Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a Carousel, what does it mean to see a Carousel in a dream. Carousel - interpretation of dreams according to dream books Spinning on a carousel in a dream

Dream interpretation carousel

The carousel is one of the most favorite childhood attractions. Every person remembers what it’s like to spin on a carousel, when you get the feeling of flying.

Why do you dream about a carousel? Is it just your memories of walking in the park with your parents or significant other that are reflected in your dreams? Let's figure it out together.

Dreaming of fun entertainment

Let's start with the fact that this attraction is a kind of running in a circle. You are moving, but you are not getting closer to your goal.

Seeing an attraction in a dream

True, any vision should be viewed from different angles; not least important will be your state of mind during sleep. Were you scared, happy, or were the carousels moving too slowly in your sleep and you were frankly bored?

Gustav Miller's prediction

Miller's dream book considers the carousel as a sign of the upcoming struggle for one's place in society, for the feelings of a loved one. It's sad that all the efforts and labors will not bring any success. You will just run in circles.

Miller advised to analyze your actions. If you think carefully, you will be able to understand what you are doing wrong. Correct your behavior, and everything will work out for you, says this dream book.

Opinions of interpreters

Try to remember your vision in the smallest detail. The dream interpretation of the carousel is interpreted in different ways, and it is up to you whether you understand the prediction correctly.

Ride an amusement ride in a dream

Interpreter Vanga

According to this dream book, riding a carousel is a neutral vision. Absolutely nothing happens in the life of a sleeping person. It’s as if you froze in place, you even stopped feeling emotions, you urgently need to change something.

Seeing a carousel is a hassle in real life that will not give you much results.

The Bulgarian seer did not undertake to say how long the stagnation would last. Just try to imagine that this is a dark period in life, and it must be followed by a light one.

Interpreter Tsvetkova

After having a dream about carousels, you are expected to commit a useless act that will not lend itself to any logic.

I dreamed about different attractions

If you want to achieve a certain goal, then you urgently need to reconsider your actions. Only a clear and adjusted plan will help you move forward.

Interpreter of Medea

Have you ridden the carousel? Even when you just see a similar attraction in a dream, the meaning of the dream will be identical. You are wasting your energy in vain.

The dream is especially negative for people who have started a new business. Your idea will not be successful.

This interpreter also advises changing your behavior and thinking through further actions.

Chinese interpreter

If you listen to this dream book about why you dream of a carousel, the prognosis will be favorable. Perhaps you simply lack childlike spontaneity; sometimes you should allow yourself to relax and enjoy life.

Dreaming of moving in a circle

If you don’t really bother yourself with work, then the vision may well symbolize stagnation in business. Don’t forget that it’s worth resting, but it wouldn’t hurt to work and develop either.

Interpreter Meneghetti

What does this attraction mean in real life? This is a special device that gives a person pleasant emotions, a feeling of speed of movement, a state of flight.

Why do you dream about carousels in a dream? In reality you lack positive emotions and fun. Nothing new is happening for you at all.

Gypsy interpreter

Gypsies also viewed this attraction more positively than negatively.

Have fun while sleeping

If you dreamed of a carousel, then the dreamer will be able to make a certain dream come true. The sleeping person is required to correctly determine his desires and move towards the goal without wasting time on doubts.

Modern interpretation of sleep

The 21st century dream book believes that if you ride a carousel in a dream, you will have to communicate in the company of completely unpleasant people. You will waste your time, this communication will not bring you any benefit.

The dreamer should stay in the company of such people as little as possible; they can greatly harm his reputation.

If you see a tall Ferris wheel in a completely deserted place, then such a dream is completely negative. At a minimum, you are in danger of misfortune, and you may also suffer greater grief - death.

Why do you dream of a carousel on which other people ride? You are wasting your time on dreams, they will not come true anyway. If the carousel breaks down, it gets jammed, and you can’t get off it, then you will waste your time visiting, which you will greatly regret.

I dreamed about a children's attraction

When people spin on a children's carousel in a dream, it means you will not regret the time spent.

Various night vision options

Dream books mainly consider the question of why you dream of riding on a carousel, but some night visions are so special that they should be interpreted separately:

  • I dreamed of a completely childish attraction - an unexpected arrival of guests;
  • toy - a hopeless proposal;
  • broken - colleagues or partners will propose;
  • a young girl dreams of a vision - there will be no wedding with a guy, you will soon separate;
  • set fire to the carousel - you have chosen the wrong profession, but it can still be fixed;
  • break it - a quarrel with a loved one awaits you;
  • repair it yourself - you will face betrayal by your significant other;
  • if the Ferris wheel stood motionless in your dream, then good luck awaits you, and the higher it was, the better;
  • people riding it means trouble.

Dreaming about falling

Separately, it is worth considering dreams in which you happened to fall from a carousel.

