Installation of pumping stations at the dacha. Do-it-yourself pumping station for a private house: how to assemble, connection diagram and automation of the pumping unit. Pumping station connection diagram

Can a pumping station be assembled and installed with one’s own hands, without involving third-party specialists? This question is asked by many owners of dachas and country houses who want to provide themselves with the required amount of water both for domestic needs and for watering plants on their plots. The issue of installing a pumping station, which is quite feasible to assemble with your own hands, becomes even more urgent in cases where a dacha or country house is located in areas without a centralized water supply.

Why is a pumping station needed in an autonomous water supply system?

Having decided to install a pumping station on a well that already exists on a personal plot, you should first understand why such an installation is needed. If we talk about those tasks that can be effectively solved by pumping stations for wells and wells, then this should include:

  • lifting water from a well or well and its uninterrupted supply to all points of the autonomous water supply system;
  • ensuring stable flow pressure of the liquid medium transported through the pipeline system, as well as the absence of air pockets in the elements of such a system;
  • ensuring the supply of water to the pipeline system for a certain period even in cases when the electric pump does not work, which can happen due to its breakdown or failures in the power supply network.

Unlike individual pumps, which are also used for pumping water from a well or a well, pumping units provide a more gentle operation of the equipment, since the electric pump included in such stations does not turn on every time the taps are opened at water collection points, but only at those moments when the level of liquid in the accumulator drops to a critical level.

Design features of the pumping unit

A pumping unit (station) is a whole complex of technical devices, each of which plays its own role in ensuring the efficient operation of the entire system as a whole. A typical design diagram of a pumping installation includes a number of elements.


In this capacity, as a rule, surface devices of the self-priming or centrifugal type are used. They are installed together with a set of other equipment included in the station on the surface of the earth, and an intake hose is lowered into a well or well, through which the liquid medium is pumped out from an underground source.

Mechanical filter

The filter is installed at the end of the hose, which is lowered into the pumped liquid medium. The purpose of such a device is to prevent solid inclusions contained in the water pumped from an underground source from entering the internal part of the pump.

Check valve

This element prevents water pumped from a well or well from moving in the opposite direction.

Hydraulic accumulator (hydraulic tank)

The hydraulic tank is a metal container, the inner part of which is divided by an elastic rubber partition - a membrane. One part of such a tank contains air, and the other part is pumped with water, raised by a pump from an underground source. The water entering the accumulator stretches the membrane, and when the pump is turned off, it begins to compress, acting on the liquid in the other half of the tank and pushing it through the pressure pipe into the pipeline under a certain pressure.

Working according to the principle described above, the hydraulic accumulator of the pumping station ensures constant pressure of the fluid flow in the pipeline. In addition, the pumping station, the installation of which does not take much effort and money, eliminates the occurrence of hydraulic shocks that are dangerous for the water supply system.

Automation block

It controls the operation of the pumping unit. The main element of the pumping automation unit is a relay that responds to the level of water pressure that fills the accumulator tank. In the event that the water pressure in the hydraulic accumulator drops to a critical level, the electric pump is automatically turned on using a relay, and water begins to flow into the hydraulic tank, tensioning the membrane. When the pressure of the liquid medium rises to the required level, the pump turns off.

Pumping units are also equipped with pressure gauges for measuring pressure and pipes, with the help of which they are connected and connected to the main circuit of the water supply system.

It should be borne in mind that a typical pumping unit, which is made on the basis of a surface pump, can be used to pump water from wells and wells whose depth does not exceed 10 meters. In order to lift water from deeper underground sources, you can additionally equip the pumping unit with an ejector or assemble a pumping station with a submersible pump, but this design scheme is used quite rarely.

The modern market offers many pumping stations of various models and brands, the prices of which vary quite a lot. Meanwhile, you can save on purchasing serial equipment if you buy the necessary components and assemble the pumping station with your own hands.

Where to begin

Before thinking about how to assemble a pumping station for a private home or cottage, you need to calculate the parameters of the water supply system that such equipment will serve. Listed below are the main characteristics of the water supply system, which determine the technical parameters of the pumping equipment, as well as the connection diagram of the pumping station.

