Christmas fortune telling for love - do you know who your betrothed is? Christmas fortune telling (collection, collection) Fortune telling by cards for a guy Christmas

On the night before Christmas, from January 6 to 7 on Christmas Eve, according to popular beliefs, magical forces are actively at work. Therefore, on Christmastide, Christmas fortune-telling is the most truthful and often reflects the future and destiny of a person. I suggest taking a break from the gloomy everyday life and plunging into the mysterious and joyful world of the bright holiday of Christmas. Let's find out how on Christmas evening our great-grandmothers told fortunes about the future, love, the betrothed, the bride, the fulfillment of a wish... And this is not the entire list of predictions that Christmas predictions give us. Rituals are performed using cards, rings, coffee, millet and other items. You can either believe or not believe in the veracity of fortune telling, since the result can be confirmed or refuted only after time.

To carry out rituals, if possible, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • In the room, turn off the electricity, light candles and ensure complete silence.
  • Ask people in a bad mood or skeptical to vacate the room.
  • Do not cross your arms and legs, as this is an obstacle to the ritual.
  • Let your hair down, remove hairpins, pins, and needles.
  • Untie all the knots on your clothing and remove the belt.

Ancient and proven fortune telling:

  1. Find out the future - fortune telling with cups. Take as many cups as there are fortune tellers. In each place put a ring, a coin, bread, salt, sugar, onion, and pour water into one. Each fortuneteller, with his eyes closed, chooses a cup. If a ring falls out, then in the near future there will be a wedding, sugar - fun, a coin - wealth, bread - prosperity, salt - misfortune, onions - tears, water - life without change.
  2. Seeing the image of the future groom is a ritual with mirrors. At midnight, the girl is in a dark room between two mirrors with lit candles. He begins to look closely at the reflection, trying to see his betrothed.
  3. Finding out the gender of a child - fortune telling with a ring. Hang the ring on your hair and hold it over a container of water. If it makes circular movements, then there will be a girl, pendulum-shaped - a boy, it will remain in its original position - to childlessness.
  4. Fortune telling with matches. Place two matches in the sides of the matchbox. Make a wish for yourself for one, and for your beloved guy (girl) for the other. Light them up. If the burnt heads lean towards each other, then the lovers will be together.
  5. Find out the groom's age by barking a dog. After all the fortune-telling, listen to the barking of the dog. If the barking is hoarse, then the betrothed will be older; if the barking is ringing, it promises a young groom.
  6. For the future - a ritual on wax. Melt the wax. Saying the following words, “Brownie, come drink milk and eat wax,” pour it into the milk. Place the dishes at the doorstep of the house and watch what is happening. If you see a frozen flower, marriage awaits you in the new year, a cross - illnesses and troubles, an animal - an enemy will appear, stars - good luck in work or study, stripes - roads and crossings, a human figure - a new friend.
  7. Card reading. When going to bed, place four kings under your pillow and say: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me in a dream.” If you see the king of hearts in a dream, the groom will be rich and young, the king of the cross will be a military man or businessman, the king of spades will be old and jealous, the groom of diamonds will be whatever you want.
  8. Who gets married first - on the bulbs. Each girl marks her own bulb and plants it in the ground. In the spring they look to see which one will germinate first and which young lady will be the first to get married.
  9. Which “side” will you marry - with a boot. Go outside and throw your boot (felt boot, shoe) on the road. In which direction the “toe” of the shoe is directed, in that direction you will get married.
  10. To fate - according to the shadows. Take a sheet of paper, squeeze it, place it on a plate that you place against the wall and set it on fire. When it is completely burned, peer into the displayed shadow of the burnt paper on the wall and try to find out the future.
  11. With egg. Make a small hole in a fresh egg and pour the contents into a container of water. Try to guess the future based on the shape of the folded protein. If you see a ring, there will be an engagement, a ship - a business trip, a church - a wedding, a cube - a coffin. The protein will drown - it will lead to a fire.
  12. Fortune telling from a book. Take a spiritual book, maybe the Bible. Think about the page number with the line. Open and read the hidden place. Try to interpret what you read in the way that interests you most.
  13. If desired, fortune telling with a boat. Fill the basin with water. Write your wishes on strips of paper, bend the sheet and hang it on the sides of the basin. Attach a lit candle to half a walnut shell and launch the boat in the middle of the pelvis. Whatever wish he swims up to and sets fire to a leaf, it will come true. In the same way, you can tell fortunes about your betrothed's name by writing men's names on pieces of paper.
  14. Find out the name of your betrothed. Cut small leaves and write a man's name on each one. Before going to bed, place them under your pillow and stir. When you wake up in the morning, pull out any leaf. The groom will have the name that will be written on the piece of paper.
  15. For the future - fortune telling using a gold chain. Rub the gold chain with your hands to feel the warmth. Place it in your right hand, shake it and throw it on the floor. Interpret the future based on the figure that the chain forms. Circle - there will be difficulties, a straight line - luck and good fortune, a bow - a wedding, a tangled knot - losses and illnesses, a triangle - success in love, a snake - you will meet cunning people, a heart - happiness and peace.
  16. For love and marriage - with needles. Take two needles rubbed with lard and put them in water. If the needles have sunk, troubles and illnesses are coming, if they come together - for marriage, if they separate - there is still a very long time before marriage.
  17. Fortune telling - on coffee grounds. Brew ground coffee. Drink it, cover the cup with a saucer, swirl it 3 times, saying “loyalty, friendship, agreement” and tip it over onto the saucer. Raise your cup. Some of the coffee grounds will stick to its walls, and some will remain on the saucer. Guess by the signs and shadows of the coffee mass. A human shadow is a date, buildings are wealth, land and plants are strife, a break in relationships, failure, animals are danger, a bad road, bad news.
The main thing in fortune telling is to believe in the good, and it will certainly come true. And don’t believe in a bad prediction, because it’s just fortune telling.

More about Christmas fortune telling in this video:

I prayed to God to give me a good husband. And God gave me a good husband. But my husband didn’t pray. And he got what he got... (c)

Christmas fortune telling They reveal the secret of who will get who. Christmas fortune telling online- They definitely prepared some surprises for me. Try it, maybe you'll get lucky?))

Click on the picture and dive into a fantasy world...

My fantasy turned out to be very polar, at first I saw the face of an animal howling in despair... hmm... But this doesn’t suit me at all, I continue to fantasize. Everything is dark, complex, gloomy below, like “experience is the fruit of difficult mistakes”, which has turned into the basis for the peak of well-being, which is already at the top and on good terms with the Universe... is it logical?)))

And if you want to get more specific predictions in verbal form, please click on the title and may good luck visit you!

...and here’s another story about how you wrote down all the names you knew and didn’t know, and especially, or maybe by chance, the name of the person you really liked, and then you put all this under your pillow. There on a piece of paper there was always the name of that desired, perhaps your acquaintance, or maybe an unfamiliar, but already loved Person. And in the morning, before you had time to wake up, with a sinking heart, you put your hand under the pillow and...

…one day you bought candles, red, white, or green, or just ordinary ones, and lit them in the name of love, either in some ancient ritual, or just to warm your thoughts about Him, the very one for whom you stand Live and Believe. Or just to clear your thoughts of negativity or pain. Then and now, the magic of candles instills faith in the Best and connects you with your Angels...

...or this is the case when you ran out into the street in the evening, into a clean and crisp snowball with a shoe or some other thing in your hands and asked the first person you met what his name was and really hoped that it would be the name of the Betrothed. Or they threw a shoe - who is further, and then examined the area and wondered: where will fate take you next year?

...once upon a time there was a girl who believed in miracles and really wanted to become a Princess, and then a Queen and live happily ever after next to her Chosen One: a Prince, a Knight, a King or a Page. And, secretly taking a ring, or even several, from her mother, she tied them on a string and told fortunes to herself and her friends. Or she threw a ring into a bowl of wheat, and wanted to pull out only the happiest and dearest!

...after all, it also happened that you invented your fortune-telling and games, and by some incredible coincidences, signs, dreams and premonitions you understood that you would soon meet with him, thereby. They say that we often want to meet exactly our person - the same as us, only of the opposite sex. And together to be like two wonderful trees, which have different roots and one sun for two!

Christmas fortune telling

A collection of Christmas fortune-telling, a small collection of New Year's fortune-telling, fortune-telling on Christmas Eve, and fortune-telling for Christmastide. We tried to outline how to tell fortunes for Christmas, how to tell fortunes on Christmastide or New Year's Eve in this collection.

Since ancient times, man has had the desire to penetrate the secrets of the universe, gain supernatural abilities and find out his future. The whole year of our ancestors was literally permeated with signs, ceremonies and all kinds of rituals, among which a special place was occupied fortune telling Christmas.

A huge variety of methods for Christmas fortune-telling have been invented in Rus'. Fortune telling at Christmas captivated absolutely everyone, but they especially stood out Christmas fortune telling, which attracted young girls who wanted to find out who would become their betrothed.

Most of the fortune-telling was timed to coincide with Christmas, since at this time the activation of evil spirits and spirits was considered to be greatest - it was for this reason that everyone waited until midnight to join the sacrament of fortune-telling at Christmas.

Our ancestors also took a reverent and thorough approach to New Year's fortune telling. After all, New Year's Eve is a certain border of transition from the current year to the next. Therefore, fortune telling for the New Year was taken very seriously and prepared for it in advance.

The choice of this time is not surprising, since even during paganism, as in the times of Orthodoxy, it was associated with major and important holidays for people’s lives. It was believed that on these days mystical forces were most active, which contributed to the successful outcome of New Year's, Christmas and Yuletide fortune-telling.

If you decide to try fortune telling for Christmas one day, remember that such fortune telling has been taken very seriously since ancient times.

When to guess

Christmas fortune telling– the best date for fortune telling for Christmas is the night from December 24 to 25 (according to the Gregorian calendar) and from January 6 to 7 (according to the Julian calendar), but you can also tell fortunes at other times. However, the further the date is from Christmas night, the less reliable the Christmas fortune-telling.

