Bush dill variety. The best varieties of dill for greens: early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening Which varieties of dill can be cut several times

Dill is one of the most popular herbs in cooking. Without a dill umbrella, the marinade will lose its aroma, and a salad without dill aroma and needles scattered over the surface will not be so appetizing. Therefore, dill is used all year round in dry and fresh form. Increased demand for fresh herbs has created conditions for the development of many new varieties of dill, differing in ripening time, color, foliage structure and plant appearance.

Features of dill varieties

If we consider the genus of dill, it belongs to the umbelliferous family and is a relative of carrots and celery. It has a relative, wild dill, or parsnip, whose root vegetable is eaten, resembling carrots and parsley.

As a result of breeding work, varieties of three groups are presented on the rural market:

  • early ripening;
  • mid-season varieties;
  • late-ripening varieties that do not produce umbrellas.

Two-year-old dill varieties can develop an umbrella even if grown continuously throughout the year, but in the short Russian summer they cannot produce seeds in open ground. This explains the high cost of hybrid seeds.

Early varieties

You can grow greens in the spring from early ripening dill. Usually these are zoned varieties that form 4-6 leaves and an umbrella. These include old and newly created varieties, the period before stemming is 35-40 days. The fruits of dill are used in medicine and cooking.

Early ripening variety Anker

The new early ripening variety Anker manages to produce umbrellas and a sufficient amount of light greenery. Its yield is 2-3 kg/m2, which is not bad for an early ripening variety. The anchor can be sown several times, collecting enough young greenery. The aroma of this variety is of medium intensity.

Early ripening variety Redut

A variety with an exceptionally strong aroma. The plant is low, with a powerful rosette. Foliage is full, with a waxy coating. The leaf is oblong, the segments are long. The umbrella is large and convex. The yield from one square of greenery is 1.2 kg, when harvesting umbrella products up to almost three kilograms. The very powerful stem is no less fragrant than the green leaves.

Dill Gribovskaya early

The most common early variety, which propagates by self-sowing and grows like a weed. After germination, the plant produces 4 leaves and produces a flower basket after 70 days. The height of the stems is about 80 cm. This variety has a little green aromatic seasoning, but in July it already has developed seed baskets, which are used in cooking for pickling and salting. The weight of one copy of dill is 12 grams. The fruits of dill can ripen in 108 days.

Mid-season varieties

Mid-ripening dill is characterized by a large leaf mass. Spreading rosettes of 6-10 leaves give a high yield of green mass. Seed ripening at the same sowing time occurs a week later. Their seeds reach waxy ripeness and are suitable for use in cooking. These varieties include Lesnogorsky, Kibray, Uzory, Richelieu and others.

Richelieu variety

The Richelieu variety represents dill of medium ripening period. The lacy beauty of its foliage is difficult to describe. Blue-green needles are very decorative. When the peduncle is thrown away, the greens become most fragrant. This type of dill, in addition to a large amount of greenery in August, produces mature seeds if sown in April. Richelieu has large seeds, umbrellas up to 20 cm in diameter. Each basket consists of 20-50 simple umbrellas. The height of the plant with an umbrella is more than a meter. The yield of greens is up to 1.3 kg per meter.

The famous mid-season variety Kibray has long been loved by gardeners. The rapidly growing greenery allows you to pinch off branches within a month after germination. The leaves are fragrant, raised, foliage grows quickly up to 45 days after emergence. The rosette of the bush dill variety Kibray spreads widely, so the distance between plants should be about 20 cm, and between rows 30. The greenery grows gradually, and the total harvest can be up to six kilograms per square. This dill variety is resistant to fungal diseases and can be grown in damp soils. The spice rosette is ready in 72 days.

Dill Umbrella

The mid-season Umbrella variety is a plant up to two meters tall when in flower. Greens begin to be harvested after a month and a half from germination. At the same time, the greens retain their aromatic qualities even during flowering. The leaves are large, green, elongated into a thread. The umbrella reaches almost 20 cm in diameter, collecting up to 50 simple baskets. Very aromatic greens amount to 2.3 kg per square meter. Umbrella was created by the agricultural company Gavrish; it belongs to the variety of dill for greens.

Late-ripening varieties of dill

Late-ripening varieties of dill are grown to produce marketable greens. They do not have time to give an umbrella; basically these plants have a bush-like spreading low rosette of leaves. Stemming in late varieties begins in the seventh decade. Therefore, the greenery is removed as it grows. These varieties include, such as Alligator, Frost, Patterns.

Dill Alligator

Bush dill of the Alligator variety is a high-yielding crop. The rosette of leaves is raised with strong filling. Harvesting for greenery takes place one and a half months after germination. The period of readiness to use spice umbrellas is 115 days. In the southern regions, the plant has time to ripen to seeds. The plant is tall, up to 1.6 meters with a powerful stem. Alligator has a strong aroma and produces up to 20 grams of greens and up to 60 when harvested for spices from one plant. This variety is loved by gardeners for its aroma and large amount of green mass.

Dill Patterns

A distinctive feature of bush dill patterns is its slow stemming. Therefore, mid-late dill bred by VNIISSOK is a very productive variety. Very fragrant large leaves grow from below and along the entire stem of the peduncle. The main harvesting of green mass is carried out before the age of two months. The green mass of one plant is more than 50, taken with a basket - 83 grams. The height of the stem reaches one and a half meters. The variety is disease resistant and has a high percentage of dry matter and vitamin C.

Frost, mid-late variety

Medium late variety. The leaves are long, bluish-green with a coating of wax. The height of the plant when flowering is 150-170 cm, the umbrellas are large. All parts of dill have a very strong aroma, especially the leaves when the basket is pulled out. The mass of greenery from one bush is 40 grams. The total commodity weight per square meter is 2.7 kg. This variety is valued for its abundance of spicy greens. Crops are carried out from April to August. It is recommended to use the crop frozen.

The best varieties of dill - video


Growing dill - varieties, seeds, planting features

I will tell you about a plant that is known to every summer resident, gardener, even people far from agriculture. The plant belongs to the umbrella family. This is fragrant or garden dill. It was named so because earlier, instead of “finely cutting”, the word “sprinkling” was used. Without dill you can’t cook cabbage soup, you can’t cook okroshka, you can’t pickle a cucumber. It would seem that growing dill is so difficult? Now there is such a large selection of varieties - it’s dizzying. Planting dill also doesn’t seem to cause any particular difficulties... But I had time and had difficulties.

As a plant, dill has been known for more than 5 thousand years. And as a spice, they began to be used for food in the 16th century. It is generally accepted that he began to “walk” around the planet from Central and South-West Asia. Here and there I came across information that North Africa is also considered the homeland of dill. Now he is known everywhere, all over the world. It is cultivated on almost all continents. It is grown specially and is also found in the wild.

This is an unpretentious cold-resistant crop. Nowadays it is difficult to find a plot or garden where dill is not grown.

To be honest, I never treated it as some kind of special garden plant, the cultivation of which requires some specific knowledge. He grew up and now grows in a potato field by himself, sows himself, sprouts himself. I tear up greens or umbrellas as needed. It’s impossible for our whole family to eat it, so a lot is left for the seeds, which sprout in the spring - I don’t seem to do anything for this. Well, except that I don’t weed it all out when weeding or hilling potatoes.

