What are the core values ​​of Sberbank? Sberbank will cut leaders in its team. with day care for children

OUR VALUES AND THEIR ELEMENTS 2 I accept responsibility for myself and for what happens around us. I improve myself, the bank and our environment by doing the best I can. I am honest with myself, colleagues and clients. We readily help each other, working towards a common result. We are open, we respect colleagues and trust each other. We help our colleagues grow and develop. All our activities are built around and for the interests of our clients. We want to surprise and delight customers with the quality of our services and our attitude. We exceed our clients' expectations. I am a leader We are a team Everything is for the client

3 BOOK ABOUT VALUES. HOW WE SEE IT What it is: This is a code that contains specific rules of conduct at Sberbank. It is aimed at the widest audience – all Bank employees. The purpose of the book: to operationalize our new values, that is, to show in what specific behavior they should be manifested. Source material for the book: results of surveys and crowdsourcing of our employees; survey of senior managers. We reveal each element of each of the three values ​​(9 in total) through three stages of manifestation: what we DO NOT DO; as we do every day, every day; how you can manifest your value as much as possible.

I AM A LEADER 1. I accept responsibility for myself and for what happens around me; I do not shift my responsibility to my subordinates and colleagues; I don’t hide behind the fact that the issue is not in my competence; I’m not afraid to talk about problems and opportunities for improvement that I see; I do not remain indifferent and indifferent. I admit and correct my mistakes and help others correct their mistakes; I remember that order in the Bank begins with me and the little things, and therefore I maintain cleanliness in the workplace, look neat, and manage my time effectively; I fulfill my promises and obligations on time and efficiently; I use the Bank's resources and funds responsibly. to be a professional in your field and a leader whom others want to follow, but do not have to follow; be a responsible leader not only at work, but in all areas of your life; to do more than is formally required of me for the success of the common cause; welcome and support healthy image life. I NEVER: I ALWAYS: I STRIVE FOR: 4

I am a LEADER 2. I am improving myself, the bank and our environment, doing the best I can 5 I’m not saying that it will do, we’re doing well and that’s how we’ve always done it; I do not criticize my colleagues’ ideas without offering solutions; I don’t stop there. I try every day to make my work and the work of the Bank at least a little better; I look for and use opportunities to gain new knowledge and experience; I put my soul into my business; I’ll tell my colleagues if I see how they can do something better in their work. identify systemic causes of errors and find solutions; grow, develop as a person and as a professional; introduce colleagues to new ideas and share new knowledge. I NEVER: I ALWAYS: I STRIVE FOR:

I am a LEADER 3. I am honest with myself, colleagues and clients 6 I do not mislead colleagues and clients, do not act to the detriment of their interests; I don’t discuss colleagues behind their backs; I do not adapt to the opinion of my superiors if I have my own informed judgment on this issue; I do not forget that I represent the Bank and my behavior may affect its reputation. I speak honestly and openly with colleagues about our problems and share successes with the team; I show real achievements without embellishing them; I maintain good working relationships with both colleagues and management; I warn my colleagues if I cannot fulfill my obligations. create open, trusting and friendly relationships with clients and colleagues; learn from your failures; to be a worthy representative of the Bank in the eyes of clients. I NEVER: I ALWAYS: I STRIVE FOR:

WE ARE A TEAM 1. We readily help each other, working towards a common result 7 We do not remain indifferent to the difficulties of our colleagues; We do not allow conflicts in the team: we may disagree, defend our point of view, criticize, but we do this with respect for each other; We do not put the interests of our unit above the interests of the team. aware of each other’s tasks and ready to support colleagues; we rejoice in common successes; We are ready to share our knowledge and skills with colleagues. be an example for others; create team spirit and a comfortable atmosphere in the team; help colleagues (including those from other departments). I NEVER: I ALWAYS: I STRIVE FOR:

WE ARE A TEAM 2. We are open, respect colleagues and trust each other 8 We do not behave rudely and do not insult colleagues and subordinates; We do not get personal when discussing work issues; We don’t waste our colleagues’ time, we don’t be late for meetings; We do not try to assert ourselves at the expense of our colleagues; We do not interrupt our interlocutors; We do not use mobile devices at meetings and general meetings, we do not get distracted by reading mail or correspondence. we trust our colleagues and behave in such a way as to justify their trust; responsive and ready for constructive discussion and criticism; We openly discuss tasks and problems; we say thank you; respect the opinion of the interlocutor; We respect our colleagues’ time and therefore prepare for meetings and conferences in advance, expressing our thoughts briefly and clearly; We answer calls and letters in a timely and friendly manner. our reputation in the Bank was impeccable; constantly maintain a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance in the team; the inner freedom and dignity of everyone created an atmosphere of creativity in the team. I NEVER: I ALWAYS: I STRIVE FOR:

WE ARE A TEAM 3. We help our colleagues grow and develop 9 We do not hide information that may be useful to colleagues; We do not hinder the growth and development of colleagues; We do not discriminate against employees based on their nationality, gender, age, marital status and work experience. We encourage the manifestation of initiative in the team; We give our colleagues advice that helps them grow both professionally and personally; ready to accept helpful advice colleagues; we give constructive feedback colleagues. inspire colleagues to achieve best result; create opportunities for learning and professional growth for our team members; maintain an atmosphere of openness in the team. I NEVER: I ALWAYS: I STRIVE FOR:

EVERYTHING IS FOR THE CLIENT 1. All our activities are built around and for the sake of the interests of clients 10 I will not remain indifferent to the client’s problems; I will not be rude to the client; I will not enter into conflict with the client; I will not allow client data to leak; I will not send the client an unfinished proposal or offer a product that is not suitable for him. has a positive and friendly attitude towards the client; When I see a client’s problem, I won’t rest until I solve it; I delve deeply into any client’s requests; absolutely fair with the client, regardless of the circumstances. always find the solutions the client needs; treat clients the way I would like to be treated; become a client’s partner and financial advisor for life. I NEVER: I ALWAYS: I STRIVE FOR:

EVERYTHING IS FOR THE CLIENT 2. We want to surprise and delight clients with the quality of services and our attitude 11 I will not refuse to help a client, even if it is not in my direct competence; I won't stop looking for the best optimal solution for client. I do everything possible to identify and understand all the client’s needs; ready to offer the client assistance from our entire team; I show sincere goodwill towards the client; I give the client comprehensive and clear answers to all his questions. provide the client with the most comfortable and convenient service; communicate with each client as the most important person for me; Help the client achieve his life goals. I NEVER: I ALWAYS: I STRIVE FOR:

EVERYTHING IS FOR THE CLIENT 3. We exceed the expectations of our clients 12 I will not allow myself to withdraw from solving client problems; I do not approach solving client problems formally; I will not leave the client alone with his problems. if necessary, I do more for the client than is required of me; I make sure that the client’s problems are resolved; I serve the client as if I were in his place; I tell the client about all the products and services that are most convenient for him. develop empathy for our clients, understand their emotions, experiences and feelings; increase client financial literacy and awareness; create a good mood for the client; anticipate the client's wishes and pleasantly surprise him. I NEVER: I ALWAYS: I STRIVE FOR:

Sberbank mission

Every organization and every team member needs a goal that would determine the meaning and content of their activities. New horizons for the Bank’s development, new qualitative tasks place special demands on the team of employees, their awareness and sharing of philosophy and values, understanding of the meaning and most important fundamental principles and content of the Bank’s activities, which are expressed in its mission. The main thing in the life of every person is the desire and desire to be happy. Our team consists of people for whom the path to happiness lies through self-improvement. The main obstacles are complacency, unwillingness to see ways to self-improvement, laziness, and passivity.

When we develop and reach new heights, we feel like winners and experience a well-deserved sense of pride in our team and colleagues.

When we change ourselves, the world around us changes and becomes better. It is this inner feeling that gives us a feeling of freedom, self-confidence, and confidence in the future. Changing an organization is possible only through change and personal growth of its team members. The path to changing a team lies through the personal growth of its leaders.

Mission of the Sergievo Posad Branch of Sberbank of Russia OJSC:

    We satisfy the needs for the quality of banking services for both private and corporate clients;

    We give people confidence and reliability, we make their lives better by helping them realize their aspirations and dreams;

    We are a Bank that values ​​every client:

    A partner bank that is ready to help every client every day in everything related to finance

    A bank you can trust: it is financially stable, it will not deceive you, it has fair conditions, it will provide quick and convenient service, it will help you choose and make the optimal financial decision based on the interests of the client

    A bank that is constantly working and improving to please its customers and improve its work

Strategic vision of Sberbank until 2014.

