Window edging with siding. Installation features or what needs to be taken into account for a good result? Installation of additional elements

Nowadays, no one can be surprised by a house that is decorated with siding. It is convenient, cheap and aesthetically pleasing. Wall installation can be performed by any non-professional, guided by the instructions for the material, as well as video and photo master classes on the Internet. When finishing a window with siding begins, many become confused. Indeed, finishing this element of the facade is a little more difficult, not to mention the fact that window decorative elements are the most expensive additional parts in the set. Nobody wants to ruin them just like that. In our article we will try to teach how to design window openings with and without slopes using a siding profile.

The finishing market today is dominated by demand for two types of materials - vinyl and metal. Each of them has its own pros and cons for window treatments. The features of these siding coatings manifest themselves in different climatic zones and methods of operation in their own way.

Window decoration using a window profile looks very attractive


This material is made from polyvinyl chloride with the addition of additives for strength and elasticity. To date, the production of PVC coatings has reached a high quality level, and the cost remains quite affordable for the average buyer. Companies in the USA, Canada, Germany and other countries are working on the production of vinyl siding. In Russia, vinyl products are produced by such manufacturers as Deke, Alta-Profile, Grand Line and others. The cost of products and vinyl starts from 170 rubles. for one element. Window parts are slightly more expensive than wall panels. Why is vinyl finishing preferred in the world?

  1. It can be used in almost any region: from hot cities to cold remote areas. High quality material copes well with both heat and frost.
  2. Wear resistance indicators of PVC good producers allow us to give them a guarantee of up to 30 years.
  3. The material almost does not fade under ultraviolet radiation from the sun. In the first year, the color may change slightly, but subsequently its intensity does not suffer, regardless of the amount sunny days per year.
  4. Vinyl siding is easy to maintain. Simply wipe the surface with a cloth or clean it with detergent: vinyl is not afraid of impact chemical substances, the main thing is not to use coarse abrasive pastes and powders. If the house is located in an area with high humidity, then mold may appear on the surface of the casing. It can be easily removed with a 5% chlorine solution. It is better not to do a large concentration, as it can damage the color of the panels.
  5. The material is produced in an impressive design. Vinyl coverings can have dozens of types of shades and textures, including imitating natural materials- wood or natural stone.
  6. It's easy to attach. It is elastic and easy to cut, which is very important for the design of a window opening.
  7. And finally, this is the most inexpensive type of finishing of all facade materials offered on the market.

Vinyl siding design


Metal siding has significant advantages over vinyl, despite the higher cost of coating. Experts believe that the price is justified by the performance characteristics.

  1. The metal is stronger than PVC and has a minimum service life of 50 years. During this time it will not undergo any changes.
  2. Heat resistance metal finish valued when decorating buildings with increased requirements to fire safety. Metal doesn't burn while vinyl melts.
  3. Metal siding is coated with a layer of polymer, which gives it additional ability to resist corrosion. The polymer is painted using powder dyes and can be given any shade and texture.
  4. The metal profile has greater flexibility than vinyl, which can break if bent too hard, and bending the edges is simply not possible. Because of this valuable quality of metal siding, it is preferred by professional finishers to decorate windows.

Decorating the opening with metal siding

Necessary materials for window siding

Siding fittings and their calculation

Despite the opinion of some experts, you can choose additional metal elements for vinyl siding for walls and vice versa. The main thing is to choose fittings from the same manufacturer whose material is selected. Different companies have different fasteners and you can get into trouble when joining profiles. Buy all the necessary finishing elements at once. If you have to buy more, the required color or texture may not be available.

Additional elements that may be needed to finish the window

It is better to calculate the required number of profiles yourself, without trusting this crucial moment to anyone:

  • The size of the flashing is measured directly under the frame, according to the old or proposed flashing.
  • The width and height of the window are measured along the outer part of the slopes and plotted on a drawing reduced several times.
  • You need to add 10% to the sum of the dimensions of the slopes; be sure to do this, since there will be bends and undercuts during installation.
  • To work, you will need to purchase: J - strip, H-profile, corners for finishing parts inside and outside, ebb, window strip, finishing strip may be needed to completely frame the opening. The photo shows the installation of a window, where you can study the details and think about a possible replacement for expensive elements.

