Rose grandiflora planting and care. Gorgeous beauty - Grandiflora rose. Varieties, differences from other species, tips for growing and using. Hybrid tea roses: varieties, photos, description

Once upon a time, roses were just roses, but thanks to breeders they are now divided into landscape, garden, ornamental, damask, hybrid, natural and other types. Often, even within the same classification, they can differ so significantly from each other that the varieties in it are not even biologically related to each other and are not similar.

This does not apply to the Grandiflora rose species, in which all flowers have some similar features.

Description of new roses

Who would have thought that growing queen flowers for sale could be such a profitable business that breeders from all countries compete every year to create new hybrids with even more striking colors, aromas of varying intensity and resistance to diseases and weather conditions!

Rose Grandiflora was first seen in the world at the beginning of the 20th century, but under this name it is known only in the USA and CIS countries. This flower was created by crossing hybrid tea roses with representatives of the Floribunda group, which, in turn, appeared from combining musk varieties with hybrid polyanthas.

The description of the Grandiflora rose, with all the variety of varieties and colors, contains one common feature - large buds, which can be either double or hybrid tea, or cup-shaped or pompom-like.

This species has such positive qualities as frost resistance and resistance to fungal diseases.

Domestic varieties of rose growers

The very first Grandiflora rose, which became famous throughout the world, is considered to be the Queen Elizabeth variety. It was bred by American rose grower Walter Lammerts in 1954 and named after the reigning Queen of England.

From the very first demonstration, these flowers became a godsend for breeders, who since then have been trying to create new varieties of this species every year. Domestic rose growers do not lag behind their world colleagues. Grandiflora is distinguished by abundant and long-lasting flowering, is undemanding to care, not capricious, tolerates winter well and is resistant to most diseases inherent in roses.

Among the varieties bred by domestic flower growers, the following are very popular among the population:

In addition to domestic varieties, today you can purchase masterpieces of foreign selection in nurseries.

Roses from the French house of Meilland

When a family business passes from one generation to another, this is a guarantee of its success. The French house of Meilland is an example of this, since every third flower sold daily in any country in the world is either bred by its breeders or grown in one of the many rose nurseries. Grandiflora is a representative of numerous varieties with which the employees of the famous company work. The most popular varieties known to domestic flower growers are:

French breeders from the Meyland house annually demonstrate new varieties of Grandiflora roses at exhibitions, which allows flower growers around the world to get acquainted with and admire their ingenious living creations.

Terracotta luxury

The color of the petals and the aroma are what interest rose lovers. The more unusual the color, the more expensive they cost and look, for example, a rose Grandiflora Terracotta. The bud the color of unfired clay changes its hue to orange when the lighting changes. The size of a blooming double flower, which has up to 22 petals, ranges from 11 cm to 14 cm with a stem height of up to 1 m.

This plant is resistant to most diseases and does not suffer from excessive rain; it tolerates winter quite well.


Rose Grandiflora is considered a young variety whose greatest discoveries and prospects are yet to come. We can only hope that the breeders will not stop at the achieved results and will each time present new beauties with large buds of unusual colors to the public.

The first hybrid of the grandiflora rose was developed more than 60 years ago by the American W. E. Lammertz. Queen Elizabeth owes its decorative properties, immunity, and winter hardiness to the hybrid tea variety Charlotte Armstrong and the floribunda rose Floradora.

The grandiflora group includes varieties of garden roses that bloom profusely and continuously throughout the summer. The first buds open in the first half of June, the last ones in autumn. The flowers are semi-double, double, large. Diameter 10-15 cm.

Old varieties of roses have almost no scent, while recently bred varieties have a delicate, pleasant aroma. The bushes are compact or semi-spreading, the shoots are powerful and erect. 1 or 3-5 flowers are formed on the stem. Rose grandiflora can be grown in regions 6 and 7 of winter hardiness zone.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hybrids have many advantages. They bloom long and profusely. They rarely get sick. All varieties are suitable for cutting. Bushes are decorative and are widely used in landscape design. There are some minor downsides. Bushes that are covered early and incorrectly for the winter become damp. The decorative quality of flowers suffers from rain.

