Growing and selling grapes. Growing grapes for home business Costs and profits from business

Grapes contain huge amounts of fructose and glucose. In addition to winemaking, it is widely used in cosmetology and cooking. Since ancient times, viticulture has been considered a profitable business, however, it is worth noting that this plant is very thermophilic, that is, the most favorable soil for its cultivation in Russia is the regions of the North Caucasus.

In areas where a temperate climate prevails, early grape varieties can be grown more or less successfully. In order to successfully grow it, it is necessary to constantly maintain the temperature within +25-30°C. If the temperature is lower, the growing season will be too long, and early varieties will ripen already during the ripening period of middle or even late varieties. If the temperature decreases to 8-10 °C within 1.5-2 weeks, there is a possibility of losing the entire crop. Thus, growing grapes in Russia without the use of cultivation facilities is impractical.

Proper use of greenhouses allows you to grow even southern grape varieties with rich flavors and magnificent appearance.

Advantages of greenhouse cultivation

  1. The quality of greenhouse grapes is significantly higher than the quality of grapes grown in open ground, due to the fact that they are less affected by pests.
  2. When growing grapes in greenhouses, the active use of chemicals is not required.
  3. During the cold season, when the overall grape yield decreases, through the use of greenhouses it is possible to maintain a high level of grown volume.
  4. The use of greenhouses is actually the only way to obtain a good grape harvest in the northern regions of the country.

Construction of a greenhouse

Statistics show that the arched type of greenhouse is the most popular for viticulture. In order to effectively use the greenhouse throughout the year, it must be built on a foundation. The components of the structure, as a rule, are metal pipes, frames and profiles. Polycarbonate is most often used as transparent walls. To avoid getting the base wet in the greenhouse, it is necessary to install a drain.

The price of making a custom-made greenhouse with an area of ​​100 square meters. m will be about 5-5.5 thousand dollars. If you set out to make it yourself, you can save 2-2.5 thousand dollars, but to build it yourself you need to have quite a lot of experience, otherwise the constructed greenhouse may not have the necessary characteristics.

Separately, it is worth noting the moment of ventilation. The fact is that the growth of greenhouse plants can stop not only if the temperature drops, but also if it rises strongly. In particular, at a temperature of about 40°C, plants begin to die, since at this temperature various microorganisms become active and have a detrimental effect on the plants, so on hot days the greenhouse must be ventilated periodically.

Today there are two solutions to this problem.

Firstly, you can manually open and close the windows, but this requires increased control.

Secondly, you can use various automated ventilation systems. Their price ranges from 50-100 dollars. However, it is not recommended to completely rely on the mechanism; it is better to use it as a kind of safety net. By the way, automated systems allow you to quite accurately regulate the temperature at which the window will open, as well as the limit of its opening.

All modern ventilation systems have approximately the same principle of operation, which consists in the fact that an oil-filled cylinder, under the influence of high temperature, expands and pushes out the rod, which in turn opens the window through a system of levers. After the temperature drops, the opposite effect occurs, causing the window to close.

The second essential point in arranging grape greenhouses is the installation of an irrigation system. Grape greenhouses use a drip irrigation system, the purpose of which is to maintain an optimal level of soil moisture. The daily water intake should be supplied in at least two to three doses. The cost of such a system will be approximately $100-200.

Grape varieties

Some novice entrepreneurs mistakenly believe that all grape varieties are suitable for greenhouse cultivation. However, statistics show that some varieties, in particular “Dekabrsky” and “Vostorg”, have better performance if grown in open ground.

Greenhouse grape varieties include:

  1. Alphonse Lavallee;
  2. Burmunk;
  3. Zala dende;
  4. Leopold III;
  5. Violet early;
  6. Foster (Greenhouse White);
  7. Frankenthal.

The cost of one grape seedling is $20-30.


The peculiarity of planting grapevines is that they must be placed at the same distance from each other. Seedlings should be planted along the side walls of the greenhouse.
The best time for planting is from mid-February to April. You can start about 1.5 months earlier, but for this you need to install an additional greenhouse heating system.

When growing, the following temperature conditions must be observed:

  1. Bud opening: during the day – 10-14°C; at night – 8-10°C.
  2. Growth and flowering: during the day – 28-30°C; at night – 18-20°C.
  3. Rest: During the day – 0-5°C.

Grape diseases

Grape bushes, like any other plants, can get sick. To prevent serious consequences, it is necessary to prevent diseases or eliminate them in the early stages. Diseases of grape plants are infectious and non-infectious.

