We sow radishes for winter use. When is it best to sow radishes in open ground? When to plant radishes in

Since the 12th century, radish, along with turnips and horseradish, has been one of the most popular crops in Russia, present on the table every day. This affection for radish is quite understandable: it is loved not only as food, but also as a powerful medicine, due to the presence of mineral salts, vitamins and microelements. And now a juicy and tasty vegetable can be bought without problems in any supermarket. However, it is much more interesting and not at all difficult to grow it yourself in the country. To make sure you can handle this task, check out our tips and tricks for proper planting and proper care of radishes in open ground.

Growing radishes (white, pink, green, black): sowing rules, care tips

In general, the rules for growing any radish are very similar; there are no fundamental differences in planting and caring for black, white or green (Margelan) radishes, except perhaps for the timing of their sowing, taste and beneficial properties.

Types and varieties

Planting dates: according to the lunar calendar, depending on the variety and region

The timing of sowing radishes in open ground is largely determined by the type of vegetable:

  • early small-fruited varieties can be sown already in March-April (if, of course, the weather permits. But in the middle zone, or rather even in the Moscow region, this will most likely not be possible), or in August, their ripening period is about 40-50 days;
  • early ripening (summer) - at the end of April - beginning of May, ripening period - 50-65 days;
  • late (or they are also called autumn or winter, black) - in early or mid-July, ripening period - 90-110 days.

Although it is equally important to take into account the climatic conditions of the region and current weather conditions. The optimal temperature conditions for seed germination are +20-25 degrees, but planting is also allowed at +15-20.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

If you want to choose a specific date for planting root crops, then the lunar calendar will always come to your aid.

Thus, the most favorable days for sowing radishes for seedlings or in open ground according to the lunar calendar in 2019 are:

  • in March – 10-12, 15-17, 23-25, 27-30;
  • in April – 2-9, 11-15, 24-27, 29, 30;
  • in May - 1-4, 12-14, 21-23;
  • in June - 9-11, 18-20;
  • in July - 25-31.

If we look at the lunar calendar, then you should know that it is even more important not to plant vegetables on unfavorable days, and this is in 2019:

  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17.

According to the lunar calendar from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

Video: radish - varieties, sowing dates and care

How to properly plant radishes in open ground

At the moment, quite a lot of varieties of this useful root vegetable have been bred, but black radish, due to its beneficial and medicinal properties, is of particular value.

Beneficial properties of root vegetables

Black radish is both a tasty and medicinal vegetable. If you have sand in your kidneys or liver, then with the help of radish you can significantly improve your condition. It also helps if you have a cold (such as a lingering wet cough), high cholesterol, and it also improves performance and stress resistance during a busy work schedule.

Note! You should not eat radish (any kind) if you have peptic ulcers, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, or heart disease.

Another advantage of planting black radish is its suitability for long-term storage.

Sowing time

The timing of planting black radish is in the middle of summer, and it is advisable to plant it from the 3rd decade of June to the 3rd decade of July.

If you plant it too early, then with long daylight hours it may go into flowers (it will begin to bolt and throw out flowering shoots) and subsequently not produce root crops. Therefore, in order to accurately wait for the vegetable to ripen, observe the timing of its sowing.

Preparing the bed: choosing a location and suitable soil

A good harvest of radish can only grow in the right area. It is optimal to find a place that receives sun most of the day.

As for the soil, radish grows best on fertile loamy soil, in other words, light humus soils with an acidity of 6-7 pH are suitable for it.

Preparing a bed for radishes is quite simple: you need to thoroughly dig up the soil (to a depth of 25-30 centimeters), add a couple of buckets of excellent compost, and then mix everything again and level the bed.

Next, you will need to make rows for sowing radish seeds. The seed sowing depth should be 1.5-2 centimeters. The distance between rows should be maintained at 20-40 centimeters. It is optimal to sow the seeds themselves at a distance of 10-15 centimeters, but if you want to get an even higher yield, then sow them closer to subsequently thin out and get rid of weak plants, leaving only the healthiest ones.

Many summer residents practice joint sowing of radish with, , , and even .

As a rule, they try to plant radishes after harvest. Also good predecessors there will be the following crops: , , , and .

Sowing seeds

Step-by-step instructions for sowing radishes in open ground:

Video: sowing black radish

Caring for radishes in open ground

Despite the fact that this vegetable is considered quite unpretentious, radish requires some care to obtain a rich and tasty harvest.

