Riddles about household appliances. A conversation about household appliances using riddles in the preparatory group. Riddles about the rules for operating electrical appliances.

A selection of literary words

on the topic "Household electrical appliances"

I see a socket on the wall below
And it becomes interesting to me,
What kind of mysterious beast is sitting there?
Tells our devices to work?
The beast's name is electric current.
It's very dangerous to play with him, my friend!
Keep your hands away from current.
Don’t rush to stick your fingers into the socket!
If you try to joke with the current,
He will get angry and might kill.
Current is for electrical appliances, understand,

Better never tease him!

What plugs into the socket

Some with difficulty, and some in the hunt -
People go to work
But they can't
Doing everything in the world alone.

They have an assistant who
If necessary, he will move mountains.
He doesn't lie idle,
And it runs along the wires.

Tossing around like a predator in a cage,
From socket to socket,
And it’s not in vain where he lives,
They write: “Don’t interfere - he’ll kill you!”

A joke can be cruel
Electric current -
And without asking my mother,
You can't approach him.

But if there is a case,
He will handle it skillfully.
If you're sad, maybe he
Wake up the tape recorder.

He will sing and play for us,
Reads a bedtime story,
It's just a pity that the singer
He won't show us his face.

If the music gets boring,
The current will turn on the TV for us,
Every day is nice
Watch cartoons with mom.

To give everyone tea,
We entrust the kettle to the current.
Transforms water into current
In real boiling water.

And recently they allowed
I'm about to wash everything in the machine,
Even plush mice
But not dirty babies.

Let's say thank you to mom,
That we can wash ourselves,
And into the basin spinning in it
Mom won't put us in jail.

After a soft foam bath
We dry our hair with a hairdryer.
Current zealous oh-ho-ho
The wind blows from it.

It knows how to give heat!
He heats the iron for mom,
So that in one go
Iron the table with linen.

In the refrigerator without current
There is no use.
Without his work here
All products will be lost.

The current is also friendly with a vacuum cleaner.
The vacuum cleaner sucks dust with its nose.
To breathe cleanly,
We won't bother them!

And when it gets dark outside the window,
He will be able to light a light in a lamp.
We will become bolder with him
Even the darkest darkness.

The current is not afraid of work.
And why should we be lazy?
We would like to quickly understand
What else can he do?

Toy refrigerator

The refrigerator is quiet

The song is purring.

Waving the white door

calls the kids:

Admire, children,

for my supplies:

Grapes are woven here

In the tail of a pineapple,

Orange is playing

with a peach for football -

A goal is scored between two bananas.

And on the bottom shelf

residents are not sad:

Here the carrots are tickling

A strong side of cabbage.

Over the rosy radish

The legs dangled like sausages...

And on the top shelf -

Cheese rolls around in butter

And in snow-white sour cream

The curd is bathing...

Be careful, children:

the door is closing!

Anatoly Valevsky

Household Appliances (Safety Lessons)

There are assistants in my mother’s apartment,
They do a lot of work themselves:
A vacuum cleaner collects dust in the rooms,
The washing machine washes things,
Then the iron irons these things,
The new computer is also our friend.
The microwave is preparing lunch,
The meat grinder gives minced meat for cutlets,
And the refrigerator stores food,
It just makes a little noise.
Our stove cooks delicious compote -
These assistants have a lot on their plate.
All household appliances are needed
But still we must be careful:
If you accidentally get into the refrigerator
You can freeze - which is very sad.
If you jump into a washing machine,
You can die from electricity!
And the same problem with TV -
Never mess with it!
Always be careful with equipment -
This rule is easy to remember!

We have helpers

They don’t give up in difficult times.

If mom is all worried,
We get to work.
Here at the request “Help!”
Ironing dresses, ironing trousers,
Our hands can do everything.
The vacuum cleaner makes loud noise.
Our carpet shines like snow.

We haven't forgotten about underwear
Washed, scrolled.
And then rinsed
Our hands are not tired.
We dried our things
The clothes shine with cleanliness.
We sat down for a minute,

We watched TV.
We hear the phone ringing,
Someone is in a hurry to visit us.
We'll put the kettle on the stove,
Let's give tea to all the guests.
Our house is full of music,
We dance and sing in it.
How to behave in everyday life
We will learn in the garden.

What's that noise in this kitchen?
We will fry cutlets.
We'll take a meat grinder
Let's check the meat quickly.
Beat together with a mixer
Everything we need for the cream.
To bake the cake quickly,
Let's turn on the electric oven.
Electrical appliances are a miracle!
It would be bad for us to live without them.
(E. Ignatieva)

Poem by M. Monakova “Sockets are not interesting to me!”

