Design stages. At what stage is the estimate documentation developed? Architectural and construction design Design by construction stages

At the moment there are several, or to be more precise, two. They are designated as PD and RD, and stand for design and working documentation. If we compare the cost, it is distributed as a percentage: 40% and 60%. At the moment when PD is present at the design stage, it is mainly used for submission to architectural authorities. You can also obtain a permit for construction work, undergo an examination and much more. Detailed documentation of the RD is created at the stage when installation work begins. Based on them, you can create a package of documents for the tender or draw up an estimate.

Characteristics of the PD stage

It must be developed in accordance with GOST; it is subject to a number of requirements related to design and development. All ideas that arise during the work on the project should be displayed on the drawings. All projects are implemented by engineers, who then group all the developments and combine them into one whole.

Work at the PD design stage should be coordinated into general data with the exception of drawings. At the moment the customer submits an application for the work, it is not necessary to develop the entire complex; you can work only on what is required at a specific point in time.

All project documentation must be completed in accordance with what is determined at the legislative level. There are 12 volumes in total. They contain all the information, from the preparation of explanatory notes to construction estimates and other documentation required by law. Of the entire series, information is described in more detail for volume 5, which includes several editions. The books contain detailed equipment information for engineers.

The design and configuration stage of the PD takes a lot of time and effort. Since it is this that is the main one in the development of the future structure. The preparation of documentation should be carried out by qualified specialists with experience.

Characteristics of the RD stage

After the project documentation has been approved, it is worth moving on to full detail, paying attention to all the little details and nuances. This function is performed at the stage of working documentation.

All documentation is prepared in accordance with GOST. The RD includes the development of documents for installation work. Working documents consist mainly of drawings, which are combined depending on their purpose. Based on the submitted documents, a work schedule, estimates and other documentation that the developer will need during the work process are drawn up. There can be any number of drawings, but they should be considered as a whole. All drawings are numbered and signed in advance by the specialist who is responsible for their development.

What are the stages in the construction process?

In 2008, a regulation came into force on the basis of which design stages in construction are not provided. Instead of stages, working and design documents were introduced: PD and RD. But, despite this, there is an option when both types of documentation are developed simultaneously. In this case, we can talk about design being carried out in one stage. If working documents are drawn up after the project has already been approved, then we can talk about two stages of design in construction.

Projects for large facilities are being developed in two stages. First of all, the project is developed and only after that the drawings. Small projects can be developed in one stage. But in this case, it is worth considering that the structure should be standard and not cause any particular difficulties.

Stages used in design

At the moment when the customer needs to develop a project, when contacting the company it is necessary to know which stage is required. For the lightest projects, activities are carried out in one stage of design and development. For difficult jobs there may be two. Particularly complex projects often require the use of three stages.

For example, if a project is being developed for the electrical supply of a residential building, then one stage is needed, if the building is administrative - two, for factories and large supermarkets there may be three. The cost of developing each stage can vary greatly and depends entirely on the state level of prices that are set for construction work.

The main design stages include:

  1. Feasibility study - technical and economic justification.
  2. FER - technical and economic calculations.
  3. EP - sketch of projects
  4. P - project.
  5. RP - working draft.
  6. R - working documents.

Characteristics of stages in the design process

  • Feasibility study and fuel and energy assessment. Developed according to customer's order. Designed for objects that have a production, transport or engineering purpose and need to make an informed decision on construction work. FER is used for simple objects with industrial purposes. Compared to the feasibility study, the work is completed in a short time.
  • EP. Development is carried out on the basis of an order, when the customer needs to determine a number of requirements for an architectural, urban planning or other object. To justify the decision made, it is necessary to make calculations for all design solutions, and also prepare an estimate and engineering diagrams for the facility.
  • P. The project begins to be developed based on the building, initial data and approval of the project, which is carried out in three stages. The information in the project is presented clearly and concisely.

