Tender words to my beloved husband. The best phrases for men. Unusual words for a man

Even the most brutal representatives of the stronger sex are partial to verbal affection, tenderness and compliments addressed to them. There are phrases that work flawlessly on men. With her support and praise, a woman shows her chosen one that all his efforts are appreciated. In this article we will look at the question of how to praise your lover, as well as why you should say kind words to a man at night.

From this article you will learn:

  • Why a man needs to say kind words not only at night
  • How to say kind words to a man good night under different circumstances

Why do men love kind words so much?

Self-esteem and high self-esteem are traits characteristic of the stronger sex. However, despite its strength and independence, this half of humanity is also very vulnerable. Men need recognition, praise, and high appreciation of their merits and achievements. Therefore, if you want to show your lover that you appreciate him and are proud of him, then use any kind or enthusiastic words.

Remember that you can always find a reason for a compliment. You should not think that only heroes who save human lives from disasters or diseases day and night are worthy of praise. Even in an everyday home environment, it is worth showing the stronger sex that he is loved. Let's say your husband or boyfriend organized a romantic trip out of town or helped wash the dishes after dinner. In a sense, these actions can be considered a real “feat”. Do not skimp on kind words and gratitude, because the person tried to please you.

However, you should not manipulate your lover with praise and use it only in cases where he really “worked hard.” By talking to a man kindly every time you need something from him, you risk developing a kind of reflex in him. In other words, he will associate every compliment you give with another “task.”

Every man needs support and a positive attitude, so do not forget to encourage your loved one and say goodbye to him affectionately before he leaves for work. It is especially important to praise and instill confidence in a person who is experiencing career or life difficulties. Feeling support, faith and love, a man will cope with temporary difficulties faster.

At the end of the working day, the head of the family also needs care, so do not forget to say kind words to the man good night. In a cozy, intimate environment you can sincerely and openly express your feelings.
However, you should not wait for a “special occasion” or a special moment to show your love and devotion. Representatives of the stronger sex enjoy praise and compliments, regardless of the day of the week or time of day.

Kind words to a man for the night under different circumstances

Any Small child very attached to his mother, starting from the moment he is in the womb. A mother’s voice makes any environment cozy and warm, because it is associated with a lullaby. It is with your voice that you can calm, cheer, and even lull.

Affectionate words to your beloved man, for example, good night, should be spoken orally. It doesn’t matter whether you are lying in the same bed or are at a distance, tenderness and love must be shown verbally. Even communicating via messenger.

  1. You are nearby. The familiar environment can be diversified with affectionate words and filled with warmth. Of course, gentle kisses, hugs, and stroking for a loved one can be more important than a thousand compliments. However, it would be useful to supplement physical contact with a gentle whisper. Then a good night and a pleasant awakening for the man are guaranteed.
  2. You are “on Skype.” When communicating via Skype, you cannot touch each other, but you are able to show your love and tenderness with your eyes. A sad, but at the same time loving look and calm, quiet, affectionate words: “We are separated by distance, but our hearts are always together.” This phrase will help a man relax, because even if the separation is small, it is still stressful.
  3. You are “on the phone.” Without seeing each other’s eyes, you have to put all the power of feelings into your voice. Therefore, you need to control intonation, volume and timbre. Don't make a scandal or sort things out before going to bed. Affectionate words for your beloved man at night will be the best reward after have a long day. A gentle purr or a soulful quiet voice, as my mother used to say in childhood, is exactly what a person wants to hear when lying in bed.

Do you want a decent man? Then remember this phrase: “I see a man in you.”

What a surprise I was when, at one of the live master classes or seminars, a girl came up to me and started crying during the break. She is beautiful, cool in appearance and she started crying. She says: “You know, Yaroslav, thank you. I’ve been married for 5 years and I’ve never told my man this.” And she cries. It was during this training that she wrote him an SMS and called him.

And try saying this to your employees at work, your boss, your subordinates, your 7-year-old son and see his reaction.

What kind words should you say to a man at night?

Every representative of the stronger sex needs his woman to regularly tell him how strong, courageous, smart, and successful he is. This gives a man confidence that he is the best for his chosen one, and she is faithful to him.

What does your chosen one want from you?

