Rating of the best household and professional overlockers. How to choose an overlocker for home use Which overlocker is good

– a convenient version of a sewing machine, without which it is impossible to sew something of decent quality. The device will process the edges of the clothes and they will be indistinguishable from factory ones, or even model ones. It is ideal for sewing things from “capricious” fabric - with overlock, the dream of a “hand made” knitted shirt, a presentable jacket made of loose fabric, a tight-fitting dress made of stretch material will come true.

An overlock machine is also useful for rough work: it will process and straighten the edges of clothes, sharpen individual elements of a garment, and sew uneven cuts. Which overlocker to choose– it depends on your needs. In the skillful hands of a craftswoman, they can perform decorative, flat seams, or chain stitches and cover seams with equal success.

For what purposes do you need to choose an overlocker?

An overlocker will not be an alternative to a sewing machine, but you can’t do it without it. Even the most experienced craftsman will not be able to get a neat and finished item without the device, or he will spend a lot of time on it. The overlock machine performs the following functions:

  • Making double-thread seams

Devices of this type process even the finest fabrics, such as satin or silk. The jeweler quality of the seam is ensured by the converter, which resembles a small iron bracket.

Advice: It is convenient to use overlockers, in which the converter can be turned on and off as needed.

  • Making three- and four-thread seams

The main advantage of the most is ease of maintenance. It doesn't matter if it fails - It’s not difficult to get a spare part. Three-thread and four-thread seams are made along the very edge of the fabric or its fold and are often used for overcasting loose fabrics or stitching knitted elements. At the same time, the cut is marked.

  • Overlock for cover seams

The device produces stitches of the same name, such as on the sleeves of T-shirts, using a plug-in looper.

Which overlocker to buy for home

For home use, a simple household overlocker is suitable. This device is inexpensive and is as easy to use as possible. The unit is well suited for sewing thin and medium-weight fabrics; it can use almost any thread - as a rule, these are small spools for household use.

For home you can also buy economical overlock. Having studied the assortment and characteristics of household appliances, you can choose a universal device: a multifunctional overlocker that makes three- and four-thread seams, and with the help of a converter installed on one of the loopers, also a two-thread seam of very thin material.

If you work at home, but sew professionally, pay attention to the carpet locker. This is an unusual and improved overlocker, which, in addition to the above seams, will also perform a flat (cover) seam. An overlocker is more expensive, but it will save money if your work requires overstitching of varying complexity.

When choosing a unit for home use, remember that the device is not suitable for heavy production loads. That is why It is not recommended, tempted by the low cost of the device, to purchase home equipment for the studio.

Which overlocker is optimal for an atelier?

If sewing is more than a hobby for you and you want to open a sewing studio, opt for industrial models. They are made of durable materials, are larger in size and have good functionality - the devices are designed for a long and intensive service life. Industrial overlockers can withstand continuous loads well, can process any type of fabric - from the thinnest to the very dense, and can make seams of any type and complexity.

Optimal choice shopping for the studio many overlockers count 51 class. Such devices were popular back in Soviet times and were widely used in sewing shops, and there were practically no complaints about the quality of their work. They are still popular now - the machine can easily cope not only with complex and capricious knitwear, but also with very dense fabrics like drape, jeans or even tarpaulin.

For expensive fabrics, take a closer look at four-thread models - this technique is more expensive, but with it you don’t have to worry about ruining the material.

Choosing an overlocker depending on the type of fabric

The price and functionality of an overlocker depends on the fabrics for which it is designed. For example, it will cost an order of magnitude more than a standard machine, but if you are not processing very thin and expensive fabrics, do not waste your money, this function will not be useful to you. When choosing an overlocker, be sure to consider what fabrics you most often deal with.

1. Knitwear. For processing knitted materials, modernized equipment is suitable - overlockers with a differential feed. This technique will make it possible to create a beautiful wavy edge of ruffles or flounces, to create a small gather; The hems of skirts or the edges of sleeves look good in this treatment.

2. Tulle or organza. A three-thread overlocker is useful for processing fabrics of this type. As a rule, most modern machines are designed to perform rolled seams - just switch the looper. The device is indispensable when processing curtains or the edges of clothes - the seam is small, the ends of the fabric are pulled in one layer.

3. Decorative fabrics. If you like not only to sew, but also to create decorative items for your home, the overlock function will be an advantage when choosing. Such a machine not only overcasts the edges of the fabric, but also trims excess material, folds it, and even sews pieces of fabric together. This functionality will be useful for those who like to create oven mitts, soft toys or patchwork quilts. have a stitch adjustment function.

Overlock manufacturing companies

Before choosing an overlocker model, read user reviews and decide on the manufacturer. As a rule, brands care about their reputation and provide customers with high-quality products and additional materials, and in the event of a breakdown or defect, you can always take advantage of the company warranty and repair or replace the faulty device.

