House for 300 thousand rubles turnkey. How to build a house on a limited budget (60 photos). Choosing an inexpensive house roof

Build a house for 300 thousand rubles is quite real. Where to begin?

The first step is to resolve the issue with the site on which it is planned to build a house. Before making a purchase, you should study the soil and check the level of groundwater flow. If it is high, it can significantly complicate work in the future and reduce the quality of construction as a whole.

Then you need to assess the upcoming costs. It is important to understand what basic needs the funds will be spent on, and most importantly, how much. In addition to purchasing a plot of land, you will have to spend money on building a house, installing electricity, heating, plumbing, and finishing work. Among other things, you should take into account minor (compared to the above-mentioned expenses) expenses.

The next step will be hiring a contractor, when choosing which you should be guided by the following rules:

  • Such a person must have experience in similar work;
  • To simplify your task and save a lot of time, you need to find a person who has his own special equipment and tools;
  • It is important to know that the selected contractor is able to provide guarantees on quality and completion of work on time.
Even if it is decided to build a house for 300 thousand rubles, this does not mean that it should not meet the following mandatory requirements:
  • strength is the key to the success and durability of the house;
  • it must certainly be warm;
  • construction must be carried out exclusively from environmentally friendly building materials;
  • and, of course, beauty is an integral part and a prerequisite, because every owner wants to see this result at the end of all the work done.

House layout for 300 thousand rubles

First you need to decide on the layout of your future home. This is a very important part of the preparation before starting work, on which the future comfort and coziness of the room directly depends.

At this stage, it is determined how many rooms there will be, where, what size, windows, doors, where various communications will be located.

Today, houses of various shapes with any elements and additions are being built. To the question - how to build a house for 300 thousand rubles, the best answer would be a standard square layout. The secret of saving at this stage of construction is very simple - in houses in which the perimeter of the walls is smaller in relation to the entire area of ​​​​the room and is the most profitable. And this is far from the only trick that will reduce costs.

Building the foundation

Since this is the most basic and most important part of the entire construction, experts do not recommend saving on it. In order to invest the intended amount, it is best to use a bored foundation, where special pillars are drilled into the ground and then filled with concrete. Then a monolithic grillage is installed above the ground. There is still a drawback - if the soil has different densities in one place or another, there is a risk of some pillar subsiding. Therefore, a soil analysis is done in advance.

There is another great option - a strip foundation. It has a large support area, which in turn makes the base more reliable. Even with a small landing, the foundation will not crack, since it settles entirely.

On average, the foundation costs about seventy thousand rubles, including work.

What to build a house basement from

As for the base, the most successful one will be made of red brick, which will help level the wall and crushed stone block. An important point in this work is its subsequent insulation, since it is through the basement that a house can lose up to thirty percent of all its heat. That is why such a step is mandatory. In order to build a house for 300 thousand rubles, you need to save everywhere and on everything. Therefore, the base is no exception.

To work with insulation and waterproofing, it is better to use fifty-millimeter polystyrene foam and isospan. As for backfilling, you can kill two birds with one stone. The soil for the base must be taken from a cesspool, which will later be used for sewage. That's savings! You only have to pay for the work of the excavator. For everything about the base and all the parts necessary for work, you will need around fifteen thousand rubles.

We build house walls up to 300 thousand

In fact, building a house for 300 thousand rubles is a difficult task, but it can be done. Therefore, in order to save money when building walls, it is best to use expanded clay concrete or gas silicate blocks. In the first case, the wall thickness will be nineteen centimeters, and in the second, thirty.

You should think about this point in advance, even before starting planning. The gas silicate box will be much warmer, so the owners will never encounter fungus on the walls. The expanded clay-concrete option, although it requires additional basalt-based insulation, is still cheaper in itself. On top of such a wall it will be necessary to make a monolithic belt, which in turn will act as lintels under the windows. The second option for a jumper can be a regular metal corner. But it is largely inferior to the first, if only because it rusts over time, which becomes noticeable on the plaster and, as a result, on the wallpaper.

Taking into account the cost of only external expanded clay concrete walls, and including the work of erecting a box without a roof, it will cost approximately seventy thousand rubles.

In another case, when gas silicate blocks were used for construction, taking into account also the work, and only the external walls without internal partitions, the amount of costs will be approximately sixty to seventy thousand rubles.

As for the partitions inside the box, they are made in various ways. Here, for example, is drywall, which is installed on a metal frame. It is an excellent material for this matter. In addition, this option does not require a foundation, which in turn facilitates and speeds up the work of builders. Costs at this stage can reach twenty thousand rubles.

Briefly about house floors up to 300 thousand

This question depends on what kind of house is being built. For example, for an attic house, reinforced concrete slabs are used as flooring. If the building is one-story, then it would be more rational to use a wooden option. To do this, use boards with a cross-section of 200X50, after which they are laid alternately in increments of seventy centimeters.

The entire work, taking into account the rough covering, slate and boards and other necessary parts, will cost forty thousand rubles.

Choosing an inexpensive house roof

Roofing work is no less important stage than all previous ones. For a more economical option, you can use the usual, but good in its characteristics, and most importantly durable material - slate.

Choosing a budget house cladding

For work such as wall cladding, you can use materials that differ in quality, price and other criteria. But since this case provides an example of how you can build a house for 300 thousand rubles, you should note such options as:
  • Vinyl siding, the price of which can cost approximately twenty thousand rubles.
  • Facade panels will cost a significant amount.
  • Basement siding also cannot be called a cheap option.
  • Facing brick. Externally, this option is very beautiful, but it’s hard to call it budget.

Turnkey house for 300 thousand rubles

Since it is unrealistic for one home owner to do all the work, many turn to special companies for help. To immediately clarify what a “turnkey house” is, it is necessary to note the fact that the customer takes part in and controls the entire project, the choice of materials, layout, etc.

Here a list of works and concerns that will fall on the shoulders of the owner of the house being built:

  1. Choosing the location of the house and purchasing this land;
  2. Independent development of a house project, if you have such skills at work. If not, you can leave this matter to specialists;
  3. Search for a contractor. Unlike building a house yourself, where, as a rule, ordinary workers are hired, here it is better to contact a specialized company. This is necessary in order to insure yourself. If workers from that company turn out to be unscrupulous, then employers will be able to hold them accountable for their mistakes and blunders, since they are officially employed there. But simple workers can screw you up, turn around and leave, and you won’t be able to do anything about it within the framework of the law. In addition, there is another huge advantage in hiring an official contractor - payment of money for materials and work can be done in stages;
  4. It is possible to carry out certain simple work yourself, which in turn will reduce certain costs;
  5. Independent selection of building materials. This is a huge advantage, since you can choose exactly the products that you will like both in material terms and in quality. After all, you should not forget that it is advisable to use environmentally friendly materials to build a house. So, for example, wooden beams are environmentally friendly, retain heat well, and prices for goods from domestic manufacturers are lower than those from foreign ones.
And the construction and finishing of the house itself will fall on the shoulders of the builders. Ultimately, the customer receives a finished house that will fit into all his desires and possibilities. In other words, I ordered it and accepted the job. This option is suitable for busy people who do not have extra time to spend at a construction site. In addition, such a service as a “turnkey house” includes all the finishing, communications, installation of doors and windows - in general, everything that is necessary for a comfortable life.

