Young green cucumbers Miller's dream book. The magic of numbers. Various dream books interpret cucumbers as a good sign, namely

Every dream is considered a clue that can predict the future. But sometimes in a dream you can see a rather strange picture. For example, most people don’t even imagine what cucumbers mean in dreams, while these vegetables are a symbol of male energy and prosperity.

Usually, cucumbers are dreamed of on the eve of a positive event. They are considered a fairly bright symbol of health and fertility.

As a rule, people who dreamed of cucumbers soon receive a lucrative offer. Agreeing to it leads to a happy and financially stable life.

Various dream books interpret cucumbers as a good sign, namely:

  1. According to Miller's dream book, a dream with cucumbers promises the dreamer good health and good luck in any endeavor. After such a dream, many people recovered, and lovers moved to a new level of relationship.
  2. According to Freud's dream book, cucumbers symbolize male strength and fertility. A dream in which cucumbers are seen also signals a lack of sexual satisfaction.

A dream can be interpreted differently depending on who dreamed it:

  1. If a woman dreams of fresh cucumbers, then she needs to prepare for the fact that suitors will appear in her life, whose close attention will be accompanied by interesting gifts and offers. But a dream with rotten vegetables promises a break in relationships.
  2. For a man, a dream with such a fruit portends a replenishment of the budget. The dreamer needs to be prepared for a promotion, and he can also count on easy profits.

I dreamed about big and small fruits

Depending on the size of the cucumber, the dream can predict different things.

The size of cucumbers in a dream is also important.
  • Large cucumbers often foreshadow the dreamer's victories on the personal front and virus-resistant immunity. A person who has such a dream may suddenly experience a powerful flow of energy that needs to be directed in the right direction.
  • Often such a vision promises large monetary profits.
  • For young single people, it predicts a romantic trip with their significant other.
  • Small fruits in a dream can symbolize small, but pleasant gifts from a loved one or friends that will bring a lot of joy. In addition, after waking up from such a dream, you can expect serious changes in your life.

Seeing cucumbers in a garden bed or in a jar in a dream

When you dreamed of cucumbers in the garden, be sure of friendly relations within the family. The garden bed symbolizes living conditions and home, and when the cucumbers on it are fresh and large, you can expect happy days in harmony with loved ones.

Pickled cucumbers in a jar also indicate that the dreamer will deliberately deceive one of his close friends.

If before this the relatives were in a quarrel with each other, then such a dream promises them a quick reconciliation.

Seeing pickled cucumbers in a jar in a dream may indicate dissatisfaction with your own life. The dream also indicates uncertainty and loneliness. In this case, the dreamer needs to carefully analyze his life path and determine what exactly needs to be changed.

A dream in which cucumbers were in a jar suggests that the dreamer is working in the wrong direction. He does not need to waste his energy and time excessively, but it is better to immediately change his job and environment.

Harvesting in a dream

If a person had to pick cucumbers in a dream, then he should expect a stabilization of his financial situation. On the other hand, such a dream means that soon your loved ones will make you think about life priorities. Even if you consider your life successful and happy, you need to know that there are opportunities to achieve more.

Pay attention to the condition of the collected cucumbers.

In a dream, you need to pay attention to the condition of the cucumbers. If they are green and fresh, then such a dream portends a cure for an illness or a good outcome to difficult life situations. Such a vision promises a warm and romantic relationship with a lover, and predicts a new romance for lonely people. When a grandmother or grandfather dreams of a cucumber, then the dream predicts a long-awaited visit from relatives.

Salted vegetables

Remember the plot from your dream, what were the cucumbers like?

When you dream of pickled cucumbers, such a vision prophesies:

  1. New exciting adventures that will remain in your memory for a long time.
  2. The long-awaited pleasures that the beloved will bring.
  3. Joyful meetings with old friends, as well as profitable acquaintances.

If in a dream the sleeping person had to pickle the cucumbers himself, then he should expect:

  1. Serious conversations in the family circle on the topic of household chores.
  2. Minor losses and monetary fraud.
  3. Minor quarrel with loved ones.

