What vegetables, fruits or spices can be planted in shady places in the country. What to plant in the shade - a review of shade-tolerant crops What crops are grown in the shade

Every garden has sunny and shaded areas. Most cultures prefer the first option. However, experienced gardeners successfully use those places where the sun's rays rarely reach. In the article we will tell you that from a huge selection of vegetables and herbs you can plant in the shade at your summer cottage in the spring. Photos of the corresponding crops are attached.

Why do plants need light and which greens tolerate shade well?

Botanists have long conducted a series of studies and found that the color of the sun is the main energy source for plants. Only with its help can the formation of nutrients from water and minerals absorbed from the soil occur in all green parts. Due to this, the plant organism grows and develops.

It is also a well-known fact that some plants thrive only with a strictly defined amount of energy received, and therefore require cultivation exclusively in sunny places. Others easily adapt to low light conditions.

So, in shaded areas (near a fence or outbuildings), some spicy green crops grow very well:

  • lemon balm;

Greens do well in the shade

  • oregano;
  • tarragon;
  • borage.

Advice. If in open areas you need to allocate more space for lovers of bright lighting, the listed plants can be safely moved to shading.

There are also advantages to growing greens in the shade:

  1. The soil dries out less, therefore, plants need watering less often.
  2. Under the scorching rays of the sun, the greens quickly become tough. In the shade, its leaves remain tender longer.
  3. In such places, significantly fewer weeds grow.

Vegetables that can be grown in the shade

Shade-tolerant vegetable crops include:

  • rhubarb;
  • tomatoes;
  • almost all types of salads.

These plants can easily be grown under the canopy of trees in the garden. Rhubarb bushes do very well in the shade. The edible leaf petioles here are fleshy and tasty. The main thing is to organize regular, abundant watering.

Advice. It is best to propagate rhubarb by parts of the rhizome. This way you can quickly get a harvest. When sowing seeds, you will need to wait 2-3 years.

Tomatoes grow well under the crowns of fruit trees, through which sunlight is scattered like through a sieve. Moreover, in the case of such a landing, there is a mutual benefit:

You can plant tomatoes in the shade of trees

  1. Tomato trees are used as support for garters.
  2. On rainy days, significantly less water falls on their leaves, which protects against late blight.
  3. The tree crown also protects from the scorching sun - tomatoes do not suffer from burns.
  4. In turn, tomato plants repel some pests of fruit trees with a strong specific smell.
  5. As a result of this proximity, you can get a good harvest of both tomato and tree fruits.

Various varieties of leaf lettuce also perform well when grown in shade. In such conditions, the crop will not be able to grow large leaves, but they will remain tender longer and will not become bitter, as happens quite quickly in an open sunny area with the onset of hot days.

The same benefits can be obtained by planting perennial onions, sorrel and wild garlic in shady areas.

Other shade-tolerant garden inhabitants

The horseradish plant can be called the “king of the shadow.” Here it feels great, grows and multiplies. Fans of spicy food will not have to allocate a plot of precious land for it in a sunny spot in the garden, thereby infringing on other plants.

It is not worth planting horseradish under trees, because its rhizomes will have to be dug deep, which is extremely undesirable to do in the root zone of other plants. A shaded place near a fence or near a building is suitable for the culture.

Advice. It is better to immediately limit the horseradish planting site with some kind of obstacle dug into the ground. Otherwise, the growth will be very difficult to stop.

If there is not enough space in sunny beds, then beets can be grown under the canopy of trees. These root vegetables will not reach large sizes in shade, but, as experienced summer residents say, their taste will be more delicate. And it’s much more convenient to use beets of this size when preparing dishes.

If there is a shortage of space in the shade, you can plant garlic. Again, you shouldn’t count on large sizes, but it’s quite possible to prepare a spicy seasoning for your family.

Onions and garlic can be successfully grown in shaded parts of the garden.

Some legumes performed well in proximity to trees. Climbing bean varieties can climb quite high, using trunks and branches as support. Legume stems that have died in winter can be buried in the root zone, which will serve as a good fertilizer for trees.

What berries can be grown in the shade

Many berry plants naturally grow in the forest. Accordingly, the place under the trees in the garden is just right for them. These include honeysuckle, viburnum, chokeberry, and raspberry.

Currant is a plant of cool regions. Extreme heat is certain death for her. Therefore, in the south, some have adapted to grow crops under the canopy of tall trees. Receiving regular watering and protection from scorching rays, the plant produces good harvests.

Rosehip bushes can be planted near the fence without fear. In spring they will delight you with delicate flowers. In the autumn, you can not only admire the bright fruits, but also use them as an excellent vitamin supplement.

Often, summer residents try to use every piece of land to its maximum benefit. Therefore, the possibility of growing some crops in the shade comes in handy. There are quite a lot of plant options in addition to those listed above. You can always choose the right one and achieve the desired result for yourself.