  • RP. This stage of documentation design is suitable for simple objects and for those buildings that are planned to be reused. The RP mainly consists of several parts, which include approved and working documents.
  • R. Development is carried out in accordance with the approved data at the previous stage. After the project is approved by the customer, working documents begin to be developed by the design author or another designer. Another designer can begin work only if the copyright of the project is respected.

What stages are intended for object design?

Stages of object design are distinguished depending on the level of complexity. There are 5 types in total:

1. Objects that have 1st and 2nd complexity categories are performed:

  • in one stage using a working draft;
  • in two stages using a sketch project.

2. Objects having the 3rd category of complexity are carried out in two stages: design and working documentation.

3. For objects with categories 4 and 5 of complexity, three stages are provided:

  • ES for non-industrial buildings and feasibility studies;
  • design development;
  • work documents.

One-step design

At the moment when one stage of designing a technical object is envisaged, decisions are made together with the process of creating working documents. All results that will be achieved during the implementation of the work must be reflected in the working draft. Simultaneously with this work, solutions must be found for all other issues.

The information part in the project that is particularly significant is suitable for approval. Documents requiring approval are sent to expert companies, where they will be agreed upon. The necessary drawings for the work must be prepared before the result arrives from the expert company.

This scheme has a number of advantages. For example, the time allotted for design work is reduced several times, which makes it possible to almost halve the cost of the work provided. But in this case, we cannot exclude the fact that the project may require some adjustments. Therefore, it is more expedient to use this scheme in those moments when the designed buildings are standard or are being rebuilt.

Design carried out in two stages

There are also two stages in the design process. All work in this case can be divided into two stages. At the first stage, solutions for the future project are developed, and at the second stage, all working documents are generated. When developing a project, general issues are considered and resolved. After a set of all documents for the project has been generated, it is sent for examination, which is carried out by government or non-government agencies. If experts receive any recommendations related to making adjustments, then changes are made to the project based on this.

Once the experts agree on the project and make the necessary amendments, you can begin to develop the drawings necessary for the work. They will be used in the future during installation work. If the project is complex, then before developing decisions regarding the project, a pre-design decision is drawn up. This method allows you to avoid repeated changes to drawings; it guarantees a high-quality project that meets all requirements, documents and technical specifications.

What do project documents consist of?

Let's consider the design stages and the composition of the design documentation. In this case, everything is clear about the stages; they were discussed above. Their main difference lies in the sequence of decisions made. The composition of the documents depends on how many stages were used in the work process. The entire composition of project documents is approved at the legislative level. There are 11 main sections in total:

  1. Drawing up an explanatory note. In this case, a document is presented that describes and explains all the decisions made during the work process.
  2. A master plan is used to draw up a diagram of a plot of land that is allocated for construction work.
  3. In order to visually see the future building and understand how it will be arranged and function in the future, an architectural solution is used.
  4. All load-bearing walls of the building must be designed, for this purpose constructive solutions are provided.
  5. Also, the package of documents should include information about communication systems: gas pipeline, water supply, sewer system, ventilation system, electricity.
  6. Construction work must also be organized sequentially at the construction site.
  7. Do not forget about installation and dismantling work, which also requires organization.
  8. It is worth considering measures that are responsible for preserving the environment during the work process. There is a requirement here - the building complies with fire safety regulations.
  9. Any building must be provided for all categories of citizens, including those with disabilities.
  10. In the process of carrying out work, measures should be taken that are aimed at increasing energy efficiency.
  11. At the legislative level, other documentation is provided that requires coordination and approval with regulatory authorities and the customer.

Pre-project documents

Stages and stages of design are also found in pre-design documents, which represent primary documentation reflecting complex solutions using sketches and models developed in special programs. At this stage, the following issues are considered and resolved:

  1. The layout of the future building on the plot of land allocated for construction is identified.
  2. Technical and economic calculations are being carried out, which are necessary in order to make the project more attractive to planned investors.
  3. The building must fit into the architecture of the area, for which an appropriate project is also considered and drawn up.
  4. We should not forget about the functionality of the future building, which should be convenient for all visitors.