Yuletide fortune telling- traditionally, fortune telling for Christmastide is carried out during the period from December 25 to January 6 (in Catholic Orthodoxy), as well as from January 7 to 19 (in Orthodoxy).

New Year's fortune telling– the most favorable time for fortune telling for the New Year is New Year’s Eve from December 31 to January 1, as well as nearby days.

Fortune telling by the clock (for Christmas)

If you still have an old wall clock in your house, preferably a mechanical one, you can use it to tell fortunes. Lock yourself in the room where you are going to tell fortunes, turn off the lights and close the curtains. It is important that the room is pitch dark, otherwise the ritual may not work. First, leave your desk lamp or night light on. Take the glass out of the watch and remove the hour hand. Turn off the lamp, feel for the arrow adjustment wheel and start turning it in any direction. Do it quickly. After counting to twelve, stop and turn on the lamp. Take a look at the clock, or rather, at the hand.

Pay attention to which number the arrow stops at. If it freezes between two numbers, choose the one to which it is closest. If the arrow is exactly in the center, give preference to the larger number.

Decoding fortune telling on the clock

If the arrow is on the number “1”, forget about changes. Life will proceed without shocks and surprises. This is a time of rest and relaxation, which, however, will not be as long as we would like.

The arrow on the number “2” means that you should be examined by doctors as soon as possible. It is possible that your excellent condition is deceptive, and a disease is waiting for you on your doorstep that needs to be prevented right now.

The arrow at three o'clock foreshadows the successful completion of the work begun. But you shouldn’t rely on simple luck - success doesn’t come on its own. Only hard work and perseverance will help you achieve your goal.

An arrow stopping at the number “4” signifies imminent trouble. Be prepared to meet them fully armed, and only attentiveness and caution will help prevent them.

Five hours will mean quick enrichment. Luck and hard work, perseverance and caution will lead to the fact that you will have a lot of money, which, however, you will also have to save. Many crooks may pay attention to you.

The arrow on the number “6” is a dangerous sign. Soon troubles and misfortunes will fall on your head. Show extreme restraint and caution - only in this case will you be able to endure this truly black streak with dignity.

The number “7” means an unprecedented career rise. Don't lose your head at the peak of success - this mountain is difficult to climb, but easy to fall. Concentrate all your strength, show all your talents to pass this test.

The hand at eight o'clock foreshadows conflict. Try not to get involved - be modest and calm, don’t run into a quarrel. If you are challenged, do not accept it. Curb your pride and maintain a measured pace of life.

Nine o'clock is the time of Darkness. You don’t control the situation, you don’t know what to do to change everything for the better. You're unlucky, but it's temporary. A few weeks, or maybe even days, will pass, and something will happen that will radically change your current situation.

If the arrow stops at the number “10”, be sure of your safety - no machinations of enemies will affect you, even indirectly. Calmness is the main thing in your situation. If you worry, you will harm yourself.

11 o'clock is the beginning of happy time. Wherever you go, new friends and pleasant acquaintances await you. Any struggle in the name of high goals, Honor and Good will be successful. Completely unexpected people, whose help you could not count on, will help you with this.

The number “12” is a wonderful sign. You are the star that others follow. You will become a major participant in future events, so choose your friends carefully. Only people who are truly devoted to you will be able to help you achieve noble goals.

New Year's and Christmas fortune telling using coffee grounds

New Year's morning is the most suitable time for such an interesting and mysterious activity as fortune telling by coffee grounds. But, you can use this type of fortune-telling on the Christmas holiday until the end of Christmas fortune-telling. Your imagination will tell you exactly how to interpret the patterns formed on a saucer of coffee grounds.

The ritual begins with manual preparation of coffee. Forget about the coffee maker and instant surrogates, and brew it the way our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did. Pour freshly ground coffee into a saucepan, add boiled water and cook. Wait until grounds form. Then you can drink it and talk about the topic that you want to clarify during fortune telling. A pleasant atmosphere will allow you to relax, and a casual conversation will help in the subsequent interpretation of drawings on coffee grounds. When only the grounds remain in the mugs, turn them over onto saucers. You need to make sure that the grounds remain liquid and flow freely around the edges. Place the mug upside down on the saucer and wait about ten minutes.

Only after this can you begin fortune telling. The grounds on the saucer should be divided into four even parts - they will symbolize the seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, respectively.

Interpretation of signs

Bubbles in the middle of the saucer indicate news or a letter. Pay attention to which side of the center they are on so you know exactly when it will arrive.

If any of the sides of the saucer is not dirty, with only one drop of coffee, then news or a visit will come from afar, and look carefully on which side of the thicket it is located - if on the left, then the news will come from the west, if on the right, then from the east.

Stars and dots predict the smile of Fortune. It is possible that you will win a large sum of money. Crosses and circles are warning signs. If the thicket forms elevations, this means success in the intended actions, but if there are depressions and depressions next to them, obstacles may arise on the path to success, which can be quite unexpected (the narrow cracks passing through the elevations will tell you this). If you see beads scattered in a straight line, you can easily overcome these obstacles. Black lines indicate a favorable outcome of events.

You can predict the future using coffee grounds at any time, not just on New Year's Day. This fortune telling will help in any issues of your personal life, everyday life, and work. But remember - coffee grounds, like any way to look into the future, do not provide an accurate forecast. It only tells us which direction we should go.

Fortune telling for Christmas

Fortune telling with cups

For fortune telling, you will need several cups corresponding to the number of fortune tellers. A ring, a coin, bread, sugar, onion, salt are placed in cups, and a little water is poured into one cup. With their eyes closed, each of the fortune tellers, in turn, chooses a cup.
Predictions for the near future are as follows: ring - for a wedding; coin - to wealth; bread - to prosperity; sugar - for fun; onion - to tears; salt - unfortunately, and a cup of water - to life without much change.
Fortune telling with candles
You will need a bowl of water, halves of walnut shells in quantities equal to the number of fortune tellers, and the same number of small candles or pieces thereof. You need to insert the candles into the shells, light them and let them float in a bowl.
The girl whose candle burns out first will be the first of the fortune tellers to get married; Accordingly, the girl whose candle burns out last will be the last to get married. If someone’s shell with a candle sank, that girl will never be married at all.
Fortune telling for the betrothed
At midnight on Christmas Day, girls leave the house and ask the first man they meet for his name. The name that he names will be the name of the betrothed.
Fortune telling on paper
Take a piece of paper and crumple it up. Place the crumpled leaf on the bottom of an upturned plate or saucer and set it on fire. After this, bring the saucer with the burnt paper to the wall and carefully turn the saucer until some shadow appears on the wall, by the outlines of which they judge the near future.

Wax fortune telling

For fortune telling with wax, you will need two wax candles, one of which needs to be lit, and pieces of the other should be placed in a spoon and, heating the spoon over the burning candle, melt the wax. After this, the melted wax is quickly poured into a glass of cold water and, by the light of a candle, the future is judged from the resulting figure.

Fortune telling "yes, no"

Hold your left hand over a jar with any cereal or grain, palm down. While concentrating, you need to ask the question that interests you. After this, take a handful of cereal from the jar and pour it onto the table, then count the number of grains. If the number of grains is even, this means a positive answer - “yes”, an odd number means a negative answer - “no”.

Fortune telling by ring

In the hallway, fortune telling girls take turns rolling a ring. The girl whose ring rolls straight to the door will get married in the near future.

Fortune telling by book

They took a book at random and asked a question. After this, they called the page number and the line number on it - what was written in this place in the book served as the answer.

Fortune telling on the night before Christmas (Christmas Eve), CHRISTMAS fortune telling

Christmas is a special holiday that combines spiritual exaltation and mystical secrets, which many try to touch through various rituals and fortune telling.

There have already been a lot of fortune telling, which are carried out both on the night before Christmas, on Christmas Eve, and on the day of the holiday itself. It is believed that Christmas fortune-telling is distinguished by its particular accuracy and depth of predictions. We will be happy to tell you about the most popular fortune telling for Christmas:

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve (the night before Christmas)

Fortune telling by straw (for the groom) Fortune telling on straw is most interesting when there are a lot of people present. Exactly at midnight, gather in one room, light a candle and start guessing. To find out the name of your bride or groom, place straw knocked into a lump on the table, place a frying pan on this lump, a stone on the frying pan and pour a little water. Then let each of the girls slowly take out a straw. The sound produced by the stone when it vibrates in the frying pan should indicate the name of the betrothed. During fortune telling, there should be absolute silence in the room.
Fortune telling by snow (for spouse). (Street fortune telling) They throw snow in one direction and wait until a dog barks in that direction. If the bark is rude, then the fortuneteller will marry an old man, a loud bark will marry a young man, and a muffled bark will marry a widower or divorcee.
Fortune telling with a cat (optional) Make a wish, call your cat. If she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, her wish will come true. If the right one is not destined. If the cat washes itself with its paw, guests will come to the owner that day. If he sleeps with his muzzle turned under his belly, it means that there will be bad weather in the summer and frost in the winter.
Fortune telling by headdress If you want to know what will happen this year, then take three things: a hat, a piece of bread and a piece of wood - and put all three things in an empty, clean pot. Then, closing or blindfolding your eyes, go to the pot and take the first thing you come across. If it is a headdress, you will get married, if it is bread, you will remain unmarried (single), and if it is a piece of wood, you will be seriously ill.
Fortune telling by towel (for the betrothed) Hang a towel outside the window at night, saying: “betrothed, mummer, come to me and dry yourself.” If the towel is wet in the morning, you will soon find your “soul mate.” A dry towel indicates that everything will remain as before, without changes.
Fortune telling with mirrors (for a lover) The best time for this fortune telling is midnight. Take two mirrors, large and preferably of equal size, set opposite each other, illuminated with two candles, so that in one of them a long corridor is formed, illuminated with lights. The fortuneteller must remove cats, dogs, birds and strangers from the room, except for one or two friends. They should not look in the mirror, approach the fortuneteller and talk. At the end of this corridor a narrowed one should appear; True, sometimes you have to look for a very long time, and you can see not only your betrothed, but also all sorts of evil spirits. However, the game is worth the candle!
Fortune telling with matches (for a couple in love) Two matches are inserted into the sides of the matchbox and lit. If the burnt heads are facing each other, it means that the “guessed” guy and girl will be together. To have a prophetic dream, you need to comb your hair with a new comb at night, say: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me dressed up!” - and put the comb under the pillow. The main thing is not to utter a word from this second until the morning! And the next morning, in order to find out the name of the man seen in a dream, without getting out of bed, you need to put your hand into the hat you prepared the night before with a “lottery” of men’s names and pull out a piece of paper with the name of your future spouse.

