Folk recipes (let's always be beautiful!). Useful tips Rubber bands - for door locks

Vegetable oils - information about each. Everyone knows about the benefits of vegetable oils. But not everyone knows about the unique properties of each of them. So: SESAME OIL Light in consistency and sweetish in taste, sesame oil is rich in vitamins, zinc and especially calcium. Therefore, it is successfully used to prevent osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. Sesame oil, also known as “Sesame”, has been very popular since ancient times and has always been valued for its healing, gastronomic and cosmetic properties. In the canons of medical science, Abu Ali Ibn Sino (Avicenna) gives about a hundred recipes based on sesame oil. It was also widely used and is still used by the ancient Indian teaching of Ayurveda, which is respected by modern medicine, in which, one way or another, apply the methods and recipes of this ancient teaching. Finally, everyone knows about the widespread use of this oil in folk medicine - it is a valuable food and excellent medicinal product: - effective for various pulmonary diseases, shortness of breath, asthma, dry cough - recommended for patients with diabetes; ; - increases the number of platelets and improves blood clotting; - in case of obesity, promotes weight loss and strengthens the body; - in the treatment of high acidity of gastric juice; - prevents the formation of blood clots, opens blockages; - helps with gastrointestinal colic, nephritis and pyelonephritis, kidney stones; - used for anemia, internal bleeding, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland; - used as an anthelmintic. FLAX OIL This vegetable oil is considered feminine as it helps produce your own estrogen. It is also a strong antioxidant. Flaxseed oil was known for its beneficial properties back in Ancient Rus'. It was consumed internally and also used externally for skin and hair care. It must be present in the diet of pregnant women: flaxseed oil contains the largest amount of unsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids (than in all known fish oil), necessary for the proper development of the child’s brain. It is also reliably known that eating flaxseed oil reduces the risk of stroke by 40%. Flaxseed oil also contains a large amount of vitamin E, which is the vitamin of youth and longevity, as well as vitamin F, which prevents the deposits of “bad” cholesterol in the arteries and is responsible for the good condition of hair and skin. Vitamin F promotes weight loss by burning saturated fat. Vitamin F in flaxseed oil easily interacts with vitamin E. Flaxseed oil also contains vitamins necessary for our body, such as vitamin A, which rejuvenates our skin cells, making it more even, smooth and velvety, and promotes hair growth, as well as B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on nail growth, skin health and nervous system balance. If you take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil on an empty stomach in the morning, your hair will become fuller and shinier, and your skin color will be more even. You can also make hair masks from flaxseed oil. To do this, apply oil heated in a water bath to dry hair, cover with film and a heated towel, leave for three hours, then rinse as usual. This mask makes dry hair less brittle and promotes hair growth and shine. When eating flaxseed oil, you must take into account that this product must be consumed without heat treatment, since when exposed to high temperatures it deteriorates: an unpleasant odor and dark color appear. Therefore, it is best to season salads with flaxseed oil or consume it in its pure form. When buying flaxseed oil, do not forget that it needs to be stored in the refrigerator, in a dark bottle, and its shelf life is limited. MUSTARD OIL. Several centuries ago, mustard oil could only be tasted at the royal court; in those days it was called an “imperial delicacy.” Mustard oil contains absolutely all fat-soluble vitamins, it has a specific aroma and piquant taste, is perfect for dressing salads, and emphasizes the taste of vegetables. In addition, salads with this dressing stay fresh longer. Any baked goods that contain this product turn out fluffy and do not go stale for a long time. In terms of its dietary and gastronomic properties, it is significantly superior to the popular sunflower one: the “imperial delicacy” contains one and a half times more vitamin D alone. In general, mustard oil contains absolutely all fat-soluble vitamins. It contains a lot of vitamin A, which promotes the growth of the body and improves immunity, vitamins K and P, which improve the strength and elasticity of capillaries, and the general strengthening substance carotene. In addition, mustard oil contains vitamin B6, which plays a critical role in nitrogen metabolism and the processes of synthesis and breakdown of amino acids in the body. Many naturopathic nutritionists consider the “imperial delicacy” to be a ready-made medicine. Thanks to its antiseptic and bactericidal properties, this vegetable oil is perfect for the treatment of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and colds. Some doctors recommend that their patients drink a tablespoon of mustard oil every morning on an empty stomach as a preventive measure. CORN OIL. The main factors determining the dietary properties of corn oil should be considered its high content of unsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F) and vitamin E. A large amount of vitamin E in corn oil helps strengthen the human immune system. This vitamin is also called the “vitamin of youth” because it is an antioxidant and slows down the aging process in the body, affects metabolic processes, cholesterol levels in the blood, and improves the functioning of the liver, intestines, and gall bladder. Vitamin E in corn oil is indispensable in the treatment of “female” and nervous diseases. Unsaturated fatty acids contained in corn oil increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases and facilitate the removal of excess cholesterol from the body. Unrefined corn oil has long been used in folk medicine to treat migraines, runny nose and asthma.