  • Toyota

Today, Toyota is better known as a world-famous automobile supplier. However, the company has a division that also produces sewing and overlock machines. It is expected that the quality of the product will not let you down: it quickly overcasts the fabric (an average overlocker can make up to 1000-1500 stitches per minute). The seamstress herself can easily adjust the speed of work on her own. Some Toyotas have the ability to adjust the cutting width.

  • Minerva

The range of the Austrian company, in addition to overlockers, includes sewing machines; the brand also produces components. The best representatives of the company's products are models and. The brand's overlockers are easy to use - even a novice seamstress will master the principle of operation and intuitively understand the tricks of operating the device. The expanded functionality of the technology will allow you to process even the most complex fabrics and perform various seams.

  • Bernina

Swiss Bernina, unlike Toyota, specializes only in sewing equipment and does not spread its attention to other industries. It has been on the market since 1890, and during its work it has already managed to “compete” with such masters of sewing technology as Japanese manufacturers. By the way, the Bernina company also locates part of its production in the land of the rising sun - as a result, the company can always rely on the quiet operation of its overlockers and high-quality work. Bernina models such as 1150MDA and 1300MDS have become popular. The Bernette series is also known: these are folding platforms for convenient threading, two-, three- and four-thread seams, and even such a nice little thing as a waste bin for fabric waste.

  • Brother

The world-famous company provides overlockers designed for different volumes of loads. Almost all Brother models have simplified threading of the lower looper. The most popular models are M355D, M555D. However, the rest of the line is also quite good. They have the necessary functions and can process 3- and 4-thread seams. Some models are designed to work with 2-thread seams - for example, with the 755D overlocker you can be confident about even the thinnest fabric.

  • Janome

Popular models of overlockers from this manufacturer are M075D, M087D and M085D. The model range consists of machines that do not have a sewing sleeve. This is a definite plus, which promises more comfortable work.

Advice: The complex threading process makes working with an overlocker difficult.

Some items are equipped with an auto-threading looper function: it is in demand among professional seamstresses, for whom saving time is a matter of principle.

Where to buy overlock

There are two ways to buy a quality overlocker: in a retail store or online. The first option is good because you will examine the car on the spot, and if you wish, you will test it “in practice”. But buying online also has many advantages.

Buying an overlocker in an online store website, you can read reviews about it from other users or ask a question - the site administrator will give a comment no less quickly and qualifiedly than a salesperson in a store. We provide visitors with a convenient search system and the ability to deliver goods directly to their home.

See also video: How to choose an overlocker

A sewing overlocker is intended, first of all, for processing fabric sections with an overlock stitch, which prevents them from fraying.

The operation is necessary for the production of knitwear, stretch or very thin fabrics at a professional level. Modern models of household overlockers may contain other useful options, which further expands their capabilities, and at the same time complicates the answer to the main question - how to choose an overlocker for the home. To make the right choice and buy a suitable device, it is enough to understand the operating principles of various modifications. Many sewing beginners wonder why an overlocker is needed and what it is used for. The set of programmed stitches in a household sewing machine does not allow you to sew clothes professional quality

, the only solution would be to process it with a zigzag or built-in overlock (overlock, knitted) seams. Upon closer inspection, the result is obvious: overlockers are significantly superior to conventional machines in terms of stitch quality, they look professional and smooth.

  • The capabilities of a highly specialized machine are quite attractive, especially for those who sew products from various materials. To understand what an overlocker is, check out its capabilities:
  • overlock stitch;
  • overcast seam and chain stitch;
  • flat seams;
  • border;

hem seams. All these types of seams are used when processing or grinding parts from knitted, stretch or loose fabrics

. Experienced seamstresses know very well that even ordinary seaming of some materials can become a serious problem. This is where the overlock functions come in handy.

The stitches created by the equipment stretch along with the fabric; elastic or non-stretch threads, such as cotton or polyester, are used for processing or stitching. But unsuitable threads purchased for future use or for other machines will have to be put aside, which will extend the service life of the overlocker.

Different models have different sets of stitches in their “arsenal,” which is why you need to pay attention to them first. Simple devices perform 3- or 4-thread stitches, but more expensive models will produce excellent 2-thread stitches, necessary for working with thin materials, or durable 5-thread stitches.

The blade built into the overlocker makes it possible to obtain a perfectly smooth, seamless cut of the edges. Additional processing of the product after overlocking will no longer be necessary.

Overlock is highly specialized equipment, available in several types. The type of stitches it can perform depends on the type of machine. To choose the right new device, you need to evaluate your needs and the capabilities of different models. To decide on your purchase and how to choose the right overlocker, check out their modifications.

