Advantages and disadvantages of one-story houses. Secrets of choosing the optimal heating scheme for a private house In the house, the advantages are the absence

Those who live in their own house and are forced to take care of the yard and garden are accustomed to thinking that life in an apartment is simple and pleasant. They are right. But to finally be convinced of this, let’s look at life in an apartment from all sides: its advantages and disadvantages.

Living in an apartment means, first of all, neighbors. If you flooded your neighbors, or turned on the music louder at an inopportune hour, or decided to do renovations in your apartment on a weekend, expect a knock on the door or sidelong glances. But on the other hand, with good relations, neighbors are always a force ready to help if you run out of salt or have no one to look after the house during the holidays.

An apartment means lower both physical and material costs. Central heating saves not only time, money, but also nerves in winter. And HOAs, housing and communal services or other forms of home government make you involved in the overall process. A leaking roof or cracked walls at the front of a building is a concern for everyone, not just yours.

The apartment - as already mentioned, lacks a yard, which needs to be tidied up every day. But this is also a minus: there is no opportunity to retire on a bench, pick your own grown apple, feel like the owner of a large territory - after all, all you have is just an apartment.

In good areas, the improvement of the surrounding area is the work of certain municipal services. Yes, you pay money for it, but you get good results: lawn, flower beds, weekly/daily cleaning of the area, garbage removal.

Apartment buildings are provided with different security systems: magnetic doors, combination locks, sometimes, in luxury buildings, and concierges or other “live” type of security. Taking care of security in your home is entirely your task: in addition to protecting your home, you must think about ensuring that no strangers get into your yard.

The apartment is a well-developed city infrastructure: a school next to the house, shops, a hospital. Yes, even connecting communications to an apartment is easier: show me an area of ​​apartment buildings that do not have the Internet?

Also, apartments are a plus for those who like a good view. Purchasing an apartment on the upper floors is an opportunity to live where there is a stunning view of the city. And the opportunity to wake up with the first rays of light penetrating your apartment gives you a great mood for the whole day. A private house does not have such advantages. Firstly, due to its low rise. Secondly, due to the high fences that protect your territory.

But apartments also have quite a few disadvantages. An apartment is part of one whole, a common structure, a building, which means any changes in the layout have serious consequences. Therefore, it seems difficult to move some walls or individually plan rooms. In your home, you do as your heart desires, and if your capabilities and land allow it, you add additional necessary premises.

Another disadvantage of apartments is the payment for housing and communal services. Of course, it is clear what it consists of. But it often happens that the service does not meet the price. Residents pay monthly, but services have not been provided for years. So the question arises: wouldn’t it be better for me to take care of my territory myself?

One way or another, there is no arguing about opinions. Someone chooses their own home, independence from neighbors. And some people like an apartment, with all its amenities and disadvantages.

Multi-apartment residential buildings built in the vicinity of St. Petersburg are distinguished by a special specificity of residence. Such buildings include small multi-apartment residential buildings with no more than three floors. In the outskirts of St. Petersburg, the number of such projects varies between 50, given that more than 90% of all proposals are concentrated here. To understand the main advantages and existing disadvantages of country apartments, it is necessary compare low-rise residential buildings with multi-apartment high-rises.

Advantages of low-rise buildings

The undoubted advantages of living in a small house of two or three floors are:

  • excellent ecology;
  • a small number of neighbors;
  • availability of land;
  • hassle-free parking;
  • affordable price.

The absence of air-polluting industrial enterprises and congested city highways makes it possible to characterize low-rise suburban projects as locations that are the most acceptable from the point of view ecology. The presence of fields, ponds and forests is also one of the main advantages of living in an apartment located in a low-rise building.

Compared to tall apartment buildings, small buildings have another obvious advantage: the total number of residents of such a house is an order of magnitude lower. Accordingly, there is practically no circulation of new faces, there will be much less noise, and more pleasant communication. Instead of dozens of neighbors, only a few families will live nearby. Of course, in country houses, many residents know each other, so all general problems that arise are resolved quickly and jointly.

