Homemade pool heating using wood. We select equipment for heating water in the pool. Heat pumps for heating water

Every year swimming pools are gaining popularity. Owners of private houses and suburban areas are increasingly installing swimming pools - it is convenient, prestigious and relatively affordable. At the stage of planning the purchase and design of a swimming pool, it is necessary to resolve a number of issues regarding water heating. After all, you want to use the pool not only in the hot summer, but also in the cold season.

There are special devices that heat the water in the pool to the optimal temperature. They differ from each other in their principle of operation, efficiency of use, economical operation and cost.

Pool water heating systems

Water heating is necessary for both indoor and outdoor pools. Of course, in the summer, the water in the pool will warm up quite well from direct sunlight, but with the approach of autumn, when the nights become cold and the days become shorter, the need for additional heat sources arises.

For comfortable swimming in the pool (depending on the category of “swimmers”), the water temperature should have the following indicators:

  • for active, sports games - 22 degrees;
  • for children - 28-30 degrees;
  • for adults - 24-26 degrees;
  • for older people - at least 26 degrees.

You can maintain the optimal water temperature in the pool using special heating devices, the choice of which determines the heating system.

Pool water heating systems can be divided into two types:

  • heating by electric heater;
  • heating due to heat exchange.

Heating systems based on heat exchange include:

  • heat exchangers operating on the basis of solar energy;
  • heat exchangers, in which the main heat sources are the central water supply system and the heating boiler;
  • heat exchangers using other heat sources (heat pump).

Based on the calculation of water heating in the pool, which will take into account all the design and operation features, a water heating system for the pool is selected.

Water heating devices: operating principle, advantages and disadvantages

flow-through electric heater - the best option for a small pool

An electric pool heater is perhaps the simplest and most affordable way to heat water. The main purpose of the device is to heat a continuous flow of water with minimal pressure fluctuations.

The principle of operation of the heater: water circulates through the housing in which the heating elements are located. The heater body is made of stainless steel, titanium or high-quality plastic, and heating elements are made of durable stainless steel alloys that can withstand high temperatures. An electric heater is installed behind the filtering equipment, so the water entering the pool is already purified.

To place the heating equipment, a separate large room is not required, since the heater has compact dimensions - a small covered booth is enough.

When purchasing an instantaneous water heater for a swimming pool, you should pay attention to the following parameters.

  1. Device power (3-18 kW). Some models are designed for connection via a three-phase network. For indoor pools located indoors, the heater power is calculated based on 0.3-0.5 kW per 1 sq.m. pool, for open - 0.5-1 kW.
  2. Maximum heating temperature. For most instantaneous electric pool heaters, this figure is 30-40 degrees.
  3. Flow volume and operating pressure.
  4. The presence of protective and control devices (overheat protection sensor, thermostat and flow sensor) that will protect the device from damage.
  5. Materials for manufacturing an electric heater. Heaters whose body is made of stainless steel are considered more durable.

It should be taken into account that with significant heat loss (open pools or pools located in unheated rooms), energy consumption increases significantly

The power of flow-through heaters is not enough for large pools with a volume of more than 35 cubic meters, especially if such a pool is located outside. In addition, such a unit cannot be used in a house with limited energy consumption or “weak” wiring.

Small heaters (power 3 kW) are often used to heat water in Intex pools and other inflatable and frame pools.

It is important to remember that it is strictly prohibited to be in the pool while the heater is operating!

Advantages of flow heaters:

  • water heating occurs quite quickly;
  • using a thermostat you can regulate the water temperature;
  • in the absence of water, a flow sensor is activated, turning off water heating;
  • compact dimensions of the equipment;
  • the control system is automated.

Disadvantages of an electric heater:

  • significant cash costs for heating water (high electricity consumption);
  • low power;
  • Not all houses have the opportunity to install this system.

Solar collectors - an innovative approach to pool heating

The sun is an inexhaustible source of heat that can be effectively used to heat water in outdoor and indoor pools.