Study this window opening installation diagram and it will be easier for you to imagine the quantity required material, and how to make your own drawing

Tools and fastening materials

Tools you will need:

  • A cutter knife can be useful for making fold marks on vinyl or acrylic.
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver for installing self-tapping screws.
  • Metal scissors for cutting the profile and adjusting it to the required size.
  • An electric jigsaw with a set of fine-toothed files or a hacksaw for working with metal and wood.
  • You will need a punch for missing holes in the siding.
  • Hammer if you will be using nails.
  • Rulers and square.
  • Building level.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Glue "Liquid nails"

The most necessary tools for installation of window siding

Technology for decorating windows with slopes with siding


Lathing is needed to design slopes of stone or brick building. It is rarely installed, since it is quite possible to do without it. However, the sheathing is made so as not to disturb general installation ventilation facade and install insulation. To construct the frame, wooden or metallic profile. Wooden blocks are attached directly to the wall, and metal slats are mounted using special brackets. The arrangement of the slats can be vertical, horizontal or mixed. In the photo you see an example of a metal sheathing for a window opening.

Most often, siding is attached directly to the wall using liquid nails or self-tapping screws if the walls of the house are made of wood.

Lathing for finishing a window opening


  • The first step is to set the low tide. If this is not done, rain moisture will remain on the slopes, and in winter they will become icy. The width of the ebb strip should be slightly larger than the slope itself, protruding no more than 4 cm. We mark the distance on both sides and cut it off, but not completely. Vertical folds are made along the lines outlined in advance. Where the part will be attached to the frame, “liquid nails” glue is applied, and the ebb is attached to it with self-tapping screws. The ebb is also attached through the bent sections to the verticals.
  • After this, a J-bar is attached to the upper horizontal and side parts of the frame. Siding sections are inserted into the profile and trimmed from the sides. The upper part is cut to the dimensions of the slope, and the lower part to the side of the frame.
  • After all the actions, close the corners decorative element“outer or outer corner” in order to hide the connection between the slope and the wall panel.

Successive stages of finishing a window with siding slopes

Window trim without slopes

Finishing a window opening without slopes can be done with an overlap or at an angle.


  • Prepare four J-straps that will be used instead of the trim.
  • Make a cut on the top rail and bend it to the width of the profile. This is done to allow moisture to flow down it into the side profile.
  • Insert the side profile into the top profile so that the folded part of the part fits there. Don't forget to leave a temperature gap of 3-5 mm.
  • Insert the side piece into the bottom profile in the same way.
  • Next, a window strip is attached to give the look a complete look.

Installing J-Trim Window Siding Trim

To the corner

If you design a window opening in this way, then do everything exactly the same as in the first case, but on the upper profile you cut off the ends at angles of 45 degrees, as shown in the figure, taking into account the size of the temperature gap.

Installing the J-profile using the “corner” method


  • Finishing with the help of a platband must begin with measuring the parts. Mark a segment on the casing itself that is equal to its width, and then measure a segment equal to the bottom length of the window.
  • Now cut a 45 degree angle outside panels, leaving the inside untouched.
  • The side panels are cut off in the same way, but the top part remains untouched.
  • Now glue and screw the bottom bar.
  • The side strips are glued and inserted with undamaged edges inside the bottom strip.
  • The top panel is inserted into the side parts and screwed with self-tapping screws.

Platband installation

Video: how to cover a window with siding yourself

Finishing windows with siding does not require any special knowledge from you. You just need to follow the sequence and rules of installation according to the type you have chosen, based on our description. Properly designed window openings with the help of siding panels look neat and do not cause trouble to their owners during any weather changes. If you can reproduce the installation yourself, it will save you money, because Finishing work always a significant expense item.