So, in the first time after sowing preferably maintain high humidity in the garden bed so that the shoots appear together. As a rule, this takes about 3-5 days, but even after germination, the bed should be kept moist for 1-2 weeks. There are two ways - either constant watering, or you can cover the bed with a film that will retain moisture.

A week later, after the emergence of seedlings, the bed should be first time thin out, leaving only the strongest seedlings.

Further care for radish is quite standard: on time water(if you forget about watering, the root vegetables will grow small and bitter and will not be suitable for food), without allowing the soil to dry out, at least once a week, loosen and weed.

By the way! To reduce the number of waterings, loosening and weeding, you can mulch the beds with peat or humus.

Also, during the summer you need to ensure that the seedlings do not hinder each other’s development. If you notice that the plantings are thickened, you should another thinning, otherwise the root crops simply will not be able to ripen normally and will turn out small.

As for fertilizing radish, it should be fertilized at least 2 times during the season. The first time is when 3-4 leaves appear (nitrogen fertilizing), the second time is a month after the first, when the root crop begins to actively grow.

As a fertilizer, it is optimal to use herbal infusions, birch tar (protection from pests), ammonia (nitrogen). Ammonium nitrate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) is also suitable for nitrogen fertilizing.

Advice! It is very good to combine fertilizing with watering.

Diseases and pests

Black (cruciferous) flea beetles are very fond of young radish seedlings, therefore, as measures to combat these insect pests, the crops should be treated, or more precisely, dusted with tobacco dust or.

Harvesting radish for storage

If you want to store black radish for a long time, then you need to harvest and prepare it for storage according to certain rules. So, it must be collected on time in most cases before the end of October and always before the onset of frost. You need to pull out the vegetable by digging lightly with a shovel. Next, you should get rid of the tops, but if you are determined to store the radish for a long time (for example, all winter), then you should leave 1-2 centimeters of the tops.

Important! If you are storing this root vegetable for long winter storage, then you cannot wash it, just shake off the dirt and that’s it, otherwise it will rot.

It is optimal to place dry root vegetables in boxes with wet sand and remove in the basement or cellar for long-term storage.

You can also store radishes in refrigerator. In this case, the tops need to be cut off completely, washed thoroughly, and then also shortened the tail, leaving 4-5 centimeters. Next, the root vegetables should be treated in a slightly green solution of brilliant green, immersed in it for 1-2 minutes. When the vegetables are dry, put them in bags and put them in the refrigerator.

Video: black radish - from sowing to harvest

Thus, even a novice gardener can grow radishes (no matter what variety, white, Margelan or black). You just need to choose the optimal timing, properly prepare the soil and sow the seeds, and then provide high-quality care for the root crop until it is fully ripened.

In contact with

As you know, spring is a busy time for gardeners, because with the arrival of the first warmth, they begin seasonal work related to planting garden crops. However, there are vegetables whose sowing time occurs only in summer, and the most famous of them is radish. Of course, you can plant it in the spring, but only if the harvest is planned to be stored until winter, and not eaten in the near future, it is better to delay planting.

When to sow?

Radish is a cold-resistant crop with short daylight hours; it requires moderate lighting for active growth and ripening. If there is too much sun and it shines for a long time, the root crop will go into arrows, and a good harvest will not be possible. Summer varieties intended for human consumption can be sown at the end of April. But in order for the vegetable to be stored for a long time, sowing the seeds must be postponed until July.

The optimal time for sowing late and mid-season varieties of radish is the first ten days of July. Fast maturing varieties can be sown at the end of the month.

Where to sow?

If possible, it is better to allocate a separate area in the garden for radish, which is not shaded by trees. In the spring, before digging, scatter compost and peat, or ash with nitrophoska over it.

Radish does not tolerate acidic soil, it grows poorly in it, often gets sick, and the crop is not stored. If the site is highly acidic, it is necessary to add lime to the soil in the fall.

In a small garden you can plant it between potatoes, onions or tomatoes, but only if other cruciferous plants have not previously grown in this area.

How to sow?

Before you start sowing, the seeds must be soaked in a saline solution (1 tablespoon of salt for 1 cup of water), then select the largest ones and pour them with a pink potassium permanganate solution for a couple of hours to prevent diseases.