Infectious diseases involve infection of healthy grape bushes from plants already infected with viruses, bacteria or fungal pathogens. The danger of infectious infection is that it can lead to complete loss of seedlings.

Such diseases include:

  • Gray rot;
  • Chlorosis;
  • Necrosis;
  • Anthracnose;
  • Cercospora;
  • Escoriosis (black spotting), etc.

When such diseases are detected, it is advisable to localize and destroy the source of infection; it is also important to observe quarantine.

With non-infectious diseases, there is no chance of infection of new bushes. Such diseases include shedding of berries, rubella, browning of leaves, etc. Their main causes are:

  • External factors;
  • Unfavorable soil conditions;
  • Damage to bushes;
  • Lack of nutrition.

Costs and payback

To start a business growing grapes in greenhouses you need about 14-15 thousand dollars, including:

  1. Construction of a greenhouse, warehouse and utility room - 11-12 thousand dollars;
  2. Purchase of tools – 1.5 thousand dollars;
  3. Purchase of seedlings – 1.0 thousand dollars;
  4. Other – 0.5 thousand dollars.

The market price of 1 kg of grapes, depending on the season, ranges from $2-6.5. Considering that the grape yield is about 5 kg/1 sq. m. The estimated return period for the initial investment is about 4-5 years.

The duration of the return on investment in this business is due to the fact that during the “hot” season it is quite difficult to sell grapes, especially if there are no agreements with supermarkets and greengrocers. During this period, beginning winegrowers have to greatly reduce the price of their products, otherwise the likelihood that they will not be sold at all increases.

Due to its beneficial properties, grapes have long been in high demand. This berry is rich in vitamins, glucose and fructose. People mastered growing grapes quite a long time ago, since even at that time this activity brought a certain profit. Viticulture is still relevant today, as the demand for such a product remains high. It is used for the production of wine, drinks, and also in many food industries.

Based on growing grapes, you can organize a fairly profitable business that will bring considerable income to the entrepreneur. Today there are many business ideas related to growing and selling this versatile berry. The popularity of such a business is based on the growing demand for such products. This does not require any special financial investments, however, such an activity requires considerable physical effort.

Features of growing on the roof

If an entrepreneur decides to build his business on growing grapes on the roof, then he needs to know some of the features and subtleties of this business. The fact is that this culture requires a specific approach to the issue of breeding. Proper organization of the technological process of growing grapes on the roof allows you to obtain a fairly high yield. Meanwhile, such a business requires the purchase of some equipment and equipment.

Depending on the roof area, it is necessary to plan the number of boxes in which the grape seedlings will be planted. The size of the landing container should make it easy to move. Watering the root system is an integral part of the technological chain. To do this, it is necessary to purchase appropriate water pumps, the performance of which will ensure proper nutrition to the vineyard.

Business organization

To organize such a business, you need to decide on the location where the grape plantation can be located. If we are talking about a roof, then it must meet certain requirements. Firstly, its area must be sufficient to accommodate the planned number of seedlings. Secondly, such a space must have the necessary access to sunlight, since such a crop needs good natural light.

In addition, all necessary communications must be available in the grape growing area. The entrepreneur must ensure sufficient watering and drainage. To do this, it is necessary to organize a network of engineering systems that include pumping equipment and pipelines. A sewer system is also necessary, so you need to take care of its availability in advance.

Business plan

Since grapes are heat-loving crops, it is better to grow them in warm regions. If we are talking about a colder climate, then it is necessary to take care of a closed form of cultivation. This means that a greenhouse must be built on the roof where the vineyard is planned to be located. If climatic conditions allow, then such a crop can be grown in open ground.

First of all, the entrepreneur must take care of the appropriate soil. The fact is that grapes require limestone, sand or peat soil, which ensures the best harvest. Today, such soil can be purchased in specialized stores, where you can also choose the appropriate container for growing. Since applying fertilizers ensures a better harvest, it is necessary to purchase such additives.

The basis for a good harvest is the acquisition of high-quality seedlings of a certain variety. Therefore, it is better to buy planting material in specialized stores, where experts will advise on the purpose of each variety. Properly selected seedlings for certain growing conditions can produce up to 20 kg of yield per bush. In this way, the productivity of a given vineyard can be calculated.


