Choosing a Christmas tree. Live or artificial? Real and artificial Christmas tree - which is better Disadvantages of a live Christmas tree

The New Year is approaching and its celebration, according to good tradition, is not complete without a New Year tree. After all, it is an elegant beauty, shining with multi-colored lights of garlands, that creates that magical, unique holiday atmosphere. Every year, more and more families are acquiring artificial Christmas trees.

Today we will try to figure out what types of artificial trees there are, what material they are made from and how to choose the right New Year's artificial beauty so that it will last for many years and delight you with its beauty.

What types of Christmas trees are there?

On the eve of the New Year holidays, various models and types of New Year trees appear in stores, from tabletop, very tiny trees to huge fir trees that reach the very ceiling.

It can be pine, fir, blue spruce or regular spruce, with or without cones, covered with frost, with multi-colored lights built into the branches. And the color of an artificial Christmas tree can be any - from light green to dark emerald. Christmas trees of any color are available for sale, gold and silver, white and red, for every taste and color.

Artificial Christmas trees have different designs. Some types have a hinged design and open up like an umbrella, while other trees are assembled from branches that are inserted onto the rod-trunk of the tree.

What are artificial Christmas trees made from?

Let's try to figure out what New Year's artificial beauties are made of.

Plastic molded Christmas trees

Artificial Christmas trees can be made of plastic, these are the so-called cast Christmas trees. They are very similar in appearance to real living Christmas trees. Branches with soft needles are made of polypropylene, and each branch is cast in a separate special mold.

Christmas trees made of PVC film

Artificial Christmas trees are also made from PVC film. A thin polymer tape with a metal base inside makes better quality Christmas trees. This tape is passed through machines that finely cut it into needles. Strips with needles of different lengths are wound on wire and created twigs, which are collected into fluffy beautiful trees.

Artificial Christmas trees made from fishing line

A fishing line is used to make a Christmas tree. A Christmas tree made from fishing line is fluffier than a Christmas tree made from PVC film and is more similar to a natural one. Pine branches are also made from fishing line, which look like bottle brushes.

Christmas trees with paper needles

Needles for Christmas trees can be made from paper impregnated with a special composition. Paper needles are wound onto a wire. Such an artificial Christmas tree has a short service life and is easily flammable, even from electric garlands.

How to choose the right artificial Christmas tree

Before you buy an artificial tree, you must choose a place where you will place your New Year's beauty - on the table, on the floor, by the window, in the center or in the corner of the room. And also decide on the type of tree (fir, spruce or pine) and size; you will have a small Christmas tree or a large spruce right up to the ceiling.

Christmas tree stand

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing an artificial Christmas tree is the stand. The stand can be metal, plastic or wood. If the tree is more than 150 cm, then the stand should be cross-shaped, stable, and the tree should not wobble. A metal stand is considered more reliable. The plastic stand may break under the weight of the toys.

Christmas tree quality

Pay attention to how the branches are attached, they should be well secured, the needles on the branches should also hold tightly and be rigid. When choosing a Christmas tree, lightly pull the needles; they should not come off. Run your palm along the branch against the growth of the needles, or squeeze the branch in your palm. High-quality needles will quickly return to their original shape and will not crumble. The wire on which the branches are wound should not be visible or stick out bare.

Fire safety

A high-quality Christmas tree must be made of fire-resistant materials or treated with special anti-flammable substances to prevent fire. The packaging of the Christmas tree must contain such information. After all, electric garlands are hung on the tree, and if the material from which the tree is made is flammable, then the consequences can be very disastrous.

Environmental Safety

Environmental safety is one of the conditions for the correct choice of artificial Christmas trees. The Christmas tree should not emit an unpleasant chemical odor and should not contain substances harmful to health. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the quality certificate; ask the seller to show you this document.


The prices for artificial Christmas trees are also very varied. There are cheap Chinese trees with paper needles on sale, but it is advisable to avoid such a tree. Most often, these trees are sold without a certificate and can be made from materials containing substances hazardous to health.

Molded plastic trees have a higher price, since the production of such trees is expensive. Artificial cast trees are produced in Europe and are of high quality.

The most affordable prices are for artificial Christmas trees made from PVC; such trees are considered safe and look elegant.

The price of a Christmas tree also depends on the quality and strength of the structure, on the size, as well as on designer items in the form of cones, glowing branches, multi-colored pine needles and other decorations. But an artificial Christmas tree is bought for more than one year, and therefore it is better to buy a higher quality product that will delight you for many years.