Girl: A neighbor came to visit us,
We frolicked with her for half a day,
The knitting needle was inserted into the socket,
From the socket - a column of fire!
My neighbor and I barely
managed to jump to the side.
My dad, a great expert,
He told us:

Boy: “There is current in the socket,
I will give you this socket
I don't recommend touching it
irons and wires
never grab!
Current invisible without hands
It might suddenly hit you!”

“It’s a problem without a refrigerator.

Food will spoil in the heat.

And even our hungry cat

Doesn't go well with this kind of food."

“The iron is like a steamship,

He floats smoothly through the laundry,

Is your dress wrinkled? - Nothing!

He will smooth it out quickly.

Without microwave oven

Difficult to cope in the cafeteria

I'll cook and warm you up

I eat lighter and faster.”

Be careful when handling power source

You, baby, must remember:
Be careful with the outlet!
There's no way to play with her
Stick carnations in it.

If you put a carnation inadvertently -
And you'll get an electric shock
It will hit so hard that, sorry,
They might not even save you.

The matter will end in disaster -
The current in the socket is very bad!!!

(G. Shalaeva, O. Zhuravleva)

Everyone knows that the iron-

A kind but serious friend.

Anyone who is familiar with the iron

Doesn't play with the iron.


1.House on legs
There is a window in the middle.
The window will light up -
A movie will appear. ( TV )

2. It has a rubber trunk,
With a canvas stomach,
How his engine hums,
He swallows both dust and rubbish. ( Vacuum cleaner )

3. In the summer, our dad brought
There is frost in the white box.
And now the frost is gray
Homes in summer and winter
Protects products:
Meat, fish, fruit. ( Fridge )

4. The ship is sailing,
Back and forth. ( Iron )

5. This is a miracle device
It washes everything.
He is the housewife's assistant
What a miracle, guess what. (Washing machine)

6.I puff, puff, puff,
I don't want to get warm anymore.
The lid rang loudly:
“Drink tea, the water has boiled!” ( Kettle )

7. I clean everything in the apartment

I love dust and debris"(Vacuum cleaner )

8. “The main thing is my business

Wash the clothes clean"

I not only know how to do laundry,

I can rinse, wring out.(Washing machine)

9. “An electric miracle, it prepares different dishes.

He will cook borscht or rassolnik and fry eggs.

Meat, chicken will be stewed

And dry the crackers.. (Electric stove)

10. “You plug me into the socket,

Whenever you want to drink tea." (Electric kettle)

11. Irons dresses and shirts,

He will iron our pockets.

He is a faithful friend on the farm -

His name is... (iron)

12. Admire, look -

The North Pole is inside!

Snow and ice sparkle there

Winter itself lives there.(fridge)

13. I have a robot in my apartment

He has a huge trunk.

The robot loves cleanliness

And it hums like a Tu liner.

He willingly swallows dust,

Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze...(vacuum cleaner) .

14. Not a radio, but speaks

Not a theater, but a show...(TV) .

15. A pear is hanging - you can’t eat it...(bulb) .

16. Only me, only me,

I'm in charge of the kitchen

Without me, no matter how hard you work

Sit down without lunch...(plate) .

17.If you press the button

There will be music...(record player) .

First load the laundry into it,
Pour in the powder and plug it in,
Don’t forget to set the washing program
And then you can go and rest.(Washing machine)

Is your dress wrinkled? Nothing!
I'll smooth it out now
I am no stranger to working...
Ready! Can be worn.(Iron)

Different products live there,
Cutlets, vegetables and fruits.
Sour cream, cream and sausages,
Sausages, milk and meat.(Fridge)

On the table in a cap and in a glass bottle,

A friend moved in - a cheerful little spark. (Desk lamp).

In the minds of every adult, riddles are invariably associated with childhood, fun, imagination and observation. In preschool and primary school, children are often given riddles, forcing them to remember, think, imagine and fantasize. Among the favorite tasks of schoolchildren in grades 4-5 is to come up with riddles on their own or find new answers instead of long-known ones.

Old friend

A riddle is an ancient thread that connects us with the distant past, when there was no written language, when people told fairy tales, sang lullabies, aptly decorated their speech with sayings or proverbs, and made wise riddles. Over many centuries, riddles have gradually become a folklore genre for children. But their essence remains the same: to succinctly, accurately allegorically describe an object or phenomenon.

A huge number of riddles about animals, plants, seasons and time of day, about forests and mountains, rivers and fields, about heavenly bodies and winds are passed down from generation to generation. At first, they make children wonder, as if an opening curtain invites them to take a closer look at the world around them, listen to its polyphony, and see bright colors. Then they are taught to observe, compare, and develop imaginative thinking.