Eating cucumbers in a dream - meaning

When you had to eat cucumbers in a dream, this means that you will soon be glad to meet a new acquaintance, and such a dream promises a quick recovery for the patient. Moreover, if the cucumbers are lightly salted, then the vision predicts unrequited feelings that will come to life with a new person.

A new acquaintance or recovery is foreshadowed by eating cucumbers.

Also, after such a dream, you should expect disappointment in the relationship. You should know that such dreams may portend a quarrel and some misunderstanding with people around you. But it is important to understand that all difficulties will pass after some time, and then a streak of luck and harmony will come.

Rotten fruit

According to the interpretations of many dream books, cucumbers in a dream that turn out to be spoiled and rotten mean a not entirely successful romance that will end very quickly.

In this case, the initiator of the break will be the dreamer, who himself will want to end the boring and painful relationship. But after an unsuccessful romance, a period of luck will begin, which will bring a lot of joy to life.

Rotten cucumbers can be dreamed of as a harbinger for the dreamer or his loved ones of a serious illness from which it will be difficult to recover. After such a dream, it is advisable to undergo a full medical examination. They also symbolize a lost chance to get rich.

For women, a rotten cucumber portends unexpected disappointment in their partner. If a man dreams of a rotten fruit, this means that he will soon have problems with potency.

See a lot of cucumbers

If you see a lot of cucumbers in a dream, such a vision prophesies to the dreamer an unexpected surprise from his friends and family. A person should expect that a whole company will come to the house, whose visit will bring a lot of joy and fun. It is necessary to remember all the nuances of the dream and even the color of the vegetables. Green cucumbers in a dream promise an end to all worries and misfortunes, while yellow fruits portend the dreamer grief and disappointment in the intimate sphere.

Most often, cucumbers are a good sign in dreams.

Cucumbers in dreams are most often a good sign, promising that the dreamer may soon become rich, and his personal life will become even brighter. But for the correct interpretation of a dream, it is necessary to take into account everything that happens in it. The further interpretation of the dream depends on who dreamed of cucumbers, what color they were, and also on what the dreamer did with them.

Dreams are often so unpredictable that in order to understand their meaning, one often has to turn to dream books. For example, what fresh green cucumbers mean in dreams is simply impossible to figure out without certain knowledge. This vegetable can be both a symbol of health and foreshadow improved well-being and success.

This vegetable can be both a symbol of health and foreshadow improved well-being and success.

Vegetables seen in a dream foretell an elevated mood and personal growth, the achievement of high goals. Many people associate cucumbers with health, and accordingly, dreams in which they are present can be interpreted as a speedy recovery. To understand these dreams you have to turn to dream books.

When interpreting a dream, the individual perception of the dreamer is also taken into account. Depending on this, a dream can mean something good or bad. The following details must also be taken into account:

  • watery fruit - the possibilities are overestimated, and therefore hopes will not be justified;
  • eat a cucumber - after a large number of failures, a favorable period awaits the sleeper, which will be accompanied by calmness and self-confidence;
  • gherkins in large quantities - when solving problems you can count on the help of friends;
  • watching them grow in the garden means an unforgettable journey awaits;
  • harvesting - the perception of life will change dramatically, as well as the attitude towards it;
  • buying is a pointless job.

A cucumber dreamed by young people promises a dream come true, and for older people it promises a long-awaited meeting with loved ones.

Why do you dream about cucumbers (video)

If a woman sees fresh green cucumbers in a dream

According to Freud, such a dream may be a sign that the girl is characterized by dissatisfaction in her personal life

If a woman dreams of fresh vegetables, the interpretation of the dream is somewhat different. According to Freud, such a dream may be a sign that the girl is characterized by dissatisfaction in her personal life. She needs a new romantic relationship. It is quite possible that such relations will appear soon.