Many people ask the question: is it possible to build a turnkey house for 300 thousand rubles? The answer is yes, perhaps only in austerity mode. As a result of the work done, you can get a small but cozy house. And the most important thing is that after the builders hand over the result to the owner, you can calmly come in and live for your own pleasure.

In order to invest in the intended amount and build a beautiful, high-quality and comfortable house, you should pay attention to the following things:
  • When drawing up the layout of this structure, it is important that the final result is compact and as functional as possible. This solution will reduce overall costs by approximately fifteen percent.
  • Materials for building a house should preferably be made using new technologies. It should be taken into account that the correct design solutions in this matter will help save money by thirty percent.
  • Some construction work can be carried out independently, which in turn will help reduce costs by twenty percent.
Don't forget that even a budget house for 300 thousand rubles can be turned into a cozy nest for the whole family.

In the early spring of 2006, I came to work in Moscow. Like other newcomers, he started with rented housing. By 2008, I was already pretty fed up with the prices and condition of this housing, as well as the “services” of realtors. I started looking for an alternative.

I will not bore the reader with a description of all the options and factors I considered and calculated, but by the fall of 2008 the idea was formed in its final form:
- buy the cheapest garage in the place closest to work and comfortable for living,
- design and build housing (the project will depend on the specific conditions of the construction site),
- costs should be minimal (since it is unreasonable to make large investments in a pilot project) and phased (since it is unreasonable to spend the entire budget at once),
- the planned budget of the project is about 300 thousand rubles. Yes, that’s right - approximately the annual cost of renting housing in Moscow.

(Total 55 photos)

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When choosing a construction site, everything is simple. I looked through all the advertisements for the sale of garages, chose the cheapest options, inspected them (immediately with an eye to the possibility of rebuilding them into housing), carried out reconnaissance of the area and interviewed the aborigines (for the presence of other interesting options, the nature of the environment, possibilities for connecting to electricity, prospects for demolition and etc.). As a result, on September 27, 2008, a metal garage was selected and purchased for only 45,000 rubles, a 10-minute walk from the metro, in a prestigious area of ​​the capital, 9 km from work and only 10 km from the Kremlin.

Construction was carried out on weekends, using our own resources (1 person). A great warm-up after a week of office work on the computer! So the benefits of the project include saving on going to the gym. During the active phase of construction, the phrase that was relevant to me was: “Oh-oh-oh, it’s finally Monday!!!”

1. We disassemble (and in some places simply break down) the old garage. We carefully store the released metal nearby - we will need it later.

2. Rear view.

3. Clearing the construction site for a new building...

4. ...and level the ground.

5. We bring KAMAZ sand...

6. ...and level the sand cushion to the design mark.

Oh, I’m already describing the progress of construction, but I forgot to introduce the inquisitive reader to the project. So what am I building here?

And I am building, no less, a two-story modular cottage with completely autonomous life support systems. Two-story - understandable. Modular - consisting of modules that can be quickly and easily repositioned. At that time, I didn’t know all the risks of the project, so I preferred to have a backup option in case of, say, the demolition of garages, problems with the environment, etc. If problems arose, I would load the modules with a crane into two trucks and move to another site.

Completely autonomous life support systems mean complete freedom from all centralized communications and “ties” to a specific place, using only its own and imported resources and, therefore, not obliging anyone for anything.

My project was impeccable, including legally: the site was allocated to me as a member of the garage cooperative (which is documented), I will install on it, without a foundation, on the ground, two modules, which are essentially steel cubes (this is the permitted use of the site). I have documents for the cubes and their contents. These cubes cannot be subject to any laws regarding real estate or housing (since they are simply neither one nor the other).

Thus, to the question about the legality of living in a garage, I answer - no laws have been violated, no one lives in a garage, and no one has the right to in any way limit the owner of an iron cube in his right to be inside this cube or to store various objects and liquids in it. With the exception of those expressly prohibited by law - such as weapons, drugs, explosives, etc.

That is, the complete autonomy of life support systems is also a factor in the legality of placing such a structure on a site that is not equipped with either water supply or sewerage. However, for 5 years no one has made any claims against me, asked any questions, or checked the legality of my residence. But nevertheless, I was ready for any surprises. Probably, the reader has already guessed that with such a serious approach to business and careful consideration of all the details, the project was doomed to success? Yes, that's right. But a little later.

7. In the meantime, the future successful Muscovite poses after a hard day of work throwing sand with a shovel and leveling it against the backdrop of a future lair of luxury and comfort. I asked a passing pedestrian to take a photo. I hid my face - why do I need extra popularity?

8. We lay sheets of metal from the roof of the dismantled garage on the leveled sand. The result is a perfectly horizontal platform with a hard (steel!) coating. You can install the first module.

In addition to a detailed photo report, I also have a detailed financial report and timekeeping. How else? An investment project is not a piece of cake! An accurate assessment of its economic indicators is necessary.

Thus, reader, very soon you will receive an accurate and comprehensive answer to the question “How to build yourself a house in Moscow for 300 thousand rubles?”, which has been troubling “Muscovites, spoiled by the housing problem,” at least since the creative heyday of the author of the quoted phrase.

Here is the chronology and costs at the time the site was ready (I apologize for the destruction of formatting when transferring data from Excel):
09/27/2008 Purchase of a garage 45,000
Entry fee to GSK, payment for 2008 2,000
10/04/2008 Flashlight, batteries 97
10/04/2008 Ax 156
05.10.2008 Bayonet shovel 160
10/11/2008 Crowbar, scoop shovel, boots, mittens, plumb line, bucket. 900
10/23/2008 Galvanized profiles. 3 m 3 pcs. 420
Spirit level 1.5 m 550
Metal scissors 300
Plumb 200
10.25.2008 Padlock 78
Quarry sand 8 m3 6,000

9. We delivered and are installing the first module.

10. And here it is - a standard 20-foot container, 6x2.5x2.5 meters, sealed, with a sealed door, capable of withstanding a multi-ton load on top and a multi-point storm.

11. Beauty. We clean the inside, put cardboard on the floor...

12. there is a place to put tools, building materials, and workwear! There is a place to change clothes, shelter from the rain or rest. My own premises in Moscow! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

10.26.2008 Container 20ft. 38,000
Loading and unloading, container transportation 9,600
01.11.2008 Water canister 10 liters. 3 pieces 270
Water canister 20 liters 159
Mop 61
Terry towel 2 pieces 34
Latex gloves 2 pairs 32
Rubber gloves 32
Respirator U-2K 22
Garbage bags 60
Venik 49
Folding chair 300
02.11.2008 Delivery of marble 50
Garbage removal fee 200
03.11.2008 Galvanization 2 m2 thick. 0.45 mm. 400
Bolts 15 pcs. 100
Wood saw 200

Total costs for 1 module - 49,669 rubles.

13. We sew up the gaps between the neighboring garage and mine with galvanized steel, and lay out the area in front of the gate with marble (found in a landfill, of which there are plenty near the territory). The site of the future main entrance is still a steel panel from an old garage, supported by a rusty barrel.

14. Assemble the back wall using parts from an old garage. By the way, the exit to the backyard is ready - the gate in the gate from the old garage is quite functional. And the former gate itself is now just part of the wall.