Considering the high demand for such products, we can confidently call such a business promising. Well-organized sales can double an entrepreneur's profit. The payback on such a business is quite high - the invested funds can pay off within a year, depending on the area of ​​the vineyard and growing conditions. By expanding grape production, you can get quite high profits.


Organizing a business such as growing grapes on a roof has a number of significant advantages. These include saving money on renting a plot of land, ease of maintenance, as well as the low cost of maintaining a grape plantation. Considering the growing demand for such berries, you can be confident in the constant profitability of such a business.

In general, growing grapes can be called a fairly profitable undertaking. Quick payback, high profitability, as well as low initial investments put such a business on a par with the most successful financial projects.

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Growing grapes in a greenhouse grapes are a heat-loving crop; to grow a good harvest, you need a temperature of +25-30 °C. In Russia, you can get ripe grapes in greenhouses, while even southern varieties retain their characteristic rich taste and aroma. The quality of the berries is high, since the plant does not suffer from pests and chemicals.


The excellent taste of grapes is loved by many, and its healing properties have been known for a long time. Scientists are still discovering new beneficial properties of grapes, and a whole new direction in medicine has emerged - grape therapy, which is considered a fairly effective form of healing.

Grapes contain a huge amount of glucose and fructose. It is widely used in winemaking, cooking and cosmetology. For all these reasons, viticulture has been considered a very profitable business from time immemorial.

Unfortunately, in Russia there are few soils favorable for growing grapes, since this crop is very thermophilic. In areas with a temperate climate, only early grape varieties can be grown relatively successfully. For successful cultivation and obtaining a good harvest, a constant temperature of +25-30 °C is required.

At lower temperatures, the growing season becomes too long, and early varieties ripen only in the fall. If the air temperature drops to 8-10 °C within two weeks, you can lose the entire harvest. Obviously, growing grapes in Russia without greenhouses is too risky. At the same time, with the rational use of greenhouses, it is possible to achieve ripeness even for southern varieties with a rich taste.

Advantages of growing grapes in a greenhouse

  1. Grapes in a greenhouse are less susceptible to pests, so their quality is higher than that of grapes from open ground. In any case, in the climatic conditions of Russia.
  2. When growing grapes in a greenhouse, you don’t need to use chemicals.
  3. During cold weather, when grape yields decrease, the entire harvest can be preserved in greenhouses.
  4. In the northern regions, growing grapes in greenhouse conditions is practically the only way to ripen this crop.

Greenhouse construction

Arched type greenhouses are considered the most suitable for viticulture. In order for the greenhouse to be used effectively all year round, it should be built on a foundation. The structure consists of metal pipes, frame and profile. The walls of the greenhouse are usually made of polycarbonate. It is necessary to provide a drainage system in the greenhouse to avoid getting wet.

Making a greenhouse to order will cost approximately $5-5.5 thousand. If you build a greenhouse yourself, it will cost half as much, but you should not take on the construction of a greenhouse without sufficient knowledge and experience. This matter is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Plants stop growing not only when the temperature drops, but also when the temperature rises. Therefore, we must not forget about the greenhouse ventilation system. At a temperature of about 40 °C, many microorganisms are activated that harm the normal development of grapes. To prevent this from happening, the greenhouse must be ventilated on hot days. The problem of overheating can be solved in two ways:

  • opening and closing windows, which requires constant monitoring;
  • using an automated ventilation system.

The price of an automated system is about $50-100, which makes this method attractive. Experienced winegrowers do not advise relying entirely on mechanisms; it is better to use them as a safety net.

All ventilation systems are designed approximately the same: a cylinder filled with oil expands from high temperature and pushes out a rod, which opens the window through a system of levers. When the temperature drops, the reverse process occurs and the window closes.

The second mandatory element of a greenhouse arrangement is an irrigation system. In greenhouse vineyards, a drip irrigation system is used to maintain an optimal level of soil moisture. Watering should occur in two or three steps. Such a system costs approximately $100-200.

Grape varieties

Beginning winegrowers often believe that all varieties of grapes can be grown in greenhouses. It's not like that at all. Greenhouse grape varieties:

  • Alphonse Lavallee;
  • Burmunk;
  • Zala dende;
  • Leopold III;
  • Violet early;
  • Foster (Greenhouse White);
  • Frankenthal.

One grape seedling costs $20-30. Some varieties, for example, “December” and “Vostorg”, are more suitable for open ground.