Well production

This parameter will directly determine how much water the pumping unit can pump out from an underground source per unit of time.

Volume of water consumption

The calculation takes into account the number of people who will permanently live in a house served by a water supply system, as well as the number and type of household appliances that require water to operate. Naturally, the volume of water consumption cannot exceed the flow rate of the well, since in this case the underground source simply will not be able to supply the amount of water that is necessary to maintain an autonomous water supply system. When calculating the volume of water consumption, one should also take into account the fact that in the summer, pumping units are used not only for domestic needs, but also for watering green spaces.

Well characteristics

Here we are talking about the depth of the source. The architectural features of the building that will be served by the plumbing system are also important. It is necessary to take these parameters into account in order to select pumping equipment that will be able to pump water from the lowest point of the source and lift it through the pipeline system to the highest point of water collection in the house.

After determining all of the above parameters, you can select and purchase all the necessary components and begin installing the pumping station.

Choosing a location for installation

It is not difficult to make a pumping installation for a private house or cottage with your own hands. However, it is necessary to resolve the issue of how and where to properly install the pumping station. The location for installing the pumping station, the correct selection and arrangement of which will determine the efficiency of the equipment, must meet certain requirements.

  • If drilling a well or constructing a well on a personal plot has already been completed, then the pumping station is installed as close as possible to the source of water supply.
  • In order to protect pumping equipment from water freezing in the cold season, the installation location must have comfortable temperature conditions.
  • Since pumping units require regular maintenance, free access must be provided to their installation site.

Based on the above requirements, a caisson or a separate and specially equipped room is used as a place to install a pumping station in a country house or in a private house.

Sometimes pumping units are installed in buildings that already exist on the territory of a personal plot. Each of the listed options has its own pros and cons, which should be discussed in more detail.

Placing a pumping station in a separate room in a building with a well drilled under the house

The installation diagram of a pumping station in the basement of a house is an almost ideal option for the location of such equipment. With this installation scheme, easy access to the equipment is provided, and the issue of reducing the noise level created during operation of the station is also easily resolved. This option will be most successful if the room for the pump is heated.

If the pumping unit is located in an outbuilding, quick access to it is somewhat difficult. But with this scheme for connecting the pumping station, the problem with noise from the operation of the equipment is radically solved.

Particular attention should be paid to the issue of laying the pipeline system. The pipes through which water will be transported from the pumping station to the residential building are placed in the ground below its freezing level or, if they are installed on the surface of the ground, they are well insulated. This approach to pipeline installation will protect water from freezing in winter.

Quite often, pumping stations are mounted in a caisson - a special tank that is installed above the well head, directly into the pit. The caisson can be either a plastic or metal container buried in the ground below its freezing level, or a permanent underground structure, the walls and base of which are made of concrete or finished with brickwork. It should be borne in mind that when installing a pumping station in a caisson, access to the equipment is quite limited. In addition, if a connection diagram of this type is used for a pumping station, then the section of pipeline between the pumping equipment and the building it serves must be carefully insulated or placed in the ground at a depth below the freezing level.

How the assembly process works

It is best if the pumping station is assembled and connected in dry and warm weather. This will allow you to carry out all procedures carried out outdoors without haste, correctly and accurately. This recommendation should also be followed because assembling, connecting and adjusting the pumping station may require a significant amount of time.

The diagram for assembling and connecting a pumping station with a storage tank-hydraulic accumulator is as follows.

  1. First, a check valve and a coarse filter are installed on the intake hose, which will protect the pump from solid inclusions contained in the pumped water entering its internal chamber.
  2. Then the upper end of the intake hose is connected to the pump inlet.
  3. After connecting the intake hose and the pump, we assemble the entire structure of the pumping station. To do this, using a hose, we connect the pressure pipe of the pump to the inlet pipe of the hydraulic accumulator.
  4. To ensure automatic switching on and off of the pump, a relay is mounted on the hydraulic accumulator, which sets the appropriate parameters for the water pressure in the hydraulic tank.
  5. After completing all the procedures described above, the assembled and installed pumping station is connected to the water supply system, for which a hose (or rigid pipe) can be used.
  6. After connecting all elements of the system, the pumping station is connected to the power supply network. A test run of the equipment is being carried out.