Gustav Miller believed that if you fell from a Ferris wheel in a dream, then in reality you would begin to fight a useless struggle.

The Bulgarian seer Vanga believed that falling off a carousel is a sign that it’s time for you to urgently change something in your life. The main thing is to believe in yourself, and everything will work out.

The French believed that falling from an attraction is a sign that now there will be more positive, white colors in your life. Just one of these days your life will begin to improve. The main thing is not to do anything rash.

If you happen to fall and see people skating, then you should think only with your own head and not rely on the advice of people around you.

An attraction such as a carousel in a dream is involuntarily associated with work that does not bring results. In fact, this is a cyclical movement that does not bring a person one step closer to the cherished goal, and this “treading water” clearly does not suit someone who is used to living a full life. Why else do you dream about this image from childhood, dream books will tell you.

Interpretation according to Miller

Anyone who sees a carousel in a dream will have to fight for their love, or even for a place in the Sun. It is sad that this struggle will not be effective, but will also take a lot of effort and time.

All that the dream book advises you to do in such a situation is to reconsider your views on life and find a different approach to the object of adoration, which obviously should be non-trivial.

What does a carousel mean according to Vanga’s dream book?

Did you dream about riding on a carousel? For the sleeper, this means one thing: his life seems to have frozen, and no significant events occur in it, which only brings boredom and melancholy.

Why else do you dream about a carousel? In general, the dream book does not advise expecting anything good from this dream, because such visions in a dream promise troubles and empty troubles in reality.

This “stagnation” will last indefinitely, and no one knows exactly when it will end. Perhaps this is the very black streak that everyone is afraid of.

Carousel – Modern dream book

Riding on a carousel in a dream foreshadows a general decline and confusion in business. Did you dream that the dreamer was watching other people indulge in this entertainment? The vision suggests that your hopes are illusory, and your dreams are obviously unrealizable.

But the worst thing in dreams is to see a carousel shining with multi-colored lights in the middle of a gloomy, inhospitable park, for such a vision promises a serious blow of fate from which the sleeper will not recover soon.

Why dream of a park full of children's hubbub, in which bright carousels are installed? This is a good vision, foreshadowing unexpected joy.

Dreaming of a carousel according to the 21st century dream book

A carousel seen in a dream is a harbinger of a party at which people deeply unpleasant to the dreamer will be present. It is unlikely that the time spent on this event will be spent usefully.

Did you dream about a carousel? The nighttime phenomenon clearly indicates that it is time to reconsider your social circle and refuse any contacts with people who are clearly unsympathetic to the sleeper, because they are the ones who spread dirty rumors and allow interference in private life.

Interpretation according to the dream book of psychologist Meneghetti

Why do you dream of a children's attraction according to this dream book? A carousel is a mechanical or electrical device designed to provide entertainment and enjoyment to people of all ages.

If you dream about such an attraction, it means one thing: a person’s life in the near future will be boring and monotonous, and all because no significant events will take place in it, and tomorrow will exactly copy the previous day.

Interpretation according to the Gypsy dream book

Probably, the Gypsy Dream Interpreter is the only “Talmud” that interprets a dream with a carousel appearing in it in a positive way.

A person who sees such a device in a dream will be able to realize some of his ideas. The main thing is to choose it correctly and make every effort to bring your plans to life.

Carousel in a dream - vision options

  • Carousel in a dream - dream options
  • riding an attraction is a waste of time and energy
  • children's carousel - wait for guests
  • toy carousel - a hopeless proposal
  • broken - the offer of business partners is just a fiction
  • dreamed about a girl - the relationship with her lover will not work out
  • burn the carousel - the profession was chosen incorrectly, but it can still be corrected
  • break - quarrel with a loved one
  • making it yourself is treason
  • Ferris wheel is stationary - good luck
  • Ferris wheel spinning - failure

A person's love for swings has been preserved since childhood. No matter how old you are, you will always be drawn to ride the carousel with cotton candy in your hand.

But why do you dream about a carousel at night? Perhaps this is an omen of good news, a series of bright events or communication with children? Read the description below and unravel your dreams.

Change is coming

The carousel is included in the Classic Dream Book as a harbinger of a string of affairs. Trouble and big tasks await you, preparation for some important event. You will be able to take into account all the nuances and perform the work efficiently, which will lead to an excellent result.

You will have joy and fun - this is what you dream of a carousel with people laughing and spinning on it. You will have fun like you did in childhood: play pranks, fool around and play. It is likely that you will be relaxing in the company of your loved ones.

Seeing a carousel in a dream with your friends or relatives riding on it means the arrival of loved ones. Most likely, they will be the same people who were in your night dreams. Prepare a rich table and interesting entertainment, as soon your house will be full of guests.

Medium Hasse claims that if you happen to see a carousel, then changes will soon await you. Moreover, they can be of a different nature - changes in appearance, housing, place of work or marital status. One thing is certain: change will improve your life.