How to speed up the germination of dill seeds

Dill seeds germinate slowly, as they are coated with essential oils, which prevent moisture from penetrating inside the seed, delaying germination. You can speed up germination by soaking the seeds in hot water (not boiling water) - this will cause excess oil to float to the surface. When the water has cooled, drain it and rinse the seeds with cold water.

I make it simpler - I read somewhere that essential oils dissolve well in alcohol solutions - I pour dill seeds with vodka for 15 minutes (you can’t do it longer - you can burn them), rinse, dry until they become free-flowing and sow. Shoots appear on the 5th day.

I do this vodka treatment of seeds if there is no rain ahead and the weather is hot. Usually this is re-seeding in the second half of summer. And in early spring, when the soil is moist after winter, there are enough moisture reserves, I sow the seeds without treating them with vodka - shoots appear in 10-12 days. Dill seeds do not lose their viability for 3-5 years.

Features of planting and growing dill

A few years ago I had a small problem. Self-sowing dill for greens can only be picked until mid-summer. And then it all goes into umbrellas, which are indispensable for preservation, but you want to add aromatic greens to borscht and salad...

I found out that there are bush varieties of dill that do not produce a flowering stem for a long time and remain green much longer (1-1.5 months). I decided to sow. This is where difficulties arose.

He didn’t want to come up with me. But I managed to cope with this - I wrote above that I soak the dill seeds in vodka before planting.

But even if shoots appeared, they were somehow frail and unappetizing. In addition, they quickly disappeared or went into the stem, although according to the seed producers this should not have happened so soon.

I began to look for the reasons for my failures. Found it. More experienced gardeners suggested some things, I read some things, and came up with some ideas myself.

Why does dill grow poorly?

Firstly, it must be sown very early. You can even do it before winter or as soon as the snow has melted. In Kuban, dill sown during the “February windows” grows well.

Secondly, it does not need to be sown thickly. Thickened crops grow poorly, slowly, almost immediately after germination the dill goes into the trunk - there is nothing to pick for greens.

Dill and cilantro grow well together

Thirdly, it can be sown by scattering seeds throughout the area. You can throw them on ready-made beds, for example, with onions and garlic.

Fourthly, if you decide to sow dill in the second half of summer, then give it a bed in partial shade - sun before lunch, shade after. This is a short-day plant, so it needs to be artificially created such conditions in the summer. You need to sow it in moist soil, not too thickly, and be sure to water it. In dry soil it will immediately sprout a trunk - you won’t get green, lush dill. Try to loosen the rows - he loves lush soil.

Now I can say with a light heart that growing dill does not cause any particular difficulties.

But still, it prefers to grow on well-loosened, light, nutritious soils. Does not grow well in clay soil, wetlands and low-lying areas. Does not like excessive soil acidification.

Dill is not particularly demanding of moisture, but responds well to sufficient watering. With a lack of moisture, productivity decreases. Prefers open sunny places, but in partial shade it also produces a good harvest.

Dill shoots

Dill is an annual plant, so in one growing season it goes through all stages of development - from seed germination to the formation of new ones. From the seed, one sprout usually appears with two linear elongated leaves, completely different from the leaves of adult dill.

The soil for sowing dill seeds is prepared in advance - humus or any complex fertilizer is added, so that no fertilizers are added later, as there is a danger of nitrate accumulation. It’s very good if you add superphosphate and nitroamophoska when sowing. Phosphorus, which is so necessary for plants, is well absorbed by them during germination.

When you sow dill, you need to sow it in such a way that you have to look closely to see if there is a seed in the groove, if it is visible - then you will get normal sparse seedlings. And if you see seeds when sowing, it means they are lying too thickly - the seedlings will have to be thinned out.

Yes, I forgot to note that the seeds germinate not only in the spring, but manage to produce another harvest in the fall. Here it doesn’t come down to umbrellas - I pick almost all of it for food and freeze it for winter use. By the way, I like autumn dill better. It is juicier, more aromatic - there is no longer any heat, there is enough moisture for it to be juicy.

A specific dill smell appears in the plant starting from the 4-5th leaf. The older the plant, the more aromatic greens it has.

Dill grows very quickly. It takes about 40 days from the emergence of seedlings to harvesting the greens. After this, you either cut the green dill or leave it “on the umbrella”.

I’ve never practiced it myself, but I’ve come across information that dill tolerates picking and replanting very well in the phase of the first or second leaf. Hence, it can be grown through seedlings to produce greens as early as possible. This is exactly how it is grown by farmers and agricultural enterprises in greenhouses in winter.

Bush dill

I said above that I sow only bush varieties of dill, and the regular one, which I use for canning, sprouts on its own in my potato field after winter. There is so much of it that I am not able to clean it all up, it sings, sows itself, and sprouts in the spring without my help. But such dill quickly reaches the umbrella stage. Then I get juicy, aromatic greens from bush dill.

For bush varieties this period is 50 days. Bush varieties of dill do not bloom for a long time, that is, the period for harvesting greenery is extended by 2-3 weeks, and in some varieties for a longer period.

Dill variety "Bush"

Bush varieties differ in appearance from ordinary varieties. The plant at the beginning of the growing season does not have a stem. The leaves grow in a rosette from the root at an acute angle. The rosette of leaves is raised; a flowering stem does not form for a long time. Therefore, do not pull it out by the roots - just break off the larger, more fragrant leaves. New leaves will grow from the center of the rosette. After 5 days, the harvesting process can be repeated on this plant.

Ordinary varieties of dill always have a flowering stem. After breaking off large lower leaves, new ones do not grow in this place.

At the very beginning I wrote that dill grows very quickly. That is, the conclusion suggests itself that if we want to have fragrant greens all summer, then we need to sow them several times. This is indeed true.

Now there are many varieties with different ripening periods. By sowing several varieties with an interval of 1.5-2 months, you will have greens all season.

For example, if you sow varieties such as Alligator, Amazon, Salut, then in 1-1.5 months you will have greens, you will eat them for 1.5-2 months - until mid-summer. In the first half of June (in Kuban these are the last days of May), you can sow dill again to provide yourself with greens until the end of summer.

I get my third harvest in late autumn. The potato harvest has been harvested, the potato field has been cleared of plant debris, and the autumn rains have passed. My dill sprouts again on its own, without my help. It does not grow to the umbrella state, but it is these greens that I freeze. All winter I add it to borscht, salads, and meat dishes.

Dill varieties

As I already said, many varieties of dill have now been developed. It is quite difficult to decide which one to choose.

Varieties are distinguished by ripening time, by the shade of the leaves, by stronger or weaker aroma and, of course, by taste.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a variety? This is not as simple a task as it seems. The state register contains about 50 titles. How does one variety differ from another? There are a lot of subtleties here. Some are visible only to specialists. For example, there are such varieties of dill as Redut and Max. How are they different from each other? Both of them belong to the same group in terms of ripening - medium-late, both are intended for producing greens and umbrellas. And the differences are in the leaf pattern, foliage, pubescence, and the length of the leaf segment. Redoubt's leaf branches are more sparsely spaced, while Max's are denser. But we are unlikely to notice such differences in our garden.

The most popular varieties of dill among summer residents are Alligator and Amazon (the seller of the seed store told me this in confidence). They are very similar. These are bush varieties that produce a lot of fragrant greenery.

