Evergreen: how to make a Christmas tree last a long time. New Year's miracles for the Christmas tree: we do everything to make it last longer

A decorated Christmas tree is an invariable attribute of the New Year holiday. Familiar from childhood pine aroma immerses you in the atmosphere of fairy tales and magic. How to make a Christmas tree last a long time?

To this coniferous plant pleased with its aroma and beauty for a long time, you need to follow certain rules.

So that the tree can stand for a long time

The safety of the Christmas tree depends on a number of factors. By studying the details of each stage, you will learn how to make your tree last longer.


It is unlikely that it will be possible to extend the life of a long-cut down tree for long. But fresh spruce has every chance of standing for a long time. When purchasing a coniferous plant, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The color of the needles should be rich green, and the needles themselves should be even and elastic. Yellow needles are a sure sign that the tree is old.
  2. Squeeze the branch and run your hand over it: several needles have fallen off - the tree is not fresh.
  3. Do not buy a plant if you notice a dark border on the cut of the trunk. This is also a sign of the fragility of spruce.
  4. The branches should bend well, be resilient and elastic. If the lower branches break, the tree will soon dry up.
  5. When rubbed, fresh pine needles release an aroma, leaving traces of resin on the fingers.
  6. Choose a tree with a thick trunk completely covered with needles.
  7. Tap the Christmas tree on the ground - needles will begin to fall off from a tree that was cut down a long time ago.

Transportation and storage

When transporting spruce, be careful not to break the top of the tree. Tie the spruce legs with twine to the trunk. The tree itself can be wrapped in burlap or other dense fabric.

If you want the tree to stand for a long time, it is better to store the coniferous plant in the cold. Before bringing the tree into the room, you can hold the tree for a couple of hours, for example, on the staircase.

This is especially true if you bring a Christmas tree from the cold and want to immediately put it in the room. Remember that sudden changes in temperature can be detrimental to the plant.


Before installing the New Year's tree, be sure to renew the cut, clear it of bark a few centimeters. This will open new additional pores through which the plant will receive nutrients, which means it can stand for a long time.

Make the cut at a right angle and remove the lowest branches.

There are several ways to install a Christmas tree:

  • In a container of water in which you have previously diluted citric acid(half a teaspoon).
  • In a container with moistened sand. Instead of sand, you can put small pebbles. Before adding water to the sand, dilute glycerin, an aspirin tablet and a couple of spoons of sugar in it. The spruce trunk should go to a depth of approximately 20 centimeters. And don't forget to water the sand!
  • If you are placing the tree in a cross, wrap the cut of the tree in a damp cloth and wet it periodically.

Favorable conditions

If you want to make the tree stand for a long time New Year, make sure that the room where the green beauty is not hot. Try to place the spruce away from heating devices, open fire and other heat sources. To keep the plant fresh longer, spray the spruce branches with a spray bottle.

The lifespan of a cut tree is also affected by how it is decorated. It is better to decorate the Christmas tree with small LED lights. During operation, they emit less heat, which negatively affects the safety of the plant. Old garlands with ordinary electric light bulbs get very hot and quickly dry out the tree.

If you still don’t know how to make your Christmas tree last a long time at home, time-tested folk recipes:

  1. Dissolve 3-4 tablespoons of glycerin in water and lower the spruce trunk into it a couple of days before installation.
  2. Add a little sugar and salt, as well as an aspirin tablet, to the water in which the tree is standing.
  3. Water with potassium permanganate crystals dissolved in it can become a kind of microfertilizer. The solution should be deep pink.
  4. Some people recommend putting pieces of copper wire or copper coins into the water.
  5. Among the folk recipes there is a special nutritional composition: 1 tablespoon of ammonium nitrate, 1 teaspoon of superphosphate, half a teaspoon of potassium nitrate. Dissolve all this in water and add 1 tablespoon daily.
  6. Mix citric acid and chalk, crushed into crumbs, in equal proportions and add to the water for the plant.
  7. A common but controversial piece of advice is to add cola or lemonade to the water where the Christmas tree is located. Chemical substances, included in these drinks, act as preservatives.
  8. Clean the tree trunk. Mix acetic acid with boiling water and dip the tree trunk into the resulting solution immediately after cleaning. Boiling water opens the pores of wood, and vinegar protects against pests and is a preservative that prolongs the life of the tree.
  9. Add special fertilizer for conifers to the water.

When caring for your green beauty, do not forget that the evaporated water or nutrient mixture must be constantly added. Make sure that the lower part of the trunk is immersed in liquid or sand at least 20 centimeters. The nutrient mixture should also be used to moisten the fabric in which the tree trunk is wrapped, if it stands in a cross.

An artificial tree does not lose its appearance for a long time, while a natural tree suffers from home conditions and begins to quickly lose its appearance. appearance and crumble. But before you install your Christmas tree in the water, you should familiarize yourself with some rules for purchasing a Christmas tree and storing it before installing it in your apartment.

