Synthetic analysis of the sentence the night is short. Syntactic analysis of a simple sentence. Example of parsing a sentence

Parsing a sentence is the most frequently asked task from school, which some people fail to do. Today I will tell you how to outwit your teacher and do everything right.

Today I will give you the TOP 5 services that will help you analyze a sentence into parts of speech.

All of them can perform some kind of parsing of sentences or words. Each of them has some pros and cons.

These services will be specialized for both Russian and English languages.

And let me tell you, they don't work great per se, but they will help you get most of your job done.


In the tables above, I have listed the best of the best services that can help you with your sentence parsing assignments.

If you have read the table, I propose to start analyzing each of the services and we will start from the very last line of our list and gradually reach the leader of our TOP.

Service name Service language Word/sentence Link
GoldLit Russian Offer Russian Word
Morphology online Russian Word
Delph-in English Offer
Lexis Res English Offer

№5 Lexis Res

Using this link you can get to this service and evaluate its work yourself:

What kind of site is this? For people who study English, this is just a treasure. This page allows you to analyze English text. It can be used by a person with any level of knowledge.

This is a service that allows you to parse a sentence completely in English language. Sentences can be simple, complex, compound or complex.

In addition to the fact that the site does this analysis of any type of sentence, it also explains each word by meaning. That is, if you do not know the exact meaning of a word, then this resource is perfect for you.

You just need to write the text you need in the field or click the “Random sentences” button, and then click the “Analyze” button, and then you will receive a detailed analysis of each word in the sentence: an explanation of the meaning of the word, Part of speech.

What advantages does this site have over others? First of all, the service is very easy to use; you won’t need to spend a lot of time to understand what’s what.

Secondly, the site has a huge database that allows you to parse text of any complexity and topic.

In addition, the site has enormous functionality; it will be useful in many other ways for people who are studying English.

  • easy to use website;
  • There are practically no advertisements that would distract;
  • simple site interface;
  • huge functionality;
  • very good parsing.


  • If you do not have a satisfactory level of knowledge of the English language, it will be a little difficult to read all the explanations on the site;
  • words during parsing are not underlined by parts of speech lines;
  • there is no adaptation of the site to the Russian language.

As you can see, the ratio of pros and cons allows us to call this site good, but not great, which is why it is in fifth place.

№4 Delph-in

In fourth place is a service called “Delph-in".

You can try it out using this link: This site is a real monster for people who are learning English. This service allows you to have online access to LinGO English Resource Grammar (ERG).

The grammar development platform Linguistic Knowledge Builder is used here.

This interface allows you to enter a single sentence using the ERG system and visualize the results of the analysis in various forms.

I will say right away that the site is suitable for those who are quite experienced in the English language, but this site is simply magnificent and necessary for such people.

What advantages does this service have? First of all, this site has a better degree of analysis of the proposal according to the method that is used at the University of Oslo, and to be precise, the Language Technology Group.

The European sentence parsing system is used here. In addition to using this method, this site shows different ways sentence parsing, which makes parsing more flexible and convenient.

Now we will look at both the pros and cons of this service.


  • very flexible sentence parsing system;
  • you can write proposals on a variety of topics;
  • an unlimited number of characters can be used in a sentence.


  • the first of them is that the service is quite complex for people with low and intermediate levels of English to use;
  • To understand how the service works and disassemble it in order to understand what’s what, you need to devote several hours to the site.

We have familiarized ourselves with the fourth position and now we will move on to the third place of our TOP.

№3 MorphologyOnline

This site is ideal for those who need to qualitatively parse a sentence step by step, word by word, so as not to make mistakes and correctly select each part of speech for each word in the sentence being analyzed.

The service is also useful because it has a very broad description of each searched word.

What advantages does this service have? Let's look at them.

The first thing is that it is very easy to use. Its interface does not have any distracting elements, which will allow you to fully concentrate on the written information.

In addition to the fact that the service indicates the part of speech of a word, it also describes a morphological analysis, which makes the analysis of the word deeper and more thorough.

This will help you never make a mistake in parsing your sentence. Also, if you want to familiarize yourself with the parts of speech in detail, you can find information on this site, which is very conveniently and clearly explained.