Today's choice of finishing materials is incredibly diverse. One of them is siding - window slopes with such cladding will acquire a magnificent appearance and excellent performance characteristics. Therefore, we will discuss how to implement this option yourself.

Why cover window slopes with trim?

Sooner or later, we may be faced with replacing windows - mostly this is a forced necessity, but sometimes it’s just our whim. In general, the reasons are completely unimportant, the main thing is that the result is the same - the decorative finishing of the slopes is disrupted. Many may believe that it is not necessary to restore it immediately, because it is only a matter of aesthetics. However, it is worth considering that the appearance of both the window and the entire facade of the building as a whole is certainly transformed.

But besides this, finishing the slopes is mandatory for a number of reasons. For example, their integrity is as important for the thermal insulation of a house as the quality of the windows themselves. After all, if it is broken, then cold air will penetrate into the room and drafts will appear. In addition, do not forget that the polyurethane foam that is blown between window frame and opening, is destroyed under the influence of the sun's rays. Therefore, additional protection is needed, for this purpose they use various materials, including siding.

Is siding suitable for window slopes?

So what is this facing material? The translation of the name sounds like “ external cladding" On the territory of Russia they first started talking about it not so long ago, about twenty years ago. It consists of solid typesetting panels of a certain shape. In addition, siding also refers to the process of cladding a building with the same material.

Siding can be wood, vinyl, ceramic, aluminum, steel or cement. Each of them has advantages over other types and, naturally, disadvantages. The same variety awaits you in the choice of color; its palette is simply amazing in the number of shades - even the most picky client will be able to choose an option to his liking.

However, in addition to a fairly extensive color range this material has a number of other advantages - for example, you will be pleased with its excellent resistance to various chemicals and weather conditions. The siding is also fireproof, does not emit toxic fumes, does not fade and is not afraid of temperature changes. After such finishing, the sheathed surface still “breathes”. It is very unpretentious in operation, and the installation of such facing material cannot be classified as complex, due to which the finishing window slopes siding is so relevant today.

An undeniable advantage is its strength, so it can withstand moderate mechanical loads quite adequately. Rodents and termites are indifferent to it, so there is no need for additional treatment. As the manufacturers promise, this cladding material is capable of maintaining its original shape and color for as long as fifty years. In addition, it can be classified as a dielectric.

There are also disadvantages. Firstly, some types, for example, vinyl siding, are prone to thermal expansion. Usually it is only a few millimeters, but if mistakes were made during installation, the coating may ripple or even crack. Secondly, he is still afraid of significant shock loads. And thirdly, the highest quality products have a relatively high cost.

Finishing slopes with siding - instructions

So, we looked at how important it is to monitor the condition of window openings, and learned a little about cladding material. Now let's get acquainted with how to make external slopes from siding with your own hands.

How to finish window slopes with siding - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Material calculation

So, in addition to the panels themselves, there are also a variety of components that will greatly facilitate the work. For example, a special profile is attached along the perimeter of window slopes. Its length is 3 meters. Please note that it is very problematic to join the cuttings of this element; the seam will be obvious, which will greatly spoil the appearance of the entire building, and not just the window opening. You will also need a finishing strip that is attached to the top and sides. window frame. We also purchase ebb and flow moldings and a J-profile, with the help of which the corners are installed, if necessary. In general, we take the necessary measurements (length, width and depth of the opening) and purchase material in accordance with them.

For all the figures obtained, take a margin of 10%, sometimes during the work something deteriorates, breaks, and trimming may also be necessary.

Step 2: Selecting a tool

This issue can be resolved quite easily, since every owner has the necessary things in stock. We will need a screwdriver, a hammer, a square, a level, a jigsaw or a circular saw (if neither one nor the other is available, then you can use an ordinary hacksaw or metal scissors, only in this case the quality of the cut will be much worse). You will also need a tape measure and a pencil, and do not forget to stock up on enough screws.

Step 3: Surface Preparation

In general, there is nothing new at this stage - slopes for siding are prepared in the same way as for any other decorative finishing. It is necessary to cut off excess foam, remove dust, dirt and other debris.

