Buy open-type ultraviolet lamps. Lamps for disinfection of premises: review, characteristics, instructions. Quartz lamp “Sun”: its features and technical characteristics

How to choose quartz lamps for your home: review of lamps, prices, reviews. The property of quartz lamps to distribute ultraviolet radiation has long been used by medical institutions for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Modern manufacturers offer models that can be used at home. Quartz lamps for the home will help replenish the lack of vitamin D in the body and disinfect the air in the room. But before using the device, be sure to study the rules for quartzing rooms and people.

Air disinfection devices are designed both for use in specialized institutions and for home use

Quartz lamps for home use

In the production of ultraviolet radiation sources, several types of glass materials are used. Taking this into account, such devices are classified into:

  • quartz;
  • bactericidal;
  • amalgam.

The source, which is based on a quartz flask, produces powerful radiation. As a result of the operation of such a device, a large amount of ozone is produced, which has a strong antimicrobial effect.

Treatment of premises with ultraviolet rays helps purify the air of bacteria and viruses, and also promotes the production of vitamin D in human skin

Helpful advice! High concentrations of ozone are toxic and can lead to negative effects on the human respiratory system.

The operation of amalgam and bactericidal emitters is not accompanied by the release of ozone, which is more preferable for quartz treatment at home. Depending on the radiation intensity of quartz lamps at home, there are several types of devices:

  • open-type quartz lamps - these devices productively destroy viruses and bacteria in the air and on the surface of objects located in the room being treated. During the operation of these sources, a person should not be in the radiation zone. You should also exclude the presence of pets and indoor plants in the room. The use of open-design lamps is appropriate when sufficiently powerful periodic disinfection is necessary;
  • closed-type quartz lamps - bactericidal lamps in this design are closed and cannot cause harm to people and other living organisms in the room. The action of these irradiators occurs in a gentle mode and their use is most preferable in domestic conditions. The share of the spectrum of negative radiation in such devices is negligible or absent altogether. It is possible that they can be used, among other things, to repel insects. However, you should not abuse the exposure of the irradiator;

Open quartz lamp for room disinfection

  • quartz portable closed-type sources - used for disinfection of air, as well as visible and hidden surfaces. It is used for preventive measures in case of illness of one of the family members. Promotes rapid recovery and prevents the spread of infection. The device is compact and can be installed in any convenient position.

Before buying a lamp for quartzing a room, you should familiarize yourself with the possible effects of devices on the human body, the basic rules for using emitters at home and the key characteristics of popular models.

The principle of operation of quartz lamps for disinfection of premises

The design of a mercury-quartz lamp is a sealed glass flask filled with mercury mass. When an electric current passes through it, UV radiation is generated, which has an antimicrobial effect on the air and surfaces of objects in the treated room. The disinfection action begins immediately after connecting the device to the network.

The main effect of the operation of a quartz treatment apparatus is the disinfection of the air space through ultraviolet radiation. If quartz glass is used in devices, it allows all radiation generated by mercury to pass through, including ozone. It is dangerous for all living organisms. That is why the treatment is carried out in the absence of people and animals, and after the procedure the room is ventilated.

Ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on viruses and other microorganisms, destroying their DNA structure

Germicidal UV radiation is used as an effective method of combating pathogens, as well as a means of preventing and reducing the spread of infectious diseases in domestic and public premises. Such irradiation increases the level of activity of the body's defense mechanisms, normalizes respiratory functions, and has a positive effect on blood clotting and oxygen supply to the myocardium.

It is necessary to distinguish between quartz and bactericidal lamp models. The glass flask of the latter is equipped with a protective layer that prevents the formation of large amounts of harmful ozone. This makes the operation of bactericidal lamps less hazardous to health than quartz lamps. Despite this fact, the presence of people in the room during processing should be excluded.

Helpful advice! The main source of danger from mercury irradiators is the risk of damage to the bulb and the spread of mercury vapor, which has a negative impact on human health.

The process of quartzing at home: the benefits and harms of UV radiation treatment

Treatment of premises with ultraviolet rays helps purify the air from bacteria, viruses and microbes. As a result of this procedure, the air is filled with ozone, which promotes better functioning of the human immune system and ensures the synthesis of vitamin D in the body. To properly quartz at home, you need to know what benefits and harms such a process can bring.

UV Amalgam Lamp for Home

The undoubted advantages of quartzing rooms at home include:

  • prevention of viral infections such as ARVI and influenza;
  • reducing the risk of airborne infection spreading to healthy family members;
  • relief of symptoms of inflamed adenoids, bronchitis and sinusitis;
  • therapeutic effects for otitis media;
  • treatment and prevention of skin diseases: acne, psoriasis, eczema and other ailments;
  • relief of toothache, prevention of gum disease;
  • prevention of inflammatory joint diseases, as well as treatment of osteochondrosis;
  • prevention of rickets in children.

It is worth noting that if the instructions for using a quartz lamp are not followed, such devices can have a harmful effect. Incorrect use for cosmetic procedures can lead to eye burns from a quartz lamp. In addition, factors for cautious or undesirable use of irradiators include:

  • personal intolerance - in this case, quartz treatment should be used with extreme caution or the procedure should be abandoned altogether;
  • skin sensitivity to UV rays;
  • increased body temperature;

Quartz irradiators for home use in apartment interiors

  • the presence of cancer - there is a possible risk of accelerating the formation of malignant tumors;
  • high blood pressure - people with this disease should not use irradiators.

Helpful advice! Before using a lamp to quartz a room, you need to study the rules for using the devices and consult a doctor about existing contraindications.