Project stage

Design is considered the most critical and time-consuming stage. At this stage, the safety of all structures that are erected during construction work is ensured. The developed project complies with all established standards and requirements that are specified in regulatory documents. The design process does not provide for a thorough inspection of components. All documents included in the project consist of two sections, which include text and graphic documents.

The text section contains information regarding all technical decisions that were made during the design. Also included are explanations and relevant links to documents and calculations that will be needed to complete further work.

The graphic part includes all drawings, diagrams, plans and models developed through special programs. Decisions within the project must necessarily be subject to expert evaluation to identify shortcomings and further adjustments. After the project has been reviewed by experts and a positive decision has been made regarding it, the next stage of development can begin. The documentation that was approved at the design stage is subsequently used to create drawings and estimates.

Stage that includes working documents

Working design documentation at the design stage is developed in the most thorough manner. This is due to the fact that the following documents are being developed within its framework:

  1. Drawings for the future structure, which must be numbered and signed, which makes it easier to work in the future, when individual drawings are combined into a single whole.
  2. Drawing up estimate documents.
  3. Description of the characteristics of the equipment that will be required during work on the construction site.
  4. A statement containing a list of all the necessary materials for the construction of a future structure.
  5. A statement that includes the volumes of construction and installation work.
  6. Other documents that will be needed when carrying out the work are also attached to the general package of documents.

Working documentation is used on site by construction and installation teams. Drawings may need to be presented to specialists who supervise compliance with technical and copyright rights. The composition of the working documents is determined depending on the type of facility on which the work is planned, which is indicated accordingly when concluding an agreement with the designers. All working drawings must strictly comply with the standards established by a special system. All designed documents that will be used in the work, as well as construction work, must be carried out strictly in compliance with GOST.

A number of requirements for a construction site

Requirements in the process of work are imposed not only on the design stage, composition and content. The site intended for construction must also comply with them:

  1. The area allocated for construction work must be of such dimensions and configuration as to facilitate the location of the structure in such a way that it meets all requirements during operation.
  2. The allocated plot of land, as well as the surrounding area, must have a convenient topography. This is necessary in order to provide the most comfortable working conditions. There should be no underwater water underground.
  3. The soil under the construction site must comply with established standards and requirements, the load must be within the permissible level. These requirements should be observed not only when installing the foundation of the future building, but also when installing working equipment.
  4. The construction and design stages comply with the standards at the legislative level. It is strictly forbidden to start construction in those places where mineral exploration work has been found or is just being planned. This point includes places that may collapse.
  5. When construction begins, there must be a water supply or other source of water nearby.

If the construction of a future facility is planned within the city, then the work should be carried out on the leeward side in relation to residential complexes.

The technical design of all stages of work must be agreed upon with the customer, who bears full responsibility for this, as well as for the selection of land for construction. The customer, together with the design organization, must:

  1. Obtain from the organization that is interested in carrying out the work an agreement to connect the designed facility to the electrical network.
  2. Develop all the necessary documents and materials, including calculations, and then choose the optimal solution.
  3. It is necessary to calculate in advance the damage that can be caused when using a plot of land for construction.
  4. Carry out the necessary engineering studies.

In order to select the required plot of land, the customer must create a commission. It should include a representative from the customer, members of the local administration, the general designer, and a representative of state supervision.

Design preparation for construction and reconstruction of a facility includes the following stages:

Development, coordination and approval of an architectural and urban planning solution - an architectural project (can be developed as part of project documentation);

Development, coordination, examination and approval of project documentation;

Development of working documentation.

The stages of design of a construction project are established by the Customer together with the designer in the design assignment.

· Stage "Sketch Design" (ED) - for technically complex objects with respect to urban planning, architectural, artistic and environmental requirements, engineering support, as well as the basis for drawing up architectural and planning assignments and design assignments, preparation of initial permitting documentation.

· Stage Project (P) - the main approved stage of design of construction and reconstruction projects.