Modern options

This ancient genre lives, develops, and keeps up with the times. And now new modern versions of answers are being found to the riddles from past centuries. And our everyday life has long been equipped not only with a needle and thread, scissors and a broom, a lock and a saw.

From birth, the lives of modern children include electrical appliances, a computer, a TV, a refrigerator, and gadgets. Therefore, children now ask each other riddles about the washing machine, about the TV, about the computer and other household appliances.

About home assistants

When composing or selecting riddles for children, try to make the children see the subject from different points of view. A refrigerator is a freezer, a home for Santa Claus, and a place where winter hides in summer. The refrigerator is our assistant and guardian; it saves us from food spoilage. By asking riddles about the refrigerator, you quietly introduce the child to the rules of use, pay attention to a certain system of food distribution, etc. Don't forget about your favorite treats that the refrigerator stores for us: ice cream, cakes, jellies, desserts. So, riddles about an ordinary refrigerator will cheerfully and easily prepare your child for the careful and correct use of this household appliance.

Don't ignore other home helpers. With the help of a riddle, you can make a child think: what is the difference between a TV and a computer, why a washing machine is called a machine, why we use our home appliances. The riddle will turn communication into a fun and entertaining game, and the child will not notice what an important lesson he has learned.

Developing speech

It’s very entertaining to come up with riddles about home helpers yourself. Even when describing a refrigerator or TV, you expand your child’s vocabulary, teach him to choose the most accurate word, and develop his imagination. And now the computer and TV turn into good storytellers, or a box of cartoons, or an interesting tour guide. Puzzle your child, let him think about the answers and get great pleasure from finding the correct option. Say these long, difficult words together, teach your tongue to obey and take your time.

If adults can see ordinary household appliances as not just electrical appliances, but as wizards - assistants, then children will also grow up to be creative individuals. Riddles will turn an ordinary refrigerator, computer and TV into good friends who also need care and attention.

A selection of materials on the topic

About the refrigerator

The cold lives in this box,

He guards our products

The White House is filled with goodness

It contains different types of products.

There are no windows in that house

And the owner in it is frost.


In our kitchen all year round

Santa Claus lives in the closet.

In this white chest

We store food on the shelves.

It's hot in the yard,

And it’s cold in the chest.

In the summer dad brought us

There is frost in the white box -

And now the frost is dry

We have both summer and winter

Protects products:

Meat, fish, fruit.

Inside he is cold, cold,

It is opened by a hungry man.

About TV

What kind of miracle, what kind of box?

He himself is a singer and himself a storyteller,

And at the same time

Shows movies.

On my screen, friends.

Then the seas rustle in the fog,

The garden is shaking fruits.

There are programs for children.

There is a large and magical screen in the house.

In it you can see animals from distant countries,

Cartoons and news. Even

He will tell you how to cook something!

My dad often watches football there.

But this screen is black during the day.

While there is no one around -

Haven't turned it on yet!

He will show his brother a movie,

Tell dad the news

A collection of incidents for grandfather,

Travel club for you,

Mom is all about the garden,

How to celebrate the New Year

Happy grandma series,

So as not to irritate us,

The competition is new for my sister,

It's fashionable to braid hair.

And even giving a prize

Everything will show...

About the computer

This is joy, this is laughter

On paper, without a flaw,

Which box does it come from?

The text surprised everyone?

Line by line on the board

Buttons have been placed

Guess boys

How to poke a finger here?

There is a chest on the table

There is a window in the chest,

You can see miracles

If you know a little.

What a miracle unit

Can do everything -

To become your best friend?

What kind of friend is this? — Iron,

Interesting and useful.

It's boring at home, there's no comfort,

If turned off...

Miracle Yudo suitcase

A lamp, a button and a pocket.

He's shrouded in wires

Like the city of Amsterdam.

About the microwave

It's warm, not the sun.

It shines, not a lamp.

It's in our kitchen

Magic box.

Today for lunch we

The stew is heated in it.

She helps a lot

The stove in the house complements

Heats up food quickly

He knows how to fry and cook.

Defrosts meat and fish

And he asks to take out the food,

Gives a bell signal

What is this? Who found out?

Not a stove or an oven,

These are kids,-…
< /noindex>

About the oven

< noindex>
Our dough has arrived

To a hot place.

Not lost

It became a golden brown bun.

Pizza, chicken, cutlets

It heats us up in winter and summer.

Jack of all trades

Mom's friends praise her.