The procedure for using lamps for quartzing an apartment

If you bought a quartz lamp for home use, you must carefully read the instructions included with the device. There are certain rules for using devices for disinfecting premises, the implementation of which is mandatory. It is worth using a quartz lamp for disinfection in an apartment when many guests come to you or your body is often susceptible to colds or infectious ailments.

How to use a quartz lamp at home? The rules for quartzing a room are as follows:

  • it is necessary to prepare the device and electrical carrier in advance;
  • It is better to connect the device to the network in an adjacent room, so that it is possible to turn off the device without entering the room being treated;
  • Before treatment, all people and animals should be removed from the room and the room should be cleared of indoor plants;

Floor-standing model of quartz irradiator for home

  • after connecting the device, you should make sure that the lamp is functioning;
  • You must wear special safety glasses to operate the lamp and turn it on. You should not be in the room while the lamp is on. To automatically turn on/off the device, you can use a timer set for a certain period of time when there are no people in the room;
  • processing time is 30 minutes. After half an hour of continuous operation, the device should be turned off until it cools down completely (the process takes about 40 minutes);
  • It is recommended to enter the room after treatment no earlier than 1 hour after turning off the device;
  • After quartzing the room, it is necessary to ventilate it.

After studying the basic precautions and operating instructions for quartz lamps, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to stay indoors while quartzing is obvious. This is not recommended.

Rules for human irradiation with a quartz lamp

In order for the use of a quartz treatment device at home to bring maximum benefit, you should take into account the fact that everyone’s skin reacts differently to the action of ultraviolet rays. This depends on various factors: age, individual sensitivity, body condition, type of outer layer of skin (epidermis), season of procedures and other conditions.

Quartz lamps are used for the prevention and treatment of various types of diseases

People whose skin is prone to dryness may experience redness and cracking. Radiation causes blood vessels to dilate in some people. In these cases, it is better not to use quartz treatment. You should not undergo radiation if you have recently had a serious illness or surgery. You should use the device with extreme caution to irradiate a child, because biologically active UV rays can cause a lot of harm if the dosage is incorrect.

  • irradiation is carried out wearing protective glasses;
  • areas of the skin not involved in treatment are covered with thick fabric;
  • The procedure begins after 5 minutes. after connecting the device to the network;
  • the distance from the lamp to the irradiated skin surface should be 50 cm;
  • Before the procedure, the skin is evenly lubricated with cream or cosmetic oil;
  • the initial irradiation time is 30 seconds. Each subsequent session is increased gradually, adding 30 seconds. The duration of one procedure should not exceed 3 minutes;
  • Do not use the lamp to obtain a tanning effect.

Some people experience individual intolerance to UV rays: headaches appear, the nervous system is irritated, and there may be other symptoms. In this case, the procedure should not be performed. Contraindications do not affect the disinfection of premises, since this process takes place without human presence.

Before using quartz irradiators, consultation with a medical specialist is necessary.

Design of lamps for quartzing an apartment

You can buy a lamp for quartzing at home in a tabletop, floor-mounted or wall-mounted version. For modern large-sized apartments and impressive private houses, the floor-type model will be optimal. Its power is quite enough to disinfect a spacious hall, living room or children's playroom. Such devices have medium dimensions, they are mobile and can easily be moved to any room.

Hanging type lamps are installed permanently. Depending on the preferences of the owners, they can be attached to either the ceiling or the wall. The range of ceiling fixtures is very limited due to low popularity. Wall-mounted quartz devices are most in demand at home. Such lamps have a modern design and are always appropriate in the interior.

Desktop models have sufficient power and are often used in everyday life. Thanks to their compact size, the lamps can be installed on any surface and transported if necessary. Such devices are designed for local disinfection of the surface of objects and local irradiation.

It is worth noting that lamps in combination with a bactericidal lamp have recently appeared on sale. The operation is based on the alternating operation of fluorescent and bactericidal lamps. The devices are equipped with a switch that automatically regulates the operation of the lamps. Small in size, such lamps can be placed in any convenient place.

Floor-standing models of quartz lamps for the home are mobile and do not take up much space

The stability of the voltage in the household electrical network largely affects the service life of a quartz lamp for home use, regardless of its design. There is also a dependence of the service life of devices on the level of humidity in the room, the frequency of switching on/off, and the degree of dust contamination of the main elements of the device.

Helpful advice! You can extend the life of a quartz lamp at home by installing a voltage stabilization device for a household network or an RCD.

Where to buy a quartz lamp for home

Many people, before buying a quartz lamp for disinfecting a room, are interested in the basic parameters of the devices from qualified specialists in online stores selling specialized medical equipment. However, the final decision on using a quartz lamp should be made based on the doctor’s instructions.

Like any other product, you can choose, order and buy a quartz lamp for your apartment on the manufacturers’ websites. Device catalogs contain complete information about the technical parameters of each device and are accompanied by several photos of models. A preliminary familiarization with the devices available in the range, as well as competent consultation, will help in choosing the appropriate option. Many companies provide the opportunity to deliver goods to the buyer’s region.

Amalgam-type quartz lamps for home

Before you place an order and buy a quartz bactericidal lamp of the desired model, it is worth making a comparative analysis of prices on the websites of various companies. This will help you find the device at the best price. It would be a good idea to inquire about the availability of appropriate certificates and warranty periods for quartz irradiators, as well as consult about the rules and operating conditions of devices for different types of premises.

Helpful advice! If you buy a quartz bactericidal lamp for disinfection that does not match the parameters of your premises, you will waste your money.

Depending on your needs, you can choose portable or stationary devices from the range of quartz lamps. Compact devices can be taken with you on trips if your work involves frequent business trips or used to disinfect, for example, the surface of your workplace.