Popular representatives

All the roses described below can be seen in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. It was founded by H. H. Steven in 1824. It was engaged in the selection of garden roses, grandiflora, including N. D. Kostetsky, mother and daughter Klimenko, K. I. Zykov.

Samourai (Samurai)

An old variety (1966), French, with bright red, large cupped roses. Buds of 17-25 petals bloom on compact bushes covered with dark green, slightly glossy, egg-shaped leaves. Rose Samurai was repeatedly exhibited at international exhibitions, where she was awarded honorary awards.

Tender Caramel

The flowers are large, 13 cm in diameter, double, consisting of 100-120 petals. The buds have a delicate, sweet aroma and a delicate apricot color. The variety is grown for cutting. A bouquet of roses costs at least 2 weeks.

Elle (Elle)

Unlike older varieties, which have almost no scent, El roses have an exquisite aroma. It is new, but has already received international awards. Lovely peach-colored roses were highly appreciated by flower growers in Switzerland (1999) and America (2005).

Louis de Funes

The flowers are orange, shaped like a hybrid tea rose. Only one bud opens on the stem. The color of the petals is original, dark, almost orange at the edges, pale yellow at the base. Under the influence of the sun, the pigment changes tone. The edges become crimson and the middle part is red.

White pearls

During the summer, 3-5 snow-white, semi-double flowers with a diameter of 10 cm bloom on each stem. The variety is resistant to diseases: powdery mildew, black spot. Rain does not affect the decorative properties. Winter hardiness at the level of USDA zone 6. The variety appeared in 1965, its creators were Z. K. Klimenko, V. N. Klimenko.

  • bicolor, cherry red inside, cream outside;
  • petals in bud 105;
  • diameter 7-9 cm.

Winter hardiness from -18 to -23 °C.


The variety can be grown in regions belonging to the 6th winter hardiness zone. It has powerful bushes about 1 m high, covered with shiny, dark green leaves. Double flowers - 40 petals in a basket, large (12 cm), bicolor, pink and cream.

Komsomolsky Ogonyok

The bushes are not compact, dense, 0.8-0.9 m high. Winter hardiness of the variety is from -18 to -23 °C. From 1 to 3 flowers open on the stem. They are large, semi-double, bright scarlet in color. The diameter of the baskets is 12 cm. They contain 15-20 petals.

The bushes are semi-spreading, of medium height (0.6-0.8 m), with a diameter of 0.6 m. The color of the buds is coral, diameter 12 cm. The baskets are semi-double, cup-shaped, consisting of 20-25 petals. Winter hardiness zone 6.

Major Gagarin

The old domestic variety (author V.N. Klimenko) has been grown by flower growers since 1956. The bushes are tall (0.9-1 m), bloom profusely for 3 months. Already in the first ten days of June, fragrant buds of soft pink color, consisting of 60 petals, form on the stems. During the season, more than 100 roses open on one plant.

Marina Steven

The variety is grown in the 6th winter hardiness zone. The shape of the buds is like that of a hybrid tea rose. On the stem, 1 bud opens with petals of soft pink and cream color. The variety was recently released, in 2006. Author - Z. K. Klimenko.

An old domestic variety, bred in Crimea (1964). Peony-shaped roses, double buds of 30-34 petals with a diameter of 14 cm. The bushes are tall (1 m), bloom profusely. The second wave of flowering continues until the end of autumn.

Subtleties of cultivation

For planting, nurseries and gardening stores purchase healthy seedlings in containers or with an open root system. Dried roots are reanimated - the seedlings are placed in a bucket of water overnight.

Before planting, they are dipped in a mixture of clay, water, and mullein.

Growing space

Only sunny places protected from the wind are suitable. The structure of the soil is not important. The pH level is neutral or slightly acidic.

Landing dates and rules

Grandiflora rose seedlings are planted in the garden in the spring, when the soil warms up to 8-10 °C, or in September-October. They dig medium-sized holes - 0.4 * 0.4 m. When planting several plants, place them at a distance of 0.5-1 m.