Christmas fortune telling

Fortune telling for marriage

A small poplar branch is tied with a thread pulled from the stocking and placed at the head of the head. When going to bed, they say three words: “balidef, asalbi, abumalef.” The entire ritual should be repeated three times (from Thursday to Friday). If a girl does not see her betrothed, according to legend, she will never get married.

Fortune telling by apples (for grooms)

This is a very pleasant fortune telling for Christmas. You need to take as many apples as you have potential suitors, and scratch his initials on the bottom of each one. Then the fortuneteller must go out into the dark room with the apples and, slowly biting off a piece of each, determine the sweetest taste. The eponymous contender for his hand and heart will become the groom!

There is a belief that before going to bed in a new house or in an apartment in which you have lived for less than a year, you need to cross yourself three times with the words: “I’m sleeping in a new place, the bridegroom is dreaming about the bride.” Your betrothed will definitely come to you in a dream!

Fortune telling “Dinner with the groom”

The girl covers the table in an empty room with a tablecloth, puts down the utensils, except for the knife and fork, and says: “Betrothed, come to dinner with me.” Everyone leaves, and she, left alone, locks the windows and doors and waits. Signs of a loved one's approach are as follows: the howling of the wind, blows on the windows and door. Then he appears. The girl must sit in her place, not answer questions, remember her facial features and clothes. The groom sits down at the table and begins to entertain her with conversation. The girl should suddenly ask: “What’s your name?” the betrothed says his name and takes something out of his pocket. At this moment the girl needs to say: “mind me!” - and the vision will disappear.

Fortune telling with forfeits

They tell fortunes after Christmas, from 23 to 24 at night, by candlelight. “Forfeits” with predictions written on them are rolled into a tube. Then they sing a special song three times:

Elijah, Elijah, passionate evenings,
Yes, baptismal ones.
Who will get this song?
It will come true, it will not pass away.

Then they pull a “fanta” from the bag, always with their left hand, and “read” their fate.

Fortune telling by coin (to make wishes come true)

The lightest and thinnest coin is thrown into a vessel with water. If the money bounces, the plan will come true; if it sinks, the desire will not be fulfilled.

Fortune telling (for the coming year)

Several threads are dipped into the water. If they spin in the water, this portends a good life, if they hang motionless - trouble.

Fortune telling by things (for a girl’s fate)

This fortune telling by things should be performed by the closest people: mother, friend, relative. The girl being told fortunes is not present. She is taken to spend the night in another house. If you are telling fortunes in an apartment, then you do not have to leave the house: you can simply be in another room.

At midnight, take a lock and “lock” some of the girl’s things: a nightgown, a stocking, a ribbon. To do this, simply put a lock on the item, lock it with a key, and place it under your head. Do all this with the words: “the betrothed-mummer, come to unlock the bride and rescue her from captivity.” Whoever comes at night for the key will be the groom.

In order for the future groom to dream, before going to bed you need to eat something salty to induce thirst, and say: “betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink.”

In a dream, the person you will marry appears and gives you a drink.

You can also put a stocking on one leg and go to bed, saying: “Mummer, come take off my shoes!”

Fortune telling for Christmas

The Christmas holiday coincides with the winter solstice. They used to tell fortunes on such days long before the advent of Christianity. This time was considered mysterious and mystical. Our ancestors believed that during the solstice, evil spirits are more active, the souls of the dead come into our world, and the predictions on these days are the most truthful. With the advent of Christianity, many customs ceased to exist, but fortune telling at Christmas remained.

Fortune telling is intended mainly for girls who want to know when they will find love and get married. Below we will talk about several methods of fortune telling.

Fortune telling with a shoe

For this fortune-telling, the girl left the house the night before Christmas and threw a shoe over the fence. (The main thing is that there was no need to try to specifically direct the boot). Then she looked - in which direction the sock was pointing, in that direction her future husband lived. If the toe of the shoe was turned towards the house, it means that this year the girl will have to stay with her parents and will not get married.

Today, not only residents of private houses, but also apartments can guess this way. In their case, the shoe can be thrown out of the window.

Fortune telling by strings

The girls set fire to the threads at the same time. The one who burns out first will get married the fastest. An extinct thread is a bad omen; it means that the girl will have to spend her whole life “in girls.”

Fortune telling with bulbs

Often, for fortune-telling at Christmas for the betrothed, they do this: they take onions and write on them the names of candidates for the place of the future spouse. Then they are placed in water. You should pay attention to onions that grow faster than others. The person whose name is written on it will be the most suitable candidate.

Fortune telling using the king of diamonds

This fortune telling is carried out on the night before Christmas. Before going to bed, they place the king of diamonds under the pillow, saying: “Dream, betrothed, dream, mummer.” Before carrying out this procedure, it is important to wash your face, comb your hair and put some jewelry under your pillow. The one you dream about this night will be your betrothed.

Fortune telling with a candle

Fortune telling for Christmas will reveal a lot of interesting things about a person. Organize a candlelit dinner and observe the candle that is located next to the person you are interested in. If it burns evenly, it means that this person’s thoughts coincide with yours. If the candle burns out on one side, then this indicates that the person is secretive or that he is lying. A “crying” candle indicates the difficult fate of the interlocutor. Crackling and darkening indicates evil thoughts and that damage has been imposed on him.

Fortune telling for Christmas

At Christmas, young girls have long cast spells and believed that all the predictions would come true. They wanted to meet their betrothed and get married as quickly as possible. Now the traditions of fortune telling are becoming popular again. Many young ladies come to visit each other during Christmas time to bewitch each other.

There are many types of fortune telling on Christmas night, but we will look at the most popular and truthful ones.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

You need to go outside at 12 o'clock at night and listen to sounds and voices. If you hear the ringing of bells, it means that you will soon become a bride and be happy in your marriage. If you hear a man’s ringing voice, your future husband is already in a hurry to propose to you. Well, if you witness a quarrel or scandal, then you may not expect your betrothed this year.

You can guess about your betrothed in another way. At midnight, go out into the street and walk until you meet a passerby. You should definitely ask his name. What name he has - this is the name his future husband will have.

Many girls, getting together for Christmas, tell fortunes using a thread. To do this, everyone needs to cut off identical pieces of thread and set them on fire at one end. The one whose thread burns out first will be the first to get married this year. If the thread goes out, it means that the young lady will not put an engagement ring on her finger this year.

Before going to bed on Christmas night, place the king of diamonds under your pillow, comb your hair and go to bed with the words: “Betrothed, mummer, dream about me.” You can also eat a little salt and say: “Betrothed, mummer, give me something to drink.” Many girls put a comb under the pillow and say: “Betrothed, mummer, comb me.” It is believed that the person you dream about this night will be your husband.

Pregnancy fortune telling

Well, if you want to find out whether there will be an addition to your family in the coming year, then there is a special fortune telling for this. On the night before Christmas, you need to take a gold ring, preferably a wedding ring, and put it in a saucer of water. Place it all in the freezer with a question about future children. In the morning, take out the saucer and see what happens. If the ice surface is smooth, don’t expect children this year. And if tubercles appear on the surface, you will have a boy, and depressions - a girl.

Fortune telling. How to tell fortunes for Christmas?

Christmas fortune-telling takes place during the yuletide period. Christmastide is a two-week period of winter holidays. They begin on Christmas Eve, which falls on January 6, and end on January 19, i.e. for Epiphany. Fortune telling during this period is considered the most plausible.

During the Christmas and Yule fortune-telling season, you can find only the best in all predictions. Fortune telling using coffee grounds and fortune telling for love are especially popular at Christmas. If the results of any fortune telling do not suit you, you should not pay attention to it, as you may set yourself up negatively for the next year. Let's look at some of the most popular fortune telling during the Christmastide period. I hope they will reveal the whole truth to you and bring only positive emotions.

Fortune telling by barking dogs

Fortune telling by barking dogs will help tell you about your future spouse. For this fortune telling, you must pick up a knife at midnight and go outside. Outside, go to the nearest snowdrift and start cutting the snow. At the same time, say the following words: “Damn don’t be silent, damn tell me what kind of husband I’ll get, will I have to cry or laugh?” After you say the words, listen to the dog barking. If you hear a jerky and angry bark, it means that your husband will be gloomy and strict. If you hear a loud and “cheerful” dog barking, it means your husband will be kind and cheerful. If you hear a dog howling, this is not good. The howl indicates that your marriage will not last long, and your wife may become a widow.

Christmas fortune telling by candles (on wax)

Fortune telling on wax is done as follows. It is necessary to take the remaining wax or paraffin from candles (only white, multi-colored and holiday candles will not work). Place the wax in a metal bowl, quickly melt over high heat and immediately pour into cold water. The figure that is formed during these actions will tell you about the future. Christmas fortune telling is preceded by fortune telling for the New Year.

Interpretation of figures

If you saw a house, this means that in the near future you will have a new household; for a girl, this is primarily a groom.

If the figure is shapeless, this means a bad future.

A cave or pit is one of the most undesirable figures, because... it symbolizes a burial place; it foretells the coming death or serious illness.

Tree - there are several interpretations of this figure. If the branches are directed upward, this means immediate joy, if downward, this means boredom, melancholy and sadness.

A candle or ring - predicts an imminent wedding.