  1. Support. Circumstances do not always turn out well. Excessive workload, conflicts with colleagues or relatives, housing or financial difficulties - all this affects a man’s life. Constant overwork and lack of sleep at night, emotional tension, stress - all this negatively affects health and well-being.

    Therefore, in difficult circumstances, it is important for any male representative to know and feel that there is a faithful and affectionate companion next to him who will support him in case of failure. Girls in relationships should not forget about this feminine responsibility.

  2. Acknowledgments. There is no need to look for a special reason for such words. Express your gratitude to your loved one for his care, protection, support, help, attention, etc. It is enough to affectionately thank him even for simply being next to you that night.
  3. Praise. Every man expects to receive approval for every action he takes. It is important for him to understand that, firstly, he did everything right, and secondly, he turned out to be right. Remember that praise must be sincere. It is unlikely that a person will be happy with the sarcastic phrase: “Finally threw out the trash? Well, really!” Such statements sound offensive and unpleasant. An arrogant grin can offend your husband or boyfriend.

    If a man really showed imagination or incredible organizational skills (for example, received a promotion, bought a last-minute ticket, etc.), then you should not skimp on words of gratitude. Show your chosen one that you have always believed in him.

  4. Love. All people on the planet need to be loved. Therefore, remind your loved one of your feelings more often. Say kind words to your man at night or with your words inspire him to new achievements at the beginning of the day.
  5. Compliments. Few people know that the stronger sex is not indifferent to words of admiration no less than fair half humanity. Praise your lover not only for his intelligence and masculinity, but also for his beautiful appearance.
    If before going to the theater or restaurant your spouse or boyfriend has cleaned himself up and put on his best suit, then give him a compliment so that his efforts do not seem in vain. Say that he looks stylish and presentable.

Important to remember! With admiration you will raise a person’s self-esteem, and with gratitude you will improve his mood. Keep in mind that even small phrases can inspire and encourage.

Examples of affectionate words that you should regularly say to your lover at night:

  • Cute;
  • Darling;
  • gentle;
  • affectionate;
  • sweet;
  • the only one;
  • best;
  • wonderful;
  • crazy;
  • strong;
  • real;
  • Beautiful;
  • fairy;
  • beloved;
  • unique;
  • brave;
  • soft;
  • shining;
  • delicious;
  • fluffy;
  • hot;
  • temperamental;
  • attentive;
  • unusual;
  • magic;
  • clear;
  • caring;
  • desired;
  • sincere;
  • long-awaited;
  • unforgettable;
  • sexual;
  • talented;
  • omnipotent;
  • hot;
  • erotic.

What you need to pay attention to when saying kind words to a man at night:

  1. Voice timbre. When speaking kind words to a guy for the night, watch both your words and your voice. He should be quiet, soulful, gentle. Start with a pleasant purr and move on to an intimate whisper.
  2. Intonation. When communicating with a loved one, you should not “turn on” the drama theater actress. Speak sincerely, because you are not on stage or in front of an audience. Affectionate words spoken from the heart will be more pleasant than any pretentious phrases.
  3. Volume. You should not raise your voice in such intimate moments. Your tenderness is intended for the one who is nearby, and not for strangers. Especially at night.
  4. Double meaning. “Without subtle hints, true eroticism is impossible,” said Milan Kundera.

    Searching for double meaning is a favorite pastime of most women. However, in some situations, a man will also like veiled hints. For example, comparing the palms of a lover with the hands of a pianist.

Kind words to a man for the night during intimacy

If the situation becomes more and more intimate, then one of the following phrases will help to attract a man:

  • Darling, I'm all yours...
  • I want to feel your hands on my body...
  • I want you!
  • I want to feel you inside...
  • Tonight you will be my master...
  • Make me moan...
It is important to remember that such affectionate phrases must be appropriate and timely. By choosing the wrong moment, you can create the impression of a frivolous girl or a lover of a “one-woman show.”