First, drainage (crushed stone, expanded clay) is poured into the hole, then half of the fertile soil. The roots are straightened, directed downwards, covered with soil and compacted. The root collar is buried. The hole is watered and mulched. In spring, shoots are cut to 3-4 buds; in autumn, this is not done. The sections are coated with varnish.

Maintenance is not difficult. Properly planted bushes grow in one place for decades. For abundant flowering, roses are fed and bushes are formed.

Watering and fertilizers

The culture loves moisture, especially during flowering. In summer, 1 bucket of water is poured under an adult bush once every 7 days. The next day, the soil around the roses is loosened. Fertilize several times during the spring-summer-autumn season.

Grandiflora pruning

In autumn, green shoots and dry branches are cut out at ground level. In summer, the bush is formed, giving it shape. The branches are cut to the outer bud, 5 cm away from it.

To stimulate the formation of new buds, remove dried flowers.

Preparing for winter

At the beginning of October, the buds are trimmed and the leaves are removed. The bushes are hilled, mulched, bent to the ground, and secured with pins. When sub-zero temperatures are established, a shelter is constructed from covering material folded in several layers. The frame is made of arcs, panels, boxes.

Protecting plants from pests and diseases

To prevent powdery mildew, the above-ground part is sprayed with a solution of Fundazol. To prevent fungus, rose grandiflora is treated with Fitosporin-M.

When black-brown spots (black spot) appear on the leaves, use the drug “Profit”. Bushes are protected from insects by Fufanon.

Reproduction methods

Grandiflora is propagated vegetatively. Most often, gardeners root cuttings taken from healthy, mature bushes. For cutting, choose strong stems on which all the buds have faded. The shoot is cut straight from above and at the bottom at an angle of 45°. 2 internodes are left on it.

Cuttings are rooted in mini-greenhouses. The following mixture is used as soil:

  • turf land;
  • peat;
  • sand.

Old bushes are propagated by dividing the rhizomes. They are dug up. The root is cut into 2 parts. The resulting seedlings are planted in a permanent place.

Use in landscape design

In group plantings, the varieties Valentina Tereshkova and Gurzuf are used. Bushes covered with double flowers are combined with clematis, delphinium, lupine, sage, lavender, and geranium. Plants with blue and purple inflorescences best set off the grandiflora rose.

(abbreviated as Grand.) Grandiflora (Gr.)

A somewhat arbitrary garden group, including varieties with abundant flowering, like the Floribunda group, and with flower size and shape, like the Hybrid Teas. Characteristic properties are vigor and winter hardiness. Typical representatives of this group are well-known varieties " Queen Elizabeth" And " Sonya"Grandiflora roses are widely used for cutting, as they form long straight shoots.

In many European countries this group is not recognized and the varieties included here are classified mainly in the Floribunda group.

The garden group grandiflora was obtained in the 50s of the 20th century as a result of crossing hybrid tea roses with floribunda roses. From hybrid tea roses, grandiflora received large double flowers, which, however, were collected in small inflorescences of 3-5 buds. From floribunda roses, grandiflora roses inherited the ability to bloom profusely and for a long time.

All grandiflora roses are powerful, tall (up to 1.5-2 m) bushes, characterized by exceptional frost resistance (but please check when purchasing!). Used for cutting and forcing, as well as for decorating large gardens. Suitable for creating hedges.

In terms of decorative qualities, they are similar to hybrid teas, but the flowers are collected in small inflorescences, like floribunda roses. The colors of the flowers are bright and varied. Most varieties of roses are odorless. Used in landscaping to create groups and forcing for cutting.

Gold Medal: plant height - 80 cm; flowers are slightly fragrant, 10-11 cm in diameter, golden yellow with an orange edge.

Love: bush height - 80 cm; the flowers are slightly fragrant, medium-sized (9 cm in diameter), bright red with a silvery-white lining.