I sowed Alligator. What I liked about it - a lot of greenery, I picked off the juicy slightly bluish leaves all season, the umbrella began to form only towards the end of summer. True, I sowed it in partial shade, where there is sun only from the morning until 11 pm, and then the whole hot day is shade, only about an hour before sunset - the sun again.

A good variety is Kibray.

Refers to bush varieties. But still, he forms an umbrella before the Alligator.

There are a lot of umbrella varieties; it seems to me that there are more of them than bush varieties. The umbrella varieties include Grenadier, Richelieu, and Karusel.

There is a group of varieties that occupy a kind of intermediate position - for example, Max, Redoubt, Umbrella, which provide enough greenery and the umbrella has time to ripen.

The Preobrazhensky variety is interesting. It produces a lot of greenery, the rosette of leaves is powerful and compact, but the umbrella also ripens quite early.

Some varieties of dill can be valued not only for their rich, rich taste, but also for their unusually delicate, beautiful foliage. This is the Richelieu variety. Its leaves are quite sparse, with long segments, thin, and graceful. This variety is good because it blooms quickly. That is, we won’t get a lot of greens from it, but we will get umbrellas for lightly salted early cucumbers.

Dill diseases

The main problem of dill is fusarium wilt. This is an infectious disease. It is transmitted by seeds. It often occurs under unfavorable conditions - sudden changes in air temperature. Treating dill with chemicals is unacceptable for us - after all, we eat the leaves.

So this is the way out.

Firstly, this is the treatment of seeds before sowing - soaking them in a solution of phytosporin and potassium permanganate.

Secondly, if you know that the area is contaminated, for example, last year there was no dill harvest for this reason, then the drug trichodermin is added to the soil in advance. It is advisable to do this before sowing. Trichodermin is not a chemical drug, it is fungal spores, which also need to be created conditions for development. It is added to moist soil, that is, before sowing dill, water the bed, and then sprinkle it with peat substrate with fungal spores. Trichodermin successfully fights fusarium wilt of dill.


Growing dill in open ground: rules and features

Dill is a perennial herb that is familiar to absolutely everyone. It is loved for its delicious spicy aroma. Find out how to grow dill in your summer cottage (secrets, tips and main nuances), and then you will always have a bunch of fragrant and fresh herbs at hand. It can be dried and frozen, and also used for salads and soups. Inflorescences and seeds are also used, mainly in the preparation of marinades for canning vegetables.

Seed preparation

Experienced gardeners and gardeners recommend soaking the seeds before planting dill. Growing dill from seedlings is also practiced; this is mandatory for bush varieties. To soak the seeds, just wrap them in a cloth and keep it moist for a couple of days until they swell. Then they need to be dried for 20 minutes in the air and sown in the prepared soil. Uniform shoots appear, as a rule, after two weeks. All this time it is necessary to maintain constant humidity. Dill seeds are not picky about temperature and begin to actively germinate already at +3 °C.

Dill sowing time

Growing dill in open ground can be done in two ways: sowing in spring or late autumn. This plant is quite cold-resistant and can tolerate frosts down to -6 ° C, so the seeds can be planted in the ground in late autumn (October-November), the timing depends on the region. The second option involves spring planting. They also start quite early, as soon as the snow melts and the soil dries out a little. Estimated dates are from mid-April to the end of May. Dill reproduces very well by self-sowing. If you don’t remove the umbrellas with seeds in the fall, then next spring, most likely, the entire garden will be strewn with fragrant greens.

Dill: planting and care in open ground

The bed for spring sowing needs to be prepared in the fall. You need to dig the ground to a depth of about 25 cm and add a bucket of humus (per square meter). In the spring, it is enough to level the bed with a rake and make grooves at a distance of 20 cm from each other, 2-3 cm deep. Seeds should be sown in them, sprinkled with a small layer of humus on top. There is no need to water until seedlings appear.

Throughout the summer, dill can be sown more than once, but at intervals of 20-25 days to obtain fresh herbs. This is exactly the period of its maturation. At this point, the plant reaches a height of about twenty centimeters. To obtain seeds you will have to wait a little longer until the umbrellas ripen. These are the basic rules for growing dill in open ground. Everything is quite simple and will not cause difficulties even for a novice gardener.

Bush dill: growing features

This variety has recently appeared on the seed market. Its appearance and cultivation technology are somewhat different from those of ordinary dill. If you do not follow agricultural techniques, then, of course, it will grow, but it will lose its elite qualities. The main feature of this variety is its size and strong foliage. Bush dill can grow up to one and a half meters in height, so the distance between plants should be large (25 cm). It is more demanding on soil fertility and climate, which is why it is planted in greenhouses. Growing dill in open ground is also possible, but only by seedlings (sowing in mid-April - early May). It is planted in the garden when the air temperature is between 20-25 °C.

The capriciousness of bush dill is compensated by its high yield. So, 20 plants will provide you with greenery not only for the whole summer, but also for the winter.

If you practice growing dill in open ground, then it is best to remove the flower stalks, especially in central Russia, since the seeds still do not have time to ripen even in greenhouses. The plant will only waste its energy. This variety is best grown exclusively for greens.

Dill diseases

One of the main enemies of fragrant greens is powdery mildew. It can appear at any time as a white coating on seeds, stems and leaves. Powdery mildew most often occurs in late summer when the nights become cool. As a result, the plant loses its taste and is no longer suitable for consumption. Downy mildew may appear, which is characterized by the appearance of chlorotic spots that gradually turn yellow.

Dill can also be subject to fomosis. This fungal disease appears as blackening on seeds, stems, and sometimes leaves.

These diseases, in principle, can appear at any time, regardless of whether you are growing dill in open ground or in a greenhouse. It is impossible to treat plants with chemicals, therefore it is only possible to use preventive measures, namely, alternating crops, timely destruction of weeds and infected specimens, as well as disinfection of dill seeds. To do this, before planting, they need to be heated in hot water (50 ° C) for 30 minutes.

Growing dill: basic nuances

  • Thinning. This is the case when there is no need to feel sorry for the plants. In the phase of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings must be thinned out, leaving a distance of at least 6-7 cm between neighboring bushes. This contributes to better development of dill, it will be strong and even. For bush varieties, this is generally a mandatory procedure, and it can be carried out in several stages, gradually increasing the distance between plants to thirty centimeters.
  • Greens grow in about a month, so no fertilizer is required during the growing season. As a last resort, if you notice yellowing of the leaves, you can water the plants with a solution of urea or mullein.
  • Young greens can be pulled out straight from the root, but from mature plants (25 cm and above) it is better to pick off only the green leaves.
  • Choose sunny places for planting, where there is no stagnation of moisture and fertile soil. In the shade you will get pale green or almost yellow dill.

Growing dill: choosing a variety

Often, vegetable growers and summer residents do not attach importance to dill varieties, because greens are greens. And this is a completely erroneous opinion. In the modern seed market, the choice of dill varieties is very large. As a rule, they all differ in terms of ripening, and sometimes in agricultural cultivation techniques. Therefore, carefully read the labels on bags of aromatic seeds. It is worth noting the following varieties of dill.

  1. Mid-season: Anna, Gribovsky, Umbrella, Lesnogorsky, Salute, Patterns.
  2. Late ripening: Alligator, Borey, Superducat.
  3. Bush varieties: Buyan, Bouquet, Sultan.