Comments 5

Classes 81

Perfectly clean kitchenware without much effort! This simple remedy will help clean off carbon deposits: - 0.5 cups of soda - 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid - 2 tbsp. spoons of hydrogen peroxide Mix until it looks like whipped cream (add more peroxide if necessary), apply to a dirty surface and leave for 10 minutes. It should help!

Comments 9

Classes 371

The homeless man danced with the boy


Classes 5

Knitting ideas for children

Comments 8

Classes 962

Well, the craftswomen imposed it! Bright, unusual, positive....


Classes 965

Khachapuri in Tbilisi Ingredients: Wheat flour - 3 cups Kefir - 1 cup Chicken egg - 2 pcs. Salt - 1 tsp. Sugar - 1 tsp. Baking soda - 0.5 tsp. Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. Hard cheese - 400 g Butter - 50 g Preparation: 1. Add one egg, sugar, salt and vegetable oil to kefir, mix well. sift a glass of flour (reserve one glass of flour for adding), add soda, mix and combine with the kefir mass. 2. Knead the soft dough, adding a little flour until you get a soft dough that can hold its shape, the dough will stick a little to your hands. The main thing is not to overdo it with flour, otherwise the khachapuri will turn out tough. Cover the dough with a napkin and let it stand. 3. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add one egg and mix. The filling is ready. 4. Form the dough into a sausage and cut it into 9 pieces. 5. From each part of the dough we form a flatbread, put the cheese filling in the center, then, pulling up the ends of the flatbread, collect them in the center and mold them. 6. Turn the resulting bag over and roll it out a little, then turn it over again and roll it out, but not too much. 7. Bake khachapuri in a hot frying pan on both sides without oil until golden brown. For better baking, you can cover the pan with a lid. 8. Immediately grease the finished khachapuri generously with butter.

Comments 6

Classes 362

SALT, PEPPER AND LEMON CAN SOLVE THESE 9 PROBLEMS BETTER THAN ANY MEDICINE! You can use this powerful combination as a home remedy. We will give you some tips on how to treat various ailments with salt, pepper and lemon: Sore throat. Mix a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, ½ teaspoon ground black pepper, and one teaspoon of good quality salt. Stir the mixture in a glass of warm water. Gargle several times a day to relieve pain and severe coughing. Stuffy nose. Mix equal parts of ground black pepper, cinnamon, cumin and cardamom and grind them well into a fine powder. Breathe the mixture and see how sneezing will relieve your stuffy nose. Gallstones. Gallstones block the gastrointestinal tract and also cause unbearable pain. We recommend mixing 3 parts olive oil, 1 part lemon juice and 1 part black pepper. Use a gallstone dissolving solution. Stomatitis. Stir a tablespoon of Himalayan salt into a cup of warm water. Rinse your mouth with the solution after meals to heal the mucous membranes in your mouth. This will help you get rid of harmful bacteria and heal your wounds much faster. Weight loss. Add a quarter teaspoon of ground black pepper, 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and a tablespoon of raw honey to a glass of water. This elixir will improve your metabolism. Nausea. The smell of lemons relieves nausea. Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of black pepper. Stir the mixture in a glass of warm water. Drink the drink slowly until you notice an improvement. Toothache. Mix ½ teaspoon ground pepper and ½ teaspoon clove oil. This mixture will relieve you of toothache. Colds and flu. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add to a cup of warm water. This drink relieves cold symptoms. You can also leave the lemon pulp and peel and stir in a tablespoon of raw honey. Consume the citrus remedy until you feel better. Bleeding from the nose. Soak a piece of cotton wool in lemon juice and insert it into the nostril. Tilt your head slightly forward so that blood does not enter your throat. This will also help relieve nausea. The nosebleed will stop almost instantly.

