Modeling an individual curriculum for school students. What is an "Individual Education Plan"? catalog of popular courses for each academic subject

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The Federal Law of the Russian Federation, paragraph 23 of Article 2, defines an individual curriculum (hereinafter referred to as IEP) as a curriculum that ensures the development of an educational program based on individualization of its content, taking into account the characteristics and educational needs of a particular student.

Training according to an individual curriculum

The main task is to meet the needs of children, taking into account their characteristics, through choice the optimal level of educational programs being implemented, the pace and timing of their development. Different categories of studying children, through the use of IEP, receive equal access to a full-fledged education.

An individual curriculum is developed for both an individual student and a group of students; the curriculum of the educational institution (school) is used as the basis. The educational organization independently determines the procedure for implementing training according to the IEP, and the implementation of the individual curriculum is carried out within the framework of the educational program being mastered.

In terms of timing, the IUP can be designed for an academic year, half a year or academic quarter. The total completion time differs or coincides with the selected training segment, depending on the training pace chosen. The inclusion of subjects of the federal basic curriculum in this document is mandatory; other academic subjects are included in it by choice.

As a local regulatory act, the educational institution is developing a Regulation on the conditions and procedure for training in the IEP. – The position is formed on the basis of:

  • Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1015 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education”;
  • Charter of the educational organization.

IEP training is organized for the following categories of students:

  • for children who have a high degree of success in mastering educational programs;
  • to a large school population, unable to absorb educational programs, as well as with unfavorable family conditions;
  • if the student is disabled due to his health condition;
  • the school may also determine other grounds.

A child can receive it on the basis of an application from parents or (legal representatives), and should also obtain a positive decision from the teaching council of the educational institution.

As for students with academic debt, the IEP is a curriculum containing compensatory measures in subjects with unliquidated debt. Transferring students whose academic debt has not been eliminated within the established time frame to an IEP is possible only upon the application of their parents (legal representatives).

Education according to an individual curriculum is a type of independent development by a child of general education programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education under the supervision of teachers, with subsequent certification.

Parents of a child who has switched to such education are also responsible for the quality of home learning of educational programs within the framework of the IEP. A student who has not completed the full scope of the individual curriculum is not allowed to take the state final certification in an educational organization. The child’s education within the framework of the IEP must ensure the achievement of indicators that will allow him to pass the state final certification.

Individual student plans

They serve as a transitional stage from the conditions of traditional forms of education to other forms. For example, such as family education, self-education, specialized training, training according to an adapted educational program. carried out taking into account the capabilities and specifics of the educational organization.

Transfer to the IUP is aimed at more thoroughly adjusting students' mastery of educational programs, the implementation of which is entrusted to the educational organization.

An individual curriculum is drawn up, usually for one academic year, unless other deadlines were indicated in the application. The application also indicates the wishes of the student or his parents (legal representatives), and specifies the content of the educational program.

You can submit an application to switch to an IUP throughout the entire academic year; as a rule, training according to an individual curriculum begins from the beginning of the academic period. Training according to an individual curriculum begins, as a rule, from the beginning of the school year.

The pedagogical council of the educational organization, by its decision, approves the IEP, and the head of the school issues an order to transfer to this type of education.

Everyone who studies under the IUP:

  • gets the opportunity to use the necessary literature from the school library,
  • consultations on the subjects being studied,
  • has access to classrooms for laboratory and practical work,
  • has the right to continue his studies in an educational organization in the manner determined by its Charter.

Teachers who teach this category of students are registered by order of the head of the educational organization

Study plan

The main document of the teacher, regulating his activities. The teacher personally fills out the following sections:

  • work plans according to the teaching load,
  • educational work,
  • organizational methodological,
  • training.

For a traditional school, the implementation of IEP is complicated by the problems of financial and resource support for the educational process, built on the principles of individualization. The solution to this problem today is by actually increasing the workload on school teachers as part of additional consultations with students.

The main task of teaching students according to an individual curriculum is to meet the needs of children, taking into account their characteristics, by choosing the optimal level of implemented programs, the pace and timing of their development.

Individual curriculum – a curriculum that ensures the development of an educational program based on the individualization of its content, taking into account the characteristics and educational needs of a particular student (Clause 23).

An individual curriculum is developed for an individual student or group of students based on the school curriculum.

The procedure for implementing training according to an individual curriculum is determined by the educational organization independently, and the implementation of the individual curriculum is carried out within the framework of the educational program being mastered. The Federal State Educational Standards apply to training according to an individual curriculum.

Training according to an individual curriculum can be organized for students:

  • with persistent maladaptation to school and inability to master educational programs in a large group of children, as well as the situation in the family;
  • with a high degree of success in mastering the programs;
  • with disabilities;
  • or on other grounds determined by the school.

Thus, students who have not eliminated their academic debt within the established time frame may be transferred to study according to an individual curriculum. For such students, an individual curriculum may contain compensatory measures in those subjects for which this debt has not been eliminated.

An individual curriculum is a transitional stage from ordinary (traditional) conditions to other forms of education (training according to an adapted educational program).

In rare cases, when a student exhibits outstanding characteristics, an individual educational program is developed for him, within the framework of which training is planned for a longer period of time than the curriculum.

The purpose of transferring a student to an individual curriculum is the need for a longer adjustment of the student’s mastery of the educational program implemented by the educational institution than can be achieved within the framework of additional consulting sessions. Training within the framework of an individual curriculum must ensure the achievement of indicators that allow the student to be admitted to passing the state final certification.

The most difficult problem of introducing an individual curriculum in a traditional school is the problem of financial and resource support for the educational process, built on the principles of individualization. Today, this problem is being solved by actually introducing additional workload on school teachers as part of additional consultations with students.

Accordingly, each individual curriculum is perceived as an emergency (emergency). Therefore, it is more convenient for an educational institution to work with “problem” teenagers by retaining them for re-education or transferring them to study in adapted educational programs.

At school, as at a university, the entire educational process must be confirmed by certain documents. In this article I would like to talk about one of them. We'll talk about what it is

Definition of the concept

First of all, you need to decide on the concepts that will be used in this article. The main one is the curriculum. It must be said that His goal is to determine the number of subjects, as well as the hours allocated for their study. Also, the curriculum will specify the arrangement of hours by week, the breakdown of these hours into various types of classes (for universities): lectures, seminars, laboratory work. An important point: the curriculum is drawn up and approved by the Ministry of Education.


So, it’s also worth taking a closer look at what the curriculum is filled with.

  1. This document determines the length of time (year, semester) allocated for studying this subject. Vacation days are also prescribed.
  2. The plan contains a complete list of subjects that will be taught to students.
  3. Each subject will have its own breakdown into hours (their total number; hours allocated for lectures, seminars, laboratory work).
  4. Official aspects: name of the course, indication of specialty codes, signatures of officials certifying the document.


It is worth remembering that the curriculum is drawn up once every 5 years. It requires changes only if adjustments have been made either by the Ministry of Education or by the department itself. Every year a working curriculum should be drawn up, which will provide more detailed information about a particular subject.