For 3 threads

A simple 3-thread overlocker is the most budget and affordable option; the model is intended for simple overlock stitches:

  • three-thread overlock stitch;
  • narrow and wide overlock seams;
  • flat seam or Flatlock, including narrow or wide types;
  • rolled seam (hem) of 3 threads;
  • border.

Pay attention to this type of overlocker before choosing a suitable model for the job. They contain basic set of stitches, necessary for the manufacture of clothing or other products at the factory level. The absence of some options and lines that are found in more advanced models does not always become a problem: after all, not all users will need them.

Semi-professional 4-thread overlock models make the front stitch with the second upper needle and perform all the basic overlock seams available to 3-thread modifications. The device is intended for several purposes:

  • turning the edges of products made from bulk materials;
  • processing of knitwear or elastic fabrics;
  • strengthening places where there is a heavy load during operation.

Often, four-strand models are purchased for sewing covers, workwear, swimsuits or bags. In addition to the “base”, they perform a reinforcing stitch with the fourth thread, which is necessary for working with highly stretchy fabrics.

The multifunctional 5-thread overlocker is one of the top ones: 3 threads go to the overlock stitch and 2 to the straight (or straight) chain stitch, which allows you to simultaneously stitch and overcast the parts of the product.

The key advantage of the devices is significant time savings when performing certain operations. A good five-thread overlocker performs reinforcement and overcasting stitches using five threads, as well as a chain stitch-pigtail, which is so necessary when working with knitwear.

8 threads For home use, the purchase of such models is hardly justified; their intended purpose is industrial production of clothing.

An overlocker for home use or work in a small studio can be with 3, 4 or 5 threads. Their cost is relatively affordable, and the option justifies all equipment costs. Which overlocker to buy, naturally, depends on your needs, but when saving is not a question, buy a model with the maximum available capabilities.

Do you need a converter in an overlocker?

The special converter is a metal bracket installed on the upper looper. It allows you to make neat double-thread seams and work with thin textiles. You can purchase the converter separately or pay attention to household overlockers with an already built-in part. When creating double-thread stitches, the thread itself is threaded only into the lower looper and needle.

Types of stitches available with the converter:

  • narrow overlock seam;
  • flatlock seam;
  • rolled hem;
  • three-thread overlock stitch.

Everyone decides for themselves whether they need this option, based on the specifics of their work. You can buy an overlocker at a low price, and later buy a converter if you really need it.

Converter in overlock

Overlock design features

Among the various options and design features, choose what you actually need for the job. Some functions can significantly increase the cost of the device, but be absolutely useless; their acquisition is rational only with the appropriate financial capabilities.

When thinking about which overlocker is best to buy, carefully study the functionality of different models. Be sure to make a short list of priority functions for yourself, which will allow you to easily decide between several modifications.

Additional overlock option

In addition to key functions, the overlocker can be equipped with additional ones.

Perhaps not all additional functions will be of interest to the user before purchasing, but in the process of work, with experience, many of them will be appreciated. Saving time is a significant advantage for any seamstress.

Overlock, coverlock and cover stitching machine

The task of which overlocker to choose is not the only one that faces the user. When making some types of clothing, you will have to think about additional equipment to accompany the selected overlock machine. Coverstitching machine, unlike an overlocker, it only hems the edge of the textile in a folded form, and performs a flat seam of 3, 4 or 5 threads. Such devices are not intended for trimming excess fabric and chain stitches.

A full-fledged sewing workshop, even at home, must contain an overlocker and a cover stitching machine. The solution for many was carpetlocks, which combined both the first and second devices. In practice, this only saves space, but not cost. The price of a pair of overlocker + cover stitching machine is approximately equal to the purchase of one overlocker.

The user faces other possible troubles when choosing combined equipment. The main thing is the difficulty in frequently reconfiguring the machine, when the manufacture of one product requires a quick change of operations. This decision is justified when the production time is unlimited by strict deadlines.

From the point of view of ease of use at a professional level, it is better to choose two devices than one combined one. It is optimal to complement a simple overlocker with a coverlock or a multifunctional one with a cover stitching machine.

When we choose a good overlocker, we need to pay attention to the manufacturers. Today there are several leading brands, both Japanese and Chinese, whose products have already collected many positive reviews.