There are some feminine tricks that will allow gentle words to sound even more convincing:

  1. Call the man affectionately. The name, shortened to a pet name, sounds even more intimate at night. For example, Alexey can be called Leshenka, and Evgeniy can be called Zhenechka. However, you should choose the right form so as not to sound rude or too businesslike. So, Alex is more suitable for a friendly environment, and Lekha is more suitable for fishing companions. Yes, and Evgeniy should not be called Zhenka, otherwise there will be no trace of the romance and sexual atmosphere.
  2. Use adjectives: beloved, only, desired, affectionate, etc. The voice should sound passionate and soulful.
  3. Ask for more. In most cases, men get even more turned on when they see an insatiable woman. You can add fire using the phrases: “I want you more!”, “Don’t stop...”, “Go harder...”.
  4. Add light natural moans to the process. Words especially excite men if they are spoken on the exhale, in a muffled or slightly hoarse voice.

Before uttering intimate words or phrases, you should think about the possible reaction of the interlocutor. Different people they make different statements: gentle, rude, vulgar, poetic, etc. Some prefer modest women in bed, others prefer experienced and liberated lovers. Saying kind words to a man good night in prose or poetry - the choice is yours. However, it is worth “testing the waters” before setting the tone of the conversation, so as not to find yourself in an awkward situation.

Why is it important to say kind words to a man when you don’t fall asleep together?

What we hear when we go to bed determines how sound and pleasant our sleep will be, as well as how refreshing the morning will be. A wise woman does not arrange a showdown or serious dialogues in bed, but selects a special moment for this.

What a couple discusses before going to bed determines what kind of night it will be. What should you tell your loved one if you fall asleep in different beds? You should not show excessive sexuality, because an excited man will not be able to sleep. We share a few examples of how to talk to your lover in the evenings:

  • Darling, don't be upset! It remains to wait just a little, a couple more nights and we will fall asleep in each other's arms.
  • Wait for me at night, we will meet in a dream!
  • Sleep tight, my dear. I love you more than anyone in the world. Every moment my head is filled with thoughts about you. We will meet soon and will not be apart for so long again.

Some may think that these words sound too cloying. However, they help create a special atmosphere in which sleeping alone does not seem so dull.

Kind words to a man for the night in SMS

  • It's hard for me to fall asleep if you're not with me. Let's quickly close our eyes and find ourselves together, at least in our dreams.
  • May your sleep be peaceful. I look forward to meeting you and being in your strong and gentle hands.
  • Sleep tight tonight, because I need you strong, energetic, healthy and positive.
  • It’s hard to find words to tell how lonely I am without you. But I know that soon we will be together. Only this hope gives me the strength to sleep at night. May your visions be calm and joyful!
  • My love for you inspires me. But if these wings could take me to you, I would already be there to protect your sensitive sleep all night, and in the morning to meet you with a tender kiss.
  • The world plunged into darkness, freeing us from turmoil and anxiety. I wish you peace, serenity and peaceful dreams this night. Let the Moon look into your window and give you her best dreams. She sends you a tender and affectionate kiss from me!
  • The force with which the stars and the Moon revolve around the Sun cannot even compare with the strength of my love. It's hard for me to control myself when you're not around. But this night I will be calm, because tomorrow I will be in your arms!
  • Today I again imagine myself appearing in your dream, and I feel like the most loved one in the world.

Other options for short SMS with kind words to a guy for the night

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

Hello, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in the psychology of relationships and over the years of practice I have helped more than 10,000 girls meet worthy soul mates, build harmonious relationships and return love and understanding to families that were on the verge of divorce.

More than anything, I am inspired by the happy eyes of students who meet the people of their dreams and enjoy a truly vibrant life.

My goal is to show women a way to develop relationships that will help them create a synergy of success and happiness!

The way to a man is through his stomach, but a woman loves with her ears. This has long been considered to be the case. But the fact that men are the stronger sex, our rear and defenders, does not mean that they do not like praise, compliments and affectionate statements. Even the most serious and desperate guys are by no means primitive creatures, they also have a soul, feelings, and they probably crave your attention and manifestations of love. Therefore, dear women, give up existing stereotypes and stop just waiting for beautiful words, it’s time to learn and choose and use pleasant words for the man you love. Think about how you can characterize or what or who you associate your soulmate with when choosing what you can call a guy in an affectionate, unusual way. If you lack imagination or courage, this article is for you.

Endearing words for a man

To choose the right words, you need to be familiar with the character and temperament of a person, so that they are correctly perceived and beautiful words for a man do not mean excessive lisp or cause a funny reaction. If you have never (or very rarely) used affectionate address to a man before, you can start by including the following in your vocabulary:

  • sensitive;
  • attentive;
  • significant;
  • the only one;
  • special;
  • caring;
  • handyman;
  • Beautiful;
  • charming;
  • brave;
  • native.