Ball valves must be installed on the inlet and pressure lines of the pumping station, which are necessary in order to isolate the equipment from the system it serves in cases where it is necessary to dismantle it for maintenance and repair.

Automation for a pumping station, which ensures more efficient operation of the equipment and its protection from emergency situations, in addition to the pressure switch, may additionally include a number of other technical elements. Such elements, in particular, include a sensor for the presence of water in the system and a sensor that controls the degree of heating of the electric pump housing.

When starting up a pumping station and its further operation, it is also important to know how to adjust the pressure switch to the required response parameters. You can set such a relay to upper and lower pressure values, at which it will automatically turn off and turn on the pump, using two springs. The degree of their compression is adjusted using special screws. A correctly adjusted pressure sensor starts and turns off the station pump exactly at those moments when it is needed, and also ensures that water flows into the accumulator with a uniform flow and without interruptions.

Before connecting the pumping station to the power supply network and lowering the intake hose into the shaft of a well or well, it is important to correctly install such equipment. To get a more complete understanding of the pumping station installation process, you can not only study theoretical information on this topic, but also watch the corresponding video.

A pre-poured concrete base, as well as a regular concrete slab or wooden shield, can be used as a support platform on which the pumping station is installed. The main thing that should be monitored when installing a pumping station is that the equipment is located absolutely level on the supporting platform, without distortions.

What elements of a pumping station can you make yourself?

You can save a lot on the cost of a homemade pumping station if you make a hydraulic accumulator for it yourself. Many home craftsmen make homemade hydraulic accumulators.

How to make such a device yourself? To make a hydraulic accumulator with your own hands, you will need the following components:

  • container with a volume of at least 30 l;
  • rubber membrane of the appropriate diameter;
  • pressure switch;
  • pressure gauge;
  • set of fittings;
  • stopcock.

As the main element - the tank - you can use a plastic, aluminum or steel container, the inner walls of which must be even and smooth so as not to damage the membrane. After preparing all the components for a homemade hydraulic accumulator, they are combined into one structure.

How to make a hydraulic accumulator without a membrane on a budget? The detailed answer is in the short video below.

One of the first engineering systems that are created in private households is water supply. Its use is necessary at the construction stage. Without a plumbing system, it is impossible to fully live in a house around the clock. Modern houses have as part of their engineering networks not only ordinary water taps, but also automatic devices that use water. In order to have water pressure in your home around the clock, each owner needs to know how to connect a pumping station.

What is a pumping station?

When building an autonomous water supply system and connecting the water supply of a private house to the main utility networks, each owner wants to receive a constant water pressure in the system. So, to lift water from a well or from a well located on a personal plot, you can use pumping devices. They come in different models and capacities and can be located in different segments of the water supply system. Submersible pumps are lowered directly into a well or well, while surface pumps are placed at ground level, drawing water through an inlet hose.

The pump should not run continuously. Continuous operation leads to rapid wear of the components and mechanisms of this device. At the same time, do you want to use water at any time of the day? There is a solution: to ensure constant pressure in the pipelines of the water supply system, a pumping equipment station is assembled.

Main parts of the pumping station

  1. N asos. Typically, a set of stations uses surface pumps, which draw water from a well, borehole or main network through an inlet pipe with a filter.
  2. Pressure accumulator or hydraulic accumulator. It is usually a container of a certain size, inside of which there is an elastic rubber partition or inner container. When the pressure increases, the system container or partition expands, and when the pressure decreases, it contracts, squeezing water into the system and maintaining constant pressure parameters.
  3. Control node, which determines when the pumping device starts and when it stops working. The on and off parameters are determined by the pressure in the system, which is measured by a pressure gauge.

Prices for a pumping station

pumping station

Options for installing a pumping equipment station

Pumping equipment stations, regardless of the location of the water source, can be installed in three main places.

Features of choosing a location for a pumping station

Connection options for pumping equipment station

Depending on the configuration of the water supply system, you can choose one-pipe and two-pipe connection schemes for the pumping equipment station. A two-pipe system is used to increase the depth from which a pumping station can lift water.

The single-pipe scheme is used for well depths not exceeding 10 meters. If it exceeds 20 meters, then it is preferable to use a two-pipe circuit with an ejector.