Many people believe that heat from direct sunlight is sufficient for an outdoor pool. However, this statement is only true when the pool is located in a sunny area. What if it is located under a canopy or indoors? With the use of solar systems, solar heating of pool water becomes more controllable.

A solar water heating system consists of three main elements:

  • solar collector (tubes connected to each other on a large screen);
  • pump filter;
  • control valve.

The mechanism of action of the solar system is quite simple. When there is intense sunlight, sensors instruct an automatic diverter valve to direct the flow of pool water through the manifold heat exchanger. Inside the heat exchanger, water will be heated due to the coolant circulating in a closed solar system (collector tubes).

When the set heating temperature is reached, the water flows back into the pool. If the solar collector has cooled down (cloudy weather), then water does not circulate through it.

The solar collector is usually placed on the roof or in a well-lit area.

The following types of solar collectors can be used to heat the pool:

  • highly selective flat and flat plate collectors;
  • vacuum tube manifolds.

Their choice will depend on the climatic conditions of the region, installation location and volume of heated water.

When calculating the size of the solar system (collector area), it is necessary to take into account a number of factors:

  • pool parameters;
  • pool type (indoor, outdoor);
  • pool attendance;
  • whether the pool is covered or not;
  • required water heating temperature (minimum and maximum);
  • installation location and collector angle.

For an outdoor pool, the installation surface should be about 70-100% of the water surface area, for an indoor pool - about 60% of this area

The advantages of solar systems include:

  • versatility of use - can be used to heat water in a swimming pool and to supply a private home with hot water;
  • ease of control;
  • fast water heating;
  • There are virtually no system maintenance costs.

Disadvantages of using a solar system:

  • the heat transfer coefficient of the collector decreases sharply in cloudy weather;
  • purchasing equipment and installing a solar system is quite expensive.

Heat exchanger - significant savings on water heating

To heat the water in the pool, heat exchangers are often used, which are connected directly to the heating system of the house.

Externally, the heat exchanger resembles a large flask, and inside the device there is a coil through which hot water (coolant) passes. The water from the pool is around the coil, washing it, and heating it.

From the general heating system, water enters the coil thanks to a circulation pump, the operation of which is regulated by an electromagnetic valve. The valve, in turn, is controlled by a thermostat. The owner of the pool sets the temperature level, and the rest of the process is regulated automatically.

The main criterion for choosing a heat exchanger is its power, which can reach 200 kW. The choice of power directly depends on the volume of the pool.

When starting the heat exchanger for the first time, the required water temperature will only be reached after 28 hours. Such long and gradual heating is necessary to avoid instrumental collapse associated with the expansion of the liquid. Further operation of the device is to maintain the set temperature.

The heat exchanger is placed after the pumping and filtering station, but before the disinfection system, to avoid unnecessary contact of the equipment with the chlorine contained in the water. In pools with sea or highly chlorinated water, it is better to install titanium heat exchangers.

Advantages of heat exchangers:

  • saving money on water heating;
  • high power, which allows the device to be used for heating large pools;
  • ease of management (all processes are automated).

The disadvantages of the heat exchanger include prolonged heating of water.

Heat pump - environmental energy as a heat source for the pool

The use of a heat pump is a fairly new method of heating water, the operation of which is based on the principle of multi-stage heat transfer from various coolants using condensate, gas compression, etc.

The initial source of heat (the first stage of heating) can be domestic (industrial) wastewater, heat released during flue gas purification, heat from groundwater and thermal waters. Any source that is even slightly warmer than the temperature of the pool water can be used by a heat pump to heat the pool.

The operating principle of a heat pump is as follows. The working fluid (a mixture of antifreeze and water) is pumped through a pipeline located underground. Due to the temperature of the soil, the working fluid at the outlet warms up by a couple of degrees and is sent to the heat exchanger, where it transfers the resulting heat to the refrigerant.