Now let’s look at the service from both sides and see both the pros and cons. Let's start with the positive side.


  • very simple - even the youngest user can handle it;
  • there are no annoying advertisements, which makes using the service comfortable;
  • deep Scan;
  • a huge amount of information for independent syntactic parsing of a sentence.


  • this service can only analyze one word at a time, which makes the whole process slow;
  • this site is more focused on morphological analysis of words, but it also does syntactic analysis well;
  • There are no other tools available, which makes the site narrow for use in different areas.

It is because of these pros and cons that the service takes only third place. Now it's time for second place.

No. 2 ""

Why is this service in 4th place? This site allows you to analyze one word at a time across all Russian dictionaries, which not only indicate the part of speech, but also explain the meaning of the searched word, synonyms, antonyms, and various forms.

Here you can even find the correct stress for any Russian word.

In addition to this service for a complete analysis of the word, there is a lot of materials on learning the Russian language, for example: a wide variety of dictionaries, magazines, alphabet books, books, tutors, and various useful links.

Therefore, if you want to fully analyze a word or increase your level of knowledge of the Russian language, you can safely use this resource.

Let's take a closer look at the advantages of the site. First of all, it has a very nice interface, everything is clear, you don’t need to search for anything. Everything you need can be immediately seen on the monitor display. The site itself has no advertising.

The entire design of the site is made in simple colors, that is, your eyes will not get so tired from reading this site for a long time.

Absolutely anyone can use this service: from first class to the elderly.

Since I have described all the possible advantages in great detail, you can now make a whole short list and also add the negative aspects to see the full picture.

Why did this service take first place in our TOP? First of all, the site can parse a sentence, regardless of the number of characters and words.

The analysis on the site is very convenient. The service was created specifically for parsing sentences.

This site has a number of advantages. As mentioned, the site can analyze entire sentences, and not just words.

Syntactic analysis is carried out very conveniently: first, the initial forms of the word are written, then the parts of speech, then comes the grammatical analysis, and then the declension by case.

Of all the TOP, this service has the most convenient and eye-pleasing interface.

In addition to these advantages, the site also has sections with various literature from different periods, various poetry, both Russian and foreign. The site has information about many poets, many conveniently written biographies. All this will also help you study various literature if you need it.

But despite all these advantages, the site also has some disadvantages. We will talk about them after we have identified all the advantages.


  • performs a complete analysis of the sentence, regardless of the topic, number of words and characters;
  • a minimal amount of advertising, but even this does not interfere with the use of the site;
  • very easy to learn;
  • a lot of information on the literature;
  • great interface and good colors.


  • absolute lack of materials on the Russian language;
  • the site is geared more towards literature, but still has a tool for parsing sentences.

Bottom line

Let's sum it up. After analyzing the entire TOP, you can understand that if you need a site for parsing sentences in Russian, I recommend you use the “Goldlit” resource.

Simplicity of the site, excellent analysis of the proposal, many interesting materials– these are the key factors that influenced the site’s placement in our top.

He is the absolute leader in our TOP and the best online service on the syntactic parsing of sentences in Russian on Russian Internet networks.

This is a resource that will help you not only complete homework, but also familiarize yourself with various literature. Use the Goldlit service.

The order of parsing a simple sentence

1. Determine the type of offer according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, incentive, interrogative).
2. Determine the type of offer by emotional coloring (exclamation, non-exclamation).
3. Find the grammatical basis of a sentence and prove that it is simple.
4. Determine the type of sentence by structure:
A) two-part or one-part(definitely personal, indefinitely personal, generalized personal, impersonal, nominal);
b) widespread or not widespread;
V) complete or incomplete(indicate which part of the sentence is missing);
d) complicated (indicate how it is complicated: homogeneous members, isolated members, appeal, introductory words).
5. Parse the proposal by members and indicate how they are expressed(first, the subject and predicate are analyzed, then the secondary members related to them).
6. Draw up a sentence diagram and explain punctuation marks.