Step 4: Installation of drainage systems

These elements should be fastened first; their importance is quite difficult to underestimate, since they protect the installation seam, plus they also play the role of sound insulation. So, their fixation is carried out as follows. As with, these elements should protrude slightly from the wall (no more than 10 cm) and from the ends, so their edges are trimmed and bent in such a way as to create small borders. Next, a small amount is applied to the protrusion polyurethane foam, the ebb itself is pushed tightly under the frame and secured with self-tapping screws. Please note, that it is necessary to maintain a slope from the window so that the water flows, as expected, onto the ground, and not towards the window. To prevent the foam from lifting it, you should place some heavy object on its surface and leave it there until the foam dries completely.

We place the side profiles under the top bar, this will provide more reliable protection. In order for the docking to have an aesthetic appearance, the protrusions should be trimmed top bar at an angle of 45°. The lower tongues of the sides can be joined either close to the ebb, or lowered a little lower. The siding strips themselves are strung from bottom to top on each other using a tongue-and-groove system. If the latter does not fit on top, it needs to be cut off.

The work is done. Thus, if you choose siding as a finishing material, installing window slopes is not difficult, and even an amateur can cope with such a task.

All photos from the article

You can cover a house with siding yourself and quite quickly; you definitely don’t need any special skills for this. You just need to think through all the details in advance, because the work consists not only of installing panels on the wall sheathing, but also in designing the base, as well as window openings. It is the finishing of the window with siding that can confuse a beginner.

Window finishing methods

When finishing window openings with siding, the type of window plays a big role.

There may be such window installation options as:

  • flush with the wall. In this case, wide or narrow trims are used to decorate it. In terms of complexity of work, this is the simplest option;

Note! If you need to design an arched window, then it is better to use a narrow casing; its mounting part can simply be cut at a certain pitch and then bent. But if the bend radius is too large, then bending may become difficult.

  • the window is recessed into the wall to a shallow depth(no more than 200 mm). To decorate it, you can use a finishing strip or J-profile, and a special near-window strip for siding will cover the slope;
  • For deeper recessed windows, the option of using scraps is suitable wall panels. Additionally, you will need a J-profile and a corner for decorating the outer corners.

In all the described cases, the finishing is done even before the wall panels are fixed around it. In this case, during installation, their edges will simply be inserted into the groove on the edge window profiles. If you start finishing after covering the walls, then it will be more difficult to do.

As for the technology itself, the general rules. That is, self-tapping screws/nails/staples should be placed in the center of the mounting holes, without fixing the profile rigidly, the gap between the head and the surface of the material should be approximately 1 mm, this will allow the element to move freely when the ambient temperature changes.

Note! The installation instructions allow for fixing elements in any location.

Also general point For all cases of window finishing, the installation of lathing can be considered. The bars are attached around the perimeter of the window opening, and small strips will also need to be placed on the slope directly next to the frame, so that you can install the finishing profile or J-profile (for windows recessed into the wall).

Window finishing technology

For each case, the procedure is slightly different; it is also worth considering the finishing of arched windows separately.

Window without slopes

Covering the window with siding from the outside is carried out using special platbands or a regular J-profile.

  • First we check the width of the frame(the width of the window frame is measured);
  • Next you need to cut the platbands. They must be solid; the joints cannot be masked. The required length of the strip is determined by the formula L = 2*b + l, where b is the width of the casing itself, and l is the length of the window frame;
  • profiles can be joined at a right angle or at an angle of 45ᵒ, there is not much difference, except that the joint at an angle looks better. When joining, it is imperative to ensure the tightness of the junction of horizontal and vertical elements; this is achieved due to the fact that a cutout is made on the side of the vertical strips, and the section on the horizontal ones is cut and bent;
  • if you still decide to make the joints at an angle of 45ᵒ, then the cut at an angle is made in the upper part of the vertical casing(the upper horizontal one remains intact), but in the lower part of the window opening the cut is made on the horizontal section (the vertical slats are not trimmed).