The refrigerant, in contact with the heated liquid, instantly boils - steam is formed, which enters the compressor and is compressed there to 25 atmospheres. When compressed, the temperature rises sharply to 50-55 degrees. The resulting energy is used to heat the house or water for the pool.

A significant proportion of energy is wasted on the functioning of the cyclic operation of the system (the refrigerant and working fluid, having passed through the cooling system, meet and the cycle repeats).

The power of heat pumps is enough to provide full heating not only of the pool, but also of the country cottage as a whole.

Advantages of using heat pumps:

  • fast and sufficient heating of water and space;
  • high power;
  • use of alternative free heat sources.

To date, heat pumps have not been widely used due to their high cost.

Fuel water heater - using gas and liquid fuel to heat water

Fuel heater - equipment that runs on liquid fuel or propane (gas heaters). They are quite effective and economical, provided that they are used not only to heat the pool water, but also to heat the house.

Before using a fuel heater, you will have to resolve a number of issues:

  • obtaining permission to install equipment;
  • registration and proper paperwork;
  • installation of a fire protection system;
  • construction of a chimney;
  • control of fuel reserves.

To maintain optimal water temperature in the pool, the following fuel units can be used:

Advantages of fuel heaters:

  • economical fuel consumption;
  • possibility of complex use of the heater (house heating, water heating);
  • system automation.

Disadvantages of heaters:

  • difficulties during registration, registration and installation;
  • high initial costs for purchasing equipment;
  • Some systems require annual cleaning.

How to reduce heat loss from pool water

The operating efficiency of any heating installation will increase significantly if timely care is taken to reduce heat losses:

The type, power of the heating system and its cost will depend on the design features of the pool. It is better to entrust the installation of equipment to professionals who can guarantee the uninterrupted and safe use of heating elements.

A person is a rational being who can come up with many options for improving his life. So with cold water in a pool, when it needs to be heated, a person can use the following methods (I know some from experience and from stories on the Internet)

1 way

Carry water somewhere to heat it. This is the safest option and the most practical, although it requires the most physical labor. The action happens like this - they poured water from the pool into some container, took it to the stove or fire, or to the stove, or maybe somewhere else, warmed it there and brought it back to the pool...

Method 2

Heat the water directly in the pool using a fire. This is a risky method and can ruin both the water in the pool and the pool itself. You can use it like this: place a wooden pallet on the bottom of the pool, put a metal container on the pallet, preferably a barrel, put stones on the bottom so that it does not float, and light a fire inside...

3 way

Heat water using electricity. A very DANGEROUS method, as it increases the likelihood of electric shock. You can heat it using a boiler (I won’t say anything else to avoid injury and casualties); for this you need to build a special device from wood and foam plastic so that it floats. Install a boiler in the device so that the heated part is in the water, and the handle and drive are outside. You can test the degree of heating of the water in the pool only after turning off the electric current.

4 way

Heat water using the sun. Not just by leaving the pool in the sun, but by building a water lens over it; to do this, you need to hang transparent polyethylene over the pool and pour water into it. The problem will be that it will need to be adjusted in height so that the broken rays of the sun heat the water.

Using equipment for heating a pool at the dacha, it is possible to maintain the desired temperature. There are sanitary standards that must be followed. The minimum permissible level is + 24 o C. Children's bathing is allowed only at a mark of 28 o C.

Heating a swimming pool at a summer cottage is necessary in the Russian climate

Temperature table

Electric flow heaters contain built-in heating elements. They are made of metal or anti-corrosion alloy. Water passing through them heats up more and more each time. The case is made of plastic, stainless steel or titanium. Powered by network. Models differ in power.

Electric heating installation diagram

Electric heaters are popular. Designed for small volume bowls.

Devices of this type have a maximum power of 18 kW. They are capable of heating up to 36 cubic meters of liquid.

Leaders of sells

Intex is a company that produces swimming pools and accessories for them. Water heaters are suitable for inflatable ponds.