Overlockers are excellent assistants in everyday life and have long become a necessity in production. An overlocker is an indispensable assistant when sewing from fraying fabrics; thanks to it, any item will acquire a neat appearance and last longer. The main criteria for choosing sewing equipment are: the number of sewing operations, speed, functionality, equipment, appearance, price and reviews from real owners. Also, when purchasing an overlocker, you should pay attention to the equipment manufacturer. The leaders in the sewing equipment market are the following manufacturers:

  1. Japanese Janome sewing machines are one of the most popular compared to other brands. Anyone who sews professionally or for themselves knows that this brand is a guarantee of reliability and quality. A wide price range, large assortment and variety of functions will satisfy any needs.
  2. The Taiwanese company produces only overlockers for home and small industries, which allows it to offer unique designs. The company produces some of the best overlockers for the home at an affordable price. The brand's products are of high quality and are designed for long-term use, thanks to which they have gained worldwide fame and popularity.
  3. It specializes in the production of inexpensive, but quite functional sewing machines and overlay machines, which are produced not only in China, but also in Japan. The company offers innovative developments and maintains high standards of customer service. By choosing Jaguar equipment, the buyer receives quality and reliability at an affordable price.
  4. The brand is part of the Velles group of Russian companies, specializing in the production and sale of household overlockers and sewing machines. Equipment of this brand appeared on the market relatively recently, but has already become known for its quality and low price. The complete set of home appliances is thought out to the smallest detail and is as convenient as possible to use.
  5. The largest manufacturer of sewing equipment and accessories. The company belongs to the KNIT concern. The company has established itself as a seller of high-quality and practical sewing equipment, the production of which uses the latest technical complexes and the latest technological developments in production. Users in reviews highly appreciate Aurora equipment for its good performance, long service life, original technical characteristics, reliability, ease of operation and ease of maintenance.

Useful video - how to choose an overlocker?

The best overlockers

An overlocker is a sewing device that trims and overcasts the edge of a fabric cut. Has from 2 to 5 thread stitches. An overlocker is easily different in appearance from a sewing machine - it has practically no working sleeve length, since it does not need it (here only the edge of the fabric is processed).

5 Jaguar HQ095D

A country: Vietnam (manufactured in China and Japan)
Average price: 9,648 RUR
Rating (2019): 4.3

Despite its ease of use, the Jaguar HQ095D overlocker provides perfect quality work. The machine can easily handle both thin chiffon, elastic knitwear, and complex denim materials, allowing you to achieve professional results in sewing and overcasting work.

High-quality overstitching on the device is achieved through precise adjustment of the thread tension and adjustment of the fabric pressure. The device’s powerful engine, easy operation, excellent build quality and affordable price are the distinctive characteristics of the model. All working parts are easy to clean and lubricate thanks to the opening sleeve platform. In addition, there is an attached container for collecting scraps while working. The device comes with a soft case to store it and protect it from dust and moisture.

4 Merrylock 005/848DS

Simplified threading
Country: China
Average price: 11,390 RUR
Rating (2019): 4.4

The Taiwanese brand Merrylock, whose equipment is assembled at the company's own factories, offers us the Merrylock 005 / 848DS overlocker. Any type of fabric, knitted, elastic materials, jersey - all this is suitable for working with this machine, which creates a very beautiful overlock stitch consisting of three or four threads.

Threading the upper threads and loopers in this model is simplified due to the manual needle threader and auxiliary levers. Thanks to the built-in lighting, working with the device will be simple and comfortable, and a compartment for collecting scraps will allow you to keep your work area clean. Overlock Merrylock 005 / 848DS is one of the most popular models among professional seamstresses and amateurs.

3 Brother 1034D/929D

Better reliability
Country: Japan
Average price: 14,760 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Once again, Japanese production ranks among the best sewing equipment. A highly reliable model is Brother 1034D/929D. This is an overlocker with eight types of sewing operations. Can work with 2 and 3 thread stitches. Processes all types of fabrics. Performs not only a flat seam, but also a rolled seam, which is necessary when working with thin fabrics, for example, chiffon.

The Brother 1034D/929D is well thought out for ease of use: there is a carrying handle, a removable sleeve platform, a tray for scraps, and a soft case. The model has high-quality assembly, simple threading, stylish appearance and at the same time an excellent price. All these advantages are indicated in the owner reviews. But there are also negative responses - this is the noise of the unit and the “unreadability” of the instructions.

2 Janome T-34

Processing of any type of fabric
Country: Japan
Average price: 11,919 RUR
Rating (2019): 4.6

The Japanese company presents a simple and practical overlocker, Janome T-34, which will do an excellent job with various types of fabric, thanks to eight types of seams for processing. Designed for overcasting the edges of the material with three and four threads. Performs seven types of seams.

Working with capricious and complex materials is greatly facilitated by introducing differential feed into the design. The presence of a presser foot pressure regulator guarantees high quality processing of elastic fabrics. This overcasting machine is an ideal solution for both home and small production. Reviews about the model are only positive.

Differences between overlock and coverlock

1 Juki MO-654DE

A large number of sewing operations
Country: Japan
Average price: 18,900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The first place among the best overlockers is occupied by the Japanese-made Juki MO-654DE machine. The device can make 2-, 3-, 4-thread seams and is equipped with a large number of sewing operations, there are 15 of them. This gives ample opportunities when working with various types of fabrics. Overlocker Juki MO-654DE is capable of processing thin, dense, elastic fabrics. A simple and convenient device will allow the overlocker to be used not only by experienced craftswomen, but also by novice needlewomen.