It is worth saying that all curricula and programs must be drawn up in accordance with the principles prescribed by the Ministry of Education. So, when compiling them, you need to adhere to the following points:

  1. The curriculum must be drawn up in accordance with the following documents: State Educational Standards for Higher Professional Education and educational standards, which are official documents).
  2. All disciplines of specialties should not exceed the volume that was regulated by the educational standard.
  3. All individual student work - laboratory, coursework, graphic work, abstracts, as well as certification issues (exams or tests) - are included in the total hours allocated for studying a particular subject.
  4. The educational institution may change some aspects at its discretion. However, federal disciplines always remain the same. For example, the number of hours allocated to physical education is constant.


When drawing up a curriculum (2014-2015) for universities, it is worth remembering that the number of disciplines that a student must pass during the year should not exceed 10 exams and 12 tests. You should also take into account that the department can change some points at its discretion:

  1. Regulate the amount of hours allocated to studying a particular subject (necessarily within 5-10%).
  2. Independently formulate plan cycles, while leaving the cycle of normative disciplines partially untouched (this will include history, philosophy and other compulsory subjects intended for study by all students, regardless of specialty).
  3. Each teacher can draw up original programs for the disciplines he teaches, while recommending a certain number of hours for their study (the department must take these recommendations into account).
  4. The division of hours into the study of a particular subject from a cycle of disciplines specialized for a particular department occurs at the discretion of the department administration, but must be in sufficient quantity to fully study the subject.

Individual plan

Another very important document is the individual curriculum. It is compiled for a specific student who is trained according to a special, individual system. For schoolchildren this is possible due to illness, but a student can either work or be on maternity leave.


It is worth saying that an individual curriculum must necessarily implement the following principles:

  1. It is compiled on the basis of a general education program, which the student must necessarily complete.
  2. In the individual curriculum, changes relative to the curriculum are allowed, but within 5-10%.
  3. It is possible to make changes to the plan only in the third section (disciplines in the specialty); changes are not possible regarding standard disciplines.

Both regular and individual are sealed with a set of signatures and always a wet seal. Only in this case the curriculum is considered an official document according to which it is possible to conduct

Basic curriculum

It is also worth saying that the work plan for the academic year should be drawn up not only for students of higher educational institutions, but also for schoolchildren. So, it is worth understanding such a concept as a basic curriculum. This document is also being developed on the basis of the federal standard. Here is an annual distribution of hours for studying all school subjects. Features: it is worth remembering that the federal basic plan for primary school students (grades 1-4) is drawn up for 4 years of study, for students in grades 5-11 - for five years.

Distribution of federal plan components

It should be said that the school curriculum must be distributed according to certain rules. Thus, the federal component will contain approximately 75% of all subjects, the regional component - necessarily at least 10%, and the educational institution component - also at least 10%.

  1. Federal component. It contains all the disciplines required for schoolchildren to study, prescribed by the Ministry of Education.
  2. Regional (or national-regional) component. This section may study subjects that are important for a particular region, but not for schoolchildren throughout the country. Example: the native language of certain nationalities.
  3. The educational component may deepen the study of certain subjects. Example: a school with in-depth study of foreign languages ​​gives an additional few hours to study these subjects.

In the 11th grade, additional hours will help allocate for pre-vocational training of students.


Well, at the very end I would like to look a little at the structure of the curriculum (i.e. those points that must be present there).

  1. Title page. However, this is not a separate sheet, as in a term paper or essay. This is the so-called “anatomy” of the educational institution. The name of the school or university, department, specialty (with codes), etc. should be indicated here.
  2. Next item: summary data regarding the time budget (by week). The time allocated for studying, tests and exams, and vacation time is listed here.
  3. A plan of the educational process, which specifies the distribution of hours by subject.
  4. Special point: practice(industrial, pre-diploma (for university students)).
  5. A separate point goes
  6. A block of signatures that are sealed with a wet seal.

All these points are mandatory when drawing up curriculums. The structure of the curriculum is not subject to change and cannot be adjusted at your discretion.

Often, in their comments, blog visitors touch on the issues of teaching according to an individual curriculum at school. They are interested in what an individual curriculum is at school, in which case it is possible to transfer a child to study according to an individual curriculum, how education is organized in this case, what rights are granted to a schoolchild studying according to an individual curriculum, etc.

What is a student’s individual curriculum?

« Individual curriculum - a curriculum that ensures the development of an educational program based on individualization of its content, taking into account the characteristics and educational needs of a particular student», - says the article. 2. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law).

Subsequent articles of the Law establish that students have the right to study according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated learning, within the limits of the educational program being mastered in the manner established by local regulations (clause 3, part 1, article 34.), that students in educational organization for educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, which have not eliminated academic debt within the established time frame from the moment of its formation, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives) can be transferred, including to training according to an individual curriculum (clause 9 art. 58).

Thus, it follows from the Law that the procedure for implementing training according to an individual curriculum (hereinafter referred to as the IEP) is determined by the educational organization independently, and the implementation of the individual curriculum is carried out within the framework of the educational program being mastered. In relation to students with academic debt, this means that their individual educational plans must contain compensatory measures in those subjects for which this debt has not been eliminated.

In what case can a student switch to studying according to an individual curriculum?

Schoolchildren can switch to training according to an individual curriculum at the discretion of the parents in the following cases:

— for the purpose of accelerated development of the educational program (in one or more subjects);

— in order to eliminate existing academic debt;

- in other cases provided for by the school’s local act.

How is the transition to training according to the IEP formalized?

To transfer to training according to the IUP:

— parents (legal representatives) of minor students write an application addressed to the school director (see the form on the school website);

The school issues an administrative act (order) and brings it to the attention of parents (legal representatives) of students and school teachers.

About rights and responsibilities

Students who have transferred to education under the IEP are not excluded from the school or class lists, therefore they enjoy all academic rights and social support measures, and have responsibilities provided for by the Law and local regulations of the school.

A student under the IEP has the right, at any stage of education, by the decision of his parents (legal representatives), to continue his education full-time.

Parents (legal representatives) of students and the school are obliged to create the necessary conditions for successful learning according to the IEP.

Parents (legal representatives) provide conditions for the student to study at home to master the educational program, to pass intermediate and final certification, to eliminate academic debt, and provide control over the development of the educational program, attendance at classes and consultations.

By creating the necessary conditions for learning according to the IEP by the school, it is meant that the school:

develops, together with parents, an individual educational plan for the student;

taking into account the requests of parents (legal representatives) and students, determines the timing and level of implementation of the educational program;

explains to students and their parents (legal representatives) the features of organizing the educational process when studying according to the IEP;

draws up a schedule of classes, consultations;

organizes current, intermediate and final certification of students;

develops, adopts and approves local acts provided for by the Law.

Note. Training according to an individual curriculum begins, as a rule, from the beginning of the school year.

The use of an individual curriculum is a right, and not an obligation, of an educational organization, as well as students and their parents.

If the school has not adopted the corresponding local act, then it is impossible to exercise your right to study according to an individual curriculum in this organization.

At the same time, in accordance with paragraph 9 of Article 58 of the Law, parents (legal representatives) of students may insist on studying according to an individual curriculum (instead of leaving for a second year) if the student was unable to eliminate academic debt.

