We need red peonies with the name of the variety. Tree peony - the best varieties and features of planting seedlings and seeds. Mid-early varieties of peonies with photos and names

This ornamental plant with luxurious flowers and beautiful openwork foliage is considered one of the oldest species, since it was cultivated back in the first century BC (China). These are mainly herbaceous perennials, but can also be shrubs. A variety of peonies, some varieties of which are presented here with photos and names, will grow beautifully in the garden or at the dacha.

All plants of the Peony genus, which is the only one in the Peony family, are divided into five sections.

The first section unites four species of bush peonies, from which a large number of varieties have been bred.

Some varieties:

  • Peony "Snow Lotus" is loved by gardeners for its large white flowers (10 to 20 cm wide), the middle of which is emphasized by brown-purple spots. The rounded bush grows up to one and a half meters. Has good endurance.
  • The “Golden Placer” peony attracts attention with its double large flowers of yellowish-salmon color with a purple-pink edging and a pleasant slight aroma.

Peony "Snow Lotus"
Peony "Gold placer"

  • Peony "Blue Lotus" stands out for its good frost resistance and pinkish-blue inflorescences.

Second section

The second section includes 8 species with delicate cream or yellowish flowers. In nature, they can be seen in the Caucasus or the Far East. These are the following herbaceous types of peonies: p. milky-flowered, p. felt, p. large-leaved, p. Wittmann, p. Steven, p. Mlokosevich, Abkhazian and mountain. It is worth noting that most of these plants are included in the Red Book.

Milky-flowered- a type of peony, found naturally in the Far East and some areas of the Trans-Baikal Territory. The bushes are formed by shoots from 60 to 100 cm long, at the end of which there are either one or several inflorescences. The green leaves, complex in structure (double trifoliate), consist of several large lobes and have an elongated leaf base. White or reddish inflorescences, consisting of 5-8 petals, bloom from May to June. The stamens, painted in a golden-yellowish hue, especially attract attention. Quite large oval seeds are black. They ripen in late summer - early autumn.

Today, almost 70 percent of all existing varieties of herbaceous peonies come from lacticiferous peonies. There are both intraspecific hybrids and interspecific peonies obtained by crossing different species. Most often, these are varieties obtained by crossing the milky peony with other species. Such breeding work makes it possible to obtain plants with original, spectacular colors and flower shapes.

Such hybrids include the Coral Sunset peony. Its coral-salmon flowers are of great interest.

Interspecific hybrids also include the White Charm peony with spectacular light pink inflorescences, the Sable peony, the Diana Parks peony, the Cytheria peony and others.

Peony "Diana Parks"
Peony "Coral Sunset"

Let's get acquainted with other common varieties obtained from the milky peony.

  • White peonies:

"Solange." This variety was created in 1907. Large, white, densely double flowers resemble a ball in shape (diameter about 17 cm). The medium-height bush is formed by green, arching stems that are covered with a large number of leaves. Peony "Solange" blooms late.

Peony "Solange"

The mid-early variety "Charles White" attracts attention with elegant white spherical flowers (diameter from 18 to 20 cm), which are located on long thin shoots. The center of the inflorescence is colored whitish-cream. The "Charles White" peony can reach a height of almost a meter, but it definitely requires supports.

  • Pink peonies:

The variety "Princess Julianna" was bred in 1910. A large double flower of the most delicate pink hue is located on the tops of strong green shoots. Beautiful dark green leaves have a glossy surface. The variety is also loved for its attractive subtle aroma.

Peony "Alexander Fleming"

The Alexander Fleming variety was first introduced to the public in 1941. Large flowers, resembling roses in appearance, bloom on long, slightly drooping branches. The pink color of the inflorescences attracts attention.

  • Red peonies:

"Marshal Mac Mahon" is considered one of the oldest varieties (1867) with a medium-late flowering time. Its densely double flowers with an attractive aroma, painted in red-carmine color, can reach a width of 16 cm. Spreading, well-developed bushes are covered with a large number of leaves.

The “Carol” peony is quite popular, the flower of which has a bright red color and a diameter of about 15 cm, but does not fade in the sun. The aroma of this peony is weak, and the branches are quite flexible, so the bush needs additional support.