15. Top view of the fenced area. Now my construction site measures 7 x 3.5 meters.

16. We are transporting the second module.

17. Installed. With a cantilevered projection from the facade - both an increase in area and a canopy over the gate.

18. Rear view.

19. This is what the top module looks like from the inside.

20. So, the second module is a factory-assembled block container BK-00, external dimensions: width 2.45 m, length 5.85 m, height 2.45, supporting frame - welded metal, frame - wooden, roof - flat welded made of 0.8 mm sheet, external cladding - galvanized corrugated sheet C10-40-1150, internal finishing - plastic panels, plank floor, window with bars, door.

21. We install it on spacers sawn from a board, foam the joint of the modules.

11/15/2008 Boards 25,320
Nails 180
Padlock 147
11/23/2008 Wadded jacket 277
11/29/2008 Residential block container 68,500
11/30/2008 Winter mounting foam 2 cylinders 220
12/06/2008 Galvanized 3.125 m2 thick. 0.5 mm. 650
Self-tapping screws 800 gr. 120
12/07/2008 Transportation, installation of block container 9,500
Container transportation using GSK 100

Total costs for module 2 - 80,014 rubles.

The total construction budget as of December 7, 2008 amounted to 186 thousand rubles. It looks like we’ll meet the planned budget!

By the way, as a piece of advice: never buy ready-made block containers. The quality of their manufacturing and especially their insulation is absolutely stellar! I had to remove the sheathing and practically re-install the heat and wind insulation. I added a 5 cm layer of ISOVER 11 to the crookedly placed, IN PLACES, 5 cm foam plastic. As a result, the total thickness of the insulation became 100 mm and all the cracks were eliminated. The result is an “Arctic” modification of the block container!

In general, it was necessary to buy only a frame with external cladding, insulate it yourself, lay the floor and make wall and ceiling cladding from plasterboard and cover it with wallpaper. In terms of price, the result would be almost the same, but in terms of quality - incomparably better.

So, the core of the structure is ready, the fate of the project now depends only on the creation of reliable and autonomous life support systems. The issue with the heating system was resolved unexpectedly simply - it turns out that the European bourgeoisie have long been producing on an industrial scale the ideal solution to the problem of autonomous heating of small buildings - a gas convector. If you are interested in technical details, google them yourself, but I’ll be honest - they shocked me!

22. This convector + propane cylinder = reliable, stable, comfortable heat in any shed for mere pennies. Piezo ignition, thermostat, burner extinction protection. Air intake and exhaust of combustion products are from the outside, through a coaxial pipe, which is also a heat exchanger that heats the incoming air with the heat of exhaust gases (+10% to efficiency). The combustion chamber is completely isolated from the room, so even in the worst (almost incredible) case, the gas will not penetrate into the room, but will exit through the pipe and dissipate.

I applaud the bourgeois engineers and manufacturers and buy this miracle of engineering for 10,000 rubles. Isn't he beautiful?

23. We install, strictly following the instructions and showing our own ingenuity and ingenuity. By the way, as it turned out, covering (even a plastic!) wall with galvanization was unnecessary. This device does not heat up the wall it hangs on at all. I put a galvanized sheet under it, misunderstanding the word “convector” in its name.

Note: Wikipedia kindly informs us that “a convector is a heating device in which heat from a coolant or heating element is transferred to a heated room by convection. Natural convection, in which warm air, already heated by contact with the coolant or heating element, rises to the top, and its place is taken by colder room air, is enhanced by the design of the convector.” I stand up and once again applaud the bourgeois engineers!

24. And finally the long-awaited moment! Turn the knob, click the piezo ignition button - through the viewing window we watch as a blue light flashes above the burner.

25. The heat exchanger (black housing with an inspection window) began to heat up. It's already scorching hot. I put the beautiful white case in place - a stream of warm air begins to flow through its holes. After about half an hour, the sweatshirt gets hot, and I undress. After another half hour, the room temperature reaches room temperature.

26. Windproof grille at the end of the coaxial pipe of the convector (coaxial means the exhaust pipe is located in the center of the air intake pipe).

It's minus 10 outside. The heating system is completely ready and has been tested. I will no longer have to change into wet, frozen overalls in the cold.

27. December 27, 2008. New Year is coming soon. I’m leaving for my homeland for the Christmas holidays and will continue my Moscow construction work after returning. Happy upcoming year everyone! Good luck to us in 2009!

31. I pump up the furniture. I'm making the bed. Judging by the size of the bed, I am an optimist and am confident that Muscovites will appreciate the comfort of my home and my own merits and will be frequent guests here (at a minimum) or roommates (ideally). As it says: “A man’s self-esteem can be judged by the number of condoms he takes on a date. Even if this is a first date.”

The heating works, there is a bed. I'm doing a test overnight. Alone. In a steel box in the middle of a strange, deserted area filled with assorted garages. Fine. The house warmed up well during the night, and in the morning it was warm and cozy.

I have breakfast with cookies, washed down with water from a bottle. If you want hot tea, you urgently need to get a stove. But it's not a problem. The most critical issue for the project is on the agenda - autonomous water supply and sewerage, functional shower and sink. If this issue cannot be resolved, this is not a residential cottage, but just a heated barn.

I solve the problem with the sink simply - I use a time-tested, “village” system. It should be noted that I was born and raised in a village, so I don’t experience culture shock when I see a washstand. The advantages of the washbasin are its simplicity and extremely economical water consumption. After all, for the first 17 years of my life I only used a washstand; millions of Russian villagers and summer residents still use it, and no one complains.

With a shower the question is more complicated. I am an office worker - a daily shower, shaving and a clean shirt are a must for me. I know that for a person with short hair, 10 liters of warm water is enough to wash. In order to effectively wash yourself with such a quantity of water, it is necessary that its thin stream flows from above and can be quickly adjusted and blocked. A compact shower stall appears with a tank of warm water on top and a faucet.

Storage electric water heater under the ceiling? Not an option - you cannot count on uninterrupted power supply, the low ceiling and high shower tray do not leave space for a water heater, and you also need to ensure that water can be easily drained from the system. To be able to completely turn off the heating in winter for periods of my long absence.

I choose a simpler, ultra-reliable and energy-independent option: water is heated to the desired temperature in a 15-liter enamel tank on a gas stove (ready time 15-20 minutes), then pumped into a compact supply tank above the shower stall, from where it is consumed by gravity as needed. When it runs out, an additional portion is pumped from the tank.

So, per week per person you will need 60-70 liters of tap water and about 10 liters of drinking water (I have breakfast and lunch at work, in the evenings only tea. And soup on weekends). Thus, to ensure water supply once a week, I have to purchase 2 five-liter bottles of drinking water from Auchan (for 100 rubles) and fill 2 twenty-liter canisters and 3 ten-liter cans with tap water for free.

Bullshit question - at the nearest shopping center I load the cans into a cart, fill it with water from any water tap I can find and roll the cart to the car. I reload the canisters into the trunk, then carry the canisters 15 meters from the trunk to the house. A little physical activity is very beneficial for office plankton! You can also refuel with water at work or with friends, or anywhere. One “but” - the car becomes part of the water supply system (and gas supply too), its loss for a long time is very critical - you will have to bring gas and water by taxi.