A manually controlled thermostat is built in to regulate the heating temperature.

Bestway is the second most popular company. The device heats water by 1.5 o C in an hour. The equipment is low-power and designed for small volumes. You can buy models with or without a built-in thermostat.

Electric water heater Bestway

Pahlen is an instantaneous water heater with a power of up to 18 kW. For units above 3 kW, a connection to an electrical network with a voltage of 380 Volts is required.

The package includes a relay and thermostat. There is no need to regulate the water. This happens automatically. There is an overheating protection system. Maximum heating up to 40 o C.

Pahlen for water heating

Heating using a heat exchanger

  • black collectors intensively absorb the sun's rays;
  • from the energy received, water reaches high temperatures;
  • after warming up to the desired degree, the circulation pump starts.

Models with three-way automatic valves are available. They ensure uninterrupted circulation of coolant throughout the system.

Worth knowing! It is advisable to use solar collectors in those regions where there are many sunny days. In cloudy weather, efficiency decreases.

Installed solar panels for water heating

A similar device can be made using a regular black hose. You will need about 40 meters of material, a circulation pump and a flat area:

  • the hose is twisted into spirals and laid at an angle to the sun on the surface;
  • a pump is connected to it;
  • the structure is connected to the pool.

The question of how to heat the water in the pool must be decided at the stage of its construction. It is then that it is necessary to insulate the bottom and walls. And although most of the heat “leaves” with the evaporation of water and radiation from the surface into the colder atmosphere, without these measures it is impossible to achieve an effective and inexpensive (relatively) increase in temperature. Anyone who has an inflatable or frame pool, standing on a sand bed or on a lawn, while cleaning the pool, probably noticed: the ground underneath is simply icy. This is where the heat goes. So thermal insulation of the bottom and walls is not at all an excess. Therefore, pay more attention to this issue.

In general, in any store that sells swimming pools and equipment, there will also be devices for heating water. These are heat exchangers connected to a source of warm water (into the DHW circuit of a heating system or boiler), heat pumps, electric heaters (storage and flow-through), solar systems.

This is a metal cylinder through which hot water flows. It is connected to a hot water source. Often this is a boiler hot water heating circuit or an instantaneous water heater. There may be other sources. Who will adapt how?

Here the question immediately arises: why do we need the heat exchanger itself? After all, you can directly take water from the pool, supply it to the heater and discharge the heated water. In principle, such a scheme is possible, but the problem is that the water in the pool contains many different impurities: from chlorine and chemicals to various tiny suspended particles. So with this scheme the heat exchanger will quickly clog.

Another point is that in open air the reservoir contains a fairly large amount of oxygen, due to which the heat exchanger in the boiler or flow-through heater will quickly oxidize and fail. That is why a small volume of coolant is circulated through a loop with a special heat exchanger for the pool.

One type of heat exchanger is a coil. You can make it yourself, and also connect it to the system with your own hands. For those who did heating in the house, this is not a problem. But coils are effective only on small volumes. They will warm up a small pool for children in a short period of time, but they won’t be able to handle a dozen cubes.

Electric heaters

Electric pool heaters are ordinary water heating elements with high-power thermostats. They are of the accumulative type - this is when water is pumped into a tank of a sufficiently large volume, where heating elements are installed, and from there it is removed, but at a much higher temperature.

Electric pool heaters are also of the flow-through type. It is built into the pool water treatment system after the filter. Purified water is supplied to it, and then, after heating, it enters the pool through nozzles.

Electric pool heaters can operate on a 220 V or 380 V network. This largely depends on the power. It is calculated as follows: for outdoor pools, 0.5-1 kW is taken per cubic meter, for indoor pools - 0.3-0.5 kW.

Since the volumes of water are large, heating costs are also more than significant. You need to heat tons of water, which requires high power and, accordingly, high energy costs. Plus, not every site has the opportunity to additionally turn on 3-18 kW of electrical equipment. And this is in addition to everything that works in the house, as well as the equipment that is necessary to maintain the pool, although it (not counting the electric water heater) “draws” a little.