If a pancake fell to the bottom, it means, on the contrary, a long-lasting girlhood.

Fortune telling with milk and wax

This Christmas fortune telling is done in this way. You need to pour milk into a saucer, then place it on the threshold. Next, you need to take the remains of the candles (wax), melt them on the fire, while saying the words “My brownie master, come to my doorstep, drink milk, eat wax.” After pronouncing the last word, immediately pour the melted wax into the milk and take a closer look at what kind of figure you get.

The cross is a sign of an upcoming illness. If the edges of the cross are not clear, blurry, this means that soon you will face many small troubles that will affect all aspects of your life.

A blossoming flower - within a year you will get married.

Any animal - your ill-wisher has appeared among your surroundings.

Small stars mean good luck at work.

Stripes - most often this is some kind of move, be it a trip, a business trip or any other trip.

A human figure means that you will soon have a new friend.

Fortune telling by shadow

Fortune telling at Christmas by shadow is very easy. You need to take a sheet of newspaper and crumple it well. Just don't roll it too tightly into a ball. After you have crushed it well, place the newspapers on a plate and set it on fire. After the paper has completely burned, place a candle next to the plate and light it in complete darkness. Pay attention to the shadow on the wall that will result from the burnt paper. A figure that will appear and indicate the answer to you. The figures are similar to wax divinations.

Christmas fortune telling by hair

Hair fortune telling is done at midnight. At this time of day, you need to pour water into a bowl and add a little salt, then a little sugar and a little salt again. After which, the liquid needs to be thoroughly mixed, and when the water stops and stops swaying, you need to throw a few hairs into it, pull the first hair from your head, and the second from the head of your loved one. Leave the bowl with water and hair until the morning. If your hair is intertwined with each other, then you will soon have a wedding. If the hairs are distant from each other, it means that separation is very close. If one of the hairs drowns, this means a serious illness or even death of the owner of the hair.

Fortune telling for Christmas by ring

To tell fortunes for Christmas using a ring, you need to take the simplest glass with smooth walls. There should be no different patterns or polishing on it. Pour water into it three-quarters of the volume, then carefully lower the wedding ring into the middle of the bottom. The ring must first be cleaned. If you look long and closely at the middle of the ring, you can see your future groom. It is important to remember that in order to see the image, you need to peer at the ring for a very long time.

Christmas fortune telling by log

Fortune telling by log will show you what your future husband will be like. To do this, go into a wooden shed, close the door so that it becomes dark. Then take out one log at random and return home. Already at home, carefully examine the log. Whatever the log is, that’s how your husband will be.

Fortune telling for Christmas using a log

If the log is even and the bark is thin and smooth, it means that the husband will be young and handsome.

If the bark is thick and rough, the husband will not be very handsome.

If the bark is torn off in places or is missing altogether, it means that the husband will be poor.

If the log is cracked, it means the husband will be old and decrepit.

If the log is large, the husband will be strong and strong.

If there are a lot of knots on a log, it means that you will have many children. Every bitch is a child.

If you don’t have a log on hand, you can replace it with any tree in the forest, park or square. To do this, blindfold yourself, ask someone you know to promote you, and then you can send you out in search of your tree. The characteristics that the tree will have will similarly characterize your future spouse, as will the interpretations for the log.

Fortune telling for Christmas is a long-standing tradition of the Russian people. There is no need to be alienated or afraid of Christmas fortune-telling. Fortune telling does not require much effort or knowledge, and is accessible to absolutely everyone. After Christmas, Christmas fortune-telling begins, which lasts 12 days from January 7 to January 19.

The most faithful rituals from different countries

There are a great many ways of divination. Czechs tell fortunes by apples, the British hug firewood, and the Greeks, to predict the birth of a child, are blindfolded and brandishing a knife. But the most original fortune-telling ritual - erotic - was invented by our great-grandmothers: lifting up their skirts, they went to the barn at midnight...

The New Year has arrived, opening the doors to a series of mysterious winter holidays. The holidays, which begin on Christmas Eve, have long been considered the best time for fortune telling and divination. These days, pagan and Christian rituals are intricately intertwined, making those who hope to look into their future tremble. Around Christmas, throughout the Christian world, even notorious careerists and respectable businessmen turn into timid “grooms” and “brides” and, with bated breath, like many centuries ago, take off their crosses and belts and “get into mischief” with evil spirits...

Each country has its own favorite methods of telling fortunes: for betrothed ones, for the birth of a child, for success and wealth in the coming year.

In England, after dark, a girl would go to the woodpile and bring home an armful of firewood. In the morning they were counted: if the number turned out to be even, the wedding was to be celebrated in the coming year; if it was odd, it was postponed. In Russia, fortune telling is very similar - at midnight they approach a plank fence and, with their arms outstretched, try to cover as many boards as possible. If there is an even number of pieces of wood “in the embrace,” there will be a wedding.

And here’s how guys in Norway wonder about their future wife. On Christmas Eve, the fortuneteller is locked in a dark room, blindfolded with a scarf. Late in the evening he is taken out and seated at a table on which there are 3 cups - beer, milk and water. After this, the eyes are untied and he is left alone.

The young man casts a spell, like the Russian “Betrothed, show yourself to me!” if everything is done correctly, after a while a rustling and crackling sound is heard, which becomes increasingly louder. The house begins to shake, and even the yard can be seen through the “dancing” logs. Soon the betrothed appears. She takes the cup, drinks from it, and then disappears. If a girl drank beer, it means family life will be successful, and there will be great prosperity in the house. If there is milk, then the income will be average, but if it is water, then the young people will have a difficult life.

In the Czech Republic, it is customary to tell fortunes using apples. After Christmas dinner, the apples are cut crosswise, and if the correct seeded star is inside, the coming year will be a happy one.
And in order to find out whether the feelings of the heart are mutual, an ancient Czech custom prescribes choosing the most appetizing apple and treating the object of your passion with it. If a lover or beloved eats this apple to the core, you can count on reciprocal feelings, eat it along with the middle - be young together. Well, if he refuses, doesn’t eat enough, or worse, gives the apple to someone else, he doesn’t love and won’t love.

For Bulgarians, the surest way to get an answer to any question is to ask a book. It's simple: you think about a wish, a page number, a paragraph and a line - that's where the prediction is stored. If the answer is not direct, then everyone can interpret it according to their own understanding.

This is how they try to predict the birth of a child in Greece. Take a pie or cheesecake and place it in the center of the table. The fortuneteller is blindfolded and given a knife with a wooden handle - let him cut the cake. If the knife touches the middle of the pie - in the coming year you can expect the birth or conception of a boy, the edge - the child will not appear soon and will be a girl, will fall on the tablecloth - it is useless to expect children in the coming years.

But the most “come true” fortune-telling is, of course, our original Russian

In the Pskov province, for example, water was poured into a saucer or shallow bowl and taken out to the red porch for the entire Christmas night. In the morning they looked at it: the ice rose up - the year will be good, the ice froze - the year will be calm, the ice froze in waves - there will be both grief and happiness; and if the water freezes like a hole, the year will be bad.

Fortune telling for men: Give the girl you like a kitchen towel, a pie, a salt shaker and a knife. Let her stack everything one on top of the other and walk through the threshold. If the salt doesn’t spill out, the knife doesn’t wobble, and the towel doesn’t come loose – grab it: in front of you is an extremely valuable specimen that needs to be taken. You will be lucky with your wife!
Those who want to find out whether the year will be rich need to prepare forty blank identical pieces of paper. On twenty of them you should draw banknotes, all of which you know. All pieces of paper are rolled up into tubes and dropped into a deep hat or bag. Having conceived something for which money is required, with his eyes closed, the fortuneteller mixes the pieces of paper and tries to grab as many of them into a handful as possible. Then he opens his eyes and counts: what is more - empty pieces of paper or with banknotes. The ratio will indicate what the upcoming financial year will be like.

For girls who want to tell fortunes in a non-trivial way, “erotic” Christmas fortune telling is suitable. In ancient times, our great-grandmothers, lifting up their skirts, stuck their naked butts out the barn window and spoke. “Betrothed-mummer, pet me.” If it seemed that a furry paw had grabbed it, the girl should become the wife or mistress of a rich man. If you stroke with a bare hand, then everything in bed will be smooth and loving. Well, if someone slaps, pinches or scratches - they interpreted it, their imagination suggested.

The bathhouse, a refuge for demons, is also an excellent place for predictions and divination. Here it is customary to tell fortunes with two mirrors by candlelight: in the depths of the reflected “corridor” of candles a narrowed one should appear. Fortune telling on crumpled and burnt paper is also welcome here, the shadow of which will show what to expect from the coming year. This is how you can tell fortunes in a city apartment, preferably in the kitchen, with nine lit candles.

But the easiest way to find out your future on Christmas Eve is to simply go to bed early. Dreams these days are the most prophetic.

Fortune telling for marriage

Fortune telling on shells

They take walnut shells, cut wax candles into small pieces, insert them into the shells, and let them float in a cup filled with water. Then each of the girls lights the candles of her shell. Here they note: whoever drowns will die unmarried; The one whose candles burn out sooner will be the first to get married; and the one who will burn the longest will not be married.

Fortune telling about your betrothed in a dream

1) They take a cup of water, on the edges of which they put splinters representing a bridge, and then in this form they put the cup under the bed and, going to bed, they say: “Betrothed - mummer, take me across the bridge.” Here is another version of the same fortune-telling: Having collected twigs from a broom, they place them folded like a bridge under the pillow. The one who builds such a bridge, going to bed, says: “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will take me across the bridge.” If your betrothed appears in a dream and takes you across the bridge, it means you will be married this year.

2) Before going to bed, eat something salty or add too much salt to your food. When they went to bed, they said: “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will give me a drink.” Sometimes they just take a thimble of water and a thimble of salt, mix and drink.

3) They put a comb under the pillow, saying: “Betrothed-mummer! Comb my head.” The betrothed appears in a dream and scratches his head.

4) They put four kings under the pillow and said: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will appear in my dreams.” The betrothed appears in a dream in the form of some kind of king.