Queen Elizabeth is an easy to grow, but very impressive rose that can be recommended to a beginning rose grower. It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness (can grow in almost any conditions) and shade tolerance, which is not often found among garden roses. The height of the bush is 1-1.5 m. The stems are strong growing, erect, covered with shiny dark green foliage. The flowers are slightly fragrant, rather large (10 cm in diameter), densely double, pure pink in color. They last a long time when cut. Recommended as a tapeworm, for creating a hedge, and also for planting in the background of a mixborder. Not suitable for decorating a small flower bed.

Stella: flowers are slightly fragrant, large, pink with a reddish border.

Komsomolsky light: bush height - 1-1.2 m; the flowers are slightly fragrant, large (13 cm in diameter), velvety, red with a golden center.

Sonya: flowers are slightly fragrant, double, coral-pink in color, 1-3 buds on one shoot. Recommended for forcing.

Grandiflora is an arbitrary garden group of roses, unrecognized in many European countries, but is actively used by breeders in Russia and the USA to develop new varieties.

This type of rose appeared in the mid-twentieth century in the USA when crossing roses and. The resulting hybrid inherited the best qualities from its ancestors:

  • large double flowers, collected in inflorescences of 3-5 buds or single, with a subtle aroma or no scent at all;
  • tall bush with powerful long spreading stems;
  • It is characterized by long continuous flowering, frost resistance and resistance to fungal diseases.

Grandiflora is propagated by cuttings and grafting.

Comparison table with other types of flower

Group Height Bush Leaves Flowers Bloom Winter hardiness
15-30 cm
  • short;
  • dwarf;
  • compact;
  • densely branched.
  • small;
  • light green.
  • small;
  • densely double, in inflorescences, sometimes solitary.
  • copious;
  • almost continuous.
Patio 45-55 cm
  • vigorous;
  • creeping.
  • light green;
  • highly shiny.
  • copious;
  • almost continuous.
40 cm-2 m
  • vigorous;
  • with whip-like shoots.
  • dark green;
  • glossy.
  • large;
  • various shapes and colors, from semi-double to densely double;
  • with a strong aroma.
  • copious;
  • long lasting
60 cm-1 m
  • erect;
  • spreading.
  • light green;
  • highly shiny.
  • average;
  • terry and densely double;
  • various colors;
  • fragrant.
Grandiflora 1-2 m
  • straight;
  • almost does not bush.
  • large;
  • different shades.
  • large;
  • various colors;
  • terry;
  • at the beginning of flowering - goblet-shaped, later - cup-shaped;
  • the aroma is weak or absent.
  • long lasting;
  • abundant.
very high
up to 2 m
  • powerful;
  • strong.
light green
  • various shapes and colors, from simple to semi-double and double;
  • fragrant.
  • copious;
  • long;
  • repetitive.
2-4 m long
  • powerful vines;
  • thin strong shoots with thorns.
  • small;
  • dark green.
  • medium and large;
  • collected in small inflorescences;
  • terry and non-terry.
  • copious;
  • long;
  • repetitive.

Features of cultivation and differences in care from other species

Grandiflora, like any rose, loves light and does not tolerate drafts and high humidity, so it is better to grow the queen of flowers on the sunny side of the site, protected from the wind, in well-drained soil. Seedlings are planted in well-warmed soil in late spring. For lush flowering, the rose must be fed periodically: in the spring, when buds form, and in the summer during the budding period.

You should not fertilize in the fall to prevent new shoots from forming before frost. Weekly morning and evening watering of the bushes is necessary. Water should be poured at the root to prevent the leaves from burning. If the summer is dry, then the bushes should be watered twice as often. The prickly beauty cannot be watered during the day, so as not to burn the roots in the heated soil. To give the root system access to oxygen, it is imperative to loosen and mulch the soil.

You can increase the number of shoots and leaves by cutting off the first buds. Periodic pruning is also necessary to form a bush. They are usually covered for the winter, but there are varieties that do not require shelter.