Features of cultivation

When planting grapevines, you need to maintain equal intervals between seedlings. Seedlings need to be planted along the walls of the greenhouse. The best time for planting is mid-February - April. You can start 1.5 months earlier, but then you will have to supplement the greenhouse with a heating system.

When growing grapes, the optimal temperature regime will be:

  1. When buds open – during the day – 10-14 °C; at night – 8-10 °C.
  2. During growth and flowering - during the day - 28-30 °C; at night – 18-20 °C.
  3. At rest: During the day – 0-5 °C.

Grape diseases

Like all plants, grapes can get sick. To avoid serious consequences, diseases must be eliminated in the early stages or, better, prevented. Grape diseases are either non-infectious or non-infectious. In infectious diseases, healthy grape bushes become infected with viruses, bacteria or fungi from sick ones. Infectious infection is dangerous because it can lead to loss of seedlings.

Infectious diseases of grapes:

  • Gray rot;
  • Chlorosis;
  • Necrosis;
  • Anthracnose;
  • Cercospora;
  • Escoriosis (black spotting), etc.

If one of these diseases is detected, the source of infection must be destroyed and quarantined. With non-communicable diseases, there is no chance of infection. Such diseases include shedding of berries, rubella, browning of leaves, etc. The main reasons:

  • External factors;
  • Unsuitable soil;
  • Damage to bushes;
  • Lack of nutrition.

Financial investments and payback

To start a business growing grapes in greenhouses you will need $14-15 thousand. This amount includes:

  1. Construction of a greenhouse, warehouse and utility rooms - $11-12 thousand;
  2. Tools – $1.5 thousand;
  3. Seedlings – $1.0 thousand;
  4. Other expenses – $500.

Depending on the season, a kilogram of grapes costs from $2-6.5. From 1 sq. m of greenhouse, about 5 kg of grapes are harvested. Approximately, the initial investment will pay off in 4-5 years.

  • Business: agribusiness, investments from 450,000 rubles, payback from 48 months, minimum area from 500 m²
  • Business area: production

When organizing a grape business, you can go in two ways: growing vines in open ground and in a greenhouse. In certain places, it is almost impossible to obtain a harvest without greenhouses. Grapes are a heat-loving crop. But you can’t depend on weather conditions to make your profit. Therefore, we will consider both options for cultivating tasty berries.

Planting and caring for grapes in greenhouses

In some regions it is impossible to grow grapes in open ground. The way out is a greenhouse.

Equipment for greenhouse farming:

  • homemade or ready-made greenhouse with windows for ventilation;
  • drip irrigation system to maintain optimal soil moisture levels;
  • devices for heating and lighting.

Features of agricultural technology:

Daytime air temperature during bud break is 10-14°, night temperature is 8-10°. During the growing season and flowering – 24-26° (day), 14-16° (at night). During the development of bunches and ripening of berries - 28-30° (day), 18-20° (at night).

  1. Forcing grapevines in greenhouses begins in February-April. You shouldn't do this before, because... a lot of money is spent on heating and lighting.
  2. The dormant period for grapes is 2-2.5 months. At this time, the temperature in the greenhouses is maintained at 0-5°.
  3. Growing grapes at home cannot be called a short-term investment. It requires a certain amount of patience. Since the first harvest can be obtained no earlier than in the second year.

If you arrange beds for herbs and vegetables in the free space in the greenhouse, the investment will be returned faster.

Growing grapes from cuttings using the accelerated method

Traditional cultivation of grape seedlings from cuttings produces a harvest no earlier than the 3rd year. But greenhouses allow you to grow a good vine from cuttings in the first year, and get a harvest in the second. Only on condition that the cultivation of grapes from cuttings will be carried out using special technology to accelerate the growth of the vine.

The whole secret lies in the depth of planting of the cuttings. All literature describes that it needs to be planted at least 50cm deep so that winter frosts do not kill the grape roots. But if you plant the cuttings in the spring to a depth of only 5-10cm. (this is enough to get a reliable and viable taproot system), then in the fall you can already get several meters of vines. And next year there will be a good harvest. While traditional technology during this period gives only 50 cm, a maximum of 1 meter of grapevine.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE! Since cuttings are planted at a minimum depth, soil moisture should be controlled to prevent drying out, which will kill the plant. Cuttings die for only two reasons:

  1. Shoots dry out if there is a lack of moisture.
  2. The roots rot from lack of air.

Do not forget about devices for opening additional access of oxygen to the soil (the most basic thing is that a tube is stuck into the soil to a depth of 10 cm next to the root). After all, oxygen will not only preserve the root system, but will also absorb the intensive growth of the vine.

