Quotes about flowers and nature. Short aphorisms and beautiful quotes about flowers

People give flowers because flowers contain the real meaning of Love. Anyone who tries to take possession of a flower will see its beauty fade. But the one who simply looks at the flower in his field will always be with him. Because it will merge with the evening, with the sunset, with the smell of wet earth and clouds on the horizon.

I like it when flowers grow, but when picked they lose their charm for me. I see how they are doomed to destruction, and I feel sad because of their resemblance to life. I never give flowers to those I love, and I do not want to accept them from someone I care about.

Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live.

Flowers cut for a bouquet are barbarism in the name of beauty...

Of course, I could do without flowers, but they help me maintain self-respect, because they prove that I am not shackled hand and foot by everyday worries. They are evidence of my freedom.

Don't send me flowers when I die. If you like me, give them to me now.

There is more life in the quickly withering petals of a flower than in heavy thousand-year-old blocks of granite.

Roses smell professional.

How to tell what kind of flowers Edelweiss is? In general, they look like little stars, wrapped up to their necks in white fur so as not to freeze from the touch of ice.

Only flowers truly live. They live the days counted down to them, blooming so desperately, as if they understand better than people transience of life.

Flowers must be loved, this is true, but one should not stand on ceremony with them.

Flowers are not considered a bribe!

Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when they are kissed by the light.

Roses instill love for nature, and thorns instill respect.

They say that short-lived flowers dance when they are carried away by the wind.

She walked through life with a huge bouquet of flowers, carelessly scattering them left and right. Everyone who received such a flower considered himself the future owner of the entire bouquet, and on this basis many misunderstandings arose.

Smell is the soul of a flower.

For some women, a bouquet of roses is not enough: they also demand that the man change the water in the vase.

A weed is a flower that no one likes.

You can lie not only with words, but also with a bouquet.

When flowers are cut, I associate this operation with execution, and when they put them in a vase, with resuscitation.

You should never listen to what flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent.

A person receives the most flowers when he can no longer enjoy their beauty and smell.

Flowers may lean towards us, but they speak to heaven and God.

Women remember ungiven roses for too long.

If you want to enjoy the fruits, do not pick the flowers.

A cynic is a person who, smelling flowers, looks around for a coffin.

The flowers on the grave of the enemy smell intoxicating.

Sometimes flowers are just flowers.

Flowers of oblivion grow best on graves.

You are the only cactus in the flower garden of my life.

Where there is a lot of love, flowers are always few.

She carried yellow flowers! Not a good color.

In life it’s like in the theater: you get flowers only after leaving the stage.

Is it possible to tell a flower that it is ugly?

I throw flowers at my enemies - in a coffin.

The flower blooms in warmth and in winter.

People, as a rule, even just looking at flowers, get great pleasure, a good mood and a feeling of contact with beauty. All these feelings, apparently, make people who are good with words come up with quotes about flowers. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.

Beautiful and short quotes about flowers

The earth laughs with flowers.

Love is like a flower - it takes time to bloom.

Flowers are the remains of heaven on Earth.

Flowers - poems of nature.

Sometimes flowers are just flowers.

Flowers are free beauty in nature.

Flowers bloom everywhere for everyone who wants to see them.

There are flowers that bloom early and there are flowers that bloom late. People flourish the same way.

The flowers are singing. They are always singing. Even if people don't hear...

Flowers do not solve all problems. But they are a good start.

Flowers are the smile of the sun that gives joy. When you think about flowers, roses and carnations, poppies and daisies, gladioli and tulips, chrysanthemums and violets swirl in your imagination, as if in a merry round dance. Flowers evoke wonderful feelings because they are perfection itself. How poor and sad the world of flowers would become. And the world of flowers is delicate and bright, fastidious and extremely beautiful. The statuses about flowers collected here are also varied.