Installation of siding around the window is carried out in the following sequence:

  • First, the lower horizontal strip is installed;

Note! For greater strength, sometimes in addition to fastening the strip with self-tapping screws, a sealant is used.

  • then the vertical elements are installed. Their edges are placed under the horizontal lower part;
  • The last to be installed is the vertical horizontal casing, its edges are placed under the edges of the vertical planks cut at an angle of 45ᵒ.

Finishing window slopes with siding from the outside requires trimming the wall panels below and above the window. In this case, the width of the slot is slightly less than the width of the window strip; if it is necessary to fasten the panels at the bottom, you will need to drill holes in the wall strips for fasteners.

Finishing a window recessed into the wall

Window strips are ideal when it is not very deeply recessed into the wall (up to 200 mm). Special strips completely cover the slopes, and the side parts of the trimmed wall panels are inserted into the grooves on the sides.

The design begins with installing the finishing profile directly next to the frame. If the slopes are concrete or brick, then it is better to install a wooden block near the frame and attach the finishing profile to it.

After this, the window strip is inserted into the groove of the finishing profile, and its outer part is attached to the sheathing around the perimeter of the opening. When joining planks, cutouts are made on the vertical parts adjacent to the slope, and on horizontal material is cut and bent, this is necessary to ensure a tight joint.

At this point, finishing windows with siding with your own hands is considered complete.

If the window is recessed to a greater distance, then it will no longer be possible to use window trims. In this case, the finishing is done using small pieces of wall panels, as well as a corner for decorating the outer corner and a J-profile.

A special flashing can be installed, its edges are trimmed and bent under the vertical strips. For greater reliability of fastening the ebb, you can use sealant (coat the joint between the ebb and the window frame).

Do-it-yourself window siding is installed as follows:

  • first, a J-profile is attached around the perimeter (the joint with the frame can also be coated with sealant);
  • Next, pre-prepared cut pieces of wall panels are installed;
  • The final stage is the installation of the corner profile.

During installation, the same rules apply as when installing siding in the general case. That is, all connections are made with 5-6 mm deformation gaps.

Note! If the work is carried out in the cold season, the size of the gaps increases to 10-12 mm.

Working with arched windows

Arched windows look great, but their finishing is somewhat more complicated than ordinary rectangular window openings. Finishing arched windows with siding is complicated by the fact that its upper part is curved.

For finishing, you can use a special flexible J-profile, but its price is noticeably higher than the cost of a regular one. Therefore, they often make do with its budget substitute - they take a simple profile and make deep cuts on the mounting part (the part in which there are holes for nails/screws), after which you can bend the profile, giving it the desired radius of curvature.

Note! Sometimes cuts are made on the front side of the profile; if this operation is performed carefully, it will look like an unusual design technique.

As an option, you can consider replacing the arched window opening with a polygonal one. In this case, to decorate it, the same technology is used as for finishing in a normal case, just large profile cutting.

If you decide to try to bend a regular J-profile, then the material is of great importance, for example, a steel element will be more difficult to bend, so plastic is more suitable in this case. Finishing windows with vinyl siding will allow you to easily bend it into an arc of the desired shape and secure it to the sheathing. To make bending easier, you can warm up the vinyl thoroughly, but without fanaticism, the plastic should not melt.

In conclusion

The overall impression of the house largely depends on the quality of window finishing, so you definitely shouldn’t treat this type of work with disdain. The technology largely depends on the shape of the window, as well as how far it is recessed into the wall, but this work is not difficult even for a beginner in the construction business.

And the suggested tips will help you avoid mistakes when finishing. The video in this article shows the window finishing process.

In the comments to the material, you can ask any question about finishing the window with siding.

Properly completed window finishing using siding is the most important and critical part of the cladding. modern building. Window openings, the appearance of which is very important at the stage of building arrangement, are often the standard of quality exterior finishing. Modern cladding allows you to get an individual appearance of the building, as well as protect it yourself.