So, when the beginning has been made, and the man is already prepared, the time has come to fight on the spot, to bring additional emotions, warmth and tenderness into your relationship. You can combine single words into phrases and expressions. Heavy artillery of words:

  • refined;
  • brutal;
  • ideal;
  • with an impeccable sense of humor;
  • purposeful;
  • sexual;
  • wonderful lover;
  • real and sincere;
  • best.

The most favorite compliments and expressions for men’s ears:

  1. You're driving me crazy!
  2. No one will ever compare to you.
  3. You are the only one in the world.
  4. You are the smartest and most insightful.
  5. What impeccable taste you have.
  6. Every woman dreams of someone like you, but you are mine!
  7. You are the meaning of my life…

This is only the smallest part of the abundance of options available. It is important to use gentle, beautiful words for your beloved man for a specific circumstance.

  1. What gentle hands you have!
  2. Your laughter is very contagious.
  3. I had no idea you were such a risk taker.
  4. You are simply magical in bed!

All available compliments can be divided into several subgroups:

  • about his sexuality;
  • about his strength, masculinity and status;
  • individually selected, that is, based on his personal qualities, merits or talents;
  • Well, funny, causing laughter and a smile.

It is best if you select pleasant words for a man from different categories.

Basic mistakes that should not be made

It would seem that there is nothing easier than coming up with kind words to your beloved guy. But still, there are some tips and tricks to prevent your significant other from feeling awkward.

  1. Tell your man only the truth. Your statements must come from the depths of your soul. After all, lies and flattery are very visible and such compliments most likely will not cheer up your lover. Praise the guy for his specific actions.
  2. Speak kindly and sincerely. Of course, if kind words are spoken indifferently to a beloved man, they will not only not give him pleasure, but will most likely upset him or make him wary. You yourself should enjoy what you say, your eyes should light up, and at least a smile should shine on your lips. If you're in a bad mood or feeling bad, this shouldn't affect your compliments; it's better to save them for when you're in a better mood.
  3. Know when to stop.
  4. It is absolutely right that you have introduced a tradition of praising and encouraging your lover, but you should understand that if you say nothing but good, pleasant words to your beloved guy all day long, this can become too intrusive and begin to irritate him. Or worse, he will get so used to them that he will stop listening and paying attention to them. Be original. Try to avoid banal, hackneyed phrases. After all, your man is special and deserves the most best words
  5. ! Don't disappoint him.

Try to say beautiful words for your beloved guy when you are alone with him. After all, for most guys, your tenderness is a very personal, even intimate moment. But you can express your admiration and feelings anywhere: in nature, on the street, at home, at a party, the main thing is that your revelations are not heard by strangers, there is no need to embarrass your loved one. You can say it in a whisper in your ear...

After all the nuances are taken into account, you can continue to experiment and come up with affectionate nicknames for the guy.

When you fantasize about what to affectionately call your beloved man, you should take into account his temperament and habits. It will be easy for you to come up with a pleasant, affectionate nickname, because most likely in your couple, like in others, there are features that can be played on. If your relationship is in the nascent stage, then it is better to introduce diminutive derivatives of his name into use, for example, Dimochka, Sashenka, Maksimka, Kolenka, and the like. A man loves when his name is spoken often. You can incline it in different ways, and it won’t hurt to add additional tenderness to it, like dear, dear, beloved. If you are an experienced couple, then all horizons open up here. Don't limit yourself to a bunny and a cat, appear more openly. To make it easier to understand, we will offer you some options:

  • tiger cub;
  • lapula;
  • lion cub;
  • my treasure;
  • lampumpusechka;
  • baby dragon;
  • pepper;
  • prickly thorn;
  • little baby

In fact, the list of words has no end, the main thing is to find individual approach. It is important to monitor your reaction young man, and if the kind words you came up with for your beloved guy seemed offensive, incomprehensible to him, as a result he frowned or changed his face, just turn it all into a joke, kiss him and don’t use such expressions again.

Dear girls, women, wives, now you have an idea of ​​what you can say nice things to a guy. Don’t be shy or embarrassed, please and pamper your loved one! There are an insane number of options for how to affectionately call a man, but the most win-win would be to simply say the most priceless words again: “Darling, I love you very much!” Love each other, be happy!