Privatization of the local area of ​​low-rise apartment buildings allows own a small plot of land. As a rule, this opportunity is provided to the owners of the first floor. Most often, this is a small lawn in front of the house, symbolically fenced by a low fence, on which you can set up a front garden or arrange a picnic area. For the convenience of residents, many projects are equipped with fairly spacious storage rooms in which neighbors can leave personal items, for example, bicycles and strollers.

In close proximity to the city limits, the cost of land significantly affects the price of apartments in low-rise buildings, therefore more accessible is housing located several tens of kilometers away from the ring road. But any remote complex of low-rise buildings has better ecology and more attractive views. The cost of building apartments in small houses is usually lower than in typical high-rise buildings, so apartments in low-rise buildings invariably appear among the most affordable offers.

An additional advantage for residents of a country apartment building is Availability of free parking spaces. Multi-level parking lots are not built for hundreds of cars, so arranging parking lots is cheap. At the same time, the interior space of the courtyards remains absolutely free from cars, which is very convenient from a safety point of view.

L. A. Komissarova, the senior teacher of chair of “Accounting the analysis and audit” the NGIEI

Abstract. The housing policy undergoes all over the world essential changes. For comprehension of the processes occurring now in Russia, and a choice of an optimum control system of the property of housing sector it is necessary to analyze the merits and demerits of existing models of management in a number of the European countries.

Problems of housing and communal services of foreign countries have predetermined unity of the purposes of radical transformation of this sphere and the general directions of change of all set of the relations arising in the course of manufacture and consumption of housing-and-municipal services.

The key words. The market of housing services, foreign experience, management of housing and communal services, rent available housing, a condominium, associations of proprietors of habitation, housing-and-municipal reform


L. V. Akifeva, graduate student of the Department of Economics and Statistics, NSIEI

Annotation. Currently, the question of which method of managing an apartment building to choose is becoming increasingly relevant. The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of such forms of management of apartment buildings as direct management of the owners of premises in an apartment building, management of a homeowners' association or

housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative, management of the management organization.

Keywords. Housing and communal services, apartment building, homeowners, management, direct management, homeowners association, management organization.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the right of every citizen to own property, own, use and dispose of it, both individually and jointly with other persons. This constitutional provision is reflected in housing legislation: the owners of residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building, at their own discretion and in their own interests, manage the apartment building with minimal interference from authorities. In Russia, there is a gradual formation of the owner, his understanding of his role in the effective management of real estate, increasing its value and market attractiveness.

The newly adopted Housing Code of the Russian Federation does not define the concept of “management of an apartment building,” but it devotes an entire section 8 to the management of apartment buildings.

N. Gabrus believes that the management of an apartment building is a coordinated activity of the owners of premises in an apartment building or persons involved by them, aimed at ensuring favorable and safe living conditions for citizens, proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, resolving issues of use of common property, and also providing utilities to citizens living in such a house.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation imposes on the owners of premises the obligation to choose a method of managing the house within a year before the date of the competition for the selection of a management organization by local government bodies. It is likely that the date of such competitions should be known in advance, that is, at least not less than one year in advance.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation offers three ways to manage an apartment building:

Direct management of premises owners in an apartment building;

Management of a homeowners' association or housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative;

Management of the management organization.

The choice of management method depends on how many apartments are in the building, how solvent and disciplined the residents are, what management organizations are on the housing and communal services market, what kind of relationships have developed with resource supply organizations, etc.

Owners of premises in an apartment building independently choose the method of managing the house based on the selected criteria depending on the specific situation.

As part of the method of direct management of an apartment building, owners of premises in an apartment building have the right to:

a) resolve all current issues of management and maintenance of an apartment building at general meetings of owners of premises in the building;

b) distribute responsibilities for managing the house among themselves;

c) choose in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 164 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, one person from among its own or not from among the owners,

which has the right to act in relations with third parties on behalf of the owners of premises in such a house.

