What is the name of the stand for. Clothes hanger on wheels: a good solution in interior design. Metal floor clothes hanger

Hello, dear friends! Every Soviet driver knows ideally the structure of any domestic car. However, in 2016, the same Moskvich on the roadway no longer looks so elegant. Therefore, even the most malicious people who are not fans of something new buy a modern car, which has a lot of differences from veteran cars. Today, we will talk about modernized shock absorbers that will definitely surprise the former owner of the rarity. If you are that kind of person, then sit down! I’ve been waiting for you and I’m ready to answer the question “what are car struts?”, so let’s get straight to the point!

What is a car rack?

The wide range of drivers is filled with various debates. So, most drivers claim that shock absorbers are useless. They say the spring is what really dampens all the vibration. I agree, but tell me, experts, who will undertake to dampen the vibration of the spring itself? I will answer you, in the entire car suspension there is no part capable of performing such a task better than struts. Driving without them will lead to terrible shaking, which will not only cause certain problems for the passengers of the vehicle, but will also complicate the movement of the car in general, since the level of adhesion of the wheels to the asphalt will significantly decrease. In addition, the shock absorber, in addition to absorbing vertical loads, also controls horizontal body roll.

A strut is the same shock absorber, but in a different shell. According to the area of ​​application, they are also divided into front and rear. There is no particular difference between them; the goal of both is to effectively reduce the load on the vehicle structure coming from holes, potholes, ditches and other surprises on the domestic road. The design of the car rack includes the following elements:

  • The housing (support) on which the mount is located;
  • Working substance;
  • Shock absorber rod equipped with a casing and fastening;
  • Piston;
  • Recoil and compression valve;
  • Rings;
  • Cylinder;
  • Spring;
  • Seals.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all whether the front or rear pillar of the car is the main “characters” will remain unchanged. Damping of vibrations is carried out through the movement of a piston on a rod along a cylinder filled with a working substance. Thus, under the weight of the machine, it is possible to convert kinetic energy into calmer thermal energy.

Main varieties

When choosing shock absorbers, we all strive to buy the model that will simultaneously improve both the car’s handling and our own level of comfort when moving. However, you need to understand everything and it does not happen at once; by increasing one indicator, the second will certainly decrease. Therefore, you need to choose a shock absorber based solely on your driving style. A person who prefers a stiffer suspension will feel discomfort on a soft type and vice versa.

To choose the best option, you need to know what types of struts there are for a car, because the final sensations of the driver and passengers depend on the type of shock absorber. According to the type of working fluid used, the following types of racks per car are divided:

  • Oil-based ones are great for moving on a flat road, but do not perform their duties well in adverse conditions. The fact is that when the piston moves intensively, the generated thermal energy accumulates, which leads to heating of the oil and a decrease in the efficiency of the struts. The best option for urban areas: accessible and resistant to various external factors.
  • Gas shock absorbers are more difficult to operate, but their service life is significantly increased compared to oil shock absorbers. This type of shock absorber can be installed in any position, even lying down. The oil won't escape here. Moreover, unlike its opponent, the cooling of the gas strut occurs much faster, and hence, better efficiency and stability. The price, accordingly, is also an order of magnitude higher.

Most car enthusiasts prefer a hydraulic shock absorber, but not everyone knows that before installation, it is necessary to remove air from the working cylinder, otherwise the efficiency of their work will be zero. Bleeding the car struts involves forcing the rod to move. To do this, secure the part with the rod at the top and press it with your hands until the working part exceeds the level of the glass by several centimeters. We remain in this position for about five seconds, after which we smoothly pull out the rod until the end of its stroke. We repeat the procedure 3-4 times, followed by another 2-3 more rhythmic times. If the dips are not felt, you can safely mount the parts directly on the vehicle.

Front stabilizer

The front and rear pillars of the car are not the only similar mechanisms in the design of the car. An equally important element of the suspension of a modern vehicle is the stabilizer link, which connects the body and suspension. Its purpose is to reduce roll when cornering, as well as to keep the car from swaying during acceleration and braking. That is, this part makes it easier to drive a car, while also improving the safety of passengers when moving.

Car stabilizer struts can be: symmetrical and asymmetrical. The first ones are universal, that is, they fit on both sides of the suspension. The second ones are divided into left and right, keep this in mind when choosing. Do not forget that the dimensions of the part may also vary.

In conclusion

Now you know what car struts are and how they function. However, remember, with our roads the service life, the average of which is 60-80 thousand kilometers, is halved. Oh, and one more thing - repairs to the car strut are not carried out after it expires! That's all for me, goodbye!

You need to store clothes in such a way that they do not lose their attractiveness, and it is always easy to find the right outfit. But what will it be - a few nails driven into the wall, or a stylish and elegant floor hanger? A floor clothes hanger can become not only a functional item, but also a significant element of the interior, adding notes of a certain style and charm to it.

Pros and cons of floor hangers

The main disadvantage of the floor structure is its questionable stability, especially for inexpensive products. But if you think in advance about what kind of things the future hanger will be used for, you can choose a high-quality, fairly stable and safe model.