Comments 18

Class 904

START EATING TWO EGGS A DAY AND THESE NINE CHANGES WILL HAPPEN IN YOUR BODY... Chicken eggs are completely unique in their composition. The recommended dose is two to three eggs per day, based on the latest research. So, what are the benefits of eggs? 1. The first place to start if you want to lose weight If you have a habit of eating eggs for breakfast, you should know that it will give you a lot of energy and calories, which will help you get rid of excess fat. 2. Enhance calcium absorption by taking vitamin D In most cases, people prefer to eat one boiled egg rather than taking one spoon of fresh fish oil. Scientists who work in the food industry say that eating eggs can increase the amount of vitamin D. Vitamin D strengthens your teeth and bones, and also improves the actual absorption of calcium. 3. The brain is constantly protected by choline By consuming two eggs every day, you provide the body with the necessary amount of phospholipids. If you are deficient in these vitamins, you may experience short-term and, in more severe cases, long-term memory loss. 4. Slower Aging Almost 90% of women aged 35 to 40 years have reduced the number of facial wrinkles as a result of eating eggs daily. 5. Eating eggs helps women get pregnant Vitamin B9 helps in the formation of the neural tube as well as red blood cells, and as a result, it reduces the danger of potential mental retardation. One egg contains 7 mg of this specific vitamin B9. 6. Lutein protects your vision Chicken eggs are rich in lutein - one of the most important substances responsible for clear and clear vision. Any deficiency of lutein in your body can reduce your vision and cause harmful complications 7. Protect your hair, liver and skin with the use of vitamin B complex. Phospholipids present in eggs stimulate the elimination of toxins from the liver areas. Additionally, vitamin B12 and biotin are vital elements for your skin and hair restoration. 8. Reduced chances of malignant tumors Women who regularly eat eggs are 15% less likely to suffer from breast tumors. 9. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease Due to the large amount of cholesterol phosphatides found in chicken eggs, the risk of cardiovascular disease may remain in balance. You must understand that this is not harmful to health; on the contrary, it actually lowers the cholesterol levels in your body. Eggs are quite rich in omega-3 acids, which actually reduces the amount of triglycerides in the blood; thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. BEFORE USING ANY DRUG, METHOD OR TREATMENT METHOD, ALWAYS CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR!

Tips and Secrets of classmates (

How to delete your page on Odnoklassniki

Every day, hundreds of users of the social network classmates ask the question “How to delete your page on the site?” Even after carefully studying all the menu items in Odnoklassniki, many still fail to achieve their goal. The reason for the failure is that the link to delete a page in Odnoklassniki is hidden from ordinary users. Nevertheless, there is still a way to delete your Odnoklassniki page.

Little Secrets of the odnoklassniki site

This article contains the most frequently asked questions and answers that in one way or another relate to problems when exchanging messages on the odnoklassniki website.

How to find a star on the Odnoklassniki website - star catalog

It's no secret that hundreds of thousands of fans in Odnoklassniki search for their idols' pages on the social network every day. However, finding a star among thousands of clones is quite difficult, and therefore Odnoklassniki created a special catalog of stars.

How to protect your Odnoklassniki page from hacking

Paradoxical as it may seem, in 70% of cases, it is your own fault that your Odnoklassniki page is hacked. And all because you neglected simple safety rules. So, what do you need to protect yourself from hacking?

How to create your own group in Odnoklassniki

Class button - classmates pleased the site builders!

Free gifts in Odnoklassniki

Of course, obsessive hoarding is bad, but some things can be given a chance for a second life, and they, in turn, will make yours easier for you!

Rubber bands - for door locks

Do you need to go out or go in the door, but your hands are full? Place rubber on door handles
ring, and the locking mechanism will be neutralized for the required time.

Single socks - instead of bubble wrap

Socks, like people, sometimes lose their pair, but don’t rush to get rid of them: they can successfully and without harming the environment replace bubble wrap when packing crystal glasses and small vases.

Straw - for unstable flowers

The delicate stems of tulips and other flowers don't want to stand straight and ruin your brilliant floral arrangement? Regular drinking straws will help the bouquet stay in shape.

Rubber gloves - for opening cans

With a rubber glove, even the smallest woman can open a stubborn jam jar.

Extra buttons - for stud earrings

So that you no longer have to play detective, trying to find a pair of stud earrings lost in a jewelry box, fasten them together with a button, and henceforth they will be inseparable.

Unscrew the broken light bulb from the socket using a potato
Cut the potato into two halves, take one half, carefully stick it on the broken light bulb and unscrew it.

If you need to open a bottle and don’t have a corkscrew at hand, use a self-tapping screw and pliers.

Wrap the self-tapping screw into the cork and, using pliers, pull out the self-tapping screw along with the cork.

2. Wrap the shoes in a plastic bag and put them in the freezer overnight - this will get rid of the unpleasant odor emanating from the shoes.