32. I buy a shower stall and start assembling it. The pallet and walls are assembled.

33. Other components (sink, washbasin, gas stove).

34. We fashion a supply tank with a faucet “out of what was there.” We connect the components with hoses.

35. The “heart” of the system is a country shower-treadmill. Its energy independence and the highest technical and economic characteristics make it the undisputed leader among all other possible pump options. Pumping 10 liters of water means just 20 times (without being distracted from washing) to massage your elastic red “boobs” with your heels (which for a man, you see, is not at all difficult, but rather pleasant :)

37. The washstand, sink, and gas stove are ready. The hose hanging behind the washbasin is connected to the pump. You need to lower its end into a tank of warm water standing on the tile. And you can go to the shower.

38. You ask: “What about washing?” I answer: “As long as there are self-service laundries in Moscow, it is easier to go and do laundry in rented washing machines than to build an autonomous one and supply water for it.” 200 rubles costs 1 machine wash for 8 kg of laundry. I just bought 30 shirts and 30 pairs of socks and only did laundry once a month. Loaded 3 machines at the same time. In total, the cost of washing was approximately 600 rubles. per month.

39. Watched TV a little while waiting for the laundry to finish. He put the wet, washed clothes in bags and took them home. I hung it up, fully opened the ventilation and added temperature with the heater thermostat. After a few hours the laundry was dry. Imagine the amount of moisture evaporated from THIS volume of laundry and estimate the power reserve of the heater and ventilation system of the house. In the photo - about a fifth of the usual washing volume is dried.

40. Sewerage. Initially - in cans. From the washbasin: in winter - into a 10-liter container standing under the sink, the summer - into a 30-liter shower canister standing on the street. Why not there in winter? There is a one-time powerful discharge of warm water from the shower, and the pipe will not freeze - all the water flows out of it before the heated pipe freezes. The washbasin has a sluggish drain - the pipes will not warm up, and the water in them will gradually freeze.

As I wrote above, draining sewage into canisters allows me to declare the autonomy of the building and the absence of its influence on the surrounding area. In the event of attempts to claim against me, I could demonstrate the tightening of sewer cans with plugs, loading them into a car and removing them for disposal in an unknown direction. However, since no claims were made, and soapy water is not classified as highly toxic waste, there were no problems with its disposal on the polluted territory of the garage cooperative.

About a couple of times a week (and only in winter) you need to empty the washbasin canister. Once every 2 days (in summer) - a shower canister. In winter, instead of a canister, place a plastic bucket and kick it along the bottom, in the nearest snowdrift, and ice is deposited daily in the shape of this bucket. It will melt in the spring.

For chitoplubbers who want to talk about the topic “Moscow has been polluted,” I recommend taking a walk through the garages and admiring the puddles of machine oil, dumps of canisters from under it, used filters, bottles, bags, corpses of stray dogs (and their future followers, also busy not cleaning territory), etc. This is really a problem. And given that garbage containers are placed everywhere, its reason is the banal laziness and indifference of the natives.

I repeat once again, the design of my building provides for the removal and disposal of waste. Of course, haha, I took out the liquid waste and handed it over to a specialized company for disposal. If necessary, I will even provide supporting documents. Law and order come first!

41. So, the main life support systems are ready (in addition to those described, there is also a ventilation system and later there will be an air conditioner). I won’t describe the toilet, since I don’t see any problems with its design. There are dozens of ready-made solutions - from a basic plastic bottle and bucket to dry closets of various designs, shapes and volumes. After all, if you, the reader, cannot independently solve the problem of disposing of several hundred grams of your own excrement, then what, baby, are you doing on this site? 🙂

42. Since the end of March 2009, I began living permanently in my new home, while simultaneously completing construction. Everything is the same - only on weekends. Internal situation in 2009.

46. ​​...and construction intensified.

50. I decided to practice making steel doors from the emergency exit of the 2nd floor (to my neighbor’s roof). Considering that I just learned welding on the Internet, it’s not bad for the first door. Only after welding a kilogram of electrodes did I begin to feel a little of the essence of electric arc welding - to understand the dependence of the set current on the thickness of the metal being welded, the position of the seam, etc. It seems that experience is important in welding - the longer and more you weld, the better the quality of the seam.

51. General view of the emergency exit door.

52. Summer landscape from the backyard - is it not a rural idyll?

53. Having practiced welding, we move on to the main facade.

54. The main entrance door from the inside...

To build a country house, most people choose budget house designs. There is no point in overpaying for expensive building materials or ordering a project for a huge mansion if this living space will only be used occasionally. A good option for residents of Nizhny Novgorod can be frame houses up to 300 thousand rubles on a turnkey basis. This is not a myth, but a reality - one-story economy class houses have gained popularity due to their cost and comfortable layout. Ready-made housing projects for construction include extensions in the form of a garage, attic or terrace.

Ready-made house projects up to 300 thousand rubles

There is an opinion that building a house is an activity that requires a huge amount of money and time. But that's not true! The catalog presents several options for cheap country houses made of SIP panels. A low price does not always mean the use of poor building materials or a small building area. BASKO specialists are trying to make suburban housing more affordable by optimizing production and logistics costs. You can build a house yourself for 300 thousand rubles, using ready-made house kits and design documentation. The house kit includes everything you need:

  • Set of SIP panels
  • Interfloor ceilings
  • Project with a finished layout
  • Accessories, all necessary fasteners

Available options include an attic, a garage or a summer terrace. For three hundred thousand rubles you get a complete set of materials - you can assemble the dacha of your dreams in a matter of days! All you need is a plot of land and the desire to carry out the finishing work yourself.

Turnkey construction of houses up to 300 thousand rubles

Cheap country cottages can cost only 300 thousand rubles - they are perfect for summer living, and their appearance is in no way inferior to modern mansions. How did this become possible? Thanks to SIP panels! This high-tech material is actively used in the construction of budget frame houses. It easily tolerates the harsh Russian climate, is resistant to external physical influence and is durable. The production company BASKO sells frame houses up to 300 thousand rubles in Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod region. The catalog contains more than a dozen different options that can satisfy the most demanding customers.

Next you will find the story of the construction of one house from an ordinary family. A modest and very limited budget did not stop them from achieving their dream of owning their own private home. What came of it, what difficulties our heroes faced and what solutions they used to reduce the cost of construction, this post will tell you about all this.

Construction is carried out as funds become available.

Plot. Weeds, no fences. There is an iron garage and electric. pillar on the border of the site.

The plot itself cost 400 rubles. Bashkiria district, area 2 km from the city.

We made a fence, bought pickets for 5 rubles each, crossbars for 30 rubles. Painted the garage, paint (drying oil + bombaluminum) 300 rub.

The result was a strip foundation, 120 high and 40 wide. Kamaz PGS was purchased for 6.t.r. and about 10 bags of cement.

Since the purchase of the account, approximately 15 thousand rubles have been spent

We took out a loan of 40 tr. We bought 10 pallets of aerated concrete blocks, about 36 thousand, and used the leftovers to use glue and cement for mixing

Masonry work has begun.

So far 55 thousand rubles have been spent.