She bakes pies so skillfully


About household appliances and electrical appliances

  • Our aunt was drawing a line across the field with a needle. Line by line, line by line, it will be a dress for your daughter. (sewing machine)
  • He will stitch like a machine gun and sew a new dress. (sewing machine)
  • The dry wind dries my mother's curls. (hairdryer)
  • This automatic laundress washes everything for us. (washing machine)
  • It boils from the inside and blows bubbles. (kettle)
  • The giant clenched his fist and juiced the orange. (juicer)
  • The tail is made of bone, and there are bristles on the back. (toothbrush)
  • It looks like a hedgehog, but doesn't ask for food. It will run through your clothes and your clothes will become cleaner. (clothes brush)
  • Our dancer is happy to dance on the floor all day long. Where he dances, where he waves, not a speck can be found. (floor brush)
  • I've had a hedgehog living in my room for years. If you apply wax to the floor, it will rub it until it's shiny. (electric polisher)
  • If I want to, I’ll fly to the twelfth floor. If you want, I’ll rush you and your luggage there. (elevator)
  • When they go on a hike, they take a house where they don’t live at home. (tent)
  • Two belts hang on me, there are pockets on the back. If you go on a hike with me, I’ll hang on your back. (backpack)
  • This box is not simple - it has traveled around the globe, it contains shirts and pants - they travel. (suitcase)
  • When I lie in place, without opening my mouth, there is, to be honest, such emptiness inside me! Hurry up, let it be summer! And people will put travel items in my big mouth. Apparently, I was given such a character from birth that I love movement, that’s why I ... (suitcase).
  • My assistant will solve a million problems for me at once; he has one huge eye and a square head. (computer)
  • He can multiply two numbers faster than a human, a library could fit in it a hundred times over, only it can open a hundred windows in a minute. It’s not at all difficult to guess that the riddle is about... (computer)
  • They gave me a farsighted man, he brought him closer to me. (binoculars)
  • What a funny incident! A cloud settled in the bathroom. Rain pours from the ceiling onto my back and sides. How nice this is! The rain is warm, heated, and there are no visible puddles on the floor. All the guys love... (shower)
  • The rain is warm and thick, this rain is not easy, it is without clouds, without clouds, ready to go all day. (shower)
  • A warm wave splashes onto the cast iron shores. Guess, remember: what kind of sea is in the room? (bath)
  • The boundaries are wooden and the fields are glass. (window)
  • It is all made of iron, wires and microcircuits, and it will help a person in solving difficult matters. (robot)
  • You laid me on the floor in the apartment. The main thing is to remember to remove the dust in time. (palace)
  • I lay down to rest in a field of roses; I could not pick a single rose. The roses were blooming, but their secret was this: each flower had a hundred knots. (carpet)
  • A huge pipe is directed to where the stars and planets, rockets and comets are. (telescope)
  • The day has passed, it’s time to sleep, waiting for me in the bedroom... (bed)
  • Two bellies, four ears. What is this? (pillow)
  • The first syllable is stressed - and the result is an ancient house; the second syllable is stressed - there is a barn lock on the door. (lock)
  • The house is a glass bubble, and a light lives in it! During the day he sleeps, and when he wakes up, he lights up with a bright flame. (bulb)
  • I put the sun outside my window, hung it from the ceiling, and it became fun at home. (bulb)
  • It looks like a pear outside, hangs idle during the day, and lights up the house at night. (bulb)
  • From a distance it looks like a ball, hanging from the ceiling, but like a ball, it does not gallop, but shines with a light. (bulb)
  • We know how to light this sun above us ourselves. (bulb)
  • The house is a glass bubble, and a light lives in it. During the day he sleeps, and when he wakes up, he lights up with a bright flame. (bulb)
  • And in the center of the ceiling the sun hangs; when darkness comes, a light bulb is lit. (chandelier)
  • At night, if I want, I’ll click it once and turn it on during the day. (switch)
  • Whoever passes, whoever leaves - everyone leads her by the hand. (door)

Walks back and forth, never gets tired. (door)

She doesn’t offend anyone, but everyone pushes her. (door) It goes back and forth two hundred times, although it stands still all day. (door)