Quotes about colors of great people

Smell is the soul of a flower.
Jules Verne

Is it possible to tell a flower that it is ugly?
Vladimir Burich

Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live.
Georg Hegel

The flower blooms in warmth and in winter.
Silovan Ramishvili

They say that short-lived flowers dance when they are carried away by the wind.
Code Geass

Flowers cut for a bouquet are barbarism in the name of beauty...
Igor Krasnovsky

Where there is a lot of love, flowers are always few.
Leonid Sukhorukov

Roses instill love for nature, and thorns instill respect.
Anton Ligov

There is more life in the quickly withering petals of a flower than in heavy thousand-year-old blocks of granite.
Ludwig Feuerbach

In life it’s like in the theater: you get flowers only after leaving the stage.
Yana Dzhangirova

Beautiful plants with their beauty, wonderful aroma, bright festive attire illuminate our daily life, making her beautiful! It’s not for nothing that the words light and color are consonant. One legend can be quoted that says that the flowers appeared when a rainbow rose very close to the sun and began to melt, its colored drops spilling down. And how many colorful shades of the rainbow were mixed, so many of them were embodied in the shades of plants and flowers.

Quotes about flowers are smart

Flowers have their own language. They are silent, but they say a lot!

A flower is useless if it doesn't bloom.

Only flowers truly live. They live the days counted by him so desperately blooming, as if they understand better than people the transience of life.

A bouquet of roses - when one breaks, two are thrown away.

No matter how much we talk about the emptiness of life, sometimes just one flower is enough to dissuade us.

Stretching out their hands to the stars, people often forget about the flowers under their feet.

The triumph of a flower comes when it is already cut; its real life is inseparable from death.

A flower can be compared to a pleasure that will soon wither, and the smell of this flower is like a memory that is remembered forever!

Women remember ungiven roses for too long.

If it rains in your life, focus on the flowers that will bloom thanks to this rain.

These beautiful plants- one of the best creations of nature. They amaze us with the finest aromas and delight us with a wide variety of shades. They, like music, create an uplifting mood, inspire... For a long time they have been for a person a symbol of his feelings and thoughts. Legends and stories were written about them, they were sung in songs and poems. Well, of course, there are also phrases, statuses and quotes about flowers.

Statuses about flowers with meaning

Don't send me flowers when I die. If you like me, give them to me now.

I love flowers so much that no one has ever given me.

Flowers only know how to die.

Without love, people wither like cut flowers, no matter what crystal vase they are in.

Even in times of war, flowers bloom.

There are no women who don't like flowers, there are men who think so.

So that the flowers in your eyes always remain alive.

The rose withers from the frost, my beauty - never!

Flowers - the best remedy to reconcile with girls.

The ideal woman resembles a mysterious flower.

I like flowers, I wish I could add them to my life.

I throw flowers at my enemies - in a coffin.

Flowers are constant companions of our lives. And they not only have enormous aesthetic significance, but also practical use. These fragile creations of nature not only improve our mood and help express a wide variety of feelings, but also develop our taste, decorate our homes, and heal. We hope that beautiful, amazing flowers bloom in your hearts. In a figurative sense, of course.

Few things put you in a good mood quite like flower quotes, which conjure up a variety of fragrant and fragrant flowers. Quotes about them will prove that these plants are of great importance in our lives.
In general, without much prelude, read the statements about flowers.

When someone gives you a sincere compliment
- a new beautiful flower blooms in the heart.
Maria Berestova

I love orchids. They say that when you look at them, the sadness goes away.
Maria Farisa. Better crane

And dried flowers can sometimes be beautiful, but even the best of them can never compare with the simplest, but living ones.
Cassandra Clare. Mechanical Angel

Flowers bloom everywhere for everyone who wants to see them.
Henri Matisse

What a delightful quote about flowers!