The box is ready. They didn’t lay out the whole thing (the back wall behind the frame will be framed, to make it possible to expand the house and bring it up to the planned 9.5x9.5).

We bought mother timber for 10t.r.

Frame back wall.

I started working with 10 kW electricity. Shield, 3-phase 2 tariff meter, grounding. I assembled it completely myself; the electricians simply attached the sip to the pole.

It cost 10 thousand rubles.

So far 75 thousand rubles have been spent.

We waterproofed the foundation. Friends fitted a used door. We bought OSB tiles for 7 thousand rubles.

We hired a front loader for excavation work. 2t.r.

The foundation was sprinkled.

We started making a temporary roof. We bought bars for 7 rubles. and roofing material 2t.r. For the sheathing for 5 thousand rubles.

Almost 100 rubles spent. approximately.

They pulled up wooden windows.

I am 22, my father is 53 years old. Workers. I get 10, and my father gets 14 rubles. I'm an electrician and he's a mechanic.

Winter has begun.

In late autumn they made a well, bought 5 rings for 1,200 rubles, half was dug by the drunks themselves, the rest. Pipes for communications. We bought 6,000 worth of boards for the ceiling and a concrete mixer for 8.00.

120 tr spent.

We made a rough ceiling. Then I plan to use plasterboard or tension ones.

San. node

Also in April, water supply and sewerage were installed. The concrete screed was poured. We bought 2 pallets of bricks, 10 bags of cement, forest sand. We started making the bathroom.

Spent since the purchase of the plot, 130 tr.

Spent some good money the other day:

Shower cabin, promotion 10,000

Toilet 3700

Washbasin with pedestal 2000

Two lever mixers 800 each

Sink with legs ala “village” for a temporary kitchen 1500

EPS 7 sheets for 750 rub.

Polypropylene pipes 600 rub.

5 bags of cement 850 RUR

Soldering iron rental 200

Total spent since purchase 158,000 rubles

Civilization is slowly coming.

We bought a storage water heater for 9,000. And a pumping station, according to the promotion, cost 3,800 rubles.

My work place.

General form.

Garden. In the garden, cabbage, potatoes, raspberries, currants, grapes, corn, beets, apple trees, sloe, carrots, mint, onions, parsley, cherries and more.

And now the expansion of the house. Living in the built part is quite comfortable.

I drew a sketch of the future expansion.

The expansion will be carried out using TISE technology

Video shows TISE technology

5 cylinders of polyurethane foam 1300

Foam gun 500

Chinese metal door 3000

Electric convector 2kW 2000

Apple and Plum seedling 1200

It's +7 outside, raining. I set the convector at 18* during the day and 22* at night because... two-tariff meter. I paid for electricity and it turned out to be 1,100 rubles for two months.

On our street a plot with a foundation is for sale for 900 tr. So my farm is already easily 1.2 mults

As I wanted: Lay EPPS, Folgoizolon, TP pipes, Buy two batteries of 10 sections, an electric boiler and later a wood-burning boiler.

It turned out: the ceiling is insulated with foil insulation and 10 cm of polystyrene foam, there is a laminate underlay on the floor) 1 convector, you will need to take a second one. I think I’ll spend the winter like this, but people in SIP houses live with convectors. So it goes…

Bought: RUR 12,000 Wood stove

250 Polyurethane foam

200 Mailbox

Approximate expenses each month:

Gasoline 1000

Elvo, internet, phone numbers 1200

Credit (2 months left) 3000

Food and household goods: 5,000 approximately.

And 8–10 are left for construction every month. Normal

The stove is cooking, it's +1 outside. at home 20+ While I’m burning pallets and other waste.

This month I plan to take slabs and a Makita electric chain saw. I also owe 10,000 on my credit card for EPP and PPP.

Our finished timber houses are sold from 1 million (farther from the city) with plots. In general, if a business sells such a house, then its profit is at least 500 kopecks. The work is very expensive, so if you do everything yourself, it turns out to be very affordable.

I bought a washing machine for 10,000 and an LCD TV for 9,000 rubles. EVERYTHING IS LIKE PEOPLE.

In total, since the beginning of construction, approximately 250,000 rubles have been spent. (Including car and TV.)

In February I will probably connect IPTV and ADSL Internet.

Meanwhile, gas was installed outside. If it works out, I’ll take out a loan in the fall and start it.

They also promise water in the spring. The cadastral value of the plot is already 850 thousand rubles - a good investment, an increase of 200%

The average electricity bill is 1,100 rubles per month, with a price of 2.40 per kW during the day and 1.40 at night.

Over the entire winter, two Gazelle slabs were purchased for firewood at 1,500 rubles each.

The temperature in the house remains 23*C, despite the three-meter ceilings. Aerated concrete retains heat well.

You can evaluate the future scope of work.

Approximate plan until autumn:

Finish the foundation

Build the second half using TISE-2 technology

Make a new big roof

Register a house


Get a tax deduction

Connect the gas, make gas heating.

Quit and find a new job.

If I suddenly get rich, I'll build a foundation for a garage.

Stone fence.

Once again I refused my vacation and received compensation for unused vacation pay of 12 thousand. Lol.

Kamaz PGS, 5000 rub.

Submersible, vibration pump, + hose - 1600

12 bags of cement, 3200 rub.

total: 10.000

So far, about 260 thousand have been spent.

Today I poured a meter of foundation.

Today we finished the main foundation, there are 2 bags of cement left. Tomorrow they will start pouring the foundation under the veranda.

The layout of the extended house needs to accommodate 3 small bedrooms, a staircase entrance and one bathroom.

The "height" should not be too high. 5 meters, for example, is clearly a lot. But at the same time, you need to find a balance so that the usable area is sufficient for the rooms.

It will be a big plus if you don’t have to dismantle the old rafters and build them in somehow.

I chose the cheapest version of the TISE machine. The machine costs 30 thousand, and the TISE walls will cost me the same amount.

6 rows have been laid out, 14 remain. The cement and cement are slowly running out.

Fence and area.

About 260 thousand is all the money invested, I don’t know how much is left, in principle it doesn’t matter, it’s done for yourself.

Who wants to look for plots of land on Avito and in local newspapers, of course, you can also through realtors, they sometimes buy in bulk, then cut into pieces, but I don’t want to feed the system, the main thing is that the land is owned, the type of private housing construction land. And whoever has the opportunity, then come and look and find out on the spot. Accessible all year round and good electricity. This is enough.

I have an individual housing construction type of land, owned land. (No building permit is needed, neither is the project)

So, report. We got a little pissed off and bought another 25 bags of cement and 6 cubic meters of sand using a credit card for 5,000. Corners for the lintels cost 1,000 rubles.

2 KamAZ PGS trucks were purchased, half of the first batch went to the foundation, half of the second batch remained (will go to the floors)

It turns out that 1 KAMAZ was used up, (6 cubic meters) clean 5000 rubles

55 bags of cement, delivery RUR 13,500

Masonry mesh 500 RUR

Ruberoid 300r

Total 20,000 rubles. Excellent result!

The walls are finished. They frothed. We started plastering and whitewashing.

Polyurethane foam 500 rub.

Lumber for the roof, delivery RUB 18,300:

Edged boards 18x5x600 23 pcs (rafters, mats)

Bars 10x5x600 7 pcs (uterus)

Edged boards, 2nd grade 2x10x600 1cube (sheathing)

And the only money left is for food...