1) My fire is shining in the fog(A.K. Tolstoy).
The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, two-part, widespread, complete, uncomplicated. Grammar basis - the fire is shining my expressed by a possessive pronoun. The predicate refers to the adverb of place in the fog expressed by a noun in the prepositional case with a preposition V.
Proposal outline. At the end of this declarative sentence there is a period.
2) At the end of January, surrounded by the first thaw, the cherry orchards smell good(Sholokhov).
The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, two-part, widespread, complete, complicated by a separate agreed definition, expressed by a participial phrase. Grammar basis - the gardens smell. The subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb, expressed by a verb in the indicative mood. The subject includes an agreed definition cherry expressed as an adjective. The predicate refers to the circumstance of time in the end of January, expressed by the phrase (noun + noun) in the prepositional case with a preposition V, and the circumstance of the course of action Fine expressed by an adverb.
Sentence scheme [,]. At the end of this declarative sentence there is a period; commas in the sentence highlight the participial phrase, which, although it stands before the word being defined, is isolated because it is separated from it in the sentence by other words.

Parsing a simple sentence

A simple sentence can be parsed as follows:

    Underline the parts of the sentence.

    Indicate the type of predicate(s): ASG, SGS, SIS.

    Make a descriptive analysis according to the following scheme:

    1. According to the purpose of the statement:

      - narrative,

      - interrogative,

      - motivating.

      By intonation:

      - non-exclamatory

      - exclamation point.

      In terms of the number of grammatical bases - simple,

      By the presence of one or both main members:

      1) two-part.

      2) one-piece. With the main dick

      a) subject - nominative;

      b) predicate:

      - definitely personal

      - vaguely personal,

      - generalized-personal,

      - impersonal.

      By the presence of minor members:

      - common,

      - not widespread.

      By the presence of missing members:

      - complete,

      - incomplete (indicate which member(s) of the sentence is/are missing).

      According to the presence of complicating members:

      1) uncomplicated,

      2) complicated:

      - homogeneous members of the sentence;

      - isolated members of the sentence;

      - introductory words, introductory and plug-in structures,

      - direct speech;

      - appeal.

Here is an example of parsing a simple sentence.

Sample parsing a simple sentence:

Doorman, came out at that moment from the door of the restaurant hanger into the yard to smoke, trampled on the cigarette and moved toward the ghost with the obvious goal of blocking his access to the restaurant, but for some reason he didn’t do this and stopped, smiling stupidly (M. A. Bulgakov).

Many PC users may need to parse a sentence. This may be caused by classes in the standard school curriculum, studying philology and linguistics at the university, or other related purposes related to the syntactic analysis of verbal structures. At the same time, parsing itself presupposes the possession of the necessary knowledge base, therefore a number of users may need to somehow facilitate this process, in particular, by using auxiliary online resources. In this material I will tell you how to parse a sentence online, and what resources will help us with this.

Basics of Sentence Parsing

As is known, classical syntactic analysis of a sentence is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Determining the purpose of uttering a sentence (narrative, incentive, interrogative);
  2. Determining the emotional coloring of a sentence (exclamatory - non-exclamatory);
  3. Determining the number of grammatical stems in a sentence (one stem is a simple sentence, two or more stems is a complex sentence);

If the sentence is simple, then it is also necessary to decide whether it is one-part or two-part, common or not, complicated or not, what parts of speech are expressed by the members of the sentence, and draw up a diagram of the sentence.

If complex sentence, then it is necessary to determine the conjunction or non-conjunction connection, the method of connection (intonation, subordinating, coordinating), determine the type of complex sentence (non-conjunctive, complex, complex) and so on.

Parsing sentences online - implementation features

The abundance of syntactic parameters and the richness of sentence composition options make parsing using robotic systems quite complex. Therefore, there are a fairly small number of resources on the Internet that perform syntactic or related analysis of sentences (texts). Below I will describe a number of such resources and tell you how to use them. - a resource that allows you to perform text analysis

The resource is one of the most famous resources of this kind. The capabilities of this site, according to the developers, allow for morphological and syntactic analysis of text online, as a result of which the user receives statistics about the existing text.