If one of the owners of premises in an apartment building is chosen as an authorized person, his powers will be based on the decision of the general meeting reflected in the minutes. A power of attorney is not required to be issued to such a person. If a person who is not one of the owners of the house is involved, he is given a power of attorney in simple written form by all or the majority of the owners of the premises. The Code does not provide for the issuance of a power of attorney to such a third party “on behalf of the general meeting.” In this case, this third party cannot be considered a manager.

If the owners of premises want, in addition to issuing a power of attorney to an authorized person, to enter into paid agreements with him, then this requires a change in the method of managing an apartment building.

The Housing Code provides that in the direct management of the owners of premises, based on the decision of their general meeting, agreements for the provision of services for the maintenance and (or) performance of repairs of common property in an apartment building must be concluded with persons carrying out these types of activities. Such agreements are bilateral; all or most of the owners of premises in an apartment building act as one party to the agreements concluded. Moreover, for such an agreement to be recognized as concluded, it must be signed by more than half of the owners of premises in a given apartment building. The implementation of the method of direct management of an apartment building excludes the possibility of attracting a professional manager (management organization).

Contracts for cold and hot water supply, sewerage, electricity supply, gas supply (including the supply of domestic gas in cylinders), heating (heat supply, including the supply of solid fuel in the presence of stove heating) are concluded by each owner of the premises, directly managing the apartment building, on his own behalf. name.

In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 No. 185-FZ “On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services,” owners of premises in apartment buildings who implement the direct method of management do not have the right to attract funds from the Fund for Assistance to Reform of Housing and Communal Services for carrying out major renovation of your home.

The advantage of direct management of an apartment building by the owners of the premises is the transparency of financial relations, since with the direct management of an apartment building by the owners of the premises, an agreement for the provision of services for the maintenance and repair of common property in the house with persons carrying out the relevant types of activities is concluded by the owners of the premises on the basis of decisions of the general owners' meetings. In this case, all or most of the owners of the premises act as one party to the concluded agreements.

Contracts for cold and hot water supply, gas supply, electricity supply, etc. are concluded by each owner of the premises who directly manages the apartment building on his own behalf. Thus, each owner sees how much and what he pays for.

Another advantage of direct management of an apartment building is the absence of costs for maintaining the staff of the HOA or the costs associated with attracting a management company to manage it, since management in this case is carried out directly by the proactive owners of the apartment building. However, this is also the main disadvantage of this type of management if the house has a fairly large number of residents and the common area is large. After all, the larger the house, the more problems may arise with its management and disagreements between residents. But finding a manager who, on his own initiative, would solve a lot of issues is quite difficult. Thus, the choice of direct control is optimal in small apartment buildings, where the amount of work involved in managing the building is minimal.

A homeowners' association (HOA) is an association of owners of premises in an apartment building. The purpose of such an association is the joint management of a complex of real estate in an apartment building (including a land plot, a residential building and other objects), ensuring the operation of this complex, ownership, use and, within the limits established by law, the disposal of common property in an apartment building.

When managing an apartment building by a homeowners' association (housing cooperative, other consumer cooperatives), these legal entities have the right to conclude, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, a management agreement for the apartment building, as well as agreements on the maintenance and repair of common property in the apartment building, agreements on

provision of utility services and other agreements in the interests of the owners of premises in the house.

Thus, there are two schemes of contractual relationships between the owners of premises in an apartment building and organizations that provide housing and communal services when the house is managed through a homeowners association, residential complex, or private association:

1. The owners of premises in an apartment building delegate the right to conclude contracts for the supply of housing and communal services to the homeowners’ association (HC, PC). Delegation of functions for concluding contracts can be enshrined in the decision of the general meeting of owners, in the charter of the HOA, residential complex, PC, or in the management agreement.

2. The owners of premises in an apartment building delegate the right to conclude contracts for the supply of housing and communal services to the homeowners’ association (ZhK, PC), and the homeowners’ association (ZhK, PC) in turn enters into a management agreement with a management organization that searches for service providers and concludes contracts with them on behalf of the homeowners’ association (LC, PC).