When propagating grapes, you can get a harvest in the first year, but this method is not cuttings.

Katavlak is the propagation of grapes by layering from a whole bush by placing the vines in the ground at a distance of 1.5-2 meters (as shown in the figure). This method of replanting gives a small harvest in the first year and is more reliable than cuttings.

Growing and caring for grapes in open ground

It is better to locate the vineyard on the warmest and sunniest part of your land. This culture loves light and light sandy soil.

Preparing beds and planting grapes:

  1. The distance between rows is 2-3 m. Between bushes of medium-sized varieties is 1.5-2 m, for vigorous plants – from 2 m.
  2. Planting pits are prepared half a month before planting seedlings. The size of one hole is 80*80*80 cm. They dig and immediately water thoroughly so that the soil settles a little.
  3. The finished pit is filled with humus (2 buckets), sand for drainage and lightness (bucket), fertile soil (2 buckets), and wood ash as the first fertilizing (1 kg). This whole mixture is mixed and poured with two buckets of water. The remaining volume of the pit is filled with fertile soil.
  4. Trellis are installed along the ridges to support the bushes. They can be made from acacia branches up to 3 m long. The bark is removed from them and the surface is burned. The lower part, which will go into the ground, is doused with hot resin. The ground part of the branches is painted. This preparation will preserve the structure for a long time. The trellises are placed at a distance of 3-4 m. A wire is pulled between them in increments of 40 cm.
  5. Grape seedlings are planted in holes at an angle of 45° to the trellis. Sprinkle with clean soil, shaking the bush slightly so that the roots take the correct direction. Water generously.

Further care for grapes:

  1. The grapes are watered after planting (4-5 times per season, more often if there is drought). On the second day after watering, be sure to loosen the soil.
  2. Regular care and pruning of grapes is carried out.
  3. Preventive treatment against diseases and pests (3-4 times after the buds open, but before the berries begin to grow). And pruning the vine (to reduce the load on the bush and obtain larger clusters).
  4. Preparing the vine for winter.

Grape varieties for open ground and greenhouses

The plan for your own grape business is simple: purchasing seedlings, planting, growing and caring for them, harvesting and selling. To get good grapes, you need to purchase high-quality planting material.

Different varieties of berries are suitable for open and closed ground. For any type of business organization, it is better to give preference to bushes with a closed root system.

Grape varieties for open ground:

Ripening time

Features of berries




115-120 days

White berries with a harmonious taste, large clusters (500-700 g).

High yield and good taste

The market is saturated with this variety; on the second day after harvest, the berries become covered with spots.

Laura (Flora)

110-115 days

White berry with a harmonious taste, large clusters (600-800 g).

Good yield (up to 30 kg per bush), excellent transportability and pleasant taste

The predominance of female flowers, which is why the grapes are poorly pollinated; bushes are sensitive to stress from inflorescences and clusters

Kishmish seedless

125-130 days

Pink berries with dense pulp and a light nutmeg aroma, cluster weight - 200-600 g

Good transportability, tasty berries without seeds

The variety is demanding on the quality of agricultural technology and is susceptible to diseases


110-118 days

Dark purple berries in large clusters (400-600 g)

Good transportability, rapid ripening, preservation of taste for a long time

The variety “sins” with peas

Nadezhda AZOS

120-135 days

Red-violet berry with a sweet and sour taste, bunch weight - 500-800 g

High yield - up to 70 kg per bush, long-term preservation of presentation

Ripens at a time when the market is oversaturated with grapes

Laura and Arcadia are also suitable for growing in greenhouses.

Varieties for greenhouse farming:

Ripening period

Characteristics of grapes

Song (White Miracle)

105-110 days

Large white berries with fleshy juicy pulp, bunch weight - up to 1 kg

Disease resistance, good transportability

Responds to stress with inhibited development

Bulgaria is sustainable

115-125 days

Large amber berries with a pleasant muscat taste

Greenhouses have very high yields and pollination rates

Insufficient resistance to mildew, low frost resistance


110-125 days

Nipple-shaped large berries of yellow color, pleasant sage-nutmeg flavor

Excellent yield, berries contain few seeds (2-4)

When bushes are overloaded with crops and in dense plantings, the ripening period is delayed

Frankenthal (greenhouse black)

The berries are medium-sized, black with a reddish tint, with thick skin

Pleasant taste, good ripening

Sensitive to mildew

Ways of implementation

Channels for marketing grapes:

  • vegetable market;
  • grocery store;
  • wineries;
  • juice production enterprises.