Stuart Robinson's dream book of riding on a carousel is included as a symbol of a successful period for beginnings in your life. The interpreter recommends that you take advantage of the moment and make long-standing plans a reality. Fate will be favorable to you and will help you achieve success in business.

The modern dream book gives an ambiguous interpretation of dreams depending on how you rode the carousel:

  • If you were circling high, you will achieve stunning results in something interesting to you.
  • In a dream, riding low - you will be doing routine, simple things.
  • If you happen to fall off the carousel, your plans will change dramatically.

Seeing a carousel in a dream means success in a certain area, according to the Dream Book of the 20th century. Remember, when you ride on a horse-shaped seat, expect a promotion at work. If in your dreams the seat was in the shape of a swan, good luck in personal relationships is inevitable.

The meaning of the dream in which you were riding on a large carousel is interesting. Remember how you gradually pick up speed and rise higher and higher - soon your most cherished wish will come true. Falling from such an attraction means that immediately after this you will have a new dream that you will begin to strive for.

Psychologists' opinion

Psychologist Meneghetti confirms that both adults and children love to ride. However, this entertainment makes you forget and relax only for a while. Therefore, in his opinion, a carousel in a dream is an expression of the inner desire to have a good and quality rest. The dreamer probably manages to relax only for a few hours or on weekends, but this is not enough to restore energy and strength.

Such a dream can occur during a period of intense work, or also if you have not gone on vacation for a long time. Listen to your unconscious and devote time to yourself - this will allow you to be inspired again and realize long-planned plans. Remember that no people are irreplaceable and the world will not collapse without you - entrust your affairs and tasks to others.

The dreamer feels some stagnation in life - this is why he dreams of riding a carousel in a circle. Sometimes we really feel like we are characters in the movie Groundhog Day. In fact, it’s normal that sometimes we get overwhelmed by routine. However, soon, the psychologist assures, a series of changes will begin in your life, which will make you perk up and recharge with vigor.

A carousel in a woman’s dream is a symbol of inner harmony. The dreamer experiences a feeling of dizziness with happiness and joy. Often such dreams occur during periods of falling in love, the birth of a child, or an upcoming happy event - a wedding, a birthday. If a girl saw children riding on an attraction, she would soon become a happy mother.

If a man dreams of a carousel, then this indicates that he feels the meaninglessness of his actions. Perhaps he is wasting energy and effort on seemingly empty things. In this case, psychologists advise listening to your unconscious and taking up tasks that are more interesting to the dreamer.

You just couldn’t get on the carousel in a dream - in reality you can’t win the affection of the person you like, says psychologist Miller. However, you will soon notice changes and realize that you are gradually beginning to achieve success. The main thing is not to lose heart and go to the end.

Riding on a carousel in a dream, while being a child, means attention from your parents. No matter how old you are, you will soon feel like a baby again, cared for by mom and dad. And this is not surprising, because for our parents we will always remain children.

A psychological dream book can also tell you why children's small carousels are dreamed of. This is a symbol of infantility, which means a lack of desire to solve serious issues. This condition is absolutely normal for a person who has worked for a long time. Quality rest and a favorite hobby will instantly return your energy and desire to create. Author: Ekaterina Lipatova

Not liking games and entertainment. And where, if not on the carousel, can you have fun without harm to the soul and health of the baby? Just once riding on a carousel, any child falls in love with it for many years, and sometimes this feeling remains for life and does not weaken even after growing up.

Fortunately, today carousels can be found not only in Luna parks, but also in every yard to indulge in plenty of fun. However, sometimes this happens in the world of dreams, and in this case, dreams need to be correctly interpreted. Let's find out what the carousel is about in dreams.

Different variants

Your actions

Remember - what actions did you perform in your sleep? So you:

  • We looked at the carousel- a sign that in real life the sleeper prefers to remain aloof from current events and expects gifts. If you saw your chosen one riding on a carousel, in reality this person will turn out to be unrequited towards you, although it may seem to you the other way around.
  • We rode it- an unfavorable image that foreshadows future problems in the dreamer’s life, especially in the business sphere. There will be so many troubles that they will drive the sleeper into depression and force him to give up. The only exception is if the carousel was for children, small or brightly colored - such a vision prophesies great fun and good guests.
  • They broke it- a complex symbol, the meaning of which depends on your mood in a dream. If you did it with joy, such a vision means that you are tired of your activity and it is time for you to change it to something else. If, after the destruction of the carousel, you experienced sadness and regret, you may soon become the reason for your separation from your loved one, which you will worry about for a long time.
  • The carousel broke down on its own– do not accept any business proposals in the near future, they will turn out to be a scam.
  • We were building a carousel- a symbol of the fact that in real life your soulmate is gradually cooling towards you and you, feeling something is wrong, are trying with all your might to regain your lost passion. Books of dreams warn: do not try to keep your loved one, as they say, “you can’t be nice by force.”
  • They fell from it- oddly enough, favorable. It promises the dreamer a positive future, full of joys and vivid impressions. However, for this to happen, the sleeper should be a reasonable person and trust only his own mind, without listening to the opinions of others.