  • Alternative options

Rules for purchasing and storing a Christmas tree

1. Choosing the right tree is not difficult; you should examine it carefully. The Christmas tree should be fluffy and have many branches on the trunk. A healthy tree has strong, flexible, elastic branches and green, non-falling needles.

2. There is such a secret. A Christmas tree will last longer if its trunk is also covered with needles. By the way, it is worth inspecting the top of the tree, because a broken top of the trunk will cause the tree to dry out quickly and the needles to fall off quickly. You should not break off the top when decorating it.

3. The Christmas tree should not be stored on the balcony for a long time; purchasing a forest beauty in advance will not benefit its appearance.

4. If there is no balcony, then you can leave the tree for several days in the hallway, wrapping the tree trunk from below with a damp cloth and wrapping it in plastic bag.

5. Before installing the Christmas tree in the apartment, you need to saw off the trunk a little, remove two decimeters of bark with a sharp knife to open additional ducts and fresh pores for water to enter the trunk of the tree.

6. To install the Christmas tree indoors, you can use a container with sand. Sand is heavy, so the tree will stand firmly in it. In addition, it is convenient to pour water into it, which is necessary in order to add substances in the form of fertilizer that help the needles not fall off for a long time.

Note! Installing New Year trees near heating appliances and systems is strictly prohibited. Dry hot air negatively affects the appearance of needles.
In order for the tree to stand longer and not fall off, you can add folk remedies to the water.

Types of nutrient mixtures for Christmas trees

1. Take 2 liters of water and add 2 tablespoons of salt and sugar, as well as a crushed tablet of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). Such a solution will nourish the tree and protect against mold and bad smell in a vessel with sand.

2. Thoroughly stir half a teaspoon of citric acid powder and a tablespoon of crushed chalk in 3 liters of water and pour the mixture into the sand. Later add only clean, slightly sweetened water.

3. You can use this solution. For 1 liter of water, take 1 aspirin tablet and 3 tablespoons of sugar. As necessary, add water with part of an aspirin tablet and several crystals of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

4. As the sand dries, you can add a solution to the vessel in a ratio of 2:0.5:1, respectively, of ammonium and potassium nitrate and superphosphate.

5. Add 1 tablespoon to 2 liters of water table salt and slurry of slaked lime.

6. It is enough to dilute 5 grams in 3 liters. citric acid powder, 6 g. dissolved gelatin and 16 g. chalk powder.

Important! Almost all fertilizers that are used in winter time for feeding indoor plants, can be used to keep the forest beauty in a great mood, because these special mixtures contain all the substances to nourish and strengthen the green mass of plants, including conifers.

Here are several options for feeding that can be added to the water for the Christmas tree so that it stays fresh longer and does not crumble. All these substances can be found in everyone, so it turns out that the problem is not so difficult to solve.

To feed the needles, it is recommended to spray the branches with water from a spray bottle once a day.

Alternative options

Today on the market you can find live Christmas trees at pre-holiday sales in tubs or with roots carefully packed in film. This option is especially suitable for those who live in private houses.

After the holidays, the purchased beauty can be planted in the soil, but this option is not suitable for the northern regions. But even if in the middle climate zone it is planted in the ground near the house, in the nearest forest or park several hundred coniferous trees, then this will be a huge contribution to the restoration of the green coniferous nature park.

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What can you do to make your tree last longer?

Many people are already starting their New Year's chores - buying non-perishable food, decorating the house for the holiday. Whatever you say, New Year is the most favorite holiday among children and adults, in which everyone begins to believe in a fairy tale a little. And, of course, there won’t be a real New Year without the fragrant and fluffy forest beauty. The aroma of pine needles fills the house with anticipation of a real, bright and cheerful holiday. Therefore, today we will try to figure out what can be done to ensure that the Christmas tree pleases you with its beauty and incomparable aroma for a long time.

Choosing the right Christmas tree

Fresh the tree lasts longer than the one that was cut down quite a long time ago, so you need to learn to choose the “right” Christmas tree. Before you go to the market, you must first decide where you plan to place the forest beauty and how tall it should be. Be sure to give her a cozy place away from radiators and other heat sources. Now let's move on to the choice.

Not everyone knows that many sellers, in order to maintain the attractive appearance of their Christmas trees, periodically spray them with a special composition. Therefore, it is easy to make a mistake and purchase a tree that was cut down quite a long time ago. A tree like this won’t last long. So be careful when choosing. What you should pay attention to?

If you want to, to make the tree stand longer, feel free to check its freshness at the market. You are a buyer and have every right to know what you are going to pay money for.

Spruce installation options

You can install a Christmas tree at your home different ways. The three most common methods are:

At your discretion, you can choose any of these methods, but it is not advisable to use the first one if you want the pine or spruce to decorate and fill your apartment with aroma for a long time.

All your actions will affect how long the tree will stand. Compliance simple recommendations will help you maintain freshness, aroma and attractive appearance Christmas trees.