About the working hours of teachers working with schoolchildren studying under the IEP

According to Part 6 of Art. 47 of the Law, the working hours of teaching staff, depending on the position held, include educational (teaching) and educational work, including practical training of students, individual work with students, scientific, creative and research work, as well as other pedagogical work provided for by labor (job) responsibilities and (or) individual plan - methodological, preparatory, organizational, diagnostic, monitoring work, work provided for by educational, physical education and health plans , sports, creative and other events held with students. Specific labor (job) responsibilities of teaching staff are determined by employment contracts (service contracts) and job descriptions. The ratio of educational (teaching) and other pedagogical work within the working week or academic year is determined by the relevant local regulatory act of the organization carrying out educational activities, taking into account the number of hours according to the curriculum, specialty and qualifications of the employee.

The same provisions are recorded in Note 1 to Appendix 1 to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 22, 2014 No. 1601.

Source: Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013. No. 1015 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education”

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 22, 2014 No. 1601 “On the duration of working hours (standard hours of teaching work for the wage rate) of teaching staff and on the procedure for determining the teaching load of teaching staff, specified in the employment contract”

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 11, 2016 No. 536 “On approval of the Peculiarities of working time and rest time for teaching and other employees of organizations engaged in educational activities”

Education of schoolchildren according to an individual curriculum - the choice of parents: 156 comments

    What is the student's weekly teaching load? Did you understand that learning takes place at the student’s home? How are teachers paid?

    • good day, Elena! 1. Based on Article 18 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” dated November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ (as amended on July 21, 2014, as amended on December 1, 2014), state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to independently determine the number of teaching hours and cost standards for organizing home-based education for disabled children in an amount that allows for quality education and correction of child development deficiencies.
      Often, the recommendations set out in the letter of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR dated November 14, 1988 No. 17-253-6 “On individual education of sick children at home” are used, according to which the student’s weekly workload is: in grades 1-4 - 8 hours, 5- 8th grade - 10 hours, 9th grade - 11 hours, 10-11th grade - 12 hours.
      2. According to clause 2.5 of Appendix 2 to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 22, 2014 No. 1601, when assigning to teachers of organizations implementing basic general education programs, for which these organizations are the main place of work, responsibilities for teaching at home children who are health cannot visit such organizations, the number of hours established for teaching such children is included in the teaching load of teachers.

    • The school says that without repaying the debt (those that are given twice), the child is automatically transferred to the second year, and we cannot apply for the tour and cannot apply if we do not have a conclusion from the IPC or another doctor that we need it. Is it so? The child is not stupid, but he refuses to study ((with tutors, including, if he “gets it” what he’s doing, he’ll study it himself and quickly, I don’t want to spoil his future, but at school they stubbornly insist that if he’s not disabled, then no rights to tour.

  • Hello, question about iup. I wrote an application for IEP (the child attends a sports school, asked us to be excused from classes on these days, expressed consent for the child to take any certification and tests on missed topics and subjects), added an application for distance learning in German and the outside world (since the child studies these subjects independently), the answer seemed to be positive, the director only demanded a certificate from the sports school. brought. as a result, she calls me on September 1st, because I wrote an application to familiarize myself with the order, and says that it is impossible to transfer the child to IUP, because he misses class hours. What is the meaning of IUP then? I myself attended it as a child because I was sick, the teacher came 2 times a week, I didn’t attend any classes at all, I was an excellent student. how to achieve our goal, where to go to higher organizations, because the director stubbornly wants to transfer us to CO, but we don’t want to, how to get the truth? The child’s entire schedule is already planned in advance; practically all of his sports and developmental activities are impossible without the IUP.

  • The child has not completed his academic work in mathematics and the Russian language, the parents do not want to go to the PMPK and do not want to stay for a repeat year, they insist on the IUP. How can a child who has not mastered the program of the previous course master the program of the next one and still compensate for the debt? How will the IEP be compiled when the student does not have the resource, and the parents do not understand this, when it is not the child’s knowledge that is important to them, but the fact of the transfer?

  • Hello!

    I work as a head teacher at a school. The parents of a 7th grade student wrote an application to transfer to study under the IEP in Russian language and literature. They refused to explain the reasons for this choice, they only stated that they did not want their son to attend these lessons, and because... the teacher of Russian language and literature is also the class teacher, then accordingly we are all confused.

  • Hello, my child in 7th grade was transferred to an individual curriculum from the 2nd quarter. I have my application and a doctor’s certificate. Can I transfer her to general education in the middle of the school year? Thank you

  • Hello. My child (3rd grade). Doesn't do well in Russian and math at school. Can he switch to an individual curriculum only in these subjects, and attend the rest with his class?
    Thank you.

  • Hello. The gymnasium claims that there is no such (mixed) form of education. Either the child attends all lessons, or completely switches to the IEP (in all subjects). Can they refuse?

  • My daughter, 3rd grade, an excellent student, winner of Olympiads, including All-Russian ones, studies music, and has even greater success there, receives a governor’s scholarship. I wanted to transfer it to family education so that the child could devote more time to music and relaxation, but the child’s father forbade it (he wrote a statement to the Department of Education). Can he prohibit the transfer to the IUP? Parental rights are not deprived.

  • Good afternoon. I already wrote, but I can’t find the correspondence. My son was transferred to 11th grade on probation. I did not pay off my academic debts in mathematics and physics. Before the December essay, I was not allowed to take the Unified State Examination. For the 2nd year we did not agree. The school management asks him to write an application for an IEP to justify his attendance at school. If we write, what will it mean? What does this threaten us with? We have no alternative, because... We are in another country on a business trip. What should we do?

  • Good afternoon It just so happens that quite often I have to leave the last lessons and miss entire school days due to high creative employment in Moscow and other cities of Russia. The school advised me to switch to education according to an individual plan. What will this give me? What “privileges” will I have in my “pocket”? Will I have to turn in my homework if I was busy the previous days and didn’t have time to do it? Thanks in advance for your answer!

  • Good afternoon We wrote an application for training under the IEP in one of the subjects. The school has allocated hours that are inconvenient for the child; at the same time, my daughter attends sports sections. Can I request classes at other times? Which article should I refer to? Thank you.

  • Good afternoon We were approved for an IUP, but were assigned certain days for classes without our consent. And it so happens that one day we cannot attend classes. Can we rely on the law to demand the provision of a suitable day for classes? Thank you in advance! Nikolai.

  • Hello! I transferred the child to the IUP because of the teacher’s biased attitude (including class); in fact, the child is now studying with another teacher in this subject at school. Who should give grades in the electronic diary? Incomprehensible grades appeared in the subject, about which the new teacher knows nothing. What to do in this situation? Is it possible to write a statement about prohibiting access to the email address of a past teacher?

  • The child studies in the 6th grade, does excellent in all subjects, and studies the 7th grade curriculum at home independently (without coordination with the school). Is it possible to take tests (tests) for 7th grade in 6th grade? Is it possible to write an application to switch to an IUP in the middle of the school year? Is it possible to skip 7th grade altogether (after passing the certification) and continue studying in 8th grade?


  • Hello, please tell me. The situation is this: my child’s school is forcing me to study at home without providing an individual plan, and they require that they pass their PMPK. The class teacher refuses to teach the child. The child is not disabled, he studies in grade 3. He is being seen by a neurologist, he has ADHD. Can we switch to an individual curriculum without passing a commission?

  • The child arrived from abroad in May, introductory tests showed an insufficient level of knowledge, which cannot be eliminated in one month. Is it possible to transfer to another class in August by organizing the child’s education according to an individual plan based on the parents’ application during the summer months?