What did the carousel look like?

A brightly colored carousel is a sign of an interesting and joyful pastime with pleasant people that awaits the dreamer in the coming days.

The carousel is dark in color, rusty or dirty - on the contrary, foretells the dreamer that he will soon be forced to deal with extremely unpleasant people, and it will be impossible to avoid it.

A lonely carousel, which was located in a deserted area - a harbinger of future troubles in a person’s life, during which no one will support him.

A carousel around which there are many people is auspicious, which hints that in real life the dreamer is always near his relatives and friends, ready to help at any moment.

A children's carousel is a harbinger of a cheerful, carefree and childishly happy future. Toy carousel – a symbol of an offer that is interesting at first glance, which will soon arrive to the dreamer. However, in reality it will turn out to be a dummy.

A rotating carousel is an unfavorable sign that symbolizes “a squirrel running in a wheel” and portends endless troubles and recurring problems for the sleeper.

Fixed carousel – a harbinger of a calm and stable future, devoid of worries.

Amusement park

Seeing Luna Park in a dream is a favorable dream that predicts a carefree existence for a person for many years. All problems will disappear from him, as if by magic, and joyful events and interesting pastimes will fill his leisure time.

What exactly the amusement park was like is also of great importance:

  • Stylish and modern- a harbinger of dynamic events that will soon occur in the life of the sleeper and will force him to live in an intense rhythm.
  • Antique- an image that promises pleasant meetings with friends from the past and memories of past happy moments.
  • Old, unkempt, broken rides– negative, warning of stagnation in all areas of life and accompanying depression.
  • Unusual with whimsical or fantastic attractions- a favorable sign that foretells the dreamer excellent prospects for the future and a rise up the career ladder.

How to interpret a carousel dream? Many people have dreams with a children's carousel - maybe we are bored with childhood? If you dream of a carousel, this is a sign that there will soon be big changes in your life. This may also mean that you will soon make the wrong decision, but the consequences will not be very dire. See the full interpretation of your dream from all known dream books below.

Why do you dream of a carousel - general interpretation of Freud's dream book

Big carousel dreamed - according to the dream book, this means that you are already mature enough to make important decisions, do not be afraid to make decisions: this will improve the quality of your life

The meaning of sleep if you see how the carousel is spinning, this means that something important to you will not work out as you wish.

If you dream wooden carousel- means that some hopes will not come true.

Why do you dream white big carousel- the dream foreshadows you about some vague threat in your work activity. Be very careful. The threat will not be fatal, but it may add to your troubles.

Why do you dream of riding a carousel - Miller's dream book

If you dream of riding on a carousel, this is a sign that you are worried about internal anxiety, perhaps you are worried about your loved ones or relatives. This dream warns against rash decisions; your family will come to your aid at the right time.
Riding on a carousel at night means seeing yourself in a dream: you have to fight troubles, you will survive and all bad thoughts will become a thing of the past.

If you are in a dream ride on a children's carousel, then you want to achieve something that is completely out of reach, and your efforts are in vain.

I dream about children's carousels - dream book

If you were to see in a dream children's carousel, this is a sign that in the near future they will try to deceive you on a big scale. You are unlikely to be able to escape deception; it will be a truly insidious deception. The consequences won't hurt you much.

When you dream many children's carousels for children to ride on, this means that you will soon lose your head for the opposite sex. Be in a romantic relationship soon. A pleasant and romantic time will come.

I dreamed about a carousel wheel - Nostradamus’ dream book

If you see a carousel wheel in a dream, this is a sign that you will not be able to experience some great pleasure that you have been hoping for for a very long time. You'll get lucky soon!

If you dream big wheel carousel and which rotates quickly is a sign that soon someone will argue with you, and this will be a big problem for you.

If carousel wheel with colorful lights appears in a dream, this is a sign that you will soon encounter some obstacle in your life that you will have to fight, victory will be on your side.

Dream Interpretation - Why do you dream about carousels in the park?

Carousels in the park, this symbol is interpreted by the dream book as follows: that for some reason you may soon be betrayed by a person with whom you have known and been friends for a very long time. You shouldn’t trust your secrets to your friends and acquaintances just yet. Be careful. The truth will be yours.

See in a dream carousels in a green park and the music is playing can be interpreted according to the dream book as follows: this is a sign that your wishes will soon come true, which you have been dreaming about for a long time.

See in a dream children's park with carousel, this means that you lack spontaneity and want to make some changes in your life to make it more varied.