General rules

Carefully and correctly designed, as well as insulated, modern window openings can guarantee the aesthetic appearance of the house. The upholstery provides an additional level of comfort. However, finishing buildings and covering window structural elements, as a rule, is associated with certain difficulties.

The peculiarity of finishing is that this type of operation requires the most careful measurements, as well as cutting and other finishing processes.

It is especially important to follow all technological steps when self-finishing window openings with siding panels. Despite the fact that siding is an easy-to-use material, such panels when finishing window openings are subject to certain requirements, failure to comply with which will make the cladding short-lived and of low quality.

Material requirements

Openings are most often finished using vinyl siding, which meets the basic requirements for such finishing materials. In addition, vinyl panels are affordable and have the following advantages:

  • the material is not prone to drying out like wood;
  • siding panels do not rot;
  • panels are not prone to deformation;
  • the material is not attacked by insects;
  • siding is not subject to fire;
  • the material is resistant to temperature changes and wind loads;
  • it has long-lasting color saturation regardless of exposure to UV rays;
  • siding is non-toxic;
  • the material has a wide choice of colors;
  • siding is not prone to corrosive changes;
  • the material allows for the gap necessary for air circulation;
  • siding is easy to use;
  • the material is durable and lasts about 50 years.

Do-it-yourself window framing with siding (video)

Finishing features

Installation of siding panels on openings has features that depend on the depth of the space:

  • depth does not exceed 20 cm;
  • the window opening has absolutely no recess;
  • arched window openings;
  • depth exceeds 20 cm.

This method of division is associated with the use of different standard finishing elements. Modern industry offers several cladding methods, which depend on the linear dimensions of the mounting strips-profiles:

  • external corner profiles;
  • starting profiles, including J-shaped profile or universal type profile.

Self-installation of window openings has technological differences, which consist in the following positions.

Window opening less than 20 cm

The finishing strip should be installed over the entire total area, determining the exact size of the window opening recess. Sometimes it is necessary to trim the window trim. At the next stage, it is necessary to fasten the cut strip with a wide surface and the finishing strip to the battens, which are installed on the wall. The dimensions of the temperature gaps do not exceed 3 mm.

Window opening exceeding 20 cm

Significant recessedness excludes the use of near-window strips. Such a siding panel, installed by yourself, will not be able to cover a significant recess. Most often, such windows are decorated with cut cladding, a special external corner, and a prepared special profile.

Installation of the design of such a window opening is similar to installation of the external corner part. The only difference is the combination of the angular profile type and sheathing material. The inner area of ​​the window opening trim is masked with a finishing strip.

Window opening without slopes

If the window opening is located on the plane of the wall, then in the process of covering buildings with siding, standard elements called platbands can be used. This material is available in several sizes, varying in width and shape. Window trims can be narrow with a width of up to 4 cm and wide with a width of about 6 cm. At the first stage of finishing the window opening, you should install the trim yourself, the gap between which is filled with siding.

Arched window opening

Decorating the opening of an arched window with siding requires the use of a standard flexible J-shaped profile. However, the high cost of such an element often causes the replacement of this strip with a standard rigid J-shaped profile, the base of which should be trimmed with the required step.

The standard step for cutting material with your own hands depends on the rounding radius. A smaller turning radius requires a smaller cutting step. Bending the arched profile must be done with extreme caution so as not to break off the profile strip at the rounding point.

Common Mistakes

The most common mistakes occur when designing a recessed window opening. This type of window opening must be finished in the absence of the following violations:

  • the special strip used is not secured over the entire area;
  • the side strip has not been pre-installed;
  • the lower horizontal plane of the top bar in the shape of an “ear”, which bends downwards, is not cut;
  • insufficiently tight connection of the “ear” with the slats installed on the sides;
  • special cutouts on the side rails do not correspond to the ear size;
  • Incorrect angular cut on the edges of the top rail.

It should be remembered that the alignment of the slats around the windows should form an absolutely even, as well as the most accurate connection. The back of the siding should be connected in the same way. Covering window openings with siding panels will allow you to mask minor defects, but strict adherence to the technology allows you to obtain a guaranteed durable and high-quality finish of the window opening.