Customer reviews play an important role in choosing the right lamp model. By studying them, you can eliminate the risk of purchasing a device that is of poor quality or does not meet your needs.

Quartz lamps for home: customer reviews

When planning to purchase a device for disinfecting a house or apartment, ask for the opinions of people who use quartz lamps. Customer reviews will be very useful, given that many of them use devices for treating and disinfecting the air in rooms where they live with children. But remember that whatever the opinions of consumers, you should not neglect the advice of an experienced doctor.

Irradiator-recirculator Armed in a plastic case

Many parents confirm the fact that when rooms are periodically quartzed, children are less exposed to viral diseases. And if they do get sick, using a lamp helps get rid of many symptoms and promotes a quick recovery. In families with several children, the likelihood of the disease spreading from a sick child to a healthy one is minimal.

Quartz lamps have received good reviews in the treatment of skin diseases, especially psoriatic rashes. According to users, after 10-15 sessions, the condition of the skin noticeably improves, and some recommend doubling the number of procedures to achieve tangible results.

There are also positive reviews when using quartz treatment to eliminate mold in houses and apartments, and unpleasant odors in pantries and cabinets. The lamp works great for disinfecting the refrigerator space, and it eliminates not only the smell, but also the cause of its occurrence. According to pet lovers, treating premises with quartz irradiators to remove specific odors gives good results.

There are cases when housewives share the secrets of ultraviolet treatment of vegetables and fruits when canning. Summarizing all the reviews, we can conclude that the positive ones have a clear advantage. This fact gives reason to assume that a quartz lamp in household use is a very necessary and practical thing.

Various models of mobile quartz irradiators for residential premises

Quartz lamps for home: prices for various models

Quartz irradiators have become very popular for home use. This is due not only to their therapeutic effects, but also to the ability to take preventive measures, thereby eliminating the onset of the disease. Knowing where to buy a quartz lamp for your home of proper quality, you can purchase the device at an affordable price.

Online stores offer a wide selection of quartz lamp models that can be safely used at home. The cost of devices is influenced by the power of the lamp, its design, mounting method and device manufacturer. The table below shows the approximate prices of lamps for quartzing an apartment or house.

Average prices for quartz lamps for household use:

Quartz lamp model Manufacturer country price, rub.
"Sun" OUFK-09 Russia 2890
UFO-V "Electronics" Russia 3210
"Crystal-2" closed type Russia 4450
Quartz lamp OBR-30 closed type with timer Russia 5520
Bactericidal recirculator MSK-909 “Megidez” wall-mounted Russia 4640
Bactericidal wall-mounted irradiator Dezar-3 “Kront” ORUBn3-3 Russia 9600
Irradiator-recirculator Armed SN 111-115 in a plastic case China 4050

It is worth noting that the current price of a quartz lamp must be checked with consultants of companies that sell such equipment. You can consult with them regarding placing an order, timing and methods of delivery of goods. When choosing a quartz lamp for use at home, you must be guided by the volume of the room being treated, the number of people who will use the device and the diseases for which it is planned to be used. By studying the offers of online stores, you can find a suitable and functional device.

Quartz lamp “Sun” OUFK-01: bactericidal UV irradiator, reviews of the device

The main advantage of the quartz lamp “Solnyshko” OUFK-01 is that it can be used for therapeutic irradiation of children starting from the age of three. This is an open type device that can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes both in children's institutions and in domestic conditions. Quartz lamps for the home "Solnyshko" are used to disinfect space and surfaces in rooms up to 12-15 square meters. m, as well as quartzization of the body.

The design of the Solnyshko quartz quartz lamp is a plastic case measuring 260 x 140 x 130 mm with a source of ultraviolet radiation located inside (DKB-7 lamps). The front part of the body has a retractable screen with a hole for fixing replaceable ENT attachments - tubes. When using the device for quartzing an apartment, the protective screen is completely removed from the housing.

Removable attachments are used to treat inflammatory processes in the ear, nose and throat. The use of a lamp as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic in the treatment of diseases of the joints, nervous and muscular systems, as well as skin diseases is effective. The device stimulates the production of vitamin D in children with a lack of solar radiation in the winter season.

The quartz lamp “Sun” is very popular among parents of small children

You can buy a quartz lamp “Sun” complete with a set of tubes with output holes with a diameter of 5 mm (2 pcs.), 15 mm (1 pc.) and an opening at an angle of 60° (1 pc.). The kit includes safety glasses suitable for size for children and a biodosimeter that determines the dose of individual radiation taking into account the physiological characteristics of the patient.

Helpful advice! If the quartz lamp has been in the cold for some time, you can turn it on to the mains only after at least 2 hours.

Indications for use of the quartz lamp “Sun” OUFK-01. Consumer Reviews

Before buying a “Solnyshko” quartz lamp, you should read the instructions included with the device and the basic rules for its use.

Types of radiation and diseases for which they are used:

Type of exposure Indications for use
Local ultraviolet irradiation of the skin
  • prolonged course of chronic bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • neuralgia of acute and chronic nature;
  • rheumatoid and reactive arthritis, osteoarthritis;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin damage of traumatic origin;
  • bedsores, boils, ulcers, purulent wounds, erysipelas;
  • viral rashes (shingles)
Intracavitary ultraviolet irradiation
  • conditions with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • chronic and acute pharyngitis;
  • inflammation of the nasal mucosa (acute course);
  • acute and chronic otitis media;
  • periodontal disease, gingivitis (inflammation of the gum edges), acute periodontitis

Before purchasing a device, it is worth asking the opinions of people who have used Solnyshko quartz lamps for treatment and prevention. Reviews about devices can be found on websites offering these products, as well as numerous thematic forums. By sharing their experiences, many parents note an improvement in the condition of children suffering from runny noses and frequent colds.