Numerous reviews from experienced and novice seamstresses indicate that the overlocker does an excellent job with all types of fabrics from chiffon to several layers of jeans. It is also easy and quick to thread and use any thread. Minor disadvantages include the lack of a tray for cuttings and noise.

The best inexpensive carpet pads

A coverlock is a machine that combines the functions of an overlocker and a cover stitching machine. It does fabric trimming and overcasting as well as flat stitching. A carpet locker can use up to 10 threads, which means that there is an increased number of decorative stitches. Due to its capabilities, a carpet locker is larger than an overlocker and costs much more. But among the many models of carpet lockers from various manufacturers, you can find equipment at a relatively affordable price.

4 Aurora 5000D

20 sewing operations
A country: Russia (produced in China, Japan)
Average price: RUB 31,490
Rating (2019): 4.4

The Aurora 5000D carpet locker is manufactured in Taiwan. This is an incredibly practical and easy-to-use five-thread model that performs seventeen different overlock stitches, as well as three cover stitches of different widths to work with any knitwear.

The advantages of the carpet lock include: knife shut-off system; a container for scraps, a presser foot pressure regulator on the material and decorative stitches. The technique is quiet, does not break the thread and does not skip stitches when making flat seams. You can trust her with both thin chintz and thick drape. In reviews, buyers are dissatisfied with the lack of detailed instructions.

3 Leader VS 390D

Availability of a garbage bin
A country: Russia (manufactured in China)
Average price: 29,990 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.5

With Leader VS 390D carpetlocks it is very easy to achieve a factory-made look of stitched products. The device combines all the functions of an overlocker and a cover stitching machine with a 5-thread overlock stitch. Lightweight and improved threading of loopers is provided.

The machine performs more than 20 types of stitches and operations. Differential advance of the fabric, adjustable presser foot pressure, and the ability to smoothly change the length and width of the stitch guarantee professional quality sewing. Comes with a convenient waste bin. In reviews, buyers note the presence of detailed instructions with color illustrations, which makes operating the carpet simple and convenient. Coverlock Leader VS 390D is the best choice for both professional and home sewing.

2 Merrylock 007

The best ratio of price and quality
Country: Japan
Average price: RUB 26,591
Rating (2019): 4.6

The second inexpensive model among carpetlocks is a Japanese-made unit - Merrylock 007. The device can be classified as a budget device, but its performance is not much inferior to the previous model. Merrylock 007 has a number of advantages:

  • automatic looper threader
  • multi-speed feeding of fabric - the material can be stretched or, conversely, shirred
  • 21 types of stitches
  • manual thread tensioning - this gives control over the deformation of delicate fabrics.

The Merrylock 007 carpet lock is heavy and stable, due to which it does not vibrate or make unnecessary noise. Owners of the device note the ease of threading, the variety of materials used when sewing, and the excellent price.

1 Juki MO-735

Best selling model
Country: Japan
Average price: 31,350 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The first place in the ranking of the best inexpensive carpet lockers is occupied by Juki MO-735. This is one of the best-selling models from this manufacturer. It is designed for home and semi-professional use. The number of sewing operations is 20, which is enough even for an experienced seamstress. Thanks to the optimal number of threads, you can create beautiful, varied seams. The transition from overlock to cover stitch is quick and easy. The quality of the seams produced is not inferior to work created using professional equipment.

Reviews show that all owners, as one, admire the price-quality ratio of the Juki MO-735. For a fairly low price you can purchase a machine with rich functionality. But one drawback has also been identified - the instructions have errors and are not understandable for beginners.

The best professional carpet lockers

If you can classify yourself as an experienced craftswoman, then you should pay attention to professional carpet lockers. All models included in the rating of the best professional carpet lockers are endowed with a large number of functions, the latest technologies, high reliability and quality. But their prices are much higher.

3 Janome 1200D

The presence of a top cover seam
Country: Japan
Average price: 44,460 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Third place in the ranking of the best professional carpet lockers is occupied by Janome 1200D, one of the best devices in the Janome line. It performs the functions of an overlocker and a cover stitching machine, with a total of 20 sewing operations. The carpet locker is equipped with three loopers, which gives it great capabilities in creating a variety of seams. An important difference between the Janome 1200D and other carpet lockers is the presence of a top cover stitch function. This is an isolated case, so many masters consider this a big plus. It is easy to work with such a machine not only at home, but also to support sewing production. At the same time, the price of a carpet lock is relatively small.

Users of the Janome 1200D note the good quality of the stitches and work with a variety of fabrics. The machine is compact and convenient. The disadvantages include noise, but this is a problem with most sewing equipment.

