgenev - just over 2000 grams. Physiologist Ivan Pavlov, who studied in particular the functioning of the brain, himself had a brain weighing 1650 grams. Revolutionaries Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky - 1340 and 1560, respectively. As you can see, the numbers are very different, and are completely disproportionate to the mental abilities and talent of people.

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Adult brain weight healthy person ranges from 1020 to 1970 grams.

The brain of men weighs 100–150 grams more than the brain of women. There is not much difference between individual races. In any case, the leading place is not occupied by Europeans. The average brain weight of African residents is 1316, Europeans - 1361, including: Germans - 1291, Swiss - 1327, Russians - 1377 grams. The weight of the Japanese brain is 1374, while that of the Buryats is as much as 1508 grams.

How can we find out how much the brain of our distant ancestors weighed?

The size of the brain can be determined by the size of the skull. The largest representative of modern apes has a small brain volume - 440 - 510 cubic centimeters. During the transition from the great ape to primitive man, a significant increase in the brain occurred. In Pithecanthropus it ranged from 750 to 900, in Sinanthropus it increased to 915 - 1225 cubic centimeters, that is, it caught up with the brain of a modern woman. The volume of the African Neanderthal skull reached 1325, and the European one – 1610 cubic centimeters. Finally, the Cro-Magnons were truly brainy guys with a brain volume of up to 1880 cubic centimeters.

Then the brain volume began to decline. Excavations in ancient Egyptian pyramids provide an opportunity to compare the sizes of the skulls of pharaohs over several millennia. For some 2 - 3 thousand years from the reign of the first dynasty of pharaohs to the 18th dynasty, the capacity of the skull fell from 1414 to 1379 cubic centimeters, approximately by a cubic centimeter every 200 years. And Europeans’ brains have “dried up” significantly over the past 15 - 20 thousand years. Its volume for a modern European is on average 1446 cubic centimeters.

Is it possible that the ancients were smarter than us? It’s unlikely, although they should have been outstanding thinkers: after all, they had to figure everything out with their own minds. I would like to hope that the decrease in brain size is caused by improvements in its design and is not accompanied by a decrease in intelligence.

Among animals, whales have the largest brains. The blue whale weighs 6800 grams, about five times more than a human. The brain weight of the Indian elephant is about 5000, the northern beluga dolphin - 2350, the bottlenose dolphin - 1735 grams. The comparison would not seem to be in favor of the person at all. But it is necessary to take into account not only the weight of the brain, but also the size of the subordinate body. An ordinary whale contains 30 tons of fat, bones and meat. An elephant weighs about 3 thousand, a beluga whale - 300, and a person - only some 75-85 kilograms. In our country, 1 gram of brain commands 50 grams of body, and in an ordinary whale it commands five kilograms, a body almost 100 times larger. If we take giant whales weighing 100 - 150 tons, which are occasionally found in the ocean, then for 1 gram of brain they will have over 20 kilograms of body - a huge load for nerve cells.

Brain– is the control center of the entire organism, responsible for thinking and consciousness. It is located in the skull, which protects it from damage. Surprisingly, it is the fattest of all organs in the body, as more than half is fat. This statement involuntarily makes you think that if the fattest, it means the heaviest. Is it so? How much does the human brain weigh? Is there a difference in the brain mass of an adult, an infant and an old person? How many brains does a person have? How different are men and women on this issue? Does intelligence affect brain weight? Is the average gray matter mass the same in representatives of different nationalities? Who in the animal kingdom has the largest and smallest brain? Let's try to figure it out and answer all the questions asked.

Brain weight and factors that influence it

The human brain, like the entire body, changes throughout life. The human brain begins its development from 15 to 21 days of intrauterine development of a child, by the time of birth it is fully formed and its weight ranges from 300 to 500 grams. During the first 27 years of life, the weight of the brain increases in proportion to the growth of the whole organism, and after that it decreases by about 3 grams per year. Archimedes once tried to calculate how much an adult human brain weighs by placing his head in a barrel of water. Afterwards, the volume of splashed water was calculated, and based on this figure, the mass was calculated. The result of such a study was, to put it mildly, not entirely accurate and understandable only to Archimedes himself. To date, scientists have established that the average weight of human brains is 2% of the total body weight, in general this ranges from 1 to 2 kg.