Connecting a pumping station (two-pipe scheme)

At the initial stage, an ejector is assembled, which is a separate unit made of cast iron with three outlets for connecting a pipeline.

  1. First, we install a filter mesh on the ejector (in its lower part), which protects the pumping equipment from failure when small stones or sand enter from a well or well.
  2. A plastic socket is mounted in the upper part of the ejector assembly, to which a squeegee with a cross-section of 3.2 cm is attached. You may have to mount several squeegees at the same time in order to reach the cross-section of the water pipe.
  3. At the end of the run, we install a coupling that will ensure the transition to a plastic pipeline. Typically such a coupling is made of bronze.

When connecting elements, pay special attention to the tightness of the connections. Of course, a leak in a well or borehole will not cause you any aesthetic inconvenience, however, air intake in leaky connections can lead to instability in the operation of the system and a significant reduction in its power. Threaded connections are sealed with a special paste, fum tape, linen winding or rubber gaskets.

Remember! Water supply pipelines must either pass below the soil freezing depth or be properly insulated.

When introducing water supply pipes into a caisson or another location where a pumping equipment station is installed, it is necessary to provide them with some reserve in length. After removing the pipes, we begin to connect the pumping equipment station to the pipelines from the well.

  1. We install the head on the casing pipe of the drilled well.
  2. We find out the depth of lowering the pipes into the water well. To do this, lower any solid long object into the drilled shaft. The level of placement of the inlet pipe of the pumping equipment station should be approximately a meter away from the bottom of the well, so as not to suck in sand, silt or stones from the bottom.
  3. We attach polyethylene pipes to the ejector unit. The length of the pipe should be equal to the sum of the distance from the wellhead to the pump and the depth of the well (minus one meter).
  4. We mount an elbow at the well head with a 90-degree rotation.
  5. We insert plastic pipes leading to the ejector unit through the straight elbow (after installation is completed, the space between the inside of the elbow and the pipelines can be filled with foam). In a straight elbow, the pipes can be either bent or connected by adapters with a rotation angle of 90 degrees.
  6. We lower the ejector device to the required depth. You can check the correct installation depth of the ejector using the mark we previously made on the pipeline.
  7. We fix a homemade head on the top of the casing, which consists of a pipe bend turned at an angle of 90 degrees. You can secure the “head” to the well casing using specialized tape for plumbing fixtures with reinforcement.

We bring water pipes to the house. You may have to provide turns. The entrance of water pipes through the foundation must be located below the soil freezing line. The removed pipes are connected to the water pipe of the pump as part of the station. The pipelines are connected using a wrench or an adjustable wrench.

There is usually a filler hole on the top of the pump as part of the equipment station. It is necessary so that it does not start “dry”. Filling with water is carried out only during initial start-up or when starting up after a long period of inactivity.

Before starting the pumping equipment station, check the operating pressure in the hydraulic accumulator. Usually it is 1.2 - 1.5 atmospheres. You can increase the operating pressure using a regular car pump. For pumping up pressure accumulators in water supply systems there is a special nipple.

How to connect a pumping equipment station to the main water supply

Sometimes it is necessary to connect a pumping equipment station not to a well or well, but to the main water supply. This is relevant when connecting to utility networks with low or unstable pressure. You can make such a connection in the following sequence.

We regulate the operation of the pumping equipment station

After installing the connecting elements, the system must be run in test mode to check the tightness and functionality of all its segments. Before starting, water is poured into the filling hole of the pumping equipment station, this prevents the device from running dry.

As a rule, all adjustment parameters are set at the station before it is launched, based on the calculated parameters of the house’s plumbing system. During operation, the working components of the pumping equipment station may wear out, so it is advisable to carry out additional adjustments of the pump operating parameters approximately once a year. Precise adjustment of the pumping equipment system with built-in pressure accumulators is carried out by its own automation unit.

An important nuance. All pumping equipment stations incorporate an electric motor. It may have more power, so we recommend that you provide such a station with its own power supply line. The power line of the station will operate in a humid environment, so take care to install protected sockets and lay cables in special corrugated tubes.