Heat pumps for heating water

Heat pumps take heat from external heat sources, convert it and transfer it to the heated environment. To increase the temperature of the water in the pool, air-to-water devices are often used. In this case, energy is taken from the air and transferred to water.

Externally, the device resembles an air conditioner. Most of these devices are so automated that once you connect it, set the mode and desired temperatures, you don’t touch it again. Control is possible from a remote control or a panel on the case.

Heat pumps operate from a 220 V network and consume 1-2 kW depending on the power generated. But in this case the energy is not used to heat water, but not to pump heat from one medium to another - it is needed to operate the motor and compressors. By spending only 1-2 kW, you can get 5-12 kW - depending on the type of system.

Like most automated and technologically complex devices, heat pumps cost a lot. About 130-180 thousand rubles.

Solar systems

To heat the water in the pool, it is not always enough just sunlight falling on the surface. But you can use solar heat from other surfaces. For this purpose, solar systems—collectors and vacuum tubes—have long been used. Tubular heaters are more efficient, but collectors of sufficient area can provide the required temperature. True, large areas are needed, but a lot of water is heated.

For indoor pools, the size of solar collectors should be about 60-70% of the surface of the pool’s water surface, for open pools - 80-100%. Then the water will be warm. But only on a sunny day. This is one of the main disadvantages of solar systems. The second is the considerable cost of the devices. Smaller than heat pumps, but still sufficient, especially considering that larger devices are needed.

But solar collectors are not difficult to make with your own hands: the materials are available, the technology is simple, there are plenty of examples. One of them is presented in the video. But the area will be too small for this pool. In order for the heating to be significant, several of these are needed. Anyone can make such a water heater with their own hands. With no exceptions.

There is an inexpensive surface solar heater for the pool "Intex". This is a two-layer black PVC film, welded in such a way that a labyrinth for water is formed in it. This mat, which floats on the surface of the pool, is supplied with water by a pump. Walking through the labyrinth, it heats up due to the fact that the black surface absorbs heat well. It comes out already having a much higher temperature. For greater efficiency, water is taken from the bottom of the pool, where the water is colder.

Such a water heater can be used in swimming pools that are located in open, sunny areas. Suitable for pools with a volume of no more than 30 m3; the temperature can be increased by 3-5° depending on the weather.

Do-it-yourself heating of pool water

A swimming pool, even if not very large, is not a cheap pleasure. But without heating the water, it is far from always comfortable. Not everyone has the means or desire to buy equally expensive devices to raise the water temperature. So homemade craftsmen come up with different pool heaters that don’t require a lot of money.

The most accessible fuel we have is firewood. And it would be strange if there were no means of heating the pool with wood. We have not seen any industrial analogues, except perhaps adapting a wood-burning stove with a water jacket for this purpose. And there are a lot of homemade units.

The basis of all water heating devices in wood-fired pools is a coil

The main idea is that a metal coil is located inside the firebox, and water from the pool is supplied to the inlet using a pump. Passing through a coil heated by a flame, it heats up and is discharged back through a second hose or pipe.

The main task is to select the water supply speed so that it does not boil in the pipe under any conditions. Therefore, it is advisable to take a pump that is powerful enough. You can use a standard pool pump or a circulation pump.

There are several such devices in the photo. In one, the coil is hidden in a tank in which the fire is built. Smoke is discharged through a hole in the lid. The system will be more efficient if you make a chimney. You can use the heat even more fully if you make a water jacket. It can be on the body, it can be on the chimney, or it can be both here and there.

In another option, a square container is welded for a small inflatable pool. The principle is the same. The implementation is a little different.

There is an even simpler option: a coil, inside of which a fire is built. This device can even be used while hiking. Only somehow it will be necessary to solve the problem of discharging hot water. It is possible to use heat-resistant hoses or a piece of metal-plastic pipe for heating.