New Year without Christmas tree- not a holiday. The tradition of decorating a tree with toys and garlands goes back centuries, and it’s simply unusual for us to celebrate the New Year without this indispensable attribute.

However, on the eve of the holiday, many people are faced with a difficult question - which spruce to choose, live or artificial? Both options have pros and cons. Now we will try to compare them and sort out the facts.

Live Christmas tree

Live Christmas tree in the house even before the onset New Year fills the entire apartment with the spirit of the holiday. This is not a figure of speech, because spruce smells strongly. And for many, the aroma of natural pine is the aroma of the New Year. Really real live Christmas tree- this is a completely natural thing, a living plant that spreads around itself only useful substances (coniferous phytoncides) and a pleasant characteristic smell.

However, a living plant dies someday, and this is the main disadvantage of a natural Christmas tree. Gradually dying, it turns yellow, crumbles, and loses needles. Depending on how well you chose the spruce, this process may begin after a few days, or maybe after a few weeks. This is also influenced by the conditions of its maintenance in the house. It is best to keep it away from the radiator, in water mixed with a few tablespoons of glycerin. But one way or another, in a month all that will remain of the green beauty is a dried and crumbling stem.

For people who decide to buy live Christmas tree In addition to piles of dry needles on the carpet, you should also be wary of allergies. There are people who complain about the body’s sharp reaction to a live spruce: their nose and eyes itch, they want to sneeze. Yes, volatile substances from pine needles are not harmless to everyone! In addition, a live Christmas tree in the house drives away drowsiness, of course, also thanks to “natural chemistry.” Families with small children will especially not like this effect - it will be difficult to put the little ones to sleep.

But don’t think that a live Christmas tree has only disadvantages. Its big advantage is that it is inexpensive, and this is what often becomes decisive. A small live spruce before the New Year can be purchased for 200-1000 rubles.

pros: absolutely natural, cheap

Minuses: crumbles, dies quickly, can cause allergies, fire hazard.

Faux Christmas tree

An artificial tree is not real. It's hard to argue with that. Zealous connoisseurs of proper celebration New Year are unlikely to buy one for themselves artificial Christmas tree, because “this is not the same at all.” However, in other respects this tree is very good, because it is devoid of all the disadvantages of its “natural” sister. An artificial Christmas tree does not fall off, it is durable and will live for many years. In addition, modern “non-living” Christmas trees are made completely non-flammable and chemically safe.

However, all this can only be said about quality artificial Christmas trees. Therefore, when choosing a New Year's tree in a store, do not go for cheapness - there is a great danger of getting a low-quality item that is made using harmful substances, and besides, it will quickly break.

The most convenient and durable are artificial spruce on a wire frame. The branches of such a tree can be bent and positioned at your discretion, and, in addition, they are rigidly attached to the trunk, which reduces the chance of breakage.

The advantages also include a large selection of appearance. Modern artificial Christmas trees often look even more beautiful than real ones. However, you will have to pay a lot of money for beauty. An average-sized, high-quality spruce will cost you 2,500-3,500 thousand rubles.

pros: durable, does not crumble, always beautiful

Minuses: must lie somewhere for a year, is expensive, not all models are safe.

Before the New Year, almost every family thinks about what kind of Christmas tree they will have this year. Well, of course, this is the main symbol of the New Year holiday. Someone confidently goes to the market to choose a real Christmas tree (choosing a real Christmas tree is just like choosing a watermelon - a whole art), someone takes out an old artificial Christmas tree from the pantry, and someone will buy a new artificial tree for the first time this year. website

This article will be useful for those who cannot decide whether to stick to family traditions and go to the market to buy a live Christmas tree, or still feel sorry for the Christmas tree and buy its artificial brother, which is no worse than the real one, by the way.

Several facts in favor of artificial spruce.

1. Live Christmas trees are sold at the last minute. Whereas you can buy an artificial Christmas tree in advance and then not have to run around in the cold looking for a beautiful, lush tree. Moreover, you can order an artificial Christmas tree in an online store, which is even easier and often cheaper.

2. Few people put up a live Christmas tree on December 31st and January 1st. Most people admire the decorated Christmas tree until Christmas, and some, as in the joke, even until March 8 :) A live Christmas tree begins to crumble much earlier. The constant picking up of fallen pine needles overshadows the holiday.