Harvesting and drying the crop

Greens are collected for drying or freezing 25-30 days after the shoots appear. At this point, the plant has grown to 15-20 cm in height. Before freezing, greens should be washed and drained. Then the dill must be chopped and packaged in bags or containers. You can also dry it. This should be done not in the sun, but in the shade, in a well-ventilated area. Store dried dill in jars with tight-fitting lids or paper bags, the same goes for seeds.

Be sure to plant fragrant dill in your garden! Planting and care in open ground will not require much time and effort. But as a result, you will get not only tasty, but also very healthy spicy greens, and the seeds are perfect for use in pickling and pickling vegetables, in addition, they have medicinal properties.


Alligator. I haven't seen better dill yet. Only for growing bush varieties, so that the greens are wonderful all season long... from sowing to autumn... the following rules must be followed. Sowing in fertile soil. And sowing in rows... not randomly... followed by thinning the bushes so that in the end the distance between adult plants is at least 20-25 cm. Don’t be sorry! Otherwise there will be not bushes, but long sticks, like the umbrella varieties.

it's not me


♌Mr. Yuri ♌

Yellow-blue is in fashion.

Vladislav Lebedyuk

Ukrainian who grew up on the Maidan, under a scorching tire

Frosya from Kryzhopyl

Bush greens are better, of course, but I don’t know what specific varieties you have in stores.


I planted kibrai for one year and really liked it, but then even this variety (at least on the label) was not like that (

Alyona ***

I think he's all good. Parsley - yes, yes - she is very capricious


I like Alligator


the alligator is of course very good, but it is not inferior to “Abundant Leaf”, sold in cheap white bags.

Nina Alexandrova

Everything is written in such detail on the bags...

Anatoly Yakovlev

It is necessary that two types of dill grow. One, which self-sows, is used for lightly salted cucumbers and other vegetables, because it quickly produces umbrellas, and the Alligator is the best for eating. There is a lot of greenery and it doesn’t get old. We plant enough, enough for salads made from dill alone, with mayonnaise or sour cream. Yummy.


Alligator is the best, the leafy one is inferior to it and significantly.


Gribovsky, Aurora.

Mityai Bukhankin

This dill is Piccadilly, all the others already suck. Piccadilly has 6-8 cuts in three months. The color and smell are perfect. but not cheap seeds.


Dill is a popular herb that is grown in all regions of Russia. The bestdill varieties They are grown not only in the garden, but also in greenhouses and flowerpots. Dill is unpretentious, does not require careful care, and very often gardeners plant the seeds that are available, without paying much attention to the varieties. In order for the greenery harvest to be rich and plentiful, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of the seeds and the characteristics of each variety.

This variety is an early ripening variety and is distinguished by a high and dense foliage rosette. The leaves have an emerald hue. The height of the stem is small, only about thirty centimeters. The best varieties of early ripening dill can be cut within a month from the moment the seeds are planted in the ground on greens. For marinades, spices and preservation, umbrellas are cut off only after three months. Seeds are planted in open ground from the beginning of April, and dill can be grown in a container all year round.

- a short, early ripening variety of dill with a strong, rich aroma. The color of the leaves is rich, green, with a slight waxy coating. They have an oblong shape with long segments. The umbrella is convex and large in size. From one square meter you can harvest 1.2 kilograms, and if you remove the umbrellas, then up to three. For preservation and spices, umbrellas and stems are used 60 days after sowing the seeds.

The best variety of dill among early ripening ones is. It ripens quickly and the first greens can be cut within a month and a half of sowing. Gribovsky dill for spices is cut off after two months. This variety grows well in open ground and does not require greenhouse conditions. The green harvest is very good. Plants are practically not susceptible to diseases and quickly reproduce by self-sowing. The greens are large, dark green in color with a slight gray coating. The inflorescences are large, up to 30 centimeters in diameter, convex in shape. Seeds are sown in early spring, as well as before winter, to obtain an early harvest.

- mid-season best variety of dill, with beautiful, openwork leaves. It is distinguished by large seeds and umbrellas with a diameter of up to 20 centimeters. To get a good harvest of seeds and greens, it is best to plant it in April, then in August the plant has time to fully form and grows up to a meter in height.
From one meter of soil planted with this variety, you can collect 1.3 kilograms of greenery. Umbrellas and stems are very fragrant and are often used during preservation.

- this mid-season, bush variety is very loved by many gardeners and summer residents. The greenery grows very quickly and within a month or a month and a half after sowing the seeds in the ground, you can gradually pinch off the branches. The leaves have a delicate, spicy aroma, they are slightly raised upward. The Kibraya rosette spreads very widely, so the seeds need to be planted at a distance of 20 centimeters from each other, and up to 30 centimeters of free space should be left between the rows. Unlike other best varieties of dill, Kibrai greens are harvested gradually and up to 6 kilograms can be collected from one meter. The variety is resistant to various diseases and grows well in damp soils. To preserve and prepare greens for the winter, it is best to harvest dill 70 days after the appearance of the first shoots.

Among the huge variety of the best varieties of dill, it occupies a special place. This variety is mid-season, and the plants can reach a height of up to two meters during the formation and flowering of the umbrella. The first greenery begins to be cut a month and a half after the appearance of the first shoots. Umbrella has large leaves, slightly elongated into a thread, green in color. The umbrella reaches up to 20 centimeters in diameter. Gardeners can harvest about 2-3 kilograms of greenery per square meter.

The best variety of dill among late-ripening crops is. It is distinguished by its high yield and raised rosette of leaves. Alligator is cut for spices only 115 days after sowing. In the southern regions, this plant has time to ripen and produce good seeds, but for greens, it can be harvested in just a month and a half. The plant grows up to 1.6 meters in height, the stems are powerful. Greens have a strong aroma, which is fully revealed during the preparation of various dishes. From just one plant you can collect about 20 grams of greens and while harvesting umbrellas for spices up to 60 grams. Alligator is a very aromatic variety of dill, which is loved by many gardeners for producing a good harvest of greens. It is worth planting in all regions of Russia, even if the seeds do not have time to form, large quantities of greens can be frozen, dried, and stored for the winter.

- the best variety of dill with dissected green leaves with a waxy coating. It reaches a height of up to 1.5 meters with well-formed branches. The Frost Umbrella forms late and is very spreading and multi-rayed. From one square meter you can collect up to 4 kilograms of greenery, but it is cut off gradually. This variety is distinguished by the fact that during freezing, drying, and heat treatment, the greens remain aromatic.

- a late variety, the greens of which are collected gradually. The rosettes form very lush, with large, green foliage about 20 centimeters long. Seeds are planted in April for a good harvest in August. From one plant you can collect approximately 50-60 grams of gray greens. The bush can reach up to a meter in height; it produces spreading, flat umbrellas with a huge number of rays. The leaves are light green in color and look a little like threads. The taste and aroma of greens is very rich and bright.

- this variety pleases gardeners with a large harvest of fresh greens, but at the same time, umbrellas form very late and sometimes the seeds do not have time to ripen in time. This variety is distinguished by spreading, branched stems. It grows up to 115 centimeters in height, the leaves are diamond-shaped, green in color with a waxy coating. Mischievous is a productive and at the same time not capricious variety that can be grown for greens in any region. You just need to remember that collecting the seeds will be very difficult, since only in the southern regions can umbrellas have time to fully form.
These 10 best varieties of dill are very loved and popular among gardeners. They are distinguished by good productivity and are not capricious in care. This spicy and very aromatic herb can be used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and medicine.