According to consumer reviews, “Solnyshko” irradiators are effective in the treatment of otitis media in children and contribute to the rapid treatment of cough, rhinitis, and pharyngitis. Many people say that the devices are simple and easy to use. In their opinion, the price of a quartz lamp fully corresponds to its functionality, amounting to about 2000 rubles. The key to effective use is a properly selected device, which can be intended for both children and adults.

The key to the effectiveness of using a quartz lamp is the correctly selected device, as well as following the recommendations for use

Model of quartz lamp “Crystal”

Russian-made bactericidal lamps “Crystal” are deservedly popular. These are open-design devices designed to destroy viruses and other microorganisms that are dangerous to the body. The lamp effectively disinfects the air in the room and the surfaces in it. Quartzing with a lamp should be done when there are no people in the room.

The irradiator is designed to disinfect a room with a volume of 60 cubic meters. m, which allows you to treat rooms up to 2.5-3 m high. By purchasing a quartz lamp for room disinfection “Crystal”, you can effectively fight the influenza virus in a room of up to 20 square meters. m. Complete disinfection of such a room occurs within 1.5 hours. As a result of treatment, the ability of cells of various viruses to reproduce in several generations is lost.

The Crystal quartz lamp is small in size; its design consists of an irradiator and a lamp. It is possible to replace the ultraviolet lamp with a fluorescent light source and use the device as a lamp. The compact “Crystal” lamp can be installed on any flat surface, and, if necessary, can be easily transported to any place.

Helpful advice! If you bought a crystal lamp for quartzing your apartment, you should take care of purchasing a timer, since the device does not have an auto-off function.

Quartz lamps, disinfecting the air and saturating it with ozone, help create safe conditions and a comfortable microclimate indoors

You can easily buy a “Crystal” quartz lamp by placing the appropriate order on one of the websites or in an online store that sells this group of products. The convenience of such a purchase is that it is possible to familiarize yourself in advance with the main characteristics of the device and customer reviews regarding its functionality. All products are certified and have a warranty period of 12 months. The approximate price of a quartz lamp for a “Crystal” home is 2,100 rubles.

Quartz irradiators have a wide range of applications. To create the safest possible atmosphere in your home for the whole family, you need to choose the right device and use it strictly according to the manufacturer’s instructions, taking into account the doctor’s recommendations.

Today, bactericidal irradiators, which until recently were used exclusively in medical institutions, are gaining popularity in everyday life. Now such devices make it possible to fight pathogenic agents at home, especially during the season of increased epidemiological activity.

Where to buy a bactericidal irradiator in Moscow

The easiest and cheapest way to buy a bactericidal irradiator is in Moscow: the product can be picked up immediately after approval of the application from our office. DomDoctora is an online store with optimal prices, where you can purchase an irradiator on attractive terms. Please note: we have promotions with great deals on health products.

Why do you need a bactericidal lamp?

This easy-to-use device does an excellent job of air disinfection. With the help of ultraviolet radiation with a bactericidal effect, dangerous pathogenic agents are killed - fungi, viruses, etc. A quartz lamp for disinfecting a room will help stop the spread of a viral infection and prevent infection of the entire family if one of the household members gets sick.

How to use a quartz lamp to disinfect a room

On the website you can profitably buy a quartz lamp for disinfecting a room, which is easy to use in everyday life. Each model comes with detailed instructions indicating how to use it. Usually the kit comes with special safety glasses that need to be worn when turning the device on and off.

Please note: some irradiators can be used if there are people in the room being treated. Stabilization of the operating parameters necessary for the full operation of the irradiator occurs for each model at a certain time after it is connected to the network - usually 5-10 minutes. A quartz lamp for disinfecting a room copes with the task, depending on the power of the selected model.

Prices for a bactericidal irradiator for room disinfection

At DomDoctora, the price for a bactericidal irradiator for disinfecting a room starts from 2,490 rubles - a necessary and profitable purchase for any family with children and frequently ill household members. The most affordable prices are for a bactericidal irradiator with one active lamp, but a model of this configuration will not be suitable for large rooms.

Operating principle of a bactericidal lamp

Irradiation is the effect on the surrounding space using some kind of radiation. And by recirculation we mean multiple circular passage of air masses. Based on this, it can be argued that the germicidal lamp forces the air to circulate and in the process affects it due to ultraviolet radiation.

All disinfection processes take place inside the device body. The recirculator passes air through itself and irradiates it, as a result of which all the microbes and viruses that it contains die. The function of sucking and circulating air is performed by a special fan of the bactericidal lamp, installed behind the inlet of the irradiator. You can completely clear the air masses in a room in about 35-40 minutes.

For what diseases is it used?

Medical lamps in the modern world are widely used to combat harmful microorganisms. Quartz lamps are a very effective method for treating serious diseases such as rhinitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, rheumatism, stomatitis, bedsores, burns, ulcers, mastitis and frostbite. It helps perfectly with psoriasis, fungus or eczema. An ultraviolet irradiator can be used for preventive purposes during the cold season, when there is a lack of sunlight.

The germicidal lamp serves other purposes; it does not have any healing properties. Its main function is the disinfection of space, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Such irradiators are used in institutions where large numbers of people can be observed. These devices can be of an open or closed type, but it should be taken into account that open devices cannot be turned on in the presence of people, but closed type devices can work near a person, since all the necessary processes occur inside the device. Open-type bactericidal irradiators make it possible to purify the air much more effectively.