The "Appasionata" variety was obtained in the Soviet Union in 1963. Small bushes, growing up to 50-60 cm, are formed by thin, strong shoots. Small narrow leaves are dark green. Dark red-pink flowers emit a sweetish delicate aroma when blooming.

The following varieties of herbaceous peonies also deserve attention: peony “Pearl Placer”, peony “Pink Cloud”, peony “Black Pearl”, peony “Victor de la Marne” and peony “Alexandre Dumas”.

Peony "Carol"

Mlokosevich peonies is an endemic plant of Eastern Transcaucasia. This means that it grows naturally only in this region and nowhere else. This plant was discovered in 1901. Tall bushes of this species are formed by strong, slightly reddish stems with a smooth surface. Small yellowish or cream-colored flowers (8 to 12 cm in diameter) bloom in early May. The seeds fully ripen only in August.

Tree peonies open the season with the fragrance of solitary large-flowered perennials. Online store catalogs offer up to 600 different varieties of this delicious plant. This article will help you understand their classification and, using high-quality photos, choose the right one. Get acquainted with the names of varietal variations and their descriptions, choose a place in the garden to plant a peony and enjoy its aroma and delicate colors of innocence.

Tree peony - distinctive features

The enormous variety of varieties and varieties of tree peonies is divided into three garden groups. This type of peony, noticed and introduced into cultivation in the Middle Kingdom, is otherwise called a subshrub. It has a number of differences from the grassy one, which you should know before purchasing in order to provide it with proper care.

Advice. To create a romantic corner in the garden with the help of a peony, plant it against the background of a light-colored wall of the gazebo, surrounded by small-flowering ground covers.

Sino-European peonies - drooping giants

In the group of Chinese-European peonies, selection is based on the size and size of the flowers. They are significantly larger than others, have dense petals of all shades of rose, peach, salmon, and lilac. However, the flowers are so heavy that the stems droop during flowering, sharply reducing the decorative value of the crop.

The following varieties of Chinese-European peonies are of interest:

  • Red giant. The bush grows 180-190 cm. The flower is expressively coral in color, crown-shaped, size 16x7 cm. The variety is characterized by active growth and multi-flowering, blooms towards the end of the season. It droops slightly.

Red giant

  • Transparent dew. A medium-sized variety (up to 150 cm) with pronounced double flowers measuring 18x7 cm. The color is pale lilac in the center and soft pearlescent on the periphery. It blooms late and has a very subtle scent.
  • Blue sapphire. Giant, up to 25 cm, flowers on low stems. The color is pale pink, the name of the variety is given for the distinct bluish tint of the edges of the petals, which appears with proper care. Droops greatly and requires strengthening and gartering.

Blue sapphire

Other varieties worth mentioning:

  • Taoist temple - blood-scarlet semi-double;
  • Green ball - with petals the color of Chinese cabbage;
  • Peach under the snow - with the shape and color of a lotus;
  • Pink lotus is the color of salmon with a bright center of black and yellow stamens.

Attention! Peonies of all varietal groups love slightly alkaline soil, so before planting the soil must be filled with dolomite flour.

Japanese peonies are modest beauties

Tree peonies of Japanese selection are good for their increased winter hardiness, which is in demand in regions with harsh climates. These are non-double and semi-double plants with slightly smaller flowers, but light and less prone to drooping. The most common flower shape is anemone-shaped. The following varieties have gained popularity among the “Japanese”.

  • Gold placer. Each soft yellow petal is framed along the contour by a salmon-colored border, forming a lacy flower with a whimsical pattern of pink lines. Size 20x7 cm. Blooms late.

Gold placer

  • Koshino-yuki. It is considered the best white variety in the world. Flower size - 20x7 cm. Initially greenish, when blooming the bud takes on the appearance of ivory, and then - untouched snow.
  • Black Panther. A low, up to 110 cm, shrub is decorated with deep burgundy flowers with a golden center measuring 19x8 cm.
  • Shima-nishiki. One of the most spectacular varieties. The compact bush is strewn with large (18×8) flowers of such a color that it looks as if milk was poured into strawberry jam and stirred a little.