Variety of varieties

Unlike other crops, the best varieties of dill practically do not differ visually from each other. To catch the differences, you need to pay attention to the intensity of the color, the presence of a waxy coating, the width, length and shape of the leaves, and the degree of their dissection.
All varieties are divided into three groups: early ripening, mid-ripening and late ripening. Early ripening dill is distinguished by its small weight and number of leaves. The other two groups are leafier and also have a larger mass. In the southern regions, late-ripening varieties are especially popular, in which the stems form slowly, but at the same time the harvest is rich.

The familiar fragrant spicy herbs are one of the most popular seasonings in cooking; they have a wide range of beneficial properties and add a special touch to dishes.

Many summer residents and gardeners grow dill on their own; its types and varieties are varied, but, for the most part, they are unpretentious and do not require any hassle.

You can distinguish dill varieties from each other by external signs by taking a closer look at the plant:

  • determine the structural features of the rosette shape;
  • note the length, width and shape of the leaf tip segments;
  • look at the color of the plant itself;
  • determine the degree of leaf dissection.

But the most accurate sign that will help determine the type and variety of dill is the time at which stem formation begins. This feature is of great practical importance, since it depends on this whether we will get a large harvest of greenery or umbrellas for spices in the garden.

All varieties of this plant are divided into three main types: early, mid-season and late. The choice depends on how soon you want the harvest. Let's look at each type in more detail.

Early varieties of dill

Early varieties of dill are distinguished by their almost instantaneous production of umbels - this occurs as soon as the plant reaches commercial ripeness. By sowing these varieties of dill, you will not be able to get a lot of greenery.

The best varieties of early dill include:

  • "Redoubt". Early ripening variety. The height of the plant is up to 27 cm. This is a particularly aromatic dill that does not require any special conditions for planting. Gardeners most often grow it. Ready for cutting in 35 days.
  • "Further". Early ripening variety. Plant height is up to 21-25 cm. The variety is very resistant to temperature fluctuations and various pests. It has a dark green color and a characteristic waxy effect. Suitable for seasoning dishes and commercial growing.
  • "Gribovsky". Early ripening variety. Plant height is up to 25 cm. The variety can be harvested as greenery after 38-40 days. Unpretentious, aromatic, meaty. Well suited for winter preparations.
  • "Grenadier". Early ripening variety. The height of the plant is up to 26-30 cm. The greens are removed after a month. To use it for preservation, you need to wait longer. It has a delicate fragrant taste and emerald color.

Mid-season varieties form up to 6-10 leaves on the stem, which ensures a high yield and extends the period of consumption of greens.

  • "Alligator". Mid-season variety. Plant height is up to 160 cm. It has a rich aroma and blue-green color. Ready to harvest for greens in 40-45 days, for spices in 110-115 days. Rosettes of leaves are raised. Umbrellas appear later.
  • "Umbrella". Mid-season variety. Ready to harvest for greens after 41-44 days, for spices after 86-90 days. The height of the plant is up to 1.8-2 m. Dill is bright green in color with large, long leaves. The variety always produces a large harvest.
  • "Kibray". Mid-season variety. Plant height is up to 40 cm. A bush variety that is loved by many of our summer residents. The branches are lush and dense. Ripens in 45-50 days, rosettes appear in 70 days. Resistant to diseases.
  • "Amazon". Mid-season variety. Plant height - up to 160 cm. Ready as a herb 45 days after planting, for spices - after 100-105 days. The leaves are fleshy, juicy, have a rich aroma and dark green color. Stays fresh for a long time.
  • "Richelieu". Mid-season variety. The rosette of leaves is semi-raised, the stems are lush and openwork. Has a delicate aroma. Plant height is up to 115-125 cm. You can cut it for greens after 40-45 days, for spices - after 80-82 days.

Late varieties of dill

Late varieties of dill have a long period from germination to stem formation - 65-70 days and form more than 10 leaves on the stem.

  • "Kutuzovsky". The variety is mid-season. It has a light green tint, germinates in 1.5 months, the leaves are large, the bushes are spreading. You can cut greens several times a season. The height of the plant is up to 150-170 cm. It can be collected for seeds 41-45 days after germination.
  • "Frost". The variety is mid-season. The leaves are bluish-green with a coating of wax, tall, hard and fleshy. The bushes turn out to be dense. Gives a high yield, is resistant to cold, very aromatic. Plant height - up to 150-170 cm.
  • "Naughty boy." The variety is mid-season. It also has a dark tint and patina. It is distinguished by a large number of basal stems. It is best suited as a spice, as its aroma is rich and strong. Plant height is 100-110 cm, does not form an umbrella for a long time.

Two more varieties are “Salut” and “Buyan”, which summer residents do not often grow in their garden beds. There are several reasons for this:

  • these varieties of dill bloom late and often do not have time to form a seed umbel, so they are not suitable for seasoning,
  • seed umbels are often susceptible to damage powdery mildew,
  • the leaves of “Salyut” and “Buyan” are pressed to the ground and are almost always dirty, which also makes it difficult to weed and loosen the plant.

For drying, you should not choose just any variety of dill - use plants that contain the highest possible amount of essential oils. And these are the following varieties of dill:

  • Alligator
  • Amazon
  • Kibray
  • Richelieu
  • Umbrella
  • Mischievous
  • Grenadier
  • Redoubt
  • Kutuzovsky

Dill varieties from the State Register of the Russian Federation

More than 70 varieties of dill are included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements approved for use. The list below indicates the year the variety was included in the register.

  • AMBRELLA 2002
  • ANCHER 2008
  • ANNA 1998
  • ASTORIA 2002
  • ATAMAN 2008
  • AURORA 2001
  • AZHUR 2006
  • ALLIGATOR 2002
  • DIAMOND 2008
  • AMAZON 2002
  • BUYAN 1998
  • BELMOND 2003
  • BOREY 1996
  • VITYAZ 2006
  • GOLDCROWN 2009
  • GRENADIER 2002
  • GRIBOVSKY 1974
  • GUARDS 2008
  • HERCULES 2007
  • DILL 2007
  • DUKAT 2008
  • FAR 1995
  • DELICATE 2008
  • DELON 2000
  • UNCLE VANYA 2008
  • fragrant BOUQUET 2008
  • UMBRELLA 1995
  • GREEN ALLEY 2008
  • FROST 2007
  • CAROUSEL 2008
  • BUSHY 2002
  • CENTAUR 2006
  • CORAL 2003
  • KIBRAY 1991
  • WIZARD 2008
  • SUMMER HIT 2008
  • MAX 2008
  • MAMMOTH 2002
  • MORAVAN 2007
  • RELIABLE 2008
  • PEACOCK 2003
  • SPICY 2007
  • REDUT 2008
  • RZHEUTSKY 2008
  • RICHELIEU 2002
  • SALYUT 1996
  • SYMPHONY 2004
  • GEM 2003
  • TURKUS 2006
  • UZBEK 243 1972
  • UDARNIK 2003
  • HURRICANE 2010
  • PATTERNS 1995
  • FIREWORKS 2005
  • HANAK 1997
  • SHMARAGD 2005

As you can see, the variety of types and varieties of dill is simply amazing and suggests that in the spring, when it’s time to sow it in the garden, you should take a closer look at the bags of seeds and choose the one that you like for its qualities. Good luck with your sowing and generous harvest!