Make grooves on the site with a row spacing of at least 30 cm. Place the prepared seeds in the grooves, leaving about 15 cm between them.

Experienced gardeners advise placing seeds in nests, 2-3 seeds per nest, and after they sprout, remove weak shoots.

If the soil was not moist enough during sowing, the seed trenches should be watered generously. Sprinkle soil on top and compact slightly. You should not plant the seeds deeper than 2.5 cm, otherwise they will take a long time and be difficult to germinate. To prevent moisture from evaporating from the beds too quickly, spread mulch.

Video about how and when to sow radishes for storage

Black winter radish is a round root crop with a diameter of 8-12 cm, with thin black skin and white, soft, tender and very juicy pulp. The weight of one unit can reach 500 g. But many gardeners like fruits weighing 250-300 g, and that’s what they grow. This variety has good taste and differs from others in its excellent keeping quality (it is stored well and for quite a long time).

Black round radish is especially suitable for use in winter and spring to enrich the diet with vitamins and minerals. The vegetable is consumed raw and processed.

According to folk recipes, it is used to prevent and treat colds, it will help with urolithiasis, for a choleretic effect, accelerates the healing of purulent wounds, and treats cough.

Planting rules: choosing a place, time, taking into account crop rotation, soil preparation

Radish is an unpretentious vegetable to grow and is not particularly demanding on the composition of the soil. Fertile neutral or slightly acidic soil, the layers of which are deeply cultivated, is suitable for growing radish.

Winter round black radish

Radish does not like shade, choose a well-lit part of the garden. You can sow it in place of harvested early crops. When choosing a place to plant radishes, take into account crop rotation, or rather, predecessors. You will get a good harvest if you plant winter radish in the place where potatoes, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots previously grew. It is not recommended to choose a place after cruciferous vegetables (turnips, radishes, rutabaga). After all, they have the same pests as radishes, for example, the cruciferous flea beetle, the larvae of which can survive in the soil and then infect new plants.

Threat to radish: cabbage leaf beetle, cabbage aphid, flea beetle, cabbage fly, slugs, rapeseed flower beetle.

And here is how black radish is planted in all details, indicated

If it turns out that crop rotation was not taken into account and the root crop was planted in an unfavorable place, then be prepared to treat the seedlings with insecticides. They practice sowing radishes between rows of potatoes or onions, as well as between cucumber bushes.

You may also be interested in information about how

The video shows a description of the radish variety6

Sowing and care

Seeds are sown in furrows, maintaining a distance between rows of 30-40 cm, per 1 m there should be a consumption of 0.5 g of seeds, a sufficient depth of 1-2 cm. When sowing, the soil should be moist, so it is not recommended to use it, since the seeds are planted after rain or additionally water the ground. You also need to provide moist soil until the seeds sprout; it is worth watering in the future at least once a week.

When the radish sprouts and 2-3 leaves appear, the seedlings are thinned out. After three weeks, it’s worth thinning them out again so that there is a distance of 12-15 cm between the plants. Then the fruits will grow large and regular in shape. When they grow denser, the roots will be small, or, worse, the plant will go into a flower shoot. If it is present, the root crop does not form, so the arrows must be removed immediately during thinning. The rows are weeded and loosened. Remember about feeding.

But when to plant Margelan radish in the Urals, and what you should pay attention to when planting, it is indicated

An excellent fertilizer for radish has the following composition:

  • urea – 20 g; Here's how it's used
  • superphosphate – 60 g;
  • potassium chloride – 15 g;
  • water – 10 l.

It is enough to feed the root crops twice: when the seedlings have 3-4 leaves, and the second time – a month after the first feeding.

It is important to ensure regular watering; radish is a moisture-loving crop and in a drought you should not hope for a good harvest.

It happens that good root crops are stored for storage, but after some time brown areas form inside them. This means that the radish was affected by an infection - vascular bacteriosis. The disease spreads in warm, moist environments and is transmitted by seeds.

Therefore, before sowing, preventive measures should be taken: warm the seeds in the sun. Recommended temperature – 45C, warming time – 30 minutes. It is also important to adhere to proper crop rotation.

To increase the juiciness of the radish, the root crops are slightly rocked during growth. In this case, the roots extending to the sides are cut off, but the central tap root is preserved, through which the vegetable feeds.