If a married woman dreams of a cucumber, then in the near future she will receive a gift from her partner. Such a dream can also portend a new relationship. It is highly not recommended to completely immerse yourself in them, since an unfavorable outcome for the woman cannot be ruled out.

Vegetables are often seen lying in the snow. In this case, they are harbingers that the fair sex will be able to avoid gossip about her intimate life. If, when tasting a cucumber, there are no sensations, then severe disappointments await you in the near future. Family gossip can be expected if in dreams you had to sprinkle salt on this fruit.

Seeing fresh green cucumbers in the garden in a dream

A dream in which the dreamer saw cucumbers growing in a garden bed most often has a positive meaning

A dream in which the dreamer saw cucumbers growing in a garden bed most often has a positive meaning. In the near future you can expect favorable changes in life:

  • a happy family;
  • good health;
  • perhaps old debts will soon be repaid.

If you dreamed of a large number of growing small cucumbers, then you can soon expect guests who will appear without warning. Large fruits in a dream warn that you need to think about your own achievements. If a young girl has such a vivid dream, then she may soon become pregnant.

Collecting and tearing fresh green cucumbers in a dream

Dreams in which you have to pick vegetables from the garden have several meanings

Dreams in which you have to pick vegetables from the garden have several meanings. Among the main ones are the following:

  • in the life of the sleeping person everything is fine, the relationship with the companion is strong, the income is high and stable, there are many reasons to live in joy and tranquility;
  • a warning that it is necessary to appreciate what a person has and not risk it in the process of achieving dubious goals;
  • pick small fruits - cash receipts;
  • harvesting a rich harvest is a significant replenishment of the family budget;
  • clean the fruits from the earth that has stuck to them - secrets will soon become known to others;
  • For a sick person, dreaming of cucumbers promises recovery in the shortest possible time.

A man dreams of green fresh cucumbers: what does it mean?

The interpretation of dreams for men poses particular difficulties. The meaning in different dream books is radically different:

  • see - soon the man will reap the fruits of his many years of labor;
  • in the basket - the appearance of a strong opponent. Moreover, this could be either an unexpected suitor of the bride or a new employee at work. In both the first and second cases, you will have to defend yourself;
  • to harvest the fruits of this culture - a novel is expected soon, which will certainly turn your head:
  • Dreaming of cucumbers for a farm worker promises a big harvest this year.

Peeling cucumbers in a dream: interpretation

If you had to peel this vegetable in a dream, then you can soon expect a serious quarrel

If you had to peel this vegetable in a dream, then you can soon expect a serious quarrel. If, before cleaning, the dreamer also had to wash the fruit of dirt for a very long time, then he should prepare for the fact that a whole web of gossip will develop around him. By sprinkling it with salt, you can expect disappointments that will lead to many tears.

The process of cleaning and cutting in dreams is a harbinger of significant losses and deception on the part of those closest to you. Cutting the skin off vegetables in winter can lead to colds. In rare cases, chopped cucumber can portend dismissal from work and a difficult financial situation.

If a woman saw such dreams, then an early pregnancy is quite likely. In rare cases, such a dream can promise separation from a partner, but there is no need to be sad about this, since a new companion will soon appear with whom a strong relationship will be created.

If you had to buy cucumbers in a dream: the meaning of the dream

Quite often, buying vegetables in dreams foreshadows stagnation in all matters. It is possible that the financial situation will become worse and you will even have to borrow money. But a dream in which you had to carry large purchased fruits home promises long and hard work, which will turn out to be thankless.

Choosing dense cucumbers during the purchasing process means you can expect news from people with whom there has been no communication for a long time. Paying for them means there will soon be a great celebration. It is quite possible that after a short period of time, the sleeper will be invited to a wedding.

Why do you dream about a cucumber (video)

Dreams in which a person sees green and fresh cucumbers almost always have a positive interpretation. In most cases, these dreams foreshadow an improvement in financial condition, recovery and the emergence of a romantic relationship, which will soon lead to marriage. Even if, when comparing all the details of the vision, it turns out that troubles are coming soon, there is no need to panic or worry, since a solution to these problems will be found soon enough, and life will return to its previous course. It is even possible that conditions will improve in the future.