  • Good afternoon I work at school as a mathematics teacher. Three students were transferred to the class and remained for the second year, with training according to the IEP. They come only according to the test delivery schedule and write “unsatisfactory”. They do not attend additional classes. For these students there are separate journals with dates, grades, and topics. I have two questions: 1) should I, as a teacher, put these same grades in the class register and in the summary report of progress for quarters and for the year (what regulatory documents should be followed in this case, this is not stated in the local school act? );
    2) do the results of these students legitimately influence the quality of my work result (I cannot influence their attendance at lessons)? Thank you.

  • My child has dysgraphia, his writing speed is very slow, he writes with errors, and we haven’t given a satisfactory grade on a single ministerial test. Mathematics also suffers from this deficiency. Excellent results in other subjects.
    The doctor says that such a disorder may remain with him for life,
    Can he take tests and exams (in the future, now he is in third grade) electronically or not take Russian at all?
    Unfortunately, neither IUP nor family education will make our lives easier, is that true?

  • Good afternoon
    My daughter entered 11th grade. In the 10th grade, like many high school students, she studied according to the IEP, which reflected the natural sciences profile. The interim certification was successful.
    Please tell me, is it possible to make changes to my daughter’s IEP for the 11th grade (remove one of the subjects that is not required to complete the educational program)? What regulatory documents regulate this issue?

  • Good afternoon How many hours can be allocated for training according to an individual curriculum? Which regulatory document can be referred to in this case?

  • In a small rural school, grades 10 and 11 have 1 student each. How to create an individual curriculum for them? Thank you.

  • Hello. There is a disabled child studying at my school (disability due to a stroke). He studies in class with his peers. In addition, the child’s mother wrote an application for training according to an individual curriculum, which provides classes for all hours allocated for it. That. a disabled child studies both in the classroom and in the IEP at the same time. Is this legal?

  • Good afternoon, I have been studying in an individual program for five years. This year I entered 10th grade. I work 12 hours a week. This year there was an embarrassment with the school administration. We have in our hands a secondary qualification document for training 12 hours a week. The school administration first set 20 hours and included all subjects there. Some of which I didn’t take in those classes (computer science, physical education, technology, life sciences) I’m not happy with this because it’s more than 12 hours. Then they said that “okay, we will do 12 hours only during these key hours (computer science, physical education, life sciences, technology), but due to this, the hours for other important signs are reduced (mathematics, Russian, literature, etc.) is it legal? actions to understate basic items?

  • Hello, I would like to know how you can transfer a child in 11th grade to individual education

  • Good afternoon I am the teacher of a transfer student. training according to the PMPC decision. The child's mother paints clients' nails at home all day long. The smell of acetone and varnish in the apartment makes it difficult to breathe. And a sick child not only studies in such an atmosphere, but also lives. My working conditions do not suit me; after ten minutes, watery eyes, a runny nose and a cough begin, although I have never suffered from allergies. The mother does not understand that the child can become a substance abuser. Do I have the right to at least ask to bring my child to an ind. classes for school?

  • Good afternoon I am asking for advice on the following issue: my son is in 11th grade and has no academic debts. Due to a conflict situation at school with other students, I would like to transfer my son to an IEP. Can I do this at the present time (the school provides an IEP) and will the transition to an IEP affect the possibility of entering a university (my son is studying well and is preparing for admission).

  • An individual curriculum in mathematics is recommended for a child in the 5th grade of PMPK. That is, he goes to all subjects with the whole class, and mathematics is taught separately. I understand correctly? What does a child do when everyone goes to math class?

  • Hello! My child is studying in 4th grade for medical reasons on an individual schedule. He is not disabled. His weekly workload is 8 hours. In my opinion this is very little. I heard the number of hours has been increased. But at our school they are silent about this. Where can I find out about this? The director does not want to talk about this topic and says that there is a trace. year will cover all individuals!?

  • Good afternoon Tell me, if a child attends an educational school in full, and at the same time, children in the same school still have additional education. education - for us this is choreography, then how can you not take two subjects from the choreography department (listening to music and UFC) if the child attends music. school? Thank you, Elena

  • Oksana, hello, I have the same problem, we encountered it this year, my daughter is in 2nd grade, I have problems with neurology, I don’t know what to do anymore, if it’s not difficult for you, call me 89612473422 I need your advice, I want to know how you solved the problem

  • Hello! My son developed academic debt during the 8th grade. We insist on training according to an individual plan, but the school administration refuses to discuss this issue with us. They declare that you either leave school or stay for the second year, otherwise your son will graduate from 9th grade with a certificate, because... he will not be allowed to take the exam. It was not possible to find a provision on an individual plan on the school website; the administration does not give it to us, but we know for sure that such a document exists since some Olympiad participants study according to an individual plan. What can we do to switch to an individualized training plan?

  • Hello! The child has great difficulties with learning, in the 1st and 2nd trimester there were 4 subjects with a “2”, the CPMPK in January 2018 did not recommend anything other than classes with a psychologist, and they verbally recommended requiring the school to require an IEP for the child, as if he was failing in many subjects. I wrote an application for an IEP for a child experiencing learning difficulties, they assembled a school commission and they refused me, explaining that the IEP is developed from the beginning of school. years, and strongly recommended that she be examined at a mental health center. help from Sukhareva. Then I failed 5 subjects in 7th grade; the retake was scheduled for the end of August, despite all efforts, 1.5 months. intensive classes with tutors - I didn’t pass anything again, not even 1 subject. I wrote an agreement to re-teach in 7th grade in another branch of the school, the administration assured, assured me 100% that in this branch they would develop an IEP for us, it was just the beginning of the year on 08/31/18, 2 started again in many subjects..:(and There is still no IEP, I wrote another 1, but the same application and today the answer came - it was refused, I copy the reasons:
    “Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Article 34) grants students the right to study according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated learning, within the limits of the educational program being mastered in the manner established by local regulations . The following categories of students switch to an individual curriculum:
    Gifted and highly motivated students, children with high success in mastering the educational program.
    Students with disabilities (Article 42 of the Law).
    in accordance with Article 58 of Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”
    Students who have not eliminated academic debt (Article 58 of the Law).
    Students who study in a pre-professional or advanced program.
    Your child does not fit into any of the categories listed. The school is ready to provide an Individual curriculum if there is a conclusion from a medical commission on home-based education or the creation of a gentle training regime at school. »
    What should I do? Please advise, I am giving up on fighting for my child with an educational institution...:((Thank you in advance for your answer!!!

  • Good afternoon. Can you find out at least approximately what an individual curriculum should look like? The child has serious learning difficulties (my previous question was dated 10/10/18). Due to the rapid fatigue of the student, the school offers the option of releasing the child from the 1st lesson on Mondays and from attending school on Fridays, but with independent study of the program material. The only help in learning offered is this: in the 1st math lesson, once a week, together with the whole class, spend no more than 10-15 minutes answering questions about the student’s misunderstanding of the material, and 1 or 2 rubles. per week, 45 minutes of classes with a speech therapist in the Russian language at the expense of some other subject (the student will also study the other subject later independently, since he was absent from the lesson..). And repeated CPMP is recommended. The school believes that they met me halfway and cannot help me with anything else. I can’t understand - could this be an IEP? I don’t have an official document with the IEP, only the protocol of the conversation with me, where this is recorded.. Thank you for your help!