Fortune telling by an armful of firewood

On New Year's Eve, both girls and boys take an armful of firewood in the dark and carry it into the room to count their number: if the number is even, then the fortuneteller will get married this year, if the number is odd, then they will remain single.

Fortune telling at the crossroads at midnight

The girls go out to the crossroads, and having each made a wish about their future groom, they draw a circle and, standing in it, serve themselves. When they imagine the ringing of bells, or laughter or cheerful singing, they conclude that they are married. If crying or sad singing is heard, it means death.

Fortune telling on a towel

They hang a white towel out of the window at night with the words: “Mummer, come and dry yourself.” If the towel is soon soaked, it means that the girl who hung it out will be married that year; and if by morning he takes it off dry, he won’t be able to get out this year.

Fortune telling by straw

They approach the straw sweeper, throwing their heads back, and take a straw with their mouth; if she has an ear of corn, then they note that the one who gets married will be rich; if the straw comes without an ear of corn, life will be poor. The girls go to the barn and there they take straw with their mouths and then count it. If the number of straws is even, then the girl will get married, but if it is odd, then she will remain a maiden.

Fortune telling by harrow

On New Year's Day, a girl takes a broken harrow, puts it in a field at a crossroads and lights it. If the entire harrow burns to the ground, the girl will get married that year; if the harrow does not burn out, it will remain in the girls.

Fortune telling with a mash on the head

On New Year's Eve, the girls go out into the yard and put a kneading bowl or tub on one of them's head, then turn the girl several times in different directions and tell her to go. If a girl goes to the gate, she will get married this year, but if she goes deeper into the yard, she will remain a girl.

Fortune telling with an arc

At night in the yard they throw arcs (maidens) upwards. If the arc that fell to the ground lies with its ends towards the gate, this foreshadows the fortuneteller’s marriage; if the ends lie towards the courtyard, this means that this year you will have to live at home.

Fortune telling with bulbs

Take several bulbs and notice each of them; these bulbs are placed on the ground; whose onion sprouts, that of the girls will marry first.

Fortune telling by the ice hole

The most desperate and elderly girls go out to the river on a moonlit night to listen to the ice hole. The nannies lay down the oxhide. The girls sit down to listen and look into the water. Whoever gets married this year will see her betrothed in the water in exactly the same outfit in which he will come to the agreement; Whoever sits in the girls will only hear one knock from the water.

Fortune telling for children.Fortune telling for the birth of a child. Fortune telling for a boy or girl

The first fortune telling for children. Take a needle and thread, hold the thread between the thumb and forefinger without touching them. Then they also hold it over an open palm. If the needle starts moving clockwise, there will be a girl; if it swings like a pendulum, there will be a boy.

Fortune telling on stones

Second fortune telling for children. You write the names you like on the stones in ink (or attach special pieces of paper with names to the stones). After you lower the stones into the water, carefully monitor what is happening. Those inscriptions (or pieces of paper) that will not wash off (or come off) will indicate the estimated number of children you may have in your marriage; Using the surviving names, you can also determine the expected gender of your future children.

Fortune telling by glass

Third fortune telling for children. In the evening, pour water into a glass, lower the ring and expose it to the cold. Before going to bed, the nannies bring a glass and see how many tubercles there are, so many sons will be born, and how many holes there are, so many daughters will be born.

Other types of Christmas fortune telling

Fortune telling

Fortune telling with needles

Take thirteen needles or pins - ten should be left straight, and three should be slightly bent. Choose one needle for yourself. You can “assign” needles to other persons, although this is not necessary for fortune telling with needles. Take all the needles in your hand and pour them onto a clean sheet of paper, approximately in the middle of the sheet. Mentally divide the sheet into five parts: top, bottom, right, left and middle. The needles that fall into the upper part of the sheet control the circumstances, and the needles that fall into the lower part are subject to them. The left side means the past, the right side means the future. The middle means stability, harmony, lack of change. Find your needle. If your needle lies in the middle, intersecting with other needles, the year will be troublesome, but interesting - you will not be bored. Most likely, no changes are expected. Here, however, when divining with needles, the position of other “named” needles, if you have assigned them, and the direction indicated by your needle are also important: if the eye of the needle is directed to the upper right corner of the sheet, changes will come, and the ones you want, but not in the next year, but in the next; if the eye of the needle is directed towards the lower right corner, there will be changes, but not the ones you want; if the ear is directed towards the upper or lower left corner, this means that changes have either already occurred or are possible in the coming year, but their implementation will require a lot of effort from you; if your needle does not intersect with other needles, you will experience loneliness, you will have to rely only on your own strength, connections with other people will be short and fragile. If your needle lies at the top of the leaf, it means that you will control your own destiny in the new year. You know how to influence events. As you want, so it will be. But pay attention: if the eye of your needle is directed to the lower right corner, your influence on events will gradually decrease; if the eye of your needle points towards the left corners, you should be careful. The situation will require either significant efforts from you or unseemly actions. Your needle is at the bottom of the leaf: trust in the will of God. You yourself are unlikely to be able to change anything in the current situation, so try to use it as much as possible. Pay attention to the connections of your needle to other needles (dependency), the direction of the eye (tendency), and the placement of crooked needles. It is best if all the needles, both curved and straight, are turned with their heads towards yours: this means that none of the people around you will harm you. If neighboring needles touch your needle with their upper part (eye), pleasant surprises, help from friends and success in business await you. However, any needle, especially a crooked one, the point of which intersects your needle or is simply directed in your direction, means trouble, failure or loss. Therefore, the further such a needle is from yours, the better. A crooked needle signifies a premeditated intention. If all three crooked needles are turned with their points away from yours, then your ill-wishers will not achieve their goal. Crooked needles on the left side of the sheet (past) are troubles that are already behind us. But, if the point of your needle is directed towards these needles, this means that you yourself do not allow your opponents to calm down. A crooked needle on the right and especially at the top can mean major trouble awaiting you in the new year. Here again the tendency is important: it is better to have the ear or tip facing the danger than the entire surface. Straight needles with their ears pointing in your direction mean help, support, and good luck.

Fortune telling Magic pendulum

The needle can also be used as a pendulum. This is the Magic Pendulum fortune telling. A red silk thread (about 23 cm long) is threaded through it, held by the end of the thread and questions are asked. How to do fortune telling Magic pendulum Next you will need a coin (previously a silver coin was used, but a quarter of a dollar or a domestic five-ruble coin will do). It is placed on the table, and you sit down at the table, placing your elbow on it and holding the end of the thread in your hand so that the needle hangs directly above the coin. You can ask as many questions as you want, but these should be questions that can only be answered in the affirmative or negative. Fortune telling Magic pendulum. You should try to keep your hand completely still, but you will find that when you concentrate on the question, the needle begins to wobble. If it oscillates back and forth, moving towards you and away from you, it means yes. If it oscillates laterally, it means no. If the needle simply turns in a circle, it means the question is poorly worded and needs to be rephrased. If it hangs without swinging, then the question cannot be answered definitely now.

Fortune telling Magic Pendulum: Ring of Fate

In the center of the sheet you should draw a circle divided into 12 sectors. In the 1st sector they write the word “success”, in the 2nd sector – “money”, in the 3rd sector – “news”, in the 4th sector – “protection”, in the 5th sector – “insincerity”, in the 6th sector m sector – “work”, in the 7th – “love”, in the 8th – “enemy”, in the 9th – “luck from afar”, in the 10th sector – “career”, in the 11th – “a friend will help”, in the 12th - “illness”. Trying to get to the center, they throw the needle. By assigning a month name to each sector, you can also determine when the specified events are likely to occur when rolling again.

Fortune telling Magic Pendulum: Surprise

A needle, a pin, a bead, a match and a piece of wire 5 centimeters long are placed on a saucer or shallow plate. It must be covered with semolina on top so that it covers the contents of the saucer with a thin layer. You should ask a question out loud and concentrate on it, and then, without looking, take out the first object that comes to you. A needle means the success of a planned enterprise, a pin means opposition from an influential woman, a bead means valuable advice from a friend, a match means a negative answer, a piece of wire means: beware of the machinations of envious people.

Wax fortune telling

This fortune telling has been used many times. At one time, fortune telling with wax helped me very, very much. This was when I was just beginning to learn fortune telling. But even now it has not lost its relevance. I hope you find it useful too.

How to do fortune telling with wax

Pour cold water into a bowl and light a candle. When it's hot, tilt it over the water and let the wax drip into the cup. Wait for the wax to harden. Then take out the resulting figurine and see what happens. Here are some meanings of wax divination figures. And then let your fantasy and imagination help you.

Meaning in wax divination

The result was small round droplets. Mushroom promises new vitality and longevity. The dragon is, according to wax fortune telling, a very good symbol. All your hopes will be fulfilled, career advancement is possible. The cross is a very bad sign. Be careful. Take care of your health and the health of your loved ones. Church - be strong, hard times and trials await you. Big troubles and financial difficulties are possible. Flowers - a happy marriage or a new love affair. An animal's face or the whole animal - beware, among your surroundings there is a person who is planning something bad. Stripes - a quick move or a long journey. Asterisks - according to wax fortune telling, your career will take off; if you study, then there is a chance to become an “excellent student.” Bell - get ready for good news if the bell is symmetrical. Bad - if the bell is lopsided. Several bells - in the near future you will have to worry a lot. Man - you will make a friend. Leaf of a tree - someone is jealous of you and weaving intrigues. Pants - now you are at a crossroads, but you will definitely choose the right road. Egg - do not worry or fear the failure of new endeavors. You will succeed. Apple - according to wax fortune telling, a symbol of life, wisdom and health. If you don't like the symbol, don't worry. You just need to throw it away or bury it in a secluded place, mentally saying: “It won’t come true, I don’t want it!” A good symbol should be kept in the house until future fortune telling or until the prediction is fulfilled.

