Christmas tree in a jar. DIY glass ball with snow - step-by-step master class with photos

How to make a “Snow Globe” with your own hands step by step with photos

Yunusova Alsu Rifkhatovna, teacher, MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 177", Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan
Description: A master class on an easy-to-make “snow globe”. Great option New Year's crafts. Suitable for making by older children preschool age. Useful Application baby food jars.
Purpose of the master class: creating a New Year's "snow" globe with your own hands.
Tasks: introduce teachers and parents to the method of making a wonderful “snow globe”. Show the steps and tell manufacturing secrets.

New Year- it's time for miracles and magic! Waiting for the New Year and preparing for it is probably even more interesting than the holiday itself. In kindergartens, teachers and children, in homes, children and parents are immersed in the process of creating New Year's mood. They decorate rooms, watch movies and cartoons, buy gifts and toys, interior decorations such as snow globes... Snow globes have long been one of the main symbols of the New Year. And snow globes made by yourself are symbols of creativity, magic and New Year's mood at the same time!

To make a “snow globe” you needed:
a baby food jar, glitter and sequins, a toy (this time my daughter and I chose Olaf the snowman), super glue, glycerin, water, rhinestones and ribbon or braid to decorate the jar, hot glue gun.

Ball manufacturing progress
The first thing you need to see is how the toy will look inside the jar, whether it is too small.

The photo shows that the toy is less than half the size of the jar, so I placed a hand cream cap under the toy, thereby raising the snowman above the middle. You can choose higher toys, there will be less hassle.

Next, I glued the stand and the toy with super glue. I used a lot of glue, one might say, I filled the edges. I left the lid with the toy to dry overnight. Hint: Even though it's super glue, when the layer is thick, it takes a long time to dry.

The next step was to prepare the liquid where the sparkles and sequins would float. The proportion of water and glycerin is somewhere around 50% to 50%. I always pour it on my eye. Maintaining the proportion exactly in milliliters is not so important. The sparkles are light, they fall for some time even in water.

Before adding glycerin to the water, I added glitter and sequins and stirred well so that they were saturated with water.

It's glycerin's turn. When adding it, you need to take into account the volume of the toy and stand (in my case).

I did a couple of fittings.

The main thing is that when the lid of the jar with the toy is tightly closed, the liquid should be exactly along the edge so that there is no air left in the jar.

All that remains is to decorate the edges of the jar. I used gold braid and rhinestones to match the color of the braid. I glued them on with hot glue.

The snow globe is ready))

Such snow globes can be not only snowy, but also so glamorous with princesses))))

Last year my kids and I made these fun souvenirs.

It’s not difficult to make it yourself, and almost all of its components can be found at home.

DIY snow globe| Components

  • Jar with screw cap. Ideally, the lid should be screwed on tightly. If you take a jar and a lid from ready-made canned food, do not count on it being sealed. I took a jar of compote, so I had to strengthen and seal the threads to prevent leakage.
  • Decorations. Would be good for this role Christmas decorations. Houses and Christmas trees look especially good with snow on top. I didn’t take this moment into account right away, so I had to take a lot of shots so that Grandfather Frost’s face wouldn’t be hidden in the snow.
  • Glue. Glue is needed to glue the decoration to the lid. Many people praise the glue gun, but I didn’t want to buy one specifically for the snow globe. I made do with a tube of super glue.
  • Imitation of snow. This could be fake snow, glitter, or even shredded white plastic utensils. I bought regular silver glitter, but in the process I realized that they didn’t fit color scheme to our ball. It’s not so easy to find artificial snow in a small town, so we had to limit ourselves to homemade “snow” from plastic toy packaging.

Homemade artificial snow

  • Glycerol. It is needed so that the “snow” falls slowly. This occurs due to an increase in the viscosity of water. The amount of glycerin depends on the type of “snow” selected. Large snowflakes will require more glycerin. I have a 400 ml jar. It took 4 bottles of glycerin, 25 grams each. With a 1:1 ratio of water and glycerin, snowflakes will float in the water almost without sinking to the bottom.
  • Water. If you decide to make a ball for long-term storage or as a gift, then you will need distilled water and some kind of disinfectant for jewelry. There is no guarantee that the jewelry is sterile and that its microbes will not cause cloudiness in the water. For a ball that is not planned to be stored for a long time, any clean, clear water will do. I used tap water. The first time I was unlucky, there was a whitish sediment in the jar, which spoiled appearance. For the second time, I used pre-settled water.
  • Rubber medical gloves. They are needed if you are not sure about the tightness of the lid. Gloves are convenient to use as a sealant for threads.

DIY snow globe| Assembly algorithm

At this stage, the ball is ready, and the next portion of New Year's mood has been received.

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Many of you have seen a souvenir in the form of a transparent jar or bottle, inside of which fresh flowers, petals and herbs are intricately arranged. Today we will tell you how to make such beauty with your own hands. You'll be surprised how easy it is.

Even children can handle this master class. By the way, in art schools they often learn this technique. And this is understandable: simple, harmless components and an absolutely amazing result.

Those who love flowers, care about them and always have a hard time parting with gift bouquets will especially like our tips. Now you have a chance to preserve the flowers dear to your heart for a very, very long time. Not in their original form, of course, but it’s still better than throwing the plants in the trash.

What do we need?

  • clean transparent container (preferably glass - it’s more impressive)
  • hot water
  • glycerin (you can find this in craft departments or even at the pharmacy)
  • petals, flowers, herbs
  • wooden skewer
  • water-soluble dyes (optional)

How to preserve flowers in glycerin?