  • Tell me, please, how are tuition hours paid according to an individual curriculum in individual subjects? There are 800 people studying at the school, what if tomorrow every parent wants to transfer their child to an IEP in individual subjects without explanation (one in Russian, another in mathematics, etc., and even more so in the middle of the school year, when the wage fund is determined, Will additional funds be allocated to pay teachers for 800 people, since he will study individual hours individually? And what should we do in the conditions of per capita funding?

  • Good afternoon, my child is a 3rd grade student, he is in individual training in the Russian language and mathematics. (According to the conclusion of the CPMPK commission) He has dyslexia and Dysgraphia. He attends other subjects together with the whole class. Please tell me, do I have the right to choose a teacher for him? Now the relationship with the Russian language teacher is not working out. She doesn’t feel him at all, the child is under pressure. It has gotten to the point where he is losing interest in this subject. I tried to talk with the teacher several times, asked to find an approach to him. All conversations were fruitless.

  • Good evening! My child has debt in two subjects, algebra and geometry for the 8th grade. He was conditionally transferred to the 9th grade. The child again has D marks in these subjects. The son refuses to go to school, he says he still won’t pass mathematics, can we transfer? Now in 8th grade and preferably for family education to pass mathematics, and next year start studying again in 9th grade.

  • When switching to an individual curriculum, the administration had a question about how to fill out the electronic diary correctly and what reason to write to parents for permission to switch from one type of education to another in the middle of the year. The real reason is a conflict with the teacher.

  • When switching to training according to an individual curriculum, we encountered difficulties in how to correctly document this in an electronic diary and what reason to write to parents. The real reason is a conflict with the teacher.

  • Hello! I submitted an application for my daughter’s IEP in mathematics on September 20, 2018, they gave me a copy with an entry number. We discussed everything over the phone with the director, found out the schedule, and found out that everything suited us. My daughter began studying 2 lessons in geometry and 2 lessons in algebra, as well as on a schedule with a different teacher. I was not given a response to the application. It has now turned out that their daughter cannot be certified because she does not attend her regular scheduled lessons. At the same time, he attends classes at the IUP. It turns out that there was no order for the IUP, but they didn’t give me a refusal, and at the same time classes are going on according to an individual plan. What to do in such a situation? How can my daughter get a certificate?

  • Hello! I have a first-grader diagnosed with hyperactivity; he cannot sit still in school, and his level of knowledge is above average. I decided to transfer to individual training from the 3rd quarter, and in the 2nd grade. The director says that in this case I will have to teach him myself.

  • Good afternoon. The child is in the 8th grade, disabled due to type 1 diabetes mellitus, primary medical education without restrictions. But due to disgusting teaching methods and an acute conflict with the physics teacher and, as a consequence, the resulting distrust in the objectivity of the teacher, the child wants to switch to an industrial class. plan. training in physics. And attend the rest of the lessons at school. I would like to take the certification in physics to another physics teacher (available). Do I have the right, as a parent, to set such conditions? Thank you

  • My son is 15 years old. he has epilepsy. I spent a year in individual study at home. He is now in remission. The doctor wrote a recommendation for individual training at SCHOOL. Hello, my son is 15 years old. he has epilepsy. I spent a year in individual study at home. He is now in remission. The doctor wrote a recommendation for individual training at SCHOOL. The Ministry of Education of the Dalnekonstantinovsky district refuses us this. Because the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” does not stipulate verbatim that there is such a form of education and they offer individual training at home. We want to attend a regular school, subjects that are easy for the child to attend in a class, and those that are difficult to attend individually. Does my child have such rights? I read on the Internet on various forums that many schools offer such a program to children like my son.

    • Good afternoon, Ekaterina Ab! This is not entirely true! According to clause 3, part 1, article 34 of the Federal Law on Education, students have the right to study according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated learning, within the limits of the educational program being mastered in the manner established by local regulations. Thus, the school must have a corresponding local act on training according to an individual curriculum. In addition, the school welcomes inclusion, when children with disabilities are taught in the same class with other children. To resolve the issue, try contacting the prosecutor's office.

      • The fact is that we do not have disabilities. There is only a diagnosis of epilepsy and a recommendation from a psychologist and neurologist. The department of the district Ministry of Education focuses on this. They are afraid that the child will suddenly become ill at school.

        • Good afternoon, Ekaterina Ab! Try to consult with PMPC and get their recommendation about the possibility of studying at school. When studying under the IEP, it is possible to receive consultations and attend separate lessons at school. For an official answer, we advise you to contact the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

  • Thank you very much! I will fight to the last for my son. I congratulate you on all the upcoming New Year holidays!!!

  • Good afternoon Please explain how IUP classes are conducted. I take it this is a one-on-one student-teacher session? Or did the student come, receive an assignment without studying with a teacher, and do it on his own at home? The school issued an individual curriculum as follows:
    Russian language: Monday -8-00
    Algebra: Tuesday-10-50……
    And so on in all subjects. Only the time and day are indicated. Please explain how IUP classes should take place.

  • Good afternoon My son is 10 years old and has problems with discipline in class. To be specific, he shouts from his seat and distracts the children. Academic performance is average. Parents signed a petition to transfer my son from the class or transfer him to individual education (24 people out of 31). I think this is a conspiracy on the part of the parents. I don’t see such an urgent need. Could this situation influence the school's decision to transfer to an IEP? Can I just refuse?

  • Hello, please tell me, my daughter is in 4th grade. After a long illness, I came out and immediately took the Russian language test without preparation (the teacher did not warn us and never invited us to preparation classes), naturally the child wrote unsatisfactorily, and even got stressed. Then, after 2 days, the teacher called us and said that the child wrote poorly - write an application for repeated education in the 4th grade or go to family education, she did not offer any other solutions to resolve the issue. The child and I both have stress (the teacher has poor communication with the child, no approach, never talked to the child about academic performance). The child refuses to go to school because of the teacher’s attitude towards her. He wants to study. We are very worried. What to do in such a situation. We don’t want to stay for a second year.
    How to resolve the issue? Thank you for your reply.

  • Hello! I applied for IEP next year in algebra and geometry. I ask the director when there will be an order (I submitted it before 15.05 as indicated in the regulations on individual self-employment at the school), the answer is that there will be no order. There will be 2 mathematics teachers in September, if only your child is enrolled in yours, then she will study alone, if there are five people, then there will be such a group. I say that I applied for IUP, and not for group classes, she says no, you want a tutor for your child. How can I get documents from the director? She is obliged to respond to my application.? When can she do this? How to get documents? Thank you

  • Good afternoon, a child in 8th grade does not want to go to school, this has been going on for 3 years already, but this year he stopped going completely, the failure was partially in the 2nd trimester and complete in the 3rd. We can’t find any reasons, such as no conflicts with peers or teachers. He once said that he was distracted and could not concentrate. We went to a psychologist, we are still going to a psychotherapist/psychiatrist. Do I understand correctly that we can not stay for the 2nd year (because it won’t start on September 1 anyway), but go to the 9th grade with a transfer to individual education with repayment of debts for the 8th grade? Or do we still remain in 8th grade for the second year, but can we transfer to in-person education? Is honey required? documents of the commission or can this be considered individually in connection with the child’s refusal to attend general lessons? If we want to write a statement, we need to understand how to justify it.

