Biology presentation on memory. Presentations on the topic of human memory, download for class. Solving biological problems

Human memory and ways to improve it

Performer: 10th grade student

Samochernova Alexandra Evgenievna

Scientific adviser:

Pashaeva Ekaterina Leonidovna,

MBOU Secondary School No. 90, biology teacher

Nizhny Tagil

Target: study the mechanisms of memory and ways to improve it.


1. Study the mechanisms of memory;

2. Classify types of memory;

3. Highlight ways to improve a person’s memory.


Empirical: literature study, testing;

Theoretical: logical methods of cognition.

An object: human memory.

Item: ways to improve human memory.

Hypothesis: By using various methods to develop memory, it can be improved.

Relevance: The topic is relevant, since memory is one of the most complex and well-studied processes, including the phases of imprinting, storing and retrieving incoming information.

Memory - This is a mental property of a person, the ability to accumulate, (memorize) store, reproduce experience and information.

  • Volume;
  • Speed ​​(memorization and reproduction);
  • Accuracy;
  • Duration;
  • Ready to play

  • by sensory modality- visual, motor, sound, taste memory, pain;
  • by content- figurative, motor, emotional;
  • on organizing memorization- episodic, semantic, procedural;
  • according to time characteristics- long-term, short-term, ultra short-term;
  • by presence of target- voluntary and involuntary;
  • according to availability of funds- mediated and not mediated;
  • by level of development- motor, emotional, figurative, verbal-logical

Memory Mechanisms:

1. Memorization

2. Saving

3. Playback

  • Recognition
  • Recall
  • Reproduction

4. Forgetting

Memory impairments:

Amnesia- a disease with symptoms of memory loss, especially for recent important events, or incomplete memories of past events.

Hypomnesia- congenital or acquired as a result of various diseases weakening of memory.

Hypermnesia- increased ability to remember and reproduce information.

Paramnesia- memory deceptions, " false memories" Most often, paramnesia is understood as disorders memory, in which what is happening at the moment seems familiar, already experienced once.

  • "Thinking in Images"
  • "A couple of words"
  • "Word List"
  • "Memorizing texts"
  • "Memorizing threes"
  • "Image training"
  • "Big Score"
  • "Cicero's Method"

Exercises to improve

auditory memory:

1.Reading aloud;

2. When walking down the street, try to grab and hold for a few moments a fragment of a conversation between passers-by;

4. Try to hear the difference in the sound of people’s steps walking along a fairly long corridor;

5.Listen to a simple piece of music or melody and then try to sing it;

6. When attending classes, treat them with the greatest attention. Try after each lesson to repeat everything you remember;

Slide 2

Memory is a form of mental reflection that consists in consolidating, preserving and subsequently reproducing past experience, making it possible to reuse it in activity or return to the sphere of consciousness. Memory connects a subject’s past with his present and future and is the most important cognitive function underlying development and learning.

Slide 3

Basic memory processes: learning, storage, reproduction, recognition, forgetting.

Slide 4

Types of memory

1. Involuntary memory (information is remembered by itself without special memorization, but in the course of performing an activity, in the course of working on information). Strongly developed in childhood, weakens in adults.

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2. Voluntary memory (information is remembered purposefully using special techniques). The effectiveness of voluntary memory depends on: 1) On the goals of memorization (how firmly and how long a person wants to remember). If the goal is to learn in order to pass an exam, then soon after the exam a lot will be forgotten; if the goal is to learn for a long time, for future professional activity, then little information is forgotten. 2) From memorization techniques. Methods of memorization are: a) Mechanical word-for-word repeated repetition, mechanical memory works, a lot of effort and time are spent, and the results are low. Mechanical memory is memory based on repeating material without comprehending it.

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Long-term memory ensures long-term storage of information: there are two types: DP with conscious access and DP closed (access during hypnosis, etc.) Working memory manifests itself during the performance of any activity, when information is stored.

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Intermediate memory - is stored, accumulated for several hours, and during night sleep is allocated by the body to cleanse intermediate memory and categorize information accumulated over the past day, transferring it to long-term memory.

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How to improve memory

Read books. The quality of memory is greatly influenced by what we spend more time on – watching TV or reading books. It is clear that everything is not in favor of television; here we are passive. And while reading books, we turn on motor and visual memory, parts of the brain that control associative, abstract and logical thinking.)