It will also be useful to know what types of

Radish is one of the favorite garden crops in our country. The vegetable has a unique nutritional value and at the same time extreme unpretentiousness. Radish can be grown both in the south of the country and in its northernmost regions.

The root vegetable is used to prepare tasty and healthy salads, and is also widely used in folk medicine. Growing radishes is not difficult - we will tell you in detail about this process in the article. We will consider all stages of cultivating root crops in open ground - from planting to harvesting.


Radish is a vegetable rare in its nutritional qualities. The rich content of vitamins and minerals in the fruits of this plant allows us to consider radish not only a food product, but also a real medicine. Let us note that today there are a lot of varieties of this cruciferous plant: you can choose either black radish, traditional for Russian culture, or try to grow a rare hybrid variety.

Interestingly, depending on the variety, the color of the root peel can be black, white, pink, green, purple and even yellow.

In the vast majority of cases, the pulp is always white, only in Margelan radish it is sometimes pink.

But this will help you understand what round black winter radish looks like, and how to plant it correctly in the garden.

Landing dates

As already mentioned, radish can be grown even in the northern regions, so we can rightfully classify this crop as cold-resistant. Note that seeds can germinate already at a temperature of +3-5 degrees, and seedlings that have already appeared can easily survive a sudden drop in temperature to +3-4 degrees.

In addition, even night return frosts, which often occur in the northern regions, will be survived by young seedlings quite safely.

Therefore, you can plant radish seeds in open ground as soon as the soil warms up to a temperature of +3-5 degrees, and of course, you must wait until the snow melts.

Early varieties of the crop are usually planted in late April-early May. These varieties of radish are the most cold-resistant, so they are not afraid of return frosts. Mid-season varieties are placed in the ground in May.

Let us note that the most comfortable air temperature for the plant is +18-20 degrees: therefore, of course, you can plant the seeds early, but you must count on the fact that within a week and a half after planting the air temperature will reach the indicated mark.

It will also be useful to know how large the fruits of a given variety are.

Video shows when to plant radishes in open ground:

Requirements for soil and planting site

Note that this plant is unpretentious to the soil and can grow safely even in not very fertile soil. However, it is still necessary to create some conditions for radishes - if, of course, you are counting on a really good harvest.

It is desirable that the soil contains enough humus - the future harvest, as well as the taste of root crops, largely depends on this fact. The culture feels best in sandy and loamy soils.

Soil moisture should be moderate, without drying out. Neutral acidity is desirable, but a slightly acidic soil reaction is also acceptable. If the soil has a pronounced acidic reaction, it must first be limed.

As for predecessor crops, it is advisable not to plant radishes after cruciferous vegetables, as well as carrots and horseradish. Radish will grow well after lettuce, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes and legumes. Peas and all representatives of the pumpkin family are suitable as neighbors for radishes. But is it possible to plant pumpkin and squash next to each other, and how to do it?

Preparing the bed

Radish seeds, as with, should be added to previously prepared soil. This preparation must begin in the fall. The bed intended for planting must be dug up (usually to a depth of 35 cm), and all debris and weeds must be removed along the way.

The soil must be made fertile. To do this, add a bucket of humus or compost per 1 m2, as well as a glass of wood ash.

All applied fertilizers must be thoroughly mixed with the soil, and in this form the bed should be left alone until spring.

If you plan to plant radishes in a bed where organic fertilizers were already applied a year or two ago, then you should no longer apply them during preparation. You can get by with minerals alone - this will improve the taste of root vegetables and make them juicier. As mineral fertilizers, take superphosphate (30-40 g) and ammonium nitrate (25-30 g). It will also be useful to learn how to prepare the soil for planting

Planting in open ground

Before seeds are placed in the ground, they must first be inspected and sorted. Choose the largest seeds for planting, discard deformed, weak, and small ones. A large radish seed is considered to be one that reaches 2 mm in diameter.

Selected seeds must be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for a day. This procedure will harden and strengthen the seeds, and also remove fungal spores, diseases, and pest eggs from their surface. After disinfection, the seeds must be dried on paper or cloth, and then only planted.

Before planting, the bed is loosened, furrows 2-3 cm deep are made. The distance between the furrows is 25-30 cm. If the variety involves small fruits, then a smaller distance can be left between the rows - 15-20 cm. But how to treat the bed before planting, and how to do it correctly, you can find out by reading the contents

In the video, planting radishes in open ground:

The seeds are laid out in the furrows (or holes) 3-4 at a time: the distance between the piles is 8 cm. After this, the seeds are sprinkled with earth and watered. When the seedlings appear and have a pair of true leaves, the plants are thinned out, leaving the strongest and most robust specimens.