  • Mechanism for organizing training on IEP:
    1. Am I correct in understanding that the number of hours per week for a child should be in accordance with SanPiN norms?
    2. Is the number of hours in a subject with academic debt determined jointly by the school and the teacher?
    3. in this case, some hours from the main curriculum go into self-education mode?
    4. If a child is not ready for self-education and cannot cope with another subject, who is responsible? Thank you

  • Good afternoon. We did not pass the intermediate assessments in 4 subjects; we were given 2 attempts, but with an interval of several days, which accordingly did not give us the opportunity to prepare well. They called me to a teachers' meeting and offered 3 options, all according to the law. I wrote an application (which had already been printed in advance) for a refusal to re-enroll and a conditional transfer to the 8th grade to study according to an individual plan, and to hand over the debt in September (by decision of the council). Now we are preparing. QUESTION: What awaits us if we suddenly fail the certification again, all or one or two? And what options do we have to stay in 8th grade? We categorically refuse to stay for further training.

  • Good afternoon Our school does not teach English and it is not included in the curriculum. A child enrolled in school in the 7th grade from another educational institution (parents moved) studied English. Parents insist on learning English on their own. How are your current grades and interim assessments? Please explain. What can the school offer and do in this case? THANK YOU.

    Good afternoon. We study in 8th grade with individual instruction. Would you like to know who sets the course load (hours)? And what is needed for this? I know that the hours are set by PMPK. Is it the only organization that can do this?

  • Hello. Does the school have the right to include hours of self-study when drawing up an individual curriculum for the Federal State Educational Standard of Education? In this case, the weekly load is distributed as follows: 10 hours for lessons (2 hours - mathematics, 2.5 hours - Russian, 1 hour - reading, 1 hour - English, 1 hour - the outside world, 0.5 hours each - music , fine art, technology, 1 hour - physical education) and 13 hours for self-study in the same subjects (independent study of the subject at home). Who should be responsible for self-preparation in this case? Does a parent have the right to demand that all hours be issued in full without self-preparation? What documents regulate the scope of the individual curriculum and the form of issuing these hours? Thank you

  • Hello! My son is in the 3rd grade, we have a disability, he has cerebral palsy. We study at home. We have 11 hours of classes a week in all subjects. The main subjects are Russian, mathematics and literature, only 2 hours a week. For my child, this is very little. Can I demand that we add hours of core subjects, thereby increasing the number of hours per week? And another question: Can my child study in a mixed form of education. Those. be enrolled in home schooling, but study not at home, but at school and take Russian, mathematics, foreign language individually, and the rest of the subjects will be taught in a class with children? And another question. According to the results of the PMPK, we have an adapted general education program for children with disabilities 6.2 Should the teacher create an individual learning plan for my child based on his abilities? The director claims that we follow the same curriculum as regular children in the class and are assessed the same as them. Is it so? Thank you very much in advance for your answer.

  • Good afternoon
    Please help me understand the situation. I work as a technology teacher in a special boarding school, where mainly children with visual impairments study. In recent years, many children have appeared with combined pathologies. There is a student who studied according to the Federal State Educational Standards in grades 5 and 6. This year, the PMPK issued a conclusion that she should study under Voronkova’s program for educational institutions for children. At the same time, she is not transferred to individual education at home; the girl follows an individual program in all lessons with her 7th grade class. According to the school’s work plan, only 1 hour is provided for technology in the 7th grade, and according to Voronkova’s program - 8 hours. When there is a lesson in English, physics, and some other subjects that are not in the child’s individual plan, the girl goes to a technology lesson to get the missing 7 hours. At the same time, he is in class in any class that has a technology lesson at that moment. This could be grades 5, 6, 7 or 8, who are taught according to the Federal State Educational Standards. In all other subjects, the number of hours does not exceed the number of lessons in the class; the girl simply studies with her class, but according to a different program.
    In this regard, I have several questions: is it legal and realistic to conduct such lessons when there are children from completely different classes studying in different programs? Or should you allocate additional hours for activities with your child? How should this be paid for?
    Thanks in advance for your answer

  • Good afternoon The school refused to transfer the child to full-time or distance learning; the city Education Committee supported this decision. The reason for the refusal is that only two schools in the city can provide education in this form, and even then only from the 9th grade. Where to go next and what legal norms to refer to?

    • Good day, Andrey! According to Part 2 of Article 17 of the Federal Law on Education, training in organizations engaged in educational activities, taking into account the needs, capabilities of the individual and depending on the volume of compulsory classes of the teacher with students, is carried out in full-time, part-time or correspondence form. The education authority has identified the schools. Therefore, you will have to transfer to one of these schools.

  • Thank you very much for the answer! Schools and gymnasiums diligently hide the opportunity to study full-time, part-time or full-time, and hence the consequences in the form of underfunding! The question of transferring the child arose in the last school year, the management responded - it was too early to write an application, apparently they hoped that we would “go crazy”! We wrote in September and received a refusal, the self-government body also responded with refusals! I had to write a statement to the prosecutor’s office, to the Ministry of Education of Russia (although they sent an appeal to local authorities), and then we’ll go further, if necessary, all the way to court!
    And I asked the question precisely with the purpose that you advised where to turn, so as not to make a fuss and the interests of your child were respected!
    But apparently everything has already gone according to an aggressive scenario!
    Thank you for your answer, you explain very quickly and clearly!

  • Good afternoon Today, when discussing the transfer of a 9th grade child to individual education based on the conclusion of a medical commission, the head teacher told me that 11 hours a week is an outdated provision. Now schools are required to provide instruction according to an individual plan in full, even though parents agree to the 11th hour. Apparently the accounting department doesn't miss it. Is it true? Which document regulates this issue?

  • Good afternoon, please tell me whether a student transferred to the 7th grade conditionally (academic debt in 3 subjects) is allowed to re-enroll if I have written an application for transfer to an IEP for medical reasons. The school director claims that he will be forced to transfer him to repeat training according to the IEP in the 6th grade, since the student has not mastered the 6th grade program. Are the school's actions legal? Thank you

  • Hello! My son is 11 years old, 5th grade. A very erudite, gifted child, he has been reading and writing since the age of 3, in addition to making progress in all areas, be it school subjects (any), sports, chess, handicrafts, music, drawing... The children in the class are weak, my son gets bored at school, Teachers give some subjects bad marks, indiscriminately, all “with the same brush,” and he loses interest in studying in general. I know that he is a capable student, is there an opportunity for him to study under the IEP, under an accelerated program?

  • Good afternoon, please tell me, my son has been conditionally transferred to 7th grade (academic debt in 3 subjects). Then, by decision of the PMPC and at my request, he is transferred to the IEP in the 7th grade (according to medical indicators, as a child with disabilities). If he is transferred to an IEP, does he need to repay the academic debt incurred during the 6th grade? And another question: can a child, at my request, be transferred to partial education under the IEP, namely only in subjects for which academic debt has arisen or such an opportunity is not provided? Thank you.

  • Hello! You write a lot about teaching according to the IEP (individual curriculum)... But some questions have arisen. One of them is that the child was conditionally transferred, for example, from the 5th to the 6th grade. Twice failed to eliminate academic debt. Parents chose training according to the IEP. The child is studying in the 6th grade according to the IUP in those subjects for which he has academic debt. He completes his studies in the 6th grade. Again, he does not pass the intermediate certification in the subjects for which he studied under the IEP. ……What to do? What should the school administration do? Return him to 5th grade??!!))) It’s not clear. Try to explain...And we know excerpts from the articles of the law on education...But what is the practically correct thing to do??? Thank you!