The following varieties also look great in the garden:

  • Yellow Yao - with soft cream, strongly convex flowers;
  • Midday heat – lemon color, unusual for peonies, sometimes re-blooms in August;

Midday heat

  • Primavere is like a lemon canary fluffing up its feathers;
  • Two sisters - with unique two-tone flowers, from soft pink on one side to deep purple on the other.

Advice. Peonies are very moisture-loving; it is almost impossible to water them in well-drained soil. Give each bush a whole bucket of water - and you will be rewarded with luxurious flowering.

Delaway peonies - solar hybrids

This group of tree peonies is represented by hybrids of two types: yellow and Delaway. As a rule, they have a simple, non-double flower, close to the original form, and are yellow in color. Popular:

  • Academician Sadovnichy (Russia) – butter-colored with a crimson “signal” inherited from the wild form at the base of each petal.

Academician Sadovnichy

  • Souvenir de Maxime Cornu (France) is an unsurpassed, densely double flower, soft yellow with a carmine edging of the petals.

Peonies of domestic selection

Professionals of the Moscow State University Botanical Garden and amateur flower growers have developed many varieties of peonies with excellent decorative properties and the ability to withstand the Siberian or Far Eastern winter. Particularly good among them are:

  • Anastasia Sosnovets - small (11x5 cm), but spectacular white two-row flowers with bright magenta spots;

Anastasia Sosnovets

  • Kuindzhi is an elegant tall (up to 120 cm) bush with light foliage, creamy yellow flowers;
  • Nikolay Vavilov - with wide (up to 20 cm) simple purple flowers;

In the 20th century, a milky-flowered peony with an unusual flower shape was brought to the USA and Europe from Japan: the flower has one or two rows of outer petals, and in the center there are stamens, which are transformed into reed petals.

The carpels were fertile, and the stamens were sterile. Pink, red or white outer petals together with yellow stamens gave the peony some originality.

Airy, light flowers, floating in the air like butterflies, began to be called “Japanese”. Foliage with corrugated edges also added exoticism to the peony.

The appearance of Japanese peonies did not at all coincide with the idea of ​​an impeccable flower form that had developed in the West. In the 19th century, Chinese peonies, varieties of milky peony, came to Europe from China.

For about 100 years, breeders, using peony varieties from China, worked to create double flowers with a huge number of petals.

The pink form was considered the best. Such a flower, characterized by smooth roundness, has large petals that densely fill the entire volume.

Until recently, all varieties of milky peony were called Chinese, although in appearance they no longer resemble the old Chinese cultivars.

The flowers of these peonies became a form that suited the tastes of the time. Today, cultivars of peonies with a pink shape are the most popular and most widespread in Russia.

It would seem that Japanese peonies will also repeat the fate of Chinese peonies - the name will remain, but the original varieties will completely disappear. But that did not happen.

The new peonies captivated many and became something to imitate. Western breeders began to breed similar varieties, and in the 20th century a group of peonies with a Japanese flower shape was added to the garden classification.

The number of Japanese peonies is increasing every year, today it is 10-15% of the assortment of herbaceous peonies, but many cultivars are not similar to each other.

Peonies came to Japan from China in the 8th century with Buddhist monks, so they can be classified as Chinese peonies. In accordance with modern taxonomy, they come from the species peony lactiflora.

Now we know that Japanese peonies were bred in several clubs in the country. Each club had its own rules regarding the shape of the flower.

For example, the famous peony variety " Kokaden", which was used by breeder Ito to develop the first intersectional hybrids, had white semi-double flowers.

Most of the current assortment of Japanese peonies is created in the USA. In central Russia, Japanese peonies are reliable and cold-resistant, grow well, entering the phase of lush flowering already 3 years after planting.

However, some varieties of Japanese peonies with red petals develop more slowly and begin to bloom luxuriantly several years later.

American breeders have developed interspecific hybrids of milk-flowering peony and medicinal peony with a Japanese form and an early flowering period. The most popular of them are red "Chocolit Soulger" And "Walter Maines".