If you also decide to start growing healthy herbs, it will undoubtedly be useful for you to learn about the best varieties of dill. After all, not every variety produces lush and fragrant greens with excellent taste. It would be a shame to spend time sowing and caring for dill, and end up with frail bushes with virtually no odor.

The best early ripening varieties of dill

Scented dill is very popular in Russia - it is grown in garden beds, in greenhouses and even on the windowsill at home. Of course, in most cases, dill is used simply as an aromatic seasoning in the preparation of various dishes, but some gardeners also value this plant for its many healing properties, using its greens and seeds to improve health.

Scented dill is very popular in Russia - it is grown in garden beds, in greenhouses and even on the windowsill at home

Dill varieties can differ in leaf shape, rosette, bush height and color, as well as in the timing of stem formation. Classification by ripening time will help you better navigate the main varieties and choose seeds so that you can harvest greens throughout the season.

Video about dill

This group includes varieties that produce green mass already 35 days after germination. True, they are slightly less leafy than late-ripening ones, and begin flowering almost immediately after the formation of five or six leaves. Therefore, it is advisable to grow early varieties if you want to quickly collect the first fresh greens from the garden, as well as to obtain umbrellas and seeds for preservation.


An incredibly popular variety among domestic gardeners, it is great for growing on a windowsill and in open ground. Gribovsky dill is undemanding to the weather, and even in cold summers it produces good greens. The advantages of the variety also include disease resistance, intense aroma and decent taste. The leaves have a beautiful dark green color, the height of the standing rosette reaches 25 cm. Gribovsky dill can be sown several times during April-July; winter sowing is also allowed.

You can sow Gribovsky dill several times during April-July


The Dalniy dill variety is perfect for obtaining early fresh herbs, for drying, freezing, pickling and pickling. It is valued for its high yield, resistance to lodging and early formation of greenery. After sowing the seeds in the ground, after 38 days, a semi-raised rosette of about 25 cm in height with medium green leaves with a slight waxy coating is already formed. The Dalniy variety is resistant to pests and diseases.


Of the new varieties, early ripening dill Aurora deserves attention. After the appearance of young shoots, the greens can be collected already on the 25th day. The variety is distinguished by a dense rosette of raised green leaves, very fragrant and juicy, as well as a powerful bush with close internodes, due to which the foliage is less dirty after rain. Other advantages of the Aurora variety include: resistance to diseases and pests, good yield. In order to obtain an earlier harvest, seeds are sown before winter.

After the appearance of young shoots, the greens can be collected already on the 25th day

Mid-season varieties of dill

Stem formation in varieties with average maturity occurs 5-10 days later than in early ones, as a result of which more leaves are formed on the bushes and the yield of greenery increases. In addition, in addition to greens, the plant has time to form umbrellas and seeds suitable for seasoning.


The peculiarity of this variety of dill is that even in the fall, when its seeds are filled, you can continue cutting the greens. The Lesnogorodsky variety is high-yielding, is not afraid of diseases and pests, and its leaves contain large amounts of provitamin A and vitamin C. The leaves grow large and fragrant.


The economic suitability of Abundant-leaved dill lasts quite a long time. Distinctive features of the variety: powerful, well-leafed bush, late initiation of inflorescences and large dark leaves. Dill has excellent commercial qualities; its leaves are juicy, tender and aromatic. Good fresh, suitable for pickling and pickling. Multiple sowings are possible during spring and summer, as well as winter sowing.

Leafy dill


From 30 to 40 days passes from the moment the bushy variety emerges to the first cutting of the greens; dill for spices can be harvested after 70 days. Bushy dill belongs to the abundant-leaved type; greens can be collected from it repeatedly, gradually starting from the lower leaves. It is no coincidence that the Bushy variety is considered one of the best for obtaining high-quality greens in large volumes. The strongly dissected leaves are very fragrant, juicy and tender, good both fresh and dried.

The most popular late-ripening varieties

In garden beds, some late varieties do not have time to fully ripen over the summer, but they are best suited for obtaining lush greenery from spring until autumn, especially when grown at home on a windowsill. Some late-ripening varieties (Buyan, Salyut, Alligator) have very close internodes on the stem, which makes them look like dense bushes, and they are called “bush”.

Late-ripening varieties have greens that are more fragrant, beautiful and rich in vitamins.

Bush dill is remarkable in that it allows you to collect fresh herbs all season long without re-sowing the seeds in a conveyor belt manner. First, you use young plants when thinning out the seedlings, then you tear off the lower tier of dill bushes, pluck out the side shoots of their leaf axils, and then collect all the greens from the plant. So, to provide one family with dill throughout the entire season, twenty root dill plants are enough. In addition, late-ripening varieties have greens that are more fragrant, beautiful and rich in vitamins.


Alligator dill is especially valued by domestic gardeners, ideal for obtaining a large harvest of fresh herbs, since it can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground, harvesting several times a season. Green leaves with a bluish tint and a waxy coating form on the raised rosette. Umbrellas appear only towards the end of summer.

Video about the dill variety “Alligator”


The widespread Kibray dill is attractive for its wide, strongly dissected leaves, which have a bright aroma. The rosette of the plant is large, semi-raised, reaches a height of 40 cm. The color of the leaves is green with a slightly yellowish tint and a barely noticeable waxy coating. In order for Kibray to ripen in the garden, it needs to be sown early or grown under film.


A Dutch variety that has earned popularity all over the world for its lush, aromatic greens and ease of cultivation. Dill dill is able to grow in any conditions, it throws out the umbrella late, does not outgrow for a long time and produces a large amount of high-quality greens. Plants reach a height of 150 cm and can be used not only for consumption in fresh, dried form or as a seasoning for canning, but also for decorative purposes.

Bush dill: the best varieties

Bush varieties form side shoots in the leaf axils, so the plant looks like a whole bush. However, all the typical characteristics of plants of bush varieties can only be shown under one important condition - a large feeding area.

Bush dill is distinguished by its high yield of greens and its aromaticity; it does not go into flowering for a long time, due to which the duration of the economic suitability phase increases. Thus, greens from the bushes can be picked for about 1.5 months, saving on seed material.

At normal plant density, the lateral shoots of bush varieties do not grow, although even under these conditions they form a stem later than ordinary varieties. That is why, when sowing such varieties, the row spacing should be 20–30 cm, and the distance between plants in the row after thinning (the removed plants are used for greens) should be 15–20 cm. With this sowing scheme, dill begins to form a peduncle only by mid-July.

Bush and semi-bush mid- and late-ripening varieties Russian Razmer, Tetra, Kibray, Gurman, Superducat OE are distinguished by a large, semi-spreading rosette, with a plant weight of 50–80 g or more. Late-ripening varieties are more leafy and are characterized by a larger mass of one plant. Once ready to be harvested for greens, they can be harvested within 2 weeks - all this time they remain in the rosette phase.

Russian size– mid-season bush variety, from germination to harvest – 40–45 days. Large, heavily dissected leaves form a dense, spreading bush, up to 50 cm in diameter. The shoots and foliage remain tender and fragrant much longer than usual.

Tetra– late ripening, from full germination to flowering – 70–104 days. The plants are tall and well leafy. The leaf is large, the stem is tender. Not affected by pests and diseases. Used fresh and for canning.