Attention, TODAY only!

It is known that dreams have an impact on a person’s mood and vitality. They can predict certain events, suggest the right direction in case of doubt, and reveal the essence of things. If you listen to what our subconscious is trying to convey to us, then you can subject a lot of things in life to gentle adjustments and, thus, avoid some mistakes.

Why do you dream about a cucumber? What does such a dream promise us? A cucumber seen in a dream has different meanings. In order to draw the correct conclusion regarding a particular dream, certain details should be taken into account, for example, the gender of the person who saw the dream or the time of day at which the dream occurred.

Thus, dreams that occur before 12 o’clock at night determine the immediate future, and dreams that occur before 6 am lift the veil of a more distant future. At the same time, it is believed that dreams seen from 6 am to lunchtime do not have any special power and do not carry additional information.

Why do you dream of a cucumber - Miller's dream book

A cucumber in a dream means reconciliation, success and recovery, while the larger and stronger the cucumber, the greater success it portends.

Cucumber - Freud's dream book

According to Freud, the cucumber is the personification of male power, masculinity.

If a woman dreams of a cucumber, this indicates that she has sexual dissatisfaction. If a man saw cucumbers in a dream, then for him it means erotic adventures.

I dreamed about a cucumber - dream book of Muslims (Islamic)

The Islamic dream book promises that seeing cucumbers in a dream is a sign of goodness, goodness and wealth.

For men, cucumbers portend success in business.

For women - pregnancy.

Why do you dream of a cucumber - a dream book for lovers

For those who dream of themselves and their lover picking cucumbers, cutting them and eating them, the dream foreshadows good changes in relationships.

Why do you dream about cucumbers - Maly Velesov dream book

Seeing fresh and strong cucumbers in a dream means:

  • for patients - speedy recovery;
  • for unmarried men - success and profit;
  • for unmarried girls - meeting representatives of the opposite sex.

Eating pickled cucumbers in a dream means sadness, pickled cucumbers mean illness. Picking unripe cucumbers in a dream means visiting a deceased person.

Cucumbers in a dream - English dream book

In the English Ancient Dream Book, dreams in which the sleeper sees cucumbers are interpreted directly opposite to what he saw, that is:

  • rotten, soft, spoiled cucumbers promise good health and success;
  • Seeing a cucumber in a dream for single people means meeting your soul mate and an imminent wedding.

Women's dream book - why do you dream of a cucumber?

Buying cucumbers in a dream means arousing the admiration of others. To see a yellow, overripe cucumber - you will be disappointed in the near future.

Collecting rotten cucumbers, holding them, carrying them with you - portends serious problems with potency in your partner. Eating bitter cucumbers in a dream means sadness, and sweet ones mean joy. Lots of little cucumber gherkins, promising gifts from a lover.

Cucumbers - Hasse's dream book

If you eat cucumbers in a dream, then a pleasant surprise awaits you.

Esoteric dream book

Cucumbers are a symbol of the lack of a rich harvest. They also mean unfavorable circumstances and lack of satisfaction.

Chopping cucumbers and eating them means surprises.

What does it mean to dream about cucumbers - Evgeniy Tsvetkov’s dream book

Women's dreams of cucumbers foretell new fans.

Cucumbers in the snow - to gossip.

For men, cucumbers promise success in business.

Lunar dream book - interpretation of cucumbers in a dream

Eating cucumbers means financial instability.

Why do you dream of cucumbers - the Wanderer’s dream book

A woman's dream about cucumbers portends her a new lover.

Cucumbers in a container - for guests.

I dreamed about cucumbers - what does this mean according to the French dream book

Eating cucumbers in a dream means false hopes. If a sick person eats cucumbers, this promises him recovery.

Cucumbers in a dream - dream book of Krada Veles

If a woman dreams of a cucumber lying on the ground near someone else’s fence, then this promises a close relationship with a divorced man. Picking up such a cucumber and taking it with you is a possibility of marriage, but passing by this vegetable is a short-term relationship.