The agricultural technology of Japanese peonies is traditional. Dark-colored peonies are best planted in places protected from the wind. These varieties are most often used for cutting into bouquets to create beautiful compositions and in landscaping.

All popular Japanese peonies are two-colored. In light pink and white varieties, the staminodes are usually yellow, and in dark-colored Japanese peonies, the bottom is the same color as the petals, but with golden tips.

The most common cultivars of milky-flowered peony with the Japanese form in Russia are the following:

with snow-white petals - "John van Leeuwen", "Boo T", "Dream Mist", "Cararra","Moon of Nippon "Yellow King";

with pink color - "Betty Grof", "Ama No Sodi", "Wes Turner", "Velma Atkinson", "Pearl Placer", "Kukeni Jishi", "Kinsui", "Surprise", "Neon", "Phase Top";

with red color - "Akron", "Charles Burgess", "Gay Pari", "White Cap".

Japanese peonies are very popular in Russia. Also, these peonies are convenient to use for selection as a mother plant.

Luxurious bushes of red peonies are very popular among flower growers, since there are no difficulties in growing and propagating the bush. Thanks to breeding work, it has become possible to acquire plants of the most original shapes and colors. Each variety is attractive and unique in its own way, and the combination of several types and shades in group plantings or in bouquets fascinates with its unusual colors and interweaving of subtle aromas.

In total, there are 30 plant species under the name “peony”, over 5000 varieties. The largest part of all varieties are herbaceous varieties of the crop, the rest belong to the tree group, and there are also several types of shrubs that combine the properties of both herbaceous and tree peonies.

The variety of species allows gardeners to choose the right option based on the size and color of the flower, growth rates, bush shape and resistance to certain climatic conditions.

Peony is a perennial of the genus of herbaceous and deciduous (tree-like) subshrubs or shrubs. In summer cottages and front gardens, the herbaceous species is most often found. It has strong, hard, non-branching stems that form a compact bush with buds at the top. The height of the bushes is:

  • dwarf (up to 35 cm);
  • low (up to 60 cm);
  • tall (100–110 cm).

The leaves are large, strong, and have an alternate arrangement. The color of the foliage is dark green, less often gray, sometimes with a glossy sheen.

In spring, single flowers with a diameter of 15–25 cm appear on the bush. The color range of the petals is very rich: all variations of red, white, pink, to almost black. There are yellow, purple, lilac, ruby, blue and violet peonies. There are two- or three-color varieties, for example, the Copper Kettle variety has an unusual combination of shades: red, yellow and copper-orange.

Varieties of peonies with multi-colored petals have decorative value. Among the plain buds, pale pink peonies with red veins of the “Frank Kate” variety will look good. Terry white peonies with thick crimson-red stripes of the “Candy Stripe” variety will amazingly decorate the garden.

Very interesting are the varieties of the crop in which the color of the buds changes as they bloom. This feature is possessed by the “Julia Rose” variety, which during the blooming process changes from a strict cherry-red color to a delicate pink color, and then becomes apricot. The flowers of the famous chameleon variety “Hillary” are initially white, then turn into carmine-cherry. The "Goody" variety also has an unstable color: the bright pink shade of the petals turns white over time.

The aroma of the inflorescences is quite varied. It can be similar to jasmine, honey, rose, lemon, lilac, linden and lily of the valley. The varieties “Karina” and “Mikado” have an amazing smell.

The beginning of flowering of fragrant buds depends on the variety. Early varieties bloom in late spring, late varieties - in early July. Each flower blooms for 5–8 days. When the flowers fall, the dense bush remains attractive until frost. In autumn the leaves turn bronze or red-brown. During the winter, the entire above-ground part of the bush dies.

Some varieties produce a fruit - a complex leaflet in the shape of a star. Inside each leaflet, along the edge of the ventral suture, there are several large semi-oval seeds, which turn black when ripe.

Among the huge number of varieties of herbaceous group, the following plants are interesting: “Cardinal”, “Red Clouds”, “Karl Rosenfeld”, “Edgar Jessep”, “Laura Dessert”, “Helen Cowley”, “Red Grace”, “Black Pearl”.