Until recently, ultraviolet radiation was considered exclusively a drug therapy. Thanks to the development of technology, it began to be practiced in everyday life. Thus, the question arises of how to choose a quartz lamp for your home and what conditions need to be maintained to ensure the safety of family members.

The properties of ultraviolet rays are familiar to each of you. It is this that helps restore the lack of vitamin D in the human body during the cold season, and also disinfects the room from viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

First of all, young parents, elderly people and those who suffer from chronic diseases should take advantage of this device.

Basically, lamps with ultraviolet radiation are used to treat diseases of the joints, muscles, and skin; dysfunction of the digestive and respiratory systems. Devices are often used for cosmetic purposes, for example, to cleanse the skin of acne and rashes; used as a miniature solarium to get a light tan in the middle of winter.

Quartz devices are produced in various modifications. If you pay attention to the purpose of the device, there are differences in the technical characteristics of the emission spectrum and power.

Rules for choosing an ultraviolet lamp

Attention! When choosing an ultraviolet lamp for an apartment or house, you should be guided by the area of ​​​​the premises in which it will be used. Then select a device with suitable power consumption.

  • First of all, decide whether you need a lamp to treat or disinfect rooms. Since both these tools differ in their characteristics and functional features;
  • To successfully use the device at home, it is enough to purchase low-power shielded lamps. They can work even in the presence of a person without harming him;
  • Please note that each individual unit is equipped differently, so choose based on your needs. All attachments and spare emitters must be included;
  • you should choose variations of devices that fit ideally for work in a particular room. There is no need to choose devices with backup calculations, this is dangerous;
  • buy compact lamps no larger than 60 cm in size. It is easy to find spare parts for a device with such dimensions and the lamps themselves in case they fail.

Important! If you use the device for cosmetic purposes, do not overdo it, as burns to the skin and retina are possible.

How to use a quartz lamp at home: detailed instructions

If you purchased a bactericidal mercury lamp to use at home and do not know what to do with it and how to put it into working position, we recommend using our instructions.

  1. First, prepare all the accessories: an extension cord and a quartz lamp.

Attention! A mercury lamp for quartz treatment should be used in accordance with the established rules in the instructions in order to avoid burns and unnecessary damage to the skin.

  1. We remove all unnecessary items from the room that will be disinfected, including indoor plants, pets, ask people to leave this room.
  2. Install the lamp on a horizontal surface. Make sure that the lighting area covers the walls and ceiling as much as possible (a large number of bacteria hide there).
  3. Connect an extension cord to the lamp and thread it through the gap under the door. Typically, such light bulbs have a switch lever - turn it to the working position.
  4. Connect the extension cord in the next room and literally look into the room being treated for a moment to make sure the lamp lights up.
  5. Then we close the doors as tightly as possible and wait 30 minutes, then turn off the mercury device. Do not enter the room for another 60 minutes. During this time, the resulting ozone (a gas harmful to the body) is again converted into oxygen.
  6. Then, you can bring in all the items, start the pets and enter the person. Place the lamp in a specific place. It is advisable to place it in a box.

Attention! If your lamp has a capacitor, it must be discharged to avoid electric shock.

Sometimes, using quartzing, the room is ventilated at the same time. This method of disinfection is possible if the device is able to fight harmful bacteria quickly enough.

Classification of bactericidal lamps

It is customary to divide mercury ultraviolet lamps into open and closed type devices, as well as special-purpose devices.

The discovery version of the device is used for medical purposes, so it is practically never found at home. Closed model lamps are used for home and preschool institutions. And one of the popular types are special-purpose devices. They glow blue and are the ones most often used by the general population.

With the help of the latest device, all diseases of an inflammatory and bacterial nature are easily eliminated. In a hospital setting, such equipment is used to treat the respiratory system. It is used in the field of dentistry.

Operating principle of a bactericidal emitter

In appearance, a mercury lamp is a dense glass flask, which is completely filled with mercury substance. After connecting the device to the network, current passes through mercury vapor, subsequently producing ultraviolet radiation, which copes with the disinfection of the room from the first working minute.

A mercury-quartz lamp provides a emitting wavelength of up to 200 nm. It ionizes the oxygen contained in the room, converting it into toxic and destructive ozone.

Important! Buy shielded home lamps with a glass body, since in most cases plastic transmits radiation well.

We hasten to draw your attention to the fact that the quartz and bactericidal lamps are distinguished by the presence of a protective layer on the glass of the second lamp. Speaking about xenon lamps, we can highlight the fact that they are as safe as possible for the environment even if the device body is damaged, but their service life is much shorter.

Popular designs of mercury lamps

All quartz lamps are usually divided into ozone and ozone-free. Ozone devices are too harmful for humans, as they create a high concentration of this substance in the air. Ozone-free devices are characterized by the presence of a special flask through which radiation penetrates through an additional layer of protection, so this device is the safest for home use.

Today there are mercury emitters of various configurations. They can be mounted on the ceiling, wall and horizontal surfaces. There are also models that do not need to be fixed, but can be installed in any convenient place.

Safety precautions when working with a quartz lamp

Those who regularly use the radiation procedure need to know a number of important rules to ensure safety:

What is the difference between quartz and ultraviolet radiation?

In the last century, scientists were able to identify the possibility of destroying harmful bacteria using sunlight. This happens thanks to an ultraviolet wave with a length of up to 200 nm, invisible to humans. Later, a device was created that produces artificial radiation, which has a neutralizing and antibacterial effect.

Quartz treatment is a slightly different method that has a disinfecting effect. This method allows you to remove all bacteria on the surface of the walls and ceiling. For each specific room, it is recommended to set a specific time for the procedure.

Where to install the germicidal lamp?