As you can see, connecting a pumping equipment station is accessible even to a non-professional with minimal technological skills. Its installation will help you ensure an uninterrupted water supply to your home and garden.

Video - How to connect a pumping station

Autonomous water supply is the first priority engineering structure in a private house, especially if there is no centralized water supply nearby. To ensure a constant supply of water to the house, you will need to install and connect a pumping station. Although this equipment is not cheap, you can still save a significant amount if you install and connect the station yourself.

When planning to assemble and connect the pumping station to the water supply in the house, the following points should be taken into account.

  1. The unit must be located near a water source. This will ensure stable absorption of liquid from the source and smooth operation of the station. If the equipment is placed far from the well (well), it will not be able to pump water and will fail.
  2. To install the equipment, you need to choose a dry, well-ventilated and warm place.
  3. The device must not touch any objects or walls.
  4. Access to equipment for routine inspection and repair work must be free.

Important! When installing a station with a surface pump, you should take into account the high noise level that it creates during operation.

Based on the above, there may be several options for installing the unit.

In the house

For proper operation of the station, the most ideal option is a heated room. It’s good if a private house has boiler room with good sound insulation.

As a last resort, water supply equipment can be installed in the hallway, bathroom, hallway or closet. But these rooms should be located as far as possible from rest rooms (bedroom, living room). The device is placed in a cabinet or covered with a special casing that provides sound insulation.

In the basement

Most often, pumping equipment is installed in the basement of a house or on the ground floor. Sometimes the unit is installed under the floor, providing access to it through the hatch. In any case, the place where the device is installed must have good sound and waterproofing. It should also be warm enough so that the temperature does not drop below 0°C in winter.

In the well

To place the station in a well, install small platform. It is fixed below the freezing line of the soil.

In the caisson

In this case, in order to properly install the pump, a small room (caisson) of sufficient width and depth (below the freezing line) is arranged around the water source.

Top caisson covered with a lid with a hatch, through which the unit is serviced. The lid is well insulated for the winter.

Thanks to the pit, it becomes possible to provide an autonomous water supply with a surface pump, even if the water level from the surface of the earth is at a depth of 9-11 meters.

In case of station assembly with submersible pump There is no need to worry about sound insulation, since the unit is located deep underground, and its operation is practically inaudible. All elements of the station are installed in any heated room, and the pump itself is installed in a well or well. This option for assembling a pumping station is well suited for a summer residence.

Pumping station piping options

The piping of a pumping station usually means connecting pumping equipment to the pipeline system and other elements.

Connecting the station to the well

To install a pumping station in a caisson or in a house, the same scheme is used. The beginning of the diagram is supply pipeline, which is laid underground, at a depth below the freezing level of the soil. A coarse filter consisting of a fine mesh is installed at the end of the pipeline. After the filter is installed check valve, preventing reverse flow of water when the pump is turned off. Below is a technological diagram (drawing) of the pumping station.

Important! This pumping station connection diagram implies the location of the supply pipe inside the foundation of the house. It should be well insulated in this place.

The above assembly diagram can be improved (see figure below) if it is required to connect to the unit several water intake points.

Well connection

To connect a station with a surface pump to a well in which the dynamic water level is below 8 meters, you will need to install it in a caisson about 2 m deep. If a submersible pump is used, you can also place a hydraulic accumulator and various electrical equipment in the caisson, for example, a voltage stabilizer, a system automation, etc.

Automation of the process of collecting water into the pressure tank has been implemented via pressure switch, which turns the pump on and off at certain pressure levels in the system. You can also make a control unit yourself to automate the operation of the pump. Below is a schematic electrical diagram of such a block.

The control unit works according to the following principle:

  • relay K 1 turns the unit on and off;
  • switch S 1, responsible for the operating mode (water lifting-drainage);
  • control of the water level in the storage tank is monitored by sensors F1 and F2;
  • the power is turned on by switch S 1, provided that the water level is below sensor F1 - in this case, the unit is turned on through contacts K 1;
  • when the water reaches sensor F1, transistor VT 1 opens, after which relay K 1 turns on.

This circuit uses a low-power transformer from a conventional broadcast receiver. The voltage supplied to the capacitor must be at least 24 V. Any diodes can be used, with a reverse voltage greater than 100 V and a current of 1 A.