It’s very convenient when hiking or traveling - you are always provided with warm water

There is an example of making an electric pool heater with your own hands. A heating element was used for the boiler, and an original design was invented for fixing it in the body of an old car foot pump. See the video for details.

A very simple and interesting way to make solar heating of pool water more efficient. It requires a minimum of money and a little time. You will need plastic hula hoops, thick black film, a soldering iron, and a knife.

The idea is not new: a black film floating on the surface of the water heats up and transfers heat to the water. Heating is more efficient since dark objects absorb more solar energy.

The work consists of the following: lay the film evenly on the hula hoop, and use a soldering iron to fuse the plastic and the film pointwise. It is advisable not to burn the hoop, as it should float and not sink. Melt in a circle, with a distance of 10-15 cm. The film should hold quite tightly. You need to make several holes in the middle - you don’t want air to get in. Therefore, you need to turn the hoops with the side into the water on which the film is stretched.

These circles are laid out on the surface. The larger the area they occupy, the faster they heat the water. They are easy to lay out - scattered on the surface. Collect them too - they drove them to one side and stacked them at the side.

Heat preservation

It’s clear how to heat water in a pool. There are both factory and homemade heaters. But it is no less important to preserve it. Most of the heat leaves the water at night. The main task is to reduce losses. They do this by installing a canopy over the pool. It can be stationary, sliding, folding, etc.

If a canopy, for some reason, is not an option, you can reduce losses with the help of a blanket. There are films floating on the surface. They have many air bubbles and an opaque surface. The film is spread on the surface in the evening and removed after the water has reached a comfortable temperature.

In addition to floating films, there are awnings that are placed on top of the structure. But they are quite inconvenient - even if the pool is three meters wide, pulling or rolling up the awning alone is quite problematic. But there are not always helpers. However, you can also use awnings - they are quite effective. Moreover, they can easily be replaced by, say, a piece of tarpaulin, thick (preferably opaque) film, etc.

For a rectangular pool, to make it easier to straighten and assemble the awning, light slats can be attached along one of the sides (short) at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. Then holding on to the slats makes it easier to lay out and assemble the blanket.

What is the best way to heat water in a pool at the dacha?

There is a swimming pool at the dacha, but the water temperature in it is not always comfortable. To enjoy swimming, the water must be warm, at least +24°C. And for children to swim, for example, in a children's pool with a slide. you need even higher, from +28°C. Waiting for it to warm up in the sun is a long time and not always justified. This means the water needs to be heated. But the question arises of how to heat the water in a swimming pool at the dacha.

Let's look at the most popular ways to heat water in a pool and evaluate the feasibility of using one or another method.

Heating methods

Flow-through electric heaters

Designed specifically for heating pool water. Briefly, their operating principle: water passing through a special cylinder (heating element) quickly heats up. Designed without storage tank. By increasing or decreasing the water pressure, you can regulate its temperature.

Devices are divided into classes depending on power consumption. For a small pool, a power of 3.5 kW is sufficient. There is such a model. Its peculiarity is that the temperature of the “incoming” water is +18 degrees. There are also models with a power of 5, 7 kW, etc. Up to 18 kW.

  • safety and effectiveness;
  • Ideal for small frame and inflatable pools.
  • often require separate electrical wiring;
  • not suitable for large pools (low power, 35 m3 is unlikely to heat up);
  • impressive electricity bills. Even consumption of 3 kW per hour is quite expensive. It will take a long time to heat large volumes and this heating will be expensive;
  • the water must be of a certain quality (soft, salt impurities are minimal).

See the installation of a lock on a gate made of corrugated sheets.

Heat exchangers

Does not require electricity. They operate from a common heating system. This is a flask with a coil inside. Hot water flows into the coil from the heating system. And from the outside it is washed with water from the pool. The device is equipped with a circulation pump. It is regulated by a special valve, which is controlled by a thermostat. The required temperature is set on the thermostat by the owner, and then the automation will work.