A fallen chrysanthemum will not return to the bush.
Japanese proverbs and sayings

There are no women who don't like flowers, there are men who think so.
Rinat Valiullin. cookbook

Your apartment may be full of beautiful furniture, art objects and other expensive things, but only fresh flowers bring true beauty to the house.
Anika Vicious

Love is a flower that needs to be watered every day. Otherwise it will fade.
Natalya Solntseva. All coincidences are not accidental

Favorite flowers?
- Dandelions.
- Why?
- They are free, and they are not sold.

film "I am the beginning"

A flower can be compared to a pleasure that will soon wither, and the smell of this flower is like a memory that is remembered forever!
Bogdan Lee

And I love flowers so much that no one has ever given me.
Gaetan Soucy. The girl who loved to play with matches

Flowers, like people, sooner or later fade and turn black.
Natalia Frolova

... Life without love is a flower without fragrance, as they say in the East.
Ponson du Terrail. Secrets of Paris

“Cornflower” is a cheerful word that sounds like a child’s laughter.
Emil Azhar. Darling

It is better to admire flowers when they are blooming in the garden, and not when they are withering in a vase...
Unique Reality

... The giant sunflowers leaned their heavy round faces onto the fence, and it seemed that they were making eyes at passers-by with passion and enthusiasm.
Washington Irving. Wolfert Webber, or Golden Dreams

... love, it is not a flower, you cannot transplant it from one pot to another. And you can’t uproot it and then throw it away and plant another one in its place. For some reason it doesn’t take root. Although... Everything passes.
Natalya Andreeva. Styx

By reading good books, we water the flowers that grow within us.
Nadeya Yasminska

It seems that amazing things are flowing around the room. pleasant aroma- this is how the imagination draws images, responding to aphorisms about flowers!

Women are like flowers... Some are allowed to bloom for a short time, while others move from age to age, preserving their beauty and aroma for many years from the moment of blossoming and flowering until the saddest hour of the petals falling.

Agree, a girl with a bouquet of flowers is much more beautiful than with a bottle in her hands...

The beauty of a flower is in one flower.

Roses smell professional.

Something about dandelions: if you can't beat them, eat them.

"James Duke"


Sunflowers are unfortunate creatures in God's perfect world.

In life it’s like in the theater: you get flowers only after leaving the stage.

"Yana Dzhangirova"

Marriage is when a young man stops buying flowers and starts buying vegetables.

A million daisies - cool too!

Sometimes flowers are just flowers.

Flowers have no everyday life; they are always dressed festively.

"Malcolm de Chazal"

If flowers came from nowhere at home, it means it was his wife’s birthday.

Some people grumble that roses have thorns. And I'm glad that the thorns have roses.

"Alphonse Carr"

Desires are the flowers of love, and pleasures are its fruits.

"Claude Adrian Helvetius"

Live with peace. Come spring, and the flowers bloom themselves.

“This is a flower without fragrance,” the old people noted. - Nowadays, many girls look like such flowers. If you touch them, they are made of paper...

A favorite flower is, first of all, a rejection of all other flowers. Otherwise, it will not seem the most beautiful.

"Antoine de Saint-Exupery"

Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live.

Art is a constant attempt to compete with the beauty of flowers - and always unsuccessfully. Marc Chagall

I hate flowers! But this is only when they are given so as not to bother with an exquisite gift.

In the world of feelings - like in a bouquet of flowers... there is always one flower that is reflected in your eyes in a special way...

Flowers of inspiration are watered later.

"Leonid Krainev-Rytov"

You are the only cactus in the flower garden of my life.

The bindweed outside my window makes me happier than the metaphysics of books.

"Walt Whitman"

Of course, I understand that flowers are a waste of money, they will quickly wither and that’s it, but how I love it when people give them to me!

Flowers in the city are like a woman’s lipstick: with a little color you look more interesting.

Even the most beautiful flowers tomorrow they will become trash.

"Stepan Balakin"

Do you want to know what to do if you did something wrong? The answer is, baby: never ask for forgiveness. Do not say anything. Send flowers. No letters. Only flowers. They cover everything. Even graves.

She had never been given flowers before without a reason. She felt at that moment as if she had been given the whole world.

For some women, a bouquet of roses is not enough: they also demand that the man change the water in the vase.