Gallery: varieties of red peonies (25 photos)

Groups of peonies according to flower structure

According to the structure of the inflorescences, all varieties are divided into groups: non-double, semi-double and double.

Non-double group

Large buds are formed on the strong stems of the plant, the petals of which grow in one or two rows, and in the middle there are numerous stamens. The flowers are bisexual, produce many seeds, and the pistil is well developed. The non-double group includes some varieties of garden peonies and all types of wild peonies.

Semi-double group

The bushes have large flowers consisting of 2–7 rows of petals and stamens in the center or between them. Semi-double are divided into 3 subgroups:

Terry group

Terry peonies have a huge number of narrow and wide petals. The appearance of stamens and pistils, as well as the ability to bear fruit, depends on the structure of the peony and the degree of terry. Flowers are unisexual, having only a pistil (feminized) or stamens (masculinized), and asexual.

The terry group is divided into 4 subgroups:

Tree-like red peonies

Tree varieties are extremely rare in home plantings, since the cost of planting material is quite high, and growing and caring for them in changeable climatic conditions requires a lot of effort and time. The flowering period does not last long, so only experienced and patient gardeners know what peonies of this species look like.

The plant also belongs to the peony family, but, unlike herbaceous red peonies, it blooms much earlier, since its woody stems do not die in winter, but only shed their leaves. The bush increases in size every year.

The height of tree-like peonies can reach up to 1.2–2 m. During the growth period, numerous branches appear on the trunk, on which new leaf buds and flower buds are formed. The flowers are apical, large, 23–30 cm in diameter, located on short peduncles and abundantly cover the entire bush. Tree peonies begin to bloom and bear fruit at the age of 4. Seven-year-old semi-shrubs can produce up to 100 or more buds.

The most famous varieties of peonies of the tree group: “Dancing Dragon”, “Silk Road”, “Red Giant”, “Flight of the Swallow”, “Red Silver”, “Red Clouds of Baiyuan”. The chic variety “Er Kiao - Twin Beauty” captivated gardeners with beautiful flowers of different shades on one bush: purple-red with pink spots or white peonies with dark purple splashes.

Thin-leaved red peonies

Peony thin-leaved (narrow-leaved) is a wild herbaceous species. The plant is small neat bushes up to 0.5 m, rounded-spreading in shape, consisting of reddish-pink shoots 30–45 cm long. The leaves are openwork, light green in color, with pointed, non-thorny ends. The dense bush bears simple dark red buds up to 9 cm wide. Thin pink-violet stamens give the inflorescence a special decorative appearance. The flowering period lasts about a week, the black seeds ripen in August.

Garden peony

The most valuable perennial herbaceous plant is the garden peony, which has a second name - Chinese peony. Compact bushes grow up to 150 cm or more. 1–3 large buds are formed at the ends of the stems. The first flower to bloom is on the main shoot. When it fades, smaller buds on the side branches open. Worthy representatives of the garden peony are the universal variety “America” and “Rubra Plena”.

It is impossible to describe all the charm of this amazing flower, which is truly the king of the garden. A wide selection of varieties will allow you to realize the most unusual ideas of gardeners when arranging the territory, and the majestic buds and lush foliage will create a unique atmosphere.

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In total, there are 30 species of an amazing flower called peony. This is a favorite of all gardeners, a real flowerbed decoration. There are about 5,000 varieties of this beautiful garden plant, the largest part of which are herbaceous varieties of peony. The remaining flowers belong to the tree group. Gardeners admire the fragrant and beautiful buds from the beginning of June until the end of the month.

Types and varieties of peonies: photos with names

The plant in question has different colors and shapes of flowers. The long stems of peonies, on which the dissected leaves are located, are durable. According to its structure, the flower is divided into:

  • Lemoine and semi-shrub peony;
  • Various forms of white-flowered peony;
  • Non-double (the second name is simple);
  • Japanese;
  • Anemoid;
  • Semidouble;
  • Pink-shaped, crown-shaped, as well as spherical and semi-rose-shaped, belonging to the terry peony.

The shades of peonies are very diverse: bright and pale yellow, purple, soft pink and bright scarlet, cherry and even coffee.