Heat exchanger power is from 13 to 200 kW. Manufacturers offer vertical and horizontal models made of stainless steel and titanium. You should choose based on the volume of water that needs to be heated. Sometimes the use of several heat exchangers is justified.

On - how to heat the water in the pool with your own hands:

The water should be heated for the first time for 28 hours (the power of the heat exchanger should be at maximum) so that there is no instrument collapse.


  • the heat exchanger is easy to operate;
  • A device with high power is suitable for large pools.

Disadvantage: dependence on the heating system. To use the appliance in summer, when the house is not heated, the entire system must be designed so that the boiler can only heat the pool water.

Solar collectors

The water is heated by the sun. Solar systems are different. For swimming pools, selective rectangular panels that absorb the sun's rays are often used. Inside there is a coolant - water, when it heats up, the circulation pump is activated and it is supplied to the pool.

The photo shows how to heat water in a pool without electricity using a solar collector:

  • quick effect;
  • The device is easy to operate.

Cons: In cloudy weather, efficiency decreases.

Place the collector in a well-lit place: the sun's rays should hit it for several hours (4-5) a day!

Heat pumps

They work on the reverse principle of a refrigerator. The system takes heat from the environment (ground, reservoir, air). You can connect it to any electrical network. The pump is economical, consuming 1-1.25 kW, and produces up to 6 kW of heat. Due to its high cost, the device is not very popular yet.

  • works only in warm weather (from +5 degrees Celsius);
  • The device is expensive, and both the equipment and its installation are expensive. Using the system only to heat the water in the pool is not economically profitable. It will only be justified if the house is heated in this way.

Special coating

The special blanket is very easy and quite effective to use. A heat-saving coating is a film with bubbles (it can even be dark in color for greater heating). Usually it is cut out to the desired size and shape. The use is simple: the coating is laid on water. No additional fastenings are needed. You can cover the pool with film at night, then the water will not cool down too much. They also use it during the day: in a few hours the water will warm up by 3-4 degrees. The Intex floating pool cover is in demand.

Plus: the method is very economical.

Disadvantage: uneven heating of the water, the upper layers are warm, and below it remains cold. A filter pump can quickly mix it, or it will mix while vacationers are bathing.

And a couple more “folk” ways


A powerful boiler is also used to heat water. It is very dangerous!

Electric shock can be fatal!

In addition, there is a danger of damaging plastic or film tanks. Among the disadvantages are high energy costs. If you still decide to take a risk, follow the safety rules:

"Snail from a Hose"

It is known that you can heat water by increasing its surface. To do this, one end of a long hose (preferably black) is connected to the hole in the pool, and the other to the filter pump. It is advisable to secure the hose with clamps to avoid leaks. Then place it in the sun (it’s most convenient to lay it in circles, the shape resembles a snail). Water passing through the hose will heat up faster.

Methods for frame and inflatable

Water in frame tanks can be heated with an electric heater if the volume of water is small.

Very popular heating with solar panels. In specialized stores that sell equipment for swimming pools, there is a large selection of selective panels - their use is most justified. You can install them right next to the pool. For this purpose, a special support is provided that will provide the desired tilt.

Water for a small inflatable tank can be heated with an electric heater.

Of course, no one has canceled the “folk” methods (heat water in a hose or, at worst, use a boiler).

in the photo: how to quickly heat water in an inflatable pool with your own hands (folk method)

Maintain the water temperature using a special film, then you will need to spend less energy heating it!

Which method to choose depends on the size of the pool, the volume of water and how many degrees it needs to be heated. Based on the parameters of your pool, your preferences and capabilities, choose! Also read: Is it possible to pour copper sulfate into the pool? You can also use a complex pool water purifier. Instructions on how to use pool tablets can be found here. Also read. How to install a sand filter for a pool.