To work with this resource, follow the link provided, paste the text into the window, enter the control number at the bottom, and click on “Analyze”.

Advego - semantic text analysis

The popular content exchange "Advego" boasts a built-in tool for semantic text analysis, which can also be useful in parsing. This tool determines the total number of words used, the number of significant and unique words, the amount of “water”, and so on.

To work with the resource, you must register. Then go to the “SEO text analysis” tab at the top, on the page that opens, insert the required text into a special window, and click on “Check”.

Semantic analysis tool on Advego


The resource is a powerful linguistic tool that allows you to perform syntactic analysis of various English sentences using tools such as Linguistic Knowledge Builder, PET System parser, Answer Constraint Engine generator, and others.

To work with this service, go to the resource, insert your English-language sentence into a special line, and click on the “Analyze” button on the right. The system will process the proposal and give you the result.


The corresponding philological and linguistic forums can help you parse a sentence online (in particular, use the help of specialists on the forums to parse a sentence


Carrying out syntactic parsing of a sentence presupposes possession of the appropriate knowledge base, without which such parsing would simply be impossible. At the same time, the resources available on the network on this topic are quite scarce, and due to a number of conceptual reasons they cannot carry out a full syntactic analysis of the sentence (this is especially true for Russian-language resources). Therefore, in this regard, I recommend either replenishing your knowledge base, or turning to philologist forums for help - they will definitely help you with the necessary syntactic analysis.


Offer - this is a word or group of words that are related in meaning; from one word to another you can pose a question. A sentence expresses a complete thought.

The first word in a sentence is written with a capital letter, and a period, exclamation or question mark is placed at the end of the sentence.

Every sentence is spoken for a purpose.

According to the purpose of making sentences, there are : narrative, interrogative. incentive.

Declarative sentence - this is a sentence in which something is reported (narrated).

Interrogative sentence is a sentence in which something is asked.

Incentive offer - this is a sentence in which they encourage action, advise or ask to do something.

By intonation there are offers exclamation and non-exclamation.

Exclamatory sentence is a sentence that is pronounced with strong feeling. An exclamation point (!) is placed at the end of an exclamatory sentence.

Non-exclamatory sentence is a sentence that is pronounced calmly, without strong feeling. A period (.) or a question mark (?) is placed at the end of a non-exclamatory sentence.

The offer includes main And minor members.

Main members of the proposal - this is the subject and the predicate.

Subject - this is the main member of the sentence, which names what or whom the sentence is about. The subject answers the question who? or what? The subject is emphasized by one line.

Predicate - this is the main member of the sentence, which denotes what is said about the subject, names what the subject does. The predicate answers one of the questions: what does it do? what are they doing? what will it do? What did you do? what will he do? The predicate is emphasized by two features.

Members of the sentence


Examples Information
Subject - the main member of the sentence, which names the one who acts, experiences some state, or has a certain characteristic.
Answers the questions:
Who? What?
Predicate - the main member of a sentence that names the action, state or attribute of the subject.

Answers the questions:
What is he doing? What? What's happened? Who it?

The subject and predicate are the basis of the sentence.


Examples Information
Addition- a minor member of a sentence that denotes an object.

Answers questions about indirect cases.

Definition- a minor member of a sentence that denotes a feature of an object.

Answers the questions:
Which? Whose?

Circumstance- a minor member of a sentence that denotes time, place, method of action.

Answers the questions:
Where? When? Where? Where?
Why? For what? And How?


1. Role in language Expresses a thought that is complete in meaning and intonation.
3. Types of sentences according to the number of grammatical bases Simple - one stem, complex - two or more grammatical stems.
4. Types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement Narrative (contains a message); interrogative (contains a question); incentive (inducement to action).
5. Types of sentences by intonation An exclamation, in which a thought is accompanied by a strong feeling, and a non-exclamation.
6. Types of proposals for the presence or absence of secondary members Common (besides the main members, there are also secondary ones) and non-common (consist only of the grammatical basis).
7. Types of proposals by complexity May be complicated by appeals, homogeneous members

Parsing a sentence

Sentence parsing is a detailed analysis of a sentence, divided into several components. Thanks to this method, students will test their knowledge of the syntax of the Russian language. IN educational institutions Parsing is the last chapter in the syntax section because it provides an opportunity to use previously acquired knowledge in a comprehensive manner.