The search for distribution channels should be done two months before the harvest.

It's easier to sell grapes out of season. And you can get it in greenhouses. During the season, implementation is more difficult. The market is overflowing with berries. In order for there to be demand, you will have to either reduce the price or offer the buyer an exquisite variety of grapes with high taste.

There are also grape varieties that do not lose their taste and beneficial properties when quickly frozen. With the help of freezers, you can significantly increase the shelf life of grapes so that they can be sold during the most economically advantageous periods of the sales seasons.

Grape varieties for freezing

Based on numerous experiments, the best grape varieties were identified that are suitable for freezing and subsequent storage:

  • Sevan;
  • Ichkimar;
  • Milari;
  • Kakhet;
  • Karmir-Kahani et al.

The main feature of varieties for freezing is the peculiarity of the berries, which are colored and have hard pulp.

The technology for quick freezing of grapes occurs in several simple steps:

  1. Sorting and culling of damaged berries.
  2. Short-term freezing at temperatures from -40 to -45, for 4 hours.
  3. Continuous storage at minus 18-20 degrees.

An interesting fact is that with this technology for storing special grape varieties, not only the taste of the berries is preserved, but also biologically active substances with vitamins. Even after 8 months of storage, the grapes received high marks during control tastings.

You can earn more than 820,000 rubles per season on 20 acres of land and 200 grape bushes! Tatiana's enterprising family, guests of the magazine Reconomica, the seventh year he grows grapes for sale and sells seedlings. He is also involved in winemaking and raisin production - the sunny berry provides many opportunities to earn money.

“Viticulture is an art, a well-thought-out strategy and practice,” says Tatyana, who today shares the history of the family business.

Tatyana will tell you in detail and with love about how they started growing grapes for sale, about the intricacies of agricultural technology, about difficulties. She will tell you about the costs of planting and maintaining a vineyard, and without false modesty she will share income figures. And he will also give practical advice to those looking to make money selling sunny berries.

My name is Svetlana, I am from Ukraine, from the city of Zaporozhye. I will tell you about our family business - a vineyard that brings good income and joy.

Growing and selling grapes is an art, strategy and practice.

My family is of average income, but we haven’t thought about our own business before. We bought a dacha for barbecue and fishing. And my father felt sorry that the land was disappearing: a sunny plot of 20 acres, a river nearby. After some thought, he decided to grow technical grapes - wine. Why wine? It is easy to care for, and we love good wine.

Two families took part in the planting of the vineyard, mine and my husband’s; the main participants were my parents, me and my husband. First we planted 10 bushes.

In the first years, one bush should have produced 3 kg of grapes, and 30 kg of grapes – up to 20 liters of wine. Pretty good!

We can also grow table grapes for wine, we decided, and planted another 10, then another 50 bushes.

When we were harvesting, we thought: what to do with it? This is how the idea of ​​selling wine and grapes arose.

The art of the winegrower: strategy and practice

The size of the plot made it possible to grow an average of 200 bushes with a distance between seedlings of 2 m and between rows of 2.5 m. After 3-4 years, you can get from 20 to 40 kg from one bush. The range is great: a lot depends on the variety, content, and formation methods.

Planting a vineyard: organizing trenches.

Compact planting is also possible - with a shorter distance, with a density of up to 1 × 2.5 m. With the correct organization of the trellis, the method is more productive due to the high yield per unit area. But there are also disadvantages: if with the usual planting scheme the grapes gain strength by the age of three, with compaction they already lose it.

Basics of landing

The first years of a vineyard’s life are nothing but troubles. But they pay off: with proper care, grapes can live for 60 years.

Key points about planting grapes:

  1. Choice of location: grapes do not tolerate drafts and excess moisture, love sun and warmth.
  2. Before planting, trenches are made, drainage and nutrient soil mixture are laid out.
  3. We organized drainage watering - we installed a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm. Why drainage? In the first years, the roots cannot reach moisture deep into the soil, and stagnation of water in the root zone leads to disease.
  4. When planting, the roots of the seedling are straightened, the lateral roots are slightly shortened, covered with soil mixture, and watered. The scion site should be 3 cm above the ground level.
  5. Before planting, install a support for the garter or organize permanent supports and trellises. This is an art: the direction, height, angle of inclination, distance between supports are taken into account.