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In the human body, in addition to the head, which is located in the cranium, there are 2 more types:

  • dorsal. Located in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral spine. Its average weight is only 30 - 50 grams, length is about 50 centimeters;
  • bone. Located in the tissues of the hips, ribs, pelvis and sternum. Weighs 2000-4000 grams.

The mass of a man’s brain is not much larger than a woman’s, only 100–150 grams, since women are naturally smaller than men. And if you calculate the percentage, then the weight of gray matter in women will be greater. The largest female “mind” weighed 1565 grams, the smallest – 1096 grams. In 1956, a 10-year-old girl successfully passed an IQ test with a score of 228. This indicates the groundlessness of men’s belief that since they are heavier and taller than women, they are therefore smarter. Turgenev, for example, believed that the contents of his skull weighed about three kilograms.

Does intelligence affect brain weight? For the brilliant mathematician Gauss, it was 2400 grams, for the writer Byron more than 2000 grams, for Lenin only 1340 grams. There are diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, that affect the thickness of the cerebral cortex, thereby increasing its volume, but not adding intelligence. Schizophrenia and frequent depression, on the contrary, make it thinner. The most large mass brain was recorded in a mentally retarded person - more than 3000 grams. And according to scientists, the contents of the Australopithecus skull were about 500 grams. Paying attention to these figures, we can conclude that the mass of the brain of a healthy person does not affect mental abilities. The level of intelligence and talent depends on the number of connections, the number and density of the arrangement of neurons that form electrical impulses. Neurons analyze incoming information and respond to external influences, control the activity of the entire organism as a whole. They are the same gray matter.

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It has been proven that brain mass depends on nationality and race. Anthropologists say that in this matter the white man is superior to the black man. The owners of the heaviest brains are Belarusians - 1429 grams, while the lightest are Australians - 1185 grams and the French - 1300 grams. The Japanese and Koreans, who are distinguished by a fragile physique, have gray matter in a volume of no more than 1400 grams.

From what was written above, it became clear that the severity of the human brain is influenced by a lot of factors. It's the same with animals. Many large mammals do not have a large brain mass. For example, prehistoric dinosaurs. With a height of more than nine meters, their thinking organ weighed less than 1000 grams. If we compare humans and animals, the brain weight of the largest individuals is 2 times that of a human, from 4000 to 5000 grams. The mammal with the largest brain is the blue whale - 9000 grams. And the owners of the smallest, less than one gram, are the protocavity nematode worms. Among birds, the woodpecker has the smallest brains. Man, according to Darwin's theory, descended from apes. Average weight brain of adult chimpanzees 300-400 grams. Another theory claims the origin of humans from dolphins. The mass of a dolphin's brain is 1800 grams. The average weight of a dog's brain is less than 100g, but this does not prevent dogs from being one of the most intelligent creatures along with humans.

If the level of intelligence depended on the mass of the brain, the smartest creature on the planet would be considered not a person, but a whale. In this matter, the main thing is not quantity, but quality. For normal functioning, this organ, like the entire body as a whole, requires oxygen. It is consumed about 30% of the total incoming volume. Neurons begin to die after 6 minutes of oxygen starvation, when air access to them is completely blocked. If a person, for example, is drowning or has stopped breathing. A person receives the most oxygen saturation during physical activity and sports. It is known that as people age, their physical activity decreases, which affects mental acuity. Elderly people suffer from memory disorders and the ability to think logically is lost. The brain needs to be constantly trained, just like the back muscles or abdominal muscles. If you lead an active lifestyle and continue to train your memory throughout your life, then at the age of 90 you can remain a full member of society.

One of the most unusual questions that each of us has probably asked is how much our brain weighs. It would seem that knowing the answer to this question will not give anything useful, but we still continue to ask it. The point here, rather, is not a craving for knowledge. It’s just that we often meet people who amaze us with their mental abilities, for better or for worse. We think enthusiastically about a genius - how many brains he has! About a fool, we think quite the opposite. However, you will be very surprised to learn that the size and weight of our brain is in no way related to intelligence.