Meanwhile, rennet is mutating.

On Saturday we called relatives, dismantled part of the roof and installed 3 rafters, we plan to install the rest next Saturday.

Costs: 500 rubles for screws and nails

Also today I ordered corrugated sheeting, 156 sq.m., 10 meters of skates, 750 screws, 140 sq. meters of membrane for a cosmic sum of 42 thousand rubles for me.

Paid by Sberbank credit card.

We bought a screwdriver for 1700 rubles

Hardware products: staples, nails, screws 500 rub.

According to an approximate calculation, funds in the amount of 345,000 rubles have been spent so far. A lot of money.

Meanwhile, roofing work began.

There weren't enough boards for sheathing on the other side. We can purchase additional items in advance.

We have 2 km or 20 minutes walk to the city. 10 minutes on the bike.

There is a bus.

This is how we get to work: we get up at 6.20.

At 6.50 we drive to the city by car (my father and I have the same schedule).

At 7.00 the working livestock truck leaves for the plant, at 7.45 the shift starts.

The shift ends at 16.20, at 16.50 the livestock truck takes us to the city (15 minutes drive). We get into the car and go home, at 17.30 we are already there.

If you drive straight to work, you’ll be home by 4:50 p.m., but this is an expensive proposition.

We don't have a project. Wiring is different. The bathroom is hidden, there are already all sockets there on a permanent basis. The rest of the cables are currently lying along the wall; in the future they will be packed in corrugation and remain under the drywall.

Ventilation will be built into the false ceiling.

I bought a cherry seedling “Bessey” for 500 rubles

The roof was almost finished, and along the way it turned out that there were not enough skates. Money is tight for now.

Two cans of foam and a new gun 1000 RUR

3 bags of cement and paint 1000 RUR

Total: 3000

We installed old wooden windows and doors and hand-tinted the paint.

We started pouring the floors.

We are slowly paying off our credit card debt, we have 24 thousand left.

It took 7 bags of cement for 1800 rubles to fill the floors

Paint and brush for windows total 2000 rub.

Today we bought 6 meters of d114 pipe for the chimney. 2350 rub. Cheap galvanized steel burned through.

Tomorrow I will cook and start plastering inside.

Since birth, I lived in an apartment for 22 years, now you can’t force me back there with a stick. Although if I sell the house, I’ll have enough for 3 units in a new building.

There is freedom and silence here. More space for recreation, for example you can buy a motorcycle or a motor boat. The garden is at your fingertips.

In the meantime, we finished the roof - we bought additional skates for 2000 rubles, cement for 600 rubles. We are plastering the back wall.

A lot of other small work was also done. Covered apple and plum trees in case of severe frosts and so on.

Short list of construction solutions from 200k:

Try to do everything yourself. It's not difficult, fortunately there is the Internet. The margin for work in finished houses is up to 300%.

Choose the right land - Owned, the type of land is preferably individual housing construction. Road and electricity are the main thing. The rest will follow.

Cheap foundation: TISE, MZFL

If you don’t know what material to build from, choose concrete - a classic. Kindergartens, hospitals, houses - basically everything is concrete.

Always insulate from the outside (dew point) Read: “Wet façade” insulation technology.

Don’t get carried away by “modern solutions” from “advisers”. Foundations cost 500 thousand rubles, and other excesses in theoretical calculations make the price of construction astronomical. Pay attention to old houses.

In the early spring of 2006, I came to work in Moscow. Like other newcomers, he started with rented housing. By 2008, I was already pretty fed up with the prices and condition of this housing, as well as the “services” of realtors. I started looking for an alternative.

I will not bore the reader with a description of all the options and factors I considered and calculated, but by the fall of 2008, the idea was formed in its final form:
- buy the cheapest garage, in the place closest to work and comfortable for living,
— design and build housing (the project will depend on the specific conditions of the construction site),
- costs should be minimal (since it is unwise to make large investments in a pilot project) and phased (since it is unwise to spend the entire budget at once),
— the planned budget of the project is about 300 thousand rubles. Yes, that’s right - approximately the annual cost of renting housing in Moscow.

When choosing a construction site, everything is simple. I looked through all the advertisements for the sale of garages, chose the cheapest options, inspected them (immediately with an eye to the possibility of converting them into housing), carried out reconnaissance of the area and interviewed the aborigines (for the presence of other interesting options, the nature of the environment, possibilities for connecting to electricity, prospects for demolition and etc.).
As a result, on September 27, 2008, a metal garage was selected and purchased for only 45,000 rubles, a 10-minute walk from the metro, in a prestigious area of ​​the capital, 9 km away. from work and only 10 km. from the Kremlin.

Construction was carried out on weekends, using our own resources (1 person). A great warm-up after a week of office work on the computer! So the benefits of the project include saving on going to the gym. During the active phase of construction, the phrase that was relevant to me was: “Oh-oh-oh, it’s finally Monday!!!”

We are dismantling (and in some places simply tearing apart) the old garage. We carefully store the released metal nearby - we will need it later.

Back view.

We are clearing the construction site for a new building...

...and level the ground.

We bring KAMAZ sand...

...and level the sand cushion to the design mark.

Oh, I’m already describing the progress of construction, but I forgot to introduce the inquisitive reader to the project. So what am I building here?
And I am building, no less, a two-story modular cottage, with completely autonomous life support systems. Two-story - understandable. Modular - consisting of modules that can be quickly and easily repositioned. At that time, I didn’t know all the risks of the project, so I preferred to have a backup option in case of, say, the demolition of garages, problems with the environment, etc. If problems arose, I would load the modules with a crane into two trucks and move to another site.

Completely autonomous life support systems mean complete freedom from all centralized communications and “ties” to a specific place, using only its own and imported resources and, therefore, not obliging anyone for anything.

My project was impeccable, including legally: the site was allocated to me as a member of the garage cooperative (which is documented), I will install on it, without a foundation, on the ground, two modules, which are essentially steel cubes (this is the permitted use of the site). I have documents for the cubes and their contents. These cubes cannot be subject to any laws regarding real estate or housing (since they are simply neither one nor the other).

Thus, to the question about the legality of living in a garage, I answer - no laws have been violated, no one lives in a garage, and no one has the right to in any way restrict the owner of an iron cube, his right to be inside this cube or to store various objects and liquids in it . With the exception of those expressly prohibited by law - such as weapons, drugs, explosives, etc.

That is, the complete autonomy of life support systems is also a factor in the legality of placing such a structure on a site not equipped with either water supply or sewerage. However, for 5 years, no one ever made any claims against me, asked any questions, or checked the legality of my residence. But nevertheless, I was ready for any surprises. Probably, the reader has already guessed that with such a serious approach to business and careful consideration of all the details, the project was doomed to success? Yes, that's right. But a little later.

In the meantime, the future successful Muscovite poses after a hard day of work throwing sand with a shovel and leveling it, against the backdrop of a future lair of luxury and comfort. I asked a passing pedestrian to take a photo. I hid my face - why do I need extra popularity?

We lay sheets of metal from the roof of the dismantled garage on the leveled sand. The result is a perfectly horizontal platform with a hard (steel!) coating. You can install the first module.