  • Caring for floribunda is the same as caring for grandiflora.
  • Climbing (climbing) roses, unlike grandiflora, require support for growth. For the winter, shoots must be removed from their support.
  • Rose Patio, unlike grandiflora, can be grown not only in open ground, but also as a houseplant in the house, as well as outdoors in pots.
  • Growing and caring for a scrub rose is not much different from caring for a grandiflora, but the bush should be pruned sparingly. Grandiflora is pruned more heavily.
  • , unlike grandiflora, is very capricious to care for. She is afraid of cold weather, is often affected by powdery mildew, and can die from improper care. It should be fed carefully, strictly according to the instructions, and treated with insecticides and fungicides more often than grandiflora; Water less often than grandiflora.
  • , unlike grandiflora, is most often planted as a houseplant, but in the garden it is also found in border compositions. When planted in open ground, it is covered to protect the thin, weak stems from direct sunlight, and grandiflora does not need shelter. There are also differences in watering: they water using the sprinkling method, trying not to flood the root system. Grandiflora cannot be watered in this way - brown spots will appear on the leaves, so watering is carried out only at the root.

Description and photos of varieties

Komsomolsky Ogonyok

The flowers are slightly double, up to 20 petals, cup-shaped, up to 13 cm in diameter, solitary or 3-4 in inflorescence, slightly fragrant. The color is bright red, yellow in the middle, with a velvety coating; the lower part is pale red, streaked. The height of the bush is 1-1.2 m.


The flowers are large, up to 13 cm in diameter, solitary or 5-7 in an inflorescence, goblet-shaped. The color is contrasting - bright red above, silver-white below. The aroma is faintly fragrant. Bush height – 80 cm.


The flowers are large, 9-10 cm, double, single and in inflorescences of 3-5 buds per shoot, weakly fragrant. The color is coral red, salmon pink. Bush height – 70 cm.


The flowers are large, slightly fragrant. The color is pink with a red border.


The flowers are large, 12-14 cm in diameter, cup-shaped, very fragrant. The color is white with a cream center. Bush height 80-120 cm.

Major Gagarin

The flowers are large, up to 11 cm, cup-shaped, densely double, up to 63 petals, with a strong aroma. The color is soft pink with intense pink edges. The leaves are dark green, glossy, large. The bush is compact and vigorous.

The flowers are large, up to 10 cm, densely double, slightly fragrant. Pure pink color. In cold weather it becomes covered with crimson spots. Bush height – 1-1.5 m.

How to use in landscape design?

Grandiflora has high decorative qualities, so it is ideal for group plantings. It is also used for cutting.

Grandiflora roses are created for solo compositions. They can be made the main element of a mixborder, diluted with herbaceous perennials or left for a rose garden. They perfectly serve as hedges and are used as borders. You can successfully design the background and landscape large areas.

Despite the capricious nature of the “beautiful queen,” it is worth having in your garden. And you should start with the unpretentious and persistent Grandiflora. It will become a real decoration of the garden and will delight you with lush flowering for many years.

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I have been growing Grandiflora rose varieties for many years. Unpretentious, fast growing, bright. A wonderful garden decoration, suitable for cutting. I shared the seedlings with my neighbors, and now our entire street is covered in flowers.

Group Features


  1. Rose Grandiflora (Grandiflora - large-flowered) garden group of roses. Bred by breeder Lammerts by crossing hybrid tea varieties with Floribunda species. The ancestor of the group was the Elizabeth Queen variety.
  2. The new hybrid has inherited the best features: abundant, long-lasting flowering from Floribunda varieties and beautiful, large buds from hybrid tea roses.
  3. They bloom in mid-July, flowering continues until the end of September. The flowers are often double, up to 15 cm in diameter, almost odorless.
  4. The bushes are powerful, spreading, up to 2 m high. The shoots are strong, erect, with dense foliage.
  5. Widely used in landscape design: group plantings, hedges. Excellent for cutting due to long, straight shoots.
  6. Have strong immunity to diseases and pests, high frost resistance.