2 Pfaff CoverLock 4.0

Large work area. Display
Country: Sweden
Average price: 84,900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

An analogue of the previous model among the best professional coverlocks can be called Pfaff CoverLock 4.0. It also has rich functionality and broad capabilities, but also has its own characteristics and advantages. The main differences from other models include:

  • Electronic control system - on the case there is a display with high-quality backlighting, which displays all settings and specified positions. It is controlled by a stylus.
  • Large working surface - here the length of the working sleeve has been increased (it is convenient to carry out not only edge seams, but also stitches inside the product), and the kit also includes an extension table (working with bulky, heavy fabrics is possible).
  • Pleasant quality of seams - all lines are smooth and beautiful, both when processing thin, thick and multi-layered fabrics.
  • Low noise level - the fairly large weight of the machine (9.2 kg) and suction cups on the base give it stability and reduce vibration to a minimum.

Experienced craftswomen indicate an unusual lifting of the foot (you need to lower the lever). But no obvious shortcomings were identified.

1 BabyLock Evolution BLE8W-2

The best option for creative work
Country: Japan
Average price: 98,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

BabyLock Evolution BLE8W-2 is a professional carpet lock with great functionality. It can carry out 50 sewing operations. All types of standard stitches, overcasting, chain and rolled seams are performed here. The transition from flat seams to overlock seams is extremely simplified; this is done by simply switching the regulator. This is a big time saver. It’s better to spend it on realizing your creative potential, and with the BabyLock Evolution BLE8W-2 carpet lock it’s as easy as shelling pears! This is facilitated by the variety of decorative seams, as well as the unique wave-shaped finishing stitch, which can decorate the products in an original way.

BabyLock Evolution BLE8W-2 has a patented threading method. You no longer have to waste time and use tweezers; the threads here are automatically threaded into tubular loopers at the simple press of a button. Unlike most carpet lockers, the needles in the BabyLock Evolution BLE8W-2 are positioned strictly vertically, due to which the quality of the stitching is much better and needle breakage is minimized.

The best cover stitching machines

A cover stitching machine is a unit designed for stitching highly stretchable fabrics. The seam threads have a special weave, which, when deformed, stretches along with the fabric. The property of a cover stitching machine is to only sew fabrics together without trimming or finishing the edges. Thanks to the “embroider,” you can create beautiful decorative seams, sew “joint to joint,” conveniently hem the edge of a product, and sew in elastic.

3 Merrylock Cover Stitch Auto

The optimal machine for beginner seamstresses
Country: China
Average price: 19,990 RUR
Rating (2019): 4.5

The Merrylock Cover Stitch Auto with automatic thread tension is manufactured using the latest technology to ensure quality and ease of use. All options are developed taking into account the standards of industrial machines, which makes the equipment as reliable as possible.

An intuitively simple interface, uncluttered controls and easy setup of sewing equipment make it an excellent assistant. There is a tray for cuttings, which will allow you to keep your work area clean. The included soft case will protect the device from dust and scratches during storage. A convenient carrying handle will ensure comfortable transportation of the device. Both experienced sewing specialists and sewing beginners can easily use Merrylock Cover Stitch Auto in their work.

2 Janome CoverPro 7

Ease of use
Country: Japan
Average price: 27,900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The second place in the ranking of the best cover stitching machines is occupied by a machine of a well-known brand - Janome CoverPro 7. The high-speed unit is capable of performing 10 sewing operations. Designed not only for universal work, but also adapted for creative tasks. Ideal and indispensable when working with knitwear. The body of the device not only has a beautiful appearance, but also good convenience indicators (large working surface, removable sleeve, hinged looper cover).

Positive reviews about the Janome CoverPro 7 model are left not only by home craftswomen, but also by seamstresses of the studio. They talk about convenient tension adjustment, easy settings and good quality of work.

1 Elna easycover

New model
A country: Switzerland (made in Japan)
Average price: 30,900 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.9

The stylish Elna easycover coverstitch machine has a spacious workspace for working with large items. A model with automatic thread tension and a free sleeve, thanks to which you can make stitches of ideal quality on material of any density and easily process hard-to-reach places.

The three-needle cover machine is quiet and easy to use. The model went on sale in 2018 and immediately became incredibly popular. User reviews highly rate the quality and reliability of this device. It will become an indispensable assistant, making an ideal pair with an overlocker, and will help realize your creative potential.

Sewing clothes at home is a hobby and a means of earning money for many women. If you decide to start this exciting business and want your products to be of high quality, you need modern equipment. After reading this article, you will learn how to choose an overlocker, a high-quality, functional, easy-to-use machine for home use.

Overlock is a specialized technique for finishing the edges of garments. The functionality of this device can also include: decorative stitches, trimming excess fabric, stitching several elements end-to-end. Sewing machine stores offer a large selection of devices. They differ from each other in their range of functions, power, design and, of course, price.

Choosing a device begins with determining the purpose for which you need it. Are you planning to sew outerwear or knitwear, but have no idea which overlocker to choose?