In addition to a detailed photo report, I also have a detailed financial report and timekeeping. How else? An investment project is not a piece of cake! An accurate assessment of its economic indicators is necessary.
Thus, reader, very soon you will receive an accurate and comprehensive answer to the question “How to build yourself a house in Moscow for 300 thousand rubles?”, which has been troubling “Muscovites, spoiled by the housing problem,” at least since the creative heyday of the author of the quoted phrase.

Here is the chronology and costs at the time the site was ready (I apologize for the destruction of formatting when transferring data from Excel):
09/27/2008 Purchase of a garage 45,000
Entry fee to GSK, payment for 2008 2,000
10/04/2008 Flashlight, batteries 97
10/04/2008 Ax 156
05.10.2008 Bayonet shovel 160
10/11/2008 Crowbar, shovel, scoop, boots, mittens, string-plumb, bucket. 900
10/23/2008 Galvanized profiles. 3 m. 3 pcs. 420
Spirit level 1.5 m. 550
Metal scissors 300
Plumb 200
10.25.2008 Padlock 78
Quarry sand 8 m3 6,000

We delivered and are installing the first module.

And here it is - a standard 20-foot container, 6x2.5x2.5 meters, sealed, with a sealed door, capable of withstanding a multi-ton load on top and a multi-storm storm.

Beauty. We clean the inside, put cardboard on the floor...
11 there is a place to put tools, building materials, and work clothes! There is a place to change clothes, shelter from the rain or rest. My own premises in Moscow! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

10.26.2008 Container 20ft. 38,000
Loading and unloading, container transportation 9,600

01.11.2008 Water canister 10 liters. 3 pieces 270
Water canister 20 liters 159
Mop 61
Terry towel 2 pieces 34
Latex gloves 2 pairs 32
Rubber gloves 32
Respirator U-2K 22
Garbage bags 60
Venik 49
Folding chair 300
02.11.2008 Delivery of marble 50
Garbage removal fee 200
03.11.2008 Galvanization 2 m2 thick. 0.45 mm. 400
Bolts 15 pcs. 100
Wood saw 200

Total cost for 1 module is 49,669 rubles.

We sew up the gaps between the neighboring garage and mine with galvanized steel, and lay out the area in front of the gate with marble (found in a landfill, of which there are plenty near the area). The site of the future main entrance is still a steel panel from an old garage, supported by a rusty barrel.

Assembling the back wall using parts from an old garage. By the way, the exit to the backyard is ready - the gate in the gate from the old garage is quite functional. And the former gate itself is now just part of the wall.

Top view of the fenced area. Now my construction site measures 7 x 3.5 meters.

We're bringing the second module.

Installed. With a cantilevered projection from the facade - both an increase in area and a canopy over the gate.

Back view.

This is what the top module looks like from the inside.


So, the second module is a factory-assembled Block Container BK-00, external dimensions: width 2.45 m, length 5.85 m, height 2.45, supporting frame – welded metal, frame – wooden, roof – flat welded from sheet 0, 8mm, external cladding – galvanized corrugated sheet C10-40-1150, internal finishing – plastic panels, plank floor, window with bars, door.
We install it on spacers sawn from a board, and foam the joint of the modules.

11/15/2008 Boards 25,320
Nails 180
Padlock 147
11/23/2008 Wadded jacket 277
11/29/2008 Residential block container 68,500
11/30/2008 Winter mounting foam 2 cylinders 220
12/06/2008 Galvanized 3.125 m2 thick. 0.5 mm. 650
Self-tapping screws 800 gr. 120
12/07/2008 Transportation, installation of block container 9,500
Container transportation using GSK 100

Total costs for module 2 - 80,014 rubles.

The total construction budget as of December 7, 2008 amounted to 186 thousand rubles. It’s normal, it looks like we’ll meet the planned budget!

By the way, as a piece of advice: never buy ready-made block containers. The quality of their workmanship and especially the insulation is absolutely stellar! I had to remove the sheathing and practically re-install the heat and wind insulation. To the crooked position, IN PLACES, 5 cm. polystyrene foam, added 5 cm. layer ISOVER 11. As a result, the total thickness of the insulation became 100 mm and all the cracks were eliminated. The result is an “Arctic” modification of the block container!
In general, you only had to buy a frame with outer cladding, insulate it yourself, lay the floor, and cover the walls and ceiling with plasterboard and wallpaper. In terms of price, in the end, it would have been almost the same, but in terms of quality, it would have been incomparably better.

So, the core of the structure is ready, the fate of the project now depends only on the creation of reliable and autonomous life support systems.
The issue with the heating system was resolved unexpectedly simply - it turns out that the European bourgeoisie have long been producing, on an industrial scale, the ideal solution to the problem of autonomous heating of small buildings - a gas convector. If you are interested in technical details, google them yourself, but I’ll be honest, they shocked me!

This convector + propane cylinder = reliable, stable, comfortable heat in any shed, for mere pennies. Piezo ignition, thermostat, burner extinction protection. Air intake and exhaust of combustion products are from the outside, through a coaxial pipe, which is also a heat exchanger that heats the incoming air with the heat of exhaust gases (+10% to efficiency). The combustion chamber is completely isolated from the room, so even in the worst (almost incredible) case, the gas will not penetrate into the room, but will exit through the pipe and dissipate.
I applaud the bourgeois engineers and manufacturers, and buy this miracle of engineering for 10,000 rubles.
Isn't he beautiful?

We install by strictly following the instructions and showing our own ingenuity and ingenuity. By the way, as it turned out, covering (even a plastic!) wall with galvanization was unnecessary. This device does not heat up the wall it hangs on at all. I put a galvanized sheet under it, misunderstanding the word “convector” in its name.

Note: Wikipedia kindly informs us that “a convector is a heating device in which heat from a coolant or heating element is transferred to a heated room by convection. Natural convection, in which warm air, already heated by contact with the coolant or heating element, rises to the top, and its place is taken by colder room air, is enhanced by the design of the convector.” I stand up and once again applaud the bourgeois engineers!

And finally the long-awaited moment! Turn the knob, click the piezo ignition button - through the viewing window we watch as a blue light flashes above the burner.

The heat exchanger (black housing with an inspection window) began to heat up. It's already scorching hot. I put the beautiful white case in place - a stream of warm air begins to flow through its holes. After about half an hour, it gets hot in the sweatshirt and I undress. After another half hour, the room temperature reaches room temperature.

Windproof grille at the end of the coaxial pipe of the convector (Coaxial means that the exhaust pipe is located in the center of the air intake pipe).

It's minus 10 outside. The heating system is completely ready and has been tested. I will no longer have to change into wet, frozen overalls in the cold.

December 27, 2008. New Year is coming soon. I’m leaving for my homeland for the Christmas holidays, and will continue my Moscow construction work after returning. Happy upcoming year everyone! Good luck to us in 2009!

January 2009. Laying linoleum. Installing (spreading) furniture


I pump up the furniture. I'm making the bed. Judging by the size of the bed, I am an optimist and am confident that Muscovites will appreciate the comfort of my home and my own merits and will be frequent guests here (at a minimum) or roommates (ideally). As they say: “A man’s self-esteem can be judged by the number of condoms he takes on a date. Even if this is a first date.”