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As with any gardening project, choosing the right varieties of vegetables is an important step in maintaining a healthy vegetable garden. When talking about these vegetables, you will find that most green leafy varieties grow well in the shade. Depending on whether your planting site receives partial sunlight or not, you may want to consider the following vegetable varieties:

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Lettuce, one of the most delicious and healthy ingredients for salads, grows well in partial shade. The advantage of lettuce and other leafy vegetables is that they can be harvested at any stage. Grow lettuce in areas of the garden that receive 4 to 6 hours of sunlight per day.






Beets and beans are nutritious vegetables that grow in partial shade. Grow beets planted in a straight line and make sure the plants are planted in an east to west direction. By doing this, vegetables can harvest maximum sunlight for better growth.

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Cruciferous vegetables also thrive in shaded areas. This way, you can grow healthy broccoli even if your garden doesn't get much sunlight. The only obstacles are weed control and the need to add compost to the soil.

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Onions are another vegetable that grows well in the shade. Use healthy onion bulbs to grow in your shady garden. As long as regular watering is provided, these vegetables will grow well. You can harvest onion leaves regularly to make soups and salads.

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Culinary herbs such as cardamom, parsley, garlic, mint and leek grow well in partial or even full shade. So, you can plant these herbs and collect the fresh leaves to season your soups. You can also dry these herbs for long-term use.


Is it possible to grow tomatoes in the shade?


Crops such as tomatoes, corn, and peppers require at least six hours of sunlight per day. So, if they are planted in full shade, you may not be successful in growing healthy tomatoes. Alternatively, you can grow tomatoes in pots and containers so that you can move them to light areas for better performance.

Every summer resident has asked this question at least once. Everyone knows that most cultivated plants prefer open sunny places. However, not everyone’s plots (due to size or location) allow them to grow flowers and vegetables exclusively in the light. And what exactly to do with the shadow? Lawn?

And yet there are flowers and vegetables that can easily get by with just a small amount of light. We will definitely talk about shade-tolerant flowers in a separate article. Today we will discuss vegetables.

Things to consider:

1. Area of ​​residence.

The climate of your particular area can make quite serious adjustments when growing crops in the shade and in the light. There are wetter and drier areas, hotter and colder ones... For example, growing vegetables in a little shade somewhere in Astrakhan seems not only possible, but also the most favorable way to grow vegetables (except for the most sun-loving ones) in principle. But in Murmansk, on the contrary, summer is shorter, and there are not enough sunny days, and then there are vegetables in the shade... it won’t work.

2. Amount of light.

Shadow is a relative concept. Of course, you shouldn’t plant vegetables in absolute shade (all day long). But this rarely happens. Usually the sun, at least sometimes just a little, comes to visit even the most shady gardens. The question is: exactly how many hours a day does it still happen on your site (or specifically in the place where planting is planned)?

This is what we will start from when choosing crops (see below).

3. Light quality.

Light may be diffuse. For example, if the shadow is created by tree crowns. In some arid areas, crops develop much better in such shade than in the sun. And growing such light-loving vegetables as cucumbers, zucchini, and pumpkin is even more preferable in slightly diffused light.

But there can also be complete shadow. This is bad. However, remember that most likely this will not last the whole day. This means that there are cultures for such places.

What vegetables will not grow in the shade?

Tomato, pepper, eggplant, corn, melon, watermelon, potatoes are light-loving crops. You shouldn’t even experiment with them (although we’ll still make a reservation regarding the area of ​​residence).

What vegetables will grow in the shade?

So, you can safely plant the listed crops if the sun on your site is at least:

— 5 hours a day:
Brussels sprouts Chinese cabbage Onion — 4 hours a day:
Rutabaga Asparagus

Rhubarb Dill Parsley Sorrel Horseradish — 3 hours a day:
Mustard greens You can learn about crop rotation of vegetable crops And about how to properly plan a tiny plot or yard -

Any garden contains light and shaded areas, which can change throughout the day. However, some areas are always filled with sunlight, while others are constantly in the shade. In addition, this shadow often falls from structures located in the garden. In this case, crops such as peppers, zucchini and tomatoes should not be planted in shaded, dark areas. Almost all other vegetables, subject to certain rules, will provide the summer resident with an excellent harvest.

Is sunlight good for plants?

Root crops in the form of carrots, beets and other plants love good light and sunlight. In this situation, the vegetables will turn out large and juicy. But during cultivation it will be necessary to create favorable growing conditions for them. Green vegetables and plants thrive in the shade - cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, mustard, spinach. All these crops can be safely planted in shaded areas of the garden. The main advantage of this action is saving time, since moisture is retained in the shade longer, which means watering will be required less often. Onions and garlic here will not be subject to bolting, which can also be considered a significant advantage.