3. Place the toaster on its side with a plate next to it. Place a piece of whole grain bread with cheese and tomato in the toaster and in a few minutes you will have a hot sandwich.

How to properly cut cherry tomatoes.

1. Place the tomatoes in a single layer on a cutting board or flat plate.
2. Cover the tomatoes with another flat plate.
3. Carefully slide a knife between two plates, holding the top one.

Glue a magnet inside the cabinet and use it to store small metal objects, such as hairpins, tweezers, hairpins, and nail files.

3. Install a rod (metal rod) in the cabinet under the sink - and hang household chemicals on it.

From a pizza box

How to hang a picture?

You probably know how difficult it is to find a place for a nail when hanging a picture. Make the job easier by applying toothpaste directly to the hook. Then you press the picture against the wall and the paste will leave a mark where you need to drive the nail.

Removing odor.

You probably know what smell remains after burnt rice. I know. If you couldn't ventilate this smell, orange peel and cloves will help. Place them in a saucepan with water and boil. In a few minutes, the whole house will be filled with a pleasant aroma. This is certainly much better than chemical air fresheners.

How to wash a shower horn

Use vinegar – Fill your shower head with vinegar and rinse with water after 15 minutes.

Vinegar is an excellent solvent and an excellent disinfectant.

How to arrange a bathroom so that it is both comfortable and hygienic

1. To store toothbrushes, you can make individual slots in the cabinet shelf.

People's Councils

30 amazing tips for your irresistibility and health

1. To combat wrinkles, lubricate your face with honey.
2. It is useful to apply castor oil before going to bed.
3. For hair loss, rub burdock infusion into the scalp.
4. Lubricate your hands and elbows with the rest of the squeezed lemon.
5. If the skin on your hands is rough, rub starch into the rough areas.
6. A small amount of starch can be used as powder.
7. To dry oily hair, rub black tea into your scalp every day or every other day.
8. It is useful to exfoliate the body from coffee grounds, the required amount of which can be collected in a few days.
9. Freshly squeezed sea buckthorn juice is recommended as a mask for dry skin (1-1.5 tablespoons).
10. Hair will turn mahogany color if you add 3-4 tablespoons of cocoa to the henna package when dyeing.
11. For baldness, rub jojoba oil into the scalp every day.
12. An infusion of elderflower flowers whitens, softens and tones dry skin.
13. To moisturize dry and sensitive skin, apply jojoba oil mixed with a small amount of water to your face at night.
14. If your nails darken, regularly drink one tablespoon of cucumber pickle half an hour before meals.
15. To improve complexion, make masks from a mixture of honey and salt, which have a rejuvenating effect.
16. Lavender and tea tree essential oils are natural antiseptics that help fight acne.
17. In the morning and evening, wipe your face with tea brewed in mineral water with a lump of sugar. Suitable for any skin.
18. Regularly drinking mint tea gives your facial skin a fresh and rosy tint.
19. It is useful to lubricate eyebrows and eyelashes with castor oil or a mixture of castor oil and rum.
20. For deep cleansing of facial skin, use beaten egg yolk and lemon juice. Apply to face in layers.
21. To soften your hands, rub a mixture of equal parts vinegar and vegetable oil into them.
22. Before going to bed, lubricate your face and hands with a mixture of equal parts olive oil and lemon juice.
23. To cleanse your face, use a mixture of dry oatmeal with water and plain yogurt.
24. A mask made from grated apple and a small amount of honey helps with acne.
25. During pregnancy, lubricate your belly with cocoa butter to prevent stretch marks.
26. Dilute fresh Kalanchoe juice with water (1:3) and make lotions for allergies.
27. Iranian folk remedy for strengthening hair - a mask of colorless henna diluted with warm kefir.
28. To strengthen hair, rub boiled buckwheat.
29. For thin hair, make a mask from one beaten yolk and a tablespoon of vegetable oil.
30. In case of hair loss, an hour before washing, rub a mixture of equal amounts of castor oil and rum into the scalp.

An effective way to combat hair loss at home

So, you will need:

1 ampoule of vitamin B6;
1 ampoule of vitamin B12;
1g. vitamin C (sold in bags);
2 tbsp. l. castor or burdock oil;
2 tbsp. l. honey (heat in a water bath);
2 tbsp. l. any hair balm.

Mix everything. Apply to hair 1 hour before washing, first to the roots, and then distribute evenly over the entire length. We put a cap on the head and wrap it with a towel (we achieve the “sauna” effect).

This mask washes off very well, the oil is easily washed out due to the fact that it contains a balm.

Give it a try. Let your hair be healthy and beautiful!