3. Psychological pressure from the “greens”. Some people buy live Christmas trees out of guilt. After all, these are not flowers. You can't grow them in a month. Christmas trees grow very slowly, have they really grown that long to please you for a week? Does your conscience bother you? 🙂 Then read other facts :)

4. It turns out that some people may be allergic to resin and pine needles. Do you have any allergies? What if one of your guests has it? In terms of households, live Christmas trees are also not desirable in a house where there are children and pets. Cats simply gorge themselves on pine needles (apparently they are looking for vitamins in them), and children can simply attach pine needles to their clothes and take them all over the house.

Benefits of artificial Christmas trees.

1. First of all, we need to remind you that the design of artificial Christmas trees has changed noticeably since our childhood. The image of the first plastic Christmas tree, which did not have a very festive look, is firmly in our heads. Nowadays, stores sell Christmas trees of various materials and different appearances. Small and large, wide and narrow, plastic and paper. What is there? What can we say about Christmas trees of unusual shapes, unusual colors, or ready-made decorated Christmas trees.

2. Durability of artificial Christmas trees. If you don’t skimp and buy an expensive, high-quality Christmas tree, you can be sure that it will serve you for more than 5 years. And next year you will only buy new New Year's balls, toys, electric garlands and other tinsel, depending on how you want to decorate the holiday of 2012, 2013, 2014 and so on.

3. Artificial Christmas trees are easy to store, easy to assemble and easy to use. The main thing is to make sure when purchasing that the tree is easy to assemble and has instructions in Russian, and not in Chinese, as Chinese Christmas trees are often imported to Russia in bulk. As for the use of artificial spruce, it is safe for children and animals and does not splinter. In terms of safety, it is also important to make sure that the tree is stable and will not fall.

4. An artificial Christmas tree does not smell. For some, this may be a minus; in this case, you can go to the forest or to the market and buy spruce branches. Make a beautiful bouquet out of them and place them in a vase on the New Year's table. The smell will be with you throughout the feast. But it will be possible to apply artificial snow to the artificial Christmas tree.

5. Artificial Christmas trees look much better than real ones. If, in search of a live Christmas tree at the market, you run from one seller to another, then in the artificial Christmas tree store all the models are lush, even, the branches are distributed evenly along the trunk and there are no bald spots. And the top of the tree securely holds the star or spire and does not fall on its side.

You can read more about what types of artificial Christmas trees there are here:

  • Ready-made decorated Christmas trees with Christmas toys as gifts.

  • Christmas tree decorations and candles from Russian manufacturers for the New Year.

  • What do you need to know before going to the store to buy an artificial Christmas tree?

  • Which suitcase is best to buy for a child?

  • How to choose curling irons for hair styling at home?

It’s hard to imagine without a Christmas tree. This is the main attribute of the holiday. And decorating it is a whole tradition in which, as a rule, the whole family participates. But which is better: an artificial or natural tree? And how to choose a Christmas tree?

Today there is a huge selection of artificial Christmas trees, which allows you to buy any one: imitating spruce or pine, green or white, matte and shiny. The most important advantage of artificial Christmas trees and the argument in their favor is that they preserve and extend the life of living Christmas trees. And this is a significant contribution to the conservation of nature and the ecology of the planet.

In addition, if you choose between an artificial Christmas tree, natural spruce or pine, then the first option is the most profitable for the family budget. Having spent well once, you don’t need to look for and buy a Christmas tree every year; it’s better to do other things while preparing for the holiday.

Of course, if you have nowhere to store an artificial Christmas tree throughout the year, or you want to enjoy the smell and aroma of natural pine needles, then the second and third Options are better for you.

Today there is another option - a live spruce planted in a pot. It will last longer and you won’t have to throw it away. But such a tree will not grow in a pot, so over time it will need to be replanted.

If we replace a natural tree with an artificial one, the holiday will not suffer. If in doubt, tell your family and friends what motivated you to buy an artificial tree. They will understand and support you, because in this way you save the forest from extinction.

There is another option that allows you to save the tree and make the holiday fabulous, but it is better suited for a family living in a private house. Dress up a beautiful living spruce or pine tree growing in the yard. It will delight both you and your neighbors. And on New Year's Eve you can go out into the street and dance around it.

How to choose an artificial Christmas tree? What criteria should it meet?

Today, there are Christmas trees of various manufacturers and price categories. The price of Christmas trees is influenced by the following factors:
- material of manufacture;
- size;
— presence of backlight;
— method of installation and assembly;
- presence of decor.

A high-quality Christmas tree must first and foremost be safe. Therefore, pay attention that it does not have a strong unpleasant odor, that its needles do not fall off, that the branches are securely attached to the frame, that the frame is durable, and that the material is not flammable.

When choosing a Christmas tree, be guided by the size of the room. Don't buy a tree that is too big. It's not very convenient, beautiful, and not safe.