The location of the bactericidal mercury lamp depends on the functions of the device and the purpose of use. In domestic conditions, devices for water and room purification are often used. Speaking about the first version of the device, it is customary to install it in the internal components of the pipeline. In this case, the water pressure passes through the bactericidal device, and it becomes clean and ready for use.

Air recirculators have several classifications; they are selected depending on convenience and the possibility of fixation. Such variations can be used in any conditions, of course, subject to operating requirements.

Service life of quartz lamps

Each manufacturer of bactericidal mercury lamps provides a specific service life for the device. It is also important to consider a number of factors:

  • support for the correct use of the device;
  • ensure normal operation of the electrical network. To do this, install protective devices (automatic circuit breakers and RCDs) in your power system;
  • use the device only at the optimal temperature range specified in the instructions;
  • observe the humidity in the room, because it affects not only the operation of the device, but also aggravates the effectiveness of the procedure.

Recently, combined bactericidal lamps have been used that can operate in normal and ultraviolet lighting modes.

Important! Children should not be allowed into such devices and forget to switch the lighting, as this can cause damage to the skin and vision.

You may be interested in:

Sources of UV radiation are of open and closed type, depending on the material from which the glass is made, they are distinguished: quartz, bactericidal and amalgam. An irradiator with a quartz flask produces the strongest radiation; during operation it produces ozone, which has an additional antimicrobial effect. Bactericidal and amalgam emitters prevent the formation of ozone, therefore they are more preferable for residential premises.

We all know how dangerous it is to stay in the sun for a long time and how harmful ultraviolet radiation is to the skin. We know that ozone holes are bad, but can ultraviolet light benefit people? Yes, sources of ultraviolet (uv) radiation have long been used in everyday life, in production, in medicine and cosmetology.

What microbes does quartz treatment help with?

Cocci and bacilli are the first to die, and fungi, spore species of bacteria and protozoan microorganisms can withstand irradiation the longest. Quartz treatment is effective even against the bird flu virus. After 20 minutes of quartzization, the room can be considered sterile.

However, it is worth remembering that excessive disinfection of a home is also not good for a person. Even the body of a small child must develop immunity, coping with germs on its own. A child raised in a sterile environment gets sick more often when entering school and kindergarten than his peers who grew up in more natural conditions. It’s a completely different matter if there is mold in the house or one of the family members has contracted a contagious infection, in which case quartzing will be very useful.


In addition to the fact that UV lamps differ in radiation intensity and configuration, they also differ in their operating principle. When choosing a device for your home, you need to carefully study the instructions and determine exactly the purpose for which the device will be used.


The lamp bears this name because of the bulb, which is made of quartz glass; such material directly affects the quality of the radiation. Quartz gas-discharge lamps, like bactericidal lamps, use mercury; under the influence of electricity, it begins to glow in the ultraviolet range from 205 to 315 nm.

It is thanks to this property that they have the maximum disinfecting effect. Intense radiation kills all known microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, unicellular algae and mold spores. However, these devices should be used in an apartment with extreme caution, because UV radiation in this range is harmful not only to microbes, but also to the cells of the human body. In addition, waves are shorter than 257 nm. provoke the formation of ozone - a gas with strong oxidizing properties. This is even good for disinfecting premises: some microbes are killed by ultraviolet light, and the rest are dealt with by ozone.

Ozone in high concentrations is poisonous to all living things, therefore, during quartzing of premises, all people and pets should leave the room; if there are indoor plants, it is recommended to take them out too.

Quartz treatment is used to disinfect operating rooms, hospital wards, industrial premises, and catering establishments. The use of irradiation simultaneously with ozonation in stores and grocery warehouses allows you to keep food fresh longer, prevent rotting and the development of pathogenic microflora.

Emitters bring tangible benefits during epidemics and are used in clinics, kindergartens, schools, sanatoriums, crowded offices and other crowded places. This helps stop the spread of infection.

In medicine, quartz lamps are successfully used to treat diseases of the respiratory system, nasopharynx, musculoskeletal system, inflammation, burns, frostbite, sore throats, etc.


These are also ultraviolet emitters, but they are made a little differently, they are also gas-discharge mercury lamps, but their bulb is made not of quartz, but of uviol glass, which blocks “hard” radiation that provokes the formation of ozone. The bactericidal effect is achieved only due to “soft” ultraviolet radiation. Such devices are safer in an apartment, but are much weaker than their quartz counterparts.

Due to the absence of ozone, the lamps are safe for the respiratory system, time restrictions on the use of these devices are not so strict, and in medical institutions, bactericidal lamps can work continuously, with one condition: they are equipped with a special casing, thanks to which the light is directed to the ceiling and cannot harm the eyes of visitors.

If you need a lamp only to combat pathogens, and you do not plan to treat at home, then a bactericidal or amalgam lamp will be a better choice than a quartz lamp.

Attention! While operating the device, you need to wear special protective glasses; UV radiation causes burns to the cornea of ​​the eye; at first this is not noticeable, but over time, vision will begin to deteriorate.


This is a new generation of bactericidal lamps, which differs from previous models in that instead of liquid mercury, a solid coating of amalgam (an alloy of indium, mercury and bismuth) is used in the flask; under the influence of current, the amalgam heats up and evaporates mercury, which produces radiation. When they work, ozone is also not released and their antimicrobial effect is no less.

An important advantage is also that mercury is in a bound state. If the lamp accidentally breaks, it will not cause any harm to the people around you, you just need to sweep up the fragments and throw them in a trash container, and wash the place where the glass broke with water. If a burning lamp breaks, this is a little worse, since it contains mercury vapor, but in a non-life-threatening concentration, you need to remove its remains and ventilate the room.