The decision to create a homeowners' association is made by the owners of premises in an apartment building at their general meeting. Such a decision is considered adopted if the owners of premises in the corresponding apartment building, having more than fifty percent of the votes of the total number of votes of the owners of premises in such a building, voted for it (Article 13 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

A homeowners' association can be created by merging: several apartment buildings, the premises in which belong to different (at least two) owners of the premises in the apartment building;

shooting range house, with land plots located on a common land plot or several neighboring (bordering) land plots, engineering support networks and other infrastructure elements (Part 2 of Article 136 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

Owners of premises in one apartment building can create only one homeowners' association.

A homeowners' association is a fairly new organizational and legal form of non-profit organizations for Russia, which has become widespread in recent years in connection with the housing reform and transformations in the field of housing and communal services. In those houses where homeowners' associations are not organized today, everything remains the same for residents, and the old system of housing and communal services has only adapted to the new legislative conditions. At the same time, the owner was left alone with this system, unapproachable for him, and is an eternal “petitioner”, and not a person on whom the activity of the entire housing and communal services system essentially depends.

The advantages of this form of management are the following: the chairman and members of the board are the owners of premises in the same building, so they are not indifferent to its fate; the general meeting of premises owners has the right to re-elect the chairman and members of the board at any time; all existing issues relating to the life of the HOA are resolved only at a general meeting of the owners of the premises; The owners of the premises have the right, by decision of the general meeting, to use funds from the activities of the HOA to reduce costs, to maintain and maintain the common property of the apartment building and utilities.

tezhey; annually monitor the financial and economic activities of the HOA by an audit commission elected from the members of the HOA.

The disadvantage is that if the chairman and members of the HOA board turn out to be dishonest people, then all the money received from contributions, financial and economic activities of the HOA, and rent will be stolen by them.

A management organization is a legal entity, regardless of its legal form, as well as an individual entrepreneur who manages an apartment building on the basis of an apartment building management agreement.

When choosing a method for managing an apartment building by a management organization, the owners of premises in the apartment building enter into management agreements with the selected manager, which must indicate:

The composition of the common property of the apartment building in respect of which management will be carried out, and the address of such a building;

A list of services and works for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, the procedure for changing such a list, as well as a list of utilities provided by the management organization;

The procedure for determining the price of the contract, the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and the amount of payment for utilities, as well as the procedure for making such payment;

The procedure for monitoring the management organization’s fulfillment of its obligations under the management agreement.

A management agreement concluded with a management organization, in all its features, falls under

signs of a contract for the provision of paid services provided for by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Art. 780 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by the contract for the provision of paid services, the contractor (Managing organization) is obliged to provide services personally. That is, the management organization either itself provides part of the housing and communal services under a management agreement for an apartment building, or acts as an intermediary between the owners of premises in the building and providers of housing and communal services.

Agreements with organizations providing housing and communal services are concluded by the management organization with suppliers on behalf of the owners of premises in the house.

The advantage of concluding an agreement with a management organization is that the agreement for the management of an apartment building between the management organization and the owners of the premises or the HOA (if an HOA has been created in the building), for at least a year, for a maximum of five years, according to which the management organization is provided with all the necessary services . But if, when concluding an agreement, all the formalities provided for in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation were observed, then if you need to terminate the agreement unilaterally, including due to improper fulfillment by the management organization of its obligations, this can only be done in court - this is the disadvantage of this form of management of an apartment building.

As of January 1, 2011, the total number of apartment buildings located in the city of Nizhny Novgorod is 9,963 units, of which homeowners' associations have been created in 2,010 buildings, and housing-construction cooperatives in 135 buildings.

There are 7,199 apartment buildings managed by management organizations. In 88 apartment buildings, the owners of the premises did not choose or did not implement the chosen management method. In 116 apartment buildings, all premises are owned by the municipality. In recent years, there has been a growth trend in homeowners' associations. The Department of Housing and Engineering Infrastructure is conducting awareness-raising work with the owners of premises in apartment buildings through the media about the advantages of various methods of managing a building.