Why do you dream of a cucumber - dream book for birthday people

For those born in January, February, March and April, cucumbers in a dream foreshadow quarrels and troubles.

For those born in September, October and December, dreams of cucumbers promise unexpected guests.

For those born in May, June, July and August. seeing cucumbers in a dream means success.

Culinary dream book - cucumbers

Dreaming of cucumbers means the arrival of unexpected guests. If the cucumbers in a dream are good, then the guests will delight you with their visit, and if the cucumbers are bad (rotten, overripe), then the guests will bring unpleasant news. By the way, if the cucumbers are very overripe, do not take troubles to heart, as they are a thing of the past.

If a lonely man saw a cucumber in a dream, then his life will soon change for the better. Cucumber for lovers - for marriage. Cucumber for the sick - to recovery.

What else can cucumbers dream about?

Cucumbers in a dream:

  • fresh - good news;
  • cut into a salad - for guests;
  • collecting from the garden - to wealth;
  • soft or rotten - to illness;
  • washing cucumbers - to gossip;
  • buying a lot of cucumbers means success;
  • eating a large and sweet cucumber means a quick date;
  • to receive from a lover - to marriage.

Seeing cucumbers in a dream is always a positive sign. Almost all dream books correlate the dreamed vegetable with prosperity and excellent health, which will lead the dreamer to success in all endeavors. This could be love, success at work, your own business, health, and many other aspects of life.

In Miller's dream book, cucumbers in a dream foreshadow a speedy recovery, healing from an illness that the sleeping person has. If the sleeper is hopelessly in love with another person who does not show his feelings, these green vegetables in a dream will portend reciprocity.

It is important not only to remember which particular object or product you dreamed about, but also to know in what situation the cucumber was in your dream. If you dream of pickled cucumbers, it means that you are characterized by self-doubt, loneliness, and a desire to improve your position in society or family. Eating lightly salted cucumbers can portend unrequited love, which over time will turn out to be good luck for the lover. If the vegetables in the dream were large, strong and green, the dream may portend great success on the “love front”, as well as good health, financial gain and tangible energy potential.

If you want to know what cucumbers mean in dreams, the Modern Dream Book will definitely help you. According to the latter, the vegetable speaks of the frivolity of the sleeper, his frivolous character, which still portends success. If the sleeper has to salt a vegetable and place it in a jar, this means missed opportunities that pass the person by, as well as a situation in which the sleeper is wasting his talent. In this case, the dream speaks of the need to reconsider priorities.

It is much more pleasant to know what fresh cucumbers mean in dreams. They are a symbol of good health, energy and strength. For lovers, the dream will foreshadow a strong, cloudless relationship. If a lonely person ends up in the kingdom of Morpheus, meeting this vegetable can promise a romantic love adventure.

If an elderly person wants to know why a cucumber is dreamed of, he will be pleasantly surprised, because this portends an early expansion of the family circle with grandchildren or great-grandchildren, or a visit from relatives. If a vegetable in a garden was seen in a dream by a young man, he can count on career growth and financial stability.

Interpretation of actions in a dream

Rarely do people dream of cucumbers by themselves; more often they are just a detail of a more detailed dream. If you dream of pickles, you should definitely give up even minor debts to avoid financial difficulties. In rare cases, a cucumber in a dream may be a harbinger of an imminent loss of relationships with distant relatives.

There are a number of interpretations interpreting certain actions with cucumbers. Buy - the dreamer expects heavy workloads and certain difficulties in his professional activities. In ancient times, it was believed that purchasing green vegetables in a dream could portend receiving good news from old friends.

Cutting vegetables - the sleeper is worried about a competitor or about a rival on the love front. If the cucumbers are cut for cooking, all problems will be successfully solved. Planting - the birth of children and family well-being.

Why do you dream of pickles on your plate? If you are lucky enough to eat cucumbers, it can mean adventures, acquaintances, as well as other types of pleasure awaiting you in the future. If during the dream you were pickling cucumbers, you may have troubles and serious conversations with relatives.