Kibray– late ripening, from mass germination to harvesting for greenery – 28–40 days. The rosette is large, semi-raised, 30–40 cm high. The leaves are green with a yellow tint and a slight waxy coating, juicy, aromatic, of high commercial quality. Weakly affected by powdery mildew.

Gourmet– mid-season, from germination to technical ripeness – 40–45 days. Well leafy plant with succulent leaves. The rosette is raised, making it easier to care for when growing and the foliage remains clean after rain. Doesn't shoot for a long time. Tasty and aromatic greens are especially good when pickled.

Superducat OE– mid-season, from germination to harvesting for greens – 40–50 days, to flowering – 70–104 days. The plants are well leafy, the rosette is raised. The leaves are large green with a faint waxy coating, strongly dissected, juicy, tender. High aroma. It is characterized by slow stem formation and inflorescence formation. Recommended for fresh consumption, indispensable in seasonings and pickles.

All varieties of dill are distinguished by their taste, good green yield, resistance to various diseases and flowering. Tasty and aromatic dill can be grown if you choose the right variety and have sufficient information on cultivation. Unfortunately, not every variety of dill can boast of good yield and excellent taste.

The best varieties of dill, early ripening

Early varieties of dill are distinguished by the speed of germination, development and growth of green mass, and full ripening within thirty-five days from the appearance of the first shoots. This dill is grown for the purpose of obtaining early greens and further processing into seasonings. It is not possible to cut dill for a long time; after six or seven branches grow, it begins to bloom.

Dill Gribovsky. It is very popular among gardeners and gardeners. This is a variety of dill for greens; it is early ripening, resistant to temperature fluctuations and diseases, and has a strong flavor. Suitable for growing on a windowsill, in a greenhouse and open ground. The foliage is medium and large in size, dark green with a bluish bloom, juicy and tender. Greens ripen for economic suitability 33-38 days after germination of crops. Seeds are sown from April to July. To obtain a continuous process of cutting dill for greens, sowing is carried out every three weeks.

in the photo - Gribovsky dill variety

Dill Grenadier. Bush dill of the Grenadier variety is good for greens, which can be cut 30-35 days after the seeds germinate. Cultivated in open ground and protected. It is resistant to diseases and lodging. The rosette is slightly raised, no more than 25 centimeters. The plant produces up to ten leaves, no more than fifteen centimeters long. The leaves are large, dissected. To obtain the first early greenery, seeds are sown in April or May, depending on the weather conditions of the region.

in the photo - the Grenadier dill variety grows in a greenhouse, taller than human height

Dill Redoubt. The variety is early ripening and is grown to produce young herbs and seasonings. The plant is low-growing and closed, with basal rosettes at the base of the stem. Dill is green, has a faint waxy coating with medium-sized oblong leaves. The central part is convex, medium in size, with a small number of branches. The whole plant when cut into greens is 30-40 grams. Persistent aromatic odor, good presentation.

Dill varieties, mid-season

Dill varieties of medium ripeness ripen and form foliage later than early ripening ones, by 10-12 days. More leaf plates are formed in the rosettes; the duration of foliage growth lasts about three weeks. Therefore, more dill greens grow, which can be selectively cut over a long period. Dill varieties for greens with medium ripeness are sown at the end of May in order to get good greens in the summer.

Dill Kibray. The widespread and well-known variety Kibray is very popular among summer residents and gardeners. The green mass grows quickly and consistently. After a month and a half, you can cut off the fragrant and fragrant leaves. Bush dill of the Kibray variety has a wide spreading rosette, so the plantings are thinned out, maintaining a distance between seedlings of up to 20 centimeters. This dill is disease resistant. The yield of finished greens from one square meter can reach five kilograms.

in the photo - dill variety Kibray

Dill Lesnogorodsky. A distinctive feature of this dill is the ability to grow green mass during the flowering period, which is very convenient when growing greens in a small area. Characterized by high yield and quality of growing greenery, there is hardly a replacement for this variety. The bush is tall, densely leafy, the color of the foliage is rich green with a bluish bloom. Excellent persistent aroma, good shelf life, allowing dill to be stored fresh for a long time.

in the photo - dill variety “Lesnogorodsky”

Dill Richelieu. The fragrant dill variety Richelieu grows from half a meter to a meter in height. It has one stem, the leaves are large and dissected, green and heavily lacy. It has excellent spicy, taste and commercial qualities. The period from sowing seeds to cutting greenery is 42-43 days. Gives a stable harvest. Valued for its ability to obtain green mass during flowering.

Dill varieties, late ripening

If you want to get thick and lush greens over a long period and at a late date, then choose the best late-ripening varieties of dill. It is late dill that is grown to produce marketable greens; for a long time it does not produce a flower umbrella. Lush and fragrant foliage is cut off as it grows. Many late varieties have closely spaced internodes, which is why they are called “bush”. The main feature of such varieties is the absence of the need to sow seeds, due to the constant growth of green mass on the bush.

Dill Salute. Bush dill variety Salut is heavily leafy. The rosette produces 24-28 large and erect leaves. The greens are light green in color, juicy and aromatic. The leaves have a faint waxy layer. Resistance to stemming allows dill to be harvested for a long time. Harvesting is recommended to be done in three to four steps.

in the photo - dill variety Alligator

Dill Alligator. This dill takes pride of place among agronomists and vegetable growers. it is cultivated in open ground and film shelters to obtain a large harvest of greenery, due to possible cutting in several stages per season. The rosette is raised, economic suitability occurs forty days after the crops emerge. The leaves have a waxy coating and a bluish tint. Flower umbrellas are tied a month after fruiting.

Dill Borey. The shelf life of dill leaves is long; it takes a long time to tie an umbrella. Very large and wide leaves, almost 35 centimeters long. The plant grows quickly and has a persistent spicy aroma. The variety is bushy and very productive; the greens are cut repeatedly over three months. A characteristic feature of the variety is that it is highly leafy and does not turn yellow for a long time.

Dill varieties for greens are suitable for growing at any time of the year, the main thing is to create optimal conditions, which is not always possible in winter in open ground and unheated greenhouses. But a loggia, balcony, or window sill are perfect for growing dill for herbs at home.

Dill is one of the most popular herbs in cooking. Without a dill umbrella, the marinade will lose its aroma, and a salad without dill aroma and needles scattered over the surface will not be so appetizing. Therefore, dill is used all year round in dry and fresh form. Increased demand for fresh herbs has created conditions for the development of many new varieties of dill, differing in ripening time, color, foliage structure and plant appearance.

Features of dill varieties

If we consider the genus of dill, it belongs to the umbelliferous family and is a relative of carrots and celery. It has a relative, wild dill, or parsnip, whose root vegetable is eaten, resembling carrots and parsley.

As a result of breeding work, varieties of three groups are presented on the rural market:

  • early ripening;
  • mid-season varieties;
  • late-ripening varieties that do not produce umbrellas.

Two-year-old dill varieties can develop an umbrella even if grown continuously throughout the year, but in the short Russian summer they cannot produce seeds in open ground. This explains the high cost of hybrid seeds.

Early varieties

You can grow greens in the spring from early ripening dill. Usually these are zoned varieties that form 4-6 leaves and an umbrella. These include old and newly created varieties, the period before stemming is 35-40 days. The fruits of dill are used in medicine and cooking.