Darling! My feelings for you resemble a fire-breathing volcano, and my heart melts with passion even at the random thought of you. This attraction burns my soul, and the only one who can put out this unquenchable fire is you. Because I love you very much!

My dear, love for you has turned me into a real mathematician. I multiply tenderness and sensuality, add passion and affection, take away doubts and prejudices, divide all dreams, emotions and impressions into two. I want to do these fascinating calculations all my life.

Dear, I incredibly value our relationship with you! You are the person with whom I can be myself, because harmony and mutual understanding reign between us! I am happy that next to me is the most reliable, loyal, caring and loving man! I love you with all my heart and I hope that the fire of our love will burn brighter every day!

My happiness! This love covers me headlong, like the salty waves of a restless sea, my pulse beats louder than the noisy surf, and my thoughts become incoherent and fragmentary, like foamy splashes sparkling under the sun. But believe me, my feelings are stronger than anything: the endless sea, the tireless wind and even the dazzling sun!

Darling! You are the best man on Earth and that’s why I chose you! There is no other person in the world who can make my heart laugh and cry with love at the same time. When I see your smile, I melt with positivity, when you are not around, I feel sad and lonely. I don't want to be apart from you even for a minute. I love you so much!

I used to enjoy dreams and colorful dreams, because the world of dreams and fantasies is bright, exciting and interesting. But love for you made my reality more beautiful than all fairy-tale dreams and magical dreams. Thank you for making my reality happy and incredible.

Darling! My feelings for you resemble a violent geyser, voluptuous emotions simply knock you off your feet and carry you to heaven. These emotional impulses are only becoming more violent, swifter and hotter every day, and I am afraid that soon I will not be able to control them, because I love you very much!

Without you, beloved, the joy of life would not be full to the brim! Only next to you did I find such cozy happiness and a magical feeling of absolute security. I believe that our feelings will accompany us forever, giving beautiful bright sunrises and fabulous gentle sunsets.

Love lives in my heart, filling it with hopes, inspiration, tenderness, your every smile ignites the flame of my love, your confessions are a sweet elixir for my soul. When you are near, beloved, the world around you turns into a fairy tale, wings grow, talents blossom and dreams come true. May love never cease to delight and delight us for many years to come!

Next to you, I am infinitely happy, the sun seems exceptionally bright, life seems amazingly beautiful, any task seems feasible. Looking into your eyes, I fly in the clouds of dreams and rejoice at the reciprocity of our bright feelings, not completely believing my luck. Love you!

The man you love needs to be pampered. Or that guy who you really like and is currently your favorite. An unusual solution that we women sometimes forget is compliments. Everyone loves them. But what compliments can you give a guy?

What if a compliment said in your own words seems inappropriate? Is it possible to find funny phrases for this, will the recipient be offended?

No, he won’t be offended, but will be amazed, flattered and surprised! And once again he will be convinced of your affection and love. Try to speak kind and affectionate words, and then... Well, you'll see for yourself.

Important rules, or Don't forget about submission

So the task is clear. You need to learn how to correctly give original compliments to a guy. Either funny or pleasant - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that he is touched, hooked, in some cases even excited, and compliments become part of your relationship.

You probably need to imagine yourself in his place, that is, imagine that you are a little bit of a man. Yes, an unfamiliar situation. But this is the only way to rehearse the tone, facial expressions, gestures and even touches at the moment when kind words are spoken. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, don’t forget that a guy won’t appreciate a compliment on his “new pants”; he’s not a girl. You should forget about the wardrobe, at least in this form.

What then? You need to learn the rules that will help you not only pronounce a compliment correctly, say pleasant words, but also assure (once again!) of the softness, tenderness and depth of your feelings!

Men like unobtrusive compliments, short, succinct and meaningful. To do this, you need:

  • Remember that the left – “feminine” side – is responsible for emotions and expression of feelings in men. At a congress on psychology, recently held in Berlin and bringing together world luminaries, it was proven that gentle words should pronounced in the left ear, but tasks that require execution are on the right.