The main characteristics of the varieties are abundant flowering, rapid growth

The main characteristics of the varieties are abundant flowering, rapid growth

The best varieties of the Grandiflora group

Photo and description:

Elizabeth Queen


  • bush height 1-2.5 m, narrow, erect, suitable for small spaces;
  • the flowers are large, 11 cm, pink, fade to pale pink in the sun;
  • during flowering it forms clusters of 3-5 flowers;
  • resistant to diseases and pests;
  • easily propagated by cuttings, produces good quality planting material;
  • with high air humidity and prolonged rain, it can develop rust



  • bush height 1-1.5 m, branched, vigorous;
  • flowers are of medium size 5-7 cm, growing on stems in clusters of 3-5 pieces;
  • semi-double flowers, pure white, remain decorative for a long time, do not deteriorate from rain;
  • resistant to shading, diseases, pests, frost;
  • one of the disadvantages is the lack of aroma

Caramel (Creme Caramel)


  • height 80-100 cm, branched, erect;
  • petals of a unique color: creamy coffee with a caramel tint;
  • double flowers, large 11 cm, fragrant, not damaged by rain;
  • high resistance to drought, frost, disease



  • bush height 1-1.5 m, spreading, vigorous;
  • the flowers are large up to 14 cm, rich red in color with a light, pleasant aroma;
  • does not bloom in rainy and cold summers, is often affected by powdery mildew, annual prevention is required;
  • frost resistance is high



  • bush height 1-1.5 m, compact, erect;
  • the flowers are large 12 cm, the barely opened buds have a yellow-orange color, fading, the petals become pink with a creamy back side;
  • grow one per stem, ideal for cutting, strong aroma;
  • resistant to rain, disease, frost




  • dig a hole 50x40 cm, 40-50 cm deep;
  • put a couple of handfuls of rotted manure and a handful of complex mineral fertilizer on the bottom;
  • cover with garden soil in a 10 cm layer, compact lightly;
  • cut off damaged roots of the seedling;
  • lower the rose into the hole and gradually cover it with earth, pouring the layers of soil well and compacting it;
  • the root collar should be 5-7 cm below the soil level;
  • immediately after planting, trim the shoots, leaving 2-3 buds on each



  • watering 1-2 times a week, stop watering from mid-August;
  • You can feed it 2-3 years after planting a young seedling in a permanent place;
  • early June: mullein infusion 1 liter per bucket of water with the addition of 30 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium nitrate, repeat feeding after 14 days;
  • mid-July: 30 g of potassium, phosphorus, 10 g of nitrogen are added per 1 m2;
  • early August: fertilizing with 40 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium per 1 m2



  • prune in spring, when the threat of return frosts has passed;
  • shorten annual shoots to 3-5 buds on each;
  • for biennials, leave 2-3 growths, each of which is shortened, leaving 1-2 buds;
  • cut off diseased and old branches to the ground;
  • treat the cuts with garden varnish;
  • after pruning the rose, spray with a 1% solution of copper sulfate and water generously

How to propagate


  • propagated by cuttings;
  • cut annual shoots with dormant buds into cuttings 15-20 cm;
  • immediately plant in the ground at an angle;
  • cover with film or agrofibre;
  • Water daily for the first month;
  • transplant to a permanent place only after 1-1.5 years

Preparing for winter


  • 2-3 weeks before the first frost, cut off fatty green shoots, immature tops, buds, flowers, most of the leaves;
  • spud the bush;
  • young roses must be covered for the winter;
  • Place wooden boxes over the seedlings, cover with film or agrofibre;
  • on top, when the soil is slightly frozen, cover with spruce branches, sprinkle sawdust or peat;
  • lay another layer of covering material on top

Diseases and pests


Control measures:

  • Treat with Topaz twice with an interval of 14 days;
  • make a solution: 2 tsp. black tea, brew 1 liter of boiling water, cool, add 3 tsp. immediately treat the bush with vodka

rose sawfly

Control measures:

  • damaged branches, remove foliage, burn.
  • spray with systemic insecticides: Actellik, Aktara, Calypso