Slide 9

2) Get enough sleep. During sleep, the brain evaluates what happened during the day and decides what to leave in memory. Disturbed sleep affects the ability to form memories normally.

Slide 10

3) Walk with your eyes closed Lawrence Katz, a professor from the USA, has developed exercises called neurobics or brain fitness. If you have a lot to remember or memorize, first perform normal activities (for example, take a shower, get dressed, get ready) with your eyes closed. The more active the brain cells, the more they secrete the substance neutrophin, which ensures the functioning of the brain.

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Lesson #8
Lesson #8
Lesson topic:
Memory like
Memory like

General characteristics of memory
1.1. General characteristics of memory
Physiological basis of memory
2.2. Physiological basis of memory
Main types of memory
3.3. Main types of memory
Basic processes and mechanisms of memory
4.4. Basic processes and mechanisms of memory
Features of mnestic processes
5.5. Features of mnestic processes

What did you think about memory?
What did you think about memory?
Most thinkers
antiquity anyway
addressed the issue of
what does it represent
1.Where in the human body
2. Why do some people have more of it, while others
she is located?
less others?

Ancient Greeks o
Ancient Greeks o
Parmenides on memory.
Memory is an organized mixture of light and
darkness, heat and cold. Forgetting exists
the result of "churning".
He believed that if these conditions are not
"to mix",
Plato on memory:
absorbs impressions like wax,
on the surface of which something is drawn
with a stick.
Forgetting - when the inscriptions are erased

Scientists of ancient Greece
Scientists of ancient Greece
Diogenes of Sinope, who lived in the 5th century
BC. viewed memory as a process
which is determined by uniform
distribution of air in the body. AND,
therefore, forgetting is not something
other than a change in this distribution.
Aristotle on memory:
Memory is based on the movement of blood
in organism.
gradual slowdown of circulation

general characteristics
general characteristics
Memory is form
consisting in
preservation and
reproducing traces
past experience
Many scientists
characterize memory
as an end-to-end process,
mental processes,
uniting everything
cognitive processes
into a single whole.
Memory is the basis
activities. Without her
impossible to understand
basics of formation
behavior, thinking,
consciousness, subconscious.
Memory allows
a person accumulate
and subsequently
use personal
life experience in it
knowledge and

Physiological basis
Physiological basis
Physiological basis
memory is plasticity
nervous system. Nervous plasticity
system is expressed in the fact that each
the neuro-brain process leaves behind
a trace of oneself that changes character
further processes and conditioning
the possibility of re-using them
occurs when the stimulus

Main types of memory
Main types of memory
There are several basic
approaches to memory classification
(according to criteria)
The nature
in activities
By method
activity - on
Yu and
and securing and
material - on
long-term and

memory is
basis for
practical and
skills equals
as well as skills
walking, writing and
this is a memory for
feelings. The
type of memory
remember and
Figurative memory
this is a memory for
pictures of nature and
life, as well as
sounds, smells,
tastes, etc.
Types of memory
Types of memory
This is memory for concepts, formulas, signs,
thoughts. A feature of this type
memory is that thoughts are not
exist without language, so memory is limited
them and is called not just logical, but

By method of memorization
memory is divided:
is being carried out
special volitional efforts when they are not put
goals, memorization or reproduction tasks
material, it is carried out as if by itself
the battle. Much of it is remembered involuntarily
what a person faces in life
Voluntary memorization is accompanied
voluntary attention, has a goal orientation
lazy character, it is selective.
Memorization includes logical
methods of organizing material, comprehension
memorized material.

MEMORY MEMORY is the ability to consolidate, preserve and subsequently reproduce past experiences. MEMORY - the ability to consolidate, preserve and subsequently reproduce past experiences. Memory provides the accumulation of impressions about the world around us. Memory provides the accumulation of impressions about the world around us, serves as the basis for the acquisition of knowledge, skills and their use in later life. serves as the basis for the acquisition of knowledge, skills and their use in later life. It is a necessary condition for the unity of personality, its integrity and the very existence of man. It is a necessary condition for the unity of personality, its integrity and the very existence of man.

To develop memory, it is necessary to keep in mind the following: - Memory develops in the process of activities that require Memorization; - Memory develops in the process of activities that require Memorization; - It is better to remember what is related to the interests of the individual; - It is better to remember what is related to the interests of the individual; - The more active and independent a person is, the better the type of memory necessary for his activities develops; - The more active and independent a person is, the better the type of memory necessary for his activities develops; - The logical connection of thoughts promotes memorization. - The logical connection of thoughts promotes memorization.