    A man will quickly forget how sexy and kind he is if you tell him about it in his right ear. But to the left is what you need! All that remains is to sneak up behind you, hug you by the shoulders and whisper exactly those words, slightly touching your ear with your lips. The answer won't take long to arrive!

  • Emphasize with words truly masculine, “tribal” qualities: sexuality, endurance, willpower, etc. You can also add personality traits that you adore about him. You love him for something special, something that caught your eye on the first date. Remind him of this more often, especially if the relationship begins at a distance. You can even write a poem or delight in prose.
  • Do not pay attention to appearance: this is secondary for a guy - he is taught such a thought from childhood. But emphasizing in a compliment those parts of the body that excite is a non-trivial decision. These can be strong arms, wide chests and even elastic buttocks, why hide it!
  • Don't babysit - guys don't like that. Choose an intimately exciting whisper and give a compliment with your whole body: with your eyes, smile, hands, slightly touching. Light flirting, a special mood, a few grams of excitement will not be superfluous!
  • Remove the irony and sarcasm that run through each of us when communicating with our loved ones. “Darling, I didn’t know that you know how to use a hammer so well: the wall is intact and your fingers are in place.” . What is this anyway? Your own bitter experience, dragged from past relationships? But they are no longer there, and your man, good, affectionate and extraordinary, is with you!
Giving compliments, as it turns out, is as easy as shelling pears. Pronounce your words with feeling, love and never forget that there are never too many beautiful words!

TOP 100 list of compliments for a guy

You don’t know how to write beautifully (and you’re not used to it, initially there were only SMS messages), you’re not accustomed to offline correspondence, but you want to conquer and surprise him. Remember that the moment is important for a compliment, and it doesn’t have to be an evening together. Imagine that you just made eye contact while wallpapering a wall, pushing a car, or something else. And you understand: you need to speak right now.

The following list of phrases (as an example) can be bold, creative and unobtrusive:

  1. “You are kindness itself, and it’s in every part of you!”
  2. “You are the reason for my happiness!”
  3. “I adore you for your determination. You won’t go anywhere with you!”
  4. “You excite me!” (Probably no one can resist such a compliment. Important nuance- is to be ready to continue. You can practice your pronunciation by going to a photo or mirror.)
  5. "You are a real man!"
  6. “I feel warm with you!”
  7. “I love your golden hands. You are the true master of the house!”
  8. “You are my wings! I can’t fly without you.”
  9. “I love your confidence. She makes it so easy to look into the future!”
  10. “You are my pink dream!”
  11. “Your hands attract me like a magnet!”
  12. “You are very sexy without a top!” (I mean - without a T-shirt or shirt.)
  13. “Creativity is part of you, so we never get bored!”
  14. “You are my angel, so take care of us both!”
  15. “You are my world, filled to the brim!”
  16. “I love you for your lightness. Always remain like this!”
  17. “You are the most reliable, so I’m with you as if stone wall
  18. "I'm proud of you!"
  19. “With you, even to the ends of the earth, and right now!”
  20. “I’m nowhere without you!” (In the sense of life path.)
  21. “You are my Al Pacino!”
  22. “Wow, this jacket/jeans/blazer suits you!”
  23. “I love it when you smile!”
  24. “You are my hope and support!”
  25. “You are a long-awaited miracle!”
  26. “This is how I imagined you!”
  27. “I love your reaction! And how can you keep all this in your head?!”
  28. "You are my God!"
  29. “If you didn’t fall in love with me at first sight, I’ll have to pass you by one more time!”
  30. “I wanted to have a kitten as a child, but my parents forbade it. But now I have the best kitten - it’s you!”
  31. “I want to be in your arms and lose something... For example, peace of mind.”
  32. “When you kiss me, I lose my head!”
  33. “I found the best man of my life - it turned out to be you!”
  34. “Do you know what electricity is? It's when you touch my neck with your fingertips."
  35. “You are the only person in the world on whose shoulder you can comfortably fall asleep.”
  36. “When you do housework, I want to look at you forever!”
  37. “You have a great eye for great films!”
  38. “I can talk to you endlessly - you always have a great story in stock!”
  39. “I love it when you hug me with your eyes...”
  40. “I just melt in your arms like chocolate ice cream...”
  41. “You are so reliable - I feel very good with you.”
  42. “You are so brave, courageous - and at the same time caring. I love it."
  43. “You look amazing in this suit.”
  44. “You are the cup of my favorite coffee that I’m dying to drink!”
  45. “You read my thoughts better than a cool psychologist!”
  46. “Your smile is simply crazy!”
  47. “I'm proud of your persistence. Only real men do this!”
  48. “I adore you for your romance!”
  49. “I'm so lucky to have you. It’s great that I can always rely on you!”
  50. “It makes me so happy to see how much you care about me. This is very valuable to me!”
  51. “I really like the way you communicate with your parents, it’s immediately clear that they raised a real man!”
  52. “You are incredibly charming!”
  53. “Next to you, my life has taken on a new meaning!”
  54. “You are incredibly talented. I'm your fan!"
  55. “Before I met you, I only read about alpha males in books!”
  56. “I adore your look, it really attracts me!”
  57. “How do you manage to be both cheeky and affectionate at the same time? It drives me crazy!"
  58. "You are the best!" (This phrase works for almost all types of men of any age.)
  59. "You turn Me On!"
  60. “You are the only one for me!”
  61. “Behind you I’m like behind a stone wall!”
  62. “I’m so calm next to you!” (Same effect as in the phrase “stone wall.”)
  63. “I breathe you!” (You can change the ending to “alive.”)
  64. "I miss your hugs."
  65. “You are so insatiable!”
  66. “I trust you with everything!”
  67. “I want to wake up next to you every morning!”
  68. “You can be so gentle!”
  69. “Your kisses drive me crazy!” (Let him try more often.)
  70. "You are the man of my dreams!"
  71. “You are unsurpassed!” (In a specific case).
  72. “You know me inside and out” (A wonderful phrase that creates trust.)
  73. “I love your touch!”
  74. Next, in alphabetical order for each letter:
    A - Ambitious, authoritative.
  75. B - Fearless, incomparable.
  76. B - Attentive.
  77. G - Gallant.
  78. D - Good, dear.
  79. E - The only one.
  80. F - Desired.
  81. Z - Wonderful, caring.
  82. I - Sincere.
  83. K - Cool.
  84. L - Best.
  85. M - Courageous.
  86. N - Reliable, irreplaceable.
  87. O - Brave, charming.
  88. P - Enterprising, understanding.
  89. R - Romantic, respectable.
  90. S - Strong, brave, passionate.
  91. T - Hardworking, temperamental, talented.
  92. U - Smart.
  93. F - Fartovy.
  94. X - Brave.
  95. C - Purposeful.
  96. H - Honest, sensitive.
  97. Sh - Chic.
  98. Sh - Generous.
  99. E - Energetic, elegant.
  100. Me - I never cease to admire you!
Do you understand that 100 compliments for your beloved guy is not so much?

On a note

Making your boyfriend happy is easy for any girl; it’s enough to surround him with care, attention and don’t forget about praise. Do you want to talk about the main thing? Send him a funny text message, write a note and leave it on the refrigerator when you leave. In a word, let them feel your love and desire to be together.

An important point in this delicate matter- own heart. Listen to him - and speak, speak, say gentle, kind words to your boyfriend! A compliment is a powerful signal, a kind of amulet and a magical symbol that will tell you that everything is in order with your relationship: you are a support for him, a friend, a partner, and a lover all rolled into one. Knowing that you are loved is one thing, but hearing is a very special pleasure...

These words, like birds, will fly to those who need them. They are for those who deserve to be called them! Tell him these words beautifully...

  1. Dear, dear, beloved... You are the best man in the world! You are even better than the best. And I am the happiest. Tell me that we are a beautiful couple? The best and happiest. We can switch “roles”: I will make you the happiest, and you will make me the best. I love you so much that it’s difficult to even say it, because there are no suitable words. Feel my love with all your best heart. (Prose).
  2. Today, again and again, I re-read all your messages saved in your mobile phone. I am sure that I will never delete them, since they are dear to me. Every word written in “text message” opens up a “second wind” of inspiration in me. I know all your “telephone letters” are practically by heart. Which one do I like better? Each! And each in its own way. They contain parts of you and rays of your energy. I will be pleased if you write to me again and again. And I will answer them so that you love me more.
  3. Beautiful expressions for your beloved man in prose. - Everything is like in a dream... Your eyes, your lips, your facial features, your hair, your body…. I can't believe that all these treasures are yours. And you gave yourself to me. Thank you very much for such a gift! I will not say that I am unworthy of such a gift, because I am sure that you will try to dissuade me. I will say this: we deserve each other. And we will always be worth each other - always! This is what I promise you and I will not stop promising you.