Enfleurage is when flowers die slowly, as if in a dream.

Scientists, or pseudoscientists, claim that geranium blooms better, if you talk to her. In fact, a rare friendly word is enough for her. Excessive attention, such as excessive fertilizing, weeding and loosening, confuses and restrains it.

"Victoria Glendinning"

Roses instill love for nature, and thorns instill respect.

"Anton Ligov"

When flowers are cut, I associate this operation with execution, and when they put them in a vase, with resuscitation.

Hearts are like flowers - they cannot be opened by force, they must open on their own.

"Louisa May Alcott"

Every woman is a flower. The way you take care of it is how it blooms.

Flowers bring the greatest joy when they are not given on a birthday.

Having barely looked at the bouquet, he determined: “It smells like fifty”...

What if a flower smells us with its scent?

Of course, I could do without flowers, but they help me maintain self-respect, because they prove that I am not shackled hand and foot by everyday worries. They are evidence of my freedom.

"Rabindranath Tagore"

And I just looked at the flowers. Some broke, while others raised their heads again. This is cool!

She: damn, they bring flowers to the grave more often than you do to me. Him: what are you offering me?

Quotes about flowers

I didn't tell him I loved purple roses. It's too personal for me.

I prefer a man to be good in bed! I'll buy him flowers myself...

Don't send me flowers when I die. If you like me, give them to me now.

Now it’s quiet and peaceful, now it’s war, sights. Flowers don't help matters at all.

An orchid as beautiful as the seven deadly sins.

"Oscar Wilde"

Usually, when women are given flowers, they want to say without words: I love you!, but in my case, I only whisper in my mind: I really, really want you!

"Vladimir Borisov"

I never wanted to know the names of flowers that amazed me with their charm and originality. Subsequently I recognized these names. But did they add colors and petals?

Fragrances are the feelings of flowers.

"Heinrich Heine"

Violets in the mountains sprouted through the stone.

"Tennessee Williams"

Musk is something that has an aroma, and not something that a mosquito man says is musk.

"M. Saadi"

It’s still nice to receive flowers, so simply, unexpectedly, when you think that this is a simple day, and not a holiday at all, but then in the morning, receiving a bouquet of flowers, your mood immediately rises, you shine all day long... thank you.

You should never listen to what flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent.

"Antoine de Saint-Exupery"

I like flowers, I wish I could add them to my life.

If you have found the keys to a woman’s soul, take care of her, be for her like a gardener for flowers!

Loved girls are given flowers, not tears!

Instead of getting a divorce, it’s better to send your wife a dozen roses. The shock will kill her, and you will put roses on the coffin.

Artificial flowers do not smell. That’s how artificial relationships don’t bloom.

Some women sell flowers to other women through you.

See also -

In the light of the sunset."
(Japanese poet Basho)

Funny or wise quotes turn into unique aphorisms, catchphrases are expressive and understandable to everyone... We talk about flowers with quotes...

“Flowers, like people, are generous with goodness and, giving tenderness to people, they bloom, warming hearts, like small, warm fires.” (K. Janet)

"The Master and Margarita"... Mikhail Bulgakov in quotes

Follow me, reader! Who told you that there is no true, faithful, eternal love in the world? May the liar's vile tongue be cut out! Follow me, my reader, and only me, and I will show you such love! (Mikhail Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita)

She carried disgusting, disturbing yellow flowers in her hands. The devil knows what their names are, but for some reason they are the first to appear in Moscow. (Mikhail Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita)

She carried yellow flowers! Not a good color. (Margarita had Mimosas in her hands.)
(Mikhail Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita)

Love jumped out in front of us, like a killer jumps out of the ground in an alley, and struck us both at once! That's how lightning strikes, that's how a Finnish knife strikes! (Mikhail Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita)

Flowers often “grow” on the pages of books

And these pages awaken a sense of beauty in our soul.

The book is the life of our time, everyone needs it - both old and young.