1. Financial results: increasing profit by more than three times by 2014 while reducing the ratio of operating costs to net operating income by five percentage points, which will allow maintaining return on capital at a level of at least 20%.

2. Position on the Russian market: strengthening competitive positions in the main banking markets (raising funds individuals, lending to the population, raising funds and lending to legal entities).

3. Qualitative indicators of development (“health” of the bank): the best skills in Russia in the field of customer service, leadership in service quality, a modern risk management system, management and operational processes and systems comparable with the best world analogues, an IT platform adequate to the requirements and scale of the business, a corporate culture shared by all bank employees, aimed at self-improvement and increased productivity, highly professional, interested staff, a recognizable “positive” brand, a high degree of customer loyalty. Our goal is to become one of the best financial companies.

About employment

I came to practice at Sberbank as a student. I have a higher financial education from the Academy of Banking. I always wanted to work in a bank. During my studies, there were many offers from different banks; I chose Sberbank myself.

When I came to the bank on the first day, there were five of us from different universities. First, we were distributed and assigned mentors, and given instructions to read. They explained to us who was doing what and gave us materials to study.

In the first stage, I interacted a lot with other employees. The company has guys who are “walking instructions” - they can answer any of your questions.

The internship lasted five weeks. Afterwards I expressed a desire to stay and was offered a job. I defended my thesis while already an employee of Sberbank.

About work and responsibilities

When I came to work, Sberbank was actively growing, there were many young specialists. Therefore, we had to try. In practice, work and theoretical knowledge diverge. What you learned at university is only enough for conversation and understanding what is happening.

At the very beginning of my work, I could not answer many questions. I watched and learned. Beginners need not to be lazy and develop. We are a commercial organization, and results are important here.

At first I was assigned to the department as a loan consultant. I called clients, advised people on incoming calls, and filled out requests. I was proud that, thanks to my work, clients began to be serviced by Sberbank.

We often organize focus groups. It is important for us to know how people react to the product. Direct criticism from people helps direct energy in the right direction. At Sberbank, instant feedback from large quantity of people. We participate in the lives of many - this increases personal responsibility.

My current position is General Manager of Transactional Business Development. My responsibilities include supervision of the branch network, support for operational activities, non-standard transactions, sales, motivation and mentoring. We create new products and processes, analyze data, plan. The main emphasis is on digitalization and remote customer service so that online services are available to everyone.

Working at Sberbank develops leadership qualities. The President of the Sberbank Group and the Chairman of the Board of Sberbank in Kazakhstan communicate annually with employees. This gives you energy for work.

I understand where leadership needs to be shown and how to find a solution to a problem. The leader takes responsibility and makes more management decisions. At Sberbank you always understand what they want from you, and you convey it during work and negotiations.

The team always has diverse people: some record and analyze, others generate and visualize. Employees of different emotional and age backgrounds form different puzzles into a beautiful and effective picture.

About difficulties

A person often perceives something new with hostility. We struggle when management tries to change us. But you need to learn to be flexible. Sberbank provides food for thought and development, because the bank dynamically and flexibly responds to market conditions and customer needs.

When difficulties arise, we gain knowledge and move on. As a general manager, I was faced with the fact that leading is difficult. Sometimes it seems that the leader is doing nothing. But I was convinced that this was not so. Organizing a team and motivating employees is difficult. Main difficult task- keep up with everyone.

There are obstacles that you constantly overcome. And when you receive positive feedback, it energizes you.

About plans At Sberbank, all employees have different motivations.

Management understands this and evaluates the result and encourages it. I plan to officially head the department. There are many tasks and ideas - everything needs to be implemented. Like Share



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I am a leader! We are a team! Everything is for the client


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    Head office of Sberbank for the Leningrad region OJSC "Sberbank of Russia": Address: Nevsky Prospekt, building 101 Telephones: 326-34-88 _ _ _ Olga Mikhailovna Panova 680-21-23 _ _ _ Starkov Artem Aleksandrovich 680-41-72 _ _ _ Vikhrova Yulia Andreevna Thank you for your attention!