The assembly of a station with a submersible well pump is carried out according to the diagram given below.

Connecting the station to the water supply system

Sometimes it becomes necessary to use a pumping station, even when a centralized water supply is connected to the house. A station with a storage tank is usually installed if low pressure in the water supply system. Also, this equipment will be indispensable if water is supplied through the main line at certain hours.

The pumping station is connected to the centralized water supply as follows:

  • connect a pipe from the centralized main to the storage tank;
  • connect the pump intake pipe to the tank;
  • the outlet pipe from the pump should be connected to the water supply system of the house;
  • lay and connect electrical wiring to the unit;
  • perform a test run of the device, and then configure the equipment to the desired performance.

Rules for starting and setting up equipment

Before starting the pumping equipment for the first time, it is first necessary to prepare the hydraulic accumulator, since the stability of the entire water supply system depends on the correctly selected pressure in it. A high pressure in the tank will provoke frequent switching on and off of the unit, which will not have the best effect on its durability. If there is low pressure in the air chamber of the tank, this will lead to excessive stretching of the rubber bulb with water, and it will fail.

The hydraulic tank is prepared as follows. Before pumping air into the tank, make sure that the bulb inside it is empty. Next, check the pressure in the tank with a car pressure gauge. Typically, new tanks are filled with air at the factory. Hydraulic tanks up to 25 l should have a pressure in the range of 1.4-1.7 bar. In containers of 50-100 liters, the air pressure should be in the range from 1.7 to 1.9 bar.

First launch of the station

To correctly start the pumping station for the first time, perform the following steps step by step.

  1. Unscrew the plug that closes the water hole located on the unit body. Some devices may have a valve instead of a plug. It should be opened.
  2. Next, fill the suction pipe and pump with water. Stop pouring liquid when it begins to flow out of the fill hole.
  3. When the suction pipe is full, close the hole with a plug (close the valve)
  4. Connect the station to the power supply and turn it on.
  5. To remove remaining air from the equipment, open the tap at the water intake point closest to the pump.
  6. Let the unit run for 2-3 minutes. During this time, water should flow from the tap. If this does not happen, then turn off the pump and refill the water, and then start the pumping station.

Setting up automation

After a successful launch, you need to check and configure the operation of the automation. The new pressure switch has factory settings for upper and lower pressure thresholds, upon reaching which it turns the pump on or off. Sometimes it becomes necessary to change these values ​​by setting them to the desired on-off pressure.

Automatic adjustment occurs as follows.

  1. Turn off the unit and drain the water from the accumulator.
  2. Remove the cover from the pressure switch.
  3. Next, you should start the pump so that water begins to flow into the hydraulic tank.
  4. When you turn off the device, write down the pressure gauge readings - this will be the value upper shutdown threshold.
  5. After this, open the tap at the most distant or highest point of water intake. As water flows out of it, the pressure in the system will begin to decrease, and the relay will turn on the pump. The pressure gauge readings at this moment will indicate lower switching threshold. Record this value and find the difference between the upper and lower threshold.

Normally, the switching pressure should be 2.7 bar, and the switching pressure should be 1.3 bar. Accordingly, the pressure difference is 1.4 bar. If the resulting figure is 1.4 bar, then nothing needs to be changed. At low blood pressure the unit will turn on frequently, which will cause premature wear of its components. If it is too high, the pump will operate in a more gentle mode, but the difference in pressure will be obvious: it will be unstable.

Advice! To increase the pressure difference, tighten the nut on the small spring. To reduce the difference, the nut is loosened.

When checking the relay operation, pay attention to with what pressure does water flow from the tap? If the pressure is weak, then pressure adjustment will be required. In this case, the pressure in the system should be higher. To raise it, turn off the device and slightly tighten the nut that presses the large spring of the pressure switch. To reduce the pressure, the nut must be loosened.

Before connecting the pumping station, you should consider in detail the connection diagram and materials that will be needed for these purposes. The pumping station allows you to use an autonomous water supply and completely solve the problem of lack of water in your dacha or country house.