The bottle needs to be thoroughly washed and dried. If the plants have stems, the ends should be split in half by a few centimeters (or millimeters if they are short). This is necessary so that the solution penetrates better into the flowers.

Tip: Do not use plants with damaged leaves. Also, do not take petals that are too thin, almost transparent.

In a separate container, mix water with glycerin in a 2:1 ratio (two parts boiling water, one part glycerin). Let the mixture cool until room temperature and pour it into our transparent container.

We immerse petals, herbs and flowers into the bottle. Using a wooden skewer, we “seat” them the way you like.

If you want to give the accessory some color, you can tint the water in advance using a natural dye (necessarily natural, since flowers do not tolerate chemicals). If uniformity of coloring is not important, but, on the contrary, you want a kind of fancy pattern, add the dye after you have mixed water with glycerin and poured the solution into a container.

Close the craft with a lid. In this form, it will be stored for at least a month (if there are only herbs and dried flowers inside - much longer). The solution will then become cloudy and will need to be replaced. To do this, simply pour the contents of the container into a bowl and carefully separate the plants from the liquid. Prepare a new solution, fill it, and you can leave the flowers the same.

The whole family can make crafts on New Year and winter themes. This activity is exciting and will greatly unite the household. It’s frosty outside and the wind is shaking the trees, it’s cold and dark, and you’ve all gathered together at one table to create a small family masterpiece: magic jar with snow. In the warmth and comfort there is always something to talk about, both small and large. And you are also busy with useful work, the result of your efforts will only be a small miracle of yours. You can even feel like a wizard. A New Year's item will decorate the apartment and always remind you that you should get together like this more often. And, of course, all relatives will appreciate a family gift, because handmade things contain a piece of the soul.

What you will need for work:

A small jar with a screw cap.
A decorative plastic element such as a Christmas tree, a snowman, or any other product of a suitable theme.
Hot glue gun.

  • First of all, clear the jar of stickers and fill it exactly halfway with water.
  • Fill the remaining space of the jar with glycerin. We pour it heaped, so to speak.
  • Glue the product you have chosen to the lid of the jar; for example, let’s look at the Christmas tree. It is best to degrease the surfaces to be glued and make cuts for better adhesion. You can use other waterproof glue in your work.

  • Add glitter and small tinsel to water with glycerin. Close the jar tightly. If there are air bubbles, add water or glycerin. The lid should fit tightly to the jar. To be sure, you can put it on glue.

Now all that's left is to try it out. Turn over and shake your jar of snow and enjoy the “Winter Magic” made by your own hands.

Video: How to make snowball(jar of snow) with your own hands

Young children will especially appreciate this. And you will spend many unforgettable and wonderful minutes in the company of your child. Good luck! Happy New Year!

The New Year is getting closer, and more and more I want magic, snowflakes swirling in the golden light of lanterns, a festive atmosphere... In the meantime, there is still a long time before the holiday, we ourselves can make a small miracle - a snow globe with our own hands. This magical gift will definitely appeal to adults, and the baby will be enchanted by the magic hidden behind the glass.

How to make a snow globe? When you look at the magical whirling snowflakes above a small, like a gingerbread house or a toy snowman, it seems that you cannot repeat such a miracle yourself. But we assure you - if you follow simple instructions, you will succeed!

What do we need to create a ball?

  • a small glass jar with a fairly tight-fitting lid (volume - no more than 1 liter);
  • a small figurine that will need to be placed inside the ball - a house with glowing windows, Santa Claus or a snow-covered tree - anything that will help create a New Year's mood;
  • waterproof glue (it will be more convenient to use a glue gun);
  • distilled water;
  • glitter (you can use artificial snow);
  • glycerin (sold at any pharmacy);
  • if you want to create an imitation of snowdrifts in a ball, you can use self-hardening plastic for this purpose.

Snow globe making process:

The most convenient way to start creating a snow globe with your own hands is by gluing the toy to the lid of the jar. If you use metal figures, it is better to first treat them with an anti-corrosion agent. Beautifully combine them into a single composition (for this it will be more convenient to use a gun with super glue), you can make snowdrifts from plastic with your own hands - in general, show your imagination and create a truly magical New Year's composition! In this case, you will need to let the plastic dry completely before placing the lid in the jar.

Then wash the jar clean, pour water into it and add glycerin. There should be a little less of it than water; the more of it, the slower the sparkles or snow will fall on our figures. If you're unsure about the dosage, throw a few sparkles into the water and see how fast they go down. Too fast - add to solution glycerin, slowly -water .

Add half a teaspoon of glitter or artificial snow. By the way, making it yourself is very simple: just peel the eggshells from the film and grind them in a mortar.

When the glue on which the toys are placed has dried, close the lid of the jar tightly (very tightly!). Tip: over time, water may begin to leak from the ball, and to prevent this from happening, the lid and threads of the jar along the edge can be well coated with glue.

To complete the composition, decorate the resulting snow globe along the edge of the lid with decorative braid or ribbon. Small New Year's miracle ready!

...and also a gift for a loved one!

If you want to do more than just Christmas decoration, and we offer a gift that will be intended only for one person and can show your love for him great idea– a ball with a photo! It is done in exactly the same way as we just described, only inside you will need to place a pre-laminated photograph of the person to whom the gift is intended. Well, or yours together, looking at it for a long time winter evenings, he will remember you with warmth and joy :)