Or maybe you need an easy-to-use, universal seam processing machine? Or do you plan, after training, to become a professional seamstress? Answering these questions will help you decide which model you need.

How does the device work?

The purpose of this device is to process sections. In one operation, he trims off excess fabric and finishes the edges with a special overlock stitch. There are models that can produce chain stitches, flat stitches, decorative stitches and many other operations.

Overlock and sewing machine: what is the difference

Manufacturers of sewing machines improve their models every year.

A modern machine is capable of performing many operations. She can embroider, sew on buttons, and finish the edges of the product.

However, a sewing machine cannot completely replace a dedicated model. Due to the difference in design, they form a stitch in a special way. And, therefore, the stitching on an overlocker and a sewing machine looks different. The zigzag stitch, which is used to process the cut of the product using a machine, is simpler and looser. It is not suitable for sewing dresses and outerwear, or processing loose fabrics.

The device processes the edges of the product with a special seam. It can be formed from three or more threads. It tightly covers the edge of the fabric, preventing it from spilling out. Products processed using an overlocker look better.

What types of overlockers are there?

  1. Economy class household overlockers. These are reliable and inexpensive tools of good quality. They are capable of performing basic functions: three- and four-thread overcasting seams, stitching and trimming fabric. Household overlockers can work with materials of different densities, including knitwear and stretch fabrics.

This machine has two loopers: upper and lower, thanks to which they perform overcasting of different widths, rolled (twisted) seams, and “bordering”. Also suitable for butt stitching knitwear. The machine comes with a special tongue for changing the seam configuration. There are models equipped with a platform for processing hoses and a differential conveyor.

The conveyor allows you to adjust the tension of the threads and is used when processing fabrics that will stretch during use. These models are the most suitable for home use.

They have a comfortable and lightweight plastic body. They do not require much space and are easy to use.

2. Overlockers with chain stitch looper. These machines cost about twice as much as the ones described above. But they also have much more opportunities. They know how to make flat seams. On the front side, such a pattern looks like a parallel stitch consisting of two or three rows, and on the back side, like an overcast of several threads. The cover stitch performed by such an overlocker is simply irreplaceable when sewing children's clothing, pajamas, and bathrobes.

3. Coverlock. This multifunctional universal device is suitable for those who sew not only for themselves, but also to order. It can work with fabrics of any thickness, perform overlock, chain, and cover seams. The presence of an upper thread guide in its design allows you to perform a variety of decorative operations. A carpet locker is worth purchasing for those who plan to work a lot with knitwear. Of course, the cost of such a model is high. Especially if it is equipped with a computer control program or additional functions.

What to choose?

When deciding which machine to choose overlocker or carpetlocker, answer a few questions:

  1. Why do I need this car? If you are going to sew for yourself and your loved ones, and want your products to be of good quality, with smooth edges, an overlocker is perfect for you. If you plan to work a lot with knitwear, sew T-shirts, T-shirts, underwear, your choice is carpet;
  2. What fabrics and threads do I plan to use? Even economy-class overlockers can work with fabrics of different textures and densities. Including knitwear. In addition, modern machines can perform three, four and two thread seams. Double thread ones are used for processing the thinnest fabrics. Simple models are less demanding on threads. You can even thread bobbin threads into them. The main thing is that they are thin and smooth. For more complex models, special threads in bobbins are used;
  3. What stitches will I use? An economy class overlocker is capable of making wide and narrow overlock seams. They are used to finish the edges of clothes. He also has available rolled seams for hemming curtains, hems of skirts and several other types of seams. Usually this is enough for sewing clothes and homemade knitwear. The carpet has the following functions: quilting or flat element, hemming of edges, decorative seams. Such a device will be very useful for those who do decorative needlework, for example, sewing patchwork quilts.
  4. How much can I spend? The most budget-friendly options are three- and four-thread options. On average they cost from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. As a rule, these are reliable and easy-to-use small machines, which is important for home use. Overlockers and five-thread overlockers are much more expensive. Prices can vary from 30-40 to 200 thousand or more.

How to choose the right overlocker?

Pay attention to the model's configuration. Modern machines are usually equipped with a differential conveyor. This device allows you to avoid stretching the fabric during processing. With its help you can make assemblies and shuttlecocks. A removable platform for sleeves is another important device. With its help it is easy to work around the bottom of trousers or sleeves. Using a converter, which is a special plug, you can make double-thread seams. This will allow you to hem curtains and process silk and chiffon items. Some models are equipped with a tray for cuttings.