  • When transporting, it is very important to pack the Christmas tree correctly. To prevent the branches from being damaged, broken or frayed, carefully tie them to the table with a rope. Sellers at the market will help you cope with this task.
  • Do not bring the Christmas tree from the street directly into warm room– let her adapt a little. Keep it for some time in the entrance or on the balcony if you have a glass one. That is, you need to smooth out the temperature difference.
  • When preparing the tree for installation, cut the trunk a couple of centimeters, peel off the bark from below and split the cut a little. This is necessary so that the wood can easily absorb moisture. It is also advisable to remove the lowest branches. They can simply be placed in a vase or used to make New Year's compositions.
  • Before finally installing the tree, place it in a bucket of water in a cool room for a couple of days. It needs to gain moisture. She can “drink” up to three liters of water per day, so keep an eye on its level and add fresh water if necessary.
  • The Christmas tree lasts longer in a room with a good humid climate. Many people now use special humidifiers. If you do not have such a device, you can use a regular spray bottle. But it is not recommended to spray water generously on the tree if you have already hung electric garlands. If the garland is already hanging, then spray only the lower branches, and first turn off the garland.
  • Under no circumstances should you install the Christmas tree near a radiator or other heat sources.

What to add to water to make the tree last longer?

People resort to a variety of tricks to extend the life of a beautiful Christmas tree. Various substances are added to the water in which it stands. When using some of them, the needles will not fall off until spring. What can you use?

  • Many people recommend sweetening water with regular sugar. It is believed that this simple method gives the most top scores. To prevent the water from rotting and microbes from multiplying in it, add literally a few crystals of potassium permanganate to it.
  • In one source there was such a recommendation - you need to put a copper coin in a bucket. Of course, not everyone will be able to get it, so let’s replace the coin with a more affordable thing - copper wire. Copper has a beneficial effect on the lifespan of the Christmas tree.
  • Another common method is aspirin. You probably know that it is also added to the water in which the flowers stand. It will also have a beneficial effect on the Christmas tree.
  • An interesting recipe - a spoonful of gelatin, half a spoonful of citric acid and a small amount of crushed chalk. They say that such a solution has a very good effect on the lifespan of the Christmas tree.
  • You can add three tablespoons of glycerin.
  • According to some sources, Sprite sparkling water gives an equally good effect.
  • You can use fertilizers for fresh or cut flowers. The biostimulator “Zircon” and other similar drugs work well.

Most substances can be combined. For example, pour sugar into water, add aspirin and copper wire. Instead of sugar in this recipe, you can use glycerin, and instead of aspirin, citric acid. In any case, with these additives the tree will last much longer than in plain water.

Install it correctly, feed the Christmas tree from time to time, and it will remain calmly with you all new year holidays, creating unique atmosphere comfort in your home.

You want to keep the festive New Year tree fresh, beautiful and elegant for as long as possible. How to do it?

The most important thing is to choose correctly, buy on time and store correctly until installation and decoration. The less time has passed since the Christmas tree was cut down, the better it will stand in the house. Unfortunately, this condition is the most difficult to implement. As a rule, you have to buy a Christmas tree in advance, when there is more choice, and then store it on the balcony or in another cool place.

If your tree was stored this way, then you should not immediately bring it into the room: due to the sharp temperature change, the needles will fall off more and faster. It makes sense to warm it up room temperature gradually, holding it for several hours, for example, on a staircase. When choosing a location for the Christmas tree, it is very important that there are no central heating radiators nearby.

Before installation, it doesn’t hurt to cut down the lower branches, lightly file the cut and expose the trunk from below by 15-20 cm. Remove the bark and file the cut to remove the resin that has clogged the pores and give the tree the opportunity to better absorb water. But if you don't have the right tools or lack the strength, it's better to leave it as is rather than risk a minor injury. A fresh tree will stand just fine, but for a few days in this case It is unlikely that anything will change significantly.

Usually the Christmas tree is installed either in a special cross, or in a bucket of sand or water. If you are using a cross, the only thing you can do to help the tree is to wrap the bottom of the trunk with a damp cloth, and then moisten it with water daily.

If you place the tree in a bucket of sand or water, you can already try numerous “folk” recipes that allow you to maintain freshness longer.

You can add, for example, a pinch of salt, a spoonful of sugar and one aspirin tablet (per bucket of water) to the water. You just shouldn’t add sugar: it contributes to the rotting of the water. You can try adding a certain amount of stimulants to the water - "Epin", "Zircon" or "Ribav-Extra", calculating the number of drops according to the instructions.

If you are installing the Christmas tree in a bucket of sand, make sure that the sand is always damp by adding fresh water daily. On the first day, you can mix 1 aspirin tablet and 3-4 tablespoons of sugar diluted in a liter of water with sand.

Well, don’t forget to spray the branches with water from a spray bottle from time to time. Unless, of course, contact with fine water dust has no effect on the electric garlands.

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