In the Knyaginsky district in 2008, 69% of houses switched to direct management by the owners of the premises; until the end of 2011, this method will remain a priority (71%). Residents of houses are reluctant to choose the method of managing a homeowners' association: financial difficulties, registration difficulties, and also the fact that the housing stock in most cases has a lot of wear and tear affect it. But in accordance with Federal Law No. 185-FZ of July 21, 2007 “On the Housing and Communal Services Reform Assistance Fund,” one of the conditions for providing financial support from the fund is the existence of homeowners’ associations. Therefore, by 2011, the number of apartment buildings in which the owners of premises will choose and implement the management of the HOA is planned to be 77. And the number of houses in which the owners have chosen and implement the management of the management organization (MUP “Knyagininskoe Housing and Public Utilities”) will therefore be reduced: from 155 in 2007 to 48 in 2011.

From the above analysis, it is clear that there is no single way to manage and maintain an apartment building. In various cities and regions

preferences are given to different forms of management of apartment buildings, this is influenced by the following subjective factors: the number and activity of premises owners, their professional qualifications, ability and willingness to manage and maintain their home; the complexity of a particular house as an engineering and construction facility; the state of the market for services and work on the management and maintenance of apartment buildings (the presence of management and service organizations, the level of competition between them, interest in clients); the attitude of local governments to the initiatives of homeowners to manage their homes. Owners of premises, when choosing a method of managing their home, have the right to choose the most suitable option specifically for them, taking into account both their interests and capabilities, and the characteristics of their apartment building. The main thing is that this choice should not be made formally, but deliberately, carefully, based on an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of possible management methods in relation to a specific apartment building at a given time. The more thoughtful and balanced the decision of the owners of the premises, the less difficulties they will encounter in implementing their decision.


1. Housing Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 No. 188-FZ [Adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on December 22, 2004], ed. From 07/23/2008, as amended. And additional As of 06/10/2010. - M.:, Eksmo, 2010. - 96 p. - (Laws and codes).

2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2007 No. 185-FZ “On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services”

3. Tishukov, Yu. V. Consumer and management of an apartment building / Yu. V. Tishukov. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2007. - 267, p.







L. V. Akif’eva, the post-graduate student of chair “The economics and statistics” NGIEI

Annotation. Now the increasing urgency of the question on what way of management possesses an apartment house to choose. In article advantages and lacks of such forms of government by apartment houses as direct management of proprietors of premises in an apartment house, management of association of proprietors of habitation or housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative society, management of the operating organization are considered.

The keywords. Housing and communal services, apartment house, proprietors of habitation, management, direct management, association of proprietors of habitation, management of the operating organization.

The advantages of a one-story house are the absence of stairs, which is convenient for children and the elderly. Before building a cottage for a family, many consider a one-story design. The choice of such a building is justified and promising.

The InnovaStroy company offers clients a lot of ready-made projects, as well as turnkey construction of houses from the foundation pit to the roofing, followed by interior and exterior finishing.

Before completing the project, the customer needs to know everything advantages of a one-story house over a two-story house to avoid doubts and confidence in the choice. There is no reason to believe that one-story buildings look less presentable than two-story or higher-rise buildings. Stylish design, decoration with modern materials, and a combination of decor allow you to create a unique project and distinguish the house from its analogues.

Presented in detail on the InnovaStroy company website.

In addition to external priorities, the advantages of a one-story house are as follows:

  • 1. Speed ​​and reduction of construction time. The construction of a multi-story building requires more effort and time.
  • 2. Simple and understandable technology that does not require staircase openings. Running up stairs quickly gets boring, especially if communications are located only on the lower floors.
  • 3. No obstacles and safety for children, people with disabilities, and pensioners.
  • 4. Does not require a complex foundation; the load of the main supporting structure in one-story houses is minimal.
  • 5. Possibility of construction on all types of soil, including water and unstable ones.
  • 6. Uncomplicated architectural implementations.
  • 7. Savings on utility bills due to reduced heating costs, uniform temperature distribution in all rooms.
  • 8. Convenience of repairs in any season.
  • 9. Fewer windows and doors, which reduces heat loss.
  • 10. Functional placement of rooms, recreation areas and bathrooms on one floor.
  • 11. The use of scaffolding is not required, which constitutes a significant part of the costs in multi-story construction. It is convenient to do facade finishing and minor repairs yourself.
  • 12. Design of a roof in any style, with the desired level of slope and materials.
  • 13. Possibility of viewing the lawn, yard and playground.