By its design, a pumping station consists of: a pump, an expansion tank and automation that controls the water pressure in the water supply system. Today it is possible to either assemble a pumping station with your own hands from individual components, or buy it ready-made. In this case, you will only need to clarify with the consultant the required performance and some other characteristics of the pumping station.

Design and operation of the pumping station

As mentioned above, in this article from a construction magazine, a pumping station for domestic use has a fairly simple design. First of all, this is, of course, a pump, which ensures the rise of water to the required height and builds up pressure in the water supply system.

Without a pump, the pumping station will not work, but without automation, it may well work, but it will have to be controlled manually. To prevent this from happening, an automation unit is installed at the pumping station, consisting of a pressure switch, pressure gauge and electronics. When the required pressure in the pipeline reaches the required value, the automation turns off the water intake from the tank and stops the power supply to the centrifugal pump.

It is not difficult to guess that when the pressure drops below the set value at the pumping station, the automation turns on the centrifugal pump, water is drawn in and the pressure in the pipeline is pumped up to the set limit. The lower and upper pressure threshold at which the pumping station will turn off and on can be easily set on the automation itself.

Well, as for the expansion tank, it allows you to contain a certain volume of water, so as not to turn on the pumping station all the time. For example, without an expansion tank, in order to wash your hands, the pumping station will immediately start working when the mixer is opened and take a certain amount of liquid from the storage tank. When an expansion tank is installed at the pumping station, the pump will not turn on, since water will flow from the expansion tank for some time.

This approach to the operation of a pumping station can significantly increase the service life of a centrifugal pump. It should also be said that a special membrane is installed in the expansion tank of the pumping station, which ensures the required pressure in the water supply system when the expansion tank is filled with water.

Before connecting the pumping station, you need to decide on its installation location. Most often, this is a separate room in which a pumping station already exists and will subsequently be connected. If the pumping station is connected to a well or well, then the closer it is located to them, the better.

The following instructions for connecting the pumping station assume that a pipe from a well or a storage tank has already been connected to the installation site. So, to connect the pumping station you will need:

  1. Several inch ball valves;
  2. Inch metal corners;
  3. Two inch "American";
  4. МРВ or МРН for connecting a plastic pipeline to the pumping station (internal thread coupling and external thread coupling;
  5. 1 inch check valve.

In addition, you will need tow or fum tape.

Before connecting the pumping station, you should prepare the following tools:

  1. Plastic scissors;
  2. Soldering iron for soldering PVC pipes;
  3. Pliers (to make notches on the threads for better winding of the stick);
  4. Screwdriver;
  5. Tow and lubricant for it.

As for connecting the pumping station to electricity, for these purposes you should take a piece of three-core wire of the required length, with a cross-section of at least 1.5 square meters, electrical tape and a grounded socket.

The process of connecting the pumping station to the tank is as follows:

  1. The pumping station is installed near the tank, on a previously prepared floor base. It is very important that the pump stands securely on the surface and does not move around on it.
  1. Then the prepared fittings are sealed according to the following arrangement:

a) Ball valves must ensure that the flow of water into the pumping station is cut off, both from the tank and from the water supply system, in case of repair of the pumping station;

b) After the ball valve, which is installed at the inlet of the pumping station, there must be a check valve. Almost all modern models of pumping stations, such as Grundfos, already have check valves;

c) On one side of the ball valve and check valve, the MRN or MRP threads are sealed, which will ensure the transition of the pipeline from metal to plastic.

After all fittings and connections are assembled, the pumping station is checked for leaks. If everything is fine, then you can start connecting the automation of the pumping station, for which a three-core copper wire is inserted into it and connected to the corresponding terminals inside.

It is important that before starting the pumping station for the first time, you must remove the air from the centrifugal pump. To do this, just fill the pumping station with water. For this purpose, there is a special fitting, bolt or something else on it to bleed air. As soon as water comes out of the hole, you can screw the plug back and check how it works.

Houses in the private sector rarely have a connection to a central system; for this reason, property owners organize their own water sources. It is not enough to organize a place for collecting liquid, it needs to be transported to the house, for this a pumping station is installed.

The question often arises: is it possible to do the installation on your own?

Following certain instructions and knowing all the pitfalls is quite possible. The article will talk about such a source as a well, and what is the diagram for connecting the pumping station to the well.