· Stage Working documentation (DD) - a set of documents necessary for construction and installation work.

· Stage Detailed draft (DP) - a stage that combines the two previous stages, namely the project and working documentation.

The design documentation at the Draft Design (DS) stage includes:

1. General explanatory note with initial permitting documentation.

2. Situation plan, M 1:5000, 1:2000.

3. Basic plan (plan of the existing use of the territory), M 1:1000,1:500.

4. General plan, M 1:1000, 1:500.

5. Plans of the first and non-repeating floors, facades, sections, M 1:200, 1:100,1:50.

6. Demonstration material (layout, general appearance, color scheme).

The design documentation at the Project (P) stage, the approved part of the working design (DP), includes:

1. Initial materials for design;

2. General explanatory note;

3. General plan and transport;

4. Architectural and construction solutions;

5. Solutions for engineering equipment and systems;

6. Engineering networks;

7. Environmental protection and sanitary and hygienic requirements;

8. Engineering and technical measures of civil defense. Measures to prevent emergency situations;

9. Technological solutions (if necessary);

10. Organization of construction (if necessary);

11. Consolidated estimate of construction costs;

12. Justification of investment efficiency (if necessary).

13. Organization and working conditions of workers (for production facilities);

14. Production and enterprise management (for production facilities).

The working draft is developed in a reduced volume and composition, determined depending on the type of construction and functional purpose of the facility, in relation to the composition and content of the “Project” stage.

The working design includes working documentation.

Working documentation - is a set of working drawings and text documents containing the necessary information about the construction project, and is the basis for construction and installation work, as well as the manufacture of building products in factories or directly on the construction site.

Working documentation for construction must be issued to the customer in full. In this case, the composition of the working documentation in each specific case is established when concluding agreements (contracts) between the customer and the contractor.

The working documentation for the construction of a building or structure generally includes:

1) basic sets of working drawings intended for construction and installation work;

2) working documentation for construction products in accordance with GOST 21.501, provided for by the corresponding basic sets of working drawings;

3) specifications of equipment, products and materials in accordance with GOST 21.110;

4) statements of requirements for materials, statements of volumes of construction and installation work;

5) estimate documentation according to established forms (consolidated estimate calculation, site and local estimates).

To design construction projects of different levels of complexity, the development and subsequent approval of the necessary design documentation will be required. The project development scheme constitutes the sequence of design work, which will allow achieving the most optimal and effective solutions. The exact number of main design stages will depend on the complexity of the work to be done and the number of floors of the building itself. The final number of stages is pre-agreed between the client and the designer. Taking into account the basic measures, the project can consist of only a few stages, while taking into account the complete absence of any complex elements.

The same rules apply to mass and reuse projects, as well as to projects of the second and first levels of complexity. For projects of the third level of complexity, at least two stages will be required. When designing buildings of the fifth and fourth levels of complexity, implying the use of various architectural studies, such as environmental friendliness, aesthetics, which imply the preparation and approval of various standards inherent in the field of engineering support. When using the latest technologies or building materials, the minimum number of stages increases to three.

Main stages and order of design work

Depending on the purpose of the construction project, different design technologies are used, as well as the sequence of work, which in many cases are the same. Basically, the design will consist of the following stages:

  • preparation of working documentation;
  • carrying out the necessary examinations;
  • development of design documentation, which is subject to approval;
  • various engineering surveys;
  • collection of initial documentation.

Permits and source documentation

The initial collection of all necessary documentation is carried out at the first stages of design. This type of work can be called completely independent, so a separate team is hired for it. In fact, it represents a whole complex of materials that will be the main characteristics of the future building or structure and the site used for construction. All necessary documentation is approved by local authorities responsible for various engineering devices. All this is done only after approval has been made (ownership of any plot is issued) of the selected land.