How to parse a proposal

Syntactic analysis is a logical and step-by-step process. They use it at school two types of parsing: oral and written. Their difference lies in the fact that in written language the parts of speech are marked schematically, while in oral language they are spoken out.

Step by step analysis:

  1. Determine what purpose carries a proposal. If the author is trying to tell something - narrative, ask - interrogative, induce some action - incentive.
  2. Emotional color in writing is expressed by the presence of an exclamation mark. If you see an exclamation mark at the end, then the sentence is exclamatory. If it is not there, it is non-exclamatory.
  3. Count the number grammatical basics. One grammatical basis is simple, several are complex.
  4. Describe The connection between the parts of the sentence is union or non-union.
  5. Determine how the parts communicate with each other: conjunctions (subordinating or coordinating) or intonation (punctuation marks).
  6. Depending on the alliances describe the type: compound, complex or non-union.
  7. Analyze each part for the following parameters: the presence of main and minor members, the search for complicating factors (homogeneous members, introductory constructions, interjections, appeals).
  8. Make a diagram sentences, graphically highlighting the components.

Note! Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence differs from a simple one only in the number of grammatical bases. Because of this, some steps (step 7) are repeated.

The best services for online analysis

Lexis Res

The Lexis Res website is one of the best services for member-based parsing in English. Main advantagedetailed description all meanings of a single word, which will help users learning English.

The interface consists of two buttons. Team " Analyze" starts the process. The results are available at the bottom of the page. Function " Random sentences» will allow you to get acquainted with the work of the site using the example of a random offer.


  • Detailed parsing.
  • No annoying advertising.
  • Wide functionality of the service.
  • Minimalist interface.
  • Extensive base of words.


  • The resource is adapted for English expressions only.
  • Lack of graphic symbols.
  • Without proper knowledge of a foreign language, it will be difficult to read detailed explanations.


The Delph-in service is another English-language resource dedicated to parsing. Uniqueness is that it uses the Linguistic Knowledge Builder programming language, which is used in foreign universities.

Using the Linguistic Knowledge Builder Method provides benefits in terms of detail and its components. The English Resource Grammar technology, which is also used in foreign education, is responsible for visualization.


  • Great for exploring highly focused offerings.
  • A huge number of tools for parsing parts of speech.
  • There is no limit on the number of characters.


  • People with a good command of English will be able to fully work with the service.
  • A cumbersome interface that will take time to master.


The MorphologyOnline website is a Russian-language resource dedicated to syntax. The site interface fits into one button. From user required enter the required word, and the program will analyze it.

For the convenience of users, the service provides step-by-step check. In most cases, the verification process is carried out in three stages: identification of the part of speech, morphological features and probable syntactic role.


  • Detailed analysis.
  • Operational operation of the site.
  • No advertising.


  • Parsing is carried out within one word.
  • The main emphasis of the resource is on morphology.
  • Narrow specialization. is a Russian-language site that parses the requested word. Submitted by the service is carried out checking the selected word not only for syntactic and morphological characteristics, but runs the selected word through all popular dictionaries, including the dictionary of specialized terms.


  • Detailed analysis of a word, including searching for meaning in dictionaries.
  • Nice user interface.
  • Possibility to choose criteria.


  • The program parses one word at a time.
  • The site is more focused on morphological analysis.


Goldlit website is one of the best parsing portals. Key Advantage Russian-speaking competitors have the opportunity to analyze entire proposals.

The algorithm of actions is extremely simple: the user enters a phrase or word. The portal processes the information and parses each word separately. Near every member the initial forms of the word, the part of speech to which it belongs, are written, and then grammatical analysis and declension by case are performed.


  • Detailed syntactic and grammatical analysis.
  • There are no restrictions on the topic and number of characters.
  • Friendly interface.
  • The site is easy to use.
  • Additional information on the literature.


  • Lack of grammar reference books.
  • The service is more focused on literature.