Fortune telling by candle

With the help of a candle, you can tell fortunes for yourself, but only on special days. You can do candle fortune telling on any full moon, in the week between Christmas and Epiphany, in the week before Easter, from June 22 to July 7, from August 14 to 28 and from September 21 to 28.

How to do candle fortune telling

They tell fortunes at astronomical midnight (from one to two in the morning if it is “winter” time, and from two to three if it is “summer”). Cover the table with a clean white tablecloth and place a candle on a wooden stand on the table. Sit so that the fortune telling candle is at a distance of 25–30 cm from your eyes. Light it and look carefully at the flame.

The meaning of flame in candle divination

If the flame is: quiet, weak, but even, a calm life awaits you in the near future, without worries and failures; dim - indicates that you have been jinxed for good luck; bright, with winking - changes for the better await you; very bright, with crackling - damage has been brought on you, which has not yet had time to manifest itself. If the flame is yellow, then joy awaits you; yellow-red - make a profit; smoky - you have been damaged. If, during fortune telling, wax flows onto a candle in all directions, then nothing remarkable is expected in the near future; if in your direction, good luck in money and love awaits you. The melted wax flows in the opposite direction from you, which means that damage or an evil eye will be cast on you for family happiness (if damaged, the candle will bend, if the evil eye will remain straight). If the candle floats to the right - to a profitable job, to the left - to failure in money matters.

Fortune telling by tea

The desire to predict danger and look into the future is characteristic of humans. That is why the ancient art of fortune telling does not die out to this day. And you can guess in different ways.

How to do fortune telling with tea

One of the methods is described in the brochure “Tea Fortune Telling” published in China. The brochure suggests 60 options for the position of tea leaves in a cup and gives its own interpretation for each of them. Today we bring to your attention only a few positions.

The meaning of what is seen in tea fortune telling

1. One tea leaf remained on the surface on the left, two on the right. This is a happy omen: success awaits you in love, work and money matters. True, your financial affairs will improve only next year. However, we warn you: do not risk lending money. 2. Two tea leaves floated up from two different sides, and on the right, almost at the bottom of the cup, a smaller tea leaf oscillated. A bad sign. It is expected that your loved one will be dissatisfied with the lack of attention on your part, and perhaps it will even lead to a quarrel. The streak of success will be replaced by troubles at work. In the next two days, try to be emotionally restrained both in your family and at work. You will borrow money. 3. Fortune telling with tea. On the right, two floating elongated tea leaves have their ends closed, and on the left, two wide-shaped tea leaves do not sink. This means, according to tea fortune telling, that your affairs are comparatively bad. Only in love is a desired meeting expected in the near future. At work - a chain of failures, loss of faith in one’s own strength, stagnation. Beware of the temptation to get carried away by gambling. 4. Fortune telling with tea. The tea lies at the bottom, only two tea leaves rise slightly. Here, get ready for everything - both good and bad. A good sign in your love affairs, but at work - a turn for the worse: the inability to realize yourself will lead you into confusion. No material income is expected, except that you can try your hand at a card game. When going on a long journey, beware of ruin. 5. Almost all the tea leaves were on the surface. This happened because the water did not boil properly, and you are an impatient person. This is a bad sign, according to tea fortune telling, and you don’t have much to count on for happiness. In love, for sure. The situation at work will also worsen: you will not realize the opportunities that arise to improve your affairs due to excessive haste. It will also be bad with money, and if you start gambling, you will lose the last one.

Fortune telling for girls

You should draw a circle on a piece of paper, divide it into 12 sectors, number them and throw a needle, concentrating on the issue of fortune telling in a circle for girls.

Answers to fortune telling in a circle for girls

1. The future will open up great opportunities for you. Do not take up energy and strength. Your creativity will be at its best. Take advantage of the moment. Your name will begin to stand out against the general background, which others will definitely appreciate.

2. Your internal energy will be so strong that soon your character may change greatly. People around you will lead you around, which can negatively affect your reputation.

3. Now the foundation is being laid for new and important things. If today is Saturday, avoid rash actions. You should not drink alcohol; the consequences may be irreparable.

4. Any travel is favorable. If you have decided to get a pet or give it into good hands, now is the right time for this.

5. Any of your endeavors is guaranteed success. Take care of your health. You can't get sick, according to fortune telling for girls.

6. The older you get, the more you want to be independent, and this entails a desire for power, fame and recognition. Soon you will not want to stop there, perceiving any obstacles as an incentive for self-improvement. At the same time, you will be responsible not only for your actions, but also for those people who surround you. Try yourself in administrative work: it is possible that this is how you can make a dizzying career.

7. You began to notice that you are interested in the inner world of other people, their worldview and following stereotypes. You become interested in the very fact of communicating with people, no matter where - at work or on vacation. We can say that you collect acquaintances, but you do this not for dry statistics, but so that your contact with these people is as close as possible. You will be increasingly concerned about their problems, you will try to help, guess their desires, understand and, perhaps, use this to your advantage. You can try your hand at psychology, especially since with age you will hone your skills in influencing the minds and souls of other people, exploring the causes and consequences of their actions.

8. Your development will lead you to the desire to creatively realize your potential. You will be directed into the world, splashing out your ideas and emotions. Your craving for self-expression may prompt you to change your activities, according to fortune telling for girls. Try picking up a brush or musical instrument. Maybe you like creating new worlds? Do not deny yourself the pleasure of feeling like a creator.

9. Fortune telling in a circle for girls. The further you go, the less you will be attracted to fantasies and projects. You will become practical and organized, you will be satisfied only with a specific result. As you get older, you will stop believing promises, preferring to achieve everything on your own, so that you can only ask yourself. It is possible that, having formulated a goal, you will devote your life to achieving it, but the goal will be of a completely material nature, so it will be very important for you to achieve a result and enjoy it, according to fortune telling for girls.

10. You do not intend to slow down the pace of your life even after you turn 80. You will strive to see the world and make every minute of your existence exciting and memorable. Your craving for freedom, original and unexpected actions will fascinate those around you, your circle of friends will be incredibly wide, and you will win the respect and love of people with your energy and creative approach to life.

11. Try your hand at professional photography or creating promotional video clips. Your dynamism and craving for new experiences will fit perfectly into the visualization of images. The role of the owner of your own business is suitable for you, which you will run with an iron hand, according to fortune telling in a circle for girls.

12. Over the years, the instincts of a homemaker will awaken in you. You will become the center of the family. Your grandchildren will gather around you, for whom you will be an adviser, a doctor, and a shining example of a successful life.

Fortune telling Calling the spirit

Answers to questions can be obtained by summoning the spirit. To do this, you need to know that spirits come in the elements of Earth, Fire, Air and Water.

Fortune telling for Summoning the Spirit: Spirit of the Earth element

This is the spirit of the North and the Earth. It rules the mind and intellect. If you want to summon this particular spirit, lay down a green cloth and sit facing north. Place a pentacle on the fabric (straight pentogram - a five-pointed star looking up). Place a green candle in the center of the pentacle. Place some soil around the candle. Summon the spirit. Then make the Earth gesture (palm horizontal, facing down). If the flame shines and moves, it means the spirit is with you.

Fortune telling for the Call of the Spirit. Air Elemental Spirit

Spirit of the East, Air and Wind. Rules creativity and magic. To summon this spirit, lay down a yellow cloth. Sit facing east. Place a yellow candle in the center, next to it a censer with a stick of incense. Make the Air gesture (palm in front of the candle in a vertical position).

Fire Elemental Spirit

Spirit of the South and Fire. This spirit controls feelings and emotions. To summon it, lay down a red cloth. Sit facing south. Light a red candle. Light a fire in a saucer. Make a Fire gesture - fist pointing forward.

Fortune telling for the Call of the Spirit. Water Elemental Spirit

Spirit of the West and Water. Controls healing. To summon this spirit, lay down a blue or light blue cloth. Sit facing West. Place a clear bowl of illuminated water in the center. Place a blue or light blue candle behind the bowl. Gesture - palm facing up, folded into a handful. The spirit should be called in accordance with the question of interest, for example, if the question concerns love, the spirit of fire should be called, since it rules the feelings. Make a circle out of paper, on which write all the letters of the alphabet and numbers from 0 to 9, take a needle and thread, and place a saucer in the center of the circle. Now you can summon the spirit. To do this, you need to concentrate, put your right hand on the saucer and say: “I call you, Spirit (Fire, Earth, Water, Air).” Then you need to ask if the spirit has come. If the spirit is here, the saucer will move. Having received a positive answer, ask him any questions you are interested in. In order to find out the answer, hold a needle and thread over the circle and from those letters that the needle points to, the answer will be formed.

Fortune telling Predictions of the Pythia

You should draw a circle on a piece of paper, divide it into 17 sectors, enter the following numbers into them and throw the needle, concentrating on the issue of fortune-telling the Predictions of the Pythia.

Answers for fortune telling Predictions of the Pythia

1. Neither great joys nor sorrows are expected in the near future.

2. You need to decide on the goals that you want to achieve in the near future. This applies to both personal life and career.

3. Be careful: there is serious trouble ahead. To avoid them, you should pay more attention to those around you.

4. A favorable time will soon come for all kinds of undertakings, and new acquaintances will prove to be very useful.

5. Prepare for major changes. Stay calm, then they won't seem so crushing.

6. Soon you will go on a business trip or a pleasant trip.

7. The time has come for rest, since all your affairs are in perfect order and the situation is quite stable.

8. In the near future, you will have a serious disagreement with your loved ones, which will unsettle you for a long time. If you are the first to make concessions and reconciliation, the situation will change for the better and the conflict will be resolved. If you insist on your way, a quarrel can turn into much more serious troubles for you.

9. Take care of your health. Maybe it's time to get rid of bad habits?

10. The intrigues of ill-wishers will entail serious troubles. To avoid this, it is not recommended to engage in business activity.

11. You will be forced to part with the person who decided a lot in your life.

12. Good news and success in all matters, even seemingly adventurous ones, await you soon.

13. Do not carry out transactions with the sale of real estate in the near future: there is a high probability of fraud. Limit your expenses for a while and save.