If you look in any dream book, fresh cucumbers on your dinner table portend recovery for the sick, as well as a lot of joys in life and escape from life’s difficulties. If you dreamed about planting green vegetables in a garden bed, you will face difficult challenges in life, and you will also have to work hard, which will bring your family a good income.

Do you want to know why you dream about picking cucumbers? As a rule, this means that you will soon receive large incomes from sources that have not brought you profit for a long time.. Sowing seeds in the beds is a symbol of unexpected but pleasant expenses.

Who had the dream?

The important thing is who dreamed of cucumbers, because this dream can be interpreted differently depending on the gender and social status of the sleeper. Cucumbers in a dream promise:

  • For a woman - the appearance of new boyfriends in reality, as well as increased attention from the stronger sex. Men will be attracted like a magnet, but you don’t need to lose your head.
  • For a man - a quick big profit. This could be a bonus, salary increase, debt repayment or winnings.
  • For a person in love - a successful relationship filled with light and joy.

Cucumbers lying in may mean that someone is spreading rumors about you that are not true. Most likely, these rumors contain information about your partners, personal life and connections, so you need to be careful.

Cucumbers in the beds are a very good sign. They symbolize family well-being and mutual understanding. As a rule, all quarrels go aside and relationships bring joy. A large number of cucumbers can mean the imminent arrival of guests or a noisy company, thanks to which the house will be filled with joy and positivity, and new colors and sensations will appear in your life.

Spoiled cucumbers hint that an affair that has recently begun or is about to take place may be unsuccessful and you are better off ending this relationship in favor of another person. Also, poor-quality vegetables can symbolize the insincerity of the person caring for you. At the same time, you should not worry - as a rule, such a dream indicates that you will make a timely decision to break off the relationship.

Yellow vegetables indicate that you evaluate your life too negatively, tend to become despondent and do not believe in miracles. You should be more optimistic and positive as all your difficulties are temporary.

A cucumber in a dream is a very good symbol, which most often foreshadows the dreamer’s quick success in all endeavors: you will be able to buy, sell profitably, love happily and work successfully, open bank deposits, and receive income from real estate. Therefore, if you dreamed of cucumbers, the dream book will help you figure out where exactly you will be lucky.

Too bad, someone will give you trouble.

Green - relatives will arrive..

A girl dreams of cucumbers - meeting guys.

Pickled cucumbers are a weakness.

1 Cucumbers by Tsvetkov's dream book

Seeing cucumbers in a dream means:

Cucumbers for a woman are suitors; cucumbers in the snow - gossip in connection with lovers; seeing cucumbers means money (for a man).

1 Cucumbers by Dream interpretation for women

The same can be said about a dreamed cucumber, which promises good health and prosperity. A sick woman who sees such a dream will soon get rid of her illness. A woman in love will finally find the opportunity to always be close to her loved one.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Cucumbers by Culinary dream book

Cucumbers in a dream means:

If you dreamed of a cucumber (cucumbers), this means that soon unexpected guests will come to you, who will delight you, bring variety to your life, but, unfortunately, they will embarrass you and will not leave you quickly.

1 Cucumbers by To the psychological interpreter Furtsev

Meaning of sleep cucumbers:

The psychological interpretation of the image of a fresh cucumber in a dream is the masculine principle. If a woman dreams of cucumbers, in reality she is not satisfied with her intimate life and has untapped sexual potential. For a man, a dream with a cucumber promises quick sexual adventures that will make his masculine power reveal itself to the fullest.

1 Cucumbers by An old Russian dream book

See, see the interpretation of the dream watermelon, this is how what you dream about in your dream is deciphered.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Cucumbers by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Cucumber is a symbol of good health and prosperity in business.

Eating a cucumber means a quarrel; picking cucumbers means prosperity.