But first, let's answer the question we asked at the very beginning. The average brain mass ranges from 1100 to 2200 g. If you narrow the range further, you get a figure of 1200 – 1500 g. At the same time, the brain changes its mass throughout a person’s life. The weight of the brain is 300-450 g, after which it begins to grow along with the body. This is not surprising and quite logical, but almost no one except doctors knows about the following fact. It turns out that the brain weight of every adult reaches its maximum at the age of 27 years, after which it begins to fall. For every next ten years, the brain “loses weight” by as much as 30 grams.

As a percentage, the weight of the brain is approximately equal to 1/50 of the total weight of the human body. At the same time, this organ receives much more nutrition and oxygen than 2% of their total amount. All this testifies to it as the most important part. Through the brain, the work of other organs and systems is controlled, motor activity is carried out, a reaction to external stimuli occurs, etc.

Men love to make fun of the fact that women are supposedly stupider than them. Not very smart men will also be happy when they find out that on average their brain is 100-150 grams heavier than a woman’s. However, this does not affect intelligence, and the difference in mass is explained very simply. The female body is naturally smaller and lighter than the male, and therefore the weight of the head will be lower. And if you translate it into a percentage relative to body weight, then the advantage will go to the weaker sex.

Relationship between brain weight and intelligence level

Without knowing the results of scientific research, one can draw a simple conclusion about the relationship between the mass of the brain and its mental abilities. Like, if a person is stupid, then he doesn’t have enough “brains”. Conversely, smart people are often called “brainy,” although their head sizes are no different from those around them.

However, the scientists' research will amaze you. The largest brain whose mass could be measured belonged to a feeble-minded person. Scientists were surprised to learn how much it weighed after the patient’s death: almost 3 kg! Brilliant or simply smart people had brains that weighed no more and no less than others. In addition, as mentioned above, the weight of a person’s brain gradually decreases after 27 years. The brain is weighed after a person’s death, that is, as a rule, in old age.

Knowledge of the structure of this organ will help explain these differences in the weight of the “brains”. Mental abilities are affected by the gray matter of the brain, which is a dense network of nerve cells. It is not known exactly how many there are, but the number is in the billions. Smart people have more of these cells than others, but they do not greatly affect the mass of the brain. But dementia is characterized by an increase in the thickness of the cerebral cortex, which gives a significant increase in mass.


Brain mass of some famous people

How much the human brain weighs is best studied using specific and familiar examples. Weighing the brains of famous personalities once again confirmed the fact that the mass of a person’s brain tissue does not in any way affect his genius. Below is a list of famous people whose brain data was obtained after autopsy. As you can see, the spread of values ​​is quite large:

  • Sergey Yesenin: 1.92 kg;
  • Leon Trotsky: 1.57 kg;
  • Otto von Bismarck: 1.97 kg;
  • Vladimir Lenin: 1.34 kg;
  • Ludwig van Beethoven: 1.75 kg;
  • Anatole France: 1.02 kg;
  • Ivan Turgenev: 2.01 kg.

It's especially unusual to see the last two lines. The “brains” of two famous writers differ from each other by a factor of two in mass. This means that it doesn’t matter at all how much a person’s brain weighs.

Comparison of human and animal brains

The only way to use brain weight as evidence of a person’s high mental abilities is in comparison with animals. In this case, the comparison should be made not in absolute values, but relative to the mass of the rest of the body. After all, if we take only numerical values, then the most “smart” mammal on Earth would be the blue whale. How much his brain weighs can be read in the book of records: as much as 9 kg, which is the highest figure among all animals.. However, these 9 kg are only 1/40,000 of the rest of the whale’s mass, which speaks volumes about his “mental abilities.”

The elephant's brain weighs less - about 4-5 kg, and the ratio between this value and the weight of the rest of the body is approximately 1:500. Compared to whales, this is a very good indicator, so it is not surprising that elephants are considered smart animals. Dolphins are considered even more intelligent mammals, whose brain mass in different species ranges from 1.7-2.3 kg. In chimpanzee monkeys, the brain weighs about 0.75-0.8% of the total body weight.