Addressing an unknown reader, Prishvin writes: “Do you know that love, when you yourself have nothing from it, nothing will happen to you, but you still love through it everything around you, and walk through the field and meadow, and pick up colorful , one to one blue cornflowers, smelling of honey, and blue forget-me-nots.”

“There are periods of life that do not depend on you personally; no matter how hard you fight, no matter how talented and smart you are, until the conditions are created, until the time comes, all the best will hang in the air as a dream or a utopia. Only I feel, I know one thing that my Ginseng root is growing somewhere, and I will wait my time.”

By some inspiration, “Zhen-Shen” was written - a song about love. "Zhen-Shen", root-man, root of life. This is it, Love, the driving force, the root of life! (M. Prishvin)

V. (wife) discovered a new Prishvin in the diaries. It happened so unexpectedly. She stopped the ratcheting machine and suddenly said: “And you, it turns out, are not at all as stupid as I thought....

The narrator brought various herbs from the forest to a girl he knew Zinochka: cuckoo's tears, valerian, Peter's cross, hare's cabbage. Sometimes he had some bread left over, which he took with him into the forest, and Zinochka willingly ate it because she thought it was fox bread.

Prishvin considered himself a natural painter. He is captivated by color. For Prishvin, the most diverse phenomena of life are colored with color. He has a correlation between color and sound, and his favorite color is blue. - Why? - ask. - Yes, because blue, in Prishvin’s perception, is sunny. Without the sun, there is only darkness or the still reflected light of the Moon. The sun is life itself and the image of truth.

For others, nature is firewood, coal, ore, or a summer house, or just a landscape. For me, nature is the environment from which, like flowers, all our human talents grew. (Prishvin M. M.)

K. Paustovsky: Botanists have a term - forbs. It usually refers to flowering meadows. Forbs are a tangle of hundreds of diverse and cheerful flowers, spread out in continuous lakes along the floodplains of rivers.

Prishvin's prose can rightfully be called a herb of the Russian language. Prishvin’s words bloom and sparkle. They rustle like grass, mutter like springs, whistle like birds, tinkle like the first ice, and finally lie down in our memory in a slow formation, like the flow of stars.

The tenderness and delight that we experience from contemplating nature is a memory of the time when we were animals, trees, flowers, earth. More precisely: this is the consciousness of unity with everything, hidden from us by time. (Tolstoy L.N.)

The work of a teacher can be compared with the work of a gardener growing various plants. One plant loves the bright light of the sun, another - cool shade; one loves the bank of a stream, the other loves a dry mountain peak. One plant grows best in sandy soil, the other in rich clay soil. Everyone needs special care that is only suitable for him, otherwise he will not achieve perfection in his development. (Abdu'l-Baha)

O people! You are all like the ancestor Eve: What is given to you does not attract;
The serpent constantly calls you to himself, to the mysterious tree;
Give you the forbidden fruit, and without it, heaven is not heaven for you.
(Pushkin A. S)

Here. Flowers for you.
- For what?
- From me to you.
- No, thanks.
- Why?
- People don’t stand in line for bread with flowers.
- And I can take it for you without waiting in line. (David Gotsman)

Pistil, stamen, something else...
Plus something else and it seems like a flower came out! (Children from class 402)

(Canadian-French animated series 52 episodes from the life of charming and not so charming 4th grade students under the guidance of an attentive, tactful, boring, cunning and kind teacher Gracie Graves)

Oh, what joy! There, on TV, some guy with a big mustache gave your mother flowers!
- I would unscrew the ears of this guy with big ears!
- I'll show it to you now. Here he is, this insidious type of civilian appearance! (Winter in Prostokvashino)

37 seconds spent usefully is a whole life.
From the film "The Shop of Miracles".

In a toy store:
- Take these back Christmas decorations- they are defective!
- But excuse me - they are all intact, not beaten, what’s wrong?!
- They’re not happy.