To perform a neat and durable siding finish, you need to follow the basic rules for using fasteners. Remember to leave a slight gap between the mounting cap and finishing panel. This gap is intended in case of possible expansion of the finishing material. The fasteners are screwed in directly and in the middle of the hole with your own hands, which will help to avoid deformation changes in the finishing material.

To ensure that the finishing structure of the opening, which you do yourself, is durable, you should use only galvanized fasteners. In addition, reliability can be increased by using a finishing strip, which additionally allows you to give the window opening a finished and aesthetic appearance.

Finishing window openings with siding (video)

When performing high-quality finishing of a window opening with siding, there are no problems with ensuring the care of the material during the operation stage. Any contamination of the panels can be removed using water and ordinary rags, as well as washing solutions with trisodium phosphate.

Exterior finishing work on a loggia or balcony is a rather complex process. Finishing materials Today we offer quite a large assortment. Today we’ll look at how glazing and finishing balconies are done using siding.

  • To fix the window profile, a finishing strip is used.
  • This strip can be replaced with a J-profile or chamfer. This replacement is made in order to save money.
  • The rear edge of the window strip is inserted into the profile installed near the frame, and its front part serves as the angle of repose.
  • Further cladding is installed in a special groove of the strip.

Slopes over 19 cm

Our country has a more severe climate, so in many houses the thickness of the walls reaches 50 cm. In turn, the width of the slope outside is more than 19 cm - the standard width of the window strip. Such windows are sheathed as follows:

  • A J-profile is installed near the frame, which serves as a starting bar.
  • An external corner is installed around the perimeter of the opening.
  • The resulting space between the profiles is sheathed with suitable sized sections of panels.
  • When measuring and cutting pieces of panels, you should remember to maintain a temperature gap, which should be at least 5 mm.

Finishing arched openings

Sometimes you have to veneer arched windows. Moreover, such openings can be either provided for by the construction project or converted from ordinary windows with your own hands. The technology for finishing such openings is as follows:

  • It is recommended to use a J-profile, which, if desired, can be replaced with a standard one. The edge of a standard profile must be trimmed to give it the desired roundness.
  • The cuts are made at least 1 by 15–20 cm so that the profile does not break or crack.
  • Siding panels are inserted into the groove of the profile.

Advice! In order for the finishing of windows with siding to be high-quality, neat and last for many years, it is necessary to maintain a technological gap. In this case, such a gap should be anywhere at the junction of two siding elements.

Technology for installing siding around a window

To interior decoration balcony looked complete and neat, the trim around the window should be installed correctly. This process has certain nuances that must be observed:

  • If you need to connect the fittings yourself, the corners of the profiles must be cut by 45°. For precise marking, use a square.
  • All fasteners must be made of galvanized steel. This also applies to screws and dowels.
  • Self-tapping screws must be screwed into the sheathing strictly straight, the slightest deviation from the horizontal must be excluded.
  • Regarding the mounting hole, the self-tapping screw is screwed in strictly in the middle.
  • In this case, you do not need to screw in the screws all the way, leaving a small slack so that the siding panels can move.
  • The part of the profile that is adjacent to the slope is cut at an angle, and the other half is bent. This achieves a tighter, gap-free connection of the elements.
  • It is necessary to install a finishing strip under the window, which will ensure tightness and reliability of fastening of the top siding panel.

Using a similar technology, the cladding around the balcony door is installed. Here the lining is made a little easier, since there is no need to line the door from below.

Advice! If necessary, you can perform simultaneous insulation of the balcony. To do this, between the cladding ( plastic panels) and insulation is laid on the wall. The most commonly used foam, penofol or pressed mineral wool- a modern analogue of glass wool.

Having studied the technology of performing the work, you can come to the conclusion that finishing the windows with your own PVC hands siding is quite possible without the involvement of hired workers. In addition, glazing and finishing of balconies with ennobled windows will complement the appearance and emphasize the originality of the cladding of the loggia.