Memory processes There are four main processes in memory: There are four main processes in memory: 1. Memorization; 1. Memorization; 2. Saving. 2. Saving. 3. Forgetting. 3. Forgetting. 4. Recovery. 4. Recovery. The main one is memorization. The main one is memorization.

Types of memory: There are several types of memory: There are several types of memory: according to the degree of volitional regulation: according to the degree of volitional regulation: 1. Involuntary - 1. Involuntary - the process of retaining information occurs on its own. the process of retaining information occurs on its own. 2. Voluntary 2. Voluntary - a person sets himself the task of remembering information. - a person sets himself the task of remembering information.

Types of memory: By object of memorization: By object of memorization: 3. Verbal-logical – 3. Verbal-logical – memorization of verbal formulations, mathematical symbols, theoretical positions. memorizing verbal formulations, mathematical symbols, theoretical positions. 4. Visual-figurative – 4. Visual-figurative – memorizing visual and sensory images: sounds, faces, colors, natural phenomena. remembering visual and sensory images: sounds, faces, colors, natural phenomena.

Duration of information storage Long-term - storage of information for a long period of time. Long-term - storing information for a long period of time. Short-term - storing information for a short period of time. Short-term - storing information for a short period of time. Operational - manifests itself in the process of performing individual operations (working mixture between short-term and long-term memory). Operational - manifests itself in the process of performing individual operations (working mixture between short-term and long-term memory).

The importance of some types of memory in professional activities The importance of some types of memory in professional activities Type of memory Necessary in professions Type of memory Necessary in professions Voluntary - In all Voluntary - In all Involuntary In all Involuntary In all Short-term Cashier, typist, stenographer, operator, dispatcher Short-term Cashier , typist, stenographer, operator, dispatcher Operational Dispatcher, investigator, equipment adjuster, vehicle driver Operational Dispatcher, investigator, equipment adjuster, vehicle driver Long-term Teacher, educator, doctor, journalist, poet, diplomat Long-term Teacher, educator, doctor, journalist, poet , diplomat Tactile (tactile) Watchmaker, surgeon, electrician, sculptor, acrobat Tactile (tactile) Watchmaker, surgeon, electrician, sculptor, acrobat Auditory Musician, reader, mechanic, tractor driver Auditory Musician, reader, mechanic, tractor driver Visual Pilot, driver , fashion designer, director, photographer Visual Pilot, driver, fashion designer, director, photographer Emotional Artist, writer, composer Emotional Artist, writer, composer Propulsive Athlete, turner, pilot, driver Propulsion Athlete, turner, pilot, driver

Memory hygiene mnemonics Rules of memory hygiene. Mnemonics techniques and methods of memory training. Memory hygiene rules. Mnemonics techniques and methods of memory training. Mnemonics is the art of memorization. Mnemonics is the art of memorization. The condition for constant readiness of memory for memorization is compliance with the following rules of memory hygiene: The condition for constant readiness of memory for memorization is compliance with the following rules of memory hygiene: a) mini-breaks every 40-45 minutes of intense mental work; a) mini-breaks every 4045 minutes of intense mental work; b) long breaks of 1520 minutes every 22.5 hours with physical warm-up; b) long breaks of 1520 minutes every 22.5 hours with physical warm-up; c) good regular sleep; c) good regular sleep; d) rhythmic nutrition; d) rhythmic nutrition; e) giving up coffee and tea when tired. e) giving up coffee and tea when tired. Mnemonics techniques: Mnemonics techniques: on the 1st day, 2-3 repetitions; on day 1, 2-3 repetitions; in the 2nd 1-2 repetitions; in the 2nd 1-2 repetitions; in 4, b, 9th, etc. one repetition each. in 4, b, 9th, etc. one repetition each.

Methods of memorization Cicero's method Cicero's method for people with well-developed motor and kinesthetic memory. for people with well-developed motor and kinesthetic memory. Imagine that you are walking around your room, where everything is familiar to you. Imagine that you are walking around your room, where everything is familiar to you. Place the items you need to remember in your mind as you walk around the room. Place the items you need to remember in your mind as you walk around the room. You can find them in memory by again imagining yourself walking around the room. You can find them in memory by again imagining yourself walking around the room. The objects will be in the places where you placed them during the previous “walk-through.” the objects will be in the places where you placed them during the previous “walkthrough”.