14. Everything is stable, and no changes or news are expected.

15. Try to have a good rest and unwind – this is what you need most now.

16. In the near future you will have extraordinary luck in financial matters.

17. It depends only on you whether you keep a favorable situation under control.

Fortune telling on a wish for the New Year

Four aces will help you make your cherished wish on New Year's Eve. Take a regular deck, shuffle it and place it into 4 equal piles. Place cards for fortune telling for wishes in the New Year face down. Strictly follow the rules of fortune telling.

How to do fortune telling on a wish in the New Year

Remove cards from the first pile until an ace appears; if an ace comes next, then put it next to the first one and open a new card. And so check all the cards, putting aside unnecessary ones, until the ace. Your task is to find aces in the pile, one after the other. Let's say you hit an ace. Behind it is another card, and then an ace again. You only need the first ace. All other cards and the aces following them are sent to the bat. As you sorted the first pile, do the same with the others. As a result of the search, you may be left with four aces, three, two, one ace. Fortune telling for a wish in the New Year - the wish made will quickly come true for the one who got four aces. Three aces portend a fairly quick fulfillment of a desire, two aces - a slow one, and one ace - unfortunately, there is no hope for fulfillment. (you can guess this way at Christmas until January 19)

DREAM fortune telling for your betrothed

When going to bed, they put a comb under the pillow and say: “Mummer, comb my head.” The betrothed appears in a dream and combs his hair.

Fortune telling for the speed of getting married

Several girls cut threads of equal length and set them on fire. Whichever girl's thread burns out ahead of everyone else will be the first to get married. But if the thread goes out immediately, or is only half burned, then it will not marry at all.


The girls get ready and go out into the street at midnight. Here everyone asks the name of the first man she met, his name will be the name of her betrothed.

Another Fortune Telling by Wax

For this fortune telling, you need a wax candle (if you don’t have one, you can take an ordinary paraffin candle), it is broken into small pieces. The pieces need to be placed in a metal spoon and heated on a candle. When the wax melts and turns into liquid, you need to pour it into a bowl of cold water in one fell swoop. Then your imagination comes into play, because it will be very difficult to unravel in the shapeless masses of frozen wax - a church, a heart, a ship, a car - without it (i.e., imagination).


This fortune telling is similar to the previous one, only in this case, egg white is used instead of wax, and warm water is used instead of cold water. Fill a container with warm water and drop the white of a freshly broken egg into it. The coagulated protein forms various figures, which are used to tell fortunes.

Fortune telling on mirrors

Here I will give only a few methods of fortune telling on mirrors, because... there are a lot of them. 1. You need to turn off the lights in the room, plunging it into darkness. You need to place a mirror on the table, and place a lit candle in front of it. The girl had to look through the candle flame into the mirror, where the image of her betrothed was expected to appear.

2. Two mirrors are placed one opposite the other. Two lit candles are placed in front of one, and the other is behind the girl’s back. The fortuneteller needs to draw circles around herself using a smoldering splinter and look carefully into the mirror standing in front of her. It was in him that the vision of the betrothed should have arisen.

3. Take two mirrors of different sizes and place them opposite each other, placing a lit candle in front of each of them. A kind of illuminated corridor is formed, at one end of which the girl needs to peer. With proper concentration, she can see her betrothed.


You need to take a regular glass with a flat bottom, that is, without any drawings. Fill it with water 3/4 full, then carefully lower a round wedding ring into the middle of the bottom (you can ask your mom or dad for it and clean it first). When the water in the glass calms down, you need to look through the water for a long time into the middle of the lowered ring. Many people claim that they see the face of the future groom in the ring.

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Every person is curious, especially when it comes to the future. With the help of Christmas fortune telling, you can find out what awaits you soon.

Christmas is a religious holiday, but despite the fact that the church does not encourage rituals, the desire to find out what will happen to us in the future overpowers any rules. From the New Year until Epiphany, people begin to guess about love, wealth and luck, since every day of this period has special power and energy. Rituals performed at this time are not ineffective, unless you yourself make a mistake. The site team offers you options for the best Christmas fortune telling. They will not take much of your time, and their main advantage is that they can be done at home.

Fortune telling on the betrothed on cards

The most common attribute of fortune telling is cards. With their help, you can find out what will happen to you in the near future, including changes in your personal life.

Before you go to bed, place a deck of cards under your pillow and then say:

“My betrothed, appear to me in a dream, let me know about you.”

After that, don’t talk to anyone, but go straight to bed. In the morning, without getting out of bed, take out any card from under the pillow and look at the suit.

  • Worms - your betrothed will soon appear in your life. Perhaps this is a person from your close circle, so take a closer look at your acquaintances and friends of the opposite sex. Also, your meeting may be accidental, so try to spend as much time as possible outside the home.
  • Spades - soon a loved one will appear in your life, but your feelings may not be mutual.
  • Kresti - a meeting with your lover will not happen soon, and it will be unexpected. Therefore, in the near future you will have to enjoy being alone, but in the future you will definitely find your love.
  • Tambourines - you will meet your betrothed through friends, acquaintances or relatives. Your union will be strong, and your feelings will never cool down.

Fortune telling using coins

This version of fortune telling is suitable for both girls and boys. With the help of this ritual you will be able to talk about the future of your union.

You will need a photo of your partner, two candles and 10 coins. Place a picture of your loved one between the candles, and then throw the coins one by one, while recording how many times you get heads.

  • 0 - your relationship can be called ideal. They contain mutual feelings, understanding and support. Perhaps you have already met a person with whom you can forever connect your life.
  • 1 - you are loved, but your partner does not feel feelings on your part. If you value your relationship, then show more attention and love to your other half.
  • 2 - your soulmate is currently busy with personal matters, but soon you will feel love.
  • 3 - soon your couple will face serious difficulties, but you will be able to overcome them.
  • 4 - you will soon have a child.
  • 5 - your feelings are unrequited, start looking for a new relationship.
  • 6 - your relationship is under threat. If you want to avoid separation, then show more attention to your loved one.
  • 7 - a homewrecker will appear in your life, perhaps this will be the reason for separation.
  • 8 - the relationship will be long, but you have no future together. Go in search of new love.
  • 9 - an important event will happen in your life soon, which may negatively affect your relationship.
  • 10 - unfortunately, in the near future your union may crack. Try to mentally prepare for a possible separation and don’t be upset: you will definitely find true love.

Even if the result of fortune telling did not please you, there is no need to be upset. Relationships are hard work, and only efforts on both sides will provide your union with a strong foundation and eternity.

Christmas fortune telling for the future

Each of us dreams of finding out about our future, and this will not be difficult to do with the help of Christmas fortune telling.

For fortune telling you will need any old newspaper, a candle and a flat plate. Light a newspaper and place it on a plate, then walk with it near the wall and pay attention to the shadow of your newspaper.

  • Circle - soon you will encounter difficulties, or a series of unpleasant events will occur that will greatly affect your life.
  • Blurred shadow - this year you will face major financial losses or dismissal from your job.
  • Cloud - the wishes you made for the New Year will soon come true.

  • Triangle and square - soon you will find new love and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of romantic adventures. The union with your partner will be long-lasting.
  • Snake - a traitor will appear among your friends and acquaintances. Be careful with new acquaintances and take a good look at your friends.
  • The bow is a sign that you and your loved one will soon tie the knot. The wedding will be magnificent and you will remember for a long time.
  • Heart - someone is secretly in love with you and will soon admit it. Look around, perhaps your future partner is next to you every day, but you simply do not notice his feelings.

Fortune telling is just one way to find out your future. In fact, life gives us signs every day with which we can learn about upcoming changes in our lives. The signs for Christmas deserve special attention, because it is on this day that the Higher Powers can give us an important signal, and our task is not to miss it. We wish you good luck and happiness,and don't forget to press the buttons and

Fortune telling for Christmas and Epiphany fortune telling for Christmastide use the same methods. These fortune tellings are called New Year's fortune telling. Christmas fortune-telling for the future has always been an integral part of Christmastide for the New Year. Starting from the evening before Christmas, January 6, until the night from 18 to 19 on the eve of Epiphany, the time of fairy tales and magic began. This time has always been considered the main time for festive caroling and Christmas fortune-telling. Christmas fortune-telling began on the night before Christmas, when, according to popular beliefs, there was a special riot of dark forces resisting the appearance of the baby Christ.

Fortune-telling at Christmas continued until Epiphany, while the caroling of street musicians, made up as the desecrated evil spirits, continued. Christmas masks and makeup were washed off in the Epiphany ice holes. After Christmas fortune-telling, our ancestors in Rus' swam in an ice hole at Epiphany and underwent a special purification rite. Most of these fortune tellings work at any time of the year, but during Christmas time they are known to be at their most powerful.

Christmas fortune-telling and Epiphany fortune-telling were carefully passed down from generation to generation, and have survived to this day practically unchanged. There are few basic rules for fortune telling: when doing fortune telling, it must be quiet and there should be no noise that interrupts the thin thread of contact; the magical substance does not tolerate shocks. And also, when fortune telling, you do not need to cross your arms and legs: this leads to a narrowing of communication channels, and during fortune telling, predictions require more effort to penetrate the “barriers” of crossed arms and legs. By the way, in the old days it was also believed that the most powerful fortune-telling were those made by a girl in complete silence by candlelight.

Now let’s continue and talk about the most ancient Christmas fortune-telling for the future.

Christmas fortune telling for the future and fate

1. Fortune telling by shadows from burning paper

For this sacrament you will need paper, a saucer or plate, matches, and all actions should take place in the evening in a room by candlelight. This type of fortune telling, due to its simplicity and clarity, is very common among modern girls. You need to take a sheet of clean paper and randomly crumple it. The resulting lump should be placed on the bottom of an inverted saucer or plate. The girl sets fire to a sheet of paper crumpled by her hand, and then examines the shadow on the wall from the burning paper - this is the first stage of fortune telling, even at this stage quite clear images can appear.