Advantages of floor hangers:

  • Mobility. This part can be easily moved to another location. If you have rearranged, renovated, added a new interior element to the room, or vice versa - freed up space from unnecessary things, perhaps now the hanger will look more harmonious in another place.
  • No installation work. When installing a wall hanger, it often requires holes in the wall, which damage the decorative covering. When dismantling, the holes will be visible and the wall fragment will have to be repaired. When you no longer need the floor clothes holder, simply hide it in your utility room in a matter of minutes.
  • Wide range of models. You can choose a floor hanger to suit any interior style, for any type of clothing, accessories and even shoes. They differ in size, material of manufacture, and external design.

Wooden floor clothes hanger

A wooden hanger is the most popular option. The wood is strong and durable, therefore, such a hanger will be stable and reliable. On sale there are varnished and painted products, carved models, as well as the most laconic ones, which, by the way, you can make yourself. A wooden stand for clothes will be appropriate in many styles - from traditional classics to fashionable loft. Such a hanger will decorate a room in a country style, as well as a room in a modern eco-style.

Metal floor clothes hanger

This hanger has an impressive weight, so there is no doubt about its stability. Most often, metal hangers are made of chromed aluminum, which can be painted in a variety of colors. Separately, it is worth mentioning forged floor hangers. These are products that are not inferior in practical qualities to ordinary metal ones, but have enhanced aesthetic properties. A forged hanger is a unique and elegant decoration for your hallway or verandas.

Floor-standing clothes hanger IKEA

Holders made from a variety of materials can be found at IKEA. An IKEA hanger can also be a combination of materials. For example, plastic hangers are unstable due to their low weight, so manufacturers use a hybrid of plastic and metal. Also, metal and wooden hangers are equipped with rubber or plastic tips on hooks (so as not to spoil clothes) and legs (to protect the floor covering).

A mug stand today is becoming a familiar attribute for every home, be it a family home or a bachelor’s apartment. This small item combines a lot of advantages - it helps preserve the surface of tables, decorates the interior, is relatively inexpensive and even serves as a collector's item.

In our country, interest in this attribute is just beginning to grow, while in the West the practical and inexpensive accessory has been used for quite a long time. In addition, this item has its own history as well as manufacturing standards. How did the mug stand come about? What is the name of this accessory and what can it be made of? Let's find out from a short excursion into history.

Coaster, fire, beermat or tatsek?

It turns out that the mug coaster has a name - coaster. The word comes from the German bierdeckel, which means “beer lid.” It would seem, what does the lid have to do with it? It's all about the widespread tradition of 19th century Germany to close the lids to protect the drink from insects and dust. Only for rich people, the lids were made of tin and were not removable, while less wealthy citizens covered their beer with round pieces of felt. It was on these felt coasters that beer mugs were sometimes placed to remove the flowing foam.

The Germans liked the idea of ​​placing a mug on a mat to absorb excess moisture so much that in 1893 they patented a more practical water coaster made of moisture-absorbing cardboard. This is how beer mat appeared, from the English beermat (beer - beer, mat - rug). A beer mug stand can also be called tacek (in Czech). But if we are talking about an ordinary cup that requires a stand for hot food, then the word bonfire (from the English coaster) is more often used, which means “mat for a cup.”

What are coasters used for?

A mug stand turns out to be a very functional accessory. In a stylish kitchen, such a piece of furniture can add missing accents or add coziness. In addition, not all surfaces can withstand moisture or temperature, so a coaster will help prevent untimely damage to the table. It will also protect against possible scratches that mugs leave on glass and varnished surfaces.

Another main function that has made coasters popular in drinking establishments is their use as a marketing tool. Back in the 19th century, they noticed the effect of the receptivity of information on the pleasant emotions that a person experiences in relation to drinks. It is at this moment that the mug stand catches your eye. Photo printing on a stand is a modern trend, but beer brands and establishment names began to be placed on coasters from the end of the 19th century, because the advertising advantages of this item can hardly be overestimated.

Shapes and materials

The original mug stand, in the form in which we see it every day, was made of compressed cardboard in the shape of a circle with a diameter of just over 10 cm and a thickness of 5 mm. Today, manufacturers and home craftsmen come up with new stands every day of different shapes from all kinds of materials. And if a company that produces coasters for beer manufacturers or drinking establishments must take into account the hygroscopicity of the material and its thickness, then there are no restrictions for an interior mug stand.

There are two main categories of coaster shapes - simple and complex. Round and square stands can be simple, but complex shapes are distinguished by polygonal, curved surfaces and in the form of silhouettes of objects. In addition, today a mug coaster is not just a felt piece of fabric. The accessory can be made from anything: wood, stones, porcelain, leather, shells, glass or cork. Coasters are even knitted or using polished sections of agate.