The main advantages of a one-story house attract owners of large perimeter plots. For those who can afford to take up a lot of space for a living area. Owners of closed plots, without prying eyes from neighbors. According to state standards, the placement of one-story buildings is at least 6-15 meters. The distance between residential streets and a single building is 3m. The location of highways and highways is no closer than 7m.

The advantages of a one-story house over a two-story house are provided to clients when they first contact InnovaStroy. One-story construction is relevant and popular with the local population. For a detailed presentation of the possible nuances, we recommend considering the shortcomings of one-story houses.

Disadvantages of a one-story house

  • The area of ​​the site occupied by the building. If there is little land, then a one-story house for a large family occupies almost the entire yard, leaving no room for lawns, gazebos and recreation areas. This must be taken into account in urban construction where the site area is small.
  • The level of slope of the terrain is of particular importance. It is advisable to locate one-story cottages in areas with flat land.
  • The floor covering is located close to the ground and requires a massive layer of insulation. The laying of the waterproofing layer is tested in the autumn-winter period, when the water level is high and the temperature is low. Floor freezing can be avoided by installing automatic electrically heated flooring.
  • If the family expands, it will be problematic to complete the rooms. The craftsmen of the InnovaStroy company recommend remodeling the attic floor or creating an attic. The creation of a rafter structure under the roofing will help facilitate the process. In addition, no additional paperwork or permits will be required.
  • The building occupies a significant part, which limits the fertility of the land.
  • With subsequent expansion and construction of an extension, the architectural design of the building is violated, which spoils the appearance.

Taking into account all the positive and negative aspects, the client needs to make a more accurate calculation of his life prospects and anticipate the nuances. With a competent approach to construction, the disadvantages of a one-story house can be avoided.

Materials for one-story construction

Possibility of using basic materials of any kind. There is no doubt that the price of construction will vary significantly, while the properties of each type are different. If the client has a limited budget, it is important to prioritize materials and design in advance. What material is best to build a house from?

The main question of many clients of the InnovaStroy company. Turnkey one-story houses projects and prices, as well as materials displayed on the site. In any case, the main factors are thermal conductivity, strength and price for construction, including labor and finishing.

  • Brick is the most popular material in one-story construction. For many years it has attracted the attention of designers, architects and owners. The ability to successfully combine and combine with other materials sets it apart from its analogues. The disadvantage of brick construction is the long installation time, the need to use insulation and create finishing. The advantages of a one-story brick house are that fire resistance is 60% higher compared to other materials. Resistant to moisture and pests. Does not require external finishing.
  • Foam block is a material for quick construction. Due to their large size, houses made of foam blocks are built quickly, with minimal labor costs. Does not require a reinforced foundation, since it does not create significant loads. The disadvantage of foam block construction is the accumulation of moisture in the material. Laying foam blocks requires the use of adhesive materials. The advantages of a one-story house made of foam block are the ability to conduct electricity in the space of the material, without using additional space. A one-story cottage made of foam block can be erected with your own hands due to the ease of technology and ease of installation.
  • Wood and timber are the most popular in modern cottage construction. The environmental friendliness and high thermal conductivity of the material distinguishes its advantages over others. The possibility of ignition must be excluded using additional treatment with fire-fighting emulsions. Wooden one-story houses are perfect for country and suburban construction. The advantages of a one-story wooden house are undeniable and obvious; such buildings fit well into country real estate and are combined with the natural landscape and style. Amenable to repair during long-term use.
  • The ceramic block has significant weight and requires a reinforced foundation. Due to its impressive size, a ceramic house is built quickly, but using special technology. The advantages of a one-story house made of ceramic block are a high degree of sound insulation. Thanks to the rough surface of the base material, the plaster adheres more firmly and provides reliable adhesion. The absence of cracks guarantees heat retention under any external temperature conditions.