  • I have tons of friends, I can’t count them myself, because whoever passes by will shake my hand. (door knob)
  • The door will not open on its own - it remains closed. What do you need to grab onto to make the door open? (by the door handle)
  • Laughing Egorka started cleaning, danced around the room, looked around - the floor was clean. (broom)
  • A close relative of the broom in the house will sweep the corners. He's certainly not a slacker. It will help to remove rubbish... (broom)
  • Born in the forest, but runs the house. (broom)
  • Twisted, tied, belted with a bast. I rustle under the window, circle around the yard, shuffle, shuffle at my hot work! (broom)
  • Looking at the screen in the apartment, we see what is happening in the world. (TV)
  • A miracle box, there is a window in it, in that window there is a movie. (TV)
  • The whole universe lives in it, but it is an ordinary thing. (TV)
  • In the small window there is a blue sun. I sit by the window, looking out at the whole world. (TV)
  • There is one magic window in our room. That window is full of miracles, what kind of window is it? (TV)
  • My friend lives with me in an apartment, does not travel around the country, but he will tell me everything that is happening in the world before anyone else. He’ll get me up for exercise in the morning, then he’ll sing me a song, he’ll ask me a riddle and wait for an answer from me. (radio)
  • He lives without a tongue, does not eat or drink, but speaks and sings. (radio)
  • On wave, wave, wave the music floats towards me. (radio)
  • There is a beautiful chest, you can’t touch it - it’s silent, but if you turn the handles, it will talk and sing. (radio receiver)
  • Let's point the glass eye, click once and remember you. (camera)
  • Whatever this eye looks at, it will convey everything in the picture. (camera)
  • In our kitchen, Santa Claus lives in the closet all year round. (fridge)
  • In this chest we store food on the shelves. It’s hot outside, but it’s cold in the chest. (fridge)
  • Admire, look! The North Pole is inside, snow and ice sparkle there, winter itself lives there. This winter was always brought to us from the store. (fridge)
  • In the summer, dad brought us frost in a white box, and now the gray frost is with us in summer and winter, protecting our food: meat, fish, fruits. (fridge)
  • Even in the July heat it is frosty, like winter. (fridge)

Hello, dear readers! It is perhaps impossible to imagine a modern home without a variety of household appliances. A washing machine and a vacuum cleaner, an electric kettle and a microwave oven, a TV and a computer have become firmly established in our lives. Therefore, it is quite natural that, while learning about the world around him, a child does not ignore all sorts of devices and devices that are not only complex for him, but sometimes serve as a source of danger. We all know that prohibitions and warnings “Don’t you dare touch!” or “Don’t turn it on!” It is impossible to stop the toddler's curiosity. Curiosity will still take its toll sooner or later, and the baby will be drawn to the “interesting car” that beckons him. Therefore, it would be more correct not to prohibit, but to introduce the baby to household appliances. How to do it? Take your child on a mini-tour of the house, showing him various appliances, while reading funny poems and asking riddles for children 5–6 years old.

Start getting acquainted with household appliances in the kitchen. This is where there is something for the eye to stop at. Refrigerator, gas stove, microwave oven, kettle, meat grinder, toaster - each of these “smart machines” deserves a separate story. Explain to your child the principle of their operation - of course, in a simplified form - and show the devices in action. Let the little one try to heat water for tea, fry crispy bread, and squeeze out aromatic juice. Don't forget about the riddles:

Four blue suns
In grandma's kitchen
Four blue suns
They burned and went out.
The cabbage soup is ripe, the pancakes are sizzling -
No need for sun until tomorrow.

(Gas stove)

Admire, look -
The North Pole is inside!
Snow and ice sparkle there,
Winter itself lives there.


They brought a box to the kitchen -
White-white and shiny,
And everything is white inside.
The box makes it cold.


They stuffed her mouth with meat,
And she chews it.
Chews, chews and does not swallow -
Sends it to the plate.

(Meat grinder)

It's in our kitchen
Magic box.
Today for lunch we
The stew is heated in it.


Our dough has arrived
To a hot place.
Got it -
Not lost
It became a golden brown bun.


Iron Mouth
I grabbed the sandwich.
Browned the sides
And - bye!

People still don't know
Who will be in charge in the kitchen!
But there is no doubt that the boss
All dishes will be...

The giant clenched his fist,
I made orange juice.


When conducting an excursion, do not forget to ask your child questions: “Why do we need household appliances?”, “What do we use to prepare our food?”, “What device keeps food fresh?” and so on. Invite your child to fantasize and write a story on the topic “What would we do without kitchen appliances?” Help your child so that his story is coherent and consists of not only simple but also complex sentences. This helps the child develop his speech, expands his vocabulary, teaches him to think logically and express his opinions.

In addition to appliances, the kitchen contains various utensils and utensils. There are also many interesting mysteries about them.

Saves bread
Doesn't let you get stale.
For bread - a home,
He feels good in it.


Tell me what to call it:
Her teeth are all full of holes,
But beets, radishes, horseradish, carrots
She grinds deftly.