Making your own clothes is fun! And creating it on high-quality equipment is doubly pleasure. The Sewing School receives many questions regarding the choice of sewing equipment. And this is natural, because before you move on to buying a fairly expensive sewing machine or overlocker, it is better to study their capabilities in advance, the availability of the sewing operations you need, and the quality of the stitches. For many amateur tailors, purchasing an overlocker is a real event, since with such an acquisition you can qualitatively improve the processing of internal sections of a product, work with various types of knitwear, easily sew sportswear, swimsuits, perform decorative finishing of product parts, and much more. Let's take a closer look at the functionality of the Bernina L 460/450 overlocker and understand what opportunities open up for you with the purchase of such a machine.

IMPORTANT! Despite all the sellers’ assurances about the reliability of the equipment, its durability and the availability of reviews from happy customers, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the manufacturer’s guarantees and the availability of service centers in your city. After all, if you need to carry out maintenance or repair of equipment, you should have a guaranteed opportunity to contact the service center specialists and receive qualified assistance. This applies not only to Bernina, but also to any other manufacturer.

The overlocker model we tested meets the highest standards and is certified to meet safety requirements in accordance with the “Law of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Consumer Rights.” The overlocker has an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Even if you don't want to spend a lot of time studying the instructions in detail, you will find hints on the machine itself. By following the diagrams and markers, you can easily thread the threads, adjust their tension, set the length and width of the stitches, etc. The machine is very quiet, which you will appreciate during long-term work.

Rice. Instructions for threading the overlocker body

The Bernina L 460 / L 450 is a 4-/3-/2-thread overlock machine that is well suited for processing stretchy and thin materials, performs excellent standard seams and, in addition, has other exclusive features that make work easier and bring pleasure when sewing .
When working, it is important to have the opportunity to choose as many lines as possible, because, first of all, this is why we buy an overlocker. This model is capable of producing 16 (!) different types of stitches. Such opportunities seem unnecessary only at first glance, but with a rational approach, it becomes clear what opportunities are open to you. All lines are summarized in a table.

Talitsa. Types of overlock stitches Bernina L 460 / L 450

Exclusive overlock features

Perfect seams are exactly what every craftswoman wants to get first. And it’s no secret that when sewing fabrics of different densities, as well as when replacing threads, on many overlocker models you have to periodically, and sometimes constantly, adjust the thread tension. In this model, such adjustment is solved electronically. The machine has the following functions:

  • Electronic motor control for precise sewing
  • Patented micro-adjustment of mtc thread.
  • Stopping the needle in the up or down position
  • BERNINA free-hand system (knee lever for lowering presser foot).

When it comes to stitch length, the stitch length adjustment and differential feed knobs are conveniently located on the right side of the machine. You can easily make the necessary adjustments.

Rice. Stitch length and differential feed knobs

Storing accessories in the looper cover

Almost all manufacturers supply an overlocker with a box with the necessary additional accessories. However, you will agree that placing them in the hinged lid of the overlocker is much more convenient. A special compartment for storing necessary accessories that may be needed during work is always at hand and not a single small part will be lost, because they are all tightly secured with holders. The kit includes:

    • Needle set 130/705H (2x No. 70, 3x No. 80)
    • Hex screwdriver (1.5 mm)
    • Brush
    • Tweezers
    • Upper looper converter
    • Needle threader/needle setting device

Rice. Storage compartment for accessories

Features that help you with your work – you’ll appreciate them!

You will definitely appreciate such a convenient additional device as a waste collection container, which is attached to the overlocker and allows you to collect scraps of fabric and threads and leave the table and work area clean and tidy. The container is easily removable so you can clean it as you fill it.

Rice. Container for waste collection

A thread cutter will save you from constantly searching for scissors and snippers; with its help you can easily trim the ends of the threads. And although such a device is the norm in sewing machines, not every overlocker can boast such a convenient knife!

Rice. Thread cutter

You'll also appreciate features like a knee lever for lowering the presser foot - hands free! (allows you to fix the fabric when lowering the presser foot with both hands).
After sewing, the needle always stops at its highest or lowest position. For this purpose, the machine has a function - the needle can be raised or lowered by pressing the start pedal with the heel.

Replacing a needle on an overlocker? As easy as pie!

Replacing a needle when working on an overlocker is a real problem for many due to the limited distance between the needle holder and the presser foot. That is why the needle insertion device is a real find, implemented in BERNINA. With it, you can easily change the needle in a matter of seconds. Rice. Using the needle threader

Presser foot pressure adjustment. For most sewing projects, you can leave the presser foot at the standard setting. However, if you are sewing seams on thick fabrics, you may need to adjust the pressure. In this case, simply turn the presser foot pressure adjustment knob from extra high pressure to extra light pressure. Replacing the foot is also very simple; to do this, just press the lever, remove one foot and install the desired one.

Rice. Presser foot pressure adjustment

Having tested the BERNINA overlocker, we can confidently say that if you choose it, you will not only get a high-quality modern machine with high-quality performance characteristics, but also a reliable assistant, thanks to which you will be able to create stunning models. We wish you success in your sewing!

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