Early ripening variety Anker

The new early ripening variety Anker manages to produce umbrellas and a sufficient amount of light greenery. Its yield is 2-3 kg/m2, which is not bad for an early ripening variety. The anchor can be sown several times, collecting enough young greenery. The aroma of this variety is of medium intensity.

Early ripening variety Redut

A variety with an exceptionally strong aroma. The plant is low, with a powerful rosette. Foliage is full, with a waxy coating. The leaf is oblong, the segments are long. The umbrella is large and convex. The yield from one square of greenery is 1.2 kg, when harvesting umbrella products up to almost three kilograms. The very powerful stem is no less fragrant than the green leaves.

Dill Gribovskaya early

The most common early variety, which propagates by self-sowing and grows like a weed. After germination, the plant produces 4 leaves and produces a flower basket after 70 days. The height of the stems is about 80 cm. This variety has a little green aromatic seasoning, but in July it already has developed seed baskets, which are used in cooking for pickling and salting. The weight of one copy of dill is 12 grams. The fruits of dill can ripen in 108 days.

Mid-season varieties

Mid-ripening dill is characterized by a large leaf mass. Spreading rosettes of 6-10 leaves give a high yield of green mass. Seed ripening at the same sowing time occurs a week later. Their seeds reach waxy ripeness and are suitable for use in cooking. These varieties include Lesnogorsky, Kibray, Uzory, Richelieu and others.

Richelieu variety

The Richelieu variety represents dill of medium ripening period. The lacy beauty of its foliage is difficult to describe. Blue-green needles are very decorative. When the peduncle is thrown away, the greens become most fragrant. This type of dill, in addition to a large amount of greenery in August, produces mature seeds if sown in April. Richelieu has large seeds, umbrellas up to 20 cm in diameter. Each basket consists of 20-50 simple umbrellas. The height of the plant with an umbrella is more than a meter. The yield of greens is up to 1.3 kg per meter.

Dill Kibray

The famous mid-season variety Kibray has long been loved by gardeners. The rapidly growing greenery allows you to pinch off branches within a month after germination. The leaves are fragrant, raised, foliage grows quickly up to 45 days after emergence. The rosette of the bush dill variety Kibray spreads widely, so the distance between plants should be about 20 cm, and between rows 30. The greenery grows gradually, and the total harvest can be up to six kilograms per square. This dill variety is resistant to fungal diseases and can be grown in damp soils. The spice rosette is ready in 72 days.

Dill Umbrella

The mid-season Umbrella variety is a plant up to two meters tall when in flower. Greens begin to be harvested after a month and a half from germination. At the same time, the greens retain their aromatic qualities even during flowering. The leaves are large, green, elongated into a thread. The umbrella reaches almost 20 cm in diameter, collecting up to 50 simple baskets. Very aromatic greens amount to 2.3 kg per square meter. Umbrella was created by the agricultural company Gavrish; it belongs to the variety of dill for greens.

Late-ripening varieties of dill

Late-ripening varieties of dill are grown to produce marketable greens. They do not have time to give an umbrella; basically these plants have a bush-like spreading low rosette of leaves. Stemming in late varieties begins in the seventh decade. Therefore, the greenery is removed as it grows. These varieties include, such as Alligator, Frost, Patterns.

Dill Alligator

Bush dill of the Alligator variety is a high-yielding crop. The rosette of leaves is raised with strong filling. Harvesting for greenery takes place one and a half months after germination. The period of readiness to use spice umbrellas is 115 days. In the southern regions, the plant has time to ripen to seeds. The plant is tall, up to 1.6 meters with a powerful stem. Alligator has a strong aroma and produces up to 20 grams of greens and up to 60 when harvested for spices from one plant. This variety is loved by gardeners for its aroma and large amount of green mass.

Dill Patterns

A distinctive feature of bush dill patterns is its slow stemming. Therefore, mid-late dill bred by VNIISSOK is a very productive variety. Very fragrant large leaves grow from below and along the entire stem of the peduncle. The main harvesting of green mass is carried out before the age of two months. The green mass of one plant is more than 50, taken with a basket - 83 grams. The height of the stem reaches one and a half meters. The variety is disease resistant and has a high percentage of dry matter and vitamin C.

Frost, mid-late variety

Medium late variety. The leaves are long, bluish-green with a coating of wax. The height of the plant when flowering is 150-170 cm, the umbrellas are large. All parts of dill have a very strong aroma, especially the leaves when the basket is pulled out. The mass of greenery from one bush is 40 grams. The total commodity weight per square meter is 2.7 kg. This variety is valued for its abundance of spicy greens. Crops are carried out from April to August. It is recommended to use the crop frozen.

The best varieties of dill - video

Seed propagation in the garden strawberries we are used to, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries, alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this crop, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether it is worth allocating a place for it in the berry garden.

Often, when we see a beautiful flower, we instinctively bend down to smell its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by moths) and daytime, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the florist and designer, because we often walk around the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners when evening comes. We are never overwhelmed by the scent of our favorite fragrant flowers.

Many gardeners consider pumpkin to be the queen of garden beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, healthy qualities and rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the possibility of long-term storage, this vegetable supports our health all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your plot, you will be interested in learning how to get the largest possible harvest.

Scotch eggs - incredibly delicious! Try to prepare this dish at home, there is nothing difficult in preparation. Scotch eggs are a hard-boiled egg wrapped in minced meat, breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep-fried. For frying, you will need a frying pan with a high side, and if you have a deep fryer, then that’s just great - even less hassle. You will also need oil for frying so as not to smoke in the kitchen. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tubs of Dominican Cubanola fully justifies its status as a tropical miracle. Warm-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique bells of flowers, Cubanola is a fragrant star with a complex character. It requires special conditions in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, a better (and more chocolatey) candidate for the role of indoor giant cannot be found.

Chickpea curry with meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner, inspired by Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare but requires some prep. The chickpeas must first be soaked in plenty of cold water for several hours, preferably overnight; the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight so that it turns out juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then prepare the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb cannot be found in every garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! The large green or red rosette of leaves of the plant, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful background for annuals. It is not surprising that rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, the trend is to experiment with unusual combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to an assortment of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but will also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - a cucumber sandwich, a chicken sandwich, a cabbage and meat sandwich - a great idea for a quick snack or for an outdoor picnic. Just fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little seasoning. There are no onions in these sandwiches; if you wish, you can add onions marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches; this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to pack a picnic basket and head to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, average ripening periods - 55-60 and late ones - at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality tomato harvest also depends on carefully following the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious “background” plants of sansevieria do not seem boring to those who value minimalism. They are better suited than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal care. Stable decorativeness and extreme hardiness in only one species of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very rapid growth - rosette sansevieria Hana. The squat rosettes of their tough leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months of the garden calendar pleasantly surprises with the balanced distribution of favorable and unfavorable days for working with plants according to the lunar calendar. Vegetable gardening in June can be done throughout the entire month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do useful work. There will be optimal days for sowing and planting, for pruning, for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a frying pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for a holiday menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this is the preferred meat for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, are the best choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - boletus mushrooms, boletus and other delicacies is best prepared for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious ones and with interesting, non-trivial foliage colors. I have various Japanese spirea, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry... And there is one special shrub, which I will talk about in this article - viburnum leaf. To fulfill my dream of a low-maintenance garden, it is perhaps ideal. At the same time, it is capable of greatly diversifying the picture in the garden, from spring to autumn.