Engineering communications in one-story construction

Advantages of a one-story house not only in ease of use and materials, but also in the consistent wiring of communications. For a one-story building, wiring is significantly cheaper. When wiring bathrooms to the second floor, the task is somewhat more complicated.

Required communications for comfortable housing:

  • Water supply;
  • Heating;
  • Electricity;
  • Sewerage.

Making communications on the second floor more problematic and difficult. Drainage and heating must be carried out through the staircase, which requires designing the structure in more detail. When installing a boiler or fireplace, the length of the chimney depends proportionally on the number of floors. The increase in costs for installing pipes and floors will vary.

A comfortable home is a pleasant climate for the whole family. Installing ventilation ducts in a one-story house is simpler and safer. The volume of air exhaust pipes during high-rise construction requires additional space, which visually does not look particularly beautiful. Control of ventilation ducts is always available in the attic; moreover, the main draft with proper roof design is stronger and ensures fire safety.

Exterior decoration of a one-story house

The facade finishing of a one-story house is easy. You can do it yourself or contact the specialists of the InnovaStroy company. In any case, the costs will be less than with multi-story construction. The facade is created from various materials at the request of the client. It is possible to create a combination of styles and individual directions. Houses with architectural solutions look stylish and modern.

Interior decoration of a one-story house

For one-story construction, there is no need to use ladders and scaffolding, there is no need to lift loads to the upper floors and install sections.
Modern materials allow you to visually expand the space and visually raise the height of the room. To decorate the ceiling in a one-story house, craftsmen advise using mirrored hanging panels, which create grace and complement the space.

How to quickly build a one-story house?

Urgent construction of a one-story house is considered for the rapid construction of a residential building from 100 sq.m. The advantages of a one-story house over a two-story house are quick construction. A building with two floors of the same area takes 2 times more time and costs. The ideal solution for high-speed construction would be the use of frame technology.

The frame method of house construction is only gaining popularity in Russia. Budget technologies are characterized by minimal time for building a house. Frame blocks are quickly laid and form a full-fledged residential building. Mineral wool and monolithic foam blocks are used as insulation in such buildings. The construction of such technology costs much less.

Ready-made projects already developed by designers are processed quickly, and construction begins the very next day. It is enough to know the perimeter of the site and have financial resources. Ordering the construction of a frame-type house urgently does not require additional investments or surcharges.

The construction of one-story houses has remained attractive for many years for clients and those who are just planning to start building their own mansion. Every day, many owners choose to build only one floor. Convenience and comfort will always be relevant when choosing a finished project.

InnovaStroy company professionals will help the client calculate costs and redesign high-rise construction into single-story construction, with minimal loss of financial and time costs. To make your home a favorite vacation spot for the whole family, turn to high-level craftsmen who have certificates and demonstrable experience created and tested by the owners.

The article examined the main advantages of a one-story house; it is better to determine which type of construction for the owner’s own house should be determined in advance, before drawing up an estimate.

It’s easy to remember how at the end of the last millennium there was a peak in the desire of most people to live in a comfortable, comfortable apartment with an improved layout. People invested in the construction of the most important acquisition in their lives. After some time, when the government changed, which also provided support to citizens in the housing issue, people began to worry not about purchasing housing, but about the comfort of life.

They bought cars, dachas, equipment, and foreign holidays were gaining popularity. These trends are still present today, but they have once again been supplemented by the need to purchase or expand living space. Today, many people have the opportunity to choose between an apartment and a private house. Therefore, the question increasingly arises: Where is it better to live? In a house or in an apartment? To do this, you need to understand the differences between these objects.

Advantages of the apartment

Undoubtedly, the main criterion in choosing housing is comfort. In the modern world, when purchasing an apartment, a person receives everything he needs for life - electricity, water, sewerage, heat supply, garbage removal and, of course, maintenance on these items. These are the main parameters. In addition to basic living conditions, there are no less important factors that a person focuses on when choosing an apartment:

  • Location and distance from the city center.
  • Infrastructure of the area (hospitals, kindergartens, schools, supermarkets, pharmacies, cafes, sports complexes).
  • Improvement of the local area (playgrounds, landscaping, green areas, parking lots).
  • Security (absence of nearby production complexes, factories, airports, train stations).
  • Transport accessibility (personal and public transport).
  • Communications (telephone, internet, television).