Permitting and initial documentation consists of:

  • permission provided by the local administration;
  • document on ownership of the land plot that will be used for construction;
  • technical specifications for the installed engineering structures of the facility under construction. These are treatment facilities, storm drains, electricity supply, gas supply, heat supply, water supply and an interchange to the nearest road. Telecommunications, Internet and telephony are installed last;
  • urban planning documentation, which gives permission for construction;
  • all necessary conclusions from the relevant local authorities and services. This is a permit from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a conclusion from the protection of the environment and natural resources, the fire service and the epidemiological service.

This is only an approximate list and if the specifics of the building are very extensive, this list will increase several times. If we are talking about construction in specially protected areas, you will need permission provided by law from the relevant authorities and government services. There can be many such nuances, so for each specific case a separate list and documentation is compiled.

Main stages of construction

Pre-project proposals

At this stage, a preliminary design is reviewed and developed, which includes many of the basic parameters of the structure being built. The initial design also needs approval as it will consist of all the necessary design sections. A design project is also being developed, which includes the development of the future interior and exterior, based solely on functionality and a single style direction. This is necessary to determine the basic requirements that will be applicable to functional, environmental, artistic, architectural and urban planning solutions.

It is also possible to include at this stage such aspects as the development of various technical and engineering facilities, calculations regarding preliminary estimates and the efficiency of using existing investments. Such electronic signatures are developed based on initial data. First of all, you should be guided by current regulatory documents. After going through all the stages of coordination and approval of the design work, its final approval occurs, after which you can safely proceed to one of the next stages.

FER and feasibility study

A feasibility study is used in the construction of production facilities, to which a more detailed justification of decisions is applicable. Here a decision is made regarding the validity of the decisions made. Technical and economic calculations are used in the construction of ordinary buildings and structures of an industrial nature.

Approved project

The main stages of any design include the main project, which is drawn up both during reconstruction and construction work. It is required for approval. When developing it, you should be guided exclusively by generally accepted standards, rules and government regulations. The corresponding record of the responsible person who is responsible for this project (manager, architect, engineer) is used as approval. The project must be examined in detail to accurately determine the estimate, the engineering, technological, technical, environmental, artistic, architectural and urban planning solutions used.

Economic and technical indicators will play a major role in the first stages of design, since they will be based solely on initial data and approval of the relevant authorities. The next design stage can be started only after the previous paragraph has been approved and fully agreed upon. Depending on the intended purpose and complexity of the work to be done, some sections may be supplemented by the customer.

What does it include:

  • calculation justification;
  • explanatory notes;
  • conceptual solutions.

Working draft

This type of documentation is developed only for the approval of a separate category of persons responsible for installation and construction work, responsible for economic and technical indicators, estimates, development and use of engineering concepts. We are also talking about the technological, technical, environmental, artistic, architectural and urban planning works and solutions used. Used to develop simple projects, as well as those designed for mass use (standard). This project is general and includes both working drawings and signed approval. The conciliatory part requires coordination, approval and a number of examinations. While working drawings are developed exclusively for the construction of the structure itself. The affirmative part should include an explanatory note, estimate and drawings. The environmental impact assessment is included in the explanatory note.

Working documentation

This stage is necessary for further construction work, which will be carried out based on the previously approved stage. Exceptions are quite rare, but they do exist. Consists of working drawings. The drawings used must be as detailed as possible and brought to the required volumes. For development, the customer can hire a separate team of contractors who will be solely responsible for the drawings. Thus, they will receive the right to a certain type of activity and work in accordance with written permission to perform certain types of work in accordance with previously approved drawings. Copyrights are strictly observed here, approved in a timely manner and registered in the relevant documentation.

Additional developments will be needed in the case of the construction of complex objects, and all these steps must be provided for by the relevant regulatory documents and clarifying materials that are attached to the existing project. Their need is determined by the customer. If we are talking about production facilities, then you should also include information regarding the energy resources consumed and the sites used for them.

What they include:

  • estimate documentation;
  • specification of materials, products and equipment;
  • working drawings.

What requirements apply to the site allocated for construction?