They talk about flowers... with quotes

And God spoke in quotes.
(Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

Me, in quotes! Ah, quote... (Valery Pivovarov)

The most best phrases we say to ourselves...

The most important quote will be the one whose source you cannot find...

People think and speak in quotes, but they don’t notice it... ("Pshekruj")

“Flowers are some kind of material “fluids” that people can exchange with each other” (Olga Shelest)

Flowers must be loved, this is true, but one should not stand on ceremony with them. (Erich Maria Remarque. Arc de Triomphe)

Do you want to know what to do if you did something wrong? The answer is, baby: never ask for forgiveness. Do not say anything. Send flowers. No letters. Only flowers. They cover everything. Even graves. (Erich Maria Remarque. Three comrades)

She walked through life with a huge bouquet of flowers, carelessly scattering them left and right. Everyone who received such a flower considered himself the future owner of the entire bouquet, and on this basis many misunderstandings arose. (Fazil Iskander)

People, in general, did not interfere with him, and if they laughed at him, it was only themselves - they did not let strangers off the hook, and they were right, because he was their fool. In gratitude, the fool turned all the thorns in the area into unknown but beautiful flowers and called them roses. They were of little use; even the cattle did not eat them. However, people soon got used to them, and when the fool gave a bouquet of wonderful flowers to the girl he secretly loved, everyone realized that flowers are the cheapest gift in the world - know, pick them - and they began to grow and cherish them everywhere. (Vyacheslav Zhukov. The heart of a fool)

I would rather be a flower that can only bloom once and die than be a tree that never blooms. I would rather be a spark that burns like a diamond for only one moment and disappears, rather than be a light that illuminates the path for no one... (Diana Del Belflor)

The art of living in harmony with yourself and with the world around you. What is harmony?
Harmony is beauty. There is no beauty without harmony, and there is no harmony without beauty.

“To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot. Remember two important rules to begin with. You’d better starve than eat anything. And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.”


“I have lost my dewdrop,” the flower complains to the morning sky, which has lost all its stars. (Tagore Rabindranath)

The flower child opens her cup and exclaims: “Oh, dear world, please don’t fade!” (Tagore Rabindranath

“You are a big drop of dew under the lotus leaf, and I am a small drop on its upper side,” said Dewdrop to the Lake. (Tagore Rabindranath)

The sunflower blushed at the thought of calling some unknown flower his relative. The sun rose, smiled at the flower and asked: “Are you feeling well, my dear?” (Tagore Rabindranath)

Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when they are kissed by the light. (Tagore Rabindranath)

"O Fruit! How far are you from me?" "I am hidden in your heart, O Flower!" (Tagore Rabindranath)

By tearing off the petals of a flower, you do not gain its beauty. (Tagore Rabindranath)

Of course, I could do without flowers, but they help me maintain self-respect, because they prove that I am not shackled hand and foot by everyday worries. They are evidence of my freedom. (Tagore Rabindranath)

There is more life in the quickly withering petals of a flower than in heavy thousand-year-old blocks of granite. (Ludwig Feuerbach)

Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live. (Hegel G.F.)

Desires are the flowers of love, and pleasures are its fruits. (Helvetius K.)

A weed is a flower that no one likes. (Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

“Flowers are not considered a bribe!..” (Vladimir Zhirinovsky)

Roses smell professional. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

Flowers cut for a bouquet are barbarism in the name of beauty... (Igor Krasnovsky)

A cynic is a person who, smelling flowers, looks around for a coffin. (Henry Mencken)

People give flowers because flowers contain the real meaning of Love.

Women remember ungiven roses for too long.

Oh, how many of them there are in the fields! But each blooms in its own way - this is the highest feat of a flower!

You are the only cactus in the flower garden of my life...

As the Japanese say: “the beauty of a flower is in one flower.”

Although lotuses grow in mud, they make the world clean and fragrant.

Any phrase taken out of context acquires a new, its own meaning. (Vadim Sinyavsky)

A twisted phrase cannot be packaged into an aphorism. (Evgeny Khankin).