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Alina Dyakova

What is IEP

22) curriculum - a document that determines the list, labor intensity, sequence and distribution by periods of study of academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), practice, other types of educational activities and, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law, forms of intermediate certification of students;

23) individual curriculum - a curriculum that ensures the development of an educational program based on individualization of its content, taking into account the characteristics and educational needs of a particular student;

Thus, the IEP is a curriculum that differs from the general school plan (GS):

The number or list of items is more than items (but not more than the maximum hours per week established by the PBU); fewer items (but not less than the federal minimum); or you will choose the Udmurt language :) instead of life safety, which the school included in the educational program as a school component. In labor intensity (that is, the number of hours per year for the course) The basic level of the subject for which the load will be in the amount of the number of hours per year specified in the educational program, although in Your gymnasium teaches an advanced level. An advanced level of study of subjects, although your school teaches this subject at a basic level. Distributed according to the periods of study of academic subjects

The school almost always offers parallel study: for example, 5 hours a week of mathematics every week throughout the entire school year, plus another 15 subjects are studied in parallel.

But subjects can also be studied sequentially (in blocks): first Russian language 70 hours for the entire course, then Literature 105 hours per course, then Foreign language 105 hours, then Mathematics, etc. Or combine parallel study with sequential study: all year you study a foreign language for 3 hours a week, other subjects in blocks. You can create other options where the blocks will be smaller than the annual course.

Who is eligible for an IUP?

Article 2. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

15) student - an individual mastering an educational program;

Article 33. Students

Depending on the level of the educational program being mastered, the form of study, and the mode of stay in the educational organization, students include:

9) external students - persons enrolled in an organization carrying out educational activities according to educational programs that have state accreditation, to pass intermediate and state final certification.

Thus, persons mastering the educational program in the family form are students both as external students and as persons mastering the educational program. Therefore, they have all the rights of students in accordance with Article 34.

Article 34. Basic rights of students and measures of their social support and incentives

1. Students are granted academic rights to:

3) training according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated training, within the limits of the educational program being mastered in the manner established by local regulations;

Thus, all students have the right to an IEP, regardless of the form of education.

Opportunities provided by IUP1. Possibility to reduce the number of items for PA

The Federal Basic Curriculum for Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation (BUP) is a regulatory legal act that establishes a list of educational subjects and the amount of instructional time.

The PUP is the basis for the development of both educational plans and IEPs.

Subject areas




Number of hours per year


Mandatory part


Russian language

Literary reading

Foreign language

Mathematics and computer science


Social studies and natural sciences

The world

Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics





Physical Culture

Physical Culture

Maximum permissible annual load

For primary school (5-9 grades) in the 2018-2019 academic year for 5-8 grades. A new model curriculum, approved in 2015, is already in effect. (in bold). The list of subjects for 9th grade should be taken from the old BUP 2004.

In 2019-2020, the new approximate plan will finally supplant the old PUP of 2004, which will no longer be valid for primary schools.

Sample weekly curriculum for basic general education

(minimum based on 5267 hours for the entire level of education)

Subject areas




Number of hours per week


Mandatory part


Russian language


Foreign language

Mathematics and computer science



Computer science

Social science subjects

Russian history. General history

Social science


Science subjects






Physical culture and

Basics of life safety

Physical Culture

The part formed by the participants in educational relations

Maximum permissible weekly load

The 2004 BUP is gradually disappearing, now, in the 2018-2019 school year. year, it is valid from grades 9 to 11 (in bold) and in a year will be completely replaced by the new approximate plan for basic general education of 2015. PUP 2004 will be valid only for senior management, and after another two years it will be completely canceled.

Approximate annual plan for basic general education

Academic subjects

Number of hours per year


Russian language




Foreign language




Computer Science and ICT






Natural history






Art (Music and Fine Arts)




Basics of life safety


Physical Culture


If a school objects to your list of subjects for certification on the basis that the curriculum at this school also contains other subjects, you need to answer this way: we are not students of your school, we are taking certification as an external student, and we choose the minimum.

for secondary (complete) general education

In high school, profiling begins, you can choose any subjects and make up your own option, be sure to include only the federal component. The 2004 PEF provides examples of different options, but it is not necessary to follow them. To get acquainted with them, follow the link and select the table with the desired profile (about 60% of the document): “BASIC CURRICULUM for secondary (complete) general education.”

And here we will place only the federal component:


Compulsory subjects at the basic level


Academic subjects

Number of hours for two years of study

A basic level of

Russian language


Foreign language


Social studies (including economics and law)

Natural science

Physical Culture

Since 2017, astronomy has been added; it is studied in the amount of 35 hours in any of the classes - either 10 or 11.

Typically, schools divide mathematics into algebra and geometry, and science into physics, chemistry and biology, although this is not required.

2. The ability to study subjects (or part of subjects) in blocks, this is beneficial from a learning point of view (method of immersion in a subject, topic, block)

An example of an IEP built on block study:

Since I do not draw up the IEP in full accordance with the definition given in paragraphs 22 and 23 of Article 2, that is, I give a “list, labor intensity”, but do not describe the “sequence and distribution of academic subjects by periods of study,” I will explain on our exam schedule.

hour per year


Computer Science and ICT

Basics of life safety

Social science





Foreign language

Russian language

This exam schedule comes from the IUP, in which computer science is studied in the amount of 35 hours per year from September 1 to September 12, that is, 10 days, 3.5 hours per day. After this, a yearly exam is taken. For comparison, school students studied this subject for 1 hour per week from September 1 to May 31. Then all other subjects are also studied. At the same time, physical education, technology and fine arts are studied throughout the year.

The choice of which subjects are best for your child to study in parallel and which in blocks must be made based on the characteristics of your child. It seems that it is reasonable to combine the study of a foreign language, sports and creativity throughout the year and block study of all other subjects.

Typically, experienced tutors work using this system. You can find a course in any subject for the entire school curriculum on the Internet on numerous sites for preparing for the State Examination.

The immersion mode promotes better assimilation of program material: it allows you to clearly organize mental activity based on studying the main thing in the educational content, students go through all levels of assimilation of educational material, from basic (minimum necessary) to creative, with continuous learning within each block.

For the first time, V.F. Shatalov introduced block teaching of the subject into his practice.

Also, the block-credit system helps students adapt to learning at higher levels of education, in which this form of teaching is predominant.

The block method is suitable for deep immersion in a subject, and in the case when the subject is studied at the “pass and forget” level.

3. Block study makes it possible to avoid quarterly, trimester, semi-annual certifications

The certification procedure is determined by the school:

Article 28. Competence, rights, duties and responsibilities of an educational organization

3. The competence of an educational organization in the established field of activity includes:

10) carrying out ongoing monitoring of academic performance and intermediate certification of students, establishing their forms, frequency and procedure;

For example, in the Izhevsk Regulations on SB, intermediate certification is defined as quarterly (six months in high school), which imposes obligations on schools.

However, the school must take into account the interests of the child, for example, take into account his curriculum:

It is advisable to determine the procedure for passing certification of an educational organization taking into account the opinions of parents (legal representatives), including based on the pace and sequence of studying educational material.