How to care

Let's look at the main points for caring for radishes growing in open ground.


If an early ripening radish is planted in the garden bed, water it once a week. Mid-season and late varieties need much less frequent watering - three to four procedures per season.

Note that with each watering, at least a bucket of water (10-12 liters) must be poured onto 1 m2 of beds.

Regular and sufficient soil moisture is the key to ensuring that the fruits grow juicy and tasty. From a lack of moisture, the radish becomes hard and hollow. It is recommended to mulch the soil in the garden bed after watering. This measure will help retain moisture at the roots longer and also protect the bed from weeds.


As mentioned above, radishes are planted with several seeds in one hole, so seedlings require mandatory thinning. This makes sense, since as a result of the procedure, only the most viable and strong plants remain in the garden bed.

Thinning is carried out three times: the first time after the sprouts have a pair of leaves, the second time after 3-4 weeks, and the third time when the diameter of the root crop reaches about half a centimeter


Typically, radishes are fed twice during the growing season. The first time this happens is when the first leaves unfold at the seedlings, and the second time - a week after the first. However, if during the process of ripening the root crops it turns out that the plant does not have enough minerals (usually the leaves wither), it is recommended to feed the radish additionally.

Early varieties are fed only with nitrogen compounds, while mid-season and late varieties are fed with complexes containing phosphorus, calcium and nitrogen. It is recommended to use ammonium or sodium nitrate (0.2%) as nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

But how to prepare chicken manure for feeding and what results can be achieved by using the product is indicated

  • And for all other additives, fertilizers such as:
  • superphosphate – 60 g;
  • calcium chloride - 15 g;

urea - 20 gr.

These volumes are calculated for a bucket of water and 20 m2 of soil. Three weeks before harvesting, all fertilizing should be stopped.


It is important to harvest before frost hits. A frozen root vegetable loses its keeping quality, quickly rots, and in addition, its taste loses its piquancy and sharpness.

Before placing root vegetables in boxes for long-term storage, inspect them carefully. It is important that the radish fruits do not have damage, defects, or begin to rot. Otherwise, the entire crop in a particular box may quickly deteriorate.

In general, radish is a disease-resistant vegetable, however, it can also be affected by viruses and fungi. Let's consider what misfortunes most often threaten this culture.


This is a fungal disease that leads to the formation of growths on the radish roots that rot over time. Those plants that are affected by this disease are greatly behind in growth compared to their counterparts, and then disappear completely.

The disease cannot be treated; the affected plant must be dug up and burned.

Powdery mildew

This disease appears as a grayish coating on radish leaves. Over time, the coating becomes darker, and then the leaves completely dry out and wither. Plants affected by the disease lag behind in development. It is necessary to combat the disease immediately at its first symptoms, carefully removing the affected leaves and spraying the plants with appropriate preparations.

Powdery mildew

In addition to the above, felt disease, leaf mosaic and some other diseases are also dangerous for radish. As for insects, the greatest danger in this case is the cruciferous flea beetle. Also know that all pests of cruciferous crops can also threaten radishes. But you can see what powdery mildew looks like on gooseberries in this

We learned how to plant and grow radish in open ground. As you can see, this crop is not very picky, so it can be safely grown even in northern conditions. After reading the article, you will be able to care for the plant more professionally, and as a result, get a more abundant harvest of strong, tasty root vegetables.

Radish is one of my favorite vegetables. I like the root vegetable for its special taste in salads, as well as its medicinal properties for coughs. It is important for a summer resident to know how and when to plant radishes in the garden.

After all, sowing in my garden earlier or later than expected led to the formation of a trunk and flowering of the crop. It was so that not a single root crop was formed.

Analysis of errors and thorough study allowed me to develop a landing algorithm. Let my bitter but invaluable experience help you grow a decent harvest of black radish.

There are different types and varieties of radish. There are early varieties that are planted in the spring. After 40-45 days, small fruits ripen, which are rich in vitamins and minerals. But at this time, radishes are also pleased with the harvest, and early radishes fade into the background.

Summer varieties bear fruit 2 months after sowing. Plant seeds in open ground without fear of frost.