  1. Water supply sources should be located near the construction site. Subject to the construction of an enterprise with water supply, its water area must be of optimal length and capacity not only for unloading, but also for sorting the raw materials used.
  2. The selected site should not border on the place where mining is or will be carried out. This principle also applies to collapse zones in connection with underground excavations and areas where landslides are possible.
  3. The property and condition of the soil on the site must allow a certain construction load. This indicator is taken into account when arranging the foundation, which implies the use of such an indicator as inertial load (use of vibrating machines, hammers, sawmills).
  4. The terrain should be as comfortable as possible, as should the surrounding area. This will reduce the amount of excavation work and the layout will be minimal. The site chosen for construction should not be flooded. In this case, the groundwater level should be low.
  5. The configurations and dimensions of the construction site must ensure the optimal location of the building, based on the approved production process. At the same time, all requirements and standards regarding the possible expansion and subsequent operation of the structure are taken into account.


The customer will present all the necessary calculations and materials that are planned to be used on the construction site to those organizations that are interested in this. Such decisions are worked out on the basis of the obtained conclusions, such as:

  • measures aimed at environmental protection (the general designer is involved, who coordinates with the relevant authorities);
  • about the area where devices such as sewage canals, communications, Internet, water supply, heat supply, gas supply, electricity supply and other communications will be connected to general systems and communications;
  • initial dimensions of the construction site;
  • the possibility of using, first of all, local material and labor resources (cooperation is possible).

When choosing a site for construction, a special commission should be created, which will include the general designer, the customer, local supervisory authorities, representatives of the local administration and survey organizations. After approval, the commission draws up an act regarding the selected construction site. This document is a written agreement on the planned conditions and decisions. In order for local governments to issue a plot of land for the construction of an object, a corresponding resolution of the country’s governing body is required.

At different stages it compiles the main stages of designing construction projects. The general sequence of design work forms a project design scheme, which should ensure the achievement of effective solutions.

Depending on the complexity of the construction of the facility, the recommended number of design stages is determined, the number of which may vary greatly. In accordance with the provisions of DBN A.2.2-3-20004 “Composition, procedure for development, coordination and approval of design documentation for construction,” the required number of design stages is discussed between the designer and the client.

For structures that are erected without the use of technically complex elements, it is developed in one or two stages, taking into account the necessary measures. This also applies to projects of reuse and mass use, as well as design documentation of the first and second levels of complexity.

Construction projects of the third category of complexity are designed in two stages.

Structures of the fourth and fifth levels of complexity, as well as objects with many architectural, aesthetic, environmental, urban planning requirements or a large number of standards in the field of engineering support, when introducing new construction technologies, when using new materials and structures, design is carried out in three mandatory stages.

There are the following main design stages:

1. Pre-design proposal, which is developed for complex architectural structures. For example, for those objects that are subject to special requirements for architectural expressiveness and the artistic appearance of the building.

2. A feasibility study, or technical and economic calculation, is carried out in accordance with the client’s instructions for industrial structures and transport activities, which require a detailed description and justification of the selected solutions, as well as in determining the economic feasibility of constructing the structure.

3. Draft design: drawn up on the basis of the design specifications and initial data and requires approval from the main architectural organizations of the city.

4. Project, which is the most labor-intensive design stage. Based on this documentation, a construction permit is obtained, and the upcoming costs of constructing the facility are calculated.

5. The working design includes a set of documentation regulating construction and installation work. At this stage, all design details are clarified, drawings, estimates, and other documents are drawn up, based on which the contractor will control the execution of the work.

6. Detailed documentation: this stage is created on the basis of the agreed previous design stage. With the permission of the client (customer), this stage can be developed and supplemented by other persons authorized to carry out design work.

When the need arises to develop a project, the customer and the design organization need to understand what design stage is necessary for a particular object. For some objects it is possible to carry out design work in one stage, for others - in two stages, for particularly complex objects it is necessary to complete three stages of design. So, for example, it is performed in one stage, in two stages, or for a large supermarket it is performed in three stages. The price for the development of each stage is different and is determined on the basis of state collections of prices for design work for construction (SCPRS).

