Presentation on the topic: “personal human hygiene. Hygieia is the goddess of health, the daughter of the sage and physician Asclepius. The science of hygiene is named after this goddess. Hygieia was depicted in mythology.” Download for free and without registration. Presentation on the topic "Personal hygiene

“Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle” - Main directions of educational and motivational work. Performed by 2nd year student Yana Chizhova. A daily routine is one of the main conditions for a healthy lifestyle. Sedentary children have very weak muscles. . The next factor in a healthy lifestyle is physical activity. Improperly organized work can be harmful to health.

“Healthy lifestyle at school” - The “School for a Healthy Lifestyle” project was presented. Outdoor games. The health of the younger generation is the most pressing issue. Together with mom. The main idea of ​​​​the activities of the teaching staff: We identify a group of the MAIN stress factors of the teacher. Organization of healthy, rational nutrition for students at the educational institution.

“Lifestyle and health” - Diseases caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Well, everyone knows that alcohol destroys the liver. Level and quality of life. Without such ideas, social work is incomplete. The right of Russian citizens to health is affirmed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Smoking puts many vital organs at risk.

“Formation of a healthy lifestyle” - Cause-effect relationships. Hygienic education. Disability. - Synthesis, i.e. Consciousness of new information. Demographic indicators. Positive orientation in education. - Memorization, i.e. Storing in memory. Health motivation. Analysis of consequences. How to motivate a child to lead a healthy lifestyle?

“Healthy person” - Dietetics studies the nutrition of patients and develops the principles of therapeutic nutrition. Repeat 6-8 times. A set of exercises for physical training minutes (FM). Gymnastics for the eyes. Parable about tobacco. 1. Seeds 2. Spinach 3. Beans 4. Milk 5. Beetroot. Yoga, sports or weightlifting classes. Oral hygiene.

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There are a total of 25 presentations in the topic

General rules of body hygiene To keep your skin clean and fresh, you must: Wash daily. Rinsing should be done with warm water to remove the layer of sweat and grease. With irregular body hygiene, the possibility of proliferation of pathogenic bacteria increases several times.

Every person should have a toothbrush. Using someone else's brush is strictly prohibited. If you experience toothache, you should go to the dentist promptly. Hygiene rules: Teeth are brushed every day after every meal. If this is not possible, then after eating you should rinse your mouth to remove food particles.

Rules for caring for clothing Underwear must be changed daily. Clothes are washed regularly (as they become dirty). All clothes should be ironed to kill bacteria. Socks are changed every day. Clothes should be purchased that are comfortable, fit and made from natural fabrics.

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Concept of personal hygiene

“HYGIENE” comes from the Greek “hygieinos” - healing, bringing health. Hygiene is a science that studies the conditions necessary to maintain health. Cleanliness and personal hygiene are integral companions of a person throughout his life. Personal hygiene is a set of rules, following which you will preserve and strengthen your health.

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Personal hygiene includes:

Skin hygiene Water hygiene Clothing hygiene Home hygiene Food hygiene Oral hygiene

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Maintaining cleanliness of the body, linen, clothing, home.

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Before eating, wash your hands with warm water and soap every time Change your underwear, socks, stockings, tights in a timely manner If your skin is dry or itchy, apply cream to it Do not squeeze pimples Protect your skin from frostbite Do not wear clothes that are too tight

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Proper preparation and regular eating

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Food hygiene

For reference Over the course of 70 years, a person eats and drinks: 2.5 tons of proteins 2 tons of fats 10 tons of carbohydrates 0.2-0.3 tons of table salt 50 tons of water

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The diet should be varied

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    Proper nutrition is the key to health

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    Daily ration distribution

    4 meals a day - 1st breakfast 20-30% - 2nd breakfast 10-25% Lunch 40-50% Dinner 15-20%

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    Alternation of work and active rest, mental and physical labor

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    Get enough sleep Exercise

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    Clothing hygiene

    The function of clothing is to protect the body from adverse external conditions and influences. Clothing must correspond to: climatic conditions, not impede blood circulation and breathing,

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    Home hygiene. Hygienic requirements for home:

    Sufficiently spacious and dry Well lit by sunlight Ventilated Unpolluted air Temperature 18-19 degrees Humidity 40-60% Clean

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    Difference between infectious diseases and common diseases

    They are caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Visible only with a microscope Transmitted from an infected organism to a healthy one Each infectious disease is caused by a specific microbe - pathogen Infectious diseases

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    Infectious diseases are divided

    Respiratory tract infections (sore throat, diphtheria, measles, tuberculosis) Intestinal infections (dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever) Blood infections (malaria, tularemia, tick-borne encephalitis, AIDS) Infection of the external integument (scabies, anthrax, tetanus)

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    Respiratory tract infections are transmitted by airborne droplets

    The spread of droplets of mucus and saliva containing pathogens of infectious diseases when a patient coughs and sneezes.

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    Intestinal infections spread through food, water

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    Blood infections - through the bites of blood-sucking insects

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    Infection of the outer integument is a contact route.

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    Maintaining personal hygiene reduces the risk of disease

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    Preventive vaccinations are carried out

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    Isolate patients in a timely manner

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    Disinfection is carried out.

    Disinfection of the apartment and objects in it.

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    Personal hygiene products usually include everything that allows you to comply with hygiene rules: toothbrush, soap, towel, comb, handkerchief, etc. Slide 31

    3. Oral care is keeping teeth healthy and preventing diseases such as caries. You can prevent tooth decay by brushing your teeth regularly. Personal hygiene rules

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    4. Watch your hands carefully. Nails should be clean and cut short. Be sure to wash your hands: when coming from the street; after visiting the toilet; before eating; after playing with animals. 5. Don't forget about your feet. They often sweat and develop an unpleasant odor, so they also need to be washed daily and put on clean socks or tights every day.

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    Cleanliness, neatness, hygiene are the first step to beauty and physical health.

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    Personal hygiene. Hygiene of skin and clothing. Purpose: explain the importance of personal hygiene for general health; to form an idea of ​​the hygienic conditions of normal nutrition

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    Hygiene (from the Greek word hygieinos - healthy) refers to the most ancient branches of medical knowledge. Hygiene as a science has been developing since the 2nd half of the 19th century. Its founder is considered to be Pettenkofer in England; in Russia – A.P. Dobroslavin and F.F. Erisman.

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    Hygiene is a field of medicine that studies the influence of living and working conditions on human health and develops measures to prevent various diseases, ensure optimal living conditions, preserve health and prolong life. Personal hygiene is a set of norms and rules, the observance of which contributes to the preservation and strengthening of human health.

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    The basis of personal hygiene is keeping the entire body clean. It has been established that within a week, the sebaceous glands of an adult secrete from 100 to 300 g of sebum, and the sweat glands - from 3 to 7 liters of sweat. Both lard and sweat create favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogens, not to mention an extremely unpleasant odor. During puberty, the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands increases.

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    A person’s hands become contaminated most easily, since they constantly come into contact with surrounding objects. Therefore, they must be washed when returning home, before eating and before preparing food. The habit of washing your hands after visiting the toilet prevents the spread of infectious intestinal diseases, as well as self-infection with worms. By the way, biting your nails is a very dangerous habit (and ugly, too).

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    Body hygiene It is advisable to shower daily, especially in the hot season or after physical activity, when sweating increases. Linen must be changed. Washing with a washcloth and soap is recommended at least once a week. Feet are washed daily with soap and dried. Diaper rash, abrasions, and calluses must be treated, as they can provoke fungal diseases. Socks, stockings and tights are changed daily.

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    Hair hygiene It is advisable to wash your hair in soft water. The frequency of washing is determined individually, but it should be remembered that frequent shampooing strengthens the work of the sebaceous glands. It is good to rinse with water and vinegar, a decoction of chamomile or nettle. Head massage is very useful. You can do it before every wash. Don't be lazy to comb your hair morning and evening.

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    Dental hygiene (what are the functions of teeth?) Teeth are brushed daily in the morning and evening before bed, after eating it is better to rinse your mouth, this is much healthier than chewing gum. When brushing your teeth, plaque is removed from the tongue (heavy plaque is evidence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract). Bad breath can be caused by tooth decay, diseases of the throat, stomach or liver.