1 Cucumbers by Modern dream book

Cucumbers in a dream mean:

Health, luck

1 Cucumbers by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Recovery, money (for a man), fulfillment of hopes, success, profit, meeting guys (for a girl) // sadness, bad, trouble; collect - to the deceased, sadness; there is a disease; there are salty ones - tears, poverty; pickled - disease.

1 Cucumbers by Romantic dream book

  • Why do lovers dream of cucumbers and tomatoes - this is a symbol of imminent changes for the better. Your relationship will likely become even more trusting and frank.
  • You eat green cucumbers, in reality you will soon be reunited with your loved one, if until now you were in a quarrel or at a distance from each other.
  • A lonely girl dreams of cucumbers growing in a garden bed - foretells a quick acquaintance with an interesting young man.
  • If there is a lull in your relationship with your significant other, pickles in a dream symbolize a renewal of feelings and a second wave of romantic emotions.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Cucumbers by Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Why does a woman dream of cucumbers:

You will forget about doctors and medications, excellent health will be your constant companion. Imagine a large greenhouse where cucumbers are ripe. You go there and start harvesting. All the cucumbers are even, neat, as if chosen. You collect whole baskets, and then treat yourself and your loved ones. Remember what cucumbers taste and feel like, feel their crunch and aroma.

1 Cucumbers according to the Online Dream Book

Seeing cucumbers in a dream means:

Why do you dream of a cucumber - suddenly your house will be visited by people whom you will be incredibly happy about.

You pick them from the garden - prosperity and increased material well-being await you.

If you eat them, you will get involved in a conflict.

If you pickle these vegetables, you will get into trouble with your daughter’s husband.

If you dream that you are clearing cucumbers from the soil, your romance, which you hid so carefully, will give rise to a lot of rumors.

If you crush them, you will feel humiliated or deceived, which is why you will behave very aggressively, which will certainly affect your relationships with others.

According to the dream book, planting cucumbers means that in reality, due to your own imprudence, you will significantly worsen your financial situation; try to make do with what you have and not borrow.

Buy them - your position will be much better, but if you sell them

Buying cucumbers in a dream means in reality finally learning something about those people who have not given any news about themselves for a long time.

A dream in which you are going to cut cucumbers warns that you risk entering into a fierce competitive struggle, because of which you can quarrel to smithereens with loved ones, be wiser and more tolerant, otherwise it will be worse for you.

If in a dream lightly salted cucumbers are a harbinger of misunderstandings and mutual insults, you risk being offended in your warmest feelings, or the object of your sympathy will not reciprocate your feelings.

The dream book interprets fresh cucumbers as a harbinger of favorable changes in your destiny; you will be successful in business and lucky on the love front.

If in a dream you saw cucumbers in the garden, happiness and prosperity will reign in your home; health problems and blues will be unknown to you.

Picking cucumbers in a dream - you will meet a person who may have a bad influence on you, you will come into conflict with your own conscience, it is very important to maintain presence of mind and not stray from the true path.

If you dreamed that you were going to pickle cucumbers, be prepared to have to repay debts, which will put you in a very difficult position.

A dream in which you saw cucumbers in a jar warns that in the near future you need to beware of any movements, especially through road transport.

If you dreamed of pickled cucumbers, this is evidence that you are inattentive and passive, fate every now and then sends you truly unique chances, and you ignore them; it has long been possible to reach unprecedented heights.

1 Cucumbers according to the 21st century Dream Book

Cucumbers in a dream are interpreted in the dream book as:

If men dream of cucumbers - it means money, women - it means gifts, girls - it means meeting young people.

Cucumbers in the snow mean gossip about lovers.

Yellow, rotten cucumbers symbolize men incapable of love.

Buying and carrying cucumbers means thankless work and troubles; sowing cucumbers in the garden means significant financial losses.

1 Cucumbers by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Cucumbers in a dream means:

Pickling cucumbers means arguing with your son-in-law.

1 Cucumbers by Magic dream book

Meaning of sleep cucumbers:

Fans. Seeing cucumbers out of season means money. Eating cucumbers means manipulating partners.