Methods of remembering Grouping. Grouping. Draw a semantic relationship between the words of the memorized list, Draw a semantic relationship between the words of the memorized list, for example, by the number of elements in each of the objects: for example, by the number of elements in each of the objects: pencil (similar to number 1), pencil (similar to number 1 ), glasses (2 glasses), glasses (2 glasses), chandelier (3 lights), chandelier (3 lights), chair (4 legs), chair (4 legs), star (5 rays), star (5 rays), beetle (6 legs). beetle (6 legs).

Diagnostics Self-determination diary p.7. Self-determination diary p.7. Auditory memorization. Auditory memorization. Visual memorization Visual memorization Motor-auditory memorization. Motor-auditory memorization. Visual-motor-auditory memorization. Visual-motor-auditory memorization. Semantic and mechanical memorization Semantic and mechanical memorization (methodology p. 127) (methodology p. 127) Pictogram (methodology p. 138) Pictogram (methodology p. 138) Determination of the dominant type of memory. Determination of the dominant type of memory.

Diagnostics of visual-figurative memory Diagnostics of visual-figurative memory Look at the picture for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, draw or write down for 1 minute those images that you remember. Look at the picture for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, draw or write down for 1 minute those images that you remember.

Data processing Memory type coefficient - the number of correctly reproduced words divided by 10. Memory type coefficient - the number of correctly reproduced words divided by 10. Auditory Auditory Visual Visual Motor-auditory Motor-auditory Visual-motor-auditory Visual-motor-auditory

Methods of memorization Formation of semantic phrases from words that sound similar. Formation of semantic phrases from words that sound similar. Words are ordered using rhyme, and it is better if the objects in the plot act actively. Words are ordered using rhyme, and it is better if the objects in the plot act actively. From the words from the words ball, yolk, ball, yolk, copper, samovar, copper, samovar, razor, goods razor, goods you can make a phrase: you can make a phrase: The ball brought the goods to the Razor, a yellow copper samovar. The razor ball brought the goods - a yellow copper samovar.

Memory training techniques Aivazovsky method. Aivazovsky's method. Look carefully at an object, part of a landscape, or a person walking towards you. Look carefully at an object, part of a landscape, or a person walking towards you. For 35 seconds, try to remember the object as best as possible, in all details. For 35 seconds, try to remember the object as best as possible, in all details. Close your eyes, try to achieve the clearest and brightest view of the object. Close your eyes, try to get the clearest and brightest view of the object, look at the details of the image. look at the details of the image. Ask yourself questions about the details of the object and answer them based on the image. Ask yourself questions about the details of the object and answer them based on the image. Open your eyes again for 1 s, complete the image. Open your eyes again for 1 s, complete the image. And so on several times. And so on several times.

Match method. Match method. Match method. Throw 45 matches on the table. Within 23 seconds, remember their location. Throw 45 matches on the table. Within 23 seconds, remember their location. Recreate the image with your eyes closed (or on your left palm). Recreate the image with your eyes closed (or on your left palm). If you didn’t manage to remember everything, look at the matches for another 1 second and recreate the image more accurately. If you didn’t manage to remember everything, look at the matches for another 1 second and recreate the image more accurately. Increase the number of matches by one every day. Increase the number of matches by one every day. When you reach 1214 pieces, start again with 4 5, but this time remembering the location of the match heads. When you reach 1214 pieces, start again with 4 5, but this time remembering the location of the match heads.

Analysis of the events of the day. Analysis of the events of the day. Analysis of the events of the day. In the evening before bed, for 57 minutes at a very fast pace, restore the chain of main events of the day with mental reproduction of images of new acquaintances. In the evening before bed, for 57 minutes at a very fast pace, restore the chain of main events of the day with mental reproduction of images of new acquaintances, their names, manners behavior, telephones. their names, behavior, phone numbers. Try to recreate everything exactly in the order it happened. Try to recreate everything exactly in the order it happened, with an accurate and vivid reproduction of the sensations that took place. with an accurate and vivid reproduction of the sensations that took place.

Exercises for mastering some mnemonics techniques. Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, and of course the development of speech. Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, and of course the development of speech.