For comparison, a regular luminescent, bactericidal or quartz contains 1-3 grams. liquid mercury and if it breaks, it is really dangerous for those present. That is why you should not throw thermometers, batteries and energy-saving lamps into the trash container - this pollutes the environment. They must be handed over at special collection points (for example, at any IKEA store). There are only a few milligrams of mercury in amalgams and it is in a bound state. Production, operation and disposal are much safer.

Flasks coated with amalgam do not become cloudy over time, and therefore provide stable radiation throughout their entire service life. Over time, the bulbs of bactericidal and quartz lamps become coated, causing some of the radiant energy to be lost. Their service life is 8000 hours of continuous operation, and for amalgam ones up to 16000 hours.

There are also “ozone-free” products on sale; their bulb is coated with titanium oxide, which does not transmit waves shorter than 257 nm. and, accordingly, no ozone is formed. This is also a suitable UV lamp for home use.

The Minin reflector (blue lamp) has nothing to do with ultraviolet radiation. It emits visible light and infrared radiation. Used as a dry heat source to warm up diseased areas of the body. It is also not hazardous to eyesight, does not produce ozone, and is also useless for disinfecting premises.

For home use

Quartz UV irradiator “Sun”

Consists of a quartz flask located inside a metal case, the device has legs and is installed on any horizontal surface. The sliding lid turns the treatment device into an irradiator for disinfection. It is used both in clinics and in residential premises. It is also used for the prevention and treatment of various skin diseases, arthritis, diseases of the nasopharynx, respiratory organs, and general strengthening of the immune system.

Before using the Sun irradiator to treat diseases at home, do not forget to consult your doctor. In order not to harm your own body and the health of loved ones, such procedures must be carried out according to certain rules, which your doctor will tell you about.

In addition to the Sun irradiator itself, the kit contains several plastic tubes for treating the inner surface of the ears, nose and throat, safety glasses to avoid burns to the retina, a biodosimeter and instructions.

Before purchasing, consult with a consultant; the fact is that there are several Solnyshka models, differing in strength and scope of application. A consultant will help you choose the best device for your family.

The time for quartzing the air with the “Solnyshko” irradiator is no more than 20-30 minutes; no one should be in the room during the procedure; do not forget to ventilate the room.

Bactericidal air recirculator “RZT-300”, “ORBB-30x2”

The device is a closed type, designed to purify the air from pathogens, allergens and unpleasant odors. There may be people in the room while the recirculator is operating, since the “ozone-free” lamp is located inside a metal casing.

The device consists of fans that suck air from the room and drive it along a bactericidal lamp, which destroys all microorganisms. In addition to UV cleaning, the recirculator is equipped with filters on which dust particles, pollen and other contaminants are deposited. Purified air is supplied back to the room.

These devices are recommended for use in children's playrooms, gyms, school classrooms, crowded rooms, offices and auditoriums, shops, household and warehouse premises. Also suitable as an air purifier for smoking rooms, public toilets, and train stations. Recirculators are used to purify air from bacteria in hospitals, virology laboratories, etc.

The recirculator can be hung on the wall or used as a tabletop one. Weight: 3.5 kg.

Lamps “Quartz”, “Promin”, “KBB”

These are all small portable open devices designed to disinfect premises in the absence of people. The metal case contains a quartz or bactericidal lamp; the models differ in power and scope of application. Before purchasing, carefully read the instructions, because different models are designed for different areas of premises, some emit ozone, others do not, some are used to disinfect medical and public premises, others are created exclusively for home use. The device has legs and is used as a floor or tabletop UV emitter.

Longevita UV CURE mini and Longevita UV Cure Home and Office device

Longevita UV Cure Home and Office– ultraviolet bactericidal lamp for home and office. The device is a closed type, can work continuously throughout the day, ozone is not released during operation, the emitter is closed with a lid and does not harm the eyes of people present in the room. The device operates on the principle of a recirculator; in addition to a UV lamp, it is equipped with a photocatalytic filter, which allows you to purify the air not only of microorganisms, but also of dust, smoke, allergens, and unpleasant odors.

Weight: 1 kg, plastic case: 36.5×14.5×14.5 cm, can be installed on a desktop or any other horizontal surface. Powered by network adapter. Designed for a room with a volume of 20 sq.m. Wavelength: 254 nm. Power consumption 8 W, 3 cleaning speeds.

Such a device is simply irreplaceable when there are bedridden patients in the house; ultraviolet light helps not only to destroy germs, but also where there are bedridden patients, small children and pets.

Longevita UV CURE mini– a small device designed for cleaning small rooms (up to 8 sq. m): bathroom, pantry, kitchen. The compact size (12 x 6 x 4.5 cm) allows the device to be used for refrigerators and wardrobes. The device operates on the principle of an ozonizer. Emits in the range from 185 to 254 nm. due to which it kills all known types of bacteria (salmonella, cocci, tuberculosis bacillus, etc.), viruses and fungi, including black mold spores. The device also helps to get rid of unpleasant odors in the room: the smell of tobacco, burnt food, old things, cat urine, toilet, dampness, mold. Operates on 4 AA alkaline batteries.

Longevita UV CURE mini, placed in the refrigerator increases the shelf life of products and prevents the growth of mold and putrefactive microflora.

The air contains a huge number of different harmful microorganisms, which are carriers of most infectious diseases transmitted by airborne droplets. The use of quartz lamps is necessary to eliminate pathogenic bacteria in order to prevent and treat diseases.

How does a quartz lamp work?