1 Cucumbers by Dream book for the whole family

What does it mean if a woman dreams of cucumbers:

  • Dreaming of a cucumber means that you will get rid of unnecessary, unrealistic dreams.
  • Dreaming of eating cucumbers portends disappointment.
  • A yellow, overripe cucumber in a dream means disappointment, which will soon give way to bright hopes.
  • If you dream of picking cucumbers, you need to rethink the achievements of recent years.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Cucumbers by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

What cucumbers can mean in dreams:

Seeing a lot of cucumbers in a dream means a large crowd of people, guests.

1 Cucumbers by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Cucumbers in a dream mean:

Guests; money; lover (for a woman).

1 Cucumbers by Housewife's Dream Interpretation

If a girl dreams of cucumbers, it means:

What does a Cucumber mean in a dream - prosperity in business and excellent health.

1 Cucumbers by Dream Interpretation of Health

Why does a woman dream of cucumbers?

A good sign for an improvement in your life situation; Eating cucumbers means a lack of mineral salts and water in the body; for men it can mean possible sexual incompetence, and for women it can mean hidden sexual desire.

1 Cucumbers according to Miller's dream book

Seeing cucumbers in a dream means:

Seeing Cucumbers in a dream means excellent health and prosperity in business. For patients, this dream promises a speedy recovery. Good changes for lovers.

1 Cucumbers by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

Interpretation of a dream about cucumbers:

Picking cucumbers from the beds in a dream means a rich harvest of cucumbers.

1 Cucumbers by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Interpretation of a dream about cucumbers:

If you dreamed that you were pickling cucumbers, a small creditor will soon come to you.

You dreamed that you were planting cucumbers - be careful, you can incur a lot of small debts.

In a dream you watered - you will face cash-strapped times.

You collected - you will have to pay your debts.

If you dreamed that you were buying cucumbers, your business will soon go from bad to worse.

If you dreamed that you were selling, your business could soon go much better.

In a dream, you prepared a cucumber salad - you can solve most of your problems.

1 Cucumbers by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Cucumbers in a dream predicts:

Cucumber is a favorable dream, promising health and prosperity.

If patients dream that they are growing cucumbers, such a dream promises them a quick recovery. For family people, such a dream promises pleasant changes in life.

1 Cucumbers by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why do you dream of Cucumbers:

A cucumber lying in front of someone else's fence - to a divorced man, or a man who is in a quarrel with his wife.

1 Cucumbers by Love dream book

If you dreamed of a cucumber, expect changes for the better in the near future. Happiness awaits you.

1 Cucumbers by Love dream book

Cucumber is a symbol of masculinity.

A woman who sees this vegetable in a dream is probably dissatisfied with her current sex life and experiences a desire that she cannot satisfy.

If a man dreams of a cucumber, this means that he will soon experience an erotic adventure.

1 Cucumbers by Dream Interpretation of Lovers

For lovers, a dream in which they see cucumbers portends successful changes.

1 Cucumbers by Danilova's children's dream book

Cucumber - you will be deservedly praised.

1 Cucumbers by English dream book

Why do you dream of Cucumbers:

1 Cucumbers according to Freud's dream book

The cucumber is often a symbol of masculinity. Therefore, if you saw a cucumber in a dream, it means that you are tormented by unsatisfied sexual desire. A man who dreams of a cucumber promises an erotic adventure.

1 Cucumbers by Esoteric dream book

Seeing cucumbers means a shortage of food, a poor harvest.

There is a strange event, a surprise.

1 Cucumbers by Jewish dream book

What do Cucumbers mean in a dream - Seeing cucumbers in the spring means illness; in summer - to losses; in the fall - to boredom and despondency; in winter - to loneliness and melancholy. Withering cucumbers on Monday night warn of the danger of spoilage. Withering cucumbers on any other night is a sign of malaise. Picking cucumbers on Monday night means not paying attention to reasonable and timely advice. Picking cucumbers on any other night is a sign of decisive, but ill-considered actions.