If there are children in the house, then it is also important that the tree is stable.

In general, if you don’t want to collect Christmas tree needles from the floor later, buy an artificial tree. It has a long service life and will not cause allergies (if it is of high quality and correctly chosen).

Now a few words about natural Christmas trees.

Despite all the advantages of artificial Christmas trees, many people still prefer natural ones. They have a pleasant smell, are completely environmentally friendly, beautiful in appearance and relatively low cost.

But, if an artificial tree can be bought at any time, then it is better to buy a natural tree closer to the New Year.

Unfortunately, buying and installing natural spruce has its drawbacks:
- short shelf life;
— they constantly crumble;
- if the branches and needles of the Christmas tree dry out, they can become a source of fire;
— if one of the family members is allergic to pine needles, then the idea of ​​purchasing a natural Christmas tree will have to be abandoned.

When buying natural spruce, pay attention to the following factors:
- size;
- symmetry - the tree should be beautiful and even on all sides;
— freshness;
— whether the needles are falling off.

If you don’t mind putting an artificial Christmas tree in your house, but you like the smell of natural pine needles, then you can purchase a special aroma oil, aroma candles, or decorate your house with branches of a live Christmas tree.

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 8 minutes


New Year is coming soon... And it’s time to decide where exactly, with whom and, most importantly, how to celebrate this best holiday in the world. Regardless of the place of celebration, creating a New Year's atmosphere in the house is a paramount task. And the first thing you should take care of is the Christmas tree, under which the main Grandfather of the country will store his numerous gifts.

Which Christmas tree is better - live, fragrant, or artificial and practical?

Artificial Christmas trees - pros and cons

Of course, the aroma of living pine needles in itself creates Christmas mood . But more and more often today we buy artificial Christmas trees.

Artificial Christmas trees - advantages

  • A wide range of. Artificial Christmas trees differ in color (green, silver, white, etc.), in size and “fluffiness”, in the type of attachment of branches to the trunk (collapsible, in different versions, and not collapsible), divided into ordinary and LED (the latter does not have a garland needed), differ in completeness - with or without tinsel and toys.
  • Life time. You don’t have to throw away the artificial beauty a week after the holiday - it will last from 5 to 10 years. This leads to a third advantage - saving the family budget.
  • Convenient storage. The Christmas tree can be carefully disassembled and hidden on the mezzanine until the next holiday.
  • Easy to install. There is no need to look for a bucket, pour sand into it or pour water into it - just stick all the branches into the trunk and place the Christmas tree on the stand.
  • No need to shake Christmas tree needles out of carpets until spring and drive pets away from the fragrant symbol of the New Year.
  • Ecology. By buying an artificial Christmas tree, you save several living ones (one for each year).
  • Fire safety. A live Christmas tree lights up instantly. Artificial (if it is of high quality) - created from fireproof materials.
  • You can buy a Christmas tree in early December(and “live” Christmas tree markets will open no earlier than December 20th).

Artificial Christmas tree - cons

  • No pine scent. You can solve the problem simply - buy a pair of spruce paws for “aroma” or use aromatic oil.
  • Price. It will be quite tall for a substantial fluffy Christmas tree. But if you divide the amount over several years, it will still be profitable.
  • If several branch parts are lost or damaged It will be impossible to assemble a full-fledged beauty for the next holiday. Therefore, it is important to follow the rules for its storage and assembly/disassembly.
  • Toxicity of low-quality products. PVC, which Christmas trees are usually made from, contains harmful lead compounds and releases phosgene when heated. Therefore, buying a Christmas tree based on the “cheaper” principle is unwise. Health is more valuable.

Live Christmas trees for the New Year - advantages and disadvantages of a real Christmas tree

Anyone who cannot imagine the New Year without a live Christmas tree will say that its main advantage is freshness and incomparable smell of pine needles . That is why, even if there is no money for a Christmas tree, many people buy spruce branches - so that at least a small piece of this fairy tale will be present.

In addition to the aroma, the advantages of this living green beauty include:

  • Creating a truly New Year's atmosphere in the house.
  • Traditional, incredible a pleasant ritual of decorating a Christmas tree, bringing family members closer together.
  • No problems with storing the Christmas tree(there will be no extra boxes on the mezzanines).
  • Bactericidal properties and other properties. The pine scent calms the nervous system, fights tubercle bacilli, and is used in the treatment of seasonal respiratory diseases.
  • You can make an effective mask from Christmas tree needles for hair or paste for cold compresses.

Disadvantages of a live Christmas tree