Possible disadvantages of living in an apartment

A successful combination of favorable conditions has a positive effect on the quality of life. But, as a rule, in addition to the pros, there are also cons. Any person living in an apartment building has encountered various difficulties that are inherent in living in an apartment.

  • Perhaps the most unpleasant thing is problems with neighbors, starting from noisy gatherings at late times, on the other side of your bedroom wall, and right up to a flood in the apartment, thanks to the neighbors above.
  • An equally annoying drawback may be the issue of utility bills. Often prices are unreasonably high. And who wants to overpay?
  • The condition of the house outside its own apartment. It happens that the cleanliness of the elevator, which everyone uses every day, leaves much to be desired, and the walls in the entrance could use painting, and the neighbor opposite likes to smoke on the landing...
  • We are all human and we need rest and entertainment. For example, it can be nice to receive guests, organize noisy competitions and dance to your favorite songs half the night away! But not in an apartment building. One way or another, you need to respect your neighbors and not allow things to come to conflict.
  • Problems that arise due to lack of proper maintenance by utility services. This applies to water supply shutdowns, periodic interruptions in heat supply, power outages and other problems.

And there can be many such negative aspects; unfortunately, it is not possible to eliminate them completely.

Positive aspects of living in a private house

Living in a private house also has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages, of course, include complete freedom of imagination in arranging a cozy nest both inside and outside. The positive side is the significant difference in the area of ​​the house, which, as a rule, exceeds the size of a city apartment, thereby allowing you to expand the usual functions of comfortable housing - create a separate playroom for the child, an office for work, a dressing room, bedrooms, guest rooms, recreation rooms, dining room, and turn the balcony into a beautiful greenhouse.

An obvious advantage is the absence of neighbors “through the wall”. No one will disturb anyone in case of repairs, a noisy party or the whims of the children. It also eliminates the worry of flooding from neighbors above. It must be said that, in addition to everything else, in a private house you can build a swimming pool, a fireplace, a cellar, or have livestock.

The ability to arrange the local area based on your own preferences is an undeniable plus. You can plant fruit trees and shrubs around the house - this will be a garden, cultivate beds with vegetables and herbs - a vegetable garden, and in the fall a healthy harvest. Hospitable hosts will definitely build a gazebo and set up a barbecue or grill. Children will enjoy the playground, swings and trampolines, and sports fans can install outdoor exercise equipment, horizontal bars and even build a basketball court. In addition, the entire territory is fenced off from prying eyes, which is also important.

Disadvantages of a plot of land with a house

Both large and small plots of land require timely maintenance. In the summer, this means mowing the lawn, treating plants, maintaining cleanliness, in the winter, clearing and removing snow, providing access to the house. If, living in an apartment, utility companies deal with this, then in their own home the owners will have to take care of methods for solving such problems themselves. There is also a need to adjust and maintain the temperature in the living room, especially during the cold season. You will also have to worry if difficulties arise with communications, electricity, and sewerage.

As a result, it turns out that a private house requires more attention and responsibility, while in an apartment building part of the hassle is assigned to the management company or other competent service, subject to regular monthly payments from the residents. But in an apartment, compliance with certain rules will be a mandatory requirement in order to avoid conflict with neighbors or management.

Often the private sector is inferior to a city apartment in accessibility to supermarkets, pharmacies, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, beauty salons and similar infrastructure, but is superior in some opportunities - garden, vegetable garden, swimming pool, bathhouse, own playground, livestock breeding, fenced area, stove, fireplace and other additional features. Also, the owner of his own home does not have the obligation to pay monthly for the “utility package”, but nevertheless, the costs are not so small.

In any case, there are also subjective concepts about the advantages and disadvantages when choosing housing, which should be guided by those who have asked such an important question. Of course, if you have the desire and opportunity, comfortable conditions can be created both in a private house and in an apartment.