The heating works, there is a bed. I'm doing a test overnight. Alone. In a steel box, in the middle of a strange, deserted area filled with assorted garages. Fine. The house warmed up well during the night, and in the morning it was warm and cozy.
I have breakfast with cookies, washed down with water from a bottle. If you want hot tea, you urgently need to get a stove. But it's not a problem. The most critical issue for the project is on the agenda - autonomous water supply and sewerage, a functional shower and sink. If this issue cannot be resolved, this is not a residential cottage, but just a heated barn.

I solve the problem with the sink simply - I use a time-tested, “village” system. It should be noted that I was born and raised in a village, so I don’t experience culture shock when I see a washstand. The advantages of the washbasin are its simplicity and extremely economical water consumption. After all, for the first 17 years of my life I only used a washstand; millions of Russian villagers and summer residents still use them, and no one complains.

With a shower the question is more complicated. I am an office worker - a daily shower, shaving and a clean shirt are mandatory for me.
I know that for a person with short hair, 10 liters of warm water is enough to wash. In order to effectively wash yourself with such a quantity of water, it is necessary that its thin stream flows from above and can be quickly adjusted and blocked. A compact shower stall appears with a tank of warm water on top and a faucet.

Storage electric water heater under the ceiling? Not an option - you cannot count on uninterrupted power supply, the low ceiling and high shower tray do not leave space for a water heater, and you also need to ensure that water can be easily drained from the system. To be able to completely turn off the heating in winter, during periods of my long absence.

I choose a simpler, ultra-reliable and energy-independent option: water is heated to the desired temperature in a 15-liter enamel tank on a gas stove (ready time 15-20 minutes), then pumped into a compact supply tank above the shower stall, from where it is consumed by gravity as needed. When it runs out, an additional portion is pumped from the tank.

So, per week per person you will need 60-70 liters of tap water and about 10 liters of drinking water (I have breakfast and lunch at work, in the evenings only tea. Well, and soup on weekends). Thus, to ensure water supply, once a week I You will have to purchase 2 five-liter bottles of drinking water in Auchan (for 100 rubles) and fill 2 twenty-liter canisters and 3 ten-liter cans with tap water for free.

Bullshit question - at the nearest shopping center I load the cans into a cart, fill it with water from any water tap I can find and roll the cart to the car. I reload the canisters into the trunk, then carry the canisters 15 meters from the trunk to the house. A little physical activity is very beneficial for office plankton! You can also refuel with water at work, or with friends, or anywhere. One “BUT”, the car becomes part of the water supply system (and gas supply too), its loss for a long time is very critical - you will have to bring gas and water by taxi.

I buy a shower stall and start assembling it. The pallet and walls are assembled.

Other components (sink, washbasin, gas stove).

Let’s make a consumable tank with a faucet “out of it.” We connect the components with hoses.

The “heart” of the system is a country shower-treadmill. Its energy independence and the highest technical and economic characteristics make it the undisputed leader among all other possible pump options. Pumping 10 liters of water means just 20 times (without being distracted from washing) to massage your elastic red “boobs” with your heels (which for a man, you see, is not at all difficult, but rather pleasant:)


The washstand, sink, and gas stove are ready. The hose hanging behind the washbasin is connected to the pump. You need to lower its end into a tank of warm water standing on the tile. And you can go to the shower.


You ask: “What about washing?” I answer: “As long as there are self-service laundries in Moscow, it is easier to go and do laundry in rented washing machines than to build an autonomous one and supply water for it.” 200 rubles costs 1 machine wash for 8 kg. linen I just bought 30 shirts and 30 pairs of socks and only did laundry once a month. Loaded 3 machines at the same time. In total, the cost of washing was approximately 600 rubles per month.

Watched TV for a bit while waiting for the laundry to finish. He put the wet, washed clothes in bags and took them home. I hung it up, fully opened the ventilation and added temperature with the heater thermostat. After a few hours the laundry was dry. Imagine the amount of moisture evaporated from THIS volume of laundry and estimate the power reserve of the heater and ventilation system of the house. In the photo - about a fifth of the usual washing volume is dried.

Sewerage. Initially - in cans. From the washbasin: in winter - into a 10-liter container standing under the sink,
40 the summer - into a 30-liter shower canister standing on the street. Why not there in winter? There is a one-time powerful discharge of warm water from the shower and the pipe will not freeze - all the water flows out of it before the heated pipe freezes.
The washbasin has a sluggish drain - the pipes will not warm up and the water in them will gradually freeze.

As I wrote above, draining sewage into canisters allows me to declare the autonomy of the building and the absence of its influence on the surrounding area. In case of any attempts to claim against me, I could demonstrate the screwing of sewer canisters with plugs, loading them into a car and removing them for disposal in an unknown direction. However, since no claims were made, and soapy water is not classified as highly toxic waste, there were no problems with its disposal on the polluted territory of the garage cooperative.

About a couple of times a week (and only in winter) you need to empty the washbasin canister. Once every 2 days (in summer) - a shower canister. In winter, instead of a canister, place a plastic bucket and kick it along the bottom, in the nearest snowdrift, and ice is deposited daily in the shape of this bucket. It will melt in the spring.

For chitoplubbers who want to talk about the topic “Moscow has been polluted,” I recommend taking a walk through the garages and admiring the puddles of machine oil, dumps of canisters from under it, used filters, bottles, bags, corpses of stray dogs (and their future followers, also busy not cleaning territory), etc. This is really a problem. And given that garbage containers are placed everywhere, its reason is the banal laziness and indifference of the natives.

I repeat once again, the design of my building provides for the removal and disposal of waste. Of course, haha, I took out the liquid waste and handed it over to a specialized company for disposal. If necessary, I will even provide supporting documents. Law and order come first!

So, the main life support systems are ready (in addition to those described, there is also a ventilation system and later there will be an air conditioner). I won’t describe the toilet, since I don’t see any problems with its design. There are dozens of ready-made solutions - from a basic plastic bottle and bucket to dry closets of various designs, shapes and volumes.
After all, if you, the reader, cannot independently solve the problem of disposing of several hundred grams of your own excrement, then what, baby, are you doing on this site?)

From the end of March 2009, I began living permanently in my new home, while simultaneously completing construction. Everything is the same - only on weekends. Internal situation in 2009


I hung a thermometer with a remote sensor on the wall. Above is the temperature inside, below is outside.

In June 2009 I connected to electricity, got used to it, got used to it...

... and construction intensified.

From the remains of the old garage, I built up the rear façade.

I bought an inverter welding machine and a grinder. And the work began to boil.

The extension is attached to the modules with screws - to maintain the ability to quickly disassemble and transport the building.

I decided to practice making steel doors from the emergency exit of the 2nd floor (to my neighbor’s roof). Considering that I just learned welding on the Internet, this is not bad for a first door. Only after welding a kilogram of electrodes did I begin to feel a little about the essence of electric arc welding - to understand the dependence of the set current on the thickness of the metal being welded, the position of the seam, etc. It seems that experience is important in welding - the longer and more you weld, the better the quality of the seam.

General view of the emergency exit door.

Summer landscape from the backyard - isn't it a rural idyll?

Having practiced welding, we move on to the main facade.

The main entrance door from the inside...