The boy knows, the grandfather knows,
What to cook your lunch in.
There is a clean thing on the stove -
Need to cook soup...


Made of iron, cast iron,
With a long handle and round -
You can fry it without difficulty!
What's this?


I keep it hot
I keep it cold
I have both the oven and the refrigerator.
I’ll replace it for you on your trip.

If sharpened well,
He cuts everything very easily -
Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,
Fish, apples and butter.

Without which you can’t sit down at the table,
What can’t you eat a salad without?
Like a movie horror story,
Sticks his fingers into the salad...

If I'm empty,
I don’t forget about myself.
But when I bring food,
I will not pass by your mouth.

Ask your child: “What household appliances help us keep our clothes, towels, and bed linen clean and tidy?” Of course, this is a washing machine and an iron. Tell your little one that people used to wash clothes in a river or a trough using a special board, and ironed them with an iron into which burning coals were poured. Show these devices in pictures. Explain the working principle of a washing machine and iron. Let the child put things in the washing machine himself and iron several handkerchiefs or towels. And, as usual, riddles:

There is a box in the bathroom
He looks with a transparent and round eye.
It's interesting to look into the eye when
There is water bubbling in this box.

(Washing machine)

What a car - simply amazing!
After it everything is clean and beautiful...
She washed away all the stains and dirt,
I squeezed everything out and rinsed it myself.

(Washing machine)

I'm scurrying through matter,
I stick my sharp nose everywhere.
Oh, I’m angry and hissing:
I really don’t like wrinkled ones.

He's floating on the sheet
Like a boat on the wave.
He is a good friend to housewives -

When telling your baby about various household devices, do not forget to teach him the rules for handling electrical appliances:

  • Do not turn on faulty household electrical devices.
  • Do not use electrical appliances if their cords are twisted.
  • Never touch wires and electrical appliances with wet hands.
  • Do not remove the plug from the socket by pulling the cord.
  • Do not leave the iron or kettle on.

Invite your child to tell you which “smart machines” you forgot to mention in your story. He must remember a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, sewing machine, camera, fan. Our next riddles are about them.

Walks and wanders on the carpets,
He moves his nose around the corners.
Where I went, there was no dust,
Dust and litter are his lunch.

(Vacuum cleaner)

He has a rubber trunk,
With a canvas stomach.
How his engine hums -
He swallows both dust and litter.

(Vacuum cleaner)

In this small thing
A warm wind settled in.

This eye is a special eye:
He will quickly look at you,
And will be born
The most accurate portrait of you.


The dry wind dries
My mommy's curls.

It will shoot like a machine gun,
He will sew a new dress.

(Sewing machine)

Our auntie needle
She drew a line across the field.
Line by line
Line by line -
There will be a dress for your daughter.

(Sewing machine)

Our device is as if it were alive:
He blows and turns his head.
There is no rest in the summer,
At home the air disperses.


When telling your child about devices that help a person in everyday life, it is impossible not to mention the TV, computer and telephone. Without them, we would not be able to learn news, watch movies and cartoons, or communicate with our family and friends. Read a funny poem and ask riddles:

It would be nice somehow
Look at the TV
See what's in that box
Everything is arranged so cleverly.
Dad says: "Son,
There's a current running through there."
Well, I have no idea
What is this current?
How can this be done by wire?
Does the cartoon come to us?
And where does he disappear to?
When is the button pressed?
I would like to watch those channels
There are a lot of them in the box.
In general, a demon gnaws at me -
This very interest
And it's been almost three days
It scratches my hands.
I would like to remove the cover on the back
I'm still trying to get the screw.
I can't unscrew it with my finger,
Eh, I wish I had a screwdriver.

(V. Filenko)

He's faster than a human
Multiplies two numbers.
It contains a hundred times a library
I could fit in.
Only there it is possible to open
One hundred windows per minute.
It's not at all difficult to guess
What a mystery is about...


What a miracle, what a box!
The singer himself and the storyteller himself,
And at the same time
Shows movies.


What kind of box is this?
It's in everyone's house,
He will tell you all the news himself,
Any film will show us!


What kind of device is this?
He's happy to talk to you...
You're walking down the street
And you have a conversation with him.

(Mobile phone)

Now that your baby knows everything about household appliances, you can entrust him with simple housework: vacuuming the sofa or carpet, ironing small things, putting food in the refrigerator.

Let's summarize your lesson.

So, today's tour of the house:

  • awakened the baby’s cognitive interest in household objects;
  • taught him the rules of work and safe handling of electrical appliances;
  • expanded his vocabulary, taught him how to compose a coherent story;
  • brought you many pleasant moments of joyful communication.