Planting grapes: planting hole with drainage pipe.

It is better not to undertake the installation of trellises without the advice or hands of a specialist: this is money and seedlings down the drain.

About watering, pruning and rationing

Watering, feeding, treating against diseases and pests - there is a lot of work to do in the vineyard.

We organize drainage irrigation.

Even with four people, watering 200 bushes is difficult. I had to study all the ways to water grapes.

My dad and husband had a lot of fun experimenting in search of the best watering option. And trenches were dug, and pipes were inserted vertically into drainage holes with crushed stone.

Drip irrigation was also tested on several rows. The “drop” turned out to be costly, and subsoil irrigation—drainage—became optimal.

I'll tell you how to organize it. A trench is dug, the bottom is covered with a layer of sand, and a pipe drilled through is laid. The pipe is covered with sand and earth, and the end is brought out above ground level. The system is not suitable for fertilizing, but it is easily suitable for watering rows and trenches.

Grapes are a delicate matter: beginners will have to learn from their mistakes for too long.

The basis for the yield and development of a bush is pruning and shaping.

In order not to waste years on experiments, we solved the problem simply: professionals, our friends, did the cutting and shaping.

We didn’t do it for free, but it was more profitable than losing a bush and crop for free as a result of mistakes. Yes, and labor costs should be taken into account.

There are many techniques, they choose the one that is suitable for a specific variety, adjusted for soil and climatic conditions.

But varietal characteristics are the main thing: the description of grape varieties often indicates a suitable pruning method.

Wintering also depends on the method of formation and pruning: by autumn the wood of the vine should ripen. Vines with wood that has not had time to ripen often freeze out even under cover.

And about rationing: it is important to ration the harvest. In the first year of fruiting, a couple of clusters are left on young bushes, often just one. For what? So as not to “overload” the bush.

The load on the bush is the alpha and omega of yield. It is different for each variety - you can also recognize it in any description.

Greed in the grape business is to your own detriment: an “overloaded” bush will produce loose clusters with small, “pea-shaped” berries that ripen poorly. The bush will devote all its energy to fruit formation, it develops slowly, the wood does not ripen by autumn - attacks are possible.

The miser pays twice - the law of viticulture. On young, poorly developed bushes, normal pruning is carried out, extra eyes are blinded, and the required number of bunches is left. And sometimes the brushes themselves are even trimmed!

Overloaded vines are susceptible to disease - we realized this early on when we tried to squeeze the maximum out of the vineyard.

Our varieties: grape conveyor

We settled on 8 varieties and hybrid forms of different ripening periods for the so-called “conveyor”.

Quiche-mish White Flame: incredibly tasty, with a slight “tan”, but whimsical: it loves to “pea” and is loved by wasps.

Early table grapes:

  1. Galahad– very early, in the Zaporozhye region ripens by early August. Frost-resistant, disease resistance above average. Pleasant sweet taste, not cloying, white in color.
  2. – more finicky than Galahard, but worth the effort for the taste.
  3. Catalonia– hybrid form, very early, powerful and persistent. Rich black color, the balance of sugar and acid is beyond praise.

Early technical varieties:

  • Cabernet Jura– the wine comes out with a blackberry aroma;
  • Pinot Tin– wine with a hint of cherry.

Late table grapes:

  • Italy– very tasty, but difficult to care for, disease resistance is below average;
  • Red Globe – gorgeous appearance, but lacks strength and endurance.

Late technical varieties:

  • Sangiovese– rich taste creates a lot of shades and a pleasant aftertaste.

Time to sell. Costs and first profit

Instead of gradually expanding the assortment, we quickly began to quickly plant everything. The risk was enormous: we were lucky that the seedlings took root, lucky that we chose varieties with good returns.

Cabernet Jura is a Swiss technical variety. And the wine has a subtle aftertaste of blackberries.

We monitored the reaction to the care techniques, tasted them, and identified varieties with the best performance and taste. We fell in love with the business, we understood: a vineyard is a living organism with its own character and needs.

Once you get into the process, it becomes easier. And when you compare costs and profits, it becomes more fun.

Estimated costs for 200 grape bushes (in ruble equivalent):

  • seedlings – 14,000 rubles;
  • 100 columns – 38,000 rubles;
  • 4 km of wire – 28,000 rubles;
  • fertilizers – 5,000 rubles;
  • organization of irrigation (materials) – 12,000 rubles.