Main varieties

Depending on the type, peonies are grown from late spring to mid-summer. Early varieties are valuable:

  • "Maryin root";

  • "Ballerina";

  • Peony Whitman;

  • "Athena";

  • Tokoleaf peony.

Late varieties are no less popular in gardening:

  • "Victory";

  • "Solange";

  • "Anniversary";

  • "Anchatres";

  • "Snowball".

Interesting varieties whose main ability is to change color as they bloom. From pink to peach - " Julia Rose", from cherry to soft cream - " Hilary" There are varieties whose petal colors smoothly transition into other shades. In the variety " Lolly pop"Violet specks are visible on the yellow petals, and the buds " Laymon dream"colored both yellow and pink. The most fragrant varieties are considered " Neon», « Vogue», « Emily Olson" And " Picado».

Tree varieties

The cultivation of tree varieties has recently begun to develop in the European part of the world. These varieties were popular in Asian countries, but in Russia gardeners preferred brighter and more colorful flowers. Their main difference from the herbaceous group is the ability of non-dying bushes to increase in size, while the latter grow young shoots every year. Plants of the tree group, characterized by the diversity and exquisite beauty of flowers, are divided into the following varieties:

  • Terry, semi-double Japanese;
  • Hybrid varieties (" Delaway»);
  • Sino-European with double flowers.

Herbaceous varieties

Peonies of the herbaceous group are popular in gardening because of the ease of plant care: they grow in one flowerbed without replanting for decades. The flowering period of these flowers depends on the variety: late, middle, mid-late, and also early. The following varieties are popular in gardening, gardening and landscape design:

  • Peony Whitman, a distinctive feature is a pale yellow bud;
  • Thin-leaved, its flowers have a rich red tint;
  • Golden stamens and white petals - features milky-flowering peony;
  • Purple, hot pink shade - peony " Maryin root»;
  • Has a beautiful ruby ​​hue medicinal peony.

White-flowered peonies

Peonies belonging to the white-flowered group are divided into simple, Japanese And semi-double. The former are characterized by large flowers with wide petals in one or two rows and corrugated leaves. Features of semi-double peonies: a large number of stamens, concentrated strictly in a circle between the petals, from 3 to 7 rows of bud petals. Depending on the color, the following representatives of the variety in question are distinguished:

  • « Cytheria"- peony, the color of which at the beginning of flowering is burgundy, and at the end it is light pink.

  • « An Barry Cousins"Have a pleasant coral tint.

  • « Miss America" This peony is easily recognizable by its white color, contrasting with the golden scattering of stamens in the center.

  • Japanese variety " Hot chocolate».

  • « A scattering of pearls" - one of the most interesting representatives of the Japanese variety.

Terry peonies

Among all the varieties of the herbaceous group, double varieties with velvety flowers are especially popular among gardeners. Each representative is unique in color, shape of petals and buds, as well as their size. The category of double flowers consists of rose-shaped And crowned. The first, based on the name, are similar in appearance to roses.

Feature of crown representatives - three-tiered flower structure.

Early varieties

In early June, early varieties of peonies delight with their beauty and aroma. White-flowered representatives - “ An Barry Cousins"with an unusual luminous color and rapidly growing" Placer of Pearls» - peonies, which bloom at the beginning of summer.

A beautiful semi-spreading bush called " Aritina Nozen Glory", reaching a height of 0.7 m, has large buds of a pinkish-purple hue with light green cut leaves. The diameter of the flowers reaches 20 cm.

A garden variety of peonies with a faint odor, called " America", characterized by its compact size and simple bud shape. Flowers with even wide dark red petals are similar in appearance to tulips. One bud is 20 cm in diameter, there are 3-4 of them on the stem. The variety is universal.

Varieties of peonies with medium flowering period

Among the varieties that are characterized by an average flowering period, they note “ Spring" This universal variety, resistant to various diseases, is ideal for growing in Russia, with the exception of cold regions of the country. The maximum height of the bush is 0.8 m. The buds with wide petals are similar to rose buds. The shades are mixed: inside – light pink with yellowness, outside – creamy pink. These peonies have a pleasant jasmine scent.