Dear readers, if our material today was useful to you, please tell your friends and acquaintances about the article. We hope that you will write about how your conversation with your child about “smart cars” went. We look forward to your feedback and comments.

We wish you all the best! Until next time!

What kind of device did my dad buy for us in the store?
White large box.
You can put dirty laundry inside.
Fills up quickly with water!
What is it called?
This is for washing... (Washing machine).

Convenient device.
After it, everything is fine.
And it removes the lettuce stain.
And mustard, juice, compote.
What is the name of this miracle of technology?
This is a washing machine... (Machine).

White parallelepiped.
There is a round window ahead.
Various dirty laundry is placed inside.
It has a large boiler inside.
Did you guess it, kids?
This is a convenient automatic... (Washing machine).

White items can be washed in it.
A very comfortable car.
It works quickly when plugged in.
This is an electronic... (Washing machine).

You can turn it on
And forget for a while.
Will wash everything you need.
Rinse carefully and will not cause any damage.
This is an automatic... (Washing machine).

A convenient item for the kitchen.
Mom's assistant is standing in the bathroom.
Can be moved in different directions.
There are many operations included in it.
And the machine is called... (Washing).

My dad gave my mom some mechanical equipment yesterday.
A convenient item for the household.
Now mommy’s hands don’t get tired.

Comfortable, practical car.
Usually takes up space in the bathroom.
Without her it's just a disaster.
All things will be bleached and washed after the walk.
Never gets tired.
And it’s called... (Washing machine).

What an amazing device.
There is water with powder inside.
This is a machine for... (Washing).
Never gets tired.
Wash it carefully.
A slight squeeze can dry out your things.
Wrings out quickly.
Open the door and take things out.
Shake a little and dry.
In a couple of hours you can get dressed and go visit.
This is a new... (Washing machine).

A wonderful spinning machine.
Everything will be washed and rinsed.
Nothing will be missed.
The tablecloth will be snow-white.
What's it called?
This is... (Washing machine).

He won’t forget, he’ll wash everything away.
Works non-stop.
There may be no rest at all.
Mom gets a lot of help with the housework
What is this technique called?
Who will guess quickly?
This is... (Washing machine).

Doing laundry is not a problem for her.
He will do all the things on time.
Works with different programs.
Produces clean and soft laundry.
And it’s called... (Washing machine).

Always stays in one place.
There are no hands, but it washes and caresses everything well.
She doesn’t get tired and keeps the house clean.
This is... (Washing machine).

Protects mother's hands.
It washes even very dirty things.
What is the device called?
This is... (Washing machine).

There is a metal circle spinning inside the washing machine.
Who knows what it's called?
This is... (Drum).

Any function is programmed into it.
And it washes and rinses perfectly.
It will make soft linen.
What is it called?
This is... (Washing machine).

Things need to be cleaned urgently.
But there is no time.
She will always help you.
Just put things in the right way.
White ones separately, colored ones later.
Don't forget to add powder.
You can pour conditioner into the compartment.
And don't forget to plug it in.
Heats up the water quickly.
Just dial the number!
Did you guess it, kids?
This is... (Washing machine).

You can bet at any time.
And leave one on.
Do your thing buddy.
And at this time she washes everything.
What kind of item?
This is... (Washing machine).

Other riddles:

Picture of washing machine

Riddles about household appliances, how could we live without them in the modern world.

Every apartment of a modern person has a TV, or even more than one, a refrigerator, a washing machine, which is very helpful for mothers, an iron, a vacuum cleaner, a camera, a hair dryer, a hob and much more. All these devices make our lives easier. We have collected riddles about all these helpers on this page. Guessing them will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults. Riddles will be useful in lessons, educational events, and at themed parties.

Riddles about TV

Looking at the screen in the apartment,
We see what is happening in the world.

In the center of the room stands
Or hanging on the wall.
Brings news to us
And the films are more interesting.

There is a large and magical screen in the house.
In it you can see animals from distant countries,
Cartoons and news. Even
He will tell you how to cook something!
My dad often watches football there.
But this screen is black during the day.
While there is no one around -
Haven't turned it on yet!

What kind of miracle, what kind of box?
He himself is a singer and himself a storyteller,
And at the same time
Shows movies.

On my screen, friends.
Then the seas rustle in the fog,
The garden is shaking fruits.
There are cartoons for kids.

I'll go to the box
I'll press the button.
The box will wake up
This will start:
Cartoons will show
He will tell you about the weather.
Everything is interesting!
How are they not cramped there?

Riddles about the refrigerator

Even in the July heat
It's frosty there, like in winter.