I prefer the winter variety. It is called “Winter Black Radish”. Breeders have also developed other varieties:

  • Round black radish of medium ripeness. The fruits are dug up 80 days after planting. The variety is famous for its high yield of 7.5 kilograms per square meter. Well kept. The root crop can reach a weight of up to 500 grams. It has a black velvety peel, white juicy pulp with a pronounced, pungent taste.
  • Winter long black radish is distinguished by its unique fruit shape. The sharp taste of the pulp will not disappoint. The fruit will remain juicy throughout storage for 3-4 months.
  • Radish lovers do not mind learning about an unusual green fruit - this is Margelan radish, or as it is popularly called Chinese radish. Its skin is more tender than the black one, but its taste is distinguished by the absence of bitterness. There are fewer useful substances in the green representative of Cruciferous vegetables, but they are still there.

Radish planting dates

Varieties differ not only in ripening time, but also in time. It is important to know how and when to sow them in open ground. I plant a popular variety of winter vegetable in mid-summer.

The optimal planting time in the Moscow region is the first days of July. I check the exact day with the lunar calendar. The root crop grows in conditions of decreasing daylight hours and ripens in September.

If we talk about the northern regions of our country, where there is severe cold in winter. then in Siberia and the Urals they sow in the second half of June. In short summer conditions, summer residents have to build a greenhouse to allow the root crops to ripen.

Important! Planting seeds in early June can cause the plant to form a trunk and flower. You won't wait for the harvest!

Planting black radish

Place and land for growing vegetables

I usually plant black radish in a lighted place. To improve soil fertility, 2 weeks before sowing, I dig up the soil and add humus, as well as mineral complex fertilizer.

Sowing seeds

I take humate or another growth stimulant, dissolve it in water and soak the seeds. After a day, the seed is ready for planting. Pre-sowing treatment improves the immunity of the future plant. Experts have noticed that the percentage of plants that have formed an arrow is decreasing.

In the garden bed I make two parallel furrows at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other. Then on each I plant the seeds in the ground every 7-8 centimeters. Such forethought and freedom will help the root crops to develop fully and not interfere with each other. And also there is no need to thin out the crops later.

I water the bed in advance with warm and settled water. The soil must be well moistened with water to give rise to new life.

Planting care

For the first two weeks in hot weather, I always water the garden bed. At the beginning of July there is usually no rain and it is up to the owner to create conditions for the emergence of seedlings.

This video will complement your knowledge of growing black radish:

Pest Control

The main enemy of representatives of the Cruciferous family is the flea beetle. Usually it does not cause significant damage to plantings. But with strong humidity and heat, harmful insects increase their population and significantly damage the green mass of the vegetable crop.

Cruciferous flea beetle larvae lay in root crops, but more often spoil the harvest of radishes and cabbage. Black radish is protected by a thick skin, but crop yields can be significantly reduced if the plant's leaves are damaged.

As a preventative measure, I water the plantings with a solution of green fertilizer, which has a specific odor and repels insects.

Another effective way is to pollinate plantings with wood ash. I take fresh powder and treat the plants in the evening.

Note! It is better not to do the procedure in the morning, as there is a danger of the plants getting their leaves burned in sunny weather, and the bush will not feel comfortable.

A necessary agrotechnical technique is loosening the soil between the rows. Radish grows well in fertile soil enriched with oxygen.

In the future, I follow the following growing rules:

  • When sowing frequently, I thin out the seedlings.
  • I water it often, because this is the key to the formation of juicy fruits.
  • I feed it with ash. Light pollination prevents the attack of the cruciferous flea beetle, and potassium in the composition of natural organic fertilizer is necessary for the full development of the vegetable.
  • To improve sugar content and taste, I pamper my green plants with mineral fertilizer with microelements.


Black radish roots are harvested as they ripen from August. The rest of the harvest is in September or October before frost sets in.

Radish in the human diet

The root vegetable is a unique vegetable due to the content of vitamins, organic acids, essential oils, proteins, and amino acids. It has earned recognition, first of all, for its set of phytoncides - compounds that suppress and kill harmful microorganisms. Black radish is a natural antibiotic.

Eating vegetable salads in humans helps to increase immunity, improves metabolism, and removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body. All that remains is to “register” black winter radish in your garden. With a minimum of care, she will delight you with a good harvest.