Annual costs:

  • 4 times a year treatment against diseases and pests – 10,000 rubles;
  • trimming, shaping – 14,000 rubles.

Total, 121,000 rubles. required starting capital.

There are two markets and several grocery stores near us, but it was not so easy to come to an agreement. At first we brought the products for testing - free of charge.

My dad and I’s communication skills helped us out: polite and smiling salespeople are memorable. They knew us in the market, they came back to us, they recommended us things were progressing.

We sold grapes and raisins to stores, and wine too to the market. Then we quickly realized that we were losing at least 20% of our profits on wholesale sales.

We went to the market and agreed to rent a place. The rent cost 2,600 rubles. Here we already felt that “the ice had broken.”

The first profit amounted to 260,000 rubles. Let's subtract the costs of planting a vineyard, watering, pruning, fertilizing, rental costs, plus the cost of wine.

Total: net profit amounted to 130,000 rubles.

We have been working towards this for two years, and we consider the income to be quite good. During this time, we clearly studied the popular varieties and mastered the nuances of the grape business.

In the third year it was easier, the income was more noticeable: on average we came out with 280,000 rubles. Net profit – 210,000 rubles.

Costs have become less (pruning + processing + watering + general workers - 70,000 rubles).

About sales, income and sellers

When we decided to trade ourselves, my father’s sister retired and started selling on the market. Talkative, pleasant, knows everything and will help everyone: she sees who needs grapes, who needs raisins for their hearts, and who needs wine for their nerves.

Why am I doing all this? Moreover, the component of success is a good seller.

Meanwhile, the grape bushes grew and became stronger. From one bush, from 30 to 40 kg of grapes were harvested: this is what proper watering and high-quality fertilizers mean.

We did not spare our time and effort for a second. True, it became more difficult to make wine and produce raisins ourselves: there was no strength left, and it became unprofitable.

The sales issue was resolved this way: they found access to a winery in a neighboring town. It became easier, and the fruits of our efforts were felt more and more.

Our vineyard today

Today is the vineyard's seventh year. Net profit reaches 820,000 rubles. in season!

Sangiovese is an Italian red wine grape variety. In Italy it ranks 1st in terms of area planted with technical varieties.

Parents work less, hire workers - they can afford it. My husband and I live in another country, thanks to them we were able to fulfill our dream.

Dad is expanding the vineyard: now more and more new tasty varieties with good immunity are appearing. He is a person with good energy and is very diligent. For him, it was always not only a source of income, but also a hobby.

They abandoned wine for some time, and now, when there is more time, they resumed winemaking. The point remains on the market: the profit is good, and the aunt is in business.

Our grapes also travel to the Sea of ​​Azov - the grapes go there, and the wine “flies away”, and goes to a winery in a neighboring city.

Girls who make money by cooking food at home, disassemble it for cakes and desserts. They even buy leaves for dolma. Another good source of income is the sale of seedlings.

Conclusion. For beginning winegrowers

When planting a vineyard, we didn’t know what we were getting into. We have made many mistakes - don't let our mistakes become yours.

Hybrid form Galahard (Talisman x Delight), selection of the All-Russian Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking named after. ME AND. Potapenko.

Do not hurry. We planted many seedlings at once without any experience. It seemed to us that 50 bushes of each variety was not so difficult.

Increase the quantity and assortment gradually when you gain experience and guaranteed sales. Study carefully profitable varieties. And - learn, learn agricultural cultivation techniques. Don’t want to, have no time, is it difficult?

The most effective way is to hire professional winegrowers for strategically important work: organizing trellises, shaping, pruning. And the job is done, and you yourself will learn. Believe me, it pays off!

First of all, look for sales. We were not ready for such volumes; it was not possible to sell everything.

We had to make raisins (20 kg of grapes yield only 5 kg of raisins).

Don't spray yourself. Work in the vineyard, sales – we didn’t have so many hands. Wine and raisins take a lot of effort and time, and these are additional expenses. We tried to work with wine vinegar, but it didn’t work out. They also sold cuttings - people grabbed everything at once. Don't do this!

When we decided not to spread ourselves thin, but to focus on grapes for wine and food, it became easier. We need to define a strategy and then expand the range.

Yes, viticulture is a carefully thought-out strategy, calculation of financial resources, organization of the process, self-discipline. And, of course, love for the sunny berry, love for the business. And – faith in yourself. Be optimistic and good luck!