Technical progress to us
Gave me a chest of miracles -
There are tons of products there,
Winter protects them.

Technical progress to us
Gave me a chest of miracles -
There are tons of products there,
Winter protects them.

Here is a large cold cabinet.
It's as cold as winter.
And products are stored in it:
Meat, vegetables and fruits.
If you forgot to close the door,
It will get cold in the apartment.
Sounds like an alarm clock
About this...

It looks like a house from the outside
But it’s so cold inside!
No, just look:
The North Pole is inside!
What a cold house!
How do the products live in it?

I have a big belly.
It contains sausages, cheese, compote.
If you want to eat, don’t be shy,
Open your belly quickly!

Riddles about the washing machine
There is a box in the bathroom
He looks with a transparent and round eye.
It's interesting to look into the eye when
There is water bubbling in this box.
(washing machine)

The drum turns and turns
Mom's assistant.
There is a sheet and a sundress in it
Rinse clean.
(washing machine)

What a car it is - simply amazing!
After it everything is clean and beautiful...
She washed away all the stains and dirt
I squeezed everything out and rinsed it myself.
(washing machine)

Buzzed, buzzed -

Washed and wrung out.

The shirts became clean,

Dresses, trousers and vests.
(washing machine)

Riddles about the iron

I'm scurrying through matter,
I stick my sharp nose everywhere.
Oh, I get angry and hiss.
I really don’t like wrinkled ones.

Strokes everything it touches
And if you touch it, it bites.

I'll walk around a little hot,
And the sheet will become smooth.
I can fix any problems
And draw arrows on your trousers.

Riddles about a vacuum cleaner, floor polisher

He willingly inhaled the dust,
I didn’t get sick or sneeze.
(vacuum cleaner)

Which year is it for me?
A hedgehog lives in the room.
If you wax the floor,
He will polish it to a shine.

Walks and wanders on the carpets,
He moves his nose around the corners.
Where I went, there was no dust,
Dust and litter are his lunch.
(vacuum cleaner)

If I see dust, I’ll grumble,
I'll growl and swallow.
(vacuum cleaner)

I really like to wander through carpets,
On soft sofas, in dark corners.
I always find delicious dust there
And I buzz loudly with pleasure.
(vacuum cleaner)

Mechanical baby elephant
It buzzes with electricity
Long thick proboscis
Collects dust all around.
What will fall under the trunk,
Everything goes into his stomach.
(vacuum cleaner)

Guess who I am, children?
Long Nose, and in the belly - Wind.
The belly walks on the carpet
Eats wrappers and peels.
(vacuum cleaner)

An elephant walks around the apartment
And he swallows garbage.
(vacuum cleaner)

With him, his mother does not know grief,
He rushes like a sail to the sea,
On carpets, like on waves,
In the mornings and evenings.
Dust swallows like a pump
Did you guess it?...
(vacuum cleaner)

Riddles about the camera

This eye is a special eye.
He will quickly look at you,
And will be born
The most accurate portrait of you.

Look at me
And just freeze for a moment.
I took your portrait.
Who am I?

A magical thing, no doubt -
instantly stops time.

Where have you been, he will tell his friends,
It will show all the details.
Happiness moment return back
Maybe …

Of course it will be useful for everyone
This is a complicated thing.
Just press the button
You can catch up with everyone
And make you freeze
And take a closer look,
Take memorable photos
And remember everything on the SIM card.
There are manual and automatic
This -…

Riddles about the light bulb
I brought the sun
Outside your window.
I hung it from the ceiling -
It became fun at home.

She looks like a pear on the outside
Hangs idle during the day
And at night it lights up the house.

A pear hangs from the ceiling,
And don’t even think about eating a pear!
Glows like the sun
If you drop it, it will break.

Riddles about hair dryers

In this small thing
A warm wind settled in.

The dry wind dries
My mommy's curls.

Riddles about a lantern, flashlight

House is a glass bubble,
And a light lives in it.
During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up,
It will light up with a bright flame.

I am a magic candle
I turn it this way and that in my hands.
She doesn't burn with fire
Full of batteries.

Riddles about the stove and hob

I always live in the kitchen
There's a frying pan on me
Pan, ladle, kettle -
I am the boss over them!
With me the whole family is full,
Well, have you guessed it? I …

Fries meat, cooks soup,
Bakes pies.
She has it here and there
Very hot.
(stove or hob)

Sewing machine riddle

It will shoot like a machine gun,
He will sew a new dress.
(sewing machine)

Razor riddles
I can mow grass
But not at all in the meadow.
I want to walk on my cheeks.
Hey stubble, watch out!