Eggplants thrive in partial shade, despite the fact that they are most often grown in the southern regions. You can also plant cucumbers or corn here. In the case of a cool climate in a shaded area, you should cover the beds or bushes with spunbond at night. This condition will help retain moisture and heat inside the beds.

In cases where the shadow is too large and dark, you can grow radishes using hanging, vertically arranged beds. In this situation, it is recommended to plant beets together with spring perennial crops, which will go deep into the ground by the summer season. Replacing one plant with another in the shade can occur in any situation.

Growing beets and cabbage in the shade

If the shaded area has a sufficiently large area, beets need to be planted in the simplest beds, moreover, choosing the direction from east to west. If the plant lacks light, then eastern-located crops will absorb it in the morning. This amount is enough for the crops to develop during the day after lunch. You can plant any variety of cabbage in exactly the same way. But broccoli is particularly unpretentious. It can be planted even in the absence of light or its scattered light. Cabbage blooms very well in too wet soil. However, during this period a lot of weeds form next to the plant. Therefore, the summer resident will have to regularly weed such beds.

Shade for phytoncides

The most favorable area for growing onions will be a shaded area. This vegetable does not require constant and abundant watering, and does not begin to bolt in the month of July, which is very often noticed when it is grown in areas that are too sunny and dry. Greens can grow well in the shade throughout the summer. Garlic also grows well in similar conditions, although it has its own characteristics. This vegetable requires abundant watering and regular ventilation.

Greenery and shade

Many culinary herbs, or rather, almost all of its varieties, in particular lettuce, celery, mint and others, grow best in partial shade. Here the greens always acquire a delicate taste and a pronounced pleasant aroma. In addition, when harvesting, you will notice that the greens are strong and crisp. When preparing dishes, such herbs will add excellent taste. Greenery loves sunlight, but in a diffuse form. The main conditions for its care are thinning and watering with large volumes of water. For this reason, choosing semi-shaded areas will be a favorable factor for growing such crops.

What should you consider when planting a particular crop in the shade?

Firstly, the area of ​​residence is of particular importance when growing garden and vegetable crops in the shade. It can make various adjustments to the correct growing conditions for vegetables and fruits in the shade or in the light. For example, in some areas cold and wet weather prevails, while in others, on the contrary, hot and dry weather prevails. All this plays an important role when choosing the crops that need to be planted on the site.

Secondly, it is worth paying attention to the amount of light. There are completely shaded areas (shadow from structures in the garden or garden) or partial shade (when the sun is on one side for the first half of the day, and on the other for the second half of the day). Thirdly, the quality of light is always different. It can be scattered, full-fledged or completely absent.

Most fruits require a lot of sunlight to ripen. But what if your site is shaded? Is it really worth abandoning the idea of ​​growing vegetables, fruits, and herbs? In no case! There are many vegetables and herbs that can be grown in full or partial shade, sometimes requiring three to six hours of sun per day. Here's a list of 28 vegetables that grow well in partial shade.

Green crops

Crops such as lettuce, sorrel, endive, watercress and arugula can suffer from scorch if they receive too much sun during the day. Swiss chard, kale, and mustard greens only need about three or four hours of sun each day to thrive. If you plant them in partial shade, you can harvest them a few weeks longer.


Herbs such as mint, chervil, coriander, cilantro and parsley prefer partial shade. In fact, mint is such a pervasive crop that even your attempts to eradicate it will likely fail.

Peas and beans

If your garden plot receives at least five hours of sun each day, you can safely grow peas and beans. To do this, just choose dwarf varieties.

Broccoli and cauliflower

Full sun has a negative effect on broccoli - too much light can cause rapid bolting and flowering, while partial sun promotes the formation of tastier heads. Once you have cut off the large central head, leave the plant in the ground as smaller heads may form along the stem in the leaf axils. Cauliflower develops denser heads when limited to 6 hours of sunlight per day.

White and Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are a cold-resistant, hardy plant. It copes well with limited sunlight. Although kale is a broadleaf plant, too much sun will dry it out and encourage smaller heads and larger, open leaves.


Radishes are a fast-growing vegetable that grows well as a beacon crop between other plants. Radishes prefer shade during the summer heat, when too long daylight hours lead to bolting.


Beets, carrots, potatoes, rutabaga and turnips grow well in partial shade, but you will have to wait longer for harvest. But the good news is that the lack of light stimulates the growth of root crops more than green mass, which in this case is only beneficial.

Onions and leeks

Both leeks and onions thrive in cool environments and require less sun to encourage underground growth.

Pay attention to how the sun moves through your property throughout the year. Experiment with plant placement and you will find that you can create shady areas to improve the growing conditions for your plants. Tall stalks of corn, for example, can provide partial shade for small radishes and peas, while the heavy foliage of pumpkins and zucchinis can provide shade for small carrots or turnips.


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