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    Avoid fatty, sticky and acid-forming foods; it can change the environment in the oral cavity and affect the composition of saliva in such a way that tooth decay and enamel erosion occur. Regularly clean the spaces between your teeth with a special floss or toothpick. To prevent diseases, it is recommended to visit a dentist at least 2 times a year.

    on the topic: “Personal and public hygiene.
    Hygienic basics of physical

    Prepared and carried out
    Belozerova Ekaterina Anatolyevna
    Kurganinsk, x. Red Field, 2017

    "Hygiene" from the Greek word
    hygieinos, which means "healing,
    bringing health"

    Find out how personal hygiene can help
    avoid diseases


    Personal hygiene
    includes rules
    hygienic maintenance
    Skin hygiene
    Oral hygiene
    Hygiene of clothing and shoes
    Linen hygiene

    Water hygiene
    Food hygiene

    Hygienic requirements

    Removing dust from any surface
    Cleaning plumbing fixtures, bathroom cleaning and
    toilet room, wiping kitchen
    headset, microwave oven,
    electric stoves
    Mopping floors
    Carpet cleaning
    Cleaning upholstered furniture
    Cleaning air conditioners, batteries

    Hygienic requirements
    To keep skin clear
    you should take a shower daily
    Washing is the main type of care
    skin, in which from its surface
    removes dust, germs, sweat, skin
    lard, various contaminants
    You need to be careful when
    using soap and shower gel,
    because their abuse is annoying
    skin, leading to dryness and
    The skin of the hands must be washed with soap and
    water at room temperature
    The skin of your feet should be washed daily in the evening.
    before bedtime

    Personal hygiene items

    It is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly after
    toilet, communication with animals, before
    cooking and before eating, after
    streets, cleaning premises and in all
    cases when hands are dirty.
    Watch your hands carefully.
    Nails should be clean and short
    Wash your hands often!
    Regular hand washing and nail care
    protects against many diseases.
    Don't forget your feet. They sweat often
    an unpleasant odor appears, so
    also need to be washed daily

    Rules of care
    Use the toilet to wash
    soap or gel.
    Take a shower daily
    especially after work related
    with skin contamination and severe
    Wash your body with warm water and soap and
    washcloth at least once a week.
    After washing, put on clean underwear

    Hair care
    You should wash your hair with warm, soft water.
    Long hair should be combed
    from the ends, and short ones from the root.
    The comb should not have sharp teeth,
    must be rare.
    It is unacceptable to use someone else's
    Cold, sun, sea water, wind, dust
    etc. makes hair brittle and dull.

    Hygienic requirements for clothing and

    Warm in the cold
    Do not interfere with heat transfer
    Beautiful and comfortable, the materials from which
    clothes are sewn, must be natural
    (cotton, wool)
    Lightweight and practical
    Pleasant to people and others
    Clothes must be washed regularly
    dry clean
    You should always take good care of your shoes
    (dry with care), clean
    Shoes designed for permanent use
    wearing, should be light, fit
    size and have a heel no higher than 3–4 cm
    It is unacceptable to use other people's clothing and

    Clothes and shoes
    Clothes must match
    environmental climatic conditions
    habitat, nature of work.
    It is better to choose clothes and shoes from
    natural fabrics and leather.
    Keep your underwear clean
    change your socks daily.
    Dirt and sloppiness in clothing is
    disrespect not only for oneself, for
    to your health, but also to those around you
    to people.

    Hygienic requirements for water
    Have no smell
    Refreshing taste

    Dissolves many chemicals

    Removes toxins from the body
    Participates in thermoregulation

    Hygienic requirements for

    Most food should be consumed in
    boiled or steamed
    You should eat raw vegetables and
    Eat meals at certain times
    It is harmful to eat a lot of food at once
    At lunch it is important to eat the salad first and then
    You shouldn't be forced to eat
    Storing food without refrigeration
    It is harmful to read and watch TV while eating
    or get angry
    It is important to chew your food well and take your time
    when taking it
    Food hygiene rules are necessary
    observe for adults and children