Bacteria can be destroyed using special disinfectants or exposure to high temperature. These methods cannot provide a 100% guarantee of effectiveness and are not always easy to use. Unlike chemicals, quartz lamps for disinfecting premises are more effective and convenient. The device was created as a substitute for direct sunlight that suppresses viruses.

Experts have determined that this effect occurs in a part of the spectrum with a wavelength of less than 320 nm that is indistinguishable to the human eye. Thanks to this discovery, it became possible to create quartz generators. These artificial solar radiation substitutes eliminate pathogenic bacteria and fungi in the air and on various surfaces. Such devices are equipped with special uviol glass, which transmits only rays of a certain spectrum.

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays of a quartz lamp, the DNA of harmful bacteria is destroyed, their synthesis is disrupted, which makes the process of reproduction impossible. A room disinfection device is designed to combat pathogens of various diseases. The antimicrobial effect of quartz lamps is aimed at destroying pathogenic microorganisms such as spores, bacteria, fungi and viruses.

What can a bactericidal irradiator be like?

Quartz lamps used for disinfection are a source of UV radiation that can kill microorganisms that are harmful to humans. Devices are divided by type into ozone-free and ozone. The latter, interacting with oxygen, form a significant amount of ozone, which at high concentrations is harmful to the human body. After using such a quartz generator, the apartment or office needs to be ventilated.

Ozone-free disinfection lamps are distinguished by the fact that their emitter is placed in a quartz flask. The formation of ozone during operation of the device is minimal, so an ozone-free device does not cause harm to humans. Manufacturers produce quartz lamps designed for different locations - wall, ceiling, mobile, tabletop. Based on the processing method and type of design, devices are divided into closed and open.

Closed type

Such quartz lamps for disinfecting premises have a second name - recirculators. Their UV emitter is located inside the body, so the rays have no way out. Disinfection is carried out by passing air through the lamp (it is sucked in by special fans). Getting into the middle of the device, dirty air is irradiated with ultraviolet light and comes out purified.

Closed quartz lamps for disinfection can operate continuously; at low intensity they can not be turned off for a week. It is not dangerous for a person to be in the room while the recirculator is operating. Since the volume of ozone emitted by the device is minimal, ventilation can be done rarely. The disadvantage of closed quartz lamps is their lack of versatility: the recirculator only disinfects the air, leaving bacteria on the surfaces of household items untouched. Almost all closed models are not mobile and are mounted on the wall.

Open type

Such a device distributes a stream of UV radiation along the entire perimeter of the room, disinfecting the air and surfaces of every object located within the radius of the lamp. You should use an open quartzizer only according to the schedule specified in the instructions. Disinfection of the room occurs quickly, but places and objects that fall into the shade are not cleansed.

The disadvantage of an open lamp is the inability of its rays to penetrate deeply: if microbes are located in several layers, only the top one will die. For the most effective treatment of the room, wet cleaning should be carried out regularly. The effectiveness of a disinfection device depends on the distance between the open lamp and the surfaces: the further they are, the less the effect of the device.

A quartz lamp for a home or office requires compliance with certain safety measures. There should be no animals or people in the room while the device is operating. When ultraviolet rays hit the retina or skin, serious burns can occur, in addition, this can aggravate cardiovascular pathologies or stimulate other health problems. UV rays of open quartzite negatively affect the interior decoration: over time it fades.

The best germicidal lamp for the home

For home use, it is better to choose a closed quartz or shielded device. The duration of operation of the lamp depends on the area of ​​the room and the tasks assigned to the device. For most families, the best option would be to use the following models of quartz lamps for room disinfection:

  1. Lamp "Sun". The device has a relatively low cost, is available in several models and is universal.
  2. BactoSfera. Typically, this device is used in medical institutions, but can be used at home to prevent seasonal epidemics. The company produces high-quality mobile and stationary devices for disinfecting premises at competitive prices.
  3. Beurer. This company offers a wide selection of quartz generators for household use. German devices are of excellent quality, but have a high price.

Lamp for quartz treatment of public premises

Quartz disinfection devices are divided into bactericidal and mercury. The former are often installed in public places to prevent the spread of infections and viruses. They are necessarily used in preschools, schools, public organizations, and hospitals. Devices of the mercury-quartz type are almost not in demand in kindergartens and schools, since they are dangerous due to the large release of nitrogen. Exceeding its amount in the air leads to serious consequences - intoxication, clouding of consciousness, poisoning.

For the treatment of certain skin and viral diseases, as well as for preventive purposes, the following quartz lamps are used to disinfect public premises:

  1. Primed LBK-150. This UV lamp destroys pathogenic bacteria in the air and on various surfaces. The device is used in medical, children's, medical and preventive institutions where there is a high risk of spreading infections. This model of quartz generator can be installed in industrial and public premises.
  2. Philips TUV-25W. This device destroys pathogenic microorganisms, disinfecting air, surfaces and water. It is used in pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and food industry enterprises. The quartz machine is suitable for the disinfection of wastewater, air conditioning systems, swimming pools, warehouses, and packaging materials.
  3. Quartz 125-1. Suitable for treating rooms up to 25 m2, including hospital wards, rooms in kindergartens, schools, production workshops and warehouses. The device effectively destroys fungi and various pathogenic bacteria.

Where to buy and how much does a quartz irradiator cost?

You can choose the power and dimensions of the quartz generator based on the area of ​​the room. A wide range of devices for disinfecting premises allows you to use one device in different rooms. Quartz lamps are sold by medical equipment stores. You can also purchase the device on the Internet. The cost of devices depends on many factors - power, dimensions, manufacturer, type of UV lamp. Household appliances can be bought for 1000-4000 rubles, a device for public places will cost more - at least 5000-6000 rubles.

Video: do-it-yourself bactericidal lamp