In this article we will consider the main stages of design, as well as the terms and definitions used in the development of design documentation.

According to DBN A.2.2-3:2012, there are the following design stages:
— feasibility study ( Feasibility study );
— technical and economic calculation ( TER );
- preliminary design ( EP );
- project ( P );
— working draft ( RP );
— working documentation ( R )

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Feasibility study stage (TER) . It is developed on the basis of the customer’s instructions for industrial facilities and linear engineering and transport infrastructure facilities, which require detailed justification of the relevant decisions and determination of options and feasibility of construction of the facility.
FER is used for technically simple industrial facilities and linear engineering and transport infrastructure facilities. Feasibility study is carried out in a reduced volume compared to feasibility study, depending on the nature of the object and the requirements of the task.

EP stage . It is developed on the basis of the customer’s instructions to fundamentally determine the requirements for urban planning, architectural, artistic, environmental and functional solutions for the facility, confirming the possibility of creating a non-production facility.
As part of the EP, to justify the decisions made on the customer's instructions, calculations of the main design solutions, estimated costs and justification of the effectiveness of investments are carried out, and engineering and technical developments and schemes for the engineering support of the facility can also be additionally carried out.

Stage P. It is developed to determine urban planning, architectural, artistic, environmental, technical, technological, engineering solutions for the object, and the estimated cost of construction.
P is developed on the basis of the design assignment, initial data and the previous stage approved during the three-stage design. Sections of stage P are given in a clear and concise form, without excessive detail, in a composition and volume sufficient to justify design decisions, determine the volume of basic construction work, the need for equipment, building materials and structures, provisions for organizing construction, as well as definitions estimated construction cost.

RP stage. It is developed for technically simple objects, as well as objects using reuse projects (design solutions).
The RP is developed to determine urban planning, architectural, artistic, environmental, technical, technological, engineering solutions for the facility, the estimated cost of construction and construction work. RP is an integrating design stage and consists of two parts - approved and working documentation.

Stage R. Developed based on the approved previous stage. After approval of stage P, by decision of the customer, working documentation can be developed by the author of the project or another designer. The development of working documentation by other designers is carried out in compliance with the author's decisions of the approved P and in compliance with copyrights.

Design stages depending on the complexity categories of the object:
1. For objects I and II categories of complexity design is carried out:
a) In one stage - working draft (DP);
b) In two stages - for non-production objects - a preliminary design (ED), and for industrial objects and linear objects of engineering and transport infrastructure - a technical and economic calculation (TEC) and for both - a working design (DP).
2. For objects III category of complexity design is carried out in two stages:
— project (P);
— working documentation (P).
3. For objects IV and V categories of complexity design is carried out in three stages:
- for non-production objects - an EP or with appropriate justification of a feasibility study, and for production facilities and linear objects of engineering and transport infrastructure - a feasibility study (feasibility study);
— project (P);
— working documentation (P).

5 comments on this post

Anton, this article shows the design stages according to Ukrainian regulatory documents, namely DBN A.2.2-3:2012 “WAREHOUSE AND ZMIST OF DESIGN DOCUMENTATION FOR BUILDING”. IN Ukraine design stage " Feasibility study«, « TER«, « EP«, « P«, « RP«, « R" - are valid.

If we talk about stages of design for RF we have the following:
— according to letter dated June 22, 2009 No. 19088-SK/08 of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation “Unlike previously existing regulatory documents, the Regulations do not provide for staged design: “feasibility study”, “project”, “detailed design”, but use the concepts “ project documentation" And " working documentation»»;
- according to RESOLUTION No. 87 dated February 16, 2008 “In order to implement during the construction process the architectural, technical and technological solutions contained in the design documentation for a capital construction project, working documentation is developed, consisting of documents in text form, working drawings, equipment specifications and products."
You can read more about the composition of design and working documentation in accordance with Russian Federation standards