Everyone takes a blank sheet of paper, crumples it, puts it on a dish or on a large flat plate and sets it on fire. When the sheet burns or almost burns, it is displayed on the wall with the help of a candle - this is the second and main stage. By carefully examining the shadows, they try to find out their future from the images of the shadows. The outline should answer the question: “What lies ahead in the future?” In this fortune telling, imagination will not hurt; this type of fortune telling depends entirely on the imagination of the fortuneteller. The page will help in interpreting the figures and their meanings when fortune telling on burning paper.

2. Fortune telling using a book for the future

For fortune telling, you only need a book. You need to ask (think) a question and take any book. To get the answer, you must, without opening the book, say out loud the page number and the line at the top or bottom. A page opens in the hidden place and a prediction is read, which is interpreted in the direction desired by the fortuneteller. The book must belong to the one who reads fortunes on it, or be found by him or completely new. Other people's books, especially library books, are not suitable for fortune telling.

3. Fortune telling using a gold chain for the future

It's best to guess late at night. Sit at the table, warm the chain in your hands. Then take the chain in your right hand, shake it a little and throw it sharply onto the table. The result will be figures that can be interpreted in different ways. If the chain has formed a circle, this means that in the near future you will find yourself in a difficult situation; an even stripe means that luck and good fortune await you; a tangled knot can mean various difficulties in life; if a triangle is formed, and this happens quite rarely, then this promises great success in any business, and especially in love; bow - for an imminent wedding; the snake warns that you should be careful in communicating with people, you may be betrayed; heart - you are loved, love will bring you happiness and peace of mind.

4. Fortune telling on the ring

Throw the ring on the floor. If it rolls towards the door, it means the girl is getting married soon, and the man is going on a business trip. Can be interpreted as leaving home.

5. Fortune telling with cups for the future

For the next fortune telling you will need eight cups, a ring, water, a coin, sugar, bread, salt and onions. Everything listed is placed in cups and displayed. Fortune telling girls need to choose one cup, the object that is there will tell you what to expect in the future.

Interpretation: Ring – wedding; Bread is prosperity; Coin - wealth; Onion - tears; Water – stability and absence of any changes; Salt is misfortune; Sugar is fun.

6. Fortune telling for relatives for the future

They go to look at their neighbors' windows during dinner. If they see the heads of those sitting at the table, they foretell to themselves that the future relatives will all be alive; if they don’t see the heads, then a misfortune must happen to the relatives.

7. Fortune telling by eavesdropping for the future

You climb under your neighbors window and eavesdrop. If they have a showdown with breaking dishes, you can expect a “fun” year. If there is silence in the house, then your year will be harmonious. Depending on what is happening in the neighbors’ house at the time of eavesdropping, this is how the coming year will turn out for you.

8. Fortune telling using a wooden chip for the future

Pour water into a basin. If the fortuneteller is alone, then attach strips of paper to the edges of the pelvis on which events are written, for example, a wedding, the birth of a child, buying a home, a trip, receiving money, a new job, etc. If there are many fortunetellers, then the names of all those present who want to know their future. In this case, one event is planned, for example, a wedding, meeting a future spouse, and they look at who the sliver points to. You need to take a dry sliver, preferably deciduous wood, and fasten on it the stub of a candle that was burning in the house where the fortune telling takes place. Light the candle and push the “boat” to the middle of the pelvis. From there, the sliver should itself float to one of the notes. Whichever note floats to, that event will happen.

If the sliver turns over or sinks, then the dreamed event will not happen next year.

9. Fortune telling with a knife for the future

It has long been believed that this is how gypsies told fortunes. To do this, they used a round wooden board to cut bread with a diameter of about 30 centimeters. Place an ordinary kitchen knife in the center of the circle and mentally formulate a question. Spin the knife three times. The answer will be a message that will be shown by the tip of the knife for the first time. The other two may be the cause or effect of the predicted event. If the tip of the knife stops at an equal distance from the two messages, the fortune telling must be repeated.

You can easily get by with a piece of cardboard or a large tray, along the edges of which you need to write answers to the most frequently asked questions:

Yes; No; be patient; there is an enemy nearby, hiding under the guise of a friend; good news; love message; good luck in business; unexpected guests; Love; today's tears will be replaced by joy tomorrow; unexpected news; journey; important letter; new love; postpone making a decision

10. Fortune telling for the future blindfolded

For fortune telling, you need a scarf and many different objects, symbolizing possible events of the coming year. If necessary, all these items can be replaced with others - those that you have on hand. For example, a baby doll - “man” can be changed to a photo of a specific man, scissors to a knife, etc. The things themselves don't matter; what matters is what they symbolize. Things are laid out on the table. I blindfold one of the fortune tellers, help her twist herself three times and bring her to the table. Take the item you feel first. If you accidentally grab two at once, both await you. This process: blindfolding, twisting, blind search - should be done three times. Then return all the items to their place and give way to the next girl.

And if you want to make fortune telling more fun, hang the same things on strings, attaching them to the cornice above the window. Then, after twisting the fortuneteller three times, she must be given scissors in her hands so that she can cut one of the threads.

A large bill means big money; Small change - money for daily bread; Baby doll is a man; Condom – sex; Wedding ring - marriage; Scissors - thrill; Candy - sweet life; Compass - unexpected changes; Handle - work; Flower - inspiration; Light bulb - rays of glory; A ball, tangerine or any round object - the birth of a child.

11. Fortune telling with the choice of an object for the “quality” of life

Objects are hidden in a bag, cup or felt boot, then the girls choose their felt boot or bag. The choice of object symbolizes life in the coming year: ash - a bad life, sugar - a sweet life, a ring - getting married, an onion - for tears, a glass - drunkenness, a golden ring - a rich life. You can come up with and modify the fortune telling with your own options.

12. Fortune telling on three plates for wealth next year

This fortune telling has to do with wealth, so you need to tell fortunes using money, and for this there is no need to take large bills, a coin will be enough, preferably not the smallest denomination. To carry out the procedure, you will need to take three of the most ordinary deep plates, as well as that very small coin. All the plates turn over, the fortuneteller leaves the room. Meanwhile, a third person, in the absence of the person who is telling fortunes about his wealth, places a coin under one of the plates. Then the fortuneteller returns to the room and chooses one of the plates at random. If there is a coin under the chosen plate, it means that there is a great chance to get rich in the coming year.

If you couldn’t find the coin on the first try, you can choose the plate again; if you’re unlucky even then, it means the year will be poor, and if the second attempt brings good luck, it means that the fortuneteller will still have money, just not in large quantities. This method almost never fails, especially in cases where the fortuneteller really strives for financial stability and independence. You can tell fortunes for money and wealth using coins and banknotes, or you can learn everything you can about luck, financial success, success in business and much more in.

13. Fortune telling with needles

Girls like simple Christmas fortune telling with needles. For it you will need to take two ordinary needles, a glass of water and a piece of lard. The needles are smeared with lard and then lowered into water. At the same time, the fortuneteller must say: “Oh, my little needle, stop sewing on my father, stop sewing on my mother, the time has come for you, little needle, to sew on my pillow.” Then everything depends on how the needles behave - if they come together, it means that love will soon happen, and with it a wedding. But if, on the contrary, the needles stay away from each other, it means there will be no wedding next year. See another page for more details.

14. Fortune telling with an egg

For this fortune telling you need a glass and a raw egg. Pierce the egg with a thin needle from the sharp end and carefully release the white into the water. The yolk should not get into the water. Shake the glass lightly and place it for a while, about half an hour, in a cool place: outside, in the refrigerator or loggia. Then take out the glass and see what kind of shapes are formed. Here you can show your imagination, and everyone can have their own associations. It is considered a bad omen if the squirrel does not form any figure and simply lies on the bottom. More details and interpretation of the figures on another page.

15. Wax fortune telling

This fortune telling requires several wax candles, a deep bowl of cold water and some kind of container such as a spoon or ladle in which you will melt the wax. Before starting fortune telling, take a candle and, breaking it into small pieces, place it in a spoon, which you then heat over one of the lit candles to melt the wax. When the pieces of wax are completely melted, quickly pour the contents into cold water and examine the resulting figures. Sometimes they do it differently. They take a thick candle, light it and wait for a while so that it melts more strongly. Then tilt the candle over the water so that the melted wax flows into it. The resulting figure is interpreted according to the associations that arise. More details and interpretation of the figures on another page.

16. Fortune telling on coffee grounds for the future

Brew coffee in a Turkish coffee pot and pour it into a cup. To read the sign correctly, it is better to use a simple-shaped cup. After drinking coffee, cover the cup with a saucer and shake it up and down three times. The thicket spreads along the bottom, forming intricate figures; you need to interpret them and find out your future. More details with the interpretation of the figures on another page.

17. Fortune telling using tea leaves for the future

Brew tea in a cup. The tea is not drunk completely; the liquid should slightly cover the bottom. Holding the cup in your left hand, stir the tea - making three sharp turns with the cup clockwise, and turn the cup over, holding it with the handle towards you, slightly tilting it, and look inside. Mentally divide the volume of the cup in half. Everything that is closer to the pen is directly related to the fortuneteller, the rest is related to strangers, but familiar people. Tea grounds at the sides of the cup predict the near future, and at the bottom - the distant future. More details on another page.

18. Calling the spirit and fortune telling on a saucer

Draw a large magic circle. The letters of the alphabet and numbers from 1 to 9 are written clockwise around the circumference of the circle. “Yes” is written on top, “No” on the bottom. An arrow is drawn on a thin porcelain saucer, the saucer is heated over a candle flame and placed in the center of the magic circle. Fortune tellers place two fingers on a saucer, summon the spirit and ask questions. Then they thank the spirit and say goodbye. When fortune telling, the door and window should be open, there should be no animals or open mirrors. More details on another page.

You can also tell your fortune for Christmas using simple playing cards, legendary Tarot cards or magical Lenormand cards. On our website you can start getting acquainted with. You will be greeted with cards and layouts for fortune telling using playing cards, Tarot cards and Lenormand cards.