If it turns out to be too difficult for you to explain to your school that it cannot ignore your order of studying subjects, then you can write an application for intermediate certification on September 1 for only one exam: for example, in computer science on September 12. And then another 15 applications throughout the year, if it comes to that)) But, of course, it’s calmer when all this, including consultations, is spelled out in your agreement with the school for the entire academic year.

It seems reasonable that, at the request of parents (legal representatives), such an educational organization can be determined for the entire period of receiving general education, for the period of passing a specific certification, or for the period of one academic year, depending on objective circumstances and the most effective implementation of the rights and freedoms of the child.

(Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 2013 No. NT-1139/08 ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION OF EDUCATION IN THE FAMILY FORM)

The ability to take subjects only once for the entire course sometimes raises questions among parents, for example, they may object to the following: “My child will not be able to pass the exam for the whole year, it is necessary to divide it into 4 parts and take it in parts.”

This can only be said without carefully calculating everything. During exams every quarter, the load on the child does not decrease at all, but increases, and significantly. I won’t bore you with calculations, this is 3rd grade arithmetic))

How to draw up an IEP

In order to draw up an IEP, you need to familiarize yourself with the sample plans approved by federal authorities (tables above).

They specify the federal minimum (or federal component) for each class. Items in excess of the federal mandatory minimum may be included only at your discretion, up to the maximum number of hours per year indicated in the "Total" line.

Registration of IUP:

You are not required to provide an IEP to the school, since the school does not control the education; its responsibility is to carry out certification based on your application. But sometimes we should do this: in cases where the school cannot understand in any way why you are refusing quarterly assessments, for example.

Then you can add your own PA schedule to the PA application, based on your IEP.

Individual curriculum Full name, student of ___ grade

for the 2014 - 2015 academic year

Number of hours per year

Russian language


Foreign language


Computer Science and ICT

Social studies (including economics and law)



Art (Music and Fine Arts)


Basics of life safety

Physical Culture

With this design, the “list, labor intensity” is indicated, but the “sequence and distribution of educational subjects by periods of study” is not described.

In addition, you can write in detail what subject you will study for how many hours a day and for how long, but if the school makes claims, try to remind them that it is they who must complete all the documentation; perhaps the requirement to write in detail will not be necessary. Or remind us that we are “outside”, so the school cannot control the order in which subjects are studied.

For example, in our region, the obrnadzor, and after it the administrative authorities of the cities, recently “decided” that since Soshniki is “outside,” the right to an IUP does not apply to them. On the other hand, directors, they say, should not demand that we comply with the school curriculum. Therefore, the mother demanding the restoration of the right to an IEP under Art. 34 paragraph 1 paragraph 3, explained that she “wrongly” understood the content of the concept of IUP (and the officials were unable to refer to articles that would confirm their “correct” understanding), however, a conversation was held with the director and the parent’s demands were In the end we are satisfied with this method.

So, a discussion is required about the confusion between IEP and other concepts.

1. In the described case, officials, ignoring the law, proceeded from a practice already familiar to them, dating back to those times when there were no other forms of education, and children who needed to change the usual curriculum (due to competitions, concerts, long business trips parents, difficulties in mastering the programs), were transferred to an “individual curriculum”, that is, they studied when they had the opportunity, while being enrolled in full-time education. In this sense, the law mentions the IUP in paragraph 9 of Art. 58:

Students studying in an educational organization in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, who have not eliminated academic debt within the established time frame from the moment of its formation, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives) are left for repeated training, transferred to training in adapted educational programs in in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission or for training according to an individual curriculum.

However, according to Article 34, paragraph 1, paragraph 3, “training according to an individual curriculum” is the right of “students” and is not limited by anything, that is, it applies to all forms of education and training.

This logic of officials is explained both by the desire to remove children from the influence of legislation, including constitutional law, into social care, and by the habit of focusing not on the law, but on the practice that is familiar to them (according to which, moreover, the word of the boss is more important than the law).

The opinion that the IEP is for students in an educational organization is not confirmed by the law: see Art. 1, art. 2, art. 34, clause 1 pp. 3, where there is not a single mention of an educational organization, everything is said only about students and education.

2. Also, parents often put IEP on a par with forms of education, a form of certification - external studies, educational technologies - DOT, and are confused with home education. In order not to do this, you need to understand these concepts.

IEP in elementary school

About block learning. As you understand, the ability to take exams consecutively throughout the year in primary school, when skills such as reading and writing are not mastered, depending on the child's characteristics, may be limited. In addition, certification in general is especially harmful in elementary school.

If we were forced to undergo PA in the 1st grade (PA in the 1st grade is prohibited by the letter of the Ministry of Education dated September 25, 2000 N 2021/11-13 On the organization of education in the first grade), which I would try my best to avoid altogether, I would do this exam schedule, in accordance with the IUP: works, fine art, physical education would be passed for the year in September - October, just so that there would be no worry about these grades. At this time, we would calmly do what the child really needs - if he is already able to write - then writing (it is very important that the child’s brain is ready for this action, which quite often comes later, up to the 3rd grade), if he cannot read, reading, etc. In November-December, we would take the world around us and music for the year, and maybe mathematics for the year instead of music (in the 1st grade, according to the program, the score is within 20). Of course, it all depends on the individual child. It's very individual. Reading and music would remain for January-March and Russian for the year for April-May.

How to extend the school year by 2 years

It seems that the IEP may have a framework not only for the academic year, but also for the entire course as a whole. There are even schools that do not have mandatory annual intermediate certifications up to grade 9, and in some cases courses are passed ahead of schedule, even several years earlier (Tubelsky, Shchetinin school). I have no information about parents who did this, only about those who either passed it early - we have the right to this under the same Article 34, paragraph 1, paragraph 3, or did not take PA at all annually, that is, their free study was not controlled school. It is possible, however, that such cases will arise; the law does not limit us in this regard.

Also in the freeedu community it was proposed to use Art. 58 clause 9 in order to extend the completion of one year programs by 2.

Art. 58 clause 9. Students studying in an educational organization in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education who have not liquidated academic debt within the established time frame from the moment of its formation , at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives) are left for repeated training, are transferred to training according to adapted educational programs in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission or to training according to an individual curriculum.

e_malina: I offer two options:

1. Part-time and part-time education is a form of education in an educational organization (Article 17, Part 2).

Therefore, you are not subject to any sanctions for debt. Federal law does not contain a limit on the number of years of re-education. At the same time, it clearly states that it is the parents who choose the scenario of events in the event of non-liquidation of academic debt. According to your application, the school is obliged to retain the child for repeated education (Article 58, Part 9)

Simply by not showing up for certification in your chosen subjects (painting and composition), you create academic debt (Article 58 Part 2, see link above). During the calendar year, the child must liquidate the debt; the deadline for liquidation is set by the school (for May of the next year, for example). (Article 58 Part 5, see link above) At the same time, the subjects for which the daughter is certified do not need to be included in the IEP for the next year.

2. The procedure for carrying out training according to an individual curriculum is determined by the educational organization independently, and in the interests of the child. That is, the school can extend training over 2 years, within the framework of an individual plan.

clause 23 art. 2 Individual curriculum - a curriculum that ensures the development of an educational program based on individualization of its content, taking into account the characteristics and educational needs of a particular student

clause 3, part 1, art. 34 Training according to an individual curriculum, within the limits of the educational program being mastered, is carried out in the manner established by local regulations.