Mnemonics Exercise 1. Exercise 1. Place 7 objects on the table and cover them with a scarf. Place 7 items on the table and cover them with a scarf. Remove the scarf. Count to ten, remove the scarf. Count to ten, then, closing things again, try to describe the objects you saw on paper as accurately as possible. then, closing things again, try to describe the objects you saw on paper as accurately as possible. Over time, the number of items can be increased to fifteen. Over time, the number of items can be increased to fifteen.

The presentation talks about memory, an amazing ability of our brain. It is thanks to her that we remember such a huge amount of information. However, it is not always possible to restore the necessary information in your head at the right time. Why this happens can be understood if you become more familiar with this complex process. You can download a presentation about memory for both classroom hours and anatomy and psychology lessons.

Did you know that a person begins to remember long before he is born? While in the womb, from the 20th week the embryo hears well everything that happens next to it, and remembers some sounds and sensations. In the process of life, our memory develops and improves. Scientists identify several types of it. Knowing them, it will be much easier for schoolchildren to organize their educational activities and achieve high results.

The presentation gives a detailed account of what human memory is. Schoolchildren will be interested to know why for some it is phenomenal, while for others it wants to be much better. You can download the work of a 10th grade student for class hours, for lessons in anatomy, biology or the world around you in 4th grade.

So, together with the schoolgirl, we set off to explore the structure of human memory. It is incorrect to say that there is a specific center in our brain that stores all the information received. Everything is much more complicated. It turns out that different parts of the brain are responsible to varying degrees for the safety of information received by them. This is why some people have more developed visual memory, while others have more motor or episodic memory. Want to know more? You will have to download the presentation and study all 24 slides of the electronic development.

The presentation talks about the amazing properties of water. This colorless substance is capable of storing received information. This suggests that there is a memory of water. Want to make sure of this? It is necessary to download the research work of a 10th grade student and, together with her, go through the difficult path that she has thoroughly studied.

A huge number of works are devoted to the colorless liquid that gives life to all living things. In addition to its usual properties, scientists are also discovering its unusual qualities. This includes the memory of water. Having studied this property, a person uses the liquid to influence his body, for treatment, and to perform various rituals. This is not just some kind of physical substance, it is a rather complex organism that has not been fully studied.

The presentation provides useful information to schoolchildren about how the development of memory and attention affects the success of learning at school. You can demonstrate the development in class, during psychological classes and during trainings. Parents of schoolchildren can familiarize themselves with the material, who will also be able to help their child become more successful.

Before developing memory and attention, students are invited to get acquainted with amazing facts from the lives of some phenomenal personalities who are able to remember almost everything that happened in their lives. These individuals include Alexander the Great, Socrates, Julius Caesar, and Leonard Euler. The work provides ways to help improve memory. These are visual dictations, pronouncing a situation, creating associations. The manual also contains advice on what should be done regularly to improve the memorization process.

The presentation will be quite interesting for those who have decided to engage in memory training. The work contains a number of exercises that will allow you to begin this fascinating process, which will help you become more successful in the future. The sooner the student understands that the quality of memory depends only on himself, the sooner he will begin self-improvement. The electronic resource can be downloaded for classroom use in primary or secondary schools.

There is no point in complaining that the amount of information in school is so vast that it is almost impossible to remember everything. It turns out that it is possible, and some have successfully convinced themselves of this. Set a realistic goal for yourself: “Today I am training my memory so that tomorrow it will be easy for me to study.” And believe me: everything will definitely work out.

The presentation introduces schoolchildren to various types of human memory, which help us first remember the material and then reproduce it, if necessary, in the right sequence, consciously. It is impossible to live without losing this property of your body, which is why it is so important not only to know a lot about it, but also to keep it clear until old age.

There are many classifications of types of human memory. In her work, the student chose the most accessible version for her peers to understand, so let’s get to know it in more detail. So, types of human memory:

  • by object of memorization: figurative, motor, emotional, verbal-logical;
  • according to the degree of volitional regulation: voluntary and involuntary;
  • according to the duration of storage of the received information: short-term, operational, long-term;
  • by participation of thinking: semantic, mechanical.

Each of the presented types is described in detail in the work.

The presentation offers games for developing visual memory of 1st grade students. Game tasks can be used both for work in a regular classroom and for training the visual memory of children diagnosed with mental retardation. Games can be played both in individual lessons and in class hours.

List of exercises proposed in the work:

  • The lady was checking in luggage
  • Peksesso or couples
  • Fairytale steam locomotive
  • Cephalopods

The work describes each exercise, provides rules, and provides clarity.