Functions of the pumping station

  1. Raising a resource from a well
  2. Round-the-clock transportation of liquid to each point of water consumption
  3. Eliminating air jams
  4. Providing and maintaining the required pressure in the system
  5. Delivery of water when the pump is turned off for a certain period of time (repairs, power outages).

The pumping unit differs from conventional units for pumping out liquid in that it does not require uninterrupted operation. It automatically turns on when the water level in the accumulator reaches a minimum, and turns off if it rises to the required level. Thus, the equipment wears out less.

Elements of the pumping unit

An installation is not one large unit, it consists of many devices, each of which performs a given function. Only a correctly assembled system guarantees high-quality and productive work.

Main station devices


Hydraulic tank

Provides constant water pressure and protects against thunderstorms.

Automatic block

Controls turning the pump on and off. The built-in relay automatically turns on the pump as soon as the pressure level reaches the minimum point, and also automatically turns off the device at the required parameters. A manometer measures pressure in pipes.

For your information. A standard pumping station with a surface pump is capable of transporting liquid from a depth of no more than 10 meters.

For a deeper source, submersible pumps are used or the pumping station is supplemented with an ejector.

DIY installation


Before assembling the pumping station, you should find out all the parameters for the water supply system.

Well flow rate is responsible for how much water the station can pump out over a certain period of time.


The volume of liquid required is water consumption.

Easily identified. The average water consumption per day for one person is 200 liters. This number is multiplied by the number of permanent residents.


4 people permanently reside, 200*4=800

Result: on average, 800 liters of water will need to be delivered per day. The volume of water consumption is 800 l. It should not exceed the debit of the source.

Attention! If watering of garden crops or lawns is planned in the summer, the volume of consumption should be increased.

Source characteristics

The main criterion is the depth of the source. Many factors in choosing a pumping station depend on it and the architecture of the house.

All parameters should be taken into account. Then you can choose an installation that can transport water from the lowest part of the source to the highest point of the building.

How to choose a location for installation

The installation location is one of the most important issues. In order for the station to operate with proper performance and without interruptions, in addition to high-quality assembly, you need to choose the right place for it.

  1. The pumping station is installed at the closest possible distance from the well.
  2. Installation is carried out in a heated room to avoid freezing in winter.
  3. The pumping station must have free access for inspection and repair.

In most cases, the unit is installed in a basement or a separate equipped extension. If space and depth allow, it can be installed in a well.

Installation outside the home solves the noise problem that the station creates during operation.

Pipes from the house to the station are laid below the soil freezing level; if this is not possible, then the main line is well insulated.


Assembling and connecting the pumping station will take quite a lot of time.

  1. Finally, a filter and a check valve are installed in the liquid intake hose.
  2. The other end of the hose is connected to the pump inlet
  3. The pump is connected to the hydraulic tank using a hose.
  4. A relay is installed on the hydraulic tank.
  5. After all connections have been made, the unit is mounted to the water main using a flexible hose or a piece of pipe.
  6. The station is connected to the power supply. The initial launch is underway.

Shut-off valves must be installed at the inlet and outlet of the pumping station so that, if necessary, shut off the water and carry out the required actions, be it repairs or maintenance.

The pump unit ECU can be supplemented with pump temperature and water availability sensors.

When starting up the installation, special attention should be paid to the pressure switch. It needs to be adjusted by setting the maximum and minimum pressure parameters. This is done using special springs, the compression of which is regulated by screws. If everything is done correctly, the automation will work flawlessly and the pressure in the system will be stable.

Important! The pumping station is installed on a completely flat surface; to achieve this goal, a wooden panel, concrete screed or concrete block is used. Distortions are not allowed.

You can save your budget not only by installing the equipment yourself, but also by making a hydraulic tank.


  • Water storage tank with a minimum capacity of 30 liters. It can be made from a plastic barrel or metal. The main requirement is smooth internal walls and strength.
  • Membrane of the right size
  • Pressure switch
  • A device for measuring pressure
  • Adapters
  • Ball Valves.


By strictly following the step-by-step diagram for assembling and connecting the unit, you can guarantee the productive operation of the pumping station.