Words of Love to a loved one

  1. Do you know why I believe in miracles? Because the miracle is you! Beloved, plunge into my eyes, fill the niche of emptiness with your gaze... I won’t get tired of repeating “I love you.” I won’t get tired of repeating “I’m sorry.” I will cover your life with love, so that in this life you will rarely be sad...
  2. I have asked you for forgiveness so often... I ask him, from you, this time too. For what? Because the sun in the sky is warmer than me. But I don’t need his warmth: you are my only sunshine, with whom I will never have to feel cold. Thank you for your sunshine, my love!
  3. I love chocolates as much as you love cars. But I'm ready to give up sweets if you ask. I don’t ask you to do the same, because, thanks to your car, you come to me faster, without wasting extra time on trolleybuses and buses. Let's get into your beautiful and comfortable car and rush to the ends of the world, where only you and I will be together... I, next to you, have nothing to fear. And, the ends of the world - even more so. Well, let's go, or will we fly there on the wings of crazy love?
  4. You are mine a big secret which is hidden in my heart. But I’m ready to open it to the whole world! I'm ready to scream that you are my favorite. I am ready to whisper endlessly that you are the best and most wonderful. But only you can hear my whispers and my screams, because you feel me. And you love so much that the clouds seem very low... Love you!
  5. In your gaze is my reflection. I know that we will be together forever. I love you. I adore you! And only about you, day and night, I dream... I dream that you will always be near. I will carry all my feelings for you through the years... (beautiful words about life and love in prose).
  6. Do you like it when I call you bunny or sunshine, beloved or dear. I'll call you whatever you want. Only, I beg you very much: do not disappear like a sincere dawn. I can't survive your disappearance! Stay close, I beg you. You are everything I need in earthly life.
  7. I love, respect, appreciate, adore... What else can I tell you so that you are there every split second? I'm ready to say everything! And I’m ready to do whatever you say. I'm obsessed with you, I can't go a day without you... I miss you, I love you, I promise to always love you.
  8. Your eyes are the bottomlessness of the turquoise sky. I want to plunge into it, swim, and not emerge. If I drown, don’t save me: I dreamed, all my life, of drowning in your eyes. They are the most beautiful thing in the white world...

Prose of beautiful words

  1. Prose. - When I say “love”, you lower your eyes. Are you embarrassed to reciprocate? Do not be shy! I am waiting for your reciprocity, living in words and in the heart. I'm really looking forward to your “I love you.” This word, for me, is a big and long-awaited holiday.
  2. When I see your whole body, I become a very small child who knows only one word: “I want.” I want you…. I love…. I think about you at night, and during the day, and in the morning. I don’t know when more often, but I’m sure that I love you, that I miss you, and that I won’t give you away to anyone.
  3. To your loved one. You are sweet, you are bitter, you are salty, you are sour. You have everything taste qualities. That is why I may not eat, being full and looking at you. You are my ice cream and my favorite cake. Aren't you offended by me for calling you that? Thank you for allowing me to do this too. You are the best man!
  4. Your body is impeccable, your face is amazing, your physique is beautiful, your voice is wonderful... I just can’t live without you and I don’t want to be without you. Don't let me be alone: ​​you are my life! I am (without you) absolutely nothing.
  5. You are more valuable than mom and dad. You are more valuable than all the most precious people in the world. Don't be surprised: my love is the power of the entire Universe. Even stronger! And you will feel it when I give you billions of my kisses.
  6. There are no such people anymore. You're the one. And so unique that I’m even surprised. I had no idea that such things existed in the world. You are the only one. And you are mine. Thank you very much for this. I’m so glad that it’s me and not someone else who’s with you….
  7. I am a girl - the wind. But you can turn me into a sweetheart girl if you say you love me. After all, you are more tender than all tenderness, more affectionate than all caresses... Transform me into the one you like more and stronger. I will agree to any transformation.

P birth of a beautiful Topics:

Beautiful and tender words about love. -

Affectionate and warm words to your beloved man.