Today, a mug stand is not only a functional piece of furniture or a marketing tool. Many people are interested in collecting coasters, devoting a lot of time and effort to this hobby. Surprisingly, an official Latin term was invented for such an activity - tegestology (from the word tegetis - “rug”), and the collectors themselves are called tegestologists.

Most testologists live in Germany, the homeland of the accessory. For them, in the middle of the 20th century, a special society was created called “Collectors of Beer Paraphernalia”, which has international status. Testologist clubs are common in the UK, as well as in Wales and Australia. There are several categories of coaster collectors; for example, some are exclusively interested in ceramic or felt coasters.

A bar table, if there is one in the kitchen, is statistically used even more often than a dining table. When purchasing a bar counter, think in advance what accessories you will need, do you need a wall-mounted bar system, central and side shelves, or will it be enough to hang a small cabinet?

Pros and cons of equipping a bar counter

Kitchen bar accessories have their pros and cons.


  • this is an excellent solution if there is not enough space to store things;
  • The central and side shelves are very convenient and functional to use.


  • the need to regularly wipe dust off bottles, glasses, and cutlery;
  • a large number of accessories overloads the space; owners should be especially careful when filling the rack.

Types and types of bar counter equipment

Accessories and fittings vary in the method of fastening, shape, materials and purpose.

According to the method of fastening, we can distinguish:

  1. Central shelves for the bar counter, which are mounted on the pipe in the center;
  1. Side or rotating shelves, which are attached to the pipe to a handle that extends to the side;

  1. Suspension systems that are attached not to the bar counter and pipe, but to the ceiling.

The shape of the central and side shelves can be cone-shaped or round.

According to their purpose and functions, bar accessories are divided into:

  1. Glass holders;
  2. Bottle holders;
  3. Universal - for storing things, dishes, food and serving;
  4. Hangers for cutlery, mugs, napkins, etc.

Accessories and fittings are most often made of metal or a combination of metal and glass. But the color of the metal can be the following: gold, bronze, copper, glossy and matte chrome.

The color of accessories and furniture fittings must match the color of the kitchen fittings. Read more about color combinations in the kitchen interior.

What furniture fittings are needed to create a multi-level structure of shelves?

First of all, you need a pipe that serves as a foot and base-mount for the shelves. It is made of brass or nickel and is most often 50 mm in diameter. The pipe (or rod) is secured to the rod holder to the floor, with side fastening to the wall and/or to the ceiling with ceiling fastening. The bar counter is also attached to the tabletop with a special flange.

How to choose the right package

Let's figure out what will really be necessary and what is better to refuse so as not to clutter up the space.

It is necessary to choose accessories for the bar counter based on its purpose. In what capacity is it most often used: as a home bar for parties and celebrations, as a table for breakfast and snacks, an additional surface for cooking, working at the computer, or simply as an accessory that separates the space?

If the bar counter is, first of all, a place for you to relax with friends, then equip it with a multi-level composition of: a glass holder, a central shelf for bottles, a side shelf for serving and storage. If the kitchen and the counter itself are large, and you want to create the atmosphere of a real bar, then install a wall-mounted system.

Using more than three shelves is only permissible if your bar counter is a bar counter and not a breakfast table.

If you often cook at the bar table or want to use it to store kitchen utensils, then you will need: triple hangers with hooks on which you can hang ladle, a side shelf for serving, a universal central shelf for storing things (preferably with high sides) and optional glass/bottle holder. But, if there are children in the house, then, of course, it is better to abandon this idea.

In other cases, it will be enough to put it on the wall

What is the name of the beer coaster?! When we ask this question, I’m sure many people think of the bearded joke about the “cookie”:

A tourist walks into a bar and orders a glass of beer. The waiter brings it, placing a coaster. A moment later again:

  • - A mug of beer!

The waiter complies, noticing that there is no coaster. Well, he thinks, you never know... A moment later, another order:

  • - A mug of beer!

The waiter brings it, but there is no stand! Collecting or something! Order again:

  • - A mug of beer!

This time the waiter brings beer, but decides to cheat and places the mug on the bare table! To which the question comes:

  • - And the cookie?

However, we all know that this is an important attribute of beer culture, such as a beer label, mug or. The function of this attribute is to provide convenience and comfort when drinking foam in a bar.

So, to the question of what a beer stand is called, we answer - coaster. This item has its own history, like any other representative of beer culture. Literally translated, the word “beer deck” means “beer cap,” even though we now use it in the “opposite” direction. The traditions of the 19th century and the established culture of beer consumption in taverns are to blame for this.

Coasters have been part of beer culture for over a hundred years. Currently, this is an important element of advertising, and advertising in some cases replaces the original functionality of the stand. Leather, rubber and plastic products are beautiful and very informative, but they cope with their main task much worse than cardboard stands.

Limited edition beer coasters and rare antiques are always welcome items in albums. From the coasters you can observe the history of the development of the coasters themselves, the beer industry and even the evolution of beer varieties.

We hope that you received an answer to the question of what a beer stand